HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-11, Page 3rl D>aa, 11., 1890 Town Directory. Mrlr,vrrdat Cuuaon,—Sabbath Serviooe at 11 a m and 7:00 p, m. Sunday Subool at 2;80 p m. Rev. ,john. Roes, 13 A, paster. Bx,3o1IN'd O'toaou•—Sabbath Servioem at 11 a in anal p an, Sunday Sohool aO02:8011• In. Rev. A. E. Griffin, inonm,. bent. Menntonzsx Ociunan,-.Sabbath Services at 10:30 a in and 7:00 p m, Sunday School cub 2;80 p m, Bev. S. J, Allen, pastor. Boum OAxnor,Xo Cunni(,• -•Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a in. Rey .Joseph Kennedy, priest. SAmraTION A.1110.—Servioo ab 7 and. 11 a m and 3 and p m on Sunday and every evening in bhe weals at 8 o'olook, at the barracks: ODD Il'a000ws' Lanae every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook.. MAeo cis Looms Tuesday at or before fall moon, in Garfield blook. A 0 U W. LODGE) on the 3rd Friday evening of eaoh month, in Blas• hill's block, C 0 1' Looaz 2nd end last Monday evenings of each month, in Blasliill's blook. L 0 i', 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L O L let Monday in every month In Orange Hall. Sons of SaomANn, 1st and Ord. Tnee. days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Loma, 2nd end 4th Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Canadian Order of Chosen Friends, lab and 8rd Mondays of eachmonth in Bias. hill's Hall. A 0 F, lab and 8rd Mondays of each month in Odd Fellow's Hall. Roane Oman, 2nd and 4th Friday even. ings iaBlaohills Hall. Poem Oiwxon.-0111oe hours from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. MnaatNxos' Izerxrora.—Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Minnie Mo- Nouglton, Librarian. Tom; Couxoxn.—W . H, Korr, , Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Robert Graham, R. Lea- therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ; 0'. S. Scott, .Clerk; 'Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J, T. Bors,Aolleetor. Board meets the let. Monday in each month, Scampi, Botnn.•—Dr. Graham, (chair. man,) Rev. Ross, D. C. hose, A. Reid and A. Hoenig ; Seo: Treas., Lb. Ross. Meetings Ind Friday evening in eaoh month. Pmmio Sanoox. TL"ACHeas.-0. H. Cam. eron, Principal, E. North, Miss Downey and Miss Ritchie. Bosun or HRALTH,—Reese Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaughton, Medical Health Oflloer. WRONG SIDE OUT. She didn't like the morning, And she knew that it would rain, She didn't like her breakfast And pushed it back again. At noon 'twas worse than ever And she cried for Oakes and pie, She wouldn't eat her dinner And she would sit still and cry. She pouted till the evening 06 this very horrid day, And all because, so early, She got up the wrong way. TELE MINUTES. We are but minutes—little things, Each one furnished with sixty wings, With whish we fly on our unseen traok, And not a minute ever' comes baok. We are hob minutes—yet each one bears ,A. little burden of joys and cares. Patiently take the minutes of pain— The worst of minutes cannot remain, We aro but minutes—when we bring A few of the drops from pleasure's spring, Taste their sweetness while we stay— It takes but a minute to fly away. We are hat minutes—use us well, For bow we are used we most one day tell ; Who noes minutes has hours to use— Who 'loses minutes a whole hoar must lose. ° iIOW SAMMMY RAN AWAY. "I'm going now to run away," Said little Sammie Green, one day, "Then I can do just what I choose. • I'll never have to blank my shoes, Or wash my face, or comb my hair, c' I'll find a place, I know, somewhere ; Add never have again to fill That old chip basket—so I will. "Good-bye 'mamma," he said—"good. bye 1" He thought his mother than woctld cry. She only said, "You going, clear ?" And didn't shed a single tear. "There now," said Sammie' Green, I know She does not. care if I do go, But Bridget does. She'll have to fill : That old ohip basket—so she will. Bub Bridget only said, "Well, boy, • You oft for sure ? I wish you joy." And Satnmie'a little Sister Yate, Who swung upon the garden gate, Said, anxiously, as he passed thro', - • "i o•night whatever will you do When you can't get no 'lasses spread At supper time on top of broad ?" Ono blook from home and Sammie Green's Weak little heart was full of fear, He thought about "Red Riding Hood" ; The wolf that met her in the wood The bean -stalk boy, who kept to mum When he heard the giant's "Fee, fo, fain I" Of the davit night and the policeman, Thou poor Sammie homeward ran. Quiak thro' the alleyway he aped, And crawled in thro' the old woodshed, The big chip basket he did fill ; He