HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-12-4, Page 7• DEc. 4, 1$1116 TUE BBU$8B iS 'QS`'., l� NEWS IN A NUT8HEl. TiHE VERY LATEST FROM ALL TME WORLD OVER, iNsneefing Items About Our Own G'ountrY, Orcet Britain, the Ualted States, and All Perls of the globe, Coaden4ed• one nssalled for dory Res4ine. CANADA. oity taxes hi arrears to date amount -to moo, A 'biid� departmental store ie talked of in ? Mien. Chatham wiefl sink a civic test well for gas at a oust of $2,000, Mr. O'Brien, Principen of the Herten ' ton Co:4ege of Musio, is dead, I. A. J. Forame has boon appointed a County Judge at Ross:and.. Diphtheria is spreading in Montreal "'and elu portions of Quebec. Province. There is a serious outbreak of diph- theria throughout the Province of Quebec. ]lir. Wm. C, B. Rathlturn . aged 30 died .Friday at Deseronto, Oat. He wee• found dead in bed, Some of the fruit sant to the Queen. by Grimsby fruit -growers was served at her Majesty's table, Kingston eoctors will vote on a by- law to purchase the Midland Central Fair growirds for ,al7,000- A tall brick olr:mmey in McClary's foundry at London fell while being repaired, but no one was hurt, Ottawa University again won the football championship of Canada, de- feating Toronto University, 22 to 8. A shipment of six thousand dollars' worth of carriages is to be made from Ottawa to Bonn Aerica in a few days, John Bottrell was given three years in Kingston at Stratford for stealing a pair of boots. But he has a history. Tames Burnet, the young man ar- rested in Bath, was taken back to Iientuoky to answer a charge of mur- der. Next y is 'meet of the American Canoe Association is fixed for Gelled - stone Island,in the St. Lawrence River. The Court of Revision has reduced assessment of, 'Ottawa by 592,525, makimg the final revision amount. to $21,9611735.; Hamilton Aldermen are discussing the appointment of a purchasing agent to buy supplies for every department of the city. A Hamilton man, who said he was Mr. Kuntz, the !rower, was arrested in Buffalo the other day, for being disor- derly in a saloon. Mr. Greenway is expected in Ottawa sbortly to interview illr•. Laurier with regard to promoting Icelandic immi-. graben to Manitoba. Awn unknown man was run over by a train at London and so badly injured that recognition of the countenance is impossible. The sheriff has been put to charge of Hintonburg, a suburb of Ottawa, for the sum of six thousand dollars, owing to the Molsons Bank. Some 8,000 water services have been cat off en Montreal tor non-pantnent, and the Board of Health tears an ups demi° in''canseguenee. An inmate of the Leeds and Gren- ville Counties jail at Brockville named Spellman attempted to set tire to the building, but the attempt was fres traicd by the officials. Prank NlcLaughltn, St. Catharines, was knocked aown by a runaway horse, winch fell on him. The young man died in a few hours. Mr. Alex. Bell, Manager of the Scot- tish -Canadian Loan and rnvestment Company, of Montreal, has disappear- ed, leaving a number of ul.unts out of pocket. Letters have Leon received in Mon- treal tram a number of those who lett some months ago to settle in Bra- all, The Canadians there are stetter Ing great hardships: Commander Spain, of • the Canadian fishery protection Meet, has returned to Ottawa.' Ire reports that the stories. of destitution in. Labrador are fully borne out by what he saw. Mrs. Martin, an old, lady of 72 years, of. Hamilton, wandered away from home and was found uear the bay half burled le=nd. She was out all night and died from exposure. Ald. Scroggie was appointed City Treasurer utGue phi a nuthee Comma passed a strong resolution in Layer of more adequate punishment of the late defaulting Treasurer Harvey. Mr, Fisher, the Dominion Minister of Agriculture, will start tor Washington in a few daysto secure from the Amer- ican authorities the removal of . the aninety ,days' quarantine regulations. •nares f late wife of J'. The , is ° the e Remnant llooper, tor whose murder be is suffering lite imprisonment, have pe- titioned for his release, being convinced that he did not murder their daugh- ter. By the accidental eemloslon of 150 pounds of dynamite at ttound Hill nine, British Columbia, Charles Ber- ger and Chris Miller were