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Take this Plum.
Vol, 24. :No, 20, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1896
-6t._0A.RD ,!
Bevlug sold my resldenco and practice to
1)r, Ra11l1otsab, T herebytender my sincere
thanks to the many fiends and patients
Who bareiven rue their loyal support du
ino Molest 20 years. Dr. 160 1 r-
1leiea11 costes
p1g151Y rea0mmended as a 3101151 and sue,
0003101 preetitianer and 1 would bespeak for
13150 the same liberal patronage accorded to
trio during my residence ill Bronchi,
1 would 800001y8,613303 all claims
against me be handed in as soon as possible,
and all aa0ounte and claims duo mo to ba
settled before the 1563 canoe., nestI will
he at the rooms stove Alex, 6tracham'0 store
every afternoon from 2 to 5 o'clockforthetransaotlon. of bush)ass. .
160 'WM. GBAITA1'I,
i� cL OD'
---Atm °chin—*
For .Impure, 'Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita.
tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint,Neur•
algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption,Gall.. Stones, Jaundice,. Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance,
female Irregularities and General De..
Prop. and Manufacturer.
Sold by Jas,lvux. Druggist, Drumm.
Deadman & McCall
Home Health Sarsaparilla,
Home Health Emnision of Cod Liver 011,
Home Health Syrup of Hypophoepbites,
Rome Healtli Beef, Iron and Wine,
Home Bealth.Oough Balsam,
Home Health Pain Relief,
Home Health Headache Powders,
If you have not tried "Home Health"
Medioines, try them.
Deadman & McCall,
Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers,
�ew Harness
D. FR4IN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
where he is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
&c., kept in stock.
I am prepared to attend to all orders for
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, deo.
Good work and. Moderate charges.
D. Frain, Brussels.
Pl1,21) WORKS.
T wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding dietriat that I -have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repaire
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order loft at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked ffter.
1'Ordere taken for the Digging of
Wella and Cisterna.
'oyer Greek,
.61 -EW
U •
01.11 Lin CLASS
(1500ll BOMB
NOVEMBER 25 & 26
BileeUa1 UNTIL
To all Stations in Canada,
G. T. R. Agent, Brussels.
Norris Council Meeting;,
Tho Cannon mot pursuant to adjoin
moot in the Council Room, Morrie,
Nov. 10th, 1800. Members all preens
the Reeve in the altar. Minutes of la
meeting read and pasted. On notion
Goo. Kirkby, seoondod by Thos. Code t
following a(toohnto wore ordered to b0
paid :—S. Walker, gravel, $0.14.; P. Bar
Minh and oulvert, 08,00 Mr. A.l000l
°nivel'b, cot East gravel, $25.00 J0h
Nicholson, tile dram ou North hounder
$8.04 , selectors of Jurors, each $4.00
Wni Little, gravel, $2.8`0 • Wm. Spied
Glen, gravel, 00 cents ; R, Molifurrey, do
$1 00 ; J'no, Ainsley, inspeotiug bridg
00.00 ; Pas. Snell, cleaning ditch, $1.00
Was. Russell, putting' bent under Ari
strong's bridge, 019.00 ; Geo, Parkei
timber, $4.00 00 , ,Ghee. Shelton, ditch o
7th line 00.50 ; Jae. Sherrie, repairin
culvert, 50 Gouts ; Jas, Bishop, advert o
E,tebIottndary, $0.00 ; Jas. Messer, (lite
on sideroad, 52.00 Jae. Miller, repoiriu
oulvert North Boundary, $2,25 ; Geo
Eokinior, repairing scraper, $8.00 ; Wm
Henderson, spikes and culvert, $2 15
Wm, Jaoklin, gravelling, 08.00 ; A. Van
aleline, repairing road, 00.00 ; D. Robb
arbitration expenses re union school, $00.
