The Brussels Post, 1896-12-4, Page 5wn!',
,_ tt.",. ux vxa. a xgg: t, uiue w t.r' zn tseMxrain'uaa s.guu ;ut
�+ n Athol McQ.oarrie, Myrtle Welell, Lieele Antren-- fetal 000 J Creme,401,• I1 Illnitr 268 • Ie Hellinget•, 272 ; tv.
xt1Clt1, Attridge, Willie Cameron, Jeaeie Mg, g, q ,
Nichol, Flossy Seel, Robert McDonald, Hoggnrd, 297 ; II, Cardiff, 198 , J. Bad let- 'l oral, 200.- W, Riley, J8 ; A.
Anu a Cnuningham, Emmet Hooter,
Garfield McDonald ; Jt, Pb, 2nd -•-Arthur
nr 'e -r TA 1'M 11' TV 0 rr ^"•., 0
�. ,0d. .F� +� A,Y *J ,,1 -1., h+ .1-1 M a V
Alex, Eaket, let Zine, lafb for Algoma
en Tne6day,
Joeoph Ooombeo bac( a bee op Satur-
day retlairing life lawn,
Miss It. Scott has returned home after
spending the Summer with Mrs. Duncan
near Brussels,
The Sunday egitool that baa beep held
in Jae, Street -site's for the Summar ON,
eon, was ahead last Sebbeth.
Will„ sag of Jas. Wright, mot with
the miefortuue of nutting his foot while
working in the bush one day last week,
We are sorry to say that Frank Wright,
of tmrlebank, mat with a bad ao0140nt
the °thee evening. While tieing in
some gattle he slipped and fell, dfelooat.
tog his shoulder.
.. •:.. LtreT shop.
POST0ONND SALE. -A, Govenlools'e pale'
of last week was largely attended and
was a 9000003.. fair prices were realized
for most of the stook Bold, which was ad-
mitted on all hands to be of an exception-
ally fine quality, The proceeds amount.
ed to about $1,100, although only a small
portion of the stook to bo offered was
reaohed, on account of the limited time
at the disposal of Kr. Brown, who wield-
ed the hammer on the 000asion. Rain
set inshoat 4 o'clock, which somewhat
disorganized the orowd and prevented
mush of the live stook from being brought
out and the lands from being offered. On
Tuesday, the 15111 Dep., the lande, bal.
anal of stook, lumber, implemente, etc:,
as per advertisement to another ootumn,
will be despoiled of. It ie an important
matter in attending a sale to be on hand Avg ltoxi:
at the beginning, as it is impossible to
say beforehand at what particular time McLeod's grain chopper is at work.
the various articles will be offered. Thie Mrs. Forrest and daughter are visiting
was particularly noticeable in the re. relatives at' Mount Albert, Ont.
marks of some who, as usual, appeared A. new program ha been issued by the
late, and thereby missed the opportunity Christian 'Endeavor of Duff's ohuroh for
of purchasing bhatfor which they main- the coming six months.
ly attended the sale. Last Sabbath S. G-. Gregory, of Winch-
-- eleea, preached an excellent discourse in
ibXoleravvortie. the Methodist ohuroh. Mr. Gregory is a
The following testimonial speaks for school teacher, but be is evidently' des.
itself :-Moleewortb, Nov. 28th, 1896. tined for the pulpit.
To the Direotore of the, Molesworth Thursday of this week Rev. D. For -
cheese faotory,-Gentlemen :-This is to rest left Walton for a holiday trip, which
certify that I have tried several of the will 000apy three or four weeks. The
September and Ootober cheese in the church services will be held as usual as
fantory at the present time and I con. supplies have beep arranged for.
eider them firet-oleee obeese. They are The special evangelistic services in the
well made, clean and nioely finished. Methodist church were brought to a close
T. B. MILLER, Inetruotor and inepeotor of on Thursday evening of last week. It is
Dairymen's Association. said upwards of 50 made a start in the
OnITNAIY.-We deeply regret this week. Christian life and the ohuroh member -
to reoord the death of Mary Campbell, ship has been not only largely inoreased
fourth daughter of John Campbell, of but quickened. The pastor has labored
Wallace township, who died on Saturday, most zealously for this end.
