HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-4, Page 88
PeePlh generally appreciate bargains ausi
if they can buy four artiolee for lees
than the dries of etas they pre-
fer tieing so, • One
comprises three gamoe end a Gard table
Pilfer 111. Have you seen. the Parlor
Curling arid "Tile King's Cornet?" These
are not all we have jn games but aro the
Throe latest., Wo cannot prebend to tell
you all we have suitable as
33ut we have plenty "to go round" in silk
sewed and morroe0o lied Bibles,. choice
books including the Poets iu leather bind,
iog. "The Land and the Book" by
Thompson, "The Story of the Barth and
Man" by Dawson,. and MaoKays "From
Fornlo5a" are books you need have no
hesitationin giving to a friend. Or if
preferred let it be a piece of
No lady will objeot to a piece which we
eon' give you from 25a, upwards.
Druggists, Optioians and Booksellers.
Trains leave Brunetti Station, North
and South, as follows t
0xprese 7:21 a.m, Mixed............ 0:44 are
nixed (3457 pan. , Mail 1'1:52 p.m
lotat Rms.
A. ohiel's amang ye Lakin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
WATOIt out ter Cbristmae announce.
Monte in r.i 025 PGs9',
PouETu Division dour.) will be held on
SVedusaday, 20rd inab,
TUE Roxt monthly Horse Pair will be
held on Thursday, Deo, Met,
TzLu ee00nb mine swelled the Maitland
to mere than ordinary yolome,
MEsene. 0LE02 31 Penne ehlpped a oar
Of stook Eastward on `,i'bursdtty.
Lon on the 0th eon. of Grey, a logglsg
Allain, . Pinder will oblige by leaving it
at the residenos of John Bird, Bruesele
Tun steamer "Parisian" arrived at
Liverpool safe and sound, Among the
passengers were Dr. and Mrs. Kneolitel,
of Brgesele.
Ain, 0.ieritn, repreeenting the Canada
Savings Lsan aud Building Assooiation,
of Toronto, is in town phis week enclose.
oring to organize a local board.
TOM Wee a great roaurreotion of fire
Arnie on Tlaankegieing Day and almost
everybody who oeuld there up a gun sal.
lied forth, A large number of rabbits
were elangbtored.
Wild, J. McOReenee wee in London
oil Wednesday purchasing a new etoalt of
groceries for his store, ae expeobe to
have them opened cab, in the store se.
eeutly vacated by hie father, for Satur•
dee of this week,
Lxvznenr,•-'The following are the offi•
0era for Brusse)e Pnblio SabOol Literary
Society for the current month, elected
Met Friday afternoon;—•Preafdenb, Fred.
Wilson ; Victe•Preeident, Ken. 0oueley
Seo.. TMese . Geo. Watt ; Editor, Ira.
Gerry; AseteEditor, Geo. Buchanan ;
Staff --Daily Kendall, Geo. Buchanan,
Kate Smith, Lizzie McLennan Com.
Mittee—Percy Watt, Albert Pntland,
Alice Kendall, Robert Maunders, Frank
Suneonmens two year? in arrears to , 0laalsey.
Tun PoeT will be asked to deal with a THANltetiIYSNa L''nTr7ltrAINtIN1iT.^-On the
Collecting Agenoy unless the ao0ounts
are etraigbbened up forthwith.
Tangoes. Ds1oM4N & MCCALL have
planed a line large disponee ease and
table in the rear of their drug store.
The store is now very complete in its ap.
)ointments. .
Ton nomination of candidates for the
office of County Connoillor for this
District will be held in the Town Hall,
Brussels, on Monday, 21st inst. F. S.
Seat will be the official In charge.
Tiro following shipments were made
from Brussels station during the last
week :—R. Grabam,1 car wheat ; Baeker
& Vanetone, 8 ears oats and 2.eare peas ;
R. H. Ferguson, 1 car lambs ; Enterprise
Salt Worke, 5 care salt.
WE were sorry to hear of the illness
and death, last week, of Mise Annie
George, of Port Elgin. Mies George
visited for some time last Summer at the
home of Mrs. Jas. Wilson here. Shy
was favorably known to a number in
LeAvrto Towze,—I. 0. Richards has
purchased the stook of boots & shoes
from H. 13. Pollook, Goderioh, and will
leave for the County town, where he will
take possession on Deo. 15111. We are
sorry to lose goodcitizensfrom town, but
our loss will be Goderioh's gain.