80 Thos. Scott, digging drain, $2 02
On motion of Wm: Isbister, sew/tided b
Jas. Boivman the following persons wer
appointed Deputy Returning Officers, b
act at the coming municipal election
viz. :• --Div. No. 1, Wm. 0. Laidlaw ; Div
No. 2 Goo. E. McCall ; Div. No. 3, Chas
McCrae ; Div. No. 4, Thos. Miller, jr.
Div, No, 5, Wm. Elston ; Div, No. 6
Joseph Bowmau. On motion of Thos
Code, seconded by Geo. Kirkby the Ooun
oil then adjourned, to meet again on 615
18th Doc. next. ' W. Clank, Clerk
ISOn. WiIf,141 Laurier, Trite to Bis Penn..
Ise, Settles um Vexed Manitoba
School ®Intently.
The following is the official statement,
given out by the Premier, on Saturday,
announcing the settlement of the Mani-
toba school question :
1. Legislation shall be introduced and.
passed at the next regular session of the
Legislature of Manitoba, embodying the
provisioue hereinafter set forth in amend-
ment to the "Public Schools Aet,"'for the
purpose of settling the educational ques-
tions that have been in dispute in that
2. Religious teaching to bo conducted
as hereinafter provided : (a) If author.
ized by a resolution passed by a majority
Of the school trustees, or, (b) If a petition
be presented to the board of school trnete•
'es, asking for religious teaching, and sign-
ed by the parents or guardians of at (east
ten children attending the school, in the
case of a rural district, or by the parents
or guardians of at least 25 children at-
tending the school in a city, town or
3. Such religious teaohing to take plane
between the hours of 3.30 and 4 o'clock
in the efternoou, and to be conducted by
any Christian clergyman whose charge
includes any portion of the school dis-
trict, or by a person duly authorized by
such a clergyman, or by a teacher, when
so authorized.
4. Where so specified in snob resole.
tion of the trustees, or where so required
by the petition of the parents or guardi-
ans,religious teaohing during the pre-
soribed period may take place only ou
certain specified days of the week, in-
stead of on every teaching day.
5, In any school in towns and cities
where the average attendance of Roman
Catholic children is 40, or upwards, and
in villages and rural districts, where the
average attendance of such children is 25
or upwards, the trustees shall, if required
by the petition of the parents or guardi-
ans of suoh number of Roman Catholic
children, respectively, employ at least 0120
duly certified Roman Catholic teacher in
snob school. In any school in towns and
cities, where the average attendance of
non -Roman Catholic children is 40, or
upwards, and in villages and rural dis-
tricts where tho average attendance of
such children is 25 or upwards, the trus-
tees shall, if required by the petition of
the parents or gnardiaus of such children,
employ at least one duly certified non -
Roman Catholic teacher.
6. Where religious teaching is required
to be carried on in any school in pur-
suance of rho foregoing provisions, and
there are Roman Catholic ohildren and
non -Roman Catholic children, attending
such school, and the school room accom•
modation does not permit of the pupils
being placed in separate rooms for the
purpose of religions teaching, provisions
shall be made by regulations of the De-
partment of Education (which regulations
the board of school trustees shall observe)
whereby the timo allotted for religions
teaohing shall be divided in such a way
that the religions teaching of the Roman
Catholic children shall be carried. on
during the prescribed period on one•half
of the teaching days of each month, and
the religious teaching of the non.Ronan
Catholic children maybe carried on dur-
ing the prescribed period On ono -half of
the teachingdaysmall of mall mouth.
7. The Department of Edncatia5 shall
have the power to osteo regulations not
inconsistent with the principles of this
act, for the earrying into effect the pro.
visions of this act.
8. NO separation of the pupils by reli.
gins denominations shall take place
elating the secular work.
9. Where the school room acoommo.
dation at the disposal of the trustees per-
mits, instead of allotting different clays of
rho weelc, to different denominations, for
the purpose of religious teaching, the
pupils may bo separated when the hour
for, religious teaohing arrives and placed
in separate rooms.
