HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-27, Page 7Nov, 27. 1890 NUTSIIELL ‘111I, NEWS' IN A R fl' E VERY LATEST FROM ALL TUE WORLD OYER. • interesting Items About Our own Country, (heat Britain, the IJnite4 States. and Ali Parte of the (Robe, Condensed and Aesertee for Bose Reedinry. CANADA. There ie good sleighing in Winnipeg •district. A. big shipment of flour loft Winn! peg for Australia, Reasland, Edmonton and Golden have been made mietenms outports, Mr, George P. Creighton .has been •appointed 'treasurer e1 Owen Sound. Work on the Lake Dauphin, Man,, Railway has been suspended Lor the winter. The half -yearly statement ofthe Hank of Montreal shows net profits of $003,360. 1 oinnay, under the customs survey of New Westminster, will now be khown as Fort Steele. Sir Adolphe Ohapleau, Lieutenant- -Governor •Governor of Quebec, luras ed his 'fifty-fifth birthday c Mr. Albert Horton, Toronto, •bas been appointed official stenographer to the Boring Sea Oommission. On Saturday Mrs. Arthur Piper, of London, was knocked down and fat - wily injured by a trolley) Robert Morran, charged with the .mmmerder of Hannah Hatton at Holland, was .acquitted at Winnipeg. Bad Young Man, the Albert Indian murderer, wasoa turgid by the mount .ed police on: the Blood reserve. The C. P. R. telegraphers' commit- tee is well pleased at the result of its interview with the railway, officials. The early closing by-lawiu Montreal bas been declared void and a lot of. suits agaiust the city are talked of. It is expected that the session of the Quebec Legislature will be rushed through, and that the eleotions will be held iu January. The proposal is made in Ottawa that the Government erect a new depart- mental block for the storage of State documents. The late Ald. Yeomans of Belleville • left $5,000 to Albert College and en equal sum to the Bridge Street Metho- dist Church library. Prof. Robertson, the Agricultural and r holds that the un- proved • t • Commissioner. proved lands of Canada are capable of feeding twenty-five a miion s of people. le. Figures that are coming to hand in. the Dominion Department of Fisheries indicate that the ealmort trade in cattle and horses is nearly up Lo that of last year. Nearly 1,000 hogs have been slaugh- tered in Essex county in an effort to stamp out hog cholera. The Dominion Government haspaid over $1,000 to the ownmers. A McGill student named J. T. Stewart of Athelstan, Quebec, died from hemorrhage of the lungs, brought on by over-exertion in a sniffle be- tween two of the classes. The leave of absence which has been granted to Judge Taschereau is for sev- en months, and Chief Justice Hagerty, of Toronto has been granted six months' leave of absence. Mrs. Sturdy, matron of the House of Refuge, Hamilton, has been suspended as a result of Judge Snider's report on the investigation held recently into the management of that institution. The Beaver line has offered to rain a direct bine of steamers during the sum- mer months between Charlottetown, P. E. I., Liverpool and Montreal for a sub- sidy of fifteen hundred dollars a trip. A woman, signing herself "Queen Sheba, Empress of India, Queen Vic- toria's granddaughter by franchise,"has written to Premier Laurier, request- ing file immediate payment of ninety- eight billion dollars. The Angio -Canadian trade improved somewhat in October. The exports from Canada to England increased ten per cent, during the month, and twenty-nine per cent. for the pest ten months oe the year. Prof, Macoun, Jr., of ISI Geological Survey staff, returned to Ottawa the other day from Behring Sea. His re- port will show that the destruction of seal life is beyond anything that was supposed. The British cruiser Crescent, Llagship of the North American squadron, sail- ed from Halifax for Bermuda with Vice -Admired' and Lady Erskine on board. She was accompanied by the warship Partridge. Sir Casimir Growski is to be admin- istrator of the Government of Ontario during the absence of his Honor the Lieut -Governor, who has been granted two months' weave of absence for the purpose of visiting England. While Sergi. Wilde, one of the most hi.gh'iy esteemed members of the North- West Mounted Police, was