The Brussels Post, 1896-12-11, Page 4New Advertisements, Bose' mailer Mille. Lost••-Ssrnuei Ia'ght. Bargains—B, B. Gunn, Locate—Geo. Thomson. Come and see—xas. Fox. For exchange --A, Boonig, Mantles—J. Ferguson & Co, For sale—.W, J. hfoOraeken, Kmes presents— B. L. Jeokson. Speoiel Bargains --a', G, Shone. Far Xmas—Deadman & McCall. Bankrupt stook—Ross & Hallidsy. ChristMae Goode—Pose Bookstore. County Council Election—F. S. Scott, fg j,•t Xintstis FRIDAY, DEC. 11, 1896, Ir is hinted that the Ontario Legisla- ture will be oalled early in Janeary and that a new election may 'moue shortly after the'session. Tan Governorship of Ontario will fall vacant next May, that of British Col, umbra next November, and that of Quebec next December. Tan petition against the election of Alexander McNeill, as member for North Brnoe, was dismissed by consent of noun. sel. The arose petition against Dr. Bonner was also dismissed: No order as to costs was made in either case. Brib- ery was proved hi the case against Mo. Neill, but sgenoy was not established in connection therewith. ENooREEB Gray, of the Dominion Public Works Department, was in Kincardine on Monday afternoon and made a care. ful inspection of the harbor and wharves. There is to be an expenditure of 915,000 next year. William Morrison has been appointed inspector for the repairs 'at the end of the south pier. It is supposed that the main. improvements will be done by tendered contract. Goderich harbor will also receive some necessary atten- tion. 13 el,irave. MrssroN,RT AssrraRsans.—Rev. L B. Wallwin, M. A., of Lucknow, will. preaoh Missionary sermons on the Belgrave eir- ouit next Sunday, Dec. 13th. At Brick church, 10.30 a. m, ; Sunshine, 2.30 p. m. • Belgrave, 6.80 p. m. Subscriptions and collections in aid of the Missionary Society. Iolas-yr orth. Rev. Mr. Ballantyne also rejoices. It's a boy. Miss Watson, of N. W. T., is visiting in this locality. G. Brinker, Blnevale, formerly tailor here, spent Sunday here. S. R. Lee has started a singing class, whieh meets each, Saturday evening. Special services are being conducted by Rev. Mr. Robinson in the Methodist ohurob. Mrs. Austin and son, of Wingham, are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bonnett. Mrs. 1T. Yoe, of Palmerston, and Mrs. M. Wright, of Lietowel, are visiting rela- tives and friends. Wm. McMillan has gone to visit his conic in Garafraxa, after spending some time renewing old acquaintances in this vicinity. A load of young people attended a concert in Shipley Thursday evening and report a good time. This seems like a renewal of old times. Mrs. A. Robertson, sr., bad the mis- fortune to break her leg by falling in a faint. She is an aged lady, Bence it is to her a serious mishap. A.t.evooef. The Elam Cheese 003 Butter Mfg. Co. commeuced the manufacture of but. ter on the 4th inst. The Silver Corners factory have sold their September, October and November cheese to Mr. Brill, of Guelph. They got 10ac. for Sept. and Oct., and 10/o for November make. Mr. Brill, of Guelph, bought the bal- ance of the season's make of cheese of the Tindall factory, 14th con. last week. He paid 10 61160. for Sept., Oot. and Nov. make. On motion of J. A. Turnbull and John Bell, e hearty vote of thanke was tender. ed to Rev. Mr. Henderson, for his servi. cee as President of the Atwood Branch Bible Society from its organization 14 years ago till the 24th of Nov. 1896. Motion was unanimously carried by a standing vote. 4n. the Congregational meeting of the Presbyterian church at Atwood, held on Monday afternoon of last week, it was decided to extend a call to Rev. G. R. Fasken. Rev. Mr. Cooper, of Listowel, presided over the meeting, which was fairly well attended, Mr. Fasken got 09 votes while 19 voted against moderating in a call. The Bee ie strongly in favor of urging npon the shippers, municipal councils and other influential people along the G. T. R, line to petition Manager Hays to restore to us the night train from the south, making through connection with the Toronto train. It is imperative in the interests of business and the pnbiie have the right to demand it of the company. Wixafrriasn. G. E. Williams has been appointed junior clerk in the Bank of Hamilton. Mise Macdonald left for Ottawa lagt week, where she will spend the Winter. Frank Davidson has Bold his draying outfit and goodwill to bra'. Halliday, of Howlett, Dr. Washington Tamlyu, who bas been in Michigan for come months, has re. turned to Wingham. We are pleased to sea John Dickson, the Town Treasurer, on the street again after his lona confinement through ill- ness, Mr. Dickson had not' been down town singe the first of September. License inspector Paisley was in town on a recent Batorday.eveaing and made a rustle among the hotel men. Aft a re. suit four of them walked the plank by contributing to the fgnde of the powers that he, The statement that F. G. Sperling had disposed of the salt bleak. 