HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-13, Page 8uack Quack Quack Mods of humbu ggigg, that 1 iilriore peoplef all e are anImposed, Upon anybig oleo. Oftentimoa if they were Gold just what glasses they needed to wear they would not need to go through long and expensive treat meat, 1f your eyes give you trouble come straight to 05,100 00n.give you iust the glass. eeyou need and will toll yea froultly and charge you nothing if your trouble is not au optical defect. DEADMAN o MbCALL, Druggists, Opticians and ,Booksellers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. e. & n. 'Brains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Gorse Souw, Go1No Nana. Mail C:05 0,52,Mixed 0:45 0,112. ((gnomes 11:58 amt.I 52 Mail 1°•64 pap, t2lxed ......... 9:00 pan. Express 9:48 p.m z.caI :el% 1ie1ns. A ()hiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. . THE Pon gives the news. Smoot, Board this (Friday evening. Tu1asnAY, 26th inst., will be Thanks- giving Day. Maumee are Onoe more to the front with the boys. AVENT BROS. will nob proceed with electric lighting. On Tuesday Messrs. Clegg & Denies forwarded a oar of live bogs, Columnar, travellers and Insurance agents are swarming these days. Rover. THOMSON parahaeed a well bred driving mare at London this week, MATTHEW WILSON shipper two oarsof lambs from Brussels on Weiloseday. THE ghost has gone ant of business. None too soon for the good of Mr, Ghost. MESSES. BANKER & VoocroNE shipped two cars of peas and two ears of oats this week. IT is said that Councillor Leatberdale will open a Furniture store and Under. taking department in Seafortb in the near future, to be managed by Will. Leatherdala and Joe. Landeeboro'. MelmlloxrAL.—On Wednesday of last week Edward G. Lowry, of Brussels, and Miss Maggie Williamson, of Morris, were united in marriage by Rev. E. A. Shaw at the Methodist parsonage, Bel - grave. THE Poar extends congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lowry and wishes them prosperity along the journey of life. Rossnano, B. C.—Juo. F. McCrae was home for a few,days to Brussels on a re. tarn bmafnes. trip from Montreai, where he was booming a 'syndicate that has pnrehosed all the vacant lots in Ross - land. Mr. MoCrae is greatly interested in gold mining and is Seoretary-Treasur- er, also one of the Directors of The Iron Colt Gold Mining Co. This is the first West extension of the great Columbia - Kootenay ledge. Itis a full claim 610x 1500 feet and has -been surveyed for a Crown grant. A abaft is now down 40 feet. It bas shown about 2 feet of ore from the surface and is DOW 10 solid ore nil the way Roma the bottom. It is said to be one of the finest looking ore bodies ever opened in the camp. The sfaares Gell at 15a. each. Mr, Mao. left for Roes - land on Wednesday morning. We hope his brightest dreams may be realized and that when he has more than be wants that he will remember the editor of TM POST. . EPNoRTH LEAauE.--On Monday night instead of the debate announced for the Epworth League a musioal and literary program was rendered in first-class style. The prayer and praise service was taken by ,lire. Dobson, after which the follow. ing program was parried out:—Address, I1ev. S. J. Allis ; solo, "I'm far free my bane," Joe, Rillough ; reading, "All for Jesus ; do we mean it ?" MISS Minnie Moore ; dnetb, "The door of God's moray is open," Mi-se.e Hunter ; essay, "Toe son," Miss Josie Buchanan ; solo, "Mast Las leave the old home, mother." Miss Lizzie Sample ; recitation, "Tho run- away engine," Ida Mooney ; solo, ''Toe foe shall yield to you," N. B. Gerry ; reading, "The 1 o'clock train," Miss Ethel Creighton. Rev, Mr. Arlin was appointed President in place of G. D. Lamont. It was decided to hold a social on Thaeasliviug evening, particulars of which' will be given later. The 