The Brussels Post, 1896-12-4, Page 6't guru o Apt a•• --•-1a 0VPLXs0080-'-'^^ Rtir4B7 FRIDAY MORNING t orb o mane/ at fin e early ai 0^sTite VOW' Storm! Publishing iiouso, TGRNDUltifz S'r., 1311413e144, ORT, Tonne 0r 8UBsonxrTxax...-Qne dollar a your, in advance, Tha,dat5 to whioh every subscription la paid Js denobed by the date on the address label. ADYAnauerne RAz3e.—The following rata Will bo charged to those who adi'er0iec by the years arson 1 1Vt. I e mo. I ISKto One Qclamn . .000.00 $80,00 $3300 Ralf ' ...... 85.00 20.00 1100 Quarter 0 20,00 10.00 8,00 ytgbth 12Aa 8.00 600 331000 coats per line for drat insertlou, and throe cents pot lino for gaol. subsequent in- sertion. All advertiaomonts measured as Nonpareil -12 lines to the inch, Business Dune, eight lines and tinder, $5 per annum. 030ns,o will be inea tett untilp forbid,, and charged accordingly, Iaetructioustoohmage or discontinue an advertisement must be loft at the counting room oIran Dews not later than Tuesday of each wank This is imperative. w. Il. Id;7El;rI%, Editor and Proprietor, zstx:tict geb3s. Goccrie. D. S. Taylor liar purchased Bryce Young's farm on the A concession, Fred, Taylor, who has been making cheese in Algoma daring the past season, has returned borne. A telegram was received from Geo. Donley, of London, stating that bis brother Charles lied died in the Winni• peg hospital. Wm. Stinson, J. Stewart and Abe Strong, all of the 0th con., have each let the contract for a large barn to be ereoted next Summer. Ales, Crawford intends moving to Piotford, Mich., shortly. Mr, Crawford is an old resident of this plane and will be greatly missed. The Gerrie Public Library is now free and no membership fee charged. In order to help defray running expenses the managers Lave issued tickets, which oan be procured far 10.. which entitles the holder to 30 hooka. iFor cilwicb.. J. Donaghy purchased a turkey weigh- ing twenty pounds. R. 0. Brompton left for Roseland, B. C., the some of the famous gold mines. H. Green, of Dunnville, has arrived in town and opened up a barber shop in the Arlington House, When W. Sanders, the miller, was leaving the mill the other evening, he jumped oil the platform in front of the mill and sprained his ankle. The vi11a3e school reports an increased attendance, there being present 61 in the senior department and 59 in the junior department. 11 the attendance increases much more an addition will have to be built to the school. J. Donaghy received the sad intelii. genoe that his brother, R. J. Donaghy, who is living on the homestead in Megan - tie county, Qasbes, has lost by fire a fine barn and stables, with all his bay, straw, grain, implements and ten bead of cattle. The fire was caused by the upsetting of a lantern in the straw while be was doing his chores before daylight. G od a rich. The Bicycle olub rooms have closed for the season. A lady in town says it pays to keep boarders if the boarders pay. Goderieh may have a glove and mitt knittingfaetory if 0 certain amount of capital can be obtained. Mies Grace Wilson, of the Huron Road, graduated from the nurses' Blase of the Toronto General Hospital. Special eerviees are being conducted by Rev, W. Godwin in connection with Victoria at. Methodist ()butch. The Goderiah Organ On. has been awarded the contract for patting in seats in the three senior rooms of the ward schools. At Trinity College aonvooation for con- ferring degrees, Rev. Allan Saeger, son of Police Magistrate Saeger, of this town, received M. A. A. sand fence on the South pier west of the lifeboat house ie now being put up. The repairs on the North pier recently completed under the direction of James Wilkinson were a step in the right direct- ion and if the inspector can get a grant sufficient to level np the 120 feet of tiling over part of the same structure everyone who uses it will be pleased. On Monday of last week Thos. Car- rick was brought before His Honor Judge Masson for election and wishing to be tried without a jury, and pleading guilty, the case was soon disposed of. The Co. Attorney strongly recommended the youthful offender to mercy, and the authorities in Wingbam followed a like course, and it appearing that defendant's companions had escaped heavy punish• me0t, the young ones being fined and the elder turning informer, aid that he bad been in the oommoo jail eadays, he wag sentenced to