blown to atoms and the urine was badly dam- aged. The Montreal Ladies' Benevolent So- ciety, has ..received ananonymous gift of $10,000, the annual income therefrom to be used for the maintenance of the inmates of the ladies' benevolent .insti- • , tut ion. While ie Nova Scotia, Dr. Borden visited Fort Anne, one of theyldest sta- tions in the Dominion.. It is in an ex- treraely dilapidated condition and the Minister is Inclined to do all be can "towards having it repaired. The Government proposes to arrange for an extensive sevens of reeriger , ator cars weekly on railways for the carriage ofperishable food products in Great Britain. Plans for the cars are now being considered. Sir Richard Cartwright Issued yes- terday his first quarterly report as Minister. of Trade and Commerce. The ,! leading Canadian exports to Great Britain during the past nine months Shaw a considerable increase over the corresponding period of last year, GREAT BRITAIN. The personal estate of the late Geo.' DuMamier amounted . to 'ta47,000. The Eamilton . district fruit -growers' present to the Queen bas arrived in. London. Harding has incepted Barry's ebal- lenge to. rpw for the championship of ingltuid. nr ich Cattle Show the At the N tv Sh t Prince of Wales and the Deice of Fork captured prizes. The death is announced of Sir. 'Ed- ' round Hornby, who was an expert in- ternational lawyer. r.. Ar. Nansen has received tiff thous - an .Jars from a fifty d dol m firm of Tfongon gob - When far his coaling bock. Admiral Sir George RicharNOB.,conservator of the Mersey, 1s derail, He was seventy-eix yenta of ago. tat week a meter -car, ruuaiing be- tween London and Brighton, attained the speed of thirty melee an hour, A telephoneen been placed in a Lone dog Pulpit, that the serenone eif Canon Platonic{ may be beer(' by invalid poi'- Milkmen. Mr, Barney Itarnato, the South Af- rican dfamend mi4lionaire, denies any intention of sending agents to the British Columbia gold field. It ¢sane out on the London Stook Ease ehawng8e last week that a atmimission of fieteee hundred pounds had been paid for seeuring an Earl as a come peiny director, P, Sir Henry Keppel, 87 years of age, i$ now the sensor admiral in the Bri- tish navy list, but Sir Alexander Mil- rel who is 90 and who entered the navy eighty years ago, is the oldest and the one who leas served ledges:, The British. National Union of Con- servative Association ,.has adopted re- solutions favoring a commercial feder- ation between. Great Britain and her colonies, the restriction of the Immi- gration of pauper aliens andthe erec- tion of a national reserve of bread - stuffs. . The British steamer Benin has ar- rived at Liverpool from, the west coast of Africa and reports that she was not' allowed by the Liberian authorities to communicate with Cape Palmas, , els the Benin approo,ohed that place she wasfired upon bee theGoronamah, the sae vessel comprising the navy of Li- beria, UNITED STATES. George W. G, Ferris, inventor and builder oe .the Perris wheel, died at Pittsburg of typhoid fever. At Torrington, Conp., a youth, after being accidentally shot through .the heart, ran home a distance of heel a 01110, The trolley cars of two lines operated by the Buffalo Railway. Company are now propelled by electric power from the Falls. It is claimed in Chicago that a veg- etable powder has been discovered which mixed with water, develops a very high electrical power. The citizen¢ of Lawrence, Mass., have decided to ask the next Legislature to pass a bull makimgg the playing of foot - 11 a misdemeanor. A Buffalo mam has invented a ma- chine to do the work of mon: tiers. It is reported to have demonstrated won- derful results at a public test. President and Mrs. Cleveland enter- tained at luncheon on Wednesday Dr, John Watson, known in the literary world as 'Ian Maclaren," and Mrs. Watson. Edward W. Curry, of Des ¢loins Iowa, died on Wednesday of blood the result of injuries he re- ceived at bis initiation into the Elks' Lodge a few weeks ago. Judgia jurist, is dying ac Parker, Tort hSccott, Ark He ell known has probably passed the death sentence on more men than any other judge in the United States, In his last Thanksgiving day procla- mation President Cleveland mentioned the named of Christ, and for this de - mixture from precedent Rabbi Macho', of Cleveland, Ohio, is taking bim to task. St. Stainislaus Parish in Bay City, Mich., which has for two years been the scene of trouble over the deposition of its favori%e priest, was the battle- ground for seven hours of two factions the other day. When troeb:e ceased one podceman and about twelve of the church members had been injured, but none seriously. GENERAL. 