attempting to arrest a fugitive Indian murderer named "Charcoal," about 35 miles from Macleod, he was shot dead by the In- dian, Prof. Coleman's report upon the dis- covery of what was supposed to be coal in Balfour Township has been issued. Tno subeiance is called anthraxolite,aud tee opinionis expressed tbat it may have a considerable economic value as fuel for local use. Georgina Scott, five years old, was accidentally burnt to Eleven in a neigh- bor's house on Hagerman street, To- ronto, Saturday morning, and in the afternoon James Gorman, seven years old, was lanocked down and killed by a horse on Queen street, east of the Don. General Manager plays, of time Grand Trunk, who has returned to Montreal from St. Louis, thinks the Mcliiule,v Administration will be a strictly busi- ness one, and will be fully alive to any advantages to bo obtained from a re- ciprocity treaty between the two noun tries, GREAT BRITAIN, T.1mo Conselxatixe mane)gors inIing laud are i;ontemplating the erection of 0 C 1 atlC.mmq^ a club 1.11 London apab o p f dating fifteen thousand members. A committee leas been apJointed •to enquire into the olmar`gee oe systems, tlo robbery in the lhondon County Oounail for the past eighteen inontbs. Major Kitson, of the Royal Rifles, bas been appeluted to tee oommand of the Royal Military College et King- ston, . in suaceesion to Gena Oameron. Sir Charles Dilke assorts that three ewers lately submitted to Great Bri- tain a preposal dor the partition of China. Great Britain roeused.to enter- tain the proposal. It is stated that the British Govan - went bas decided to prosecute Sir Ilal- lidayMacartney, counsellor of the Chin- ese Legation in London, for bis share in the arrest and detention of Sun Yat Sen. Th'e question of the removal of the embargo on Canadian cattle will be a leading topic in the speeches of the Lib- eral candidates during the Jaye-elootion campaign in. East Ilradlord and Derby- shire. Since the release of :Mrs. Castle from Wormwood Scrubs prison on Tuesday, bor condition of health bas been so dangerous that the doctors now refuse ber permission to sail for the United States at present, A spy of tee British Government, giving his name as Jones, who enter- ed the Clan-na-Gaol and other secret Irish American organizations, gave sen- sational evidenee in the Ivory dynamite trial in London, Sir Donald A, Smith', the Canadian High Commissioner, in an interview the other day in London, denied the report circulated in Quebec and Montreal that he 'trill return to Canada next month, and that Mr. R. R. Dobell will succeed him. The St. James' Gazette sayys that Lord Salisbury's admission of the prinn alple that the United States has the rigbt to intervene in frontier disputes of the American powers is a formal re- cognition of the hegemony of the hent, United States on th'e American conti- UNITED STATES. Sunday, at noon the electric power generated at the Fails entered Buffalo. During the lest fiscal year there landed in the United States 343,207 im- migrants. The official election returns fromPen- nsylvnnia give Diesels. McKinley and Hobart 304,944 plurality. The revival of business as the result of Mr. McKinley's election is generally apparent in the United States. Mrs. Mary Dick P citizen of Hudson, wife o Ea r omnent N.Y., has been for forgery.ar- rested at New York The nerve of a dog was successfully traneelanted in the partially paralyzed hMichand. of N.'Graybiel, at Grand Rapids, TEE Tijore was serious rioting on Sundae et bhelaupr, Leila, in (onneation w1.o looting groan. The police ftrod. 0011 ispOneem delete, killing feur and wounding slat. 1'bo report current of another Armnc- pian massacre is eonf[rmod. One hurl - tired were put to deeds ,in Everek, and nearby all the Armenian Houses pit- la ped. Adeeppatop from Bombay says that in eleven districts of the Deoean and Con- oen a mtldion and a quarter' of peo- ple are. believed to be en Lee verge 01 etarvatmon. Tho British Parliament meets Jan- uary 12th. The Queen arrived at Windsor cas- tle from Balmoral on Saturday. The Marquis of Huutly was re-elect- ed. Lord Rectae of the University of Aberdeen on Saturday. The failure of crops in Ireland will produce very