HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-20, Page 8LFartR
We 11 Lira four gamin, tie. :
Crop mole, Old and Improved
Meeker Boar: and C0.rl 1+,1
four tames in one all for N. Any
game 0011n etoclt procured on short
What nlce peaeant can
you give
Than a aloe piece of China, We
have never known one to refuse. awn
a gift yet. Always suitable. -Always
acceptable. We have some Moe lines
in Cake Platee, Berry Diehee, Butter
and Cbeeee Platae, Spoon Beldam,
Fano' Flower Pots, &o, Not dear
either -10001 2531. up.
Come and See them,
Droggiste. Opticians and Booksellere,
001T13ER1 ExTENslon w, a. & B.
Pl.tine ;mire Bruesele -.Station, North
nn d South. We follows):
001:10 Bourn. 001T{e NOR0a.
13137r'eas SO:UO a.m. I Mixed 9:44 a.m
Anxad ....... G:97 pre. , tia'11 1:03 p.m
'oraC ` etas fJ±alts,
4. ehie!'a mane ye Lakin' notes,
An' €With he'll prett it,
As nest Thursday will be Manton'''.
-reg dery turd consequently u public br.li-
ermv. Tun Poser will he published on Wed-
ceaaday next week so that our employe es
may enjoy the freedom of ThankSgivi'1g.
Will eorreeponden:c and the pre lin
generally bear this in mind and gov,rn
themselves accordingly. By so dein
you will greet!, oblige the Editor,
;Honey roads,
Per your taxes.
Sows of the "boys" 11ad a frolic Th re-
:3ay night of last weep.
W. H ECCenisee's office for Imo of
10330i08 lie -time is at the post office in
the meantime.
Lynne basiness should boom in Brue-
esee under the existing freeze out time
Is b!e on the 0. T. R.
said a billinrd room oily be open-
rei in Brussels this Winter. There are a
goad many things we need worse.
D60E510013 18th is the date set for T.
S- Hawkins' big concert in Breese'.
'Town Hall. There will be at least 27
performers, Keep the date free.
Torr ditch running across properties
drum Albert to Turnberry street has been
opened up and a larger box placed there -
'hi. The town pays for the ditah across
tate streets,
THE Degree team in connection with
'rareetern Star Lodge, I, 0. 0. F. is be -
in; re•organized for this season tender
the captaincy of R. G. Wilson, who is a
'torn .enthusiastic 0.1x3 Fellow, The
Lodge is having a boom in new members.
Henox Co. Council will convene in.
Qoderich on Wednesday, Deo. 2nd, at 2
p. m. This ses-ion will be noteworthy
from the foot that it will be the last
meeting under the old law. the next
eleenoil being composed of 10 members
instead of 01,
annothe by expressions from mem•
hers of the Brussels School Board, A.
ii:oenig and D. C. Ross are the only
1To old membefre who will be tbero is
7E27. Dr. Graham will be removing
hem town Rev, J. Ross and A. Reid de-
cline to stand, and 1I, Dennis' seat has
haemo vacant owing to his removal to
Mmit1am. Care should be taken in fil-
'rsam these vacancies.
L1BADLEY, GANErnoN & CO., Of Brant -
'erred, have lots of "neck." Last week
they cent six free puffs for e, new book
they are publishing asking to have them
er.wrted because "your readers will ape
lreeiate them." The editor would ap-
yeeoiete 01 for inserting the same and
when the cash comes the advertisements
wn9B be given a place in THE POST. We
Are not in business for the good of oar
Vasitis entirely nor to blow the born of a
•ate to-do publiehine house in Brentford
130133833 the necessary collateral accom•
Tallies the same.
A weirs syndicate sent two cars of
apples to Glasgow and two more to
leondon, England. The returns from
the former have been reoeived, showing
az:enrage of 41 cents per barrel, which,
eller expenses of barrel, &u, are paid,
will leave about 0 cents clear per barrel
es the average. A glut on the market is
mid to be the 08088 of the drop tin price.
We notice in some shipments the ship.
pen were oa'led upon to forward money
;repay freight and commission for eel.