2 cents a m,n8h tax plan will be dropped and a membership fes of 10 cents asked every aix mouths to raise money for running expenses. DEATH of Mise W1LLIe, —The Huron Expositor says :—We deeply regret this week to record the death of Mise Annie Willie, youngest daaghter of Robert Willis, of this town, who died on Thurs• day morning. The event, although not unexpected, is inexpressibly cad. Mise Willie had been in ill health for several months, and bad been confined to bed for several weak•,. She was a victim of Bright's (Retinae, Miss Willis was a aright, attractive young lady, who was the light of her home. Her pleasing manner and bright, the., fel diepoeibion, retitle her it universal i •.000118 with all who knew her, and her s-trly death will not only be a moat severe bereavement to her parents end other members of her family, but will bo most keenly felt by a large °irate of sincere friends. She was jest 501081ug upon womanhood, being hot twenty years of age, and had the bright- est hopes for the future until the deadly disease, which did its work all too soon, 51810 hold upon her. The funeral tools place Saturday afternoon, The eihoerest sympathy that human heart Qin bestow will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. Willis and their family in Ghia the hour of their oso'ere bereavement. EOM= Ie being Marketed iu lard gtlantities Riau the PQM Oil onside pages. of Tun Post', A. CAR a.coal° was shipped by Meilen Clegg fit Dames to Berlin on Wednesday, Bethune inerohante are ready for a busy season. 13ig etoell and big bargains,. T. A, Hamm to preparing for a first, olaeo concert in Bruasele Town hall on a date bo be fixed in December, 01111 Market leads. If you have grain, hogs, horses or produce of any kind to tell Brosselo is the plans to fetal/them be, DON'T forgot George Lleapy'o motion sale of stook, implements, household fur- niture, &o., on Saturday afternoon of this Week, LAST Friday evening a special meeting of BBrneoele Connell was held to deal with the eleotrlo light franobioe of the town 11 was decided to give the franchise to Amens Bros,, of Brussels, on condition that the work was. prooeaded with inside of a week, otherwise it would be trans- ferred to J, A, Sot'oggie, Allistan, The last named gentleman was in town last Friday on eleotoio light businese and would become a resident 11 he wore to 6eau1•e the lighting. OENETAn1AN.—The New Hamburg I0. dependent, referring to old Mrs. Laird reaching her one hundretb birthday, oaye I—Once in a groat while we road of extreme old age, In some remote part of the continent, come one, so the papers say, has reoobod the °eatery. Bat so far as our knowledge of the statistioe ae• sista no, Mto. Laird is the first in this part of Canada to reach the 100. With her husband she settled at Hayoville about sixty years ago. She saw this township in its forest state, caw it when ten sores of stumps and a small log house only here and there to be seen was the sign that the pioneer was doing battle with the forest. What changes have taken plane in the features of the country since that day. What changes in the people. All those who settled here with her are gone, and a second generation have taken their place. Many of that second generation have reached the al- lotted time, Many of them have gone over to the majority. She has lived to mingle with a third generation. She can, no doubt, appreciate those lines of Burns, wherein ho says : "I have lived so many ohangeful years On earthl am a stranger grown." Some years ago Mrs. Laird lost her eye- sight, but otherwise has the use of her faculties, She is always pleased to meet friends from Wilmot, and converses free- ly upon events that transpired when the next oldest inhabitant was in heriufanoy, We speak of the reign of our Queen as one of very great length, but to our ven- erable friend at Seoforth the coronation of Her Majesty was but as yesterday. Her mind reaches beak not only through the reign of Queen Victoria, but the reigns of William IV., Goorge IV. and e third part of that of George III. GEN. MANAola HAYS B&EAEe.