Nov. 21st, at the early age of eleven SABBATH SCHOOL CONVENT/ON.- The
years. The event is inexpressibly cad, as sixth meeting of the Walton Union Sun•
she had heed ill only for about two days. day S. Association will be held in Duff's
Scarlet fever effecting the brain resulted church, Walton, on Thursday, Deo. 10th,
in her death. The funeral took plate on 189e.. The following will be the pro -
Sunday afternoon, Rev, Mr. 'Ballantyne, gram :-First session, at 2 oeslook p. m.
of Molesworth, conducting the service. -Devotional exerbisee ; "Necessity of S.
The sincerest sympathy that human S..Oonventione, Miss L. Barrows ;
heart can bestow is extended to Mr. and "What are we as a Convention Ascom.
Mrs. Campbell and their family in this plieking 7" W. J. Smith "Primary Clues
the hoar of their severe bereavement. Work, Mies A. Swallow ; address to
"Gone to the grave is our loved one, children, Rev. J. P. Westman ; "Solo -
Gone in her youthful bloom, man's Opportunities and Failures, P.
Lowl we bend, sohoolmate and friend, Watson. Ssaond session, at 7 p. m -
y Opening 8800(003 ; address by President
Passing away to the tomb." elect, Geo. Grigg ; "Special pointe in a
r etrou 1169 ; L, B1ats 849 , 111. hear obersou, 191; Il. Cardiff, 216. Sr.
ford, 95 J RiohttrdsoO, 80,, Foerth- Oultley, 84 ; Ol, Dark, 120 ; W, St0ph09-
Total, 900.--A. eloKay, 275 ; 0, Arm, on 188 ; A. Claeeier, 08 ; T, Bielby,
Love, Maggie Fox, Willie Brown, harry etr0ng, 208 ; A, Switzer, 240 ; A. Calder, 112. Jr, let -Total, 125,-H, Bedford,
Balser, Geo. Hamilton, Minnie Mennry, 245 ; 35. Bedford, 198 ; J. Davidson, 108 1 A. Gordon, 06 ; A. Wander, 72 ;
Willie Foss, Tillie Zimmer, Maggie Bort- 147 ; J. Farquharson, 141 M. Cardiff, B, Dark, 57 ; 1i1, Tloggard, 17, Honors
8r ; Sr.1et-Coverdale MoDonnld, Mlle 187. `.bird -Total, 800,-Y,, Armstrong, J, Blake, J, ()rarer, V, 4rmetroug, A,
Forrest, Delleb Mitchell, Annie Alder• 297 ; A, Bedford, 225 ; M, Hollinger, Bedford, J, Bielby, B, Davidson, E.
eon ; ,7p, let -'pilus Dalms, Mary 164; 0. Pepper, 214 ; D. Davidenn, 17e; Blake, I+1. Hollinger, Fl, Bedford, No,
Mabel MoNiebol, Amelia MlGipnis'sO Mason, 98 G 1181 3',J, 13ie13 2ley tor, OG ; attendance, Gr-
Debme, Gilbert Burnes, Vine, Alderson, W.Gittiev, 64 ; 61, Elliott,1 Bila A. on register, W H. averageTattend rPoe, 100,
,, h
I•larve Balser, Ella Lovo, Fred, Hnntor, 79 ;
Mae E. MoLeonuSN, Patella, F, Blake, 104 ; G. Blake, 158 11, Ouls. A seaond ease of smallpox has develop,
ley, 158, Second --Total, 000,-B. ed in the family of Austrian immigrants
Davidson, 246 ; Ax, Bedford, 206 ; L. at Winnipeg,
Diokeon, 169 ; J. Hogeard, 122 ; M. A number of the employees of the 0,
Randa, 78 ; B. Rands, 202 ; J, Rands, P. R. repair shops at Montreal have been
813; G. Durk, 105 ; F, Davicleen, 197 ; discharged se there is po work for them.