15Lrs, Scott Siddons, the actress, died in Paris. Noel 'Parfait, the French politician) and author is dead. Twenty-five persons 'were kinecl in a mine explosion in Westphalia. The next sessiun of the Pan -Americ- om 'Medical Club will be tele at Car- cas, Venezuela. it is stated in .Berlin that Prince Bis- marck lids decided to continue his news- paper disclosures. It is estimated that seventy-two mil- lions of :people will be affected by the famine in India. Placards have been posted in Canna inciting the Mnssu:mans toa holy war agaimat the Cbristians. It e Madrid to has been d c sedt a send ten 1hous,'ind troops to the Phi. ipptne Islands at once. The Spanish Government loan of two hundred and fifty minion pesetas hae been greatly over -subscribed. Cardinal Vaughan gave an empha- tF'e denial to a report published in London that file Pope was dying. The famous mediae presented by , Charles I. to Bishop J uxoon the sca fold was sold last.week for seven -hun- dred and seventy pounds. The.Metropotitan and all of the lead- ing nee spaptus at Moscow lwve open- ed subscription lists for the relief of the famine sufferers in India.' A. great deaf of excitement has been aroused ID West .African circles by a mysterious expedition which is beings arranged by the Royal Niger Company, Cuban advioos say that a Canadian eras murdered et Oienfuegos, Province of Santa Clara, at the end of Ootober. The man's name is said to be Dal- brigeon. ,'Dervishes hove raided the country in the ye:lnity al Tokar, inning five men and looting a number of cattle. Troops have been :clespatched In pursuit of the raiders. Mexicana tobacco promises to take the mace et Havana tobacco in the mark- ets of the worv:l, and already great tracts of country are being operated as tobacco plantations. The Pelee Island Oil & Gas Co. has just finished sinking the fourth well It is resorted that a large vein of oil was stsuek, it being the best yet found.. By a clever ruse a man disguised as a postman on Tuesday secured a bags of registered letters, of the value of forty; two thousand francs, from a mai - cart in Paris, and decamped, The Regent and the, Queen- of Hon lend will spend the winter in Italy, where Queen Wi thalea na will be be- trothed to an Italian captain of royal blood who la a won the Queen's effete c News has been received ;by the steam- or Almeda, from Sydney, of the line- men of os-saore'of a party of gold bunters, tom - posed - of six wieltes and .five natives, by the casinsbals of the Soloman le - lands, Prof. Itoob, 30110 is on his way to Cape Town, intends to, study, not only the de t a h rm bat so the 'f e rp�s , n l h da f ren local forms oP leprosy, in whieb has been taking greet Internet to some years. Preach and Bell lan capiti¢tlists are t conetruat large alkali werge near to Moldy discovered rook suit deposits Pima, in Central Asia, There is good owe at Bevil-takennear by. The Pit ie of very fine el'uality, with n admixture of other chemicals, t SOUTH SEA SHARK FISHING. or A Ifespeesle mid 4) s agerelis gulling Waal,niece eine) novena 0 at+ CRINAT,OWN'S CHINESE POLICE. Measured by its cost la human life, ebarie's fin ie the iii'gheat priced deli- nee in the world, Sc great is the dee mond for it among the weld -to-do Chin- e ese, both at horny and wherever they be throughout the World, that every year, down among the equatorial atolls of the Paoffie, thousands of men risk and lose their lives in hunting the "tiger of the sea," .livery Utile while the Australian papers briefly note the arrival of some island trading vessel with a cargo of so many tans of bark fins. Theee, dried, and strung together,: have been picked up among a liuddred nameless tropic islands that dot the. South Pa. eifio, and are consigned from Melbourne or Sydney to the great ports of ChIna,, It is especially among •the islands where nature