—Last week THE POST oalled the attention of the pub- lic to a well defined rumor regarding the removal of the morning and night trains from the W. G. & B., Southern Division. We ala:, stated that the Reeve had writ- ten General Manager Hays urging that the present service be continued. Here is Mr. Hays' reply wbioh not only coo• firms the rumor but shows very clearly how little the G. T. R. carvtewbo is ac- commodated so long as they suit their own interests —Dear Sir,—I have your favor relative to the contemplated changes in our train servioe on the ]iincardine Line, and in reply will say, we find we have been running certain trains on that line at a direst loss to the company. As we ate now entering the season of the year when operations are attended with greater difficulty and expense, owing to the storms we may expect later on, it has seemed to us best to rearrange the ser- vice so as to, as far as possible, keep the cost within the earning capacity of the trains. This we have endeavored to do in such a way as to meet as nearly as we Could, the requirements of the travelling public. I trust you will find that you are not seriously ineoevenieooed by the new schedule, and if business should improve to euoh an extent as to warrant us in so doing, and it should seem desirable to resettle the old schedule next season, we shall be glad at that time to give the matter further consideration. Ouse. M. IDAYs, General Manager. 1lrontreal, Nov. 10, 1890. We are much obliged, Mr. Bays, for your very rosy letter, but if you find a little difficulty in keeping the road open in the Winter with three trains each way how under the sun will it be any easier with two trains less running ? Your great kindness in offering to put these two trains on again next Summer, "if business should improve," is duly appro. °fated. When your road was bonus hunt- ing the one strong argument was the boom every town along the line was to receive by boa aervioe, now it simmers down to do about as you like after you received our money. Yon should put the oow catcher on behind the train, Mr. Hays, ae your notion mesas it set.baok to all the towns and villages along the line. As to Brnssele being "seriously inconven- ienced" we have not a doubt but almost every inhabitant in this section if asked would gay, most emphatically, that the inconvenience and detriment to our town will be most serious and would not be permitted for a day could we prevent it. Truly a corporation litre the G. T. 11, has no soul. (ADDITIONAL LOCALS ON FIRST PAoE.) Business Locals. Lona, olear bacon at MoOraoken's. SEE D. 0. Ross' new etock of Over- coats. Smarm harness very abeap, and a good stools on hand. I. C. Richards. Fon the cheapest Overcoats in town go to D. C. Ross', Ronne, blankets, trunks and valises °henper than ever. I. C. Richards. Fon repairing rubbers, boots and shoes we take the lead. I. 0. Richards. I Do saw filing very cheap now for spot dash as I have a new end a fast way of setting saws, T. McGregor, saw -filer, Brussels, Queen St. Bast, KARL'S Glover Root, the great Blood - Purifier gives freshness and olearnese to the complexion and mares constipation. 25 chs, 60 ate and $1.00. Sold by James Eox, Druggiet, Brussels. Winnow SHnb50.