HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-27, Page 3Nov'. 27, 7.896 TT[U 13BUSSE iS TO= Di:rectory M>tl,vrf,L5 On°aon.—Sabbatb Services at 11 a m and 7;00n,117, f4uuday Sohool M'6:80 p m, Rev, John Rose, 13 A, Plater, ST, donl'e GnnRoii.—Sabbath Service@ It 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday Soheof 8,4 2;80 p. m, Rev, A, IC, Griffin, ineum•: bunt. MnTI1Q1O J Onuaen.—Sabbath Services at 10;90 a m and 7;00 11 m. Sunday Selmer at 2;80 p m. "ley, S, J. Ailtn, peter. BO AN OA'rnorIo Onuaon.—Sabbath Bervioe third Sunday in every month, at 10:80 a u, Rev Jeeeph Kennedy, prise,. SALVATION Alcnix.—Service at 7 and. 11 m and 8 and8 p m on Sunday and • every evening in the week at 8 e'oloek,at the uarraelse. Con FELLowe' IJonee every Thursday evening, in Grabam'e block, Museum Longi Tuesday at or before' fall m000, in Garfield block. A 0 11 W Loads on the 8rd Friday evening of each month, in Blas• hill's bleak. 0 o F Lovao 2nd and last Monday evenings of eaoh month, in 'Biashilt'e block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall, L U L let Monday in every month In Orange Hall. SONS CF SCO'T'LAND, let and 8rd, Tues. days of eaoh month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. B. 0. T. M. Lewin, 2nd end 46h Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Botta Czacm, 2nd and lth Friday even- ings in Blaehill'e Hall. POST OilrroE.—OHioe heave from 8 a. m. to 0:80 p. m. MNOIIANIme' INSTITUTE.—Library an Holmes' blank, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wedneedaye and 0:90 to 6 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian. TOWN Oouxmio.--W. H. Herr, Reeve ; Geo. Baeker, Robert Graham, R. Lea- therdalo and R. G. Wilson, Councillors F. S. Soott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Rose, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month. Simeon Bourn,—Dr. Graham, (chair. man,) Rev. Rose, D. 0. Rose, A. Reid and ri. Koenig ; Seo.•Treae., R. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. Puma° Scn000 TzAonlne.—J. E. Cam- eron, Prisoipai, E. North, Mies Downey and Miss Ritchie. BOARD orHEAx,Tu,—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Bendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health 011ioer. THE LITTLE GIRL'S CHOICE. The man stood over his work.bench, His smoothing -plane in band ; He was dressing a board of value Fur abuilding tall and grand, When into his presence, dancing, Came his sweet, precious girl. "Whiob would you have, my darling, The board or the yellow curl ?" "The shaving 1'11 take, my papa ; What a beautiful, beautitul curl 1" Then passed from his presenoe, dancing, The father's blue•eyed girl. How often our Father before us Holds treasures of priceless worth And we shoo=e, not the priceless treasure, But a bauble that fella to earth ! BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY. In speaking of a person's faults, Pray don't forget your own Remember those with homes is glass Should seldom throw a atone. If we have nothing else to do Than talk of those who sin, 'Tie better we commence at home And from that point begin. t We have no right to judge a man Until he's fairly tried ; Should we not like his company, We know the world is wide. Some may have faults and who has not? The old as well as young ; Perhaps we may for aught we know, Have fifty to their one. Then let us all, when we begin, To slander friend or foe, Think of the harm one word may do To those we little know. Remember curses sometime like, Oar ohioken'e roost at home, Don't speak of other's faults until We have none of our own. WHEN? When the candidate for offloo will not electioneer, When the voter will nob haunt him for another glass of beer ; NI/hen orators shall be compelled to tell the naked truth, When the heeler of the tweeted will not haunt the voter's booth ; When the millions that are squandered for caps and oapes and lamps, Shall be spent for bread and batter, then we shall have no tramps. When 1110 daughters of oar millionaires shall all get married off, And Uoole Sam in righteous wrath hie stars and stripes shall doff, And train his heavy minium on 111e fore- ign titled Ando, Who captured All out money with the heiress be ;Mewed. When the drunkard shall reform bis ways, and never drink again From the fuuntain.head of misery, of agony and of pain When the chattered hopes and fanoies shall be realized once more By the saddest