blacked his shoes tip with a will ; He washed his face and aombod his hair ; He went up 10 his mother's chair And kissed her twine, and then be said, "I'd like some'laeses top of bread' 1" EIWISI,STIPLAN. Suppose, ny little Your doll should bromic her head. Could yon Make it whole by crying Till your eyes and nolo were red ? And wauldu'b ib he pleasanter To treat it as a joke. And say you're glad 'twas dolly's And not your.baud that broke ? Suppose you're dressed for walking And the rain comes pouring down, Will it clear Off any sooner Because you scold and frown ? And wouldn't it be nicer For you bo smile then pout, And so make sunshine in the house When there ie none without ? Salvoes your taelt, any Little man, l s very hard to get, Will it make it any easier For you bo sit and fret ? And wouldn't It bo wiser Than waiting, like a duuoe, To go to work in earneeb And learn the thing at ones ? Suppose that some boys have a horse And same a coach and pair, Will it tire you less while wicking To say, "10 isn't fair" ? And wouldn't it be nobler To keep your temper sweet And in your heart be thankful You elm walk upon your feet? Suppose the world dooan't please you, Nor the way some people do, Do you think the whole creation Will be altered just for you ? And isn't it, my boy or girl, The wisest, bravest plan Whatsoever comes or doesn't same, To clo the best you can? So it is Said. What coos a woman think 'about as a general rule ? According to a profound philosopher, to whom we leave the en. tire responsibility of dies statements, the following are the principal mental 000u- patious of a woman duringher exietsnee : When Tour years old, she thinks of sweets and bon -bons. At pavan, her doll is her sole anxiety, At thirteen, sbe dreams nightand day of her little cousin. At eighteen she ycarue for a romantio marriage. At twenty-one her thoughts are en- grossed by her first baby. At thirty-five they are transferred to her first grey hair. When about forty, her mental balance is sorely tried by her first wrinkles, and the disagreeable perspective .they open. upAl fifty she begins to think of the past. dud later on she turns her attention to the future prospects of her grandchildren. Crisp and Casual. The first thimbles were made in Hol- land. Humming birds fly swifter than any other birds. Australia shipped 1,808,460 bales of wool during 1892.3. It costs the world 63,000,000 a year to pepper' its food. Trained doge will hereafter assist French life savers on the (toast. Abnnt 40 tone of letters pass daily through the London poetoffice. There are 3,700 miles of telegraph in the Transvaal,finished or in progress. Of the 1,080 convicted criminals in Can- ada last year but 182 were abstainers. France has more money in circulation in proportion to its population than any other country. The sapphire which adorns the summit of the British crown is the same that Edward the Conqueror wore in his ring. Clovescome to us from the Indies and take their name from the Latta 'clavus,' meaning a nail, to whioll they have a re- semblance. CHASED BY WOLVES. John ncimm's 15 -year-old daughter had a thrilling experience the other evening while returning from a sooial given at the country school house' about 12 miles North of Spooner. She carried a basket partly filled with the pastry left over froin the social, when she discover- ed she was being pursued by wolves. She started to run, thinking she could got within calling distance of her home be- fore they would attack her, but she had not gone a dozen yards before the brutes, four in number, were close upon her. She was compelled to abandon her basket, and took refugein a tree. The hungry wolves tore the basket in bits and devoured the good things with a relish, whioh seemed to appease them for the time being, and they elcuiked away into the woods. The frightened young lady after waiting a dein minutes, descended from her place of refuge and ran home, where she related ber experienoe. Her father and brothers took their guns and weut after the wolves, killing one and wounding another.