has been less lavish in her supply of food for the people that shark fishing has become the great, the only industry. The sun -baked denizens of the Gilbert and Marshall graups and the countless coral islets of the western Carelines have need to explore the ocean day and night in order to live, for there such delacacies as the mealy yam and the toothsome baked bread fruit and the sucking pig are unknown, There is nothing to eat on such islands as these but cocoanut and fish, with occasionally some such vegetable as the puiaka,.a coarse-grained ,plant which - grows as thick as an elephant's leg. re But any time, day or night, the sea 5 ,swarms there, like' no other waters of the earth, with isbarks. After the swift tropic sunset has plunged the world in darkness one may go'out in a canoe anywhere in one of the lagoons, and, lighting a torch of dried cocoanut n- leaves, look downward over the boat's side and see came hurrying upliteially HUNDREDS OF SHARKS,a11,ately judging hungry, from their actions, deeper - A Queer Sysleni or Espionage in the Orien. 101 Quarter or Bao ENneeiseo, One of the peculiar features of the Internet administration et affairs in the Chinese quarter of San Promisee was developed during the recent agitation over the feteeeted 'aid of highlanders, It was nothing more or less than a body of reSu:arty organized police, Who pa- trol the Cliinese quarter and report re- gularly. to the bead men of the com- panies and Consu General the doings of their countrymen. Some three years ago when the high - binders broke out in 0110 of their reads, the merchants of the Chinese quarter de- terminod to obtain protection from these 'lawless gentry, and as a result the Mer- chants' Law and Order League was or- ganized. It is purely Chinese in .its organization and regime; and the men who compose it are respected, among the Chinese, as much as any of their other affiotels. The life of a Chinese policeman, even• when "constabulary duty's to be done," is an easy one. They do not wear um• forms, have no regular' ' beats, but ar there and everywhere. Matter in the Chinese quarter are eonduated in a manner different from those of other portions of the city. It is as :much an in it empire withself as any part of the Celestial empire. In consequence the Chinese pollee are a feature as inclige. sus to the district as the LOTTERY 011 OPIUM DEN. Each of the Six Companies, into which the Chinese Colony is divided, contrib- utes one or more of these police officers The number to which mole is entitled is regulatedby the membership er taniiees holding allegiance to that com- pany. In most cases only one man has been appointed from each, and the total number is now seven, and the same as at the time of the organization. A scary, of $30 a month es paid, and the place is considered a sinecure: One of the peenoipal duties of these Chinese ponce is to keep track of the worst highbinders. When one of the let- ter begins to get offensive and declares himself the dose Chinese police keep a los watch upon him, and when the orders come from headquarters that the high- binders has gone fax enough, one of the regu: ar police is notified. or a warrant Is swonn out, the highbinder thrown in jai., and testimony is forthcoming to convert him of almost any crime. While no uniform is worn by these guardians of the Chinese police, under the lapel of the blouse each man wears a badge on which are the initials of the league and the man's number. Whenever an occasion arises for ,the Chinese policemen to render assistance to or require the aid of a regular of- ficer the badge is proudly displayecl,for these men take no risks that are likely to imperil the regularity of their pay- day. This is emphasised by the fact that the original seven numbers of the league are growing fat and old inthe service of their masters. In reality the men are not police nor do they perform police duties, They merely maintain AN ESPIONAGE over their countrymen. When they first became active agents�in the Chin- ese quarter Chief of Police Crowley was informed of their objects and told of the advantages that would accrue to the. department through their services. They were consequently provided with a sort of card of identification or credentials that they might make themselves known wherever mansion demanded. The blue -coated .guardians of the police do not regard. their Chinese bre- thren with a great deal of. favor. One veteran officer, who has seen servioe to Chinatown says they are as bad. a' mast as the highbinders themselves, and ere neither ornamental nor useful. 