10. Whore ten of the pupils in any
wheel speak French (or any language
other than English) as their native lan-
guage, the teaohing of such pupils shall
bo concluded ie French (or suoh other
lauguago) and English upon the bi.lingual
11, No pupils to bo permitted to be
present at any religious 10a0111n31 unless
the payouts or guardians of scab pupils
may desire it. In dace the parents or
guardians do not desire the attendanoe of
the pupils at suoh religious teaching, thou
the pupile shall be dismissed before the
m on:cfses, or shall 'remain in another
Brussels pour ail.
.A. Snead meeting of the Counoil wae
held on Toeeday evening, All the mem,
bare present; the Reeve in the chair,
The business was the 0ousideration of
notion in reference -t0 irnprovemente in
Grand Trunk aurin servloe sed. arriving
at some onnolusione as to electric lighting
far Brussels.
Moved by R. Graham, seconded by
Geo. Becher that the peeve represent this
municipality next Monday at the public
meeting of representatives of towns and
villages along the lines effected by the
recent G. T. R. schedule, to be held at
Palmerston, and that the 0aee be strong.
ly preened for a ratan' to old schedule.
Philip Anent was presentand address•
ed the Board relative to their firm taking
hold of electric lighting plant for Brumeels. Ile asked fora 3.0 year franohiee
and exemptio, from taxes and wanted
the Council to sign a aoaaraot for 0 aro
lighrs, at 15 cents cath per night, by the
year, lights to burn until midnight.
After the question had been well
threehed out it was moved by .ti. Leath-
erdale, seconded by R. G. Wilson that the
first two requests be scanted to and that
we give $400 per annum for 9 aro lights
on streets. Carried.
kir. Ameut aslced until Friday to de-
cide as t0 whether they would accept or
Council then adjourned.
Grey Council Meeting.
The Municipal Council of the Town-
ship of Grey mot at Long's Hotel, Cram
brook, Nov. 21st, pursuant to adjouto.
ment, membere all present ; Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of last meeting were
read and confirmed. Mr. Dickson Reeve
of Elmo, appeared before the Oonnail and
made application to have the time for
raising the money under Bylaw for re-
pairs to Silver Corners drain extended
until the year 1807. Moved by James
Turnbull, seconded by Wm. Brown that
the time for raising and paying over the
money by the Elma Council to this
Council for repairs to Silver Corners
drain be extended until the 27th day of
December, 1807—Carried, James
Menne applied for aid to gravel the road
between lots 34 and 85, con. 14. Moved
by Wm, Brown, seconded by Jas. Lind-
say, the son of 10 cents per yard be
granted, the amount of gravelling to be
clone not to exceed the sum of $20.00 in-
cluding gravel—Carried. By law No.
80 to provide polling places and appoint
Deputy Returning officers for holding
elections for 1897, was read and passed.
The following accounts were presented,
viz. 3—Samuel Kleinscbroth, railing on
approach to bridge at lots 25 and 26,
con. 8, $16.85 ; Robt. Coutts, gravelling'
011 side road 6, eon. 10, 68 ; Christopher
Raynarcl, filling in and gravelling ap-
proach to bridge Iota 25 and 26, con. 8,
$13.75 ; Daniel Cooper, gravel, $24.06 ;
Matthew Morrison, insurance for Town-
ship Hall, $3.80 ; Robt. Blair, gravel,
$0.00 ; A. M. Moliay, one barrel of-
oemeat for bridge at lot 4, con. 12, $8.75 ;
Wnr. Mitchell, gravel, 082.68 ; W. Bow -
champ, underbrushiug and ditching at
101 65, boundary Grey and Wallace, $0.-
10 ; Chas. Love, repairing culvert on
boundary Grey and Wallace. $2.40 ;
Isaac Clark, ditching at lot 80, coo. 6,
$0.60 ; Wm. Riley, part payment for
work done at Mitchell's bridge, oou. 12,
$2 00 ; Wm. Reid, oulvert at lot 1, cons.
7 and 8, $7.00 ; Thos, Maritdzean, gravel-
ling on side road 1, con. 17, $94.20 ; Juo.