—Mast be sold, over a thousand window ahadee, °beeper than was ever known before ; °beeper than cotton shadee at one aent a yard. A11 uhedon hang free of oharge, R. Leather. dale, Cobfyouoanlle dwelling to rent over my store. Good hard water fore° pump 00 the pretnisee wifioh dose away with oar. tying water up or down, I. C. Bielrarde, Sinaon'e Onre ie Bold en a gearemtee. It puree fnaipienb ooneumption, It le the beet cough ours, Only the Malt a dose, 26 oto., 60 ate, and $1,00, $old by Tames Vox, Druggiat, Brussels, ANYTHING that le- kept in a Srst.olass furniture atom in the Oitiee yoe eau gab from me, I will take any amount Of geese and duck feathers in exchange far geode. All goods delivered free, Ii. Leatherdala, Colo omateLe brick matinee with every oonVQnionae, furuaoe, dm., for •sale or to rent, Poseoesion given on Deoomber lift, For further particulars apply to Mre. R. Walker, Turnberry otreet, Brussels.' CAPTAIN Sveoney, IT. S, A., San Diego, Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh. Remedy le the first medicine I have over found that would do me any good." hrloe 50 canoesals,, Sold by Jas, Fox. 'druggist, Brus- FIOToaE Mournxrlca.—I have the finest line of picture mouldings I have ever had since I have been here ; all the newest patterns and shades, I bought a large quantity iu order bo buy them right: and I can frame piotures very cheap. It. Leatherdale. Smyrna MAOrn0Ee,—I am selling the New Williams' aewiug machine and if you have the least idea of buyiug a ma- chine mime and see mine and get my pelotas before you buy. I arm cava you 910 on a machine and $25 on an organ. .11. Leatberdale, Onoeffs.—If you aro thinking of buying an organ call and see It, Leatherdale's four different makes always on hand. You can get a six octave piano ease organ cheaper than you can get the old style five octave from agents. Go where you have a stook to choose from, WHEN You GET Tran -0f dosing yourself with cheap, purgative pills that ouly aot on the bowels, be advised, and remove the cause of all your suffering by using a common-sense treatment, that acts directly on the liver, kidneys and stomach. Wright's Liver and Stomaoh Pills do the work. The cost is 50 cents for a complete treatment. Ask Jas. Fox, druggist, Brnssele, about tbem. Sample box sent on receipt of six pants in atampe. The LeRoy P111 Co., Te• ronto. Try Don't Headache Powders. Safe, suoceesful, sure. 25 cents a box, MORS: _ MonnraIx..--In Him, on Nov. 5th, the tvur ,.1 Mr. f)•tv,.l Morrisonof a son. Too0n.—Iu Bluevale, on Nov, 1st, the wife of Dr. Toole, of a daughter. RF,ID,—Its Bluevale, on Nov. 1st, the wife of Mr. Wm. Reid of a daugh- ter. ANoue.—In Wingbem, on Nov. Ind, the wire of Mr. Frank Angus of a son. DAVIDSON.—In Wingham, on Nov, 5th, the wife of Mr. F. Davidson of twin daughters. Wi1:Drooa.—In Listowel, on Nov. 4111, the wife of Mr. Jacob Wildfang, jr., of a son. Mmr,gn.—In Morris, on Nov. 6th, the wife of Mr. Ino. D. Miller of a eon. S4A.Raap. Lower—WILnclorsow.—Ab the Methodist Parsonage, Balgrave, Wednesday, Nov. 4th, by Rev. E. A. Shaw, Mr. Edward G. Lowry, of Brussels, to Mise Maggie Williamson, of Morris towoehi p. FORSTER—GALBRAITH.—Ou the 11th inst., at the Methodist Parsonage, Brus- sels, by the Rev. S. J. Allio, Mr, James Forster, of • the township of Howiok, to Miss Maud Galbraith, of the same place. OADIPEELL—LACEIE. Ab the residence of the bride'e mother, Wroxeter, on Nov. 11th, by Rev. Mr. McKibben, Mr. Alexander Campbell to Mise Charlotte tackle, all of Wroxeter. Damp_ Arrosc sou.—In MaRillop, on Nov. 9th, Wm. H. Aitoheson, aged 76 years. OHAthcAN.—In Elma, on Nova 4th, 0hnrles Gordon, youngest son of Matthew Chapman, aged 1 year and 8 months. Yoaxo.—A6 Newton villa, Colborne town - shin, on Sunday, Nov. let, William Young, aged 84 years and 7 months, WILLIE.—In Seaforth, on Thursday, Nov. 581), Annie May Willis, youngest daughter of Robb. Willis, aged 20 years, 1 month and 16 days, McRae.—lu Tuckersmitb, on Nev. 2nd, Alex. G. MoRay, aged 79 years and seven monthe. .4.T.TOTIO1v G.hI.02S. SATURDAY, Nov. 14.