severe distress, which, tthowever, will not amount to a famine, :She London County Council is obtaininging or talk - es at a cost ofsimply lhewar d milli u oe wilier from 'Dale Pounds, Gen. Bootle of the Salvation Army, announces thtet the army is to extend its operations to the whole of the Malay peninsula. Rio Janeiro news just received in London from British sources says that the emigration of Comedians to Brazil' has proved a mistake, The New York post -office intends ex- perimenting within a week or two with homeless carriages for the delivery of email matter. County commissioners of Warren, Pa„ 'have taken charge of an alleged now born boneless baby. They tlunk the child will live. George H .Morrison, the defaulting county treasurer, of Rensselaer, was on Wednesday, at Troy, N.Y., sentenc- ed to ten years' imprisonment. Hakken Hainer, of Pottstown, Pa., and a coloured man named Reynolds, were instantly killed by a dynamite explosion at Niagara Falls, N.Y., on Sat- urday. Three others are badly injur- ed, and may die. The United States battleship, Texas, while lying in the Brooklyn navy yard, on Tuesday had a thirteen-inchhole stove in her side by the breaking of ber sea -cook, and she now lies at the bottom of the dock. A. D. Johnson, the coloured bishop of the independent M.E. church, at Fort Scott, Kits., who was recently ar- rested for making fake pension affidav- its, was sentenced on Saturday to two years in the penitentiary. The interdenominational committee recently appointed to further the work of foreign missions, decided at New York yesterday to ask all pastors in the United States and Canada topreach a sermon on foreign missions on the second Sunday in January. A report from Washington says the arbitration of the Venezuelan dispute is a settled fact. The Arbitration Com- mission is to consist of five arbitrators, two to be named by Great Britain, two by the United States, and these four to elect the fifth arbitrator. The treaty fixes sixty years undisputed possession as the test. of conclusive presumption of rightful occupancy of the settled dis- trict. Comumercial advices from the United States all agree in stating that the immediate business outlook is more en- couraging. Not in one direction, but all over, idle factories, and mills are being reopened, while m works which have not ceased running the number of employes is being rapidly increas- aded. Stocks are mostly low everywhere, w'il and must be replenished at once, h orders that have been accumulating are now being placed in hand. An import- ant and, of course, largely satisfac- tory factor in the situation is the steady advance in wheat, which has gained six points in one week, the price now being the highest since June. 1892. Copper has made a oonsiderable advance during the week. and prices of many primary articles are steadily rising. GENERAL. Presidcut Barros, of Brazil, is dying at Rio. A despatclb from St. Petersburg, states that e railway train which was conveying the dowager Czarina, Grand Dake elielem , Grend Duke Nicholas and Grand: Dural aws Olga was stopped between Sombatowo and Mikals'ewe, the engineer finding that parte o tee. locomotive head been wilfully loosened. On the 10th ult.; the British mere:ice tidi steamer Boyne, while off 'Smyrna, took on boarda boatload of escaped Armada/es, s, Immediately after the Tares demanded their return. The captain of the Boyne refused, and the United States warsbip Minneapolis sup - Ported. his refused', and said the refu- gees should safely leave tee port if he Aad to bombard the town. ROENTGEN RAYS. Surgeons Just iie„laniag to Get Ilse Bone fit of Them. Dr. Macintyre says the opinion hold by tetany that we have arrived at about the end of knowledge of the Roentgen rays, so far as regards practical results is entirely erroneous. On the contrary we aro only just beginning to realize their possibilities. Dr. Macintyre be- lieves that we shall eventually be able to photograph not only the whole hu- man skeleton in life, but the contents of the three great cavities of the human body, as well as the surrounding osseous walls. It was suggested that, if the bones of the extremities were to be photographed with certain