HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-27, Page 6gtt N111001,0 (11,0$t EVERY FRIDAY MORNING (AI time for the early mails) at +*The Post" Stain. Publish» Ufonsea TonNnoans ST., l3ROesga0e, Orr, Prunus or 8uusonrz'mlox.-050dollar a year, in advance. Tbe9date to which overs enbeeriptlon 1s pard is denoted by the date on the address label, Anyeaccsina Ii,1'ros.—The following rates will be obarged to thee0 who advertise by tbeyear: finals 1 Ta'. 1 me'. l It Me One 00'umn,.,,........ $0600 $0.00 320.00 Q 20.00 09,00 Quarter " 20.00 Ij 12.00 8,00 Eighth• ... 13401 8.00. 0.00 Bight cents per line for first insertion, and three tombs per line for each subsequent in- Sorting. All advertisements measured as 220nparei1-19 lines to the inob. B2010000 Cards, oigbt hues and under, 50 per annum. Advertisements w1013800 0pe0i5e direc- tions, will be Inserted until forbid, and 4 abargod accordingly. Instructions to change or diseontin00 an advertisement must be left at the counting room ei Tun PosT not later than 'Tuesday of each week This 10 imperative. W. I71. IiEIR,a Editor and Proprietor. Cil11C etoz. Y:xetter, Jos. Cobblediok shipped 5,000 bushels of barley 10 New York on Monday of last week. Geo. Webber is about to open a steam laundry in town opposite Messrs. Weekes Broe.' marble works. Warren Ross, son of D. A. Ross, left Tuesday of last week for Preston where he will serve au apprenticeship in a machine shop. The Rt. Rev.Manrioe S. Baldwin, Lord Bishop of Huron, delivered an interesting lecture in the Trivitt Memorial church on Wednesday. In Stephen it is said that Harry Either, the present efiiotent Reeve will retain hie seat, preferring that at present to a seat in the County Council. John Harness accidentally ran a rusty nail in his thumb on Thursday of last week which tanned to blood poisoning and be is now obliged to carry the arm in a sling. Dr, Kinsman received word on Monday of last week that his brother in London was dead. The remains were brought here Tuesday by train and on the game day were interred in the Steffy cemetery. Who will be the County Counoillors for No. 4 district ? Thie is a question that is now being asked. We have heard the name of Thos. Kay, late Reeve of Us - borne, mentioned as 0. probable candi- date. Dr. Rollins, of this town, has de- iiaitelyi dooided to be a candidate and is in the held. Master Harold, eon of F. W. Collins, assistant Postmaster, accideutall.y swall- owed au apple core about nine weeks ago which lodged into one of hie lungs, can- ing him uonsiderable pain and much sickness. On Monday of last week he was overcome by a severe coughing spell during which the Dore woe expelled from its lodging place quite fresh and hard. C ora -ie. Another barber is billed to locate here on Deo. 1st. The special services at Orange Hill are increasing in interest. A new organization called the "Blue Bow" has been organized in our town. Thos. Vittie, who was severely injured by falling in the cellar, is able to be around again. Samuel Koine left for London where be will take a coarse in the Military cul - lege. Rev. A. K. Birks, B. A., of Teeswater, preaobed Educational etermone in the Methodist church last Sabbath. Dr. May, Government Inspector of Pantie Libraries, visited Gerrie and met the Board of Management. Aa a result of the Dr's. visit the Library may be made a free Library before long. Rev. J. W. Goole, late of Edgar, Sim- coe Co., has received the unanimous invi- tation of the Turnberry and Howiek Congregational churches and hie already entered upon hie ministry. He intends residing in Gorrie. A well attended meeting of the rate- payers of the Police Villose of Gerrie was held to consider the advisability of purchasing ground for park purposes. After considerable discussion it was re- solved to have the question submitted to a vote of the ratepayers of the village. The annual meeting of the Gerrie Branch Bible Society was held in St. Stephen's church. Addresses were de- livered by the agent of the society, Rev. Jas. Grant, and Itev. C. R. Gunne, both of which were iustruetive and well re- ceived. The officers for the ensuing year are :--President, T. II. McLaughlin ; Vice -Pres., Wm. Evans ; Seo., Mr. Nicholls ; Treas., R. Ross ; Depositor, W. J. Greer. Directors, Jas. Perkins, Jas. McLaughlin. J. R. Williame, Rich. McGrath, John Stewart, P. P. Ayles- worth, Chas. Irwin, Henry Townsend, Goo. Gallium, J. T. Edgar, 301121 Cooper. ]1'ordo:Idreh. A row belonging to W. A. Edwards was kill by the