A 1(EltTixe of the Licence Board of
vemmissio"ers for E. 'Huron was held at
the teeeen'e Hotel on Wednesday after•
00501 4 this week, ail the members being
yeas'.ntr .1, O'Leary made application
for perrniseion to 00Clvert the commercial
mein South ofbar room into a billiard
531011. No Danica was taken as the Board
cOnlidered they had nothing to do with it
32 there was no communication between
the hotel aid the billiard room. E. Liv-
3to48t00, new of Blyth, will have to ane-
snr rt enmplaint on Friday nt Belgrave
Sow Balling liquor after hours the last Dat•
=nay night he was in that villrge.
&nwonTN LaAOoE.-Ab the regular
meeting of the Epworth League on Mon -
.y night the prayer and praise service
:»os taken by II. R. Brewer and the fol -
leaving tniesionery went, '1 was render.
ed c -hesitation, Ella Ft. Ston ; duett,
1WJiines Florence Hunter .,',d Eva Pnre-
es:et ;: duett end thorns, 1lfiesee Thurea
Peony and M. Moore, and League ohoir.
Tee Missionary competition was taken
wen on the nee aide by :-Miesee Maggie
Beesttie, E. 13. Herr, E. Creighton, M.
Moore and N. B. Gerry, J. Killough and
s. Reid. On the ',wising side were :-
*Ines ]'day Turnbull X. Rozell, Jennie
Awe, Giarn IIuntur, Lizzie Ferguson
Aced Rev. S. 3. A111n and R. Fletcher.
'The pointe given by each aide were well
mirth heating. Next Monday evening
"Oasbn the Beptiot" will be the topic., in.
eze ncod by B. Gerry.
i"alaalle fare t1ekete will be faeued by
the Ce, T. R. and 0. P. P. for 'Menke.
riving Day. Good going on the With and
20th and available on retain trip Until
both lost.
Tan (ataynsr Watohman is the name of
a neat weakly newspaper being iseued at
that pleas. le the initial member Were
us we non's) the advt. of Fitz abriok
l31•oe„ grocers, rine formerly of Briilaeale.
Coe Snuff are due to 0. IL Knight,
0th aon. Grey; far a basket of tip top
Snow apples. Among the number wee a
sample of the Gloria Mende, which
weighed 11 pounds and we:unreel 14
Mabee in cit'clumference, Tog Pose staff
appreciate Mr, Kniuht'e kindness. •
Jes Scaler min BAnnlsTrut liOLazeTrnD;
olSee,fortli, were in town on SVedneeday
making enquiries regarding °teetrio light•
ing in Brussels. They are 'dlepoeed to
put in a plant if Mr. Soroggie does not.
Mr, Scott owns the Seafurth aleetrie light
A. 0. U. W. -Deputy District Patter -
eon, of Seaforth, will pay hie annual oil]•
oial visit to Bresnan A. 0, U. W. Lodge
on friday evening of ibis week.': A large
tura ant of members ie naked, as slues.
tions of importituce will be dieausaed and
explained by Mr. Patterson. Lodge
meets at 7700 o'olieek,
Ban. va, BLA1n,-This wee en action
brought to recoverpoaseasion of a mort-
gage held by defendant in security for hie
coals. Jadgment was that defendant de-
liver up mortgage on payment of sum of
51170, each to pay their own octets. The
ease was beard at Goderioh, on Monday,
before Chancellor• Boyd.
M raICIt'AL Ade AuEN1)3r0NT9.-An
amendment to the Municipal Aot passed
at the last session of the Legislature
makes one or two important changes, to
which the attention of municipal men
should he directed. The new aounoile
elected on the first Monday in January
will meet on the following Monday in-
stead of the two weeks' interim as dorm•
erly allowed ; and existing aounoile will
pease to have power to vote money for
any purpose, pass any by-law or enter
into any contract or bargain involving
the payment of money, or dismiss or ap-
point any official after thealetDecember.
The old aouocil praotieally ceases to have
any power between the first day of the
month and the sitting of the new body
on the second Monday, which may be as
early as the 8th or as lotto as the 14th.
Another amendment requires city and
town deputy returning o0iicers to prooeed
directly from the polling place to the
alerk's offioe with the ballot boxes, on no
consideration taking the boxes to their
homes. .
