HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-27, Page 8rj 1-1 BIVLISSETAS POST The Children, We never forget the !Children when 'nuYlog gtu Krnae and Now Year 'etook. Ear them we have Toy Hooke in abund. twee, Ceps and Saucers, Muge, Tay Dolls rio. `PHE YOUNG FOraS, We have plenty for these also In (tamers, Ink I:Bantle, Writing Desks, Work Nio•naoe, Perfume Bete, Story ook Bib'ee, teo, um prom OF LITE, For those in the , prime of life we luzve beautiful Wept in China, Mee Toi kat goods in pleeh, oelluloicl, silver, ceo. :Handsome ;Oita in Bootie, b anus, dm. TE OLDFOLKS. Ilay we never forget the old folks. Sometlung for thein in Toilet Oases, Gal- -enders, Magazines, Bliesionary and other LlograPhlee, Or whet better than a pair of gold or other Spechaoles so necessary for the enjoythent of good reading. We Alt them eoientilically and satisfaotion guaranteed. Conte One 1 00010 all I DEADMAN c MoOALL, Druggists, Optioians and Booksellers, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 8O0TI1E101 EXTENSION W. 0. &11. ' Trains leave Brussels Station, North sod South, as follows; Goma Swung, Conga Snows .9'00 a.m. I Mixed ...... 044 am 6:17 pan. Man 108 p.m l'Brat Pews ,Wttals, A °biers amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 1• • • ^ Comm Council next week. HoRSE Fair next Thursday. Tietxxservitrn Day is a Bank holit'ity. 13.txn entertainmeut, Town HAIL 'Thursday evening. MESSRS. BASIST &VANSTONT3 ehippe 1 a car of peas this week. A. out of nue cattle was shipped by 'Messrs. Clegg & Dames this week. Mee. Freemen is in Toronto purelias- ing specialities for the Xmae trade. See ed. next week. WILL.Wxr,n 5. MCCRACEEN may open en a grocery in the old stand if satisfac ory .arrangements can be made. We wmild he glad to eee him do so and think he 'would do well. 'The Temple of Fame" win be yrs.:suited ro a Brussels audience in the near future, 11 15 very highly spoken of in the towns where it has been rendered. its evening with the Scotch folk will he given et the home of Mre. Tufts, Queen street, on Friday, Deo, 4th. Good pro• ?jam. Scotch bill of fare physically and intellectually. Pont:terra hours on Thanksgiving Day will be 0,30 to 10 a. m. ; 1.30 to 2 30 and ;1 to 6.30 p. m. This will allow the pub. Mc an opportunity of getting mail on the strive1 of both trains and stages. ENTERTAINMENT. -The town Band have secured the Russell Company to give an entertainment in the Town Hall on the evening of Thanksgiving, Day. The nom. ody "A Married Pair" will be presented, mnd many epecialties will be introduced. -"Trilby's Troubles" will be the farms eon• eluding the program. Tuts School Board did a wise thing in securing the aervioes of Miss Annie Tay- lor, of Blyth, et teacher for the Depart ment of Brussels school now taught by Mr. North. Mies Taylor taught for sev- eral years bere before and gave excellent eatisfaction. Duties commence after the Christmas holidays. Bliss Downey was ;ranted leave of abeenoe until tbe same •late. litre. Richardson, who is render - ;ng very efficient service, will continue to rapply until her return. Tan Listowel Standard says of the change of trains :-It is needless to state that the public view the changes made ,1,y the new time card with a greet deal of dissatisfaction. Had the G. T. R. nth:jets studied to fix the time table eo as to inconvenience the citizens of Listo. wel and yet maintain some kind of train servioe, they could not have done it more ,effectually. With the exoeption of Palmerston and points on the Durham isranch, all the towns north are as badly ;eft in the matter of train anomodation -me tea we ate, and ere already making a vigorous kick for better service. How- ever, there is a prospect of matters be' 05 mended somewhat in the near future. GRAND Tnrwx.