The Brussels Post, 1896-12-11, Page 1( Vol. 24, No, 22, . L. 314.0105011, t, as "W lilarx NEW GQODS NEW G, QQD8 HEADQUARTERS FOR As P11eOiiSi Watches In Gold Filled Cases for Lady or Geub, beautifully engraved, from $11.00 up. Sited ine Cased for Gents, 96.00 and up. Solid Gold Watches, $20.00 and up, Fully warranted and made by the best makers. Rings I Rings I Boantiful Gem Rings, Engagement Rings and Wedding Ringe. All Solid Gold ranging in prieee from 91.00 to 945.00 eaoh. Brooches; Silverware, Sword Pine, , 1847 Rogers Bros'. Stick Pine, Knives and Forks, Vest Chains, Pickle Casters, Long Guards, Napkin Rings, Cuff Linke, Berrys, Butters, &a. Cuff Buttons, • Fancy China, Bracelets, Fruit Plates, Society Pins, Salad Dishes, Shirt Studs, Vases, Cups & Sane - Blouse Sets, ere, Clocks, Japanese Chinn and Musical Goode, Ornaments, Mouth Organs, Celluloid Goods, Violins,. Collar & Ouff Boxes, Banjoe, Toilet Sets, Work Boxes, Tie Boxes, &e. We invite all to see our New Goode. Our Prises are Lower than ever. No Trouble to show goods. 11 L. Jac son. JEWELLER. LEAVING BRUSSELS L0 V II u5r EIt OF — 13k RI,/ SS ONTARIO, FRIDAY, Iluron County'Council, Tile December and final seseion of the County Council for 1890 opened on Wed- nesday of last week, all the members be- ing present, The warden addreesea the 'Connell on the following matters t (1) Memorial asked for at last meeting to make it Op- tional with County Connate to offer re- wards for horse theft ; (2) what Ration had been taken in ooinpltaooe with gee. oud report of Homo of Rafngo Committee at last swam ; (e) that provision should be made to pay the nominating offioors appointed under the new County Coun- cils' Act ; and (4) that the 'Connell con- sider bylaw No, 8 of last session with referonce to (said Dominations. The following communications: were read end referred to he committees named : t 1,Memorial from Kent County oil, re protection from fire spathe C arks of loeomobivos, Special committee. 2. From Goderioh Town Council, with reference to lighting county buildings with incandescent lights. Executive: 8. From B. ISI, Collins, barrister, threatening suit on behalf of Seeforth Collegiate Institute for three years' ar- rearages claimed. Executive. 4. From J. T. Dickson, claiming er- rors in two years' returns of fees paid County Council. Finance. 5, Report of special census of. Reiman village, to allow its incorporation, giving a population of 898. Special. 6. Petition of Samuel Anderson and four others in appeal against award re U. S. S. No. 4, Turnbery and Morris. Edu' Dation. 7. Petition from residents of village of Zuriob, to be ereoted into a police village. Special, Messrs. Kerr and Sperling moved .tbab the nominating officers of the various County Council divisions be allowed 910 each for their services, owing tono pro- vision being mode for the same iu the statutes. On motion of Messrs. Turnbull and Brigham, bylaw No, 8, fixing a day for holding nomination meetings, was re- pealed, the olerk to notify the clerks' of each township at (tome. Council then adjourned till ten to. m. Thursday. seem) DAT—THURSDX0. Council resumed, all the members present. A larggenumber of accounts were read, inaluding:67 from the House of Refuge., The following reports were read and referred to committees named : Jaflor'e, to County Property committee ; treas• urer's, sent to Finance ; CountCom- missioner's, to Road and Bridge com- mittee. A motion that, in future, the County Property committee have supervision of the House of Refuge as well :ae other conntyproperty, was sent to special tom. mittee. Messrs. Sanders and McPherson moved that a sum of money be voted to remun- erate the county clerk for expenses and .extra work while acting as returning ofd• car in the election of oounty councillors was sunt to Executive committee, and ono by Messrs. Kennedy and Kirkby that the Road Commissioner be allowed 980 for extra work in connection with repairs to the House of Refuge, met the same reference. The Council then adjourned till 8 o'. clock p. m. A statement from J. T. Dickson, late aesistaut Registrar, dealing with amounts of percentage due the county, was refer- red to the Finance Committee, who re- commended that the