00 the O, 1,, II, Co. is incorrect, as ##o attth transaotion bag taken place. Dr, a. R. Macdonald left on the early train Thursday morning of last weak for Raeatapd, B, C. The doctor will spend some time in Toronto and Winnipeg on his way and will not reach the land of gold for about three weeks, Before de.. parting his many friends and easooiates entertained. him to a supper at the Star Restaurant and presented him, with an address. The Dr. leaves here with the best wlehee of the community for his auoosen in the West. Huron Co. Endeavorers: During Dr. Clark's visit to London, England, a 0, 'E, rally was held in Surgeon's tabernacle, which was crowd- ed td the doors. It was presided over by F B Meyer, Twelve girls comprise a junior 0. E. Society in an Industrial school for girls in Toronto. Last year these ohildren gave thirty dollars for missions, all raised' by their own efforts, Miss Annie Bose, of Blyth, and Vice. Pree: of 0o. Union, has secured a' position on the teaching staff of the Glencoe Pub. lio school and will enter upon her new duties at the beginning of the new year, An Endeavorer of the town of Berlin, a young lady 17 years of age, visite the House of Refuge every Sunday with a supply of good literature, The poor old folks anxiously look for her and her visit is to them the brightest time in the week. Twenty-two members of the junior Society of the Methodist church, St. Marys, have not during the last three months missed church service, Sabbath school, or junior prayer -meeting except when detained by illness, and then a test of Scripture was sent to be read in the westing, God does not measure our service by the amount of work which we do, but by the willingness we show in doing wliab he wants us to do. He may call us to do some great work or be may require from its only the smallest service. But what- ever be the work assigned us we should be willing to say, "Thy servant is ready to do whatsoever my Lord, the Ring, shall appoint." When you come to the meeting leave behind : Your fear of criticism ; Pressing anxieties ; Selfish thoughts ; Coldness of heart ; Every hindrance. Bring with you Your Bible and hymn -book ; Prayers and praises ; Seeking hearts ; Cbristlike spirits ; Earnest minds. We would commend to the Endeavor- ere of the County who are interested in mission work among the Indians of the Northweet a little paper entitled "Pro• grese," published by the students of the Regina Industrial school. It is replete with information concerning the life and customs of the Indians and devotes much space to accounts of mission work being carried on among, the different tribes. It is published twice a month at the low price of 25 cents a year. The editor is D. C. Munro, well known in Huron Co. Jobs Clark, aged 17, and Edmond Potvin, aged 16, were drowned in the canal at Ottawa in the effort to save a companion. They had been skating. m1'2-,'ri SSiS. a 1VC.A. .Tim=`SS, Fall Wheat Barley. Peas Peas (large) - Oats Butter, tabs and nolle Eggs per dozen . Floor per barrel.. Potatoes (per bag) Hay per ton Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins each Lamb skins each Apples per bbl..... Hogs, Live Dressed Hogs Wool 79 80 20 22 39 40 54 55 18 19 11 12 33 13 4 00 4 50 25 000 800 4} 4 1 00 00 50 15 40 50 3 40 8 60 4 00 4 60 18 Cod Liver Oil ! You have probably been advised by your Physician to take Cod Liver Oil. This is the season when the taking of this flesh.producing Oil is moat desirable. If the Pure Cod Liver Oil is too disagreeable in taste for you jest try the Home Health Emulsion and you will find that dis- agreeable taste bidden. Thie Emul- sion contains 50% of the Pure Oil so you have a much stronger Emulsion than is usually found. It is pleasant to bake and certain in its action. FOR SALE BY : Deadman & McOaII, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers, BRUSSELS, ONT. 1UN ir f AY : t l'ENI:i PORTANT awn Of time, dome into effect on MONDAY, NOV. BOth, 1896. Trains will leave Brussels daily (Sundays exempt- ed) as follows ;— N0: 26, at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Pal- merston for all points North, South, East and Weet—arriving at Toronto at 12.10 p.m.; Hamilton, 11.58 a,m. ; London, 1.10 p.m. N0.:27, at 