-The Reeve has written i.he Boards of Trade at Guelph, Hamil- ton and Toronto asking their Influence in urging the Grand Trunk to return to the nld schedule of trains on the W. G. & B. Dissatisfaction is manifested by both passengers and stockmen, in addition to the loss of time shd money, to say no. thing of inconvenience, in getting to and from the cities. A publics meeting of representatives from the towns and vit.. Settee nu lines of railway running into Palmerston is called in that town for Motaitty of next week to discuss the ques- tion end take action on some concerted -mode. The city wholesalers should kick very vigorously against the present tin. fair arrangement. SiLVATrON ARES Nos. -We have been requested to again draw the attention of the readers of this paper to the fact that the Salvation Army through the terri• tory its now in the midst of ite self.denial week. Every member is actively en- gaged in bringing about a decisive vietery as fur ae financial results are con- Apart:ed. To this end special aollections mro being token up in the open air and indoor meetings-Collet:dors are calling from door to door leaving daintily print - set cards of appeal -Friends and soldiers are armed with oollecti'.g cards and luindreds of little Packs 14ave been die- •tributed throughout the couutry for gaifte of gain, &o. -By all these methods ere Army expecte to raise the sinews of wate-The public should understand that ehe Army has widened its borders ae swards social work this year while the spirituel operations are as active as ever. -Donations may be given to the local offieers or colleotors or sent to Commie. stoner Eva Booth, Salvation Temple, Tonnto.-Tinearthecl 1 Exposed I Made pub lic.-Terrible tragedy.-Enn details. -Names given. --A. red bag, ghastly eon. tenor; to be exposed next Sunday night in 43. A. Barrucke.-Ful I particulate. - ?Greatest Grime over made peblio. NOluix1Fair On Thureday of next week Deo. !tome other outgoing shipmente tbi week Wee three oars of eelfeoin th Enterprise worke. A. rim *nacre and Weighs were ramie leeSattudae, Sunday and Monday a though the sliming wee none too good, FARMERS' Is,-TJnder directio of the Ontario Agricultural Oollege, Lor mere Inetitutes will be bald as follows Brusnele, San. 6th ; Dungennon, San. Otl and 7th ; Wroxeter, jam 12th ; Henson Feb. 2nd; Belgrave, Feb. 8411 ; Lead bury, Feb. ; Londesboro', Feb. 27N Tun Maneheeter (Kamm) News, o Nov. 12th, oontains the following item o interest to a number of Brusselites ; Rev, and Mrs. Geo. McKay entertaine aboet thirty little folks loot Friday after 0000, to celebrate the fourth birthday 0 their little daughter Margaret. Th ebildreo epee t a pleasant time, Ra Ohild ran always do, in games and othe amusements, Refreshmenta were eery act and at a reeennable hour they hid th little honese good-bye, leaving many 11 tle tokens of their love and hest Mahe Mrs. MeXav was assisted in the eine tainment of her little guests by Mrs. J. 1 Angus. TrIANKSGIVING ENTERTAINDIENT• - Tbanksgiving Boatel will be held .in th Bilethodist ollureh $011001 room on th evening of Thanksgiving Day, oornmeno ing at 7 o'olook, Refreshments will b provided. The following interesting pro gram is arranged for the maiden :- Anthem, Choir ; Prayer Solo, N. B. Gerry ; Chairman's addrese, B, Gerry ; Solo, 5. Xillougb; Address, (10 minutes) Rev. S. J. Al lin, "Origin and History o ThanlogivIng" ; Solo, Mies Maggie Beattie ; Rending, Miss M. Moore ; Quattette, Misses Hill and 'Kerr an Dresses. Jackson and Allin ; Address (10 minutes) Rev. W. Nor too, "How to make Thanksgiving" Solo, Mrs. W. H. Willis ; Recitation, Clarke and Arthur Al lin ; Solo, Alex. Ross ; Address'(10 minutes) Rev. R. Pan) "The Why and What of Thauks giving" ; Reading, Miee Gussie Smith ; Solo, Bliss Hill ; Recitation, Miss Nora Maunders ; Duett, Misses Sample and Moore ; Address, (10 minntee) Rev. W. A. Smith, "The When of Thanks giving" Closing. The admission fee has been placed ab th low figure of 15 cents, or a family tioke for 4 members at 50 cents. Proceed applied on new furnace account. A larg attendance is counted on and en enjoy able time leisured. Agonize RONALD STEAMER SOLD. -5. D Ronald has returned from Chatham, New Brunswick, where he disposed of one his celebrated fire engines. The Mira miohi Advance, published in that town ender one of Nov. 19112, says of the sec ond test, the first one being made with a very high wind :-The second test of the new