McKinnon, gravelling at lots 6 and 6,
000. 7, $6.50 ; Patrick Blake, repairing
oulvert lots 10 and 11, eon. 18, $8.75 ;
Jas. Tarnbell, oulvert lot 5, con. 16,
52.00 ; E. J. MoArthar, cedar for culvert
lot 10, eon. 0, 58.75 ; James Lynn, plank
for culvert lot 15, con. 2, 50c. Walter
Yuill, gravel, $1.60 ; John Pollook, gravel.
ling on Turnberry boundary, 64.38 ;
Wm, Cook, underdrain on boundary
Gray and Morris, con. 4, $1.50 ; Robert
Bishop, alarming award ditch, side road
1, con. 5, AS. Jaokeon, suow fence side
road 2, con. 2, $26.78 ; Alfred Cook, wire
fence side road 2, sou. 2, $3.50 ; Jamas
Bishop, ditch on side road 1, con. 8,
$5,00 ; Wm. Riley, culvert at lot 0, con.
9, 08.00 ; R. Woolsey, part. paymens on
printiug coutraot, $0.00 ; Thomas Chap-
man, ditch at lot 22, 0031. 7, $5.00 ; Hart-
Speiran, tile oulvert side road 0,:con. 10,
$8,00 ; Robb. McKelvey, flitch at lot 24,
con. 7, $2.00 ; Quintin AIoBimiu, 1} clays'
work on rood, $1.50 ; Bich. Alcock, re.
pairing Alcook's bridge, 580. ; Leonard
Jaoklin, repairing oulvert Howick
boundary, lot 18, 50c.;' Jae. Parish,
oulvort at lob 1:1, Howiok boundary, 55o. ;
Harry Jamas, tile for culverts, $3.87 ;
E. G. MoDonalcl, dogwr0ngfullyassessed,
$1.00 ; Cleo. Pollard, gravelling on bound.
ary Groff' and Morrie, $1.00 ; Rich. Jack -
cuttinghill on side road 8, con. 1,
513.95 ;John Honbine, cutting Bill on
side road 3, oou. 1, $2.70 ; . Elijah Jack -
lin, widening creek lob 5, Con. 1, $3.00 ;
J. G. Haid, tile for culverts, $8.07 ; Jas,
Ferguson, gravel and repaiaiug culvert,
$10.00 ; Wm. Ellis, dibohing at lob 1, con.
14, and 0n boundary Gray and Morris,
con. 14, 517.52 ; John Dunbar, drawing
plank and covering Tindall's bridge, cons.
0 and 10, $8,50 ; Peter MoDonalil, break.
ing stone 0018. 11 and 12, $5.50 ; Thos.
Bothwell, breaking stone cons, 11 and
12, 57.00 ; A. M. Robinson, balance of
account for iron to bridge at lots 25 and
26, con. 8, 501.00 ; S. S. Colo, timber for
bridge at lots 25 and 20, con. 8, $40.00 ;
John Dunbar, balanto repairing south
abutment to bridge lobs 26 and 26, con. 8,
$8,00 ; Samos Greig, culverts on bound-
ary Grey cowl Blma, 51.75 ; John Gill,
plank for oulvert aide road 6, con. 7,
$2.00. Moved by James Turnbull,
seconded by Jae. Lindsay that the fore-
going acoounte be. paid.-Carired, The Frank ldoLaughlln, of 8b. Catharines
Connell then adjourned to meet again at wee knee sed, down by a runaway horse
111e Township hall on Tuesday, the 10th which fel on. hint. The young men die
day of December, 18(10. in a few hours,
Srsoos, Clerk. The ocean shipping season just close
at Montreal shows au Moreton of 238,02
orneeeie'8eiu101 1tuarti. tons' shipped. The live stock trade we
very ensatisfaotory,
Alex. Bell, Inanger of the Soottie
Canadian Loan and Investment Com-
pany, of Montreal, lute disappeared, lean
big a number of oliente out of pocket.
Hon. Mr. '.parte and party reached
Calgary from the coast and left by
spaniel train for Edmonton, where the
Minister of Public Works will bo ban.