Gaux= Tnnaa OrarciAte ,IT BRUSSELS. -
Wednesday's 1 o'clock train brought Sup-
erintendent Fitzhugh, of Toronto; Train
Master I'erritor, and Divisional' Freight
Agent Pullen, of Stratford, on a tour of
enquiry and inspection over the W. G. &
B., particularly bearing on the recent
changes in cancelling trains and altering'
fanning time. 11r. Fitzhugh wired the
Reeve to meet him at depot whish he
did and discussed the situation. There
has been a general outcry against, the
railway uhangee nod Mr. Fitzhugh stays a
change will be ebortly made whereby the
morning train will run earlier and mote
connection at Palmerston by which pas-
sengers oan ranch Toronto about noon.
The Reeve celled the attention of the
officials to the unfairness of the evening
acoommodation not waiting at Wingham
Junction eo as to give connection with
the London, Huron & Bruce, necessitat-
ing naasengers remaining over night in
Wingham instead of getting to their des-
tination at once. A. promise was made
that the best possible arrangement would
be made to aeoommodate Chet travelling
public as far as Brussels and other points
are concerned. The train was held for
about 15 minutes while the pro and con
of the apparent problematic question wile
Tamen EencT10N,-By the decision of
Brussels School Board an election to fill
the vacancy canned by the removal of H.
Dennis to Chatham, is asked and noose.
quently public nomination will be held
at the Town Hall on Monday, Nov 30th,
at 1 p. m., and if an election is demdad-
ed it will be held a week later, viz., Mon-
day, Deo. 7th. We understood that the
Board had decided to forego asking for
the filling of Mr. Dennis' seat until the
annual nomination day which will be
here in about a month, and in this Tan
Pose very warmly supported them. The
bolding of an election will mean tbe ex•
penditure of about 530.00 owing to have
ing to follow the municipal form, and we
feel sure the town has not that amount
to throw away as our rate has already
been struck. Surely five members of the
Board could transact the business for
another month rather than saddle the
town with even the expense of an elec•
tion by acclamation. The School Board
should rescind their motion of notifi•
cation. In this connection we are of the
opinion that the eleotione for Municipal
and School Boards should be seperated
on account of saving expense and eon•
duoing to greater harmony. [Since the
above was in type the Reeve has aeon
several members of the School Board, in
the absenoe of the Chairman, and tviil
hold the question of election in abeyance,
as the Board did not expect their tuition
would necessitate snob at the present.
Orman Up. -We regret to state that
W. H. McCracken, one of the oldest and
beet known basineee men of Brussels, has
I been anmpelled to close up his grocery,
Bailiff Slott took possession lust Satur-
day night under an attachment issued at
the instance of McCormick & Co., Lon-
don. The stook is advertised to be sold
on Saturday afternoon of this week.
Verifies reasons are aesigned for Mr. Mo-
Cracken'e failure, the principal of which
was the heavy losses he suffered owing to
the credit'system of doing business. The
dullness of trade was of course a eon.
tributory element. Mr, MoOreaksn and
family have been diligent, economical
and most obliging and deserve very much
better results after years of herd and
aoneta,t work both in and out of tbe
store. Had Mee. years ago done as many
a less scrupulous man has, and left hie
oreditore In the lurch, ho might have
been in a gond shape flnanoialiy to•day,
but with a high seams of honor end a de.
sire to have no man lose a omit by him
he toiled late end early to get free from
the trammel of debt, and had trade kept
up as in former years he would have
achieved the manly purpose be aimed at.
As it is bis liabilities are comparatively
small, and we would be pleased to see the
wholesale houses he hag left eo many
thousand doliare with in the years gone
by give him a good abow to resume bug -
Dees in I3ruseell, Mr. MoOraeken'e
many old friends will be glad to eee elm
installed in business as of yore if such
arrangements Sen be eatisfaotorily made.
Tea improvements to BM'. rollers
Renting mill have been completed by • W.
and J. G. Gresy, of Toronto, A pian
sifter and other ina,ohinery hoe been
pot 10, the rollers newly corrugated and
other alterations made that will put the
mill in better sbapo than ever,
Cuellar: awAIRme is completing f
t 300
gallons of apple butter, matlufaotttted
for John Stafford,. of NoIhlllop, from
snow apples, for shipment to Winnipeg.