Ronald steam fire engine took place on Thursday afternoon, 12th inst. The machine was stationed at the Masonic Hall tank and it was ancounoed that the team -making was not to be done on ime test, an the raising of steam in four minutes, forty-five monde and the throw - ng of water in six minutes at the time of he first test, two days before, were anis- eatery. Two lines of 24 inch how, each 500 feet long, were run up Henderson St. nd along Wellington to a point within 50 feet of the east side of the agnate, the nozzle men being stationed on be side- walk and a stake placed 150 feet away in he Square in the direotion of the Our - ere' Rink. Two streams were thrown hrough one inch nozzles, tbe drops fre• uently falling in profusion several feet eyond the 150 feet marls, and that Rai: - hilly against the moderate side wind hat was blowing. After a time one of he streams was directed down the wind long Wellington street and it Fent the vater to a point 170 feet from the nozzle. £he next ten was with a 1 111011 nozzle hrough a single tine of 500 feet of nob hose. Water was easily thrown side o the wind beyond the 175 ft. mark and rope fell at a 'neutered distance of 200 en. When the stream was direoted own Wellington street the water struck he top of the fence on the wen of the St. oke Manse property, wbich was 205 feet rom the nozzle, and it must have gone rorn five to ten feet further, at times, eo bat it is safe to say that it was seut at east 210 feet with a 1 inch nozzle after ass hug through 500 feat of single.line nob hoee. During the time of this last est the steam pressure was from 05 to 20 lbs. and ibe water pressure was from 75 to 300 lbs, to the square inoh. The ew Maltese Cross hose wee used, and it tood the extraordinary pressure without hawing the least sign of leakage or train, the couplings being perfect. After be regular tests a single line of 2,3E inch Dee 800 feet long, was laid up to the oruer at St. Mary's church and enemas° ut on, and two lines of 100 feet each ex• ended, one each up and down that street. trema from these were thrown through inch nozzles with exultant effeot. They ere not measured, as this test was not equired by the lenders, but everybody pRetred to be thoroughly satisfied with heir force and volatile. An unusually rge number of our best mechanical en. 1118818 were preeent at the test, and they ere unanimous in expressing their satis• Action with the engine's performances, eight and price oonsidered this Ronald ngine is a wonder. It ie nearly 2,000 be. lighter than the Amoskeng 005100- 88 of similar capacity owued by ae town -and it can therefore be taken wait more quighly to a fire and get up team in one half of the time. We may ay that the measurements were all made ersonally by the Advance representa• ive, and are therefore correctly stated, etenerimme 000,80,5 me men nen ) , Fon the ohettpeet Overcoats in town go 10 D. 0, Rose'. & Bimydute in eebbere, beote and shwa done neat and abeap. I. 0, Eioberde, heavy rubbers and 'mks, (aro g ebotk, splendid quality, I. 0, Biehards, I. WANT13»,-A carload of Fowl and Boll Better for the Halifax Market, We are 11 still buying Dried Apples ab 8 (tents, G. • 'el, Xing, Winglierri, I no eaw tiling very ()heap now for spot aseb as I haVe 8 nee/ and a feat way al setting eawe. T. McGregor, sew•Mer, 13ruesele, Queen St, Haat. HAWS Clover Boot, the geoat Blood. Purifier gives freelmese and elearneee to the complexion curl ouree ,00nstipetion. 26 ole, 50 eta and 51.00. 8010 by jamas Fox, Druggist, Brunets. • Wiepow Snaees.-1Yinsb be old, over a thonsaud window ;shades, cheaper than WOG ever known before(thermal; than oottora shades at one gent' a yard. All shadebung free of ()barge, R. Leather. dale. WE are giving the best valne in harness ever offered in Brussels. Speoial attention given to collars. Repairing peotnptly and cheaply done. 5, Donald. son, Dennis' old ettiltd. SIIIZOIl'e cure ie sold on a ;manatee. It mires incipient consumption, 18 is the best cough ciure. •Only ono oent dose. 20 ole., 60 ote. and 31.00. sow bY james Fox, Druggist, Brueeele. ANSTIIING that is kept in a Antoine furniture store in the oities you can get from me. I will 'take any amount of 50088 18110 duok feathers in exchange for goods. All goods delivered free, B., Lea tiled ale. GomyoRTABLE brick residenoe with every convenience, furnace, 80., for sale or to rent. Possession given on Deaember 1st. For further particulars apply to Mre. R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels. CAPTAIN Sweeney, T.T. S. A., San Diego, Cal., says ;-"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 sceeiusts. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Brus• PICTURE Mouoonoos.-I have the finest line of picture rnouldinge I have ever had since I have been here ; all the newest patterns and shades. I bought a large quantity in order to buy them right and T eon frame pictures very cheap. R. Leatherdale. BARGAIN OYSERED.-That eligible half etre lot situate on the Southern portion of Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die' posed of below con. Very easy terms. Business Locals. San D. C. Ross' nese stook of Over. cons. We a tic all parties owing ne to pay the game by Jemmy 1st. I. 0. RIchards. You want robes and blanketwe have thein cheaper than ever, I. 0. Rieharde. GARPETS.-Any one desiring ()emote will do well to call at tbe Brussels Wool. en Mill before buying elaewhere, as they have the largest armament of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price ftone 80o, to 51.00. Howe & Co. Write for partionlars to SOHN HARGREAVES 174 cee,rm st. West, Toronto. 5108 101 31ACRINrs.-I am selling the New William.' sewing machine and if yon have the least idea of buying a ma- chine onrne and see mine and get my prices before you buy. 5 can save you 51.0 on a meoliine and 525 on en orgau R, Lea therd CONsULT YoUR DOOR, -j5 he advisee Cod Liver Oil we recommend Wompole'e Tasteless Preparation. You can't taste the nil; all you taste is wild cherry, and that's good. What you get is flesh end strength. Cures ooughs, colds and wastive diseases. Jas. Fox, 8.m Chemist and Druggist. ORGANS. -If you are thinking of buying an organ oall and see R. Leatheniale's four different makes always on hand. You can get a six octave piano ease organ °beeper than you oan get the old style five octave from agents. Go where you have a stock to choose from. READY Fon WINTER. -A. visit to the large new show rooms in connection with D. Biran'S business, Bruesele, will 000 - vice anybody that be is in first•olass shape to Emit the public in cutters of the neatest and most fashionable styles and Buish and at prices to snit the pocket. He also has a stook of sleighs on hand ready for the Winter. Intending pur- chasers should give him a call and there- by get well suited and save money at the same time. Mr. Ewan is there to do business. A. doctor who has investigated, writes Toronto August 41b, 1896. As you have asked me to give you an opinion from a medioal standpoint on Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills, I find it a pleasure to reciommend them to all persons suffering from torpid liver, bad cligeation, frontal headache, languid feel- ing, especially in the morning, no aRpetite. I know of no proprietory medicine of equal merit's ea a liver and stomach treat- ment. (Signed) A. F. Dixon, M. D. Ask Jas, Fox. Druggist, Bruesele. about them. Sample box sent on receipt of six cents in postage stamps. The LeRoy Pill Co., Toronto, Oun. Try Don't Headache Powders, safe, suocessful, euro. 25 cents a box. • MORN . CAUMITEL--In Wingharn, on Nov. 16th, the wife of Mr. Joseph Oarruth of a son, RILES. -In Grey, on the 21st inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. Riley ole d n ugbter. Mootte.-In Brussels, on the 17th inet., the wife of Mr. U. H. Moore, V. S., of a daugh ter. Ross. -In Chesley on the 12th inet., the wife of Mr. Thomas Roes, formerly of Brunie, of 0005. 2.6.A.MEMLX3X1=. Docesx-Cowsx.-At the Methodist par. sonage, Brussels, by Rev. S. J. Allis, on the 241.11 inst., Dlr. Thomas Don- gan, of the township of Morrie, to Miss Mary Cowen, of the township of Hellen. Mr. Dougan was form• erly a resident at Mooers Forks, in the State of Now York, Platteborg Sentinel please oopy. =1MTz. CAIIRTITUER13.