Dntn.—On Wednesday of this week
Mrs. Oleer died at the home of her
daughter, Mre. Samuel Walker, Morris,
after a long and 'painful illness. The
funeral will leave North k lob 29, con. 7,
on Saturday, 6th inst., at 2 p. m., service
at 1,80 o'clock, interment at Bruesele
Fon CHRISTtrAs.—Oce of the best and
THE POST gives the news.
New time table on the G. T. R.
DRESSED bogs are being marketed.
ONLY three weeks until Christmas.
Couxoln meeting next Monday evening.
Eleve you paid your sebeoriptiob to
THE P052 ?
PDALIO School Board meeting on Fri.
day evening of next week,
TEE Reeve is at Goderioh attending the
sessions of the County Council.
THE examination of the Modelitee takes
place on the 7511 and 8th of Des.
OUR thanks are due to Jno. R. Bell, of
Morrie, for a basket of prime apples.
A Nuarnen of the Fire Brigade have
taken risks with an Accident Insurance
T. A. Hewsues' concert on Fridayevening, 18th Met., in the Town Hall,
"A NICHT with Scotland" on Friday
evening of this week at the home of Mr's.
Tufts, Queen street.
A Nuatl000 of B:russelites are obopping
wood on the Stratton farm, Morris, ten•
anted by John Manning,
ADIENT Bnos. have decided to go on
with the electric light and everything will
be in running order before long.
Veer little talk yet as to who the
probable candidates may be for Council
and School Boards for next year.
THE totvn Band turned out on the af•
•iernoon of Thanksgiving Day and played
a number of selections in first-class style.
NETT week R. N. Barrett and John
Long, of Brussels, will serve their Queen
by doing duty as jurors at the County
THE Clinton New Ara has put in a new
press and increased the size of the paper.
The Era is a well conducted journal and
deserves to prosper.
WE are sorry to hear that McGowan &
Oo., of Walkerton, formerly of Brussels,
have been compelled to Kaden. C. B.
Armstrong, of London, is the assignee.
Armee 20 years' business in Brussels
we heartily thank our friends for their
patronage and would bespeak a sitars of
it still. Please see our Christmas advt.
T. Fletcher.
THE meeting arranged to be held at
Palmerston on Monday to protest against
the G. T. R. schedule, was postponed,
not knowing what changes were to take
place in the new time table.
Dn. MCKeaves, of Brussels, has been
appointed medical officer for this District
by the Grand Trunk Railway Insurance
and Provident Society as successor to D.
Graham. who recently sold his practice
to Dr. Kalhfleieeh,
BEATTIE BROS. 'bus team ran away from
the station on Tuesday. The 'bus, which
was thrown on its side in front of the
Revere House, was slightly damaged.
The horses fell to the ground and were
caught by Barry James before they
conld get started again.
Moen52 evening a number of gentlemen
from Court Ethel, Canadian Order of
Foresters, visited Court Princess Alex-
andra, Brussels. The prinoipai question
up for discussion at the meeting was the
sew law whereby the High Court will
administer Sick and Faneral benefits in•
stead of the Subordinate Courts, as in
the past. Court Prinoese Alexandra has
50 members.
LAST Monday a new time table went
info effect on the W. G. & 13. No extra
trains,ut the running time of the mail
train altered. The morning train, going
South, leaves Brussels at 7.21 oeiloelt
now malting connection at Palmerston
fororonto, which oity is reached at
12.10. Our afternoon mail and express
gets here at 12.52 instead of 1.08. There
i8 still no connection offered at Wingbam
Toe Russell Comedy Company (hived
isi the Town Hall on Thursday and Fri-
day nights of last week "A Married
Pair"' was presented the first evening
and "The Old Homestead" the second.
The Co. played under the auspioee of the
town Band, but the bousee were not
large, This was due to the toot of sever-
al other counter ear. tions and the
"rutty" performance giv .1 by the com-
visual monthly social evening for the Y.