train. The section men are putting in new cattle guards at the railway orossings. Dr. S. P. May, Superintendent of Pub. lie Libraries, inspected tbo library hero, J. J. Elliott, V. S., hie been appointed government inspector of live stock ship- ped to the United States. The Albion Mouse etables have been enbtr(21 and 10000000(1 and everything 1018,10 snug, for the Winter. Gillespie is aroanci again, as hale and hearty as ever. I -Ie resumed his duties in school on Monday morning of last week. Mrs. E. Little, who ?las been teaohing the junior department of the village sebool since the summer vacation, has been re-engaged for the ensuing year. Robb. Cook, son of our esteemed towns. man, B. S. Cook, wbo has been attending the Northern Buein§ss College at Owen Sound, returned home bringing his dip- loma with him. As Mrs. Littlejohn and Mrs. Wallace were driving their horse became frighten- ed and swerved to one aide, throwing the rig over the embankment. Both ladies wore thrown out but they fortunately es• caped serious injury. W, F. Stretton, the practical wat411- maiter and jeweler, of Gerrie, has *nada arrangements to visit Porde/loll regularly once a week,-•Dn Wednesday afternoons. Ella otlioe will be in Dr, Sponoe'e drug oter0. The electors of 120(01018, Wroxeter and Turnb4Lry will be 1e s4d to learn that ti3, S. Opals, our papular tawneman, ilae ab Met 'Molded to be a candidate in tbe oafn- ing municipal elootions far the County Conooil, Word wao received hero some time ago that Nath, Graybol was in great danger of losing hie hand, which was injured in Mr, Strotne's mill 'net Winter. The ar- tery, it seems, was short and did not sup. ply bloodto the band. A0 a fighting ehanoe to save the limb, Mr, Greybel, who ie in the Grand Rapids', Mich., hoe• pital, consented to undergo an operation. The dootore transferred a part of the artery of a dog, living, of course, to Mr. Greybel'o arm, and at last a00ounte he wag doing well and the operation wee a 0900ess, It is the are* operation of tbe kind performed on this continent. CJ1isaton, Rob. Coats, son of I obt. floats, is the winner of the Fred. Wyld prize of 525 at Toronto University, for thebestessay in English. R. McLennan bee bought the brioit store lately ocoupled by Jaokeon Bros„ and owned by W. Jaokson, immediately north of the poet office. Geo. Hodgens met with a painful ac• oident. While fixing a coal stove, and using a screw driver, it slipped, oatah- Ing him in the corner of the eye, mak• fag a painful wound ; he wag fortunate that it was no worse. Doherty & Co„ realizing the need of more room et the station for the ship. ment of their organs than can be afford- ed them in the freight abed, have leased some property from the Grand Trunk, and purpose erecting a storehouse for their exolusive use. The contract has been let to Cooper Bros. Rouyn op REFnalt.—Tho latest ar- rival is Reba hall from West Wawanosh. There have been 90 committals during the year. Nine have died ; 13 left with the consent of the officers, while five abscond• ed, leaving 09 inmates in the Rouse at the present time -47 males and 10 females, Several are siok, but none are dangerously ill. Norman Fair, who is employed in his father's flour mill, had a very narrow escape froin what alight have been a horrible death. While dusting some gearing kis sleeve got naught in the machinery, and he was gradually being drawn in ; Mr. Hunt noticed the acci- dent, and without losing a Moment rushed down three flights of stairs to the engine room, and dint off steam, thus stopping the machinery. Had it not been for the combined strength of Mr, Fair, who is a good stout young man, and the presence of mind of Mr. Hunt, in all probability n fatal acoident would have been the result. Gods l-ieh. A man was in town last week wants 2,000 turkeys. The contractors for the town sewers have commenced the work. Quite a number of Goderich township farmers shipped apples in boxes the past week. It is thought that between 50,000 and 75,000 barrels of apples have been ship. ped from Here this season. Several of the factories bavo adopted the nine hours' day, which will be con- tinued for the Winter months. The alteration in the mail delivery that came into force on Monday of last week is a decidedly backward step. Captain Babb has been, overhauling the Ocean Souse—replaoing the roof, refloor- iog part of the downstairs, and oiling the inside. 