matter be left 'to the County Solicitor and Mr. Dickeon for ad- justment. Samuel Anderson and four others ap- pealed against an award made re Union S. S. No. 4, Turnberry and Morris. The Eduoatioual Committee, to whom the matter was referred, recommended that no action' be taken ; Reeve Sperling moved, seconded by Reeve McPherson, that this reportbe adoptee by granting the petition. This was lost. A. T. Currie, Seafortb, asked to be ap- pointed constable in place of the late C. M. Dunlop—filed. The Council spent considerable time on Friday evening discussing the remunera- bion-to be paid the Treasurer, Mr. Holmes, and Mr. Proudfoot, Chairman of the Fi- nance Committee, for their trip to the old canary, to dispose of the new county de- bentures, These gentlemen put no bill of expense in to the Council, but gave the Council an idea of what their proper ex- penses were ; a motion to pay them $500 voted down, as was also a motion to pay them 9050 ; a motion,makingthe amount for blue two 9850, was then unanimously carried. The following are the reports front the different committees rmANor•. cotn)rtTTEn's 01000RT. Harness, Boots Shoe's & Must be closed out by -Janu- ary lst as T have pup - chased a business elsewhere. ALL ACCOUNTS MUST?.: BE PAID AT ONCE. 1, cr RICHARBsn EE HIVE GROCER V�,'J • M cOracken Desires to call the attention of the pec• plcof Brussels and surrounding country to the fact tiiat he has opened up a Choice New Stock of Christmas Groceries, In the stand recently vacated by W. PI. M oOraslteu. Y New Fruits, Sugars, Coffees, Tette, Nate, Candies, &o,, &o. Oatmeal exchanged for Oats. A sharp of Public patronage 11 11 be much appreciated lreciatecl by 1vl and Goderielx townships, and make it 25 foot span, Recommend the rebuilding Of Bannockburn bridge of steel or iron. Rocominend that the bridge on ibe boundary between Usborue and Biddulph bo re•b alt, provided Middlesex pay one, half the meet. HOUSE or maroon OOtitarriu0, The committee reported having bad re, pairs and additions made in and around the Nouse of Refuge, under the super- vision of the County Oommissloner, who bad carried out bite work with credit to himself anti bo the bestinterest of the county. The lasppootor, trooper and W. Weir were authorized to purchase some further articles 0etluirod for the (05181 u - tion,, ,. 00UN'rr 00000010 eatnni0EE. The committee reooinmebd an mean^ deficientg light in the jail, as asked for lay the jailer. The committee visited the 1 buildings and found county old jail .and co u y b i g everything in good order. The oommit• tee also reoomineudsd incandescent lights for the Court Heine and county offices, all of which was adopted. W M. MoCraa1®n EnntoUTIVn ceinsitrain, The report of Chia committee, as adopt• ed, was ae follows :—That Mr. Ainsley, county commissioner, be granted 950 for the large amount of extra work done by him at the House of Refuge. That Mr, Lane, county clerk, - receive the sum of 9100 for his duties and expenses as re• turning oftioer under the new County Councils Ad, for the years 1897-98.' That the sum of 95 be paid each nominating ofiider in the °aunty, for nomination, and 95 additional if an eleotion is held. In reference to the claim of Seaforth Col- legiate Inetitute, for alleged arrearages, it was decided to refer the matter to the County Solicitor for his opinion. In re- ference to the application of Usborne council for a refund of $50 paid by them towards the maintenance of Mrs. Hewitt, no aotion was taken: We reoornmend a grant of $25 to Mrs. French, matron of the House of Refuge, for extra work in. connection therewith. TREASOIIFB's neronm. DECEmeER 11, good state of repair at preeen6. A000rd- ing'to your iustruettons I examined the bridge an theBoundary line between the bownshipe of Goasriob. and Bullett and from information that I got 3 am of the opinion that the bridge known as Tip - lady's bridge should be more than 20 feet long, in order to allow the water to pass tirrougll in times of freshet and nob form a dam. It should be 25 feet long. The bridge situated on the Reynold road be. tween Brut/afield and Varna, known as the Bannockburn bridge, should be re- built eerily next Summer, It is an old bridge and the timbers