two days in the County jail, r4et0.loetOs. John McMillan, 4(l. P., le booked to address a couple of Farmers' Institute m88810 5 in Dundas noway on December 7th, Harry Cressweil, son of G. E. Cress• well, of Tackersmith, has returned home from the Western States to spend the Winter. Wm. Burgafd happened with an un- fortunate accident the other day. Ile slipped and fell in front of a horse, whet the animal kiokod, disfiguring his fate badly. Wo notice by the daily press that Jas. L. Killoran, eon of John Killoran, of this town, has been sworn in at Oegeode Hall, Toronto, as a full fledged barrister and solicitor,' The aunial competition in plowing sod by tbo students attending the Ontario Agricultural College was held rsoently, and at whioh there were 21 oolnpetitore, The judges, highly Commended theplow, ing. Badges wore awarded '00 the :first ten, .The winner of,0be second prize was W. J. Elliott, eon of W. Elliott, tdwn Clerk, Seaforth. D. 133 wilsola has been shipping o eggs att the rate of a;ear load a day vo•at weeks, an there se 1 we d tl e e oxo a a tat More go yot, They are all being sent. to t old country. The resldenoee of Sottish and Tien Watson were entered on Monday evoni last snd thoroughly 00.110801000by so un4(] Own person 0l Persons, g, Not1 ing 53100 wascarried of, The Sunday aftt05110010 meetings ha t X, M, C, A. rooms are being well atten ed by young men and the excellent .a dresses that are given ere being high appreoiated and must be produetive great good, Jas. Beattie has aeooded to the edict ations of his friends and announced hi self a candidate fee the position of Bee for next year., land asks all those w think his 28 year's eervice in the coon entitle him to and qualify him for t ppoeition to which he aspires, to vote f He has oouupied every 0th municipal position but the raovoeblp a he has a pardonable .desire to fill th also, for to ha x ng me Of ho d. d• 02 ve 110 011 be or er nd at Oliaatoati_' Chief Wheatley has been confined to bed by a severe attack of lumbago. While Mrs. Cock, Princess . St., was going home from ohurcb, she slipped' down awl was rendered 1luoonecious. Soarooly a night passes but tramps ask for accommodation in the loclt.up, which means either a supper or breakfaet— sometimes both—at the expense of the town. We are sorry to learn that Dlr. Perry, Prinoipal of Kincardine Collegiate, and. formerly of Clinton, is laid up with a severe attack of inflammation of the lungs. A farmera load- of wood y from Belgra 5 which 11e re trip of 80 mi busi- ness in town h profit on the Draught Ho s held in theClinton, President Jo ocnsiderabls s was transact e for the annual on Dec. 9th. being distrib emaller than volumes, but t The society i characterized years, and th e0ce in the fu that breeding this is shapin 15' was on the market with he had hauled all the wa ve. It was soft wood, fo alined 33.60 for the load. A lee, unless be had other would not leave bin niuc t load, Holten B01,20808' Assoewuo,o.—A meeting of the directors of the Dominion Horse 33reeders' Society ws Rattenbary •'-louse, Clinton John McMillan presiding, A amount of routine business ad, and preparations "lad meeting, to be held here The third volume of 033 stud book ha e just been issued, and is uted 0o the member's, It 1 either of 0115 preceding is nevertheless a valuable and interestitg book for horse breeders s 00311 002003, financially, notwithstand ing the dullness whish bee horse breeding for several e memters, having oonfid. tare, are f0 a position to keep on with their Work, They claim in both the old country and g in accordance with the principle on high this book is founded, )flxetor. Dr. Sweet was appointed Veterinary Inspector for this district. Thos. Snell, who had his leg broken a Lew weeks ago, is able to leave his bed. R. S. Lang has already shipped from this and other stations 180 car loads of apples, or 23,600 barrels, Mrs. (Rem) Willoughby met with a painful accident the other day by hav- ing her foot severely scalded. Owing to a bad smash in the engine at the power house the town has been with- out electric lights for a week. • Thomas Fitton has purchased brick for the erection of a palatial residence on the land owned by him south of the town, Burglars gained entrance to Chas. Snell's butcher shop and stole half of a pig and several turkeys. No slue to the marauders. The members of