—Milwaukee, Wis. oonein. With .His Pockets Full. There is groat rhjoioing in the house- hold of old Archibald Cameron, a farmer living near the village of Brashin, on the Midland Railway, and the cense of all the joy into be assigned to the unexpected re- appearance of a son, Alexander, who die• appeared from home over 25 years age, and who has, for the past 20 years, been ocnsidered dead. Twenty five rears ago cm more this son, Alexander, thou a young man of 10, started in business for himself in Beeebin, hie father supplying the funds to get him started. He was so unsuccessful, how. ever, that instead of malting profits at all, dobteafter debt began to mount up, until et last be was compelled to announce himself a bankrupt. las felt his disgrace so keenly that one day be vanished com- pletely, and 10 was never known whether he had made away with himself or had simply run away. 11.t may rate he was oonsidered dead thud mourned as each. The years rolled by, and changes name in the Cameron home. ' The mother died, sisters .and brothers got married, but old Archie still lived and clang to Ilia farm, though sadly beset by hard times.. Just before Thanksgtving Day'a strang- er appeared in Breohin, and at the, hotel asked if there wail such a man as Arobie Cameron living uoar there. IID was told there was, and that old Mr. Cameron was even then at the blaollsntitli a shop aloha at hand. At the stranger's request ho TUE BIUTSS US POST o....r. M.,,.,.,:..,,F„,CSV.M„A„TI.errSrT...,a,owrrr was summoned tothe hotel, and, after a short oonversablon in which old her. Oarn. Oren toil of the whereabouts of his fttm. fly, the nese-comer announced Haat ho was no other than the sen Aleck, Thu serprise and joy of the father man be im• apnea, and Thanksgiving Day, the fatted calif, or teatime the fatted busks,, tvae I killed for the returned prodigal. Bab Cameron had not come home with hie poskebs empty, as when he started. On the contrary, he seems .to have all sorbs of money, ide says lie has been in the mines on the Pacific Coast over sinme, and •latterly in Washington Territory, and has .eve• deptly made' more than he over onuld' have in the small store in Brachia, Thanksgiving morning he sbartsd in to pay old debts, and Thanksgiving night saw a.jubilation at Begobin and Beaver. ton, where several of his orodittes live, bhet.lnust have gladdened several hearts, A peculiar inoident in his return is that he had to prove his identity to his father, before old Archie' would oredit'him statement, Tan years ago an imposter came along, who, for three months, sue,, oeeded in palming himself off as the long - lost son, • He was clebooted at lent, how. ever, by the absence of a soar, a distin• guishing maria on one of the cheeks of the right man. That Cameron, at thio late day, should begin to pay bis old debts is a striking tribute to his integrity. Gesontsria1 0' ewes. The rebellion in Madagascar has spread over nearly the whole island. Twelve thousand dock laborers are on strike In Hamburg and neighboring ports. Tom Mann, the English agitator, was arrested at Hamburg and sent oat of the country. Five tenants on Lora Dt nraven's es- tate near Limeriokhave been evicted for non-payment of rent. In the floods in Greece the cemeteries were swept by water and bodies washed out of then: graves. The loss of life is large. The 27th Punjaub Regiment of Iufan• try became riotous, looted shops and wounded several persons who resisted them. China is reported to be about re•organ• izing her navy and building a lot of ships of war ander the direotion of Li Hong Chang. At a meeting of the Toronto City Ccunoii Mayor Fleming and Aid, Ma - Munich announced themselves as oaudi- dates for Mayor for 1807. A report comes from Tokio to the effect that Russia has been granted Elie right to build the Siberian railway through Chin. ase territory and defend it with Russian troops. It is often a mystery how a cold has been "caught.” The fact is, however, tbao when the blood is poor and the system depressed, ons becomes peouliarly liable to diseases. When the appetite or the strength fails, Ayer's Sarsaparilla should betaken without delay. The family of Thomas Arrington, of Mansfield, Mo., a lumberman on Whits River, were invited to Thanksgiving dinner with a neighbor. The two boys, aged 7 and 14 respectively, were left at home. When the parents returned the youngest child had been torn to pieces and the older one badly lacerated about the fade by a bear. The attack was made while the children were at play in the yard. .8RUS ELS PULP l'{i,'!POUS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prides. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will he promptly looked after. (Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Oisterns. Gamer aeon„ KILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. M.cLEOD'S System. Reno?atn ^AND MILER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Nem. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. S itns' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, taOOERBllt33 ONT. J. 1'J:. MoLEOD, Prop. and Mauufaoturer. Sold by Jam Fox, Druggist, la russets. ew arnesss Shop. D. FRAIN has opened a Har- noas Shop in the building North of the Leckie Block, Brussels, where he is prepared to turn out Light and Heavy Harness and attend promptly to repairing. Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips, 45c.,, Dept in stock. CARRIAGE TR1MM!NG. I am prepared to attend to all orders for Carriage Trimming, Repairing, oto. Good work and Moderate charges. Dt, 1'18y1,, Brussels. $1t for Walsh Day For quick and easy 'work For cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Surprise !sliest For every use about the -�' house Surprise .cries . _ best and cheapest, doe for yourself, -V'. on ,4 r.;fuA� v�.- , I•u., i,+ 5.F4. NOTICE OF RE v !„ Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, 1 wish to notify ley old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a shale of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, 1,5 n Plum, ,, General Blacksmith S: ITorseshoer 'd�,lii.. tiE MOIST SUCCESSFUL I?E48EAY FOR MAN on BEAST. Certain in itscheats and never blletOro, Read proofs below; {��± KENDALL'SSPAV CUM Box 12 Carman Henderson Co, Ill., Feb.21,'00, pa B. J. maned,.,. 1,o, Dear Sh'a–Please send me one orour Horse Bootle and oblige. /hove used a great ddeal of your Roudall a Spnvnl Cure withcod success • it 10 a wonderful medicine. I once gh d avnare that had an Occult spavin and Rye' bottles eared her, 1 0eop a bottle oYom'en head traulyll tae ttms, , Cada. Powata, KENDALL'S SPALL CURE. Dr. B. T. RaSnAu. Co. CAXTON, leo., Apr. 3, 102, Dear Sire -1 have need several bottles of your "Kendall's Spavin amv" with much success. I think it the best Liniment I ever used. gave ,v- mooeIone Curb, ens Blood Sparta and killed two Rene Simvl . Have recommended it to m ne–alof my friends who are much pleased with and keep it. lleapeotfully, 8.10. BAT, P, 0, Box els. For sale by all Druggists. or address Dr. 23. J. %D1vb4T+7, 00Dr1'417F, ENOSSVa0H FALLS, VT. C. THE UEAT VTIE'. fa Cough -cure, the most prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. As an emergency Medi- cine, for the euro of Croup, SoreTh oat, Lung Fever and Whooping Cough, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral cannot ba equaled. IIi L. Tf. BRAwLLY, D. D. Dis. Sec. of the American Bap- tist Publishing Society.. Petersburg, Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To all ministers. suffering from throat troubles, I recommend P hero" Fed rel Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS Cure Liver and Stomach Troubles, SHLE8 British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND - — North Shore reale and Cedar FOR SALE AT 11111 Brass is Planing Brills Also Doors and Sash' of all Pat torus on hand or made to Order at Short Notate. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AME N ..i. , HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro• porty at 6 car 64 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight IJoans with privilege of "repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Bruseelo. Mi Gr. Richardson. Is prepared to do all kinds of work in bis lino. Good Workmanship and • Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits mads for $4 and upwards. 5ltop over eLtolvan's Store. 5 G A7 T1 -I -AR RESTAURANT OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE 00202,' , 21-3-a ze • alloy 11/seu..ts 9 20 lbs best Coffee Sugar, $1.00 22 Lbs best Granulated Sugar 1.00 2 lbs first-class Tea, 25 Baling Powder, per 1b., 10 Corn Starch, per lb., 5 Tapioca, 5 lbs., 25 Rice, 5 lbs., 25 Bird Seed, per lb., 5 XXX Wine Vinegar, 80 Best Sulphur, 8 lbs., 25 Rolled Meats, . 8 Best Heliotrope Soap, cake, 5 E Ii ON. Lioo FOR COLD nD �' s m WEA ER @ Before Hurrahing very much see that you are ready for the Cold. We can silpply you with 'ilig, Box, Parlor ad Coal StoVos, THE BEST 7N THE MARKET. • 0f the Latest Design—to burn either Coal or Wood—put in and Guaranteed. Large and well selected stock of Lamps, Lanterns, Coal Oil, &c. Halters, Cow Chains, Glass and a host of other things yon require for Fall and Winter. Blacksmiths' and Stove Coal always on hand. 1`"12insmithing in all its Branches. BEAVER HARDWARE STORE. Four c+-w:'uvn'J This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern machinery added where required so that better work can be done BOW than ever. BEST GRADE OF MANITOBA FLOUR GROUND FRO\I iiIANITOBA WHEAT. Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &.c,, , always on hand. , '-_ Satisfaction Guaranteed. Highest anarket price for Wheat delivered at the Mill. Stewart 9