are considerably decayed. As it is a bad place to matte a deviation road, it might be well to rebuild of iron or steel on stone or oouorete abut. ments. The span of the old bridge is 82 feet long. On the 18th of November Inst I met the'Oommissioner of the County of Middlesex. We examined an old wooden bridge over a stream on the Boundary be, and d- ef born i n h townships Thiamine E t es the w dulpll. We considered that it should be re-baifb early next season, as tbe.brldge is old. The timbers are much decayed and not worth repairing. The bridge should be about 85 feet long and mightbe of cedar, on cedar piles. The probabilities are that there will most likely be about the usual amount of repairs required for the year 1807. Total amount of orders leaned from the 1st of June, 1806, bo tide date, Dec. Brit, 1896, 93766.48. Jnor Ainsley, Commissioner: I have the honor to report that Mr. Proudfoot and myself, as instructed by, you, advertised for tenders for the County debentures andalso fob the securities held by the County. The accepted tend ere in each ease were the highest, as fol- lows : O'Hara & Co., the Co. debentures 9108.47 Ontario Mutual Co., mortgages101 06 Twp. of Brant, Brant debentures, bonus .. .. 850 00 O'Hara & Go., Etna 10 00 Tenders were asked for both sterling and currency debentures and the O'Hara offer was 9800 higher for sterling stamp ed than for currency and as it only costs about *ars or about $375, to stamp the debentures we decided to issue the de- bentures in sterling, viz;, five of R'3,000 each. I oougratulete you on the .pnrtion- laxly good We that was made, We hap- pened to strike' a time when mon•ay was plentiful and had it not been for the un- certain terms of the mortgages a much higher price still would have been ob- tained for them. Mr. Proudfoot and myself considered it would be in the best that we should o to h Co. of e interestsg England and personally attend to the re- tiring of the old debentures, especially as our expenses for so doing need not neces- sari.ly oost the Go. as much as to pay our agent there and other necessary: expenses. The whole business was satisfactorily completed and the cancelled debentures' and coupons are now in my office. Wm. Holmes, Treasurer. 8PEcIAL cotanTTEE. Tne report of the Special Committee, as follows, was adopted :-That the peti- tion of Vent council, concerning the pro- teotion from locomotive sparks, be sig by.the Warden and Clerk. That the pe- tition of the ratepayers of Hansell, tobe erected into a village, with a population of 808, be granted, and that H. J. D. Cooke,; barrister, be returning officer at, the first election to be held in said village. That the petition of the ratepayers of Zurich, asking that the place be erected to a police village, for floe proteotion pur• poses, be granted,' and that the first elec- tion be held in that villageabnoon on the last Monday of December, of the present. year, Fred, Siegner bo be returning offi- cer. The committee recommended that no action be taken concerning the proposi. tion that the Property Committee have supervision over: the House of Refuge. The Connell closed the proceedings by the singing of Auld Lang Syne, A Dangerous Weapon. The committee recommended the pay- ment of a lot of ordinary accounts, and any, further :—"We have examined ao, counts in commotion ,with the House of Refuge, which have been paid since 'last meeting, $8574.21, and same appear to be eorreat. In pursuance of instructions from tiara committee, the. Treasurer and 'Mr. Proudfoot sold the mortgagee held by the county, the Brant and Elms deben- tures, and the new leeks of debentures, realizing therefrom the sum of 9271,185. .Out of this, and balance in cash to 'the credit of this account, they paid off the iudebbeduets of the county, and after do- ing so there remains n surging of chant s. The Treasur000 in the an Treasurer and ' Mr,Proudfaobc� wept to England and wound up the business ; we approve of their having done so, and' be- lieve it was fo the best interests of the oounty, as they effected a saving of 91410, mndo Up ad follows :-Excess of tender, $475 ; exchange, $360 accrued interest, 9240 ; commission, 8150 ; total, $1415, We find that the business