wives and ohildren on this tempest -beaten shore ; When the "bar" in every grocery shall be e ratio of the past, When every evil doer eball do good e'en t0 the last. When Satan in his broadcloth shall cease to walk the streets, Emitting vilest epithets ab everyone he meets When all the hurtful Imbibe of the race shall be forgot, And perfect,hoalbh end happiness ehall be the oommon lot ; When cllehoneet men and women shell forsake their evil ways, And liars of all olnsees eltall rejoice with holy p1aiee ; When the gospel front the pulpit shat) be preaohed without a prion, When every talent, all the wealth, obeli be a willing eacridoe. When the houses that we live in and the garments) that we wear S11a11 not give to 11s dietinobion, 11Or die. play the "lion'o share, When the forests and the jungles from the eat'tli shall disappear, And the tree of life sbell stand alone, its holy fruit to bear ; When love and truth and harmony infill the world shall he, When all these things shall oome to prase, I think that we obeli see That the glory of the morning sun ehall pierce a cloudless sky, And no night shall ever Dome again throeghoubeternity. THE BETTER WAY. Wlloserves his gauntry best ? Not be who, for a brief and stormy epaoe, Leads forth her armies to the fleeces affray ; Short is the time of turmoil and unrest, Long years of peace suoceed it, and re. place ; There is a better way. Who serves his country best ?" Not he who guides her senates in debate, And makes the laws whioh are her prop and stay; Not he who wears the poet's purple vest, And sings bee songs of love and grief and fate ; There is a better way. He serves bis country best Who joins the tide that lifts her nobly on; For speech has myriad tongues for every day, And song but one ; and law within the breast Ie stronger than the graven law on stone ; There is a better way. FTe serves his gauntry beet Who lives pure life, and doeth righteous deed, And walks straight paths, however others stray, And leaves hie sons as uttermost bequest' A etainlees record which all men may road ; This is a better way. No drop but serves the slowly lifting tide, No dew but has an errand to some flower, No smallest star but sheds some helpful dud many by man, each giving to all the rest, Make the firm bulwark of the country's power ; There is n0 better way. IN THE SHADOW OF DEATH. TETE CONDITION OF MANY YOUNG GIRLS IN CANADA. Pale Faces and Bloodless 0105—Given to lieadacttes—Extreme Wenknets, heart Palpitation and Other Distressing: S1•mhtonts—The Means of gore Beadi- ly at Heiul. From the Leamington Past. The attention of the Post has lately been frequently galled to a remarkable tore in the case of n young girl living withina few miles of this town, whose life was despaired of, but who was com- pletely cured in short spaoe of time by the most wonderful of all remedies, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Since reading in almost every issue of the Post of the cures effected by the use of this medicine, we felt it to be a duty we owed to in- vestigate ,hie case whioh has so urgently been brought to our notice, and we are sure the interview will be read with interest by the thousands of young girls all over Canada as well as by the parents of ens11 interesting patients. The young lady in gheetion is not anxious fornotori- ety, but is willing to make her case known in order that others who are similarly afflicted may have an oppor- tunity of being equally benefitted. The -4 Mz ALLAN LINE getting relief than ehq still refined for some weolfe, however, after repeated nrgiuge by bee parents and friends else began the 1108 of the pille. Ileforo 011e box was taken else exporionoed sous 00, lief, and after the use of a few more boxes elle wag roetored to perfect heeith, and there are few young girls note who enjoy life more. Elbe says also °wee her. life and hsppinese to Dr. Williams' Pfnlc bailie, and le willing that all elle world shall anew it. Her ogee attraoled mush attention and her perfect re°every .hae created much eommepb, The fasts above related are important to parents, as there are many yoeng girls just budding into womanhood whose 'condition is, to say the least, more orltloal .than their parents imagine. Their oomploxlon 15 pale and wast' frs' appoara00e, troubled with heart palpita- tion, headaches, shortness of breath on the slightest exeroise, fainbeieee and other distressing symptoms which invariably lead to a premature grave unless prompt steps are taken to bring about a natural. 