The butter is pub up in one gallon cane,
and woe made with great ogre, lb will.
bo aboompanied by samples `of jelly also
made at Me, Edwards' faobory,
Business Locals,
LONG, clear bacon atrMuCrsoken's,
Site D. 0, Roes' new ebook of Over.
ano harness very cheap, and a good
ebook on band, 1, O. RMallarde,
Foo the cheapest Overcoats in town go
io D, 0. Boss',
ROnon, blankets, trunks and melees
°beeper than ever. I. 0. Birhnrde.
Fon repairing rubbers, boots and
shoes we take the lead. 7. C. Bioharde..
I no saw filing very cheap now for
Elliot cash as I have a new and a fast tvay.
Of setting naw T, McGregor, saw -filer,
Brinson, Queen 61, East,
Knees Clover Root, the great Blood.
Purifier gives freshness and 0learne8e to
the complexion and aurae constipation
26 ore, 60 to and 51.00. Sold by Jamas
Fox, Druggist, Bruesele.
Coumm:TAuLS dwelling to rent over my
store. Good bard water force pump on
the premises whioh does away with oar.
Tying water up or down:
I. 0. Richards.
Winnow Srimn»e.-Moat be sold, over a
thousand window shades, ohsaper than
was ever known before ; oheaper than
cotton shades at one cent a yard. All
shades hung free of oharge. R. Loather.
Sniton's Sure is sold on a guarantee.
It cures incipient consumption. It is
the beet Dough eure. Only one cent a
dose. 25 ate., 60 Sts, and 51.00. Sold by
James Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
ANYTBTNO that i8 kept in a frret•olaes
furniture store in the cities you eonset
from me. I will take any amount of
goose and cluck feathers in exchange for
goods. All goods delivered free. R.
Leal herdale.
Co.11pomT,IBLE brick residence with every
convenience, furnace, tea., for sale or to
rent. Pnsaession given on December 1st.
For fu,tlr r.t'13001039 apply to Mrs. R.
Walker, Toru "eery etrest, Brussels.
CAPTAIN Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego,
Cal„ toys :-"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy
is the first medicine I have ever found
that would do me any good." Price 50
cents. Sold by Jae, Fox. druggist, Brue•
Preemie MonLnTNGs,-I have the finest
line of piotare mouldings I have ever had
ein0e I have been here ; all the newest
patterns end shades. I bought a large
quantity in order to buy then right and
I can frame pictures very cheap. R.
Beetcec:r Oereeen.-That eligible half
acre lot situate on the Southern portion of
Turnberry street, Brussels, will be die•
posed of below cost. Very easy terms.
Write forarticula
p ra to Joint HAn0n5ay5s,
174 Queen et, West, Toronto.
SEWING MAOaINEe.-I am Belling the
New Williams' sewing machine and if
you have the least idea of buying a ma-
chine Dome and see mine and get my
prices before you buy. I oan save you
510 on a machine and 526 on an organ.
R. Leatherdale.
CONSULT Bona Doorog,-If he advises
Cad Liver Oil we recommend Wotnpole's
Tasteless Preparation. You can't taste
the oil ; all you tette is wild cherry, and
that's good. What you get is fleeb and
strength. Cures Soughs, colds and
\Festive diseases, 3,8. Fox,
3,m Chemist and Druggist.
OnaANs.-If you are thinking of buying
anorgan call and see R. Leatberdale's
four different makes always on band.
You can get a eix octave piano ansa organ
cheaper than yon can get the old style
five octave from agents. Go where you
have a stook to choose from.
A doctor who has investigated, writes :
Toronto August 4th, 1890.
As you have asked me to give you an
opinion from a medical standpoint on
Wright'° Liver and Stomach Pills, I find
it a pleesnre to recommend them to all
persons suffering from torpid liver, bad
digestion, frontad headache, languid feel-
ing, especially in the morning, no appetite.
I know of no proprietory medicine of
equal merits as a liver and stomach treat-
ment. (Signed) A. F. DIxoN, M. D.
Ask Jas. Iox. Druggist, Brussels. about
then, Sample box sent on receipt of six
ciente in Postage stamps.
The LeRoy Pill Co„ Toronto, Oan,
Try Don't Headache Powders, safe,
suooessful, sure. 25 cents a box.
CAnTEE,-In Pordwieh, on the loth
the wife of Mr. Wm. Carter of a son.