apparatus in a given time, by diminiphing the ex- posure the soft tissues might be caught before they disappeared. By carefully judging the exposure not only the bones in disease were photographed,but also the fleshy parts, and this with such accuracy that the surgeon could see the internal pathological change and the external confiugration of the part as well on the same plate. But when it came to an examination• of the or - ens e body it was found that or- gans m th d Y time rule diel not imply, and instead tead o f less force more was required.Bya spe- cial arrangement tie the tube, the heart, sternum and ribs were photographed on one plate, and when the patient was placed on his back, lying on the sen- sitive plate, these structures were omih- •ed, but the spine was photographed. Foliomving out these indications, Dr. Macintyre made a series of observa- tions which led him to the conclusion that for more delicate and sensitive work more powerful' currents than those hitherto used will be necessary. He asks all those engaged in physical research to lend their aid to mcrease the utility of the Roentgen rays, the hall of whose benefits to mankind are kept in abeyance until the surgeon can secure instantaneous photography of every part of the body. 1' 1.i tl,•, ,.ATB GABLB .E.SI Canatliilii tattle 11,ld Sheep in fen,;lune-•A Mind eln3fn'^JIQners for Services 1* iha NIIC E8pedllleia-Iserensed none) lu ereln,mli, Aloe .4"c', A despatel front I,endon, says: -Buy- ers say time tee vast majority of tee cattle aztad elicep:impor'ted to :ian!glend during yams !rant' week calme, from Cane ode., The qunBty is considered good all round,' ' l Mr, awl Mrs. Wafjter Dz: Cesihe, of San Franeisoo, wire'' sail for the Unit- ed Staten on beard the American eine steamer St, Raul, leaving Southamp- ton to -morrow„ 'Che Town ' Pannell of Abervaon, Wales, by unanisnous vote, elected Mr. Henry Rlclenrds, a blind gentleman of independent means;t Mayor for the ensuing year./ `Cris is the Iirst blind Mayor ever &elec+ted in Britain. The Gazette announces the fallowing lmonors es laving been conferred for services he the Nile expedition: -Sir. Herbal: Kitchener, the Sirdar of the - expedition, Knight Commander of the Bath, Six affieers of the expedition are leCma' nsof a Bath, and mat . o iia til Ba four offiecrs are made companions of the Distiontguisbed Service Order, while terse or four other promotions are gazetted, varying from major to ma- jor-general! The Queen 'hes been pleased to ape ppcent time Right Hon. the late Lord hLayor, Sir Waleter Wilkin, to be a Knrgbt Commander of the Order of St) Michael. and St. George. The thief Irish Land Oommmmissiou at Belfast, in forty cases which they had before them for the fixing of a lair rent, in' creased the judicial rents in twenty-six Instances, the maximum in- crease being 121-2 per cent. The Marquise of Bute, 'having com- pleted a year's service as Mayor of Cardiff,' has been unanimously elected Lo a similar position by time people of Rothesay, Scotland, and hes entered on his duties. • At a citizens' meeting in Belfast presided over by the Lord Mayor, it was decided to erect a statue oe the Queen in the oity as a memorial.: of her Majesty's hang reign. It was stated at the meeting that already thousands of workingmen lead subscribed one shil- ling each towards the cost. • Great devastation has been caused by floods in Bosnia. to Tsend 20,000 he Sanish ore tr opsfice 1topCubatag A bill will be shortly placed before the German ReiOSstag to increase the navy and to rearm the artillery. The distress in India is increasing. There have been no mina in the famine districts, and the price of grain is rising. It is stated in Bionic that peace hen been oholnded between Italy and Alm- yssinia on, terms very favorable to the Negus. An Austrian officer disguised as a der- vish has been captured by the British near Suakin. Ito ms nen the employ of the Khalifs. A Radical attempt to defeat the Trench Ministry failed, time Govern- ment securing a majority of 99 on a confidence motion. The Trausvaal Government will elaim a million pounds from the Britisb South Africa, Company as indemnity for Jamesoe's raid, There were scenes of