Lebanon Forest Lodge, No, 133, A. F. & A. M., have de- oided to bold a Masonic'!At Home" here on the evening of Deo. 30�11,. Mr. Ruse, music master, ,is organizing a class for instruction in vocal music. Some 25 persons have already banded in their names signifying their desire to take lessons. Jobn Cornish, an employee of John Kerslake, London Road, was taken rather suddenly ill and was compelled to take hie bed. He suffered most intense. ly of what was supposed to be inflamma• tion of the lungs brongbt on by ordinary causes, until Tuesday of last week when he was seized by a severe fit of coughing during which he expelled from one of his lungs, amid a large quantity of pus and blood, a joint of the back bone of a fish whioh doubtless had lodged there while eating salmon a few days previous. What might have resulted in a serious conflagration happened at the Jamee street Methodist church a abort time be- fore the entertainment on Tuesday 00013• ing of last week. Owing to the eleetria lights not being in operation, Mr. Par- sons and L. Bishop wets suspending some Rochester lamps from the electric chandeliers when in some manner one of the attachments gave away, precipitat- ing the lamp to the floor, a distance of several feet. The oil gushed out and was soon ignited and threatened e8rioue ra=ulte, but prompt action soon got it under control Very little damage was ) done save the charring of one of the seats, 11233. After the devotional exer01853, wh(012 oonsistsd of singing, soriptare reading 087 r e 1 and prayer, the tge da t s n E n Illy P 3 , Mo0Cay, in a l+rlef addressremfnde4 thorn of the objoot and work of the Society at large, and spoke of some of the encourage menta that we as an auxiliary !rad met 11 15 pad year. recitation w1t deem tl 6 a. A g Y byi8 Grade t1 e' n l0 apt RIs Gr 1 oto was smash p predated, as were also two y'ery helpful and instruotive papers, by .!Kusa Mary A1:urohisan and Mos Marie Murray on different miesioa fields, A, most pleasing feature of the meeting watt a leap racer. dee, given by Mise Jessie 114..Arebibald, in which the endeavored, with the help of the map, to take her hearers on t1 trop to our missionaries located in different parts of the world, and giving Interesting items of information about the work in oaoh plaoo, The oolleotion being taken it was found to be larger than that of formt ger years, and the Treasurer, Miss Maggie' Moltenzie, completed the program by. readingthe Scripture versee which 21.0.. ooniramsd the offerings, in which the members each expressed their thankful- 0ese to the Giver of all goad, who giveth us richly all things to enjoy, POLITICAL. The Dominion Ministers forming the Tariff Commission, were in London on Deo, 8rd, James Leitch, Q. C., WAS nominated for the Commons by the Conservatives of Cornwalland Stormont. On his arrival in Brandon on Thursday night of last week, Hon. Mr, Siftoa, the new Minister of the Interior, was accord. ed a great public reception. Hon. G. W. Rose, Minister of Educa- tion, is looking much better since his re- turn from an extended official : trip in the Eastern provinces, and In the United States. It is stated that at the next meeting of the Ontario Legislature the Government will bring in a measure to restrict waif immigration. The entire system should be abolished. The Stratford Beacon says that the firm of Laurier, Mowat & Victory ie about to take in another partner, whose name is Prosperity. The new partner is already on deck. The bye -election for Lakeside to the seat in the Manitoba Legislature, made vacant by the resignation of Dr. Ruther- ford, resulted in the return of James Mo. Kenzie, Liberal, by 61 majority. Hon. Sydney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, 10avee for Washington at an early date to arrange for the removal 'of the 90 daye' quarantine regulation whioh has proved obnoxious to the agri- cultural community. It is announced from Ottawa that Hon. Sydney fisher, Minister of Agri. culture, will address a number of farm- er's gatherings in Ontario and Quebec this month. This popular Minister has not yet spoken in Western Ontario. Premier Hardy has great faith in the mineral resources of the country. To a Toronto World representative he so es• pressed himself, and added that further Legislation to promote the interest would be submitted by him at the ensuing ses- sion of the Legislature. The