'condition of health. In this emergenoy no renlecly yob dieoovered ears supply the Platte of Dr. William, Pink PMP, whiob build anew the blood, strengthen the nerves and restore the glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks, They are a certain Duro for all troubles poouliur to the female system, young or old. Pink Pills also mare sueli diseases as rhehma• tiem, neuralgia, partial paralysis, loco- motor Maxim, St. Vitus' danoo, uervons headache, nervous prostration, the after effects qt la grippe, influenz i and severe golds, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as sorofule, ohronio ery- sipelas, &e. In the ease of moo they effect a radioal ogre in all gases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of any nature. IlR1bL1.bN•PN. Only twelve "apostles" but many "epistles:" You oltn be an "epistle" (love letter) from the Saviour to a sinner. If the love of God sends you, the God of love will reward you. Nothing so much advances Cbrietiauity as pr'aotieing it. Nothing so well relieves loneliness as visiting the lonely, The oburohee are like Dor fogies --so many expressions of life and not one per - feat. Apollos was an eloquent man but two tentmakers were able to instruct him. Only God ie able to bear the peek present and future all at once. God adopts the race in Christ ; son - ship is offered in Jesus to every creature. Nothing Dares man's false estimate of himself like the overestimate of love. The tisanes of the life to bo We weave with colors all our own ; And in the field of destiny We reap as w0 have sown. Who are the men who man the life- boats ? Those who know the peril of the sea and the jay of salvation. It Was easier for God to make man than to remake him. Besides the re- made article always shows it and is apt to get oat of repair. Why comes temptation but for man to meat And master, and make crouch beneath his feet. 'You do not add anything to the good- ness of your name by trying to give clis• repute to the "other fellow," The clerk who gets into the kernel of his business will get the kernel of trade. when he is 10 business for himself. Self.eontroi is promoted by humility. Pride is a fruitful source of uneasiness. It keeps the mind in disquiet. Humility is the antidote to this evil•–Mrs. Sigour- ney. If you cannot do what yon want to do, grapple with that next to it which you Dan do. Persistency is the wedge which opens up to its possessor the way of success. Rum in the Uuited States makes more than 1200 funerals of inebriates every day.A. memory without blob or aontamina• tion must be an exgnisite treasure, en in. exhaustible source of pure refreshment. —0. Brenta. The seat of pride is in the heart, and only there ; and if it be not there, it is neither in the look nor in the clothes,— Lord Clarendon. Many a man hes failed in business be - rause he failed to select the right bust - nese. A cup of muddy coffee ie not whole- some, neither is a bottle of muddy mecli- oine. Oue way to know a reliable and skillfully -prepared blood -purifier is by its freedom from sediment. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is always bright and spark- ling, bemuse it is an extract end not a decoction. symptoms in her disease differed in no way from those affecting thousands of young girls about her age. Sbe was suf- fering from extreme weakness, caused by an impoverished condition of the blood, and her cbanoes of life seemed to grow lees every day. The best and brightest will fade away as well as others, but when we see a young girl of sixteen yeare, who Murata be in the beet of health, with cheeks aglow with the rosy flush of youth, and eyes bright and flashing, just the opposite, with sallow cheeks, blood. less lips, listless in every motion, de• epondent, despairing of life with uo ex. peobation or hope 05 regaining health, and with only one wish left, that of Dom• plate rest, physical and m0utal, we lbink it one of the saddest of sights. In the quiet little hamlet of Strange. field, in Essex oounty, jest suoh e. case was presented to the sorrowing eyes of loving friends n few months ago in the person of Mi.s Ella Beacon, who fro• gaently said she did not oare how soon she died, as life had 710 charms for her. To our reporter she declared that life had been n burden, but after' suffering in this way