was carried out in the most satisfactory, manner.," Thie report was adopted, GOAD Axn =Deli OOntIr10010. The re tort of this committee was ad- opted as follows :—That the county ag- nate Tiplady's bridge between Hullotb the Go, bnildinge and bridges ate in a ' • asirm'0 ilEl'onT. Herewith I submit my report of your gaol, oleo of persons at present confined therein. A11 the work ordered to be done about the jail by your honorable body at the June sitting has been done except the new floor in the Turnkey's room, to which permit me to draw your attention. At present I have 10 prisoners in custody, all males. Two are ineaue, both cases being investigated and the men adjudged fit subjects for the asylum. They are now awaiting removal. Two are await- ing trial for obtaining money under false pretences, ono being a debtor and the re- maining five are all vagrants, as. follows : Geo. Wilson, Stratford ; Jno. Patterson, Hamilton ; Wm. Russell, Niagara ; David Turner, Barrie, all committed by Chas. Seeger, P. M., for terms of 5 to 0 months ; and Wm. Anderson, Toronto, committed by Mayor Shannon and Reeve, Prondfoot for a period of 4 months. Per- mit me to draw your attention to the rule which causes ns to keep a lamp burning in the hall of the jail all night. This light bee always been a source of anxiety to me? as it was to my predeces- sor, on account of the danger of its ex- ploding and setting fire to the building. Twioeit has done 80 during the almost 32 years I have been in your employ. The last time it was towards morning thud fortunately my subordinate was awake and succeeded in extinguishing the fire et the cost of the bedding of two beds. At the time of the explosion there were 18 prieonars under look and key, besides 5 members of my own family who were sleeping on the second floor. Had the flames caught the stair, all on the upper flats would have been entirely out off from escape.In viewof this danger to life and property; T would respectfully ask that you plaee one incandescent in said hallway. I ask for 12 pair of pants, dolt- ing for 6 abed ticks. Wm. Diokson, Jailer. 1896 W, . KERR, Prop, CfIUACO- Uf1I,01ES. Rev, S. J, Allis was one of the speak, ere at the Walton Union 5, S, Conven, bion on Thursday evening. Mr, MsMlllan, a student, of London, t001r the serviette jn St. John's thumb last Sabbath with profit to the eongrega, tions, "Ruth and tate Benovolenoe of Boaz" will be the subject of theeeaond discom'ee On Bath in the Methodist ohuroh' next Sunday evening, W. H. Kerr was ane 06 the speakers at a meeting of the Local Union of Clinton Eudaaverers held io the Baptist <harsh in that town last Friday evening. Next Sabbath Rev. David Forreet, of Walton, will Bev. 10. Paoccupy the ulIwillof supply Rev, Mr. Forrest's work no Walton. The anniversary sections of the Metho- diet church will be preaobed by the pastor on Sabbath, 20th inst., at 10:80 a. m. and 7 p. m. Anniversary tea on Ohriebmas evening followed by a ohoioe program of addressee and memo. "Be of good cheer, thy sins are forgiv- en thee" were the cheerful words ohosen by Rev. Joe, Ross for his text lest Sab- bath morning. In the evening "Adoni bersk" was the subject. The divisions were : (1) Remembrance of eine ; (2) Acknow ledgement of 111s sins ; (8) Re- sponsibility for his sine ; (4) Ruined by his sine, Last Sabbath evening a memorial service having reference to the decease of the late Mrs. E. Olver, was held in the Methodist ohurob when a most appropri. ate and sympabhetio discourse was preached by the pastor from let Cor. 15th chap. 66th and 57111 verses. The ohoir sang "The unseen City" and "One by one." Sanvemrox Asia.—Ensign Soobell, the Provincial' agent for the Grace before meat boxes in the West Ontario Province, conducted, in the S. A. barracks, Brus- sels, Thursday night, Dec. 10813, at 8 p. an. a special magic lantern service, sub. jest, "Little 'Janie from prosperity to poverty." All tine colored scenes. The Ensign aleo oouducted a special lantern serrioe for the children at 6 p. m., in the barracks.