The jury ill the murder charge against
Arthur Gerhold, at Brandon, after being
looked up all night, could not agree and
were discharged.
The case will be
before a new jury,
Al0, Soroggie wae appointed Oily
Treasurer of Guelph, and the Connell
passed a strong resolution in favor of
more adequate punishment of the late
defaulting Treasurer Harvey.
The bye.eleotion for Lakeside to the
seat in rho Manitoba Legislature, made
vaoant by the resignation of Dr, Rather•
ford, reenited in the return of James Mo -
'Kenzie, Liberal, by 61. majority.
The Montreal Ladies' Benevolent So-
oiety bas received an anonymous gift of
$10,000, the annual inoome therefrom to
be used for the maintenance of the in.
mates of the ladies' benevolent instar.
A peculiar looking potato was dug up
n the county of Brant a short time ago.
A bullet mould was lost in the Spring
and when the potatoes were raised this
Pall one of them had a handle, which.
turned out to be the loot mould.
The late J. 0. Fox, of Orangeville, left
an estate consisting entirely of person•
alty, valued at 517,640, bequeathed in
rust to Edward Fox, of Kioeardioe, and
Frederick Clare, of Preston, brother and
brother•in-law of deceased respectively,
or the testator's eight.year.old daughter.
The London Presbytery heard a corn.
plaint against Rev. Mr. Little, pastor of
Bryanston, who was accused of turning
his back on an approaching Orange pro.
mien and walking into the manse.
The Presbytery passed a resolution ad-
ieina the parties to the trouble to "seek
he things that make for peace."
A. epeoial meeting of the School Boa
wae held in the Council Chamber la
Friday evening, called by the Uhairma
to consider the filling of the vacancy
the teaohing staff, doused by the resi
nation of Mr. North. All the minimpresent,
•Communioatioue were read from Mi
Ross and Mise Campbell, but neithe
were engaged, Also ono from Mis
Downey regarding her promotion to 11
:.Third Department, stating that sl
would prefer retaining her present poo
tion and asking for leave of absence bi
Moved by A. Koenig, seconded by Be
J. Ross that having considered the coni
inculcations from Miss Downey, she b
granted leave of absence till Christina
providing that she will state decided'
that it ie her intimation to return and ful
111 her agreement with the Board b
teaching in the Second Department fo
the whole of the year 1807. Carried.
Moved by A- Koenig, emended by D. 0
Rose that Miss A. C. Taylor, of Blyth
be engaged as first assistant teacher fo
the year 1807 at a salary of 5300 per au
nem. Carried.
Moved by Rev. J. Ross, seoondsd by A
Reid that the Board adjourn, to nte0
again at the call of the Chairman if neo
eeeary before the next regular meeting
Presbytery of Maitland.
The Presbytery of Maitland mot a
Wingham, Nov. 176b, Rev. 1R. McLeod
Moderator, pro tetu. A special meetiu
of the Presbytery will be held in Ashfiel
church on Monday, 3011t lust, at 1 p. m
for the induction of the Rev. Alexander
The cleric was instructed to certify
Lovell Murray, B. A., Theologica
student to the Senate of Knox College
The sumo of $1,200.00 for the Foreign
and $1,400.00 for the Home Missions are
allotted to this Presbytery as the amounts
required from it for the eurreut year.
The Presbytery resolved on a general
exchange of pulpits by the ministers in
its bounds ou Sabbath, December 13th
for the purpose of bringing before the
congregations the claims of the Mission-
ary educational and benevolent schemes
of our church for liberal contributions by
our people. A special collection for the
Schemes of the Church will be taken in
all the congregations on the aforesaid
said Sabbath.
Some of the remits of the Assembly
were considered. It was agreed that the
Assembly should decide on a central
permanent plane of meeting and that
Toronto be the place soleoted. Mr. Ross
was granted leave bo moderate in a call to
Bluevale and Eadle's.. The Assembly's
plan of study is commended to the Y. P.
8. The Assembly's S. S. publications
were brought to the favorable notice of
the Presbytery.