ALLAN. -On the. 10th con., Howick, on
the 11th inst., the wife of Mr. Wm.
Allan, of a son.
Howg.-In Listowel, on Nov, 41h, the
wife of Mr. F. S.Howe of a daughter.
lI8uxEL.-In Liebnwol, on Nov. let, the
wife of Ihir. Charles Markel of a son,
4icOanire»,-In Brussels, on the 15111
inst., the wife of Mr. Fred. Blodi'aek-
en of a daughter.
Horants.-In Newry, nn Nov. 9113, the
wife of Mr. Fred. Holmes of a eon.
Knfeneew.-1n Grey, on the 6th inst., the
wife of Mr. Wm. A. Killough of a
McM ANNua.-Iu Winghem, on Nov, 10th,
the wife of Mr. James Madonnas of
a son.
PEBsneoo,-In East Wawanoeb, on Nov..
77th, the wife of Mr. Andrew Fergu•
son of a daughter.
GonnoN-KEITIr.-Ou Tuesday, Nov,
10th, by Rev. D. Perris, Mr. Arabi.
bald Gordon, of Turnberry, to Mies
Catharine Keith, of Oulroes,
OaAP1tAN.-In. Rime, on Nov, 4th, (Merles
Gordon, youngest son of Matthew
Chapman, aged 1 year and 8 months.
SHEetaAN.-In Morrie, on Friday, Nov.
18th, 1800, Thomas Sheridan, aged
80 years, 8 months and 10 days.
Powlnt.-In Turnberry, on Friday,
November 0th, 1800, Mrs. Tom K,
Powell, aged 47 years.
SnnnnAN,-In Morrie, on Thursday,.
Nov. 10th, Margaret, daughter of the
late Thomas Sheridan, aged 40 years,
7 months and 12 days.
ST4,ND4RJ) .34NIC OF 04X1 %,
c'4.ZZT-'Tt7 x=:19 4.e72.
A.SSI7TS, • (Seven MUlion Dollars) • 57,000,000
CAPITAL(Authorized) . • 52,000,000
ib rt9atiPaApoints in Ontario, QgaLea,11fa7ri£aLa, Uniteft States cC F.11425314.
z'Ps r/t4e£°s°,1iahs9 Mavecm,
A General ,banking Business Traneaoted, Partners' Notes Diseounbed,
Drafts leaned and O011eotions made on all paints.
Interest allowed on deposits of 51.00' and upwards from dot of doposib to date of
withdrawal and compounded half yearly,
$axomL ATTENTION 01:vEN TO T17E 000100011015 013 I'ABtunns' 5,1110 Newts.
livery !agility afforded Oulstomere living at a distanoe,
TuaoDA», Nov, 24t11, -Farm stools, im-
plements, &u. Let 27, Con. 11, Grey.
Sale unreserved, at 1 °relook, David
Brown, Prop., F. S. Scott, Asa
%ma: Da, Nov, Mlle. -,'arm Stock,
implements, &a Lot 21, Con. 30, Grey.
Sale unreeerved, at 12 a'olodli, sharp.
Robt, McLachlan, Prop„ 11`. S. Scott,
First mortgage, farm severity, Apply
at T BE. POST Publishing ]Ionto, Brussels.
The undersigned offers his eomfurt-
able• cottage and d acre of laud ou 'Turnberry
street Brussels fat' sa1e. On the premises 1s
a good well, el able, fruit trees, &o, For prion
and terms apply bo
1-tf ALIO•X. 1410LAUOBLIN, Proprietor,.
horse, eight years old. suitable for eith-
er road or farm also buggy, cutter and
equipments, Would exouange them for
young (tattle if auibebl O.
18.11 JNO. ROBB, Brussels,
trained, good size, extra gentle, Sold
with or without harness and top buggy,.
sleigh and robes. A11 in prints order. Less
than half price. ,100,D, RONALD...
0808 Of the undersigned, Lot 27, COu. 10,
Grey, about July last, 1 ewe -and l lamb. The
07,001. is regneeted toprove property, .pay
expenses and bake them away.
17-4 WM. BRAY, llonorleif P. 0.