great enthusi- asm throughout Spain when the new war loan was nearly all subscribed on Sunday. by the people. Tho Spanish Government denies that it has agreed withn•tbe United States Cubaair within a contain terminate in NEW ZEALAND DAIRYING. Antonia of Batter and fhcese Exported Last Year. Mr. J. B, Macewa.n, Dairy Commis- sioner of New Zealand, is at Ottawa, on a visit of a few days to Prof. Rob- ertson, Agricultural and Dairy Com- missioner. Mr. Macewan was on the Canadian dairy staff until two years ago. when he resigned and went to try his fortune on the other side of the globe. Mr. Macewan says the New Zea- land Government is organizing its dairy work on lines similar to those followed in Canada. He is on 'bis way to Great Britain, on a mission to investigate the met'heds of handling and distributing New Zealand butter and cheese there. Last year New Zealand exported 3,500 tons of cheese, and 3,000 tons of but- ter. Time value of those was about two million dollars, or about one-seventh part of the value of Canadian exports. In view of the cold storage, movement by the Canadian Government it is in- teresting to know that the New Zea- land Government pays all expenses of grading the butter therm and freezing 11 before it is put in the cold storage chambers on the steamships. The cost to the Government was about $25,000 last year. Mr. Macewan left Auckland on October 3rd and arrived at Strat- ford October 31st. THE BLIND SEE. A lYonalri•1'ul. Discovery With th • v X Ray Apparatus. A despatch from San Francisco says: -Lucien Baciga:upi, the totally blind son of the keeper of it public "X" ray display, has discovered that by the aid of the Roentgen ray be ca'n see suf- ficiently to distinguish objects. While with Dr. G. \Vever:'ey Clark in the laboratory the other day the physici- an gave the 'ad the Iluerosope and he at once said he cou5d see light. Jdeye, nails and other metallic objects were placed behind the blocks of wood and m purses and the :,ad distinguished the forms readily. Ths test was made complete and such; a stir bas it made among medical and scientific mien that a ntmmhei of experiments will at once be made with persons who are blind. ANGLO-CANADT N TRADE. Diereaased Imports ri Canada Daring the First 'ren Months or the Year. The Anglo -Canadian trade during October improved somewhat. The im- ports to England from Canada increased 10 per cent. during the month, and 29 per cent. for the first ten mouths of the Year. The imports from all countries increased only 7 per cont. in October. The increases for the ten months aro:--- Wheat, 1425,000; bacon, ,0l02,000 ; ham, £141,000 ;; butter, £150,000 ; cheese, 1202,000; fish, £02,000; copper ore, 148,000 ; hewn, wood, 1191,000; sawn wood, £840,000. Flour declined 1230,- 000, sheep 1151,000, oxen £75,000. Tho exports from England to Canada de- clined 22 per cent. in October, but in- creased. 2 1-2 per cent. for the Len months. The exports to all other coun- tries in October declined loss than 1 per Dente , , • OAT -O' -NINE -TAILS. 'JHE ,INDIAN FAMINE, we•= Distress In ilia Ceded INslricis 0reemete -Suggested rote* Umti to ,or Mecrlcatn Milne A. correspondent telograpIma .to the London Times,, from Allalelbed, India, as follows.-"Dlserass IS beginning to be felt in the ceded districts of Madras. The Rev. Mr. Campbell, s British sionary, writes from Cuddapall urging the importation' el Americ.•ia maize, 'which,'' he says, 'is half time price of wheat and would find a ready sale !n our up -country villages, It le grown in many parts of time ceded dis- tricts, and. Irene its resemblance to obolam, would be preferred to either rice or rage tellies it could be 'sold much cheaper than any of the Indian grains, If the Government will not undertake smile a work, surely there are merchants in Madras prepared to benefit the public, wltb a prospect of a fair profit. Maize would also find a ready sale en Upper India."' This correspondent also quotes an article from the Pioneer dealing with the drought. It expects a good rainfall from the latter half of December on- ward, but none before that. Ten English Judge; Condemn. of „ a tea.; null tut IJie Use the lash. tnCr✓ r�-y A despatch from London says :Tudge Wills at the recent assizes in York- shire, spoke very strongly againstthe use of the lash for any class of crim- inal offences. He declared its appli- cation bad failed to prevent, or even reduce, the crimes it was introduced to punish Judge Matthews, at the Chester Assizes, said that two-thirds of the offences ware against women and children, and something worse. The lash was advocated to repress these offences, but for the credit of the country he hop- ed oteer means than this most degrade ing of eel tortures would lee found for deterring people Irani committing such abominable offences. 