A convention of the Young Peoples'
Societies within the bounds will be 13818181
at Wingham on Monday, January 18th.
The next regular meeting of the Pres•
bytery will be held at Wingham on Tues.
day, January 10th, at 9 a. m.
,Tom, M,tcNann, Clerk,
Luclmow, Nov. 28rd, 1800.
g -
' t
• d
' o
Cs,.nudist n Newts -
Mrs. Soon Siddons, the actress, died in
A big departmental store is talked of
in London.
Lieut. -Governor Fraser, or New
Brunswick, died at Genoa.
The Hamilton dietriat fruit -growers'
present to the Queen has arrived is Lon.
The trial of the Winnipeg election pm
titiou has been postponed till January
An Australian immigrant girl is ill at
Winnipeg with a disease believed to be
Hon. Mr. Tarte was banqueted at Van-
couver, and held a conference with the
Board of Trade.
Jas. Leitch, Q. C., was nominated for
the Commons by the Conservatives of
Coruwall and S,ormont.
The new Farmers' Butter Hall in the
Hamilton market was opened by the
Mayor and Commit last week.
A Catholic mase meeting was held at
St. Boniface and a resolution passed
coudemning the school settlement.
The 'question of the extradition of
Mrs. Sternaman, held at Buffalo on a
charge of murder, will be decided on
December 4th.
John Geo, watchman at 0 Grand
Trunk crossing in Montreal, wee serious.
ly injured while rescuing another nae
from'tho wheels of a train.
The Tariff Commission hae issued a
circular to Agricultural sooieties of all
kinds inviting them to give their views
un the queetione now before the country.
The Floe. Geo. Emerson, a member of
the Oabinet will suocoedtl
to to v ensue,
on the Newfoundlandu,
Supreme isms Court
bench created by the resignation of Sir
James Winter.
kl, W. Summerekill, solialting passim.
ger agent of the Grand Trunk, has re-
signed, and FL R. Ibbotson, who ecce.
pied a similar position on the C. P. R„
has also resigned and is auooeeded by
David Cavanagh.
Dr. Sleek, one of the trustees of the
Montgomery estate in Phillipsburg,
pleaded guilty to defrauding the estate
out of $28,000 by forging powers of at.
t0rney. Dr. Slack wee the Conservative
oandidate in Miseiequoi at the last elec-
Win. Browning, father of nen. A,
Browning, of Toronto luethodiat Con-
fereuoe, died at Launceston, Cornwall,
England, Oot. 18th, in the 100111 year of
his age, He was a member of the Mettle.
diet ohuroh 8.4 years, and 74 ,pare a
local. preaaber.
CifURCIi Cil13IE1.
Rev. R. Paul preaohed in Clinton last
Thanksgiving services in ltfelville and
St. John's church Thursday forenoon.
Rev. S. J. Aplin will preach the first
of a'brief seriee of sermons on the book
of Ruth in the Methodist chnroh next
Sunday evening.
"The Book and other Books" was Rev.
Mr. Roes' topic last Sabbath evening in
Melville church from which a profitable
address was given.
Last Sabbath morning Rev. Mr. Allis
preached a Thanksgiving sermon of more
than ordinary merit from Numbers 10th
chapter and 10th verse.
Rev. Dr. Moffatt, Agent for the Tract
Society of Upper Canada, addressed large
aongregations last Sabbath. He spoke in
Melville church in the morning and the
Methodist church in the evening, and
dealt with their work in new settlements
in Northern Ontario and Manitoba; lum-
berman's camps, sailors, 40. 8,000
Bibles, 85.000 religious books and a mil-
lion pages of tracts were distributed dor.
ing the past year. 14 men are regularly
at work. Reference was also made to
faithful service being rendered in Ohina
by native workers and the hopeful oat -
look for the future. Dr. Moffatt was
presented with 12 nicely made bags, by
Mrs, (Dr.) Graham's S. S. °lass, to be
filled with good books, magazines and
newspapers. The work of the Sooietv is
worthy of cordial support. Dr. Moffatt
addressed Melville ohuroh Endeavor at
the aloes of the service in the Methodist
People We Snow.