—Horeos, cows, wagons, implements, household furni• tore, &a., at Brussels. Sale unreserved, at 1:80 o'olook, sharp. Geo. jHeapy, Prop., F. S. Scott, Attu. ToESDAx, Nov. 17.—Farm stock, implements, &o. Lot 13, con. 8, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Reba 11,10• .ICay, Prop. F. S. Scott Ana. TUESDAY, Nov. 24th.—Farm stock, im- plements, &c. Lot 27, Con. 11, Grey. Sale unreserved, at 1 o'clock. David Brown, Prop., F. S. Sootb, Aua. WEDNESDAY, Nov. 2511a. --Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 21, Con, 10, Grey. Sale unreserved, ab 12 o'clock, Sharp. Robs. McLachlan, Prop„ F. S. Scott, Auo. IRE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. A PPLES WANTED. — 1,000 bags at once, at HUNTER & SHINES' Faotory, North of Railway. A MAGIO LANTERN FOR .C]. sato, with 200 views. A bargain. Ap. ply to 0, STTUBBS, Ethel P.0. ."RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— • First mortgage, farm security, Apply at TSE POST Publishing Rouse, Brussels, Ta OUSE AND#LOT FOR SALE. The underssgned offers his comfort- able cottage and 9 afire of laud on Turnberry street Wessell' for auto. On Lha premises ie a good well, stable, fruit trees, ate. Isorprioe and tenni apply to 1.11 ALEX, MOLAUGHLIN, Proprietor, 1i OR SALE.—A GOOD SOUND horse, night years old, suitable for GM.er road or farm • also buggy, cutter and equipments, Would exchange thorn for young Wattle if suitable. 18.61 7020, -ROBB, Brussels, TRAYED FROM THE PREM- Iese of tela uuderai usd, Lot 0, Ooo.2, Grey, on or about Nov. 4th, 1 two year old filly, light bay in celery/Mix ono wbito hind foot and one white front foot, also -a white stripe Oh fa6e. . An y information leadingCa iso reooyoxy w111 bo thankfully reaaiVol. R05T, RAE, 18.1! Jameaown P, 0. $T4XD,I R.D 34X,£.1' OF C4X.4,»I.L, HEAD OFFICE, = TORONTO ASSIOTB, • (Seven Million Dollars) . 97,009,000 OAPITAL (Authorized) . . $2,000,000 Apeoofse:tnell prinotpalpafmtt in Ontario, guano, United Stateef+=•,l aiglgllg, WAYAMENSO d�' •?��d�• 8, General Banking Businese Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafta Issued and Collections made on all points, SAVINGS L3ANlf DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwaide from dab of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, Simmer, ATTENTION GIAEN TO THE OonLitnlro» OF FARMERS' BALE NQTEe, Every facility afforded Cuctomere living at a diotanoe, 3, A, STEWART Nguema, ()NE SE[EARLING RAM, A number Ofldam Leonia, all pure bred 5,1)0, Apply tol�JN0, SmITII3, Lot ot8, dCou U Grey, Brussels P.0, _ 18.00 A.T:_°RSE FOR SALE.—WELL 1, trained, good ciao, extra gentle. Soldwith or without harness and top buggy. sleigh and robes, All in ,1•ime order, Less than half price. ,'1N10. D,RONALD. QTRAYED ON THE PREM— Grey,aboutJulylustr2iewecend1 lamb nTee owner i8requosted fo prove property, pay expenses and 11110' them ,sway, 17-4 WM. BEAT', OYouerie/1 P. 0, Q TBAYED ON THE PREM— roma of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con, 4, Morris, on or shout the lath of. October,1 red heifer two years old,. Tho owner is request- ed to prove property, tttayox=maws and take baraway, ROBT, SHSDDAN, 17.4 Damsels P. 0. (Li 5 REWARD. — THIS RE— �V R'nnn will be paid for the 0e0overy of n pair of horse blankets and n tanned sheep skin taken from my (hiving shed Sat. =day night, Oct, 81st; and snob information as wi11 lead 6o the conviction of the offend - ere• ALEX, BOSS, 17.8 Lot 11, eon. 2, Grey. TERSEY GRADE REIFER Oervos.•-Untl further notice the cost of service of my Jersey Dull, if paid at the time of service, will be 01.50 for .grade cows with the privilege of returning 10525 one, or another, every year until you .have a heifer calf. This meansuo charge for bull calves. You can depend on us always keeping a first - close bull from pod milking Mame. (r. A. DIIADMAN, Druggist, Brussels. CARD ! Having sold my reeidenee and practice to Dr. Kaibilaiseli, I herebytender my slere thanks to the many friends mare iends aucl patients who have given tae their loyyal support dur- ing the last 20 years. Dr. Iialbdeisoh comes highly recommended as a skilful and suc- cessful practitioner and I would bespeak for him the same liberal patronage accorded to m e during my residence in Bruseelo. 