—Adj. Taylor, the district offs• oer from Polmeraton,' will lead on .Friday night, Deo. llth, at 8 p. m. Two hours at the cross. All friends are invited. To the Bettor of Tun Pon :— DEAR SIa,—It is currently reported that a certain business roan of this place has a great deal to say about boycotting a number of Liberals who saw fit to attend the last meeting of the Assooiasion and discuss the charges against our post- master: Also that a boycott will be in- stituted against anyone attending .and giving evidence at the investigation to be held next week. Did he tarry out this rule auring the time we had investigati- ons on Mr. Grant, or did he rather en- courage them ? It is quite evident he is very short-sighted or he would know that all witnesses attend in answer to a sum- mons issued by the oommissioner and t s that t i ' f no matter of choice on their part, as they are compelled to attend and are only expected to tell the truth when they do attend ? Has be not realized by this time that the Tory party do not own this country and the fullness thereof, that there has been n change of Gov- ernment ? Also that a boycott is a weapon that outs both ways at times and is as a rule the tool of a bigot, who ob- jects to justice deoidiug anything one who believes in following the rule laid down by the late Government in Victoria, viz., 'Dismiss without investigation, merely because asked by n member." I am, Yours, Jarman. Co.. 00011116ar0NER'e IMPORT. I herewith submit to you my report of the 'badness which T have transaotod since the date of my report of lime last. Ib contains the number and amounts of the orders iesnea, the parsons to whom, and the purpose, The werks of improve. mous which you ordered havo,been made and attended to, except the small' bridge in Lower Wingham, known as the Race bridge. It has not yet been rebuilt, but I ooneidor ib will be quite safe for traffic. this Winter and I purpose having it:ea. noted early next Spring. There has been some substantial Improvements made et the House of Refuge. I Consider that Brussels Clo►lncil- The monthly meeting of the Village Council was held last Monday evening. All the members present except Couneil- lor Leabherdale who was absent in Soo, forth. Minutes of last meeting read and pass- ed. The following accounts were pre. stinted:— Brussels Bend grant 987 50 J. Wright, salary 80 00 J. & P. Amens, sb. improvements27 87 A. M. McKay & Co. " 23 84 Wilton d1 Turnbull, miscellaneous, 19 46 F. S. Scott, printing 15 00 R. Deubow, gravel 5 92 Geo. Birt, miscellaneous 5 00 N. & N. Gerry, " 4 88 R. Henderson, " 4 50 P. Scott, 8 40 W. H. MoOraclteu, " 2 40 40 S. H. Jackson,, " People We Talk About. Additional Local News, PcMorrton investigation will be held here next Tuesday. before Barrister Lazier, of Belleville, in the Town Nall, oommenoing et 2 o'clock, 00asMesaNDENT8 will kindly remember when mailing not to seal the envelopes, When an envelope is loft opsa the post, age is only one cent for printer's copy, but when closed .we have to pay four Dente in addition bo the one Dent on the envelope. Tan verioue performers assisting ab Mr, Hawkins' ennead are one and all determined that their part will be thor. oughty done. Assiduous practice and frequent rehearsals are the order of the day. Orohestra and piano music, reci- tations, choruses, aomio and sentimental duebts and songs, a ladies' quartette, a comic quartette and a male quartette a make np a most attractive program. ram. Don't forget the Friday, Doe. 181h. Moorman OnoIsrlto Eannivoo.•-•Toe semi-annual election of officers for the current term in connection with Melville church Endeavor tools plane last Monday and resulted as follows :—Hon. Primo, Rev. Jut). Rose, B. A. ; President, G. F. Blair; Vice•Prse., Mrs. 3, Stewart'; Rec.•Seo.,, Jno, McRae ; Cor.•Seo., Miss Mary Ross ; Trees„ Mies Jean Ritchie. Prayer -meeting aommibtee-J. H. Cam• exon, (convener,) Mrs, Tufts, Jno; Fergu- san, Miss Slemmon, Daniel Stewart Book -out Dom.—Jae. Fox, (0ocvener,) Mies J. Ross, Mrs. Deadman, d. B Mo• Lanablin and W. J. Stewart ; Missionary cont.—Mrs R. G. Wilson, (convener,) Mrs. R. K. Rose, Mrs. Neil MoLanohlin, R. N. Barrett, G. A, Halliday, Mise Nal lie Ross ; Temperance Dorn.