Morris, on on ortaboe u undersigned, 15th of October,Lot
1 red
heifer two years o1,1. The owner is request-
ed to prove property, )lay expenses and take
her away- RUBT. SHEDDAN,
17-4 Brussels P.O,
tU 5 RE W ARD. - THIS R•E-
N� Tann will be paid for the recovery
of a pair o4 horse blankets and a tanned
iffiest) ekiu taken from any driving shed Sat-
urday night, 051. Met ; and then information
as will lead to the conviction of the offend-
ers. ALEX. ROSS,
17.3 Lot 11, Con, 2, Grey.
�l��r'I COUNCIL.
The Connell of the Corporation of the
County of Huron will lueee iu the Council
Chamber, 1a' the Towu of-Goderiob, on the
first Wednesday of December next, at 9
o'clock p. m, WM. LANE, Co. Oink.Dated Noy. 11,1880. 10-2
have a largo 702 page book on British
tam 000lor its pe od. Wo keethat p a ase] otn
ment of books and any not in stock we can
Procure without extra charge, atPublishersprices. BRADiv1AN &M00ALL,
Druggists, 13ooL•aollore & Opticians.
'inne will be received until Deo. 31th,
1800, for the delivery of 70 cords of good
sound green bard wood, Beech and Maple,
all body wood, 24 inches long, to be delivered
at the Bruesele Public 8ohnol House before
the 1st day of February, 1807.
1800 Ifo School Beard.
ssl an?
1f lwa
The undersigned will receive tenders for
supplies up to noon 0n
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 80701, 1850,
For the supply of butcher's moat, butter,
dairy andsreamery, giving price for each,
flour, oatmeal, potatoes, oo•dwood, etc., for
Diefol1nwfug institutions during the year
1807 viz.:-
At he Asylum for the Insane in Toronto,
London, Ki ngston,Hamilton, Daimler), B rook;
villa and Oriltla ; the Central Prison and
Mercer Reformatory, Toronto; the Reform-
atory Inc Boys, Penetangutsbene • the Insti-
tutions for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville,
and the Blind at Brantford.
Two sufeeient sureties will bo required for
the duo fulfilment of each contract.
Specifications and forms or tender can on-
ly be hod by making application to the bur -
Bare of the respective institutions,
N. B; Tenders are not required for the
London, Kiof ngston, Hto amilton sand Toronto,
nor to the Central Prison and Meteor lie.
formabory, Toronto.
'!rile lowest or any tender not necessarily
R. CFIRIS'l'Al, •
In sped tore o f Prisons and Pe blit Charities.
Parliament 13 landings, Toronto, Nov, 15th,
1800. 10.2
sale na to rent,l2/18 80,781,111easy terms in Townships
et Morris and Grey. P S. 8110TT,Brasaele
BTU sols. Groat bargain, Lot 7, Con.
chard Grey township,
133110104, Good
itak!e for 0dingsmixedorr
on the premises orLrto r 1,103AB•II01 IPA615,
London West.
'1ARI12S FOR SALE. - 200
nares -Consisting of Lets 88 on the 7111
and 8111 Concessions township of Grey, be-
ing 1 natio from the Concessions,
of Ethel and 6i
mine from Brussels, 40 awes of Fell wheat
sown and about 80 acres nudes grass ; 00
acres cleared on snob. Perms of payment
they. A. MCKEL VI'0Y, 31, D„.
84- Bruseals,
100 acme of good farm land at
springold, 8 miles from Whlulpog, is offer-
ed for sale at a loaf pries, The propertyis
North East44 See, 10, Two. 11, Range 4, Iasts
Thera is it bougie on the pro:nlesa and some
breaking done, Feer full particulars as to
price, title. &a” write Or apply to
20-tt 0, V. BL 115Bru0!' O, l . KERB,
01 1110 N on th 5 of Lot 00, Ceg of the onG1aw2,, East Sohawry
.00811. Phis Is an excellent stook farm, being.
Wellsupplibd with ggoodepring water. Itis
situated about 3 miles treat the thriving
lage cf Blyth. A large Bart of itisunder
grass. Buildings• and femme are ,in afair
state of repair. Easy terms of payment will
be given, For all information apply to
11-11 O. V. BLAIR, Barrietgi', Brussels.