1 would respectfully request thatall claims against me be handed in as soon as possible, and all amounts and claims due mo to ba settled before the 16th of Dee., next. I will be at the rooms above Alex. Btrnohan's store every afternoon from 2 80 5 o'clock for the transaction of business. 18 8 ]WM, GRAHAM. AUCTION SALE OF IP t.11.11 STOOK IMPLEMENTS, &c. F.8. 800tt, Auctioneer, ban been iustruot- ed b y the undereigued to sell by public sue. tion at Lot 18, Con. 8, Grey, on TUESDAY, NOV. 17th, 1690, at 1 o'clock the following valuable property, viz. Olydesdale mare, registered India: ee, 7 years 513 • imam10 years old, supposed in foul; 1 driving mato 4 years old, aired by Ten Brook; 1 yearling colt by Surrah ; Thoro' bred Short Borne -2 cows in oulf to thorn' bred bull ; 1 cote with calf at foot; 1 yearling bull, registered ; 1 bull calf, Grade Cattle -2 cows supposed in calf ;1 heifer 2 years old ; 4 Steers iA years old; 2. Yearling steers; 1 yearling heifer; 8 calves; 5 awes ; 1 Wagon; 1 double buggy • 1 road oast; 1 cutter ; 1 set harrows. Sale unreserved as proprietor has sold Iris term, Terme—All sums of 86.00 and under push ; over that amount 12 mouths credit will be given on furnishing approved j 01111 notes. 0 per cont. off for sash on cred- it amounts. lr. S. SCOTT, Auctioneer; BORT. MolA.Y, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE —OF— VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY 1n the Township of Grey, f'o. of limon. Under and by virtue of a Power of Salo contained in it certain mortgage made by John Maynard to the Vendors now to default and to be produced atthe time aside, there will be off orad for sale by public auction at the ROYAL HOTEL In the VILLAGE OF EETHEL, on Wednesday, the 18th Day of November, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. .All that certain pparcel or tract of land situ- ate in the. Township of Grey, composed of Lot number 21 in the 0111 Conoeesion, con. 'Mining one hundred aorta more or lura. The Property off Ethel ante d eight miles bout two from from . Erected on tiro property is a frame houae in good state of repair and a hank barn with stable below 40 x 00 foot, There are about fifty acres under cultivation. The soil ie a clay loam. There is akin an orchard of about an aero in extent. Tho property is watered b a spring creek. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terme:-10per cent,ofpurchase mon. and balance a000rdre to faggai toa favornble terms and conditions to be then made ]mown. For further particulars apply to 10. hi. GRAMME, 68 Wallington st„ East, Toronto, Solicitor for Vendors. Dated ab Toronto 20111 Oatober,1800, REAL 'ESTATE. IIARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. safe add to r nt, easy terms,, in 212ownehigpe of Morrie and Grey, F S. SOOTT ,Bruesels GOOD FARM FOR SALE NEAR B ru0sele. Groat bargain. Lot 7, Oen. 0, Grey township, Good buildings and or- chard, well watered suitable for mixed or daily farming, Apply to WM,101LL0UG1 on the premises or to THOMAS HERITAGE, Leaden West. • ARMS FOR SALE. — 200 aarea—Confuting of Lots lit on the 7111 and 8th Coaoeseions, Township of Grey, be- ing 1. mile from the Village of Ethel and 64 miles tram Bruseols, 40 mores of Fall whoat sown and about SO notes under grass ; 50 acres cleared on each. Perms of payment easy, A, Mo3ELVi0Y', le, D., 84- Brussel0. ANITO13A LAND Fair SALE, .L.1 —100 aeree of Food farm land t Springfield, 8 miles from Winsipsg, 10 off at for solo at clow pram The 'property le .North. 