ItIrs. 7. S. Bleak is visiting in Toronto.
Mrs. T. Fletober is visiting in Toronto,
H, Beam has moved to his farm in
Mrs. J, J. Gilpin was on the sick list
for a week.
Mrs. W. H. Willis and Gerry are visit-
ing at B. Gerry's.
Mrs. Skene is enjoying a visit with
relatives at Toronto.
Alex, and Miss Mary Ross Sundayed
with friends in Blyth.
Mre. Barnhill is on the sink list witit
bronchitis. We bops she will soon be
Mrs. N. F. Gerry is still confined to
bed although somewhat improved in
G. W. Hickey, representative of the
American Express 00. was in town on
Mrs. James Dunford and children, of
Clinton, is visiting relatives in Brussels
and vioinity.
B. P. Paulin and wife, of Dashwood,
anent the Thanksgiving holiday with Jae.
Fox and wife.
Bishop Ward and wife, of London, are
holidaying with relatives and old friends
in Grey and Brussels.
Mrs. S. J. AI.Iin and daughter and Mrs,
W. H. Karr ere visiting this week at
Stratford and London.
Hire. Thornton and Mies Gardiner, of
Bluovals, visited their sister, Apra. Fred.
Me("raoken,last week.
John Pugh has been busily employed
at Blyth working at the new soltool house
and Livingstoue's saw mill engine house.
Mrs. A. Cowley was tinder the doctor's
care during the past week owing to an
attack of acute indigesbiou, but is getting
all right again.
Mies Belle Roberton, of Seaforth, ham
taken a position in Jae. Bnllantyne's
gr000'y. Mies Rolperton is a eider of
Mrs. Ball antyne's,
Mts. F, A, Anning and her eon, Harry,
of Kincardine, are visiting at W, G. Col.
line', Mr. Awning had the misfortuuc to
lose his left arm by an accident in a fur-
niture factory a few weeka ago but is pro•
grossing favorably.
In Advance 1)437.8
41 until J1tn'y, 1898.
take 'this Firm,
W. H. KERR, Prop,
mos jean MoLauohlhn is visiting Miss
Bertha Farrow at Goderiob.
Mrs, J. A, Stewart and son are away to
Toronto for a Thanksgiving holiday.
Mrs. 11IoKea/de and daughter, of Teen -
water, are visiting at Geo. Crooks,' Queen
Mrs. (Rev.) (Muff and children left
Brussels for Drawler, their new home,
on Monday of this week. They carry
with them the good wishes of a large
0ii'0lc of Mende,
We regret to bear of the oontinaed ill-
ness of Mrs, W. H. Patton, of Brussels,
who is laid up at the residence of her
pareuta, T'urnberry township. It is to be
hoped the means used for her restoraliou
will prove euooesefnl.
The Acton Free Prase says of a former
pastor of the Methodist church, Brus.
sels :—Rev. ams
. jamas Harris, of Guelph,
who returned a few weeks ago from a trip
to the Old Country, where be visited his
boyhood's home in Nottinghamshire and
spent some time in London, was the
guest the past week for a few days of
neve. W. Bryers and J. E. Howell, 1M. A.
Rev. Mr, Harris preached in 111e Metho•
diet ohuroh on Suuday evening. His
dieuoorse was an able one and much en.
joyed. The mental and physical vim of
this aged man of God is remarkable. He
is always s most acceptable preacher here.
Additional Local ]3'ews.
W, Guewns is now engaged es baker in
N. Blackmore's bakery, Brnssele.
TIIE Pose eubsoription list is steadily
going np. Our aim is for 500 new names
this season. Will you help us ? Bal-
ance of the year free. An 8 page, 6 col-
umn paper for the small sum of 2 cents a
I2 is said a new time table will come
into effect 00 -Monday of next week on
the W. G. ca B. What its provisions are
we have not heard. The old schedule is
what we want and what the public de•
Ma. B11AL, of Lindsay, was in town
last week endeavoring to organize a
Horticultural Society. A meeting was
held at the American hotel on Friday
evening, but nothing was done towards
Comxoxrnan LEAt,osnusLo has leased the
store in the Odd Fellow's block, Seaforth,
for his stook of furniture in the new bus-
iness opening up there. He has also par -
abased a hearse for the undertaking de-
partment in connection.