-In Turnberry, on the 17tb inst., Walter Carruthers, aged 82 yeare. G0000. -In Bast Weevanosh, on Nov. 18011, Russell, eecond son of Won. Gregg, aged about 12 years, S.A.7.-Oe01. TUESDAY, Dec. 8th.-Iearm stook, im- plements, &c. Lot 14, Con, 8, Grey. Sale at 1 p. m. Wm. hall, Prop., F. 8. Soon, Auo. TUESDAY, HBO. int. -Adjourned sale of farm stook, implements, dm. Lot 21, Con, 10, Grey, Sale ab 12 o'clock, sharp. Bobt, McLachlan, Prop., F. S. Scott, Ano, THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. 00D WANTED. -MARKET peon will be nmitl. for 8,000 4,000 cords of cord weed, either soft or hard, to be delivered MI5 Winter et the ENTERPRISE SALT WORES, Bruesels, 20tt Estate of T. 11,, COLEMAN, ST4,11734RD .84XIC OF ad,IY4,D4, 'X'4.0aX.Cms-03 ae700. HEAD OPPIOE. ^ TORONTO ASSII9, . . (Seven Million Dollars) 57,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorised) • ^ 52,000,000 ilgenoies in all principal points in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, United States cd.Bngland, arnietZgag, PfitiMaff. A General Banking B118410;1 Trannotecl. Farman' Notee Diecounted, Drafte reglad and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposite of 51.00 and npwarde from dat of deposit bo date of withclrawal'and compounded half yearly. STAMM. 'ATTBSTION 91V1414 TO Mt 00PhillOTION 01' SAL111 NeTns. Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance, J. A, STEWART Noreen. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.- -AL P1101 100015410, fitran security. Apply *1 11011 POST Publishing Mouse, ;ere:Reis RIVING HORSE, RISING 5 • years, for gale. Grine either single or double. Also dry cow in good owlet, Bea - gain for nob, GEO. BcTuroxsofirr., 20.2 south, .r1 OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. • Tile undersigned offers hie oomfort- able cottage an dime of land on Tuin berry street, lia tassel s for sale. On the AM /BOB 18 a good well, &ebb), 1'1113 trees, &e. Far price and terms empty to 1-tf ALEX. /IOLA UCD1LTN, Proprietor. paa SALE. -A GOOD SOUND horse, eight years old, suitable for Mt h- er road or farm ; also buggy, cutter and equipments. Would exchange them for Y"11Tri.bi attle it Quita.ileo 1.t , ROBB, Brussels, ORSE FOR SALE. -WELL trainee, good size, extra gentle, Sold with or without harness and top buggy, sleigh and robes. All in prime order. Less than half price. 1110, 01. RONALD, QTRAYED ON THE PREM - LJ IBOR of the uudersigned, Lot 27, Con. 10, Grey, about July last, 1 ewe and 1 lamb. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenees and take them away, 17.4 WM. BRAY, Monerieff P. 0, c,1TRAYED ON THE PREM - • Isms of the undersigned, Oct16, Con, 4, Morris, on Or about the lath of October, 1 rod heifer two years old. The owner is request. ed to prove property, pay expeneee and take her away. ItOliT. SHEDDAN, 17-4 13a assets P. 0, QTRAYED ON THE P151114- • 1 8100 a the undersigned, Lot 12, Con. 18, Grey, on or about the last of October, 1 two- yeeasold grey steer, The owner is requested 80prove property, pay expensee and take it ,DANIEL IdoMILLAN, 00away4. Walton P. 0. 11/11-EETING OF HURON COUNTY 1.V1 COUNOIL. The Council 01 the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Commit Chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on the first Wednetalay of December next, at o'elOelcp.in. WM. LANE, Co, Clerk. Dateo Noy. 11, 1806. 10-2 THE GOLD MINES. - WE A. have a large 792 page book on Britleh 001U01bia, tl,e land that is fast becoming famous for its eald. Ws keep a select assort- ment 00 110085 and any not in stock we can procure without extra charge, at Publishers primes. DEADMAN & MotIALL, Druggists, Booksellers & Opticians. nilENDERS WANTED. -TEN - ▪ 010108 Will be reoeived until Dec. DM, 1876, for the delivery of 70 cords of good sound green hard wood, Beech and Maple, all body woo0'104 inehes long, to be delivered at the Brussels Public School House before the lst day of Felnuary, 1807. 11.11083, Seem tory Public School Board. Brussels, Nov.17th, 1898 19 MENDERS WILL BE RECEIV 1 ED for the purchase of the old school house, 0.8.100. 