HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-20, Page 3Nov. 20, i29t$ TowIn Directory,. MltzvruDls cuuaoou,.^Cabb0,611 Services at 71 a m and 7:00 p.m. Snuday Sebool at 2;80 p M. 'tee.John Rolle, B 4t, peeper. 135. knifes 00oa0u,—•Sabbath Serviette et 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday School M 2:80 p. Rev,' A. K. Gelean, inoum. 4ant. MiiruoDrsT Cnunou,—Sabbath Servfoee at 10:80 at re and 7:00 p m. Sunday Sober)! at 2:80 p hn, Rev. S. 3, Agin, paster. ROTAS OA'aoLca Onoaan,—Sabbath Service third Sunday in everylnonth, at 10:80 a ea. Rev Jooeph Iieihuedy, priest, $APVATSQN 4111111:.—Service at 7 and 11 e in and 8 and 8 p n3 on Sunday and every evening in the work et 8. o'clock, at the barraoke. On» S3'mzrowe' LODOr, every Thursday evening, in Graham's bloat. Marone Lonen Tneedey at or before fell moon, in Gerfield'bloelc. A 0 U W LODGE on the Bra Friday evening of each month, in Bias. hill's block, C 0 P Loners 2nd and last Monday evenings of each mond;, in Blashill'e block. I O F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L O L let Monday in every month in Ora iso Ha' Sone Or Soon n ), let and Ord Tues- days of mob month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Longe, 2nd and 4th Tues. Jaya of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall, Ilona Cuomo, 2nd and 4th Friday even - Inge in Blaenilee Hall• POST Osetoit.—Office hours From 8 ' a. m, to 8:80 p. m, MzondaIee' IesereeTn.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'olook p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 5 and 6 bo 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian. Towe OonNoru.—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Baeker, Robert Graham, R. Lea- therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the lst Monday in each month, SouooL Boiso.—Dr. Graham, (chair - ream) Rev. Ross, D. 0. Roes, A. Reid and A. Koenig •, Seo,-Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. Punnro SCHOOL Tsaan8n5.—.7. H. Oam. eron, Principal, E. North, Mies Downey and Mise Ritchie. Bonne oe HEALTu.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. THE LITTLE PIANIST'S PLAINT. 0 ne—bcvo—th ree—four-- Praotisin7; le such a bore 1 How my little finger swims 1 Wish I didn't make mistakes 1 One—two—three—four— Guess that's Besaie at the door ; Yes, she's teasing Tomnhy's pop ; Wish my quarter hour was up. One—two—three—four— Practising is such a bore, One—two—three—four- 013, ne—two---three—four- 0h, it rains. It's going to pour 1 And my kitty'e out at play ; I meet fetch her right away 1 One—two—three-four— Praotisiug is such a bore I THE MAGIC OF A SMILE. Smile a little, smile a little, As you go along, Not alone when life is pleasant, But when things go wrong. Care delights to see you frowning, Loves to bear you sigh ; Turn a smiling fade upon her, Quick the dame will fly. Smile a little, smile a little, Alt along the road ; Every lite meat have its Barden, Every heart ite load. Why sib down in gloom and darkness With your grief to sup ? As you drink Fate's bitter tonic Smile across the cup. Smile upon the troubled pilgrims Whom you pass and meat ; Frowns are thorns and smiles are blos• same Oft for weary feet. Do nob make the way seem harder By a sullen face ; Smile a little, etnile a little, Brighten up the place. Smile upon your undone labor ; Nob fol one who grieves O'er his task, waits wealth or glory ; He who smiles achieves. Though you meet with loss and sorrow In the passing years ; Smile a little, smile a little, Even through your tears, Fig's and Thistles. The moment it Ito ie born it begins to ran. Isn't it about as wrong to bo wrong, as itis to do wrong ? A lie is always an enemy, no matter how friendly it may look. The children of a millionaire can only be slightly acquainted with their father. The min who is holding on to a few favorite eine, is playing hide and seek with the devil It is doubtful if the oluirch loafer weighs any more for good than a loafer anywhere else, The Bible says that Job sinned not with his tougne, but it fails to say the same about his wife. Ien't it strange that eo many men think they can do most for the Lord where the pay is best ? The woman relic, marries a man to re- form him, has no time to take proper care of her complexion. It is better to believe that there is some good in everybody, than that there is no good in anybody. Look at it this way : The world and everything in it ie yours to help you make a true man of yourself. Call the devil,by any name that sounds well and how quick he will pall in his claws and shake hands with yea. FAMOUS 'TQUN(.l MEN, Sterne was widely known In the liter, cry 5170185 of London a118 Jeoglend be. fore be attained 80,. Keat'a, the "Toot's Poet," made him. self immortal in Ilogiieb literature be. fere his death at 21, I'Iamilton, at the ago of 10, wrote poli. 