Y3eheet vire.
Robs. Lane is baols from Muskoka
David Bremner is book from the North -
met to spend the Winter with his par.
erste pear here. We suppose he will be
Miring heels a partner to beautify his
home in the West,
At the last meeting of the Literary
Society the following subject was debat.
ed : "Resolved that ,women have more
power over men than money." It was
deoided in favor of the negative. The
subje8tfoe next nightie eResolved that
a domestic education is more suitable for
girls than the High School education,"
The funeral of the late Jae, Flemming,
er., took place last Monday from his late
residence at Belmore to McIntosh ceme-
tery. He was one et the oldest residents
in the oommunity and was highly respect-
ed by all who knew him. He leaves two
sone andsix daughters to mourn his loss.
It is just two weeks sine° Mrs. Alex.
Flemming was buried.' The bereaved
have the sympathy of a large (dale of
friends and aagpaintanoes in their sad
lSluevttle. good S. S. Teacher," Jae. MoFadzean ;
Benefits derived from union among the
Mre. Rae and son are visiting friends different denominations," Jae. Bolger ;
10Blnevale. address, J. P. Westman ; address, Rev.
Miss Cora Messer is visiting at A. Y. S. J. Allis. Music by a union choir.
Hartley's Belgrave. Accommodation for etrangere will be
RobertidoPhereon spent several days provided.
in Toronto last week.
James Timmins paid our town a
business visit last week.
The Misses Maloome, of Kinoardine,
are visiting at John Robertson's.
Jas. Pugh and family spent Thanks.
giving at Mr. Ramsay's. 2nd line.
Mrs. Jos. Pugh and little Paul are
visiting at Victoria Cottage, Bruesels.
Rev. Mr. Mose is ill with pleurisy, and
was not able to take hie work on Bab.
John Burgess, High Auditor for the 0.
O. F., was in Brantford last week audit.
ing the society's books.
Mre. Bruce arrived home this week
from a vieit of several months with tela.
tivee and friends in Manitoba.
Some twenty or thirty of our young
people drove over to Lew Duff's concert
on Thanksgiving evening and report
having a tiptop time.
The young minister, Mr.Nixon,preaoh-
ing in the Presbyterian ohuroh for a call,
took the services in the Methodist ohuroh
last Sabbath. He gave two exoellent
sermons which delighted the congrega-
17th, Rev. Robert F. Cameron, of Oran -
brook, was ordained as a Presbyterian
minister and inducted into the pastorate
of the Hampstead and North Easthope
congregations. A epeoial meeting of the
Stratford Presbytery was held in the new
North Beethope church for the purpose.
Bev. J. H. Graham, of Avonton, preach-
ed the introduction sermon, Rev. J. W.
Cooper, of Listowel, addressed the peo-
ple, and Rev. B. W. Panton, of Stratford,
the minister. Tea was served in the
evening. 41 thie service Rev. R. Pyne,
of Shakespeare, was presented with a
purse for hie services during the two
years of vacancy.. Speeohee were made
by. Rev. A. Grant, of St. Marys, and
Rorown-Tbe following is the report of
the standing of the pupils of Orenbrook
Public school for the month . of Novem-
ber, 1806, names appearing in order of
merit :-
noon 1.
5th olase-Thos. 111oRas, Simon Mitch-
ell, Wm. Cameron, Silvia Seel ; So. 4th
Alvin Cameron, Lizzie McKay, Wm.
lluoter, Mabel Zimmer,'Ida Welsh, Liz•
zie Cameron ; Jr. 4th -Alberti Feaster,
Hopnoo Welsh, Beatrice Mohair, Minnie
Knight, Ervin Hunter ; Sr. 8rd-Russell
Zimmer, Lynn Mitchell, Agnes Brown ;
Jr. 8rd-Minnie Cameron, Jeanie Mo.