1. Fritzley has purchased the barber business formerly carried on by J. H. Williams, and has taken possession of the old stand. About 18 spittle have been driven around the waterworks crib, and many wait with forebodings to see what effect the icebergs will have on that structure. Wm. Anderson woe before His Worship Mayor Shannon charged with vagrancy, and the charge being proved, be was sent to the eounty jail for four months. Hamlink's apple evaporating establish- ment is still running day and night and has a full staff of employees, and judging from present appearance it will not be closed before the Christmas bells have been beard in town. The following vessels have taken up quarters in the harbor for the Winter :— Sohn. Corisand and Todman, and etre. Jones, Clucae, Evelyn, Bea Queen, Sei• bold, Sea Gull, Eagle, Sea Icing, Ontario and Daisy. The last three named are on the island for repairs. The soboonote Sephie, Craftsman and Kolfage are also expected to winter here. There was a goose shoot on the range of the Goderfoh Off•Hand Gun Club. Fourteen birds were put up, and though the snow fell heavily the shooting was good, as it took a central bull to win a bird. The dietance was 200 yards. The geese were won by A. B. Davison 3, Dr. J. R. Shannon 3, E. Be 'Watson 2, F. J. T. Nattel 2, J. Newcombe 2, D. McCor- mick 1, Jas. Andrews 1. Mayor Shannon hie received a letter from Mr. McNamara, of Walkerton, pro- visional President of the Huron and On. tario Electric Railway s0bemo, stating that the contractors in New York now have funds to commence the construction of the road, but they first want all the rights of way grouted. This has been done by most of the municipalities, bat Goderich hue not acted in the matter, and Mr. McNamara asks that the neces- sary stops be taken at once, who HIGH CODUCV of JUSTICE. This Court was held en Monday of hast week, the doekot containing six cases, tvhioh were all diepoaed of that day as follows : Ilolmetead vs. McKnight. Action on a mortgage covenant. Judgment for MIT. for 51750 and interest, with costs. J. T. Carrow for plff, ; defence not rep. resented. Johnston vs. Dickson. An notion for administration. Judgment according to consent minutes, when theca are approv- ed by olileial guardian. J. T. Garrey/ for plff. ; P. Holt and W. Proudfoot for defts. Gundry vs. dohneton. An action for penalty for not filing an assignment pun mint to statute. Judgment reserved. Erb vs. Blair, An notion against a solioitor for negligence, Judgment that deft. is entitled to 5600 for his costs TEE BRITS B145 POST against plff., together with 0178,20 Sher- iff's fees, in the suit of Erb vs, Erb, ehargoablo ;to dell„ plff. to have Sheriff's aoets timid if she wish. 1tto poste to either party. A.12, Clarke, for pill, ; J. 1'. earr0w for deft. Sobceton vs, Cook. Settled out of r co Wtillis et al ve. Beattie et al. Adjourn- ed till next court. Crisp and Casual.. Most caterpillars produce soros form of silk. The theatres of London will seat 00,080 people, Half o, million clerics are employed iii London, The jawbone of the average whale is 20 foot in length, It maid require 12,000 cholera mie• robes to make au inch. It is estimated that a lightning Dash le only visible foe the 1.20,000 part of a seoond, It is said by anatotnfsts to be a fact that most people hear better with their mouths open. Nearly 1,000,000tolegrare peso through the postofiioe in the city of London every weep. ' The Epithelium, or upper skin of the tongue is being oon0ta,utly removed and renewed. It is reckoned that there are at least 1,000,000 different species of insects in existence. A nail -making maobino produces es many nails in a given time as were for. merly made by 100 men. Seventy•two races 112110.011 the world, and use 9004 different tongues. There are about 1,000 religions. On most voyages of w first•o1asa ocean steamer about 9,000 pieces of glassware and orookery are broken. Nearly everybody smokes in Japan. The girls begin when they are ten years of ego, and the boys at nine. It is estimated that the temperature of the earth at a depth of 200 miles isnot less than 18,0000 Fahrenheit. France has kept 200,000 tons of coal stored at Toulon eines 1890, to be ready in case war should break out. The death•rate of sailors in tbe mer. pantile marine Is twelve iper thousand— which is considerably lower than the death mate on land. The depth of water has a considerable influence on the speed of steamers, which are found to move slowly where the water is shallow, The Bodelian Library at Oxford ao. quirad 60,298 books and pamplets last year. Two-thirds of