particulars in the protest against the election of R. Henry (Conservative) as M. P. for South Brant, were served last week. The documents constitute a large sized budget, and embrace nearly 400 charges of all kinds, inoluding al. 1aged direct bribery by money, by prom. ises of rewards, by promisee of positions end so on. There are several personal charges against Mr. Henry. There are font vacant seats in the Quebec House of Assembly, which open- ed on Tuesday. Some of them became vaoant about a year ago, but the Govern.. merit lacked the nerve after the 23rd of June to order new elections, consequent• ly the four counties will be unrnpresent. ed this mission. A. couple of seats in the council fell vacant by death a few weeks ago, but these were promptly filled by appointment of two faithful adherents, so that when the new Liberal Govern- ment comes in next year they will be a minority in the Upper House. All over the Dominion veterinary in- spectors are being appointed by the De. partment of Agriculture for the in0peo. tion of stools for export to the United States. It appears that under a new' aot passed by our neighbors across the line all stook entering that oou0try must be accompanied by a certificate setting forth that they are not affected with pleuro. pneumonia, rinder pest or kindred ail- ments. There is no salary attached to the appointment, the inspectors being authorized to collect a fee from the ship. pers. The fee for inspecting and giving certificate will probably be about e2 per car. A deputation from the last Provincial Convention of the Dominion Alliance waited upon the Ontario Government at 4 p. n. on Wednesday, Nov. 1811, to ask some amendments of the liquor law. Among other thinge the following are re- quested t—(1) That all temperance hotels and hooses of public entertain - meat be licensed. (2) That all bar ro0m5 be oiosed at 4 p. m., and 7 p. n1. every other day. (8) That no license be granted to sell liquor in a public park or race bourse or within 800 yards of same. 4) That the sale 0f liquor shall be con fined to the bar root". (6) That the age limit for minors be raised from 10 years to 21 years. a,UU Ca to OW. Alex. McKay, of this village, has re- turned home after spending the season sailing on the lakes. Tho next and lest meeting of the County Council, as now constituted, will be held in Walkerton on December 8rh. On Sunday, as Mrs. Hugh Phillips, of the 8th con. of Aebfielcl, wee on her way to church, she slipped on the road and in felling broke her leg, For months peat a ferias of petty rob. berise have taken pians in the village and very few places of business have escaped their midnight raids. Geo. Gibroh and family, of British Colombia, are spending the Winter at the borne of ktre. Gibson's parents, Mr. and hire. Time. Webster, Ashfield. Jas. Mnllfn has received notice from the Postoffrce Department that his eon. trant for carrying the mail between Bel- fast and St. Helene and Belfast and Lanes, expires on 00lerth let. The De. partment will then oall for 0ender0 for these 030 ratites, As a change is, about to be made anyway, we would euggest Oat a daily mail be run from Lu0lrnow M Fordyce, via Sr. Helens, W. 7:': M. S.. The Lucltnow Auxiliary to the Woman's Foreign Miasionary So- ole0y held'its annual tbank•offering meo& ing in the Preebyterian chords, Lucknow, en the afternoon of Wednesday, 'Nov. 9 Real Estate 86 Doan Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan oil. Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Irate of .interest, Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire o Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. A, 'may US EY 7 ()Moo over Deadman & Mo0all'e Store, BRTISSELS. L ,PQST Pr o a 4p tntoeurd 1-050Anrho Indt Aeai r UWtho 8o ow u%h @5 1 5 y t1 95!20 gydstWsot1� lDSB pRrBUItNaobu W9WE200404to04 Over Thirty Years Sicknet S. 113.:. II. IVBTTST53I33, a Well-l:noWA, ontol'prising oitiuen of 13yron, I11,, writes: "Before I paid much atten, tion to regulating the bowels, I hardly know a wolf day; but since I; learned the evil re, sults of constipation, and the etlleacy oP AVER'S Pills, I have not had one day's slekn0S$ for over thirty years ick — not . one attael1 that did not readily yield to thio remedy. I01y Wife bad been, previ- our to our marriage, an invalid for years. She bad a prejudice against cttth11rtics, but as P0011 as she began to use flyer's fills her health was restored." NEW u(cVer Shop' I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop 1n the, SHAD BLOB$, ORM, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold, at reasonable prices. A. share of public patronage solicited, S. t1V e6",kLr5 En. Meat delivered to all of the town. Doc', 4, 1896 'AINTBG► T110 ulldeioigned are proparod to attend to all braooboo of Painting, inalndillg House, Sign, Carriage' and Ornamental Work. Paper Hanging, Ifalsomining and Decorating neatly and prompt- ly looked after at mod- erate Prices. We slake a Speoialty of Manufacturing and placing in position First -Class Awntu gs.. Orders left at our Paint Sllop, formerly used by Messrs. Iiocldick & Wake, will be attended to with dlspateh. Paper Flanging Orders may be left with Messrs. Deadman & Me. Call. parts SAMPLE :Bos PAINTERS. Cathay ii Falls Sledai end Diploma at World's Fair. Ts Rostste Sir5Bpih take flyer's Saraaparllla G,1k(ESP FttESy- N$'35; a(v�q • A �) `!� � INb1c S.a'ION Di,Z,XINES'Sy!%?.tt. UR B'E , 'j'1' N5 3P �11k 14t yi`,1'ES a8' CA,M P L the,rf0°N,`;; .•Q/3Q- p^CAS=. iS' WILL.NOT CUR An Agraaable Laxative and N17I0VI1 TONIC. Sold by Druggists orsent by Meil. 200., 500,, and 51.00 per paokago. Samples free. . The Favorite TOOTH POWDER for the Teeth and Breath, Saa Sold 121' .7.2.8,. BOX, I/ruasisl, Brussels, O®vere the Whole Meld. THE LONDON, CVT., London lav ertiser 2 P. M. EDITION. LARGEST noon circulation in West- ern Ontario of any paper west of Toronto. Middlesex County and the territory west of Toronto thoroughly coveted. 4 P. M. EDITION. The People's Popular Evening Paper. Circulates Lu city and suburbs by carrier boys and agents. All advertisements in. serted in both editions. 'Western Advertiser Largest weekly cironlation in Weatern Canada. As an advertising medium in the west it is without a rival. Wanted—An Idea X09 gwp toibg Protect your Mew they may bring you wealth, Write SO11N WEDDERBORN R CO., Patent Attor• aeys Waebington, D. O.. for their 51.000 prize. offer and hat of two hundred Inventions wanted. LAD E1._n THE LWOW OF SECUBOTY Ie FOUND) IPF DI', ReRoy's Female Nis. Cm only reliable, and tr,oloorlla- pre. 1,0010,1 0110011. Sarot, Mon: nul umixt11tlln a.lilrnntetihictooloyst titticnedelre trem Prim st per box 'oRlr warts, er21'a,a11 aeo021517 •..assi00. reeelat or prion Leltoy Pill Co. Victoria SO,. Toronto, Can. Sold lit/Brussels by Jas. FOX.. Da C/SEAS 0A THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL 0 1(1 THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS 0 We keep in stook and supply everything in Coal and Wood Stoves, .1t idler Parlor, .l3ox or Cook. First-class Furnaces Prom best Canadian Manufacturers, and. .Warranted to work properly. TINWARE OF ALL KINDS. Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates: -. Lamp Goads, Lanterns, &c. Orders Taken for Coal, 1LT, 4 1, '�y ULL Stove and Furnace Men, Br^ussels. Established I C 50 R+ m � " ITA o) boa .:sun °tet; 0 O 0 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -*FORFEITABLE. It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mation furnished on supplication. , • W. IL EEE,n, Agent, Brussels. LAUE: 0 TUP Wfll be our new Premier decided' by the Electors before next issue of this paper. A decision far greater than that has been given by the voice of the people, viz. t That B. F,1'oo;: Ii Sc Son, of Listowel Woolen Mills, Day a,ne Highest Prices, Dash or Trade, for T. DrswaaY, OO ,ge Siandnrd Bank. orad. ford. Otic.nye. CI WIC'S IC,dery-Lit•cr fills nos a ((Mad mama'fey the iOidnoys ond' Liver. W. 4(l. ColtsIttn, its ll Caul St., Toronto, re. lirocnting l , Ire I. Star. sl,s C.1 a s Pili, net ke ntngie fir the r 13321 of 1 n, 1 01 , hobos til Inek and constipation ti dJ •y,ahere, or by mall on rocetptof 70,000, 20 ED:OA: ON, 811188 A, e0. 45 1020E0o St, TosoNIO,-S01. And that they sell the best Woolen Goods Cheaper than any Factory or Store in Westen'Outario.. Efeadymade Clothing Is a now line added to their business. They make up their own goods into Men's, Youths, l3oys & Children's Suits and sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with. Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or buy a new suit and we "feel satisfied you will say they give you the best value. . LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILLS. 4('