—A. 1K. Me - Kay, (convener,( Jas. Dodds, J. Currie, Mrs. Jno. Scott and Mise L. Ross ; So. Dial Dom., Mise L. McNaughton, (con- vener,) Misses Jennie Forbes, E. Inman and M. MoArter ; Flower Dom. -Mise M. Stewart, (convener,) Mies Sarah Forbes, Mies M. McDougall, Duncan Mc- Laaohlin, Ken. Coualey. Choir leader, Miss Annie Stewart; Organist, Miss J. McLauehlin ; Collectors, F. .Wilson and F. Hayoroft ; Ushers, G. A. Deadman and G. F. Blair ; Auditors, D. 0. Roes and Geo. Crooks. The Society has 72 active members and 32 associate and is doing a good work. BrwORTK LEAettE.—A "pronnnoiation match" was one of the items on the pro- gram rogram of the Epworth League at the Methodist church last Monday evening. Two sides were chosen of 13 on each, with Reg. Fletcher and Miss Norton as captains as follows :—No. 1., R. Fletcher. —Jennie Howe, E. Creighton, L. Maun- ders, Miss Tilson, Bessie Moore, Maggie Beattie, Carrie Kingston, Jae. Belden, Kenzie Scott, Wm. Bawtinlieimer, 'Mr. Norton, Donald McKenzie. No. 2, Miss Norton.—Josie Buchanan, M. Moore, Eft E. Kerr, May Turnbull, Eva Turnbull, Florence Hunter, Mre. Dobson, Robb. Maunders, Kenneth MoKeozie, John Reid, R. Bielby, B. Gerry. The side led by Miss Norton won. The Presi. dent, Rev. S. J. Allis, gave the words. The folllowing were the words given, and though common, they are usually mis- pronounced :—Apostle, often, Italian, Ian, debris, again, bronchitis, home- opathic, allopathic, psalms, calm, castle, catch, oomely, comparable, compromise, cuticle, oovetoas, decade, elite, fidelity, finance, isolate, jugular, preface, hand- kerchief, regime, route, tour, says, teleg- raphy, tepid, oolamo, ammoniate, deficit, favorite, genuine, tune, Luke, microscopy, opponent. Mise Williams and Miss Hunter furnished a duets, "Fleeting away," which was nicely sang. Next Monday evening the topic will be "An evening wfth Longfellow," for which a good program is being prepared. AN EVENING WITH SoorrANu.—Acoord. ing to announcement, last Friday even- ing a large number repaired to the rest• deuce of Mrs. Tufts, Queen street, to en- joy "An Evening with Scotland," under the able supervision of Mrs. Tufts, Mrs. Stewart and Misses loan and Mary Ross. The decorations of 'Scottish plaids was neat and in addition each guest was pre- sented with the program on a green card,, out to the shape of a thistle, while each performer wore Scotch cape mode of tis- sue paper. The design was unique and pleasing. An excellent program was pre- sented, in which the performers acquitted themselves in first-class style. It was as follows ;—"Auld Lang Syne," Company; instrumental, violin and organ, D. Stew- art and Miss Annie Stewart ; solo, "The Auld Scotch Songs," A. Straobnnsolo, "The Banks of Loth Lomond," Mrs. Sarney ; reading, "McSpurtle's epeeola" G. F. Blair ; solo, "Scotland Forever," Mise Annie Stewart ; solo, "Jessie's Dream," Miss Kate Wilson ; address, "Scottish Proverbs," Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A. ; solo, "The Rose of Allendale," Geo. Thomson ; duett, "My Pretty Page," Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Sinolair ; duets, "Larboard Watch," Messrs. Sinclair and Straohan. If the musical and literary department were good the bill of fare, ooneieting of domes, oat oaks and coffee was also up -Lo -date and was heartily en- joyed. The financial results were 412.00. Owing to absence from town Tan Poso Editor was enable to be present, but the ladies kindly remembered us with scones, oatcake, cap, thistle, napkin and a small box of cats. Paper and ink are too poor a medium to express our thanks. The language of our heart is "Will ye no' acme back again." Mies Ethel Creighton is visiting Miss Welsh in Grey. Mrs, Noble: F. Gerry has improved quite nicely in health. H. James, er., has been on the sick list during the past week. J. 6. Creighton is away at Elora, and Guelph for a few days. Robb. Ross, wife and son, of Wroxeter, were visiting in town this week. We welcome Robt..Ross, Mrs. Roes and son bask to Brussels as residents. 