'Dual eseaye that wore ' credited by the general publi8 t0 Jay, ht l:a e' S t spear s first play, 17 over he wrote any, was acid t0 have boon written at about the age of 27. Gustavus Adolphus was scarcely more than 11 when be entered upon hie' great military career. Edison as a boy began the cihemioal and oleotrioal experiments which have made his name famous. Franklin was widely known as a writer on economy and political subjects before be had reached 26. Farquhar finished "The Reoruibing QOicer," considered to be hie best, just before his death at 27. Michael Angle at the age of 10 entered an artistic competition with thebeet known artists of bis limo, Raphael showed his artistic abilities at the early age of 12, when he was widely known as an artist- in. oil. ' Leonardo da Vino' painted several greatly admired allegorical pictures be. fore he attained his majority, Ben Jonson wrote "Every Man in His Humor," coneidered by competent oritiee to be 13' Beat at 01AV IIh 8714.848/,F IT. A poor but modest old bachelor, defin- ing his ideal, says that any girl who aspires to the honor of becoming his wife must be ; Amiable, affectionate, agreeable, art- less. affable, soaompliebed, sthletio. Beautiful, benign, beOevolent,'bewitch. ing. Charming, cheerful, candid, clean, oare- ful. Dutiful, dignified. Elegant, easy, engaging, entertaining. Fond, faithful, free, faultless. Good, graceful, generous, good-natthrod. Handsome, humane, healthy. Intelligente, iuterestiug, induotcious. lust. Kind. Lively, liberal, lovely. Modest, merciful, meek. Noble. Obedient, open, obliging. Pretty, prudent, polite, pleasing. Quiet,quiok, queenly. Religious; robust, rioh. Submissive, sprightly, sensible. Tall, true, temperate. Unselfish. Virtnoue, Witty, well -formed. 'Xceptiona]. Young. Zealous, Lumbering on the Ottawa: A LIFE OF GREAT IIARDSIIIP AND EXPOSURE. RiverH • r Drivers Often Waist' Deep In i<ey Waters—Piiln-Il,,cked Iledies Iia Fre- quent Outcome—only the Most Robust Um Stand this 'weary hound of Toll. From the Ottawa Free Press. Only those who have engaged in the arduous occupation of lumbering know how dearly earned is their livelihood, for among the many vocations of men that of lumberman ranks among the most dangerous and difficult. There is the heavy shanty labor from earliest dawn to evening star when the toiler for the half year ie remote from home and friends, and wboee daily round is to eat, work and sleep, only getting an occasional glimpse of the outside world through a long look- ed for letter from some loved one far away. Then the days lengthen, the frozen lake breaks up, and comes the driving of loge and hewn timber down the tortuous, swift running stream, when necessity often oaths the driver to wade body deep in the ioy waters. None but the strong can engage in such heavy labor, only the most robust are able to stand the ten hours of daily toil, with but a midday hours' respite. Such, in brief, is the life of many thousands of laborers in the Ottawa valley, and among the rattily is Thos. Dobie, of 180, Road street, Cbaudiere, who for twelve long years hue wrought for the great lumber king, 3. R, Booth, ehantying in the snowy northern forests, and lifting three inch deal during the summer bents. It ie nob to be wondered at that in hie long experience and great exposure he should oontracb a severe cold that in time took permanent lodging in the region of his bine and kidneys. Like many others he thought to work it off, bat iu vain. Soon the pains In the region of the kidneys.' be. ammo so intense that labor was a torture to him, aucl it wits only the indomitable Courage, born of a knowledge that others were dependent upon him, that urged him to punnet his weary round of daily toil. Every sudden movement of the body was me m thorny goad which made hits winos beneath ite sting. Added to this tens an