That Township of Grexcellent0 farm,50Dot 15,
he sold t
onoo in order 10 (lose eetate of deceased own-
er. The lot is neatly all cleared, with good
buildings, emple water supply, largo or-
chard, 34 miles from Cranbrook is under
good cultivation and Is a veru desirable pmn,
1:015)' 1115888, Apply to RICHARD 317:T-
ODELL, Brussels 1 .-0 ' 30D14 0ITORIILL,
on the promises ' or A. 7i °NTLv1t, Breese's,
.'Dated Sept, 11111,180e,
the Township of Grey. In order to
close an estate the West half of Lot 24, Con.
7, Township -01 Grey, 50 urea, is olreres for
immediate Bale. On the premieas area good
frame dwelling with kitchen, &o., also two
frame barna, good water, oroltard, &o„ and is
Mose to the Village of ;ISthel, Soil is of the
best and farm is 39e11 fenced. Apply to
els 1 WM.
MoII LVLY, Tam onto vu ; ort A HUNTER,
nEnemNnD offer thefrpplendid100acre
farm, Lot 22,Oou. 13, Grey, for sale. There
bush. ao0,S then premisesadgood comfortable
Pram a house, frame bairn and outbuildiugs;
ne1!ttggass.Perm ex00eut Sae of enitiycmes a
tion,15 miles from.Uraubroolc village and 01
from Brussels. Possession could Ile give];
this Fall. For further particulars as to
Brice, twins, &e, apply on the promises or
write to Cranbrook P 0.
The eligible 100 aero fariu, composed of
lots 10 and 17 in the 10th eon„ Grey township,
Duron Co., and So notes, part of lots 10 and
17, 11th con.. belonging to the Robert Brown
estate, isofferedfor oale to wind up estate,
On the first farm is ,t good stone house and
largo bank bare; necessary outbuildings, or-
chard, &c. Farm well watered, well fenced
and iu geed state of oultiyatiou. About 00
aoree of boob, 43 of which is hardwood. On
the 50 acre farm there fa shame and barn,
orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. Perms
sold jointly or separately to suit purohasor.
Possession given in the Pall, Parma are on-
ly a mile from the village of Cralibroolr,
where ore wheal, churches, post-ofI0u,
stores, &c„ andel miles to the thriving Mar-
ket tows Brussels, For further particulars
as to prim, terms, &o„ apply to
JA3IE8 BROWN, F Executors.
Cranbrook le, 0.
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 26, Con. 8, Morris, the thorn' bred im-
proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,"
bred from ,7.17. Brothour'e eweepstalres 001P
at Chicago Pair. Terms, 51.00 to be paid
at the turning if neme cessary. service
, Pedigr privilegeue seen
on application,
undersigned -will keep for service on
Ifot 80, Con, O, Monis, the thorn' -bred Large
English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John."
Ilia mother is a fail sister to the let prize
sow at the World's Pair. Pedigree will be
produced on application. Terms -41.00 to
be paid at time of scrvios with privilege of
retuning if necessary,
14.6m 386. SPEII0, Proprietor,
undersigned will keep for eervioe on
Lot 27, Con. 4, Morrie, the there' bred Tam-
worth. boar,"King George," purchased Isom
H. George &bons who got ;fist -prize for
their bord at Guelph Pat ;Stock Show. The
dam of "Klug George" won first prise at the
Show, London England. H1, sires was im-
ported and weighed 760 lbs. Terms 81.00 to
bo paid at time of service with privilege of
returuing if 005easary, Pedigree may be
seen on application.
Ancient Order -of toned Worknianl
This old nod prosperous Fraternal Associ-
ation numbering 850,000 members ale pre-
senting to the public their popular and coon-
omical rales to worthy in en, at the vary low
rate of about $8.00 per 41,000 per annum.
Tbo "Workmen" Promptly Rlq' Heath
(Aldine mud expect o large. Increase to
memCompanies don'ow tseemlwi;tile tAmory to Cau
Recorder; J. A, OREIGIITON,Plnaueler.
S. OC. M., 1p. R, 0,P., Edinburgh, kI. 0, P.
nt, Residence and office in \7ilson'e
Block, corner al 01t11 and Telethon), -Ste,
Ph ysl elan, Surgeon , A000uehor, eta
Graduate of Toronto UniversityMedical
Faculty. Member of College 01 Physicians
and Surpooue, Out. O1'BIOE-Next door to
McDonald & co„ Walton Ont.