Nabb, Minerva Ennis, Wm, Alderson,
Mary Goatee, Aggie Dammam
•A. W. WYNN, Principal.
stoat 2. `
Sc. 2nd -Susie Reymann, Effie Fox,
Coverdelo MoDouald, Garfield Long, Jae.
Long, Philip Dahme, Janie Love, Minn
MoRae, Willie Forrest, Annie Gramm;
Jr. 20 -Willie Long, Alfred Mitchell,
Russell Porter, James MoNiokol, Nelson
Knight; Ethei McGinnis, Willie Seel,
Minnie snuata011, Etta Smalldon ; Sr.
Pt. 2nd -Lloyd Porter, Florence Gaoler,
Ladies' and Gents' Gold, Gold Filled and Silver Watches.
Ladies' Gold Filled Watches $12.00 and up
Gents' " " 16,00 " ;
Silver and Nio le " : 8.00 (t
Very Large and Elegant Stock of
See our magnificent Silver Tee -tee Betts, Berry Setts,
Cake Baskets, Tea Pots, Pickle Cruets, Baking Dishes,
Sugar and Spoon Holders, Trays, Children's Mugs; Bon
Bon Dishes, 1847 Rogers' 12 dwt. Knives and Forks, Carv-
ing Setts, Bon Bon Spoons, Sugar Spoons, Berry Spoons,
Table and Dessert Spoons, Pie Knives, Cake Knives.
(Fvex .
Chas. Osborne has been visiting rela•
Lives near Wiarbon.
Mrs, Wm. Bateman is visiting be eon"
at Niagara Falls, 0. S.
Mrs. Wm. Meehan, who has been very
ill, is improving in health.
Mise Sarah MoLauohlin, of Clinton,
was borne for the holidays.
Jesse Bateman spent Thanksgiving
day with friends at Stratford.
John Osborne hes the contract for
digging an underdrain at S. S. No. 9.
Andrew Machan nae let the contract of
building a. new house to Ferdinand Quer.
Thos. Williamson and wife were visit-
ing friends in 'Goderioh and Wingham
last week.
The Kerr Bros., of Benfryn, were de -
horning cattle on the 16th con. Monday
of this week.
Wbatabout the big drain law snit?
How many years are to be spent in filter-
ing away time and money over it ?
Warden Strachan and Deputy Reeves
Hielop and Turnbull are away at Gode-
rioh this week attending the co. pouu-
It is said ex.Deputy Reeve Edward
Bryan will run ue a County Councillor
at the request of a large member of
Some bad holes on some of the con-
oession lines that should be filled up.
Just East of Botz's bridge, 12th con.,
is a good piaoe to ammonia.
The trustees of S. S. No. 4 have en-
gaged the services of Mr. Longman, of
Listowel, at We per annum as successor
to R. G. MaDonald for 1807.
The auction sale of Robt. McLachlan,
10th coo., postponed from last week, was
held an Tuesday of this week. F. S.
Scott, Brussels, wee the auotioneer.
Edward Hill, of Goderioh, and Beet
and Norman, of Seafortb, were visiting
ander the parental roof for a good share'
of a week. They returned on Monday.
J. C. Tuck, of Brussels, hen disposed
of his 00•acre bush farm, being lot 20,
con, 18, to Duncan McKenzie, of the same
locality. There is a lob of good timber on
the farm and Mr. McKenzie will do well
with it.
On bbs 811) of December Wm. Hall
will hold an auction sale of farm stools
cbo., preparatory to his leaving the home-
stead to take up his abode in his new
resident° at Ethel. Mr. Hall and
family are highly esteemed and we are
pleased they are to continue residents of
this locality.
Daniel MoQuarrie and Donald Robert-
son, Oth oom, arrived home from Lang-
don,, Dakota, on Saturday evening of
last week. They went West last August
and helped off with the harvest. The
boys report good sleighing when they
left. They enjoyed their stay in Dakota
and it evideetlyagroar' With them judg-
ing by apparatuses,
Salton Rerot .-The following is the
standing of the popils of S. S. No, 1,
Grey, for the month of November, 1806 :
P. S. Leaving -Total, 550.-3. Blake,
459 ; L. Bielby, 984 ; P. MoRourie, 828.