0. A. Dunford, of Utah, is holidaying with his cousin, E. 0. Dunford, Brus- sels.' Mrb. Geo. Welsh, of Grey, was visiting Mrs. H. L. Jackson for a few days this week. Mrs. Jno. Leckie, of Toronto, was visit- ing in othera and old friends Eng her parents Brussels this week. Mrs. T. Fletcher has been partially laid up from erysipelas in her right arm oacaeioned from a burn. Mrs. Hays, of Seafortb, was visiting ?drs N B:;Qerry and other friends lest week wbite•eri $cute to Luoknow. J. T. Ross and Geo. Halliday were in Walkerton this week taking stook of the McGowan purchase made. We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mte. Ewan, sr., but hope to hear of im- provement io the near future. Miss Maggie Code bas gone to Trow• bridge to prepare, so some people say, to brighten up a bome for—somebody. Mrs. Jas. T. Ross bas been confined to bed from an attack of inflammation. We hope she will soon be convalescent. Will. J. Rozell left on Monday for Paw Paw, Mob., where he expects to secure a good situation. TEE POST wishes him success. We are pleased to see Rev, Samuel Jones able to get about town as of yore after his imprisonment to bis room through illness. Will. Leathsrdale will make his home in Seafortb, assisting in the management of the new furniture and uudertaking business opened up there. Miss Addle Venstoos has gone to Nova Scotia to visit her old friend, Mrs. D. Stewart, formerly Mies Mary Broadfoot, of Brussels, a daughter of John Broad - foot. Miss Minnie Jackson, who bits been visiting at S. H. Jaokeon's for the past three weeks, returned to her home -in Lindsay Tuesday morning after an en. joyabie visit, greatly improved in health. Mrs. John Robb, Who has been ill for the past two or three months, shows very little improvement. If the good wishes of her many friends will have any effect in improving her health she will soon be better. Walter W ilbee has been taking enforced holidays owing to a bite on bbe beats of his left hand by one of Ament Bros', horses which he was handling. The wound festered and occasionedMr. Wil bee considerable pain. Conductor Quirk, the old and well. known ticket puncher, bas been put on the Kincardine and London run, and Conductor Parker from that line brans. tarred to the W. G. & B. The pnbiie will find Conductor Parker one of the most obliging hien they ever met, Moved by R. Graham, seconded by R. G. Wilson that above accounts be paid. Carried. The Reeve gave a brief report of Co. Connell proceedings. Once more the electric light gression was. lip. Ameut Bros. were present as was W. M. Sinclair, the proposed new and former managers of the .light reapeot- ively. The former said they were ready to proceed if they could be assured of pro- tection in case they did not purchase Mr. Siuolair's planta It was ascertained that the fraucbise granted Mr. Sinclair was given in September, 1890, for ten years but not oxolusive. There was nothing for the Council to do in the matter so no action was taken more than to sagged] that if un agreement were not soon closed the question would bo laid over until an- other year. Alex. MnLauoblin asked to leave a re- bate of 91.00 for taxes on dog ho had shot some months ago. To bo. dealt with at a subsequent meeting. Council adjourned to meet on the even- ing of the 15th inst. to prepare Financial statement. Anti•toxine is bong .need with great suaoees iu the London City Hospital in the base of diphtheria patients. Messrs. Hoffman & McLellan, of Ber- lin, are negotiating Inc the purchase of the St. Tbotnas Street Railway.. Archbishop Favre of Montreal, 15 ebow' by elnkitag. Hon. bIr. Harty, Commissioner of Public Works for Ontario, has returned to Kingston vastly improved in health. Sir William Van Horne denies the truth or the revived rumor that be is about to retire from the Preeidenoy of the C. P 110. A banquet is to be tendered by the citizens of Winnipeg to the Hon; Clifford Siften on Monday in the Manitoba Bonne. Mr. Laurier has no intention at present of going to England, Thanksgiving day in Winnipeg was celebrated in a blizzard. Frisby's livery stable at Aurora was burned, with six horses and e. lob of car- riages. W. Watson, to.miner 01 Roseland, was drowned in the Columbia river while re- moving driftwood. In the bye-eleotion at North Qu'Ap• peke, for the Northwest Legislature, D. IH, McDonald, of Port Qu'Appelle, was elected by 169 majority. The Winnipeg Grain Exchange Conn. oil has arrived at the conclusion that with a properly-egeipoed boat for crush. ing ice navagation at Fort William amid be lengthenedfor two or three weeks.