12.52 p. m., oonnedting at Wingham with L. E. & B. for Gode. rich, London, Detroit &'Port Huron. MIXED, going North at 9,44 a. m. MIXED, going East at 7.87 p. m. X, N. KUNDALL, G. W. R. Agent, Brussels, 1? O S ural Bargains Will be given during the .F-oliday season in Fancy Dry Goods, Fresh, Cb.oioe Groceries, Seasonable Fruits, Candies, &c A nice lot of Novelties suitable for SATISPAOTION gifts are to hand at Low Prices. ASSURED. J. G. Skene. m tj O n. . ▪ mp,QCa l r" n. da . F.. a n.1 tl ' x Fes. O. -r oA•w°904 a 0' c CD O °G Pq y p1 „ a .0a dv-7mom.e o r1-.30 M. 10ao i CI 0 io• m ma:da oP t7= `81 0 By l f mR 1P dhi .f:6-' 'r3 4 ,ti CO GO _.o 'mywwE'mm cm it C''''Pa, Pc, .1 O a o 0 8 1- gl, ig p r n Is a' ..-. M. el R n ss g io m o 02 .,• • 0ara Eat M Strictly One Price. Always the Lowest ATIME FOR AL1THCS There is a time for all things and the time is here for our annual clearance of Readymade Mantles. Every year about the 1st of December we commence to clear out our Mantle stock, and letting -go time is around once more. This season's Mantle business has been exceptionally good, and we want to wind it up by clearing out every garment in the house. We want to do it at once for the Christmas rush will soon be upon us. Just note three things about them :—The prices ; that every one is this season's garment ; and that if you want the choice the best time to come is as soon after you read this advertisement as you can. This is how we are Going to sell.them 3 on Buys Ladies' Black Freize Cloth Mantles that have been u Li $5.00 all season. dust seven of them at this price left. WWG Buys Ladies' Tweed and Nigger -head Mantles in black or WU, UU colors. All newest styles,, perfect in fit and have been selling at $6.50 to $7.25. 0g 'Alin Buys Ladies' Fine Beaver Mantles in black only. Now IUU,IJ and stylish goods that were A 1. value at original price, and at new price are a •decided bargain ; were $7.00 your choice now $5.25. n !(j' Buys Ladies' Beaver and Rough Oloth Mantles in black or U U • brown. This lot includes our best goods—lines that we sold at $8.50. They are stylish goods, the uobbiest we have had, and are, for value, worth every penny of the original price, but we must empty the Mantle Rack and you have your choice at $6.50. , These Reductions are Genuine. We make them simply as a matter of business, for it pays us better to let them go now than to run any risk of carrying them into next year. J. Ferguson & Co., Dry Goods and Groceries. T/ -f E ,sem ssels Having been refitted with new machinery on the Plan Sifter system, we are now prepared to sup- ply customers with flour that cannot be equalled by any other system of milling, We have also got things in good shape for chopping. FARMERS -en. -- should R Figs -e -- should always remember that grain ground with stones is very much better for feeding stock than that crushed with metal discs or rollers and costs no more. The best of Flour, Graham .Flown, Cracked Wheat, Oatineal and all kinds of Mill Teed. constantly on hand at Ross' Flour & Feed Mills. DEC. 11., 1890 Now is the time to buy yourVilis* ' v0 Christmas Alrm • Grocerres. We have all our new goods in, consisting of Desert Cluster Raisins Selected Raisins, and Figs for table Fine Currants, use. Orange, Lemon and Citron Peels, put up by Crosse Blackwell, Finest Almonds, shelled and unshelled, Pure Spices Walnuts and Filberts, Extracts and AT BALLhBJTYNE'S CROCERY. Slor. py Roads, Cold and WetWeather are Now the Rule. Why be uncomfortable when youcan buy Clok Boo89 Sb025 GI Pailion So Cheap as we are selling them. See aur Men's heavy all wool Ulster Overcoats at $6.00 and Young Men's at $5.00. The best value we ever offered in Men's Long Boots at $2.00, $2.754 ' $3.00. WE HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Dress Goods, Trimmings and Iantle Cloths, Call and see Values. No Fancy Prices. rnituro 11or!e The undersigned has opened out a Large and well Assorted. Stock of tirri„itur IN THE BRICK BLOCK Opposite the American Hotel, Brussels, Where may'be found the latest and best Styles in Parlor and Bedroom Suites, Sideboards, Tables, Lounges, Sofas, Chairs, Mattrasses, &c. Picture Framing promptly attended to. Curtain Poles and Window Blinds supplied.' Satisfaction Guaranteed. Give me a oall, ' ="3.%, ilt erIakiu Beparilileutl In connection with the store a well ordered Undertak- ing Department will be kept where it large stook of Cas- kets, Coffins and Undertakers' Supplies will always be found at Moderate Charges, First-class Hearse, Cavity and Arterial Embalming CARDIFF & WALKER.