Five O'clock Setts, $1.50 to $8.50 ; Cups, Saucers,
Plates, Pitchers, Bowls, Fruit and Salad Setts, Butters,
Smoking Setts, Jardineries, Chocolate Setts, Etc., Etc.
Ladies' Dressing Cases, Gents' Dressing Cases, 1,iiani-
cure Setts, Pict ure Frames, Mirrors, Japanese Goods, Purses
and Calling Card Gases combined, Violins and Violin Sun-
Our goods are New, Latest Designs and are offered for sale at LOW
PRICES. "No trouble to Show Goods."
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry neatly Repaired. Charges moderate.
issuer of Marriage Licenses -Appointments can bo Made.
8 'Just a few pieces of the School China left.
T. F. FLETCHER, Brussels,
An ther-
TO -44111
1000 yds, 32 in. Flannelette
--"INI/P-Going at 6 Cents per yard."
J. G. , ene®
Now is the time to buy yourWr"-
t{,,. hrist
Gr cer iese
We, this day, commence and will maintain,
until further notice,
In every Department of our store.
WE have observed the low price of Produce and we
are going our share to bear the burden with the
farmer. To give every person in the vicinity a chance to
procure what they want for immediate or future use at a
price that has never before been so low in Brussels.
Note the Prices in a
Few Leading Lies v
$20 00 Venetian Worsted Suit fine trimmed, bound, $16 00
18 00 Twilled Worsted Suit, fine trimmed, bound
or stitched, for 15 00 `
16 00 Twilled Worsted Suit, fine trimmed, stitch-
ed, for 12 00
12 00 Canadian Tweed Suits for 9 00
20 00 Scotch Tweed Suit, best trimming, for 16 00
15 00 Scotch Tweed Suit, good trimming, for 12 00
We have all our new goods in, consisting of
Desert Cluster ;Raisins I Selected Raisins,
and Figs for table Fine Currants, .
use. Orange, Lemon and Citron
Peels, put up by Crosse &
�. o s Blackwell,
Finest Almonds, shelled and
unshelled, •
Walnuts and Filberts.
Extracts and
Pure Spices
Overcoats to Order.
$18 00 Beaver, velvet collar, for
15 00 Beaver or Melton, for ,
15 00 Frieze, wool lined, for
$15 00
12 00
Men's American Beaver Caps, worth $3 50 at $2 75
Men's Seal Caps worth $4 00 for 3 00
Persian Lamb Caps, worth $5 00 for 3 50
Sealette.Caps at all prices to be sold at about half price.
Quantity of Boys' Curled and Knit Caps.
Underclothing, Eine Shirts, Collars, Cuffs,
Ties, Braces, Socks, Scarfs, Gloves, Mitts.,
Cardigan Jackets, Rats, 6'e., sold at slazt4h
ter• prices during the sale.
Just . ell Him + �, alY at
This .Fall, contains many numbers of unusual excellence and uni-
formly "Correct," and all deserving the attention of keen
'buyers who aro wide-awake enough po appreciate
a good thing when offered.
Meters sold last season for $6, this season $5. You should see this
line, buy or no buy, you can tell your friends about it.
TJlsters at $6, $7, $8; $9, $10, in fact any price you wish to pay.
Invest with us. We will give you dollar for dollar, and you:
shall get one of the best Coats for the least money in Huron.
Dress Coats, fine quality, brown, silk velvet collar, good lining,
made in up-to-date style, for $6.50 ; $8.50 Coats to fit for
$7.G0 ; $9.00 Coats to fit for $7.50 ; $11.00 Coats to fit for
$10.00. Wo guarantee the very best Workmanship on these
This is no catch -penny announcement but a GENUINE
SALE as I purpose making a change in busi•
ness at the first of the year.