this number come in under the Copyright Act. The habit of breathing through the mouth, says a dentist, will in time cause the gums to shrink and the teeth to be• come loose and fall out. During his entire career Strandivariue made from 600 to 700 violins. Few of these were sold for more than J;5 during his life. Now some of them command as much as £2,000. A whale recently captured in Arctic waters was found to have imbedded in its side a harpoon that belonged to a whaling veeeel that had been out of service nearly half a century. It is said that if our entire atmosphere could be condensed until it would 000upy no 111020 space than an equal .weight of water, the entire air stratum would only be 30 feet in thickness. England's oak is now "made in Ger. many." The great roof -beams of Win- chester Cathedral are being renewed, and the wood used is Stettin oak, cut in 42+ ft. lengths measuring 14 by 18 inches. Never eat what is known to disagree with the stomach. Many doctors believe the belief that it will disagree with the indigestion in some mysterious way often contributes to that result. The pike is better provided with teeth than any other living creature. It bite teeth all over its upper and lower jaws, and spines that answer the purpose of teeth on its Longue and palate. The muscles of the human tongue are more complicated that those of any other organ. and cross and interlace each other in small a manner as to permit an almost endless variety of motion. Mark Waind, of Elora, has sold his glove faotory at Georgetown andpnrposes resuming the piano and organ agency at Elora. 'I escaped being a confirmed dyspeptic by taking Ayer'o Pills in time.' This is the experience of many. Ayer's Pills, whether 0.8 after-dinner pill or as a remedy for liver complaint, indigestion, flatulency, water brash, and nausea, are invaluable. White Max Line. ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Between New lorlt and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the daemon; of this line carry only a strictly limited number in the 0r110T and 822002001 0.022020 aaoommodations, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for bertha is necessary at this sea- son. 802 plans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. {//t llp j l ;, t f .r h n O l0 m C t an t a 1 t' t ° 9 Real Estate & Loan Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire ct Life lnsuranae Written. Special Attention given to CO TVBYANCING. A. COUSLEY, Office over Deadman de McCall's Store, BRUSSELS. wbo can think Wanted—An nted 1p F 1de nl aal1*e altnpie 1l al,t 4+/!W 4'lll .1.AH thing to patent? Drotogt your Mew they may brlag you wealth Write JOHN woof, }1SR8U011 & 00. Patent Attar. u0litei1a5ll 01 two hundrod'lfor vpptlone N a0iMU. plrer SPECIFIC FOR SCROFULA. "Sines ellildilood, .2 have been afflicted with scrofulous balls and soros, which- caused me terrible suffering, Physicians Were linable. to help mo, and. I only grew worse, under their care, At length, I began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, and very soon grew bet- ter. .After using half a dozen bottles n Z was completely cured, so that I have not had a boil or pimple on any part of my body for the last twelve years, I oars cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- parilla arsa- parilla as the very bolt blood -purifier 111 existence,"—G. T. HEINLAltT, Myersville, Texas. THE ONLY WORLD'S PASK Sas saparm f Wa Ayer's Cherry ?enteral cures Coughs and Colds 25 ate., 50 eta. and $1.00 Bottle. One teat a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It cures Liniment Consumption and is the best Cough and Croup Cure. Sold by .1.18. BOY, IID i•,IssI8t, Brussels. Covers the Thole Mold. THE LONDON, ONT., B 1 G Lo ,do, ,av ertiser 2 P. 811. EDITION. LARGEST noon circulation in West- ern Ontario of any paper west of Toronto. Middlesex County and the territory west of Toronto thoroughly covered. 4 P. M. EDITION. The People's Popular Evening Paper. Circulates in city and suburbs by oarrier boys and agents. A11 advertisements in- serted in both editions. Western Advertiser Largest weekly circulation in Western Canada. As an advertising medium in the west it is without a rival. Wanted—An Idea EI1Ing 1`1011 n J Protect your ideas; they_ may bring you wealth. Write 308028 WEDDERDORN & c0. Patent Attor- neys Waohlsgten. D. C.,lar their 81,900 prlre offer and flet or two hundred In000tlOeO wanted. THE LUXURY OF s T TY 10 $OC2001 r:T Nlr. Lerloy's Female Pills. pn,loTh 021: