The Brussels Post, 1896-11-20, Page 1w'l
in 'Advance Bays
far Trn POST
until aTiliify, 1595.
Take this Plum,
Vol, 24. No. 19,
Raving sold my resiclenoo and preetlao to
Th, Itallaileisell, Y herebyytender my sheers
thanks to the many blends and patients
who have 88iven'mo their level support dup.
ing the last 29 years, Dr.Iialbflelsoh Comes
highly rocommended as a skilful null stm-
oesaful praetitionsr and a would bespeak for
lain] the sante liberal patronage aaaoralerl•to
me tluring my residence in Brussels.
1 would resp eotfullyrequest that all claims
against me be handed inas soon as Possible,
and all accounts and olefins dee me to be
settled before the 12th of Dec., next, 1 will
be atthe rpoulsaboveAlex. Straehiw's store
every afternoon Iron] 2 to 2 o'clock for too
transaotlon of business,
le8 WM, GItA11A82,
System nenovata
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur.
algia, Lose of Memory, Bronchitic, Con-
sumption, Gail Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, Bt. Vitus' Dance,
Female Irregularities and General De-
J. M. 11IGLE OD,
Prop. and Manufuoturer.
sold by .8110, Fox, Druggist, Brussels.
Deadman 8 McCall
Home Health Sarsaparilla,
Home Health Emaision of Ood Liver Oil,
Home Health Syrup of Hypophospbites,.
Home Health Beef, Iron and Wine,
Home Health Dough Balsam,
Horne Health Pain Relief,
Home health Headache Powders,
If you have not tried "Home Health"
Medioines, try them.
Deadman & McCall,
Druggists, Optioinns and Boolcscllers,
New Harness
D. FRAIN has opened a Har-
ness Shop in the building North
of the Leckie Block, Brussels,
Whore lie is prepared to turn out
Light and Heavy Harness and
attend promptly to repairing.
Blankets, Sleigh Bells, Whips,
(So., kept in stook.
S am prepared to attend to all orders for
Carriage Trimming, Repairing, cryo.
Good work and Moderate charges.
praina Brussels
I with to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have per-
ohaeed the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the marlcet.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
Ioolted after.
rrn'Ordere taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterns.
Gomer GT0012q
.l til1
0001) GOING
NOVEMBER 25 & 26
11191UitN UNTIL
To all Statiooe in Canada,
G.' T. R. Agent, Brussels.
?lely ttetneom art, to bo Aomtltnted
and Elected.
The Median of Comity Counolllors un.
dor the act of 1.890 ie a question that' re.
quires a good deal of consideration by the
officers' authorized to carry out its pro.
visions. A Careful reading of the AM' and
the tamable), application of many of its
euaotinente shows that more is required
than is specifically referred to.
The nominating officers for the reepac-
tivo divisions in this county have already
been pnblished in Tins Pun, and nomin-
ations are to be held on Monday, the 21st
of Deoomber, between the hour's of 1 and
o'olook in e afternoon. Tbo 0omin.
sting officer is required to fix the place
wfthiu the division for holding the nom-
ination. This need not be in the most
000tral part of the district, bat should be
the most convenient and accessible to the
great hotly of electors of the district.
Notions of the nominating meeting and
of the election am required to be given by
two insertions of an advertisement in
each of two weekly newepnpers published
in the county prior to the nomination day,
or by giving suiliciout public nobles there
of by printed posters. Where the latter
form of notice as adopted, Dare should bo
taken to give proper publicity.
The proceedings at the nomination
meeting ere the same es the clerk of the
local municipality is required to perform
as returning officer at the nomination for
an election in a local municipality. If
not more than two candidates are nomin•
atoll, they are to be declared elected by
acclamation, and the return accordingly
made to the County Clerk. If more can-
didates aro nominated than aro required
to be elected, the nominating °fiber shall,
immediately niter the lapse • of the time
in which candidates may withdraw, being
either at the nomination meeting or dur-
ing the following day, certify the fact and
the names and addresses of those remain•
fog in nomination to the County Clerk.
The expenses incurred by the nominating
officer in and about the election, are re-
quired to be paid by the county. These
may include the expense of advertising,
of posting notices of nomination, rent of
hall for the meeting and for the servieee
of nominating officer,
When an olectiou is required to be hold
in a district, the County Clerk ie required
to prepare the ballots, and before doing
so he should receive from the Municipal
Clerk of each municipality in his county,
a list showing the number of polling sub-
divisions and the number of votes in each.
The form of ballots, notioee and other
papers aro to be the same as nearly as
possible as those provided for by the Con:
solidatad Munioipai Aot of 1892.
Where all members of the looal council
aro eleoted by acclamation, the council of
such municipality and the clerk shall
take all proceedings which wouldbave
e00 necessary, and as by-law provided,
Lhat is to say, provide polling places, fur-
ish the necessary and proper voters'
ste, poll books, and appoint deputy re.
uruing officers and other necessary offH-
era, and such officers so appointed shall
lave all the powers, rights and authorities
espoobing the election of county council•
ors, as they have now respecting the
Motion of members of the looal mnniei-
alitios. Tho expense of the election and
f the ofli iers so appointed are to be borne
by the oo00ty. In case of any dispute
etwoen the local municipality and the
ountyfor the payment of any such ex•
ense, the difference between them is re -
aired to be settled by the County Judge,
pon the application of either party.
The county clerk is required at one
'clock on the afternoon of the second
onlay in the month of January, after
eceiving the returns of the local innnfof-
alities, to publicly declare elected the
tvo candidates having the highest num-
er of votes in. each county council die.
id, and also to poet up in his office a
atement nudes hie hand, showing the
umber of votes polled for each candidate.
=Mating officers, as have been above
furred to, are required to break a tie,
port the request of the county clerk.
rtrassele Saunas near.
Tho regular monthly meeting of Bras.
is Public Salmi Board was held iu the
ouncil Chamber last Friday evening.
embers 900sent, Dr, Graham, Rev. Juo.
oss, A, Reid, D. 0. Ross and A., Koenig.
Minutes of last meeting read and peas -
Au account of Deadman c2 McCall's for
pplies, $8.14, was ordered to be paid on
otion of Rev. J. Doss and A. Reid.
Moved by A. Reid, seconded by A.
os0ig that tenders be asked for 70 cords
wood for school, to be delivered on or
efore the close of Feby. Tenders to be
mined up to Deo. 15. Carried.
Mr. Koenig reported visiting the vari-
x Departments of the eahool and found
erythhng alt right, The atteudanoe the
y he was there was as follows :—Prin-
al Cameron's room, ; IMlr, North's,
; Miss Downey's, 57 ; Primary, 70.
wee decided to have baance of wood in
e yard put into basement, the Chair -
au to see that work is clone,
A communication was read from M.
rth asking l
a 410 Board to release ase him at
11810308 its h'
e had a school i
th much u ua bettor salary. Tho matter
s fully disdnssed the members of the
and expressing their regrets at Mr.
rth's anticipated removal, ae ho was
ug good work in the wheel, yot they
not feel disposed to stand in his way
Holding him to complete his year. 00
Lion of Ifletere. Reid and Rose the
inflation wits ec0optotl.
be Chairman was asked couceruing
date of Miss Do ney's return, but
bumble to give a decided answer. Ho
eeted a letter allergy.
ext came the question of a sucaossor
Ir, North, and an animated disous-
n ensued, Mr. Romig said Principal
exon was gutting too largo a salary as
with the other teachers, and
tight it should cone down. Further
grew nn this line was Hooked on the
being mete known that this matter
Id not be dealt with until next Ode -
as all the teaehere are now re -en..
in 1
to II
gaged for next year, The fad of the es.
Gellont work being done by Prineipml
Cameron was also pointed out as a reason
why his services should be retained at the
present flora, Dr, Graham, Chairman,
said the Board that reduced Mr, Cem-
0ron'e salary raised it again, so they
Must have coneidored him worthy of it.
Mr. Ecenig moved that we advertise in
the Toronto Globe for a teacher. Mr.
Reid suggested that Mrs, N, 101, Biohard•
Don, now supplying Miss Downey's apart-
ment, be engaged. He did not want to
introduce anything of a factious theme,
tor, bub thought Mrs, 10iabardeon would
P/1 the bill. Rev. Mr. Ross and the
Chairman expressed their opinion along
the8anie line, D. 0. Ross seconded Mr.
Kcenig's notion. •
There was no amendment offered, but
it as decided w d t ant hat before 1 t b fore. the advertise-
ment be inoor'ted that Aliso Fergus Camp-
bell, formerly of Seafort11, who was the
next choice after M. North 'set Fall, bo
coinmuuioated with, and in failing to
secure her that Miss A, V, A, Ross, of
Prineville, who stood third et the same
time, bo written to. This idea was ad-
vanced to save expense and labor in going
over hunch:e 0 of applications for the
Board then adjourned.
snow. E IISTINI. '
A special meeting of the S011oo1 Board
was held Monday morning at the call of
the Chairman, by request of metnbers, in
Dr. Graham's office. All members
Moved by D. 0. Ross, seeonded by A.
Koenig that the motion' passed at the last
meeting respecting the filling of the
vacancy in the school by which Miss F.
Campbell and Miss A. Ross were to be
communicated with, and arrangements
mads for advertising is hereby rescinded.
Moved by A. Reid, seconded by A.
Kconig that the Chairman communicate
with Miss Downey regarding promotion
to the third Department. Gamed.
Moved by D. C. Ross, seconded by A,
Reid that the Secretary notify the Clerk
of the village of the vacancy on the Board
occasioned by the removal of Mr. Dennis,
in accordance with the Sohool Act. Car.
Board then adjourned, to meet at the
call of the Chairman.
33 Leena.
A coneidereble quantity of grain is com-
ing to market those days.
Mrs. Miles Young has rented her resi-
dence to Matthew Floody for the Winter
The heavy fall of the beautiful has sud-
denly taken its departure, leaving the
roads in a deplorable condition.
Notwithstanding the disagreeable
weather the brick work of the engine
house for Elam Liviugstoue'e factory is
J H. Chellew, our undertaker, has re-
covered from his recent attack of typhoid
fever and is able to be at his plane of
Business once more.
The farmers are 001010i0g fn this section
al the advance in the price of wheat. On
Monday as high as 89e. was 'paid on the
market. Let ns hope this will go to the
5, then loolc out for better times, which
are needed,
The anniversary services of the Metho-
dist church are to be held on Sunday
neat, when there tvill be special preach-
ers for the scansion. The collection to be
taken np will be in aid of the trust fund.
On the fallowing Monday evening a meet-
ing will be held in the ohural1, when 000.
oral rev. gentlemen will address the audi-
ence, A silver collection will be taken
o Vat la b a• o o Is.
Jes. Knight, of London, ie visiting his
parents here at present.
Otto Schnook is braving the timber for
a new born framed ,hie lveek.
The new residence of Geo. Baehr is
almost completed and is a neat dwelling.
Miss Annie Slemmon, of Brussels,
formerly of Oranbrook, visited friends in
the village this week.
Rev. R•. 1. Cameron was inducted into
his new call at Hampstead on Tuesday.
Rev. D. B. McRae and Will. Cameron at-
tended the induction.
Wm. ltranter, of Cranbrook, has
bought out the H, Rapp's broom works,
Listowel, and will continue the business
in the same premises on Wallace street.
He has engaged john Moore to manu-
facture for him.
An effort is being made by a number of
the young men in this vicinity to organize
a Literary Society for the Winter months.
In order to introduce the eubjeot they
will hold a debate in the Foresters' Hall
on Friday evening, 27th inst., when they
hope to have a good attendance. A good
program will bo given and all should turn
out and encourage the movement, A
silver eolleotian will be taken up the first
evening to defray expenses,
A grand shooting match, after which a
dance will he held in the evening, is billed
for Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23th, in the
Foresters' Hell. A meeting to choose
aides for a bosh hunt will bo held the
evening 101010,.and after the day's hint
all will repair to the Hall at 5 p. m., to
ointa counted. '110 w'
7, tonere
will dine s1 the expense n the 0 loseta.
Don't forget file day's inn bo a as a good
g Y Y, 6 d
tune is espeoted,
J. P. McIntosh, of Moaford, will assist
hie brother -in -late, J. A,. Mitaholl, iu the
drug store this reinter.
George Cranston left for Toronto where
bo attends the 0ntari0 Veterinary Col.
lege, having decided to go into that pro.
The Dominion Government has been
pleased to appoint .3. A. Roo, V. S., In.
ap00105 for this district under the Ship-
pers' Act.
Tim machinery of tiro grist mill has
been Completely overhauled by tt practical
millwright from Toronto, and evorythiug
pub in ship shape prior to M. Peebles
taking over the mill, which bo did last
week, having lensed it for a term front
Mr. Corrin, Henceforth it will be run by
Mr. Peebles alone.
The Yung Poo 11e's Flooioty of 01018.
tutu Endeavor will give•a T'an Sooial in
the baeement of the Presbyterian obeircll
on the evening of Thanksgiving day, Nov,
Bruen Douglas, eon of our worthy
townsman, Thomas Douglas; hoe opened
out on hie own account a tea and coffee
store on Notre Dame street, Mentroal,
and is doing wolf.
The annual meeting of the Atwood
Branch Bible Society will be held in the
Presbyterian church on the evening of
Nov. 24th, at 7.80 o'olook, Committee
meet0 at 0 30 p. m. Hey. Mr. Hall, of
Belgrave, will address the Society meet-
ing, together with the resident ministers.
fstIN 01.
last.Rev, M. Cooper is preaching a series
of three sermons 011 the Women of the
Bible, commencing on Sunday evening
An entertainment of merit will begivon
by the young people of the Methodist
church on Thanksgiving evening, 26011
inot., entitled ^The Arch of fame,"
Mr. Sergison, of Millbank, has taken
possession of the blacksmith shop on
Wallace street reoenbly occupied by Mr.
Gordon, and has become a citizen of Lis-
The annual Christmas Cantata of Christ
Church Sunday school will be given on
Friday evening, 18111 Deo. The Cantata
is entitled, "St, Nicholas' Visit to the
A Moak Parliament 31040 formed in con.
neation with the Coueervative Association
and it is the intention to clisoues all the
various questions of the day fu regular
parliamentary form.
Rev. Dr. McKay, of Woodstock, will
deliver a lecture in Knox church on Fri-
day evening, 20111 inst., 011 the Dominion
Prohibition Plebiscite, under the auspices
of the W. C. T. U. and R. T. of T.
Perth Battalion annual rifle matches
have been deferred until Spring owing to
the Government grant not being forth-
coming in time for this Fall. The Lis-
towel Rifle Association matches havebeon
deferred for a similar reason.
An adjourned meeting of the Council
was held to dispose of the Watson law
suit. The terms of settlement of the suit
wore dismissed with Mr. Watson and it
was agreed that he should withdraw suit,
the town paying its own 00818 and giving
him 580 towards paying his costs, suit to
bo withdrawn at once.
A very large and enthusiastic meeting
was held at the Grand Central Hotel
Tuesday 'nignt, when the hockey ohnb
organized for the season of 1596.97. OBI-
oars were elected as follows :—Honorary
president, J. H. Stuart ; hon. vice.pree.,
W. Climie ; president, R. N. Orr ; vioe-
pres„ Earl A. Kidd. ; oaptain, G. H.
Fraser ; vioe captain, R. F1. Magllay ;
secretary, W. H. Olimie ; treasurer, J. S.
Meyers ; executive committee, 3, Ford,
B. Backing and F. Wilson. The olub
proposes entering the Ontario Hockey
Association' senior, and expects to put a
strong team of local players in the field.
aoat(liars Tete w.'..
Mrs. Isabella Riddle, of Markham, is
dead at the advanced age of 106 years.
Kingston electors will vote on a bylaw
to purchase the Midland Central Fair
grounds for 517,000.
The Moleons Bank has placed the
Sheriff in charge of the village of Hinton -
burg for a debt of 66,000.
Miss E. Pauline Johnson has aecnred
the second prize of $50 in the short story
Competition of the Massey.Hni'ris Maga-
The viotim of the fatality near the
Grand Trunk station in London turns
out to be Henry Boyce, a well Ituown
The body of R. Greenehielde, of Otta-
wa, was found floating in the rear of the
pump -house. Ic is believed to be a case
of suicide.
Some 8,000 water services have been
cut off in Montreal for non payment, and
the Board of Health fears au epidemic in
The body of Postmaster Bradley, of
Huntley, was found at St. Lonis dam,
near Ottawa. Mr, Bradley bad been
missing for some time.
Mr. Loruberder recovered a verdict
against the 0. P. R. for 50,500 at the
Whitby Assizes for injuries received from
a snow plow while driving over a oroea-
A Armenian family, comprising father,
mother and Children, have arrived in CIIUI1(111 ell 1111:N.
Montreal direct from Coustantieople and
intend Braking that pity their insure Service will be held in St. J'ohn's
home. The father, who speaks six 5311r0h on Thanksgiving Day at 10 o'olook
languages, is most bitter upon the eon- a. m.
duet of the Sultan and the Turkish Rev. Jno. Roes, B. A., and Elder Thos.
Government, and declares that it is evi• Straoban attended Maitland Presbytery,
dent that they have undertaken the ex- in Wingham, last Tuesday.
termination of Armenian Christians, and The Presbytery of Maitland is arrang-
it is possible they tnay Boomed unless ing for a Convention of Young People's
Europe interferes. The Armenians are Sooieties, in Wingbam, on the third
looking to England to put an end to the. Monday in January,
massacres and to protect ube nnfot•tnn. A Thanksgiving service will be held in
ate people who are forded to leave their Melville ohuroh ou Thursday, the 20th
00nnt6) to avoid the meat awful treat. inst,, beginning at 10;80 a. m, It will be
meat, The mall said that it was evi• condnoted by the pastor.
dent that Russia was at the bottom of Next Sabbath Rev. Or. Moffatt, the
General Agent for the Upper Canada
have a pretext to convert Armenia into Tract Society, will preach in Mel -
Russian territory. A state of terror villa there'll at 11 a, m,, end the 6fetho-
exists i s L „
n 0 ,t t- a
C n rn ane 1 and all through p o „h dist ohuroh at 7, p. m, Rev, Mr, Rose
the Turkish Empire, The man, who is will campy Melville ohnroh pulpit in the
anxious that ht8 name be not given, be- evening.
cause of the misfortune whieh 11 might The Westminster Presbyter/en Beacon
bring upon his friends at home if it wer0 of Denver, Col., says :—The Rev. John
ltn0wn that be had denounced 1110 of. Ferguson, Clerk of Denver Presbytery,
!halals, was in the Galata quarter, where formerly of Brussels, Ont„ whose see-
the mecontoree took place on Anguet 28th useful work is well known throughout
last, by the Kurds, tinder the eyes and this motion of the ohuroh, has bad the
practically with the protection of the degree of Doctor of Divinity Conferred
Turkish police and soldiers, He was in upon him by the Presbyterian College of
an offioe when the Armenians made nn Deer Lodge, Montana. Gongrattllatious,
attack on the Ottoman Bank for the Dr. Ferguson.
purpose of calling attention 10 their Rev. S. J, Allirt preached two very in.
treatment. They had to hide to avoid emotive sermons last Sabbath in the
massacre, w1ti011 \vas horrible, the moat Methodist Church. The morning dis-
revolting neenes taking place, The 00nree 1588 based on the words "Be ye
bodies of the deed were hurried away, holy," His subject at the evening
end 00m0 thrown Into the Bosphorus. eorviee was "Armenia and the Armeni.
The Europeans in Constantinople were ane," The various steps taken in thie
borr0r-atrioken, and sought refuge in the terrible ern0ad0 of extermination were
consulate. This non's family were outlined, and the in-eotion of England
fortunately in the interior and escaped and other powers criticized and con.
injury. donated.
People We Tallt About.
Mrs, llfilohell Sundayed in Seaforth.
Jae. McAlpine Lyall in town that week.
Mica Lillian Ainley is visiting in Wing.
Will, 3', Bozell is holidaying in Brus-
eels and v 011111y.
Andrew Currie, of Soaforth, was 'hat-
ing in town this week.
Airs, Wm, Norton is visiting her meth.
er, Mrs. Hugil McMartin.
Geo. Howe was in To+onto several
days this week 011 business.
D. O'Leary, of Petrolea, was visiting in
town for a few days last week.
Ilobt, Coad, of Trowbridge, spent last
Sunday in town with his sisters.
Percy Jaeksoo has gone to Detroit
ry he has
scoured m eipuation,
Z', S. Soott and G. Is, Blair made a
business trip to Goder]011 on Monday,
Councillor Leatherdale was fa Sea -
Barth and the County town this week.
,Vise Annie Taylor, of Blytb, and her
brother were visiting in Breasele on Mon-
W. 0, and T. Collins are in Tiverton
this week in the interests of the Chosen
Our former townsman, Jno. Leckie, of
Toronto, and son were in Brussels for a
fete days.
Mrs, William Ellie, of Grahamville,
bac' gone to Ingersoll on a visit with her
Mies Linton, formerly teaoher in Brus-
sels, is now instructor of the youth at
Mrs. Andrews, of Kincardine, i0 visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. T. T. Thomson,
and other old friends.
Mies Ella Ainley attended the wedding
of her cousin, Miss Emma McNeil, on
Wednesday of last week.
Mre, 3no. Pelton, Atwood, continues in
a very low condition of health despite the
best of care and medical treatment.
Geo. A. Powell, formerly of Brussels,
bee taken a position in the well•knoavn
establishment of W. A. Murray, Toronto,
Josepb Jamieson, of Egmondville, was
visiting relatives and friends in Brussels
and locality during the past week.
Jerry Fitzgerald, the well•knoern G. T.
R. conductor, who passes through Brus-
sels, lost a six•year•old son recently by
Wm, Taylor, of Walkerton, General
Agent for the Confederation Life Associ-
ation, was in town for a few days this
Robs. McAlpine, formerly of Brussels,
has opened a Gents' Furnishing store on
Yonge street, Toronto. We wi.h him
Conductor Boas and daughter, of
Sarnia, were visiting at Melville manse
this week. The visitors are brother and
neice of Rev. Mr. Ross'.
W. G. Collins was offered the manage•
mens of T. A. Mills' general store, Wing -
ham. at a good salary, but was unable to
0o0ept owing to his engagement as
organiser for the Chosen.Friende.
D. 0. Dorranoe, formerly Principal of
Leadbury public school, and late of
Manitoba, fell through n trap door ou
the premises of hie employer and re.
oeived injuries from the effects of which
be flied.
E. R. North, now teaching in the 2nd
Department of Brussels 'Publio School,
has secured a position for 1897 at Cairo,
Ont., at a eatery of 01500. While regret.
Hug Mr. North's removal from town we
are pleased to hear of his deserved pro-
motion and wish him suo0808.
Mrs. Will. J. White and Miss Mamie,
of Brandon, Man., are the guests of Mrs.
W. G. Collioa, Elizabeth street. Mrs.
White is a sister to Mrs. Collins and
Mies Templeton. Mr. White ie the pto.
prietor of the Brandoi Stan and was a
former well known resident of .Exeter,
Huron Co.
Wednesday of last week Mrs. N. F.
Gerry met with a serious accident at her
home by falling from a step ladder. She
struck her spina against the window sill
and received a severe shaking up. Dur-
ing the past week her Dasa was ooneidor.
ed very critical, but the is somewhat
better now.
Wm. Martin and wife, who have been
baokward and forward to Hr. Aiteheson'e,
McKillop, during his illness and death,
returned to Brussels on Wednesday.
Mrs. Aitoheson has gone to Paris, Ont.,
where she will make her home with rela-
tives. The household effects and proper-
ty will he sold.
the whole difiianity, a9 it wee 031x10118 t0
In ,8.flvanoe pays
for Trnii Pon •
until Jltin'y, 1898,
Tags this Nam,
W. H. KERR, Prop,
"I'm" not a0lta1105 of the Gospel of
were th0 warps 0110050 by ltov,
11. F. Cameron as hie text in Melville
eburoh last Sabbath morning, Tbo
5000105 wee an able one, In theeveningBev. Mr. Redford preached a very filter.
Seting diseom'ee on the eubjeot of
"I£whooavengasp and what it will be to tllooe
Word has been received by the Am,
0088111) Methodist Foreign Miseionary
Sooiety that LI Hong Chang hoe sp.
pointed two Christian Chinese women
delegates from China to the Woman's
Qongreee,to meet in London in 1898,
This is an innovation on thepart of the
Chinese Government, 19111011, from Lima
immemorial, has kept women in seclu-
sion. The appointees are Margaret
Wilting and Dr, linking Eng. Both were
educated In the United States by the
Methodist Episcopal thumb,
Tuesday evening the annual At Home
of B. Gerry's olass in the Methodist
choral) here was held, when, despite the
rainy evening, upwards of 30 found their
way to Mr. Gerry'e residence where they
were most hospitably entertained. Tine
evening was very enjoyably spent in
social obat, song, games, readings, dis-
cussion et church topics and prayer, and
the oompaoy separated for their reepeo-
tive homee after refreshments had been
served feeling the better of the social
The annual self-denial week of the Sal-
vation Army takes place throughout the
territory from November 22nd to Nov.