1n-. stead of aiding the force, this officer maintains that tbey hinder justice. Once a week the Chinese po.icg report to the Consu. -C, n ie e rel. IL is said to dbe an interesting sight to see them going to the big brick diveting on Stockton street, where the Consul -General lives, to make their reports. With their pons c.ean shaven, queues newly braided,and nearing their best blouses, the: enter the portals and with many a salaam and koiv tow, give an account of their work of preceding week Then with h morea •a in s t p gand mare Lows, a cup of tea and sometimes something stronger, they depart to resume thein labor. THE THAN''IiSGIVING TABLE. The table should be spread with snowy napery, the glass and silver pol- ished in the last degree of cleanliness and brilliancy, and every detail perfect before. any edibles are served. If there are girls or boys in rhe house, get them to cut brandies of red and gold leaves, if sunt a thbig stilt exists. Chrysan- themums are usually beautiful and in- expensive at ibis time of year, and a law bowl of them in yellow in the cen- ter of the table Is very effective. And everything must be hot, piping bot,and served in a dignified manner -not bang- ed on in the fashion which certain country maids think adds to the friend- ly feeling of a family dinner. It is said that if Noah's ark bad had to be bulli by a cotepny they would not have laid the keel yet l and it may be so. What Is many mens business is nobody's business. The greatest things are accomplished • by individual men. -- Spurgeon. . Sold by G. A. Deadman. When a real New York boy wishes to say that a man is extremely ex- travagant, ho expresses himself this way: " He ems' money to burn,- and car- ries 'matches. Relief in Six Rours: Distressing Kiri- nay and Badder Diseases relieved in six hours by the "South American Mel- ees, Cure." Tbss new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promgtress 1n relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys, back and every ppart of the ruinary passage in mine or famole. It relieves retention of water dna pain in pawing it almost 'beamed ketoly, If ,you want quick relief and Mite this is your remelly. Sold by G, A. Deadman: It is at dawn, however, that the shark. fishers prefer to begin their work. They are naked save for a girdle of grass' about their loins, and the canoes in which they ply their dangerous trade are mere shalis of small strips of wood sewn together ;with cocoanut cinnet. Not one of the pieces are more than two feet in length, and they are pieced together with marvellous skill and patience, for wood is a scarce commo- dity in these islands. Twenty canoes generally go out at the same time, hitt hey do not Ventura far, for few feet from shore the water is fifty and in some places ninety fathoms deep. 11 a jaded sportsman wants excite- ment, he should go shark fishingin these lonesome waters. Dee .tacke is teethe rudest sort -a huge wooden hook, cunningly trained when it was a young tree root to grow into the proper shape. Attached to it is a strong cocoanut - fibre rope about 240 feet in length. A piece of flying fish or shark caught the previous day is deftly tied about the hook, and it sinks heavily into the water. A moment later and the line tautens -the shark is there. The steersman strikes his paddle into the water to bring the canoe's head round the man heeding the line gives it a sudden jerk that nearly upsets the lit- tle craft, and a third native handles a short iron -wood club expectantly. Then comes theplayin•g of the desper- ate game which is death for the men to lose. Sometimes the shark makes a desperate effort to get away into the bine gloom a hundred fathoms down, and foot by foot, with anxious faces, the men watch the cohhed.line spin out. A sudden jerk may oftimes change the shark's course before it is too late, and. bring bite to the surface, and then he is bauled clone to the boat before he leis a chance