ACCIDENT.—Wednesday morning Geo.
Crooks had two fingers of his right band
severely torn by a small circular saw he
was using in R. Leatherdale's cabinet
shop. He will be laid off work for a
time owing to the aooident.
0. 0. F.—Every member of Court
Princess Alexandra, C. 0. F., Brussels,
is asked to be pre0eut next Monday even.
ing, 30th inst., when business of import.
once in which each member is interested
will be dismissed. Remember the date.
Bo the shying of a snow ball, lost Sat.
urday, one of the side lights in the front
of Councillor Leathefdale's store windows.
risme to grief. Snow balling on Meia
street ie not permiesible and people
should remember this fact and thereby
avoid trouble.
Ir Anent Bros. go on with the electric
lighting of Brussels they will put in a
high speed engine and an incandescent
dynamo, 400 or 500 light capacity. They
purpose purchasing W.111. Sinclair's are
plant sod will thereby be enabled to start
the street lights at once. T'bey should do
well with it as they are shrewd business
men and have the oonlidenee of the pubiio.
MILITLt Oinnns.—Dr. Borden, the
Minister of Militia, bas affixed his
signature to a lot of general militia
orders, among others the following ;-
28th "Perth" Battalion—To be adjutant,
captain, and brevet, Major George
Thomas Oooke. No. 2 Company, to be
Captain, Lieut. David John Gibson ; to
he 2nd lieutenant, William Jordan
Larkeworthy. 33rd "Huron" Battallion
—No. 6 Company, Provisional Lieut.,
,awls Henry Dickson is permitted to re.
ire. No. 8 Company, Capt. John Kaine
s permitted to resign his commissiou
nd to retain the rank of captain on re-
A. 0. U. W.—Last Friday evening the
D. 06 U. W. had a visit from Deputy
istriot Master Workman Patterson, of
eafortb, who gave a comprehensive and
nteresting synopsis of leading feabures of
be Order, past, present and future. The
nestion of separation from the U. S.
as debated and one opinion arrived at,
iz,, the necessity of securing it at next
rand Lodge. At the December meet -
0g of No. 188 the annual election of of-
ers for the next year will take place.
here is a Relief (tall this month to aid
he brethren across the border, An or-
auizer will be sent to Brussels in the
ear future to give the A. 0. U. W. a
eon. The present membership is 88
nd the meetings are held the 8rd Friday
vening in eaob month in Blaehill's Hall.
T1112 "Facts of the Case" is a conveni-
nt volume of 340 pages prepared by F.
. Speuae, and pnblisbed by the Exeou-
ve Committee of the Dominion Alliauoe
r the Total Suppression of the Liquor
raffia. It summarizes a great deal of
he statistics and evidence laid before the
oyal Commission,
and resents
a strong
ase for total i prohibition.
roh bitiom,
I will be
rind speoially useful and convenient to
arsons desiring to study and diaones this
real question, which, ibis expeobed, will
hortly be submitted to the electorate of
e Dominion. The Allianoe Executive
vigorously pushing the work 0omtnit.
d to it by the Convention held in To.
nto last July. The meeting of the
ational Counoil, to be held in 1807, fe
rtain to be of unusual magnitude and
threat. Already,Provincial Temper-
noe Soeietiee in every part of the Do -
inion are appointing their special repre.
ntatives to this Connell. The obief
neinees to be transaoted will have refer -
nee to the approaching oontest-
The Stratford Beacon says that the
firm of Laurier Mawat tC Viotory is
about to take in another partner whose
name is Prosperity. Our contemporary
should amend its statement. The new
partner is already on deck.