P. U. of St. John's Guild wee held on the
evening of Thanksgiving Day. "Ten-
nyson anel'his Works" took the place of
the usual program, The following were
the inornbers gluon :---Sketch of Tenny-
eon's life, Rev. A. K. Griffin • solo,
"Sweet and Low," T. A. I•Iawkine ;
"'aleph," Miss Eastman ; solo, Vera
Woolsey ; sola, 'The Brook," T. A.
Hawkins , "Dora,"Mee, Griffin ; eo'o,
lilies Nellie Campbell ; duobt, Mince
Beryl and Annie Publand,
certainly the longest rememb d present
to send to distant friends as a Cbrietmne
gift is THE Poem. One dollar will pay for
it up to 1st Jab. 1898, and for this small
sum your distant ones will have a weekly
budget of Huron news for 57 weeks.
Call in or send in your names and dollars
without delay.
Tun P092 is subscribed for on its
merits as a newspaper, and is looked for
and read with pleasure by every member
of the family. It is not taken merely to
get fid of an importunate canvasser, and
when received thrown to one side. THz
Pose is the hestread paper in this section
and covers the whole County of Huron.
BRUSSELS Posror ICE.—The Postmaster
General has appointed Lieu t.•Ooi. Lazier,
Q. C., Muster in Chancery at Belleville,
to investigate charges of political partis-
anship made against Postmaster Farrow
of this place. Mr. Lazier will be in the
Town Hall here on Tuevciay, December
15th, when both sides of the ease will no
doubt be heard, and the evidence thea
officially procured forwarded to Post-
master General Mulock at Ottawa.
MOST INOoeveererr.—The great incon-
venience of not having railway connec-
tion at Wingbam Junction with the L.
H. & 33. was manifest last Saturday.
Mrs. G. F. Blair had driven over from
Goderich to Blyth on Friday, and to save
further travel by buggy she remained
there all night, intending to come to
Brussels by the noon train on Saturday,
ss of yore. On Mr. Blair's recollecting
that Mrs. B. would have to stay in Wing.
ham until 5.80 p. m., he telephoned to
Blyth and had bis wife get off at Bel -
grave station, where he met her with a
buggy, arriving here about 1.15.
WORTHY OF IT ALL: A very pleasing
event took place prior to the departure of
Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin from Brussels.
The Womaus' Auxiliary and Ladies'
Guild of St. John's church, deeirine to
show their appreciation of Mr. aud Mrs.
Griffin's labors amongst them during the
past two years, presented them with a
beautiful oak bedroom suite, (the articles
being cumbersome there was no formal
presentation) accompanied by a suitable
address, which read ae follows
To MR. AND l4ns. GRIMIN,—We, the
members of the Womans' Auxiliary and
Ladies' Guild of St. John's church, Brus-
sels, desire on the eve of yonr departure
from amooget us to express our heartfelt
sorrow for the lose we are about to ex.
perience by your removal from this
parish. We feel keenly sensible that
your departure from our midst will be a
serious drawback to our prosperity in the
parish. When we remember the person.
al sacrifices of yonr own comfort and the
labor and zeal which you have devoted to
every interest of our Church, we feel that
your removal will be a loss that cannot
easily be estimated. The parish in all
its intereete will much miss your many
kindnesees and your labors of love as you
have gone in and out of our homes dur-
ing the past two years, When we say
you have endeared yourselves to each
and all of us, we but feebly express the
feelings of our hearts. You have left us
an example of Christian zeal, courage,
womanly love and experience, to which
we feel we cannot attain, but we will en-
deavor in the future to imitate, as much
es in us lies. We all unitedly and heart
ily express our best wiebee for you and
yours, and earnestly pray that our
Heavenly Father, wherever your lot may
be oast, will follow you with His choicest
and best blessings, both temporal and
spiritual. We desire that you will accept
this oak bedroom suite, which we pres-
ent in the name of the Wolnane's Auxil-
iary and Ladies' Guild of St. Johns'
church, as a small token of our love and
esteem and by which we hope to be re-
membered by you in the future, with our
beet wisbae and prayers t0 you and yours
for your future welfare. Signed on be.
half of the Woman's Auxiliary and
Ladies' Guild,
MRs. T. FARROW, President ;
Mns. Geo. RnoERS, ileo. -Seo. ;
Wins. J. A. MUNeneHTON, Treas.
Bev. Mr. Griffin made a feeling and ap.
propriate reply in expreesing thanks for
the kind words contained in the address
and the splendid gift. Ho end Mrs.
Griffin would long remember Brussels.
evening of Thanksgiving Day a eooia
gathering was held in the Methodiet
thumb school room, at white.) a. most ex.
nellent program was provided as follows :
Opening exeroises solo, "The Tempest,'
N. B .Gerry; Ohairrnan'e address, 13.
Gerry ; anthem by the choir ; address,
"The origin and history of Thenkegiv-
ing," Bev, S, J. Allin ; solo, "The world
is moving on," by Mies Maggie Beattie
with thorns by choir ; reading, "Mrs.
Prim's curiosity," Mise Minnie Moore ;
quartette, "The wolf is on the hill," Mis.
sea Lottie 111)1 and E. E, Kerr and Rev.
S. J. Allis and 11, L. Jackson ; address,
"How to make Thanksgiving," Rev. W.
Norton ; solo, "Alone on the midnight
sea," A. Ross ; recitation, "Ezekiel
Brown unburdens himself," Miss Norah
Maunders ;,address, "The why and what
of Thanksgiving," Rev. 11. Paul : solo,
with violin a000mpaniment, "Happy
Days," Mise Lottie Hill ; address, "The
when of Thanksgiving," Rev, W. A.
Smith, S. T. L., Oil City ; duett, "O'er
the hill and o'er the dale," Misses Lizzie
Sample and Minnie Moore ; Doxology.
A better program has not been rendered
for a long time end where everyone did
so well there is no necessity for special-
izing, as both bbe literary and musical
departments were most creditable to those
taking part. Miss Norton rendered efji-
oient service as accompanist. Refresh•
manta were provided with a bountiful
hand at the close of the program. The
proceeds amounted to nearly 917.00.
Business Locals,
DF0 4, L896
1:7.4!•4ttl e)4•L D .134XX Q1' 3xf4. Y r4i ,l)4,,
s.saa r x 0- baa a.e71.
ASSETS, (Bevels Million Dollars) $7,000,000
CAPITAL (4•uthorizod) , $2,000,000
,dgenaies in all principal pointe in Ontario, Qnebeo,Manitoba, United States stE1l9la7td,
A General Banking Business Transacted. Farmers' Notes Disoounbed,
Drafts Issued and Colleotlone made on all points.
Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly.
212EN TO Ti110 0oLL190551ON 055 VAntrsaiie SOU NoTne.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance,
J. A." STEWART Menem,
COLLINS—RAvosxip,•—At the Methodiet
parsonage, Mount Forest, by the
Rev. Dr, Williamson, on Nov. 18th,
Mr. Wesley 81, Collins to Mies Ida
S, Raveill, all of Elma,
Breou •— Het mice. .—On Wednesday,
Deo, 2nd, by Rev, 0, J. Allis, at the
Methodist Parsonage, Brussels, Mr.
Charles Alexander Vlach to Mise
Mary Elizabeth' Heatherly, both of
the ownsbipofElam.
Sons 'wide to order at M. Richardson's.
Oheapest place in town.
WANTED.—A carload of Eowl and Roll
Butter for the Halifax Market. We are
still buying Dried Apples at 8 Dents. G.
E. King. Wingbam.
I Do saw filing very cheap now for
spot cash as I have a new and a fact way
of setting paw's. T. McGregor, saw -filer,
B russets, Queen St. East.
Brawn's Oars, the great cough and
croup oure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twentyfivedoses ; only 25
cents. Children love it. Sold by Jas.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
WE are giving the best value in
harness ever offered in Brussels. Special
attention given to collars. Repairing
promptly and cheaply done. J. Donald -
eon, Dennis' old stand.
KARL'S Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and make your bead clear as
a bell. 25 ate., 60 ate. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Co1nsonsemen brick reeidenoe with every
convenience, furnace, doe for sale or to
rent. Possession given on December 1st.
For further particulars apply to Mrs. R.
Walker, Turnherryatreet, Brussels.
Mee. T. S. &Awiuxs, Chattanooga,
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my Iffe." I consider it the beet remedy
for a debilitaed system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 cls. Sold by Jas. Fox.
BARGAIN Orrenem That eligible half
acre lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die.
posed of below poet. Very easy terms..
Write for particulars to JOHN Heneeneves,.
174 Queen et, West, Toronto.
OoNeULT YOUR Dooxon,-If he advises
Cod Liver Cil we recommend Wompole's
Tasteless Preparation. You can't taste
the nil ; all you taste is wildcherry, and
that's good. What you get is flesh and
etrengtb. Cures coughs, colds and
wastivo diseases. Jes. Fox,
8 m Chemist and Druggist.
READY Foe WINTEit.—A visit to the
large new show rooms in connection with
D. Ewan'e business, Brussels, will con-
vince anybody that he is in first-class
shape t0 suit the public in cutters of the
neatest and most fashionable styles and
finish and at prices to Suit the pocket.
He also has a stook of sleighs on hand
ready for the Winter. Intending pur-
chasers should give him a call and there-
by get well suited end save money at the
same time, Mr. Ewan is there to do
SAUUMLE or LETTERS.—WO are receiving
every day in regard to the marvellous
"urea effected by the use of Wright's
Liver and Stomach Pills :—
Yon are at liberty to use my name in
the endorsement of your valuable pills.
One box taken as directed proved suoh
a perfect oure that I cannot find words to
express my gratitude to you, and will
ever sound the penises of your pills for
liver trouble,
(Signed) E. 0. 13nowx, North Toronto.
Ask Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels,
about them. Sample box sent on re•
oeipt of six cents in stamps.
The LeRoy Pill 0o., Toronto, Can.
Try Don't Headache Powders, safe,
sure, euneesefal, 25 cents a box.
Keenee.—In Elma, on Nov. 22nd, the
wife of Air. James Keating, (nee Miss
Burke), of Silver Creek, Man., of a
blennnedn.—Io Blyth, on Nov. 281d, the
wife of Mr. Thotnae. Marshall of a
H,IY.—In Listowel, on Nov. 20th, the
wife of Mr. John 0. Ray of a eon,
LEevsn,—In East Wawanosh, on Nov.
17th, the wife of Mr. Peter Leaver of
a sou.
Oennwar,—In 'Wingbam, on Nov. 18111,
the wile of Mr, Jos, Carruth 01 a
Mnoasv—Bruns.At the residence of the
bride's father, on Nov. 18th, by Rev,
W, A. Bradley, B. A, Mr. George
Murray, of Elma, to Miss Margaret,
daughter of .51r. Andrew Byers, of
STRUT/MRS.—In Elma, on Friday, Nov.
20th, John Struthers, sr., aged 81
years, 9 months and 12 days.
STuwenT.—In East Wawanosh, 00 Nov.
20th, Geo. S. Stewart, sr., aged 00
Odvint.-1n Morrie, on Deo. 20d, Sarah
Jane, relict of the late Emanuel
0lver, aged 60 years, 5 months and
20 days.
Treaties, Deo. 8th.—Farm stook, im-
plemenbs,,&c. Lot 14, Oon. 8, Grey.
Sale at 1 p. m. Wm. Hall, Prop., F. S.
Scott, Auo.
¢TON. Anply box 101, Brussels P. 0,.
OAN:First mortgage, farm security. Apply
at THE POST. Publishing House, Brussels.
years, for sale. Drives either single
or double. Also dry now in good order. Bar-
gain for cash. G150. COLVIN,
20 2 Brussels South.
price will be paid for 3,000 or 4,000
cords of cord wood, either soft or hard, to be
delivered this Winter at the ENTERPRISE
SALT WORKS, Brussels.
20tf Estate of T. T. COLEMAN.
The uuderssgned offers his comfort-
able cottage and } acre of land on Turnberry
street, Brussels for enle. On the premises is
a good well, stable, fruit twin, &e. Forprioe
aud terms Ala.1.51 ALE$, MOLAtJCBLIN, Proprietor.
horse, Dight years old, suitable for eith-
er road or farm ; also buggy, cutter aud.
equipments. Would exobauge thorn far
young cattle if suitable.
18-tf JNO. ROBB, Brussels.
good size, extra gentle. Sold
with or without harness aud top buggy,
sleigh and robes. All in prime order. Less
than half price. JNO, D. RONALD.
• ..110 of the undersigned, Lot 12, Con. 18,
Grey, on or about the last of October, 1 two -
ye ar-old grey steer. Theowner is requeeted
to prove property, pay espouses and take it
• 204 Walton P. 0.
1 have a large 792 page book on British
Columbia, the land that isfast becoming
famous for its veld. We keep a select assort
meet of books and any not iu stock we can
procure without extra charge, at Publishers
prio es. DEAD MAN &MCOALL,
Druggists, Booksellers & Opticians.
A. runs will be received until Deo. lith,
1800, for the delivery of 70 cords of good
sound green hard wood. Beech and Maple,
all body wood, 24 inches Song, to be delivered
at the Bruseele Public Spinel House before
the 1st day o1 February. 1897.
Secretary Public School Board.
Bross els, Nov.17th, 1808. 10 S
1 an for the purchase of the old wheel
hoose, S. S..No. 0, Grey, minus the porch.
The purabaser to remove all debris, stones
and all pertaining to the building andfound-
ation. Tenders will be opened on Saturday,
December 12131,1820, at 1 p. M. The highest
or any tender not necessarily: accepted. Six
months credit given on furnishing approved
joint note. ALEX. STEWART,
20.2 Oranbrook P.O.
11pun800850 nue several good Farms for
solo and to rout, easy berme, in Townships
of Morrie and Grey, F 0. 1100T22.13raaoele.
�1ARMS FOR SALE. — 200
1. sores_consisting of Lobs 18 on Mae 7(311.
and 8th Ooneeesious, Township of Grey, be.
incl mile from the Village of Etbol and 08
males iron; Bruesele, 40 acres of Fall wheat'
sown and about 80 acres under grana ; 00
acrescleared on. eaob. -Penne of payment
easy. A, AicrfELVEY, M, D„
24- Bruesele.
Consisting of the Routh 5 and -South 5
of the North 4 of Lot 82, Con- 2, East Wawa -
neigh. Thte 3s an excellent stook farm, being
well supplied with good spring water. It is
situated about 8 111i1ee from the thriving Vil-
lage cf 8319tH. A large part of it is under.
grass, 'Buildings and tenon aro in a fair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment
be given. For all information apply to
11-11 G. P. B LAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
L') mat excellent farm, .Lab 15, O011. 9,
Township of Grey, 100 nares,must be sold at
once in order to oloee estate of deceased own -
or, The lot is nearly all cleared, with good
buildings, ample water supply, large or-
chard, 1(3 =ilea from Cranbrook, is under
good cultivation and is a vory desirable pro-
perty indeed, Apply to RICHARD MIT-
CHELL, Brussels P. 0. • JOBN MITCFELL.
on the promisee' or A.li0i4TER,.Bruseels.'
Dated Sept,. 12213, 1890.
Mr, Time. Brown has received instructions
from Mr, Andrew Goven]ock, at Winthrop,
Lot 20, Con. 7, McEiillop, to sell by online auc-
tion on Townley December 15[L, 1886, at
12 o'olook. sharp, the following valuable pro-
pertyviz,:—Horses-2 teams working. horses;
1 driving mare rising. 5 years ; 1 driving dolt
rising it years ; 2 driving °alta rising 2 years;
1 Spring colt sired by'Barbwire' ; 1 well bred
driving ware;. also several aged worsting
horses. Oattl0-5 00ws supposed to be in
calf ; 4 goers 2 years old,; 1 tat 009701 thorn'
bred Durham bull. Pigs -1 there' bred Berk-
shire boor ; 4sow.einpig; 8 p+go N months
old; 12 pigs 5 weeks old. implomeuts-1
mower ; 1 nod drill and a lot of otbot' farm-
ing. implements ; several wagou0, buggies,
e leighs, eta, Lumber—Aiarne quantity suit-
able for building, fencing and ditobing pur-
poses, Farming Lands—East 70 sores, Lot
28, Oon, 8, MolOiloppNartb half of West half
Lot 28, Oen. 7 aMaltillop ; West half of Lot
20, Con. 7, Maftlllop ; Lot 27, 000.7, Mal1il-
lop ; North half Lot 80 Con. 0, Meltillop ;
Dots 17, 18 & 15, Con, 18, Grey, Terms—All
Burne of 510,00 and tinder cash • over that
amount. 10 mouths orodit will ho given on
furnishing approved jointnotes bearing in-
termit at 6 per wet, per annum, Farm !land
forms aud eo0tlition0 make ku0wn on day of
Tifoo, Dimmer, A. GOVENLOOIC.,
Auctioneer. 1 lOprl otor,
11..l —1110 nooil of gond farm land at
Springfield, 8.miles from Wlnuipeg, ie offer-
ed for sale at aloes prima. The preperty ie
North least ;i Soo, 10, Twp. 11, Range' 4, Estet.