73e hoped the nineteenth; century would have some better message to send the next cen- tury Ishan that morrae discipline could; may he maintained by the lash. , 10 cts. Cures Constipation and Liver Ills. -Dr. Agnew's Liver lents are the most perfect made and cure like magic,. Sick Headache, Constipation, Bilious- ness, Indigestion and aIIL Liver 111s. 10 cents a vial -40 doses. Sold by G. A. Deadman. About a year ago Ben Reed, a Chi- cago policeman, bought a small inter- est in a Cripple Creek mine; Now he is a miflionamre.l Relief in Six Hours. -Distressing Kid- ney and Bladder Diseases relieved in six hours by the "South American Kid- ney Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise and delight on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the ruinary passage in male or female. It relieves retention of water and pain in pawing it almost immed- iately. If you want quick relief and cure this .you your remedy. Sold by G. A. Deadman. The young man who is anxious to lay the world at the feet of the girl he adores, three months after he marries her isn't willing even to lay the oar - pet. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. -South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheu- matism and Neuralgia, radically cures to 3 days.P Its action upon on the in 1 system is remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause andthe disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Said by G. A. Deadman. "That hair -restorer t bought of you T found very efficacious," remarked Cawker to his barber. "So?" replied the knight of the razor. "I must try it myself." It is said that if Noah's ark had had to be built by a comnpny they would not have laid. the keel yet; and it may What be so. hat is many men's bushiess is nobody's business. The greatest tbings. are accomplished by individual' men, - Spurgeon. Sold by G. A. Deadman. The winnings of the Prince of Wales on the turf of this year amount to con- siderably over 3100,000. Heart: Disease Relieved in 30 Minutes, -Dr, Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect relief en all cases of Or - genie or Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a peerless remedy for Pal- pitation, Shortness of Breath, Smother- ing Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms, of a Diseased Heart. One close convinces. Sold b, u. s. Deadman. THE QUEEN. --, list' Arrival at 'YJndnn, from ILdnunal 500 Majesty to Slakes Now Will. The Quden arrived at Windsor castle froom Balmoral on Saturday, accompan- ied by Princess Beatrice, the children of the latter ,and the children of the Duke and Duchess of Connaught. Her Majesty will spend five weeks at Wind- sor, and will then go to Osborne for two months. The Prince and Princess of Wale$, the Duke and Duchess of Saxe- Coburg-Gotha, the Duke and Duchess of Connaught, and Prince and Princess Charles of Denmark, will all be guests et Windsor castle during the present week. 1 is reported that the Queen is about to make a new will. The one now in existence was made twenty years ago, and has twenty-two codicils, necessitated by changes in the Royal family, It is engrossed on vellum, quarto size, bound as a volume, and is secured by a patent look. A fifteen -pound codfish, recentily ex - mined by the Fish Warden of London, was found to Cavo a roe containing 4,872,000 eggs. , Piles Cured in 0 to 0 Night. -Dr, Agnew's Ointment will cure all cases of Itching Piles in from 3 to 0 nights, One application brings comfort, For Eland and Bleeding Piles it is peerless. Also cures Tatter, Salt Rheum, Eczema, Barber's