1'1I3610IAN, 8311303071 AND A00000I1EUn,
1st 01 nee Fionor Graduate of the 7Juiverai-
ties of l'rinity(1'arontnl, Qeee1'e IKluppatool
and of Tr111fty Medina 0ollego. ; Volley of
Trinity M1ladiaal Oollege and ,member of the
le,lictsatf Graduate and
lib �Detroitt� and
Unia,gc,1800. Speabll attention paid to MS.
eases of lye, Ear, Nose and Throat, mud die
chaos Of SVO,mef. 1,8I'Oenealtotlon in Dug'
lisle and German,
Nor, 20, 1890
:AhN E
Now 1111at 1130 long Winter oven,
Ings will ma 11011ere we de-
we to draw your atter,
tion, to the long list of
Gaines that we aro
fallowing this
season :-
Fish Pond,
Iieoping Store;
Snaps, •
Messenger Boy,
Yacht 1Iaoai
Little Goldenlooke,
Peter Coddles, •
Fractions, J
Lost Bair,
Strange People,
Old 111aid,
Jack Straws,
Bieyole Mace,
Ocean Race,
Ching Oiling,
&o., &o.
We Have only room to say a
word about ibis but we are selling lots of
it all the same. Our trimming machine
is giving great satisfaction and we ere
pleased to see that our efforts in this dire
option are being appreciated by our sue•
tomers. So -don't forget that we trim all
Wall Paper purchased from us Free of
Charge, at
Fox's Drug Store.
L Solicitor and Oonveyaueer. Collec-
tions made. Oflue-Vanetone'e Block, Brus-
sels. 21.91
. solicitor, Conveyancer ,No taryPub-
lie, &e, Oftlae-Vaustore's Block, 1 door
north of°antral Hotel, Private Punds to
• (Formerly of Oomeron, Holt &.
Oamoron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Godorieh,.
Ont. Office -Hamilton St., opposite Col-
borne Hotel
Prourlfoot'ao Solicitor,
GodsraQo� fOflloe over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels.
Money to Loan. 47
Led on reasonable 500080, Farms annconduct
stock specialty. Orders left at Tun POST
PubBehing.Houso,Brnoe015, or Sent to Walton
P. O., will receive prompt attention,
; • BEn, will sell for better prfoos, to
better men, in ass .time and less obargos.
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything, Dates and
orders can always bo arranged at this ofrlee
or by per sena] application.
Who has 1ad25 years experience as an
Auctioneer, but who bad to quit , owing to 111
health, Ins again taken out license anti is
prepared to conduct sales at reasonable
tuna 0. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates 11107
be arranged at Tao Poor Publishing House.
18-1.3 Auctioneer.
Honor Graduate Toronto 1Juivereity,
Licentiate Royal Oollego Dental Surgeons.
Or0wu and Bridge work a Specialty. Moder-
Satisfaction Sce over
BarrettB barr o,uraborry t., Bfns.
5.7 • Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all
diseaooe of domaetioatnd animals- in u com-
toveterietent naryyytient dentistry. Calls promNtlypat-
tended to. Office and Iufltwary-Pour doors
north of bridge 'Turnberry St., Brussels.
Insurer of MarriageLleonses, Office
at hie Grocery, l urnborry street, Brussels,
• Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door
south of A, M. McKay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies'and ohlldrene hair cutting a specialty
Savings Bank talces Deposits from
8100 to 51,010 and allows a per tient.
interest. T. PARR0W,
87.3ra Postmaster.
!mei, of' Marriage Licenses,
0530105 AT JEw1,Ln3 STonit.
11^No Witness Required.
T. FLETOH'CR, Brussels.
Olerlt of the Fourth Division Cour
CO, Simon. Conveyancer, Notary p'ublic
Land Loon and Ineurnnoe Agent, ,Funds
invootod and to loan. Oollenttons made
Office 10 Grabam's Sloolc, Bru Boole
r111105. A. HAWKINS,
Wy111 give lessons to pupils Dither on
piano or crgau, et his 1h,010 Room, opposite.
the poet-o01ce, lrussele. 'Vocal lessons ale°
given. Ten vette exeorisuao In toaobhtg,
1(Venn eelectorate.