2801 inolusive. Every Salvationist is
more than occupied with preparation for
tbie event. A wonderful testimony to
the Army development and activity has
been paid in past years .by the large
amount of money which has heen raised
in this way. Each member of the Army,
as well es the friends of its many eooial
institutions, are asked to abstain from all
luxuries, and in many eases oMoere and
soldiers are actually determined to do
without certain articles of food which are
ordivarilly considered aeeessary in order
that by their aote of self-denial they may
add financial support to the Army and
its many different branches of work.
The social operations in this wide field
have greatly developed daring the past
twelve months, there being several ex-
tension of the work. As a natural con-
sequence, therefore, the demands upon
the Army fonds have increased and this
will require still greater effort to raise a
corresponding increased amount during
this epeeist self-denial week. The Brus-
sels local corps is busily engaged in pot-
ting forth a scheme to assist in this noble
self.denial effort, and will be pleased to
reoeiv0 any help the friends are able to
Additional Local News.
Mollwr,s Horse Fair in Brussels on
Thursday, Dem. 3rd. Outside and local
buyers will be present.
Tuts week Messrs. Backer k Vanstone
shipped 0 oars of peas to Liverpool; 6
oars of oats to Toronto ; and a ear of
Rhear to Stratford. Braosels market
can't be beaten.
BEE Nores.—G. A. Deadman reports
this season as being better than usual for
honey. He put in his cellar last week
about 125 colonies and bas 59 more pack-
ed in Chaff which he intends leaving to
winter in their Summer stands.
New TIDE Tanta —Linde': the new time
table, venial came into force on the W.
G. Si B. division of the G. T. R. last
Monday, the early morning and late
trains are cancelled. The former noon
express gets to Brussels at 9 a. m. and
returns from Palmerston at 1.08. This
train will Carry the mail. The morning
accommodation going North is due to
leave at the old time, 9.44 o'clock, but
will leave here at 0.87 in the evening go-
ing South. The otlioial time oardgmay
always be found at the head of the first
column of loom, on pave 8 of Tan Posr.
ELEonoIo LInnT.—Brnsaela has had
quite an experience this Pall with elec.
trio light movemeutsbut we are yet with.
out the illumination. We hope this will
not long be the oose. Friday of this
week Mr. Soroggie, of Alliston, wlio at
present holds the franchise, and Mr.
Kammerer, of the Royal Electric Light
Go., Toronto, Come to town and will make
a canvass of the plane with the intention
of putting in incandescent plant in ad-
dition to supplying an atm circuit for
street lightingpurposes end we think the
people of Brussels will see the necessity
and propriety of prompt notion in giving
practical assistance to these gentlemen in
placing their plant and making it a euc-
cess. We have surely had delay enough
already and as Me. Soroggie is a reliable
gentleman who purposesbecomingup aby a re-
sident of Brussels and is be
first.class company in the Royal. The
plan should be suooessfel. We bespeak
for them a hearty reception.
Preemie Garntmr.—Friday afternoon
the Public School Literary Sooiety
varied the exerciser, after Editor Buob•
anon had preaonted the semi-monthly
edition of "The Review," by inviting the
teachers, pupils and visitors to an Art
Gallery prepared in the vecaut sohool
room. The exhibit was never surpassed
in Brussels and dos
the vfa'
horsP erased
their oat
No nes and th
g eng axed long n and
steadfastly encu the 50 or more wonders,
so true to Nature, it was dif5C11t to de-
cide whether wonderment or merriment
were in the eeoendancy. Talk oboes
budding genius, Friday's display was
genius in: full binom. The grave and
gay were side .by side and one of the
meet "pathetio" scenes, perltape, was one
bearing the title "A waif of the omen,"
and represented by au orphan 03.8005.
The take -off was good and was royally
enjoyed by all.
The Galt Reporter is urging Galt to
ergot a public' statue on the market
agnate to Robbie Borne,
On soo0unt of the recent oases of rabies
at Perla, Ont., any dog found menthe at
large during the next six months will be
shot at eight.
Jobn 11. Blake, barrister, Galt, has
been honored with the appointment of
Secr0tary•Treaenror of tiro A211.3 can
Canoe Aseooiatiml,