for months, and after trying all aorta of remedies prescribed by physioians or furnished by friends from some cherished reoeipe handed down from their grandmother, but without be. iug benefitted in the least, she was)at last persuaded by a neighbor to give ,Dr. Williams' Pink Pills it fair trial ; but she had tried so many remedies without SuaFmer 3h aSs 1 89 G. P $ T rrm rr!.. NOTICE OF. REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Rotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, So T. Plum,, General Blacksmith & Horseshoer 1 THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its edeas and never blleteae. Read proofs below: Bd6;fT DALL'S SPAVIN ©ORE. Roxt2 Carman. Henderson Co., m.,1'011,21,'91. Dr, ICJ. Base.,. Co. Aar Errs—Please send me ono of your Horse Boots and obitgo, Ihavensed a great deal of your N'.ontl,nl', Sperm Cure with good success • it to a wonderful median°. I once land a mar° that had nu Oeoult Snavin and five bottles cured her. 1 keep a bottle on hand all rho tine. Yours truly, Cies. Pow u,, KENDALL'S SPAVIN GIME. Dr. R. J. Kr..eOATS Co. Mo., Apr.1,'t2, KatleSn1used a Bitcilucesyour pvn C t several think it the best Liniment I ever used. Hare r° - mooed one Curb, o,,e Mood FnnvIs 01,e A•eled Me Icon° SnavLW, Have recommended it to n.; oral of my friends who aro much pleased with nn�l$eep04. sees. jlkag, P. O. Box a19. For Sale by nn Druggists, or address De. D. J. KENDALD 17o11ZP9.NY, ENOS0URGH FALLS, IT, "Saved y Life" A VETERAI1-l'S STORY. "Several years ago, while in Fort Snelling, Minn., I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough, that allowed me no rest day or night. The doctors after exhaust- ing their remedies, pronounced my case hopeless, say- ing they could do no more for me. At this time a bottle of AYER'S Cherry Pectoral was sent to 1110 by a vfriend who urged me to take it, which I did, and soon after I was greatly relieved, and in a short time was completely cured. I have never had much of a cough since that time, and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life."—W. H. 'PARD, 8 Quimby Av., Lowell, Mass. AYER'S Cherry ' ectoral FIigbeet Awards at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS cure Indigestion and Headache LIVp�LRPOOL, LONDONDERRY SHINGLES eu MONTREAL SERVICE. Thom From From Livorpe' STEAMSHIPS. Montreal Quebm° Daylight. 2 July Sardinian 18 July 1O July 0 " *l8emidian 2D ..; 10 " Tarlatan 1 Aug. 2 Aug, 23 " Laurentian 8 0 20 " *Mongolian 16 " 15 " n Aog. Sardinian 22 " 23 " ,Nunlidian ,,..,3n " 20 " 2 ''0 " Parisian G Sopt USopt 27 " *Gauroutlau,,,,,.,,,12 " 12 " 3 Soot. *Nfounoliaa 1e o 1n ' 10 Sareiutan n0 " 27 " *The Laurentian marries only cabin passengers Eastbound. *Steamers when marked thae do not stop at Ri,nonski or Londonderry. All steamers sail frpm Montreal at Paeseugers go on board between 7 and 10 o'olook Oil the evening before the ad- vertieed date. iVx'Paeeengere may go via Montreal and return by New York or viol versa. For further information as to rated, Co„,apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT,13RUSSELS. B1'itisiA Coltiiiobia Red Cedar Shingles AND. -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR, SALE AT TIM Brussels Planing 111ills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat , turtle on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildiugs. Workman- ship and Malarial Guaranteed, S. & P. AMENT, MONEY TO LOAtV. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Parra or Village Pro- party at 6 & 62 Per Cent,, Yearly, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A, Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Ehuesels. 1 G. Richardson Is prepared to do all' kinds 'of work in his line, Good Workmanship anti Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. I'Shop over )teUowah's Store. Has just received a fine new stock of Both Note awl Letter Size, ENVELOPES, 6° O !TE PAPERS, &O. The Best in the Market. Full Line School Supplies. Nice Range of Bibles, Hymn Books and Albums. POST BO1KSTOR, man TIoNA L w a IL TES Mill has been thoroughly overhauled • and modern machinery added where required so that better work can be done now than ever, BEST GRADE OF MANITOBA FLOUR GROUND FROM MANITOBA WHEAT. Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &c., always on hand. ,,,_ Satisfactiol> Gnilranteed. Highest market price for Wheat delivered at the Mill. W. F,:, Stewart. ,