for another dive. If alt goes well the club man seizes his chance and gives the lenge fish A STUNNING BLOW on the head. If the shark's tall comes within xeaoh of the steersman's arm, he stands ready with a heavy -backed, keen knife to send in a stashing blow which shall put that end of the =ras- ter out of the game. Sometimes a young fish will have his tall snipnad off be this way before lie knows he has lost it. White this is gaofn on with one canoe, tho others ora probably similarlyen- gaged, and it isere that mostlives are lost, for with a score of boats, each being dragged about by angry sharks, there are sure to be plenty of tangled tines and collisions and capsizes. Once in the water a man has no time for the briefest of pilayers to his savage gods, for in a second adozen sharpfins come hissing toward him, there is a snapping of giant jaws, and of the fisherman the only trace is a mass of bloody foam. But if all goes well the shark is kill- ed and towed. ashore and despoiled of leis fins and hide. The skins alone are said to the white man for civilized use. These are bought almost entirely by German traders. It is said that some method of tanning this most intractable of hides has been discovered in Ger- many, but the shark merchants of the Pacific treat this with the same incred- ulity as they do the rumor that the Emperor of Germany has discovered how to cross -breed sharks so a tooth- less and ainie Ile variety will replace the present breed. The trader pays for shark's fins in tobacco, guns, ammunition, and some- times in gin. A11 the Gilbert Island- ers are export shark fishermen, but the natives of FanopBe, Ocean Island, aro at -the head of thatprofession. This is but a tiny spot, fifty miles south of the Equator, and 300 west of the Gin` busts, which .rises abruptly 300 feet above the sea, The natives are a fierce and turbulent race of Malaya -Poly- uesians. Not so very long ago they were, like the sharks they caught, eat- ers of mon, and itis said that oven new they will mak away with a white trad- er if he ventures among them for bar- ter unguarded. TEA DRINKING IN IRELAND. Exeeseive tea drinking is assigned as the chief cause of the high rate of in- sanity in Donegal',, and the theory Svoufr1 seem to be strengthened by the feat that; there are three femaae luna- tics to one man. TCG HIT IT Mrs. Binkins (starting a letter) - Now, what day is this? • Bitikins (from behind bis paper) euesdayr Mrs U -I didn't ask what day of the week, What day of the month is it? Ohl here's a calendar, It's the 2nd. Mr. B. -Yea. Two's dny ten Prom the lllaelehie, both served en a For desssrteeratllere"are leas, Peeservest Preps, etahorately prepared starmeladee• nute and raisins, Ann a great variety of rich; fancily treated and jellied cakes- ee small size, called ',estates. Homeepree pared extract of coffee. is poured into the ean of each person at the table to. Huish ehe meal, and the two or three spoonfuls of this syrup -thick and lye- strong composition are plentifully- drowned rwvith hot milk, making e eels of eoffeo of such delicate aroma and de. lleieus taste that its memory will lin- ger long g en one of the best things in It is said that during the Met 33 years the Prince of Wales has pont $5,000;• 000,000. And Yet they say be Is rest- less and unsatisfied. 10 eta, Cures Constipation and Liver. IIls,- Dr. Agnsw's Liver Pula are the most perfect made, andpoure like magic, Sick nese, and geetion none alai Liver Ills.o 10 cents a vial --40 doses, Sold by G. A. Deadman. Skates made of gold are popular in St. Petersburg. One lady had the blades of her skates enriched with diamonds. Skates set with pearls and precious stones have also been in fashion. • Heart Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes. -Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief in all cases of Or- ganic or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Pal- pitation, Shortness of Breath, Smother- ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of a Diseased Heart, One dose convinces. Bold by. t:. A.Detcdman. Spain has more sunshine than any other' country in Europe. The yearly average in Spam is 3,000 hours; that of Italy, 2,300; Germany, 1,700; England, 1,- 400, r—, Pies Cured in 3 to 0 Nights. -Dr. A.gnew's Ointment will cure all cases of Itching Piles in from 3 to 6 nights. One application .brings comfort. For Band and Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also cures Tetter, Salt I beum, Eczema, Barber's Itch, and all eruptions of the skin. 35 eta. Sold be .;. A. Deadman. ures Prove the meat et Reed's Sareaparliie-Pasi.1 tive,.perfect,poae pentCures, Cures of Scrofula In severest forms, Sale Minna with intense Jtelting and Mira soalctheed,bOILb, pimples, ere. Cures of Dyspepsia, Itliemnan003, eaterrh, by tonidgarid malting Agit, red blood, Cures AZNervwtsneSeen0TilatTired Fooling, 3Yteetl ig ne5038,=eagles and tissues on pure blood, For book of cures by Sarsaparilla lend address to 9)1. Rood d Co., Lowell, Mase. Hood's. Pills pws 31131em esttioa`x:. g FOR 2WENinten3EX TEAM. DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK"S BEST FRIEND LARGE6T SALE ih CANADA. First Wlieeatman (a beginner)-., Strange how a feillow will run into things when he first begins to ride. Second Wbee'hnan-Yes, Iran into debt to get my wheel. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. -South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheu- matism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and, the disease immediately disappears. The first Close greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by Q. A. Itaaerman. LIKE THEE e' 4qP as-sieseenna44 NGu P�\a,,, Na oRrt INE N•RYOn aES , F " (\i k>aF re 6 INSOMNIA 6,�rnr(1imrit ", l ri G oro1 coR E I .1101 Stro POINTS THE WAY TaPERFECT ��E�LTH South American Nervine. The Great health Restorer of the Century. Sickness Cannot Cape With It. Has Cured the Worst Cases on Ree- ord. Cares nt the Nerve Centres and Thus Cures Permanently. A Wonderful Specific in .All Cases of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Siek Headache, Nervousness and General Debility. Has leo Equal as a Spring Mfedicine, There is a great deal of uucertaility in the =elands adopted to remove dis- ease. Doctors are not free from this kind of thing themselves. The poor pa- tient has to lint nn with a good deal of experimenting. The iliscoverer,of South American Nervine takes too serious a view of life to play pranks of this kind. I3e dors not think that these hnmau bodies of ours should be fooled with. Ile has recognized that they are subject to disease, bit, by senate -le methods, he has learned that just aa the watch is to be put in perfect. repair only when the mnIn-.Bring is Kepi in running order, so with the individual, he rema135 iu per- fect health only when the nerve centres are kept healthful and .strong. What clisi ase is more distressing than indigestion or clyspoptdia? Some simple remedy mat be xivell to cause relief for the moment, Nervine is an indisputably successful remedy rot the worst cases of indigestion, becauee It ranches the source of all stomach troubles --the nerve cen- tres. Indigestion exists because the vital forces have beeorne diseased and plenr0teweekened.ly. Nervine builds np the nerve centres, from which come those forces, removes the causes of indiges- tion, and then builds up the health com- How many systems are ran down through nervousness. A stimulant may give ease, but it will not cure nervous troubles. Nervhie has cured more des- perate cases of nervousness than any other medicine anywhere. And it does so for the seine reason that it cures in- digestion. The nerve centres are de- ranged, or there would be no victims of nervousness. Nervine rebuilds and strengthenshind. the nerve tissues, and hence its marvellous powers in diseases of this In the erring of the year the drone.- est trone.est suffer from general debility. The blood. through neglect, hes become im povorislied, and the whole system gets out of order. We speak of it as a spring medicine. Merino restores the exhausted vital forces that have led to this tired, don't -care, played -out, miser. able condition. No one can take a, bot- tle of Nervine at this season of the year without disease quickly giving way 1.0 abounding health. The moral is plain, simple and readily understood. If you would not trifle with disease, then yon will take South Artier - teen Nervine, which will tat trifle. With you. DE all 11'4%16 '9,1e Kull Retail Agent forJr.lnolo. ;,.:1