Itch, and alil eruptions of the skin„ 85 cots. Sold by G. A, Deadman. people treader why their nervus are se weab; wily 1110y got broil 50 enelly; why they do net: sleep naturally; why they have frsgUeat head. , aches, indigestion and Nervous Pyspepsin, Tho expianetlen i4 temple, It Is found ht that Impure blood Ana, leg the nerves on refuse instead of tho ole - meets of otrcugtli and vigor. Opiate and nerve compounds ilmply deaden and do not sere. Iiood'e etarsiiintrine feeds the nerves pure, reel 01004 t gives nettled sleep, paint dl 6ss. ton, le the true remedy for all nervoustroltl,les, Sarsa, wls�rWa is the One True Bleed Purifier. All druggists. 51. i.acedas PHIS eauieroIolpsra,y25to FOR TWENTY -SLK :YEARS. PS} + BAKING f.•OWDER THECOO 'S BEST FRIEND LAKs 0ST SALE 1N CANADA. REMARKABLE POINT Oji' VIEW. In some things the Japanese pant of view is very different from that . of other countries. The track of the Ka- ma -Kura railway is not fenced in and crossings rarely have gates. A boy, carrying a cbild on his back, straying on 'the line, was recently knocked down by an engine and both boy and child were killed. Thereupon the railway: ompany•prosecuted the father for al- lowing his children to trespass and he was fined ten yen, Some time ago at Osaka, a cow was run over and the owner was fined 200 yen, besides losing his cow. a T E EYES OF THE ewe Are Fixed Upon South Ameri- can eri-cai Nervhieo Beyond Doubt the Greatest Medical Discovery of the Age. WHEN EVERY OTHER HELPER HAS FAILED IT ORES A Discovery, Based on Scientific Principles. that Renders Failure Impossible. *----.'''...--"'--Th A\ F )91.k7iglig .in the matter of good health tempor- izing measures, while possibly success- ful for time moment, can never be last- ing. Those inpoorhealth soon know whether,the remedy they are using is simply a pessing incident in their ex- perience, bracing them up for the day, or something that is getting at the seat of the disease and is surely and pirmanntly restoring. The rr of the` world are literally fixed on Soutlm American Nervine. Tees, are not viewing it as a nine -days' won- der, but critical and experienced men have bcnn studying this mediomne for yt:arC, with the one result -they have found that its olalm 01 perfect cura- tive qualities cannot be gainsaid, The ;great discoverer of this medicine was pcasessed of the knowledge that the seat of all disease le the nerve centres, situated at the base of the brain. In this belief he had the best scientists and urodittl mien of the world oorupying exactly the 00010 pre- mises. Indeed, the ordinary lay- man recognized, this principle tong age. Everyone knows that let disease or injury affect this part of the human system and death Is almost Certain. Injure the spinal cord, which is the medium et' these nerve cen- tres, and paralysis is sure to fellow. Here is the brut principle. The tmcu- -wiliW'titt\\ ble with medical treatment urn.. any, and with nearly all medicines, is • that they aim simply to treat the organ that may be diseased. South American Nervine passes by the organs, and im- mediately applies its curative pbwers to the nerve centres. from whish the organs of the body receive their supply of nerve fluid. The nerve centres. heated, and of necessity the organ which has shown the outward evidence only of derangement is healed. indi- gestion, nervousness, impovormslaed blood, liver complaint, all owe their origin to a derangement of the nerve centres, "i Thousands bear testimony that they have been cured of these troubles„ evert when they have become. so desperate as to baffle the skill of. the most eminent physicians, because South American Nervine has gone to headquarters and cured there. The eyes of the world have not been disappointed In the inquiry into the suc- cess of South American Nervine. Peo- ple marvel, it is true, at its wonderful. medtoal qualities, but they know be- yond all question that it does_.every- thing that Is claimed for it. It stance ,lane as the one great certain curing remedy of the nineteenth century. Why should anyone surfer distress tette Melt- ness while this remedy le emetically' , at their halide 7 - ►, DEtI)llly Whateaate and Retail ,(gout fogIli-ussols.