2, Grey, minus the porch. The purchaser to remove all debris, stoves and all pertainiug to the building and found- ation. Tenders will be opened on Saturday, December 12th, 1800, at 1 5.50. The lowest or any tender not necessarily nonerited, Six months eredit given nia furnishing approved joint note, ALEX. STEWART, Sec.-Treas„ 20-2 Gran brook P.O. ilUPPLI1S, 119?, The undersigned will receive tenders for supplies up to noon on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 00TH, 1890, For the eupply of butcher's meat, butter, dairy and creamery, giving price for each; flour, oatmeal,potatoes, cordwood, ate., for the following institutions during the year 1807, viz.: - A.0 the Asylum for the Insane in Toronto, London,Kingston,Hamilton leo,Brock- villa and 001111a ; the Oeutral Prison and Mercer Reformatory, Toronto ; the Reform- atory for Boys, Penetanguisheue ; the Xusti- tutious for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, and the Blind at Broutford. Two sufficient sureties will be required for the due fulfilment of each contract, Specifications and forms of bender eau on ly be boil by making application to the bur - ears of the respecitive institutions. le. 13, -Tenders a"o not required for the supply of meat to the Asylums in Toronto, London, Kingston, Hamilton and Mimic°, nor to the ()entre]. Prison and Mercer lie. form story, Toronto, The lowest or any tender not necessarily acoepted. R. ODIRSTIE, q'. 13. CLIAMBERLAIN, TAMES NOXON, Thiene tors of Prisons and Public Charities, Parliament 13 uildings, Toronto, Nov. 1010.01, 1800. 100 REAL ESTATE. ITIARMS'FOR SALE. -THE UN- DEReIGNED has several good. Farms f or Bale and to rent, easy terms, in ieowuthipa of Morris and Grey. s' 8. Saume,,Erussels ClOOD FARM FOR SALE NEAR euesols, GI eat bargain. Lob 7, Con. 6, Grey township, Good buildings and or- ebartlovell watered, suitable for mixed or dairy farming, Apply to WM. 78,001010010,51 on the premises or to HOMAS HE ammit 11, London West, FARMS FOR SALE. - 200 aoree-Consisting of Lots 18 on the 7611 and 8th Concessions, Towtiship of Grey, be, ing 1 mile from the Village of Etbel a01105 miles from Brussels. 40 acres of Fall wboat Hewn (811O about 80 50055 Under crawl ; 00 acres cleared on eneb, norms of payment easy, A, Moli.GreVEY, ALEGI:4 04- 80m, ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE, r acme of good f men land at Springeeld, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is oder- 0,1 for sale at a low prin, sThe property le North East 4 280, 10, Two, 11, Runge 4, Host, There le a hoes° on the promises and Immo breaking don, Ner full partleelars 50 10 prim title, 4o., Write or limply to V, BLAIR or W.41, KERR, 26.10 ltruseols, 0801.• FARM FOR .SALE. -150 4.0111118Cousieting 01 the Routh and South A of the North 401 trot 06, Con 2, EWA WOMB,: 110011, an excellent etook farm, being well supplied with goodeprinq 18,ater. It is situated about 8 miles from thebln'lving '111. lege cf Myth. A large part of it is under miles. Buildings and femme are in a fair state of reeair, Easy terms of payment will be given. For all information apply to 11-tf 01,1/, BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, QPLENDID FARM FOR EALE. kJ That excellent farm, Lot 16, Oorl, 0, Township of Grey, 100 aoree, mud easel(' ab 000E0 in order to 010E10 0811818 05 deoeased own - or, The lob is zienaqy all °hared, with good buildings, ample water supply, large or- chard, 15 miles froin Oranbrook, is under good cultivation and is a very desirable pro, perty ludood. Apply to RICHARD MIT- CHELL, Brussels P. 0. 3011N MITODULL, on the promisee ; or A, HUNTER, Brusseie, Dated Sept. 190.1,, 1805. (-400D FARM FOR SALE IN the Township of Elrey, In order to elope an estate the West hull of Lot 24, Om 7, Township of Grey, 50 mires, is offered for immediate sale. On the preml ties are a good frame dwelling with kitchen, &a, also two frame barns, good water, milord, &c, and is Mose to 108 15111055 of Ethel. Soil is of the best and farm is well fenced, Apply to ALEX. MoICIILVEY, lvf.D„ Brussels 1 Will. MOKELVEY, lamestoWn ; Or A. HUNTEE, Brussels. RARM FOR SALE. -THE 5314.0/0118162/01) Offer their SIAODdid 100 40):0 farin,Lot 32, Con. 12, Grey, 057 5000, There are 85 acres cleared, balanao good hardwood binah. On the premises is a omnfoatable frame 11011FO, frame barn and Outbuildings; good orchard ; wells, &a 40 soros under grass. Farm .in eatoollout !state of aulblpo. 