Tke'e-a a house on the premien and. Some
breaking done, Per full partloulars an to
Price, tl215, &0„ write or apply to
0, F, BLAIR or. W.11, HERR,
20-bf Brussels, Ont.
the Township of Grey. In order to
close an estate the West half of Lot 21, Con.
7, Township of Grey, 50 three, is offered for
immediate sale. On the promisee are a good
frame dwelling with. kitchen, &0„ also two
frame barns, good water, orchard, &c., and is
close to the Village of Ethel. Soil is of the
best rind farm is well fenced. Apply (3
ALEX. aloXELVEY, 1f. D., Brussels
MOIIELVEY, Jamestowu ; or A. HUNTER,
OThe eligible 200 wore farm, composed of
lots 10 and 17 in the 10th con„ Grey township,
Huron Co., and 50 acres, part of lots 10 and
17, llth con_ belonging to the Robert 13rown
estate, is offered fur sale to wind up estate,
On the first farm is agood stone house and
large bank barn, necessary outbuildings, or-
ohard, &o. Farm well watered, wen fenced
and in good state of - cultivation. About 50
aeras of bush, 42 of which Is hardwood. On
the 50 acre farm there is a houseand barn,
orobard, and about 8 acres of bush. Farms
sold jointly or separately to Suit :purchaser.
Possession given In the Pall. Farms aro on-
ly a mile from the village of Oranbrook,
where are aoheol, churches, post -office,
stores, &0„ and s2 miles to the thriving mar-
ket town Brussels. For further particulars
as to price, term e, &e„ apply to
JAMES B33O WN, 5 Executors.
Oranbrook P.O.
Undersigned will keep for service 011
Lot 20, Cnn, 0, Morrie, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from 1. 10. Brothour'e sweepstakes sow
at Chicago Fair. Terms, $1.00 to bo paid
at the time of service with privilege of re-
turning if necessary. Pedigree may bo seen
on application.
WE 1I4VB 151 5T001i;—
Syxup of White fine and Tar;
Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry,
Ayers' Cherry Peetorsl,
Hagyard's Pootosal Baleen),
Shiloh's Consumption Ours,
Bosoliee'e German Syrup,.
I{iokapoo Cough Cure,
Allen's Lung Balsam,
Four T's Couelr Syrap,
Komp's Return,
Scott's Emulsion,
D. ec L. Emutei00,
Wampolo's Cod Liver 0i1,
Syrup of Turpsntjue,
Biokle's Syrup,
Wine of Ood Liver Oil, ✓'
Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine,
Bryan's Wafers,
Spencer's Ohloraufine Peetillee,
Frog in Your Throat,
'Dr, Woods' Norway Pine Syrup,
Dr, Slocum's Ood Liver Oil,
Psyohins for Consumption,
Honey and Hoarhound Cough Drops,
Pisani Conscmption Cure,
Brown's Bronohial Teethes,
Baler= of Life.
But here's something we also !seep, more
pleasant to take—
undersigned will keep for cervico on
Lot 85, Con. 0,1afor'ris, t0:e tboto'-brodLargo
English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John."
His mother is a full sister to the lst prize
05w et the World's Fair, Pedigreewill be
produced on application. Terme-$1.00 to
be paid at time of cervico with privilege of
rstm'ning,if nocessary,
14.Om JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor,
We have 8 different kinds of them—Arch
Orokinole—the very latest,
Fox's Brug More.