nuusual and excessive sweat- ing, which necessitated frequent obangee of clothing, and which weakened him to math an extent that his appetite was al. most entirely gone, and eventually bub little food and much water was his daily fare. Many vain efforts were made by 1010, Dobie to free himself from the pains whioh had fastened themeelvee upon him, and one madioiue after another was need, but without effect. Life beoame a burden and existence a thing almost nn• desirable. After many fruitless efforts he was induced to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. When three boxes were talc. en the change iu his condition was mar. TRE BRU 1 IS PO$T 24,2t^,.ttimenatrarn. 1T7mnrmetvinittrimSq,R r RFtentu "ra7.vustARS",'ardmane> tt 8511015, and hie own words . are, "whet I had talion six boxes 1 was a new m and o0neidor the cure worth hundreds deilars." Mr. Dobie, although completeI eared, eentinne8 taking Pink Pills o oaeionally 40415 very 9nthualas1ia in bl praise of what the p1110 have done fo him, Ivieny of hie fellow workmen see ing the groat (Mange wrought in hire 1 these famous pills have been led to giv them a trial for other ailments, and or unanimous in pronouncingthem euporie to all other tnedi0fnes, Dr, Williams' Pints Pills act ,directly' on the blood and nerves, building them anew and time driving disease from the system. There is no trouble due to either of these 04248599 which Pink Pille will not cure, and in hundreds of one they have restored patients to beeltb after all other remedies had failed. Ask for Dr, Williams' Piek Pills and take nothing else, The genuine are always enclosed in boxes, the wrapper eround wbiohlhears the full:trade mark, "Dr.Wil- liam's Pink Pills for Pale People," May be bad from all dealers or sent poet paid on receipt of 80 cents a box, or six boxes for 0.80, bj addressing the D. Wil. items' Medleine 0o., Brookville, Ont. n 4211 0f Y a r 0 0 A.Right to Speak. "James, I have always been a faithful wife to you, haven't I ?" "Of oonree you have, Miranda, What are yon--" "And in all the thirtybhree years we Ilave lived together I've 'thrive done my duty, haven't I l" Certainly, certainly. Wlio'a denying that you— • "You haven't ever found me making trouble or kicking up a fuse over little things have yon ?" "Of course not. I'd like to know what yod're—" "I've had my share of sorrow and stood it without murmnring or ootnplaining7" "Now, no here, Miranda, what's all this—" "If things don't go to suit me I gem' erally make the best of it and let it go at that, don't I ?" "To be shure. Is there anything that—e "And you don't think I'd maks a dis- turbance about anything unless I had a good cause, do you ?" "Surely not. What under the ehiniag canopy are you driving at anyhow ?" "James, I wouldn't soy a word about it if I could stand it any longer, but those slim little pipestem legs of yours look so distressing in your bicycle stockings and knickerbockers that I just can't keep atilt another minute. If you don't either wear long pants or pad your calves here- after, as sure as I'm n living woman I'11' take the children and go toAuubRaebel'e and never come back 1" People tell me I never tire of poking fun at Mr. Gladstone. I deny the imputation ;itis not my fault that the newspapers will chronicle every little thing that the old gentleman does, and if I occasionally see a funny side to some of those stories, am I to blame 1 Now, Here is the latest in reference to the G. 0. M. :—A day or two after Gladstone's resent speech at Liverpool a well-known Cheater divine called at Hawnrden castle to ooneratulate the veteran upon his effort. The visitor was entertained by Mrs, Gladstone until het heehaw], who was upstairs, had completed his toilet. In the course of the conversa- tion the minister lamented the terrible state of affairs in Constantinople, and, after dwelling upon the Armenian massacre, added consolingly :—"There is One above us who will set all right." "Oh, yes," said "drs. Gledstone, with charming simplicity, "Pie will be down as soon as he's shaved himself." You may eat oheap food and not be serionsly injured by it; but you cannot take cheap medicines without positive injury. If you use any substitute for Ayer's Sarsaparilla you do so at the peril of your health, perhaps of your life. Insist on having Ayer's and no other. White Star Lire. ROYAL HAIL S'I'li5.i1511IL'S. Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number in the wan and 54800848 CABIN ncoommodations, intending passengers are reminded that au early ap- son. Forion fplaOe,rabee,�etc,applat ytoth[seea- W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. ALLAN UNE. S'L1m21201' SO515116 r 89 G. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY LC MONTREAL SERVICE. From From From Livarpo' STnditstars, 'Montreal Quebec Daylight. 0 Judy Sardinian 18 July 10 July *Nunhtrltan 26 25 ' 10 " Parisian 1 An g. S d ug. 23 " Laurentian....,.,,, S ' 0 30 " *Mongolian 10 " 15 " 0 Ang. Sardinian '22 0 28 " 13 " *Numidlan .,29 " 20 n 20 " Parieiau 5 801 8 0 Sept 27 " *Laurentian 13 12 9 Sept. *N.ou olian 19 ' 10 ' 10 ' Sardinian n0 " ,27 " *The Laurentian carries only cabin passengers Eastbound. *Stemmata when ]narked thus do not atop at Rhnouski or Londonderry. All steamers sail from Montreal at Daylight. Passengers go on board between 7 and 10 o'clock on the evening before the ad. verbieed date. 5Paesengers may go via Montreal and return by New 'York or vice versa. For further information me to rates, rbc,, apply to W. H. KERR, AGPNT,BRUSSELS. Best dor Wash Day For quick and easy work For cleanest, sweetest. and whitest clothes Sufprise Is best Best for Every Day For every 0405 about the house Surprise works • best and cheapest 'eo for yourself. NOTICE OF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's 'Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a shale of business from the public, ,guaranteeing satisfaction, remain, .15T. Plum, General Blacksmith & horseshoer MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Readproors below: KEN®ALL'S SPAIN CURE. Dr.Doxte, Cnrmaa.bHo.enderson Co., I71., yeb.21,'e1. D. S. Laic, ai Dear Se•s-1'leass send me ono of your Horse Books and oblige. Ihaveused u groat peal or your Kendall's Spavrn Cure with good success It is a nn Occult S,editloand flue attles' 0510 her. 1 aeon. battle oa hand all the time. Yours truly. 0400. PowELL. KEN®ALL'S SPAVIN CURES Dr. B. S. ILExDALL Co. CAsros, Uo„ Apr, e, '92. Ihxrr S/r•s—I bcvo used several panics 0r y00r `bead i1rs Sparta invent went much 9ueaa,5. I think it the boat Liniment I ever used. Bhve ,o. tea I ora Ourb, m,e )clued easel., and killed fico Ilona my friends Have reamameeas d it to en erne at myrriRes who aro much. pleased with and troop 1G. Respectfully, 5.11.1208, P. C. Doxeie. For Selo by all Druggists, '166 or address Kh'NDrtLZ COilLPd2PT 150550505 FALLS, VT. The Only One To Stand the Test. Rev. 1Villiam Copp, whose father was a physician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subse. quently entered the ministry of the 107. E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that have had analyzed all the sarsaparilla prepara- tions known in the trade, but AYER'S is the only one of them that I could recommend as a blood -purifier, Ihave given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had."—IV7r. Core, Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson,hlinn. MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan 011 Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 64 Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required, Apply to A. Hunter, Divisions Court Cleric, Brussels, TMLO.INC ! M. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his lino. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards, t Shop over rM1Gowan'S Store. Has just received a fine 11ew stock of Joth Note and Later Sizer Ef`. VELOPES, NOTE PAPE2S, ,C.. The Best in the Market. Full Eine of School Supplies. Nice Barige of Bibles, Hymn Books and Albums. POST BOOKSTORE, 01352 OI.7LY WORLD'S PAIR 7 ' ?s'Sapsa paYBUIa When in doubt, ask foe Ayer's Pills S British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles Nol'tlL Shore Eine aui'I Cedar FOR SALE AT 2'111: Brussels planing Els Also Doone and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman. ship and Material Guaranteed, J. 8c P. AMENT, This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern machinery added where required so that better work can lie clone now than ever. BEST GRADE OF MANITOBA FLOUR GROUND FROM MANITOBA WHEAT, Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &c., always 9n hand. ssi Satisfaction Guaranteed. Highest market price for Wheat delivered at the Mill. W.F.Stewart.