1100,15 miles from Granbrook village and 05 from Brussels, Possession eould be given lens Fall. For further particulars as to price, terms, &a, apply on the premises or write to Oranbrook P . 0 . 4-tf WM. on SAMUEL OARNOCHAN, VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligible 200 time farm , composed of lots 16and 17 in the lOtli con„ Grey township, Huron 00., and 00 acres, part of iota 10 and 17, 1.111.1 eon., belonging to the Robert Brown estate, is offered fox sale to wind up estate. On the first farm is a good stelae house and largo bank bare, necessary outbuildings, or- chard, 40, Farm well watered, well found and in good state of cultivation. About 60 mores of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On the 00 acre farm there is a house and barn, orchard, and about 8 mares of bueh. .0'm ma sold jointly or separately to suit purchaser. Possession given in the Fall, Farms are on- ly a mile from the village of Oranbrook, where are settee', ohumhes, post -office, stereo, 4c., 01)81 05011100 to the thriving mar- ket town Brussels. For further partioulars as to price, 'berme, (SM, apply to AGNES BROWN', JAMES BROWN, 1-Execinters. JOHN BROWN, Oranbrook P. 0. BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE -undersigned will keep for service on Lot 20, Con. 0, Morris, the them' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from Breithour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Pair, Terms, 51.00 to .be paid at the time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be sedu on application. O131, NICHOL. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.-'215E unclersnined will keep for nervice 011. Lob 86, Con, 6, Morris. the thoro'-brod Largo English Berkshire BOOT, "Captain John." His mother 10 (1 full slater to the ret pries oowob the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on applleation. Terms -S1,00 to be ila4airolaittt time of service with privilege of returning if neeessary. JAS. STEM, Proprietor. pOAR FOR SERVIOE.-THE .4-, undersigned will Reap for service on Lot 27, Con. 4, Morris, the them' bred Tana. worth boar,"Eing George," purchased from H. George &Sons, who got first prize for their herd at Guelph Fat ;Stook Show. The dam of "King George" won first prize at the Show, London, En gland. 1313 Sire rwas 're- ported and weighed 760 lbs. Terms 01.00 to bo paid at time of gervice with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. dm RICHARD ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Anoient Order cf. United Workmen. This old and prosperoue Fraternal Associ- ation numberiug 860,000 members are pre- senting to the publia their popular and soon. 0113i0(4i rates to worthy men, 51 1018 very low rate of about 58.00 per 81,100 per annum, The "Workmen" Promptly, Pay Death 015881,5 and expects a lures inerease to its members 11088 that those American Line Companies don't seem satisfactory to Can- adians. 110110, ARMSTRONG, M.W. ; W. IL 18,101410,Recorder 3, A. 0.1310IGHTON,Finaucier, MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MONAUGIITON, M. D. u . It. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P. S. Ont. Residence and office in Wilsou'e Blook,corner of WI and Turnhorry Ste, TM. ARIVISTRONG, M. D. • viiretelau, Surgeon, Anoueber, no. Graduate of Tomtit° University Madinat Faculty. Member of College of Physielans and Surgeons, Out. OPProll-Next doer to McDonald & Co., Walton Out, R. F. H. KALBFLEISCH, 50010005 AND AMOUGlitua, SUCCESSOR TO OR, W. SRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO. 101 001850 Honor Graduate of tbe ThliVorsi. Cos of Triulty (Toronto), Queen's (Kingeton), and &Trinity Median" College; Fellow of Trinity Median College and member of the College of Physicians and Burgeone of Ontar- 10, e ost (indent, Gonne in Detroit and Chlettgo, 1800. Special attention paid to dig. 81(805 of Bye, nar,Nose end Throat and (108. 