• Solicitor and Conveyancer.. Collec-
tions made. Ofdce—Vaustoao's Block, Brus-
sels. 21-8m
• Solicitor, Conveyancer .NotaryPub-
lic, &o, Oitloo—Vanetone's Blook, 1 - door
north of Central Hotel, Private Pundit to
(Pormerly of Cameron, Holt & „
Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderich,
Out. Office—Hamilton . St„ Opposite Col-
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, &o. (late of. Gamow. &
Proudfoot'e Ofiloe, Goderich.) (Moe over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
tJl Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
ed ou reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stook a enecialty. Orders left at Mas POST
Pobit ehingliou se ,Br'u seals, or sent to Walton
P. O., will receive prompt attention.
.L' • nun, 1113 sell for bettor prions, to
better men, in an time and lose charges
then any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. .Dates and
orders can always be arranged at this aloe
or by personal application.
Who has had 25 years experience as an
Auctioneer, but who bad to quit owing to ill
health, has again taken out license and is
prepared to oonduat sales at reasonable
terms, Sat,sfaatiou cuarantsed. Datesmay
be arranged at 'THE Pon Publishing House.
18.11 Auction ear.
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Lioentiate Royal Ooilege Dental Surgeons.
Crown and Bridge work a speoiulty. Moder-
ato Pees. Satisfaction Assured. 0111th over
Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus-
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 27, Con. 4, Morris, the there' bred Tam-
worth boar,"Bing George;' purchased from
H. George &Sons who got first .prize for
their herd at Guelph Fat ,Stools Show. The
dam of "Sing George" won -fret prize at the
Sbow, London England. His sire was int•
ported and weighed 750 Ibe. Terme 51.00 to
be paid at time of keryloe with privilege of
returning it necessary. Pedigree may be
seen on applieatinn.
40•1f Proprietor.
Ancient Order of United Workman,
This old and prosperous Fraternal Associ-
ation numbering 850,000 members ole pro
scatting to tbopublio their popular and.eeon-
omioal rates to worthy men, at the very low
rate of about 08.00 per 51,012 per aunt np,
The "Workmen" Promptly Pay Death
Claims and expect a large increase to its
members now that those American Line
Companies don't nom satisfactory to Can-
Reooreer; S. A. 0RE1G1iTON,Finadoler.
S. On0. M.,.UR. O.P., Edinburgfth,M. C. P,
t. lteoidenoo and oilloo In Wilson's
Block, corner of Mill and Turnberry Sbe,
111. ARMSTRONG,11I. D.
GradPhysician, Surgeon, eeouobor, etc,
uate of Toronto UaivereitMedical
Faualty. Member of College of Physicians
004 Burgeouo, Out, Cnemis—Next door to
McDonald & Co„ Walton Out.
Pn18m1AN, SURGEON AND ACeotie 11Uit,
tat Olen Honor Graduate of -tho Calves)•
ties of Trinity (Toronto),. Queen's (Bengston)
and of Trinity Medical College; Fellow oI
Trinity Medical Oolleuo and member of the
College of Pbyssolane and Surgeons of Outer -
lo. 1• eat Graduate Course in Detroit and
01310ago 1896, Special attention paid 10 die -
wine of Eye, Ttar, Nose and Throat, and die•
eases of Women, l.'Oopeultation hi Mug-
I lea and Gormau.,
3J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, ie prepared to trout alt •
diseases of domesticated animals in a com-
• veterinary dentistryyannor.r. oular Calle promptlypaiata
tended to. eines au Infirmary—Pour doors
north of bridge 'l'nrnbsrry 0t., Brussels.
• Ieaurer of Marriage Liconeos, Mos
abide Grocery, Turnborry street, Bruseele.
• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
with of A. M, Moltay & 00'shardware store.
Ladieleandohildrensltair gutting a spootalby
Savings .Bank takes Deposits from
51,00 to .51,000 end allows 8 per cent.
interest. T. FARROW,
87.8m Postmaster.
Issues of Marriage. Licenses,
Operon AT JEwoLnl Benne.
31'No Witness Required.
T. FLETOHa7R, Brussels.
.L1 `Olork of the 11'ohrtl Division Cour
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public
Land. Loan and Insurenee Agent.. Puede
incased anis to 10an. Oollnotlone made
Oflloe ht Graham's Sleek, Brussnle
Will give lessons tol uplIO either o"
piano or organ, at his Music Room, opposite
the poet•000, Brueoole. Voogd lessons also
given. bon }mare exparienee in teaching,
Terms modbruta,