00008 of Women. ra"Gonsultation In Eng- lish and eternise, Nov, 27, 1896 migumposomspow COUGHS COLDS, &O. TM 'MANN IN STOOIC- Syrup of White Pine and Tar, Syrup of Tar and Wild Cherry, Ayer& Cherry Peatorel, Ilagyard's ?octant Baleam, Shiloh% Onueumptiou Cure, Bosoltee'e German Syrup, Kiekapoo Cough Onre, Allen'e Leng Balsam, Four T'e Cough Syrup, Keum's Balsam, Soott's Etnulsion, D, 8. L. Emulsion, Wampole'e Ood Liver Pit, Syrup of TUrpentine, Bioklo's Syrup, Wine of Ood Liver Oil, Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, Bryan's Wafers, Speneer's Chloramine Pastilles, Frog. in Your Throat, Dr. Woods' Norway Fine Symm, Dr. Slocum's Cod Liver Oil, Psychine for Consumption, Honey and Hoarhound Cough Drops, Pirate Consumption (Jure, Brown's Bronohial Treaties, Balsam of Life. But here's something we R180 keep, More pleasant to take- CROKINOLE We have 3 different kinds of them -Arch Crokinole-the very latest, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. -0 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 3-14 Solicitor and Conveyanaer. Collee. Bone made. Oftlee-Vanetonsee Block, Bene. eels. 21-801 M. SINCLAIR, 11 • Solicitor, Oonveyancer ,No bury Pub - lie, dm. Ogioe-Vanstone's Block, 3. door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. ivir G. CAMERON, 4•T -a- • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderich, Ont. Offiee-liamilton St., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, 40. (late of Gamow & Prondfoot's Office, (0oderieb.) Officio over Gillioe & Smith's It mak, Breese's. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. (4EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed AllOti01.1e0r. Bales conduct edon reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooks& specialty. Orders lef t at Tem Pon P ublishingHouse,Bru ssels, or sentto Walton P. O., will reeeive Prompt. atteution, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - ...a. • MB, will sell for bettor prices, M better men, in ass time and lees ohargee time any other Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything. 015088 5011 orders can always be arranged at Otis office 01 by 1380 80001 ad/Vitiation. CAPT. STRETTON, V Who has had 25 years exporionee as an Auctioneer, but who 11,85 10 quit townie to in health, Mae again taken out license and is prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guarantee& Bates may be arranged at Inc Pon Publishing House. JAS. STRETTON, la•tf Auctioneer. DENTAL. D11.DAVIDSON, llotior Graduate Toronto Uuiversity, Licentiate Reyna College Dental Surgeons. Crown and,Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ate Fees, Satisfaction Assured. Ofeee over Barrett's barber shop, R`urnb eery St., Brus- sels. VETERINARY, T D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, ha prepared to treat all diseases of domeetieated animals lu a -cow- Turngi?-iv4117PaieO Vete d;n,tul1=11yn tended to. office and Infirmary -Four doors north of bridge •Purnberry st., Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. W MoORAOKEN, • Issurer of MarriageLloonses, °glee athis Grooery, Tureborry street, Brunets. jup N. BARRETT, .LI.J• Tonsorial Artist* Shop -Next door south of A.. 11.111eKay de Co's hardware store, Laclies'andobildreneheer (tutting u specialty • ii-RUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 81.00 to 81,000 and alleys 80 per cent. interest. FARROW, 87-8m Postmaster, ROBERT OUNNINGHAM nesrusicom, FIRE AND MARINE. • GUELPH, T. FLETCHER Issue! of Marriage Licenses, 0711011 AT jewstitx STonn. Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels, A LEX. HUNTER, ellerli of the Fourth Division Cohr Go, Rehm, Coeveyaneer, Notary Public tand, Loan and Tnelire nee Agent. Fantle invested and to loam Collootions made Office ill Graham's Bloalc, Breseols HOS. A. EA.WKINS, I-L Will giyo lemons to pepile either on plebe or organ, at his entitle Boom, oppoette the postonloo, Brunetti. Vocal1essene also givom Toe pine experlenee In teaohlug. 1 Terme moderate .