'East } See. 10,Twp. 11, Range 4, East, Theresa a 1100500,, the premises 0nd some 'breakingWoo, s fid 0, fte full particulars ars ns to price, title, da., writs or apply to G. F, BLAIR or W,11. BEER, 20.81 ,iruseole, Out. T7ARM FOR SALE, -160 ACRES i�<.•'' Coueietiugoitho R0i1tb9,anfl South9 of the North 9 of Lot 55, Con 2, East Wawa - nosh, This Is au excellent stools farm,boing welt supplied with good erring water. It le situated about 8 miles from the thriving V1l- lage of, myth. 'A largo part of it is under grass. Buildings and femme are in afair 0tete 0110pair, Easy terms etpaymoot will be given. For ate'informablon apply to 11-tf G.1',BLAI18, Barrister, Anneals, CIPLENDID FAR11I FOR SALE, 0. That excellent farm,' Lot 15,, Oon, 5, Townahlp of aray, 100 001e0, moat be sold at once in order to close estateof deceased own- er, The lot ie nearly all =area, with good buildings, ample water supply, largo or. chard, 1} miles from Cranbrcok, is under good cultivation and is a veru clesiralslepro- perty indeed. Apply to I2I0HARD it11T, OHELL, Brussels P.O.• 7011N 7p11T07?ELL, 011 the promises • Or A. HUNTER, Brussels, Dated Sept 1011,, 1800; G00D FARM FOR SALE IN the Township of Grey. In order to erose an estate the West half of Lot 24, .Con, 7, Township of Grey, 60 acres, is offered for immediate sale. On the premises area good frame. dwelling with kitchen, 0o., also. two frame -barns,ood water, orchard, &o., and is close to the Village of Ethel. Softie of the host and farm is well fenced,. Apply to ALEX. ueooraD1vMDLYBar, Sm atrm; ARNT, Brussels, 1i ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- proem:NEn offer theirsplendid 100 aoro farm, Lot 2210on. 12, Grey, for sale. There are 85 acres cleared, balanao good hardwood bush. On the premieee is a comfortable frame house, frame barnand outbuildings; good orchard; wells, &o. 40 acres -under grass. Parra ,in exoellout 7 state 01. tion, 19 miles from Oranbrook gilloge and 09 from Brussels, Poeaeeeion oould be given th,e Fall. For further particulars as to price, terms, &a„ apply on the premises. or write to Ur{Mown M ookown SAMUEL 0ARNOOHAN, Ti TALVABLE FARMS FOR SALE. VThe eligible 300 acne farm, composed of lots 10 and 17 in the 10th con„ Greytownsbip, Huron Oo., and 60 acres, part of lots 10 and 17, 11112 con,. belongtug to the Robert Brown estate, is offered for sale to wind up estate. On the :rat farm is a good stone house mud large bank baro, ne0oesary outbuildings; or- chard, &o. Farm well watered, well fenced and in good state of oultvation. About 50 soros of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On the 50 acre farm there is a house and barn, orcharsold jointly oaboutepseparately t 8 acres o i suits purehasoore Possession given In the Fall, Farms are on- ly a mile from the village of Oraubrook, where school,esiimrsre,Carad09Iilesto the thrvng mar- ket town Brussels. For further particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply to AGNES BROWN,))F JAMAS BROWN,1 Executors. Craobrook 1'J O. DROWN, 1 BOAR FOR SEEVIOE.—THE Lot 20,, Undersigned n, 5, Morris, thill e keep for ebradim- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J,14. Brethour's sweepstakes sow at Chicano Fair. forms, 8100 to bo paid at the time of service with privilege of r@ turning if necessary. Pedigree may he seen on application. ROBT. NICHOL. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—T}IE undersigned -will keep for sere o 011 lot 20, Con. 0, hforyis, the tboro"broil rgs English Berkshire Boar, Captain Jobb a,' sow at0therWorlds Fair,eC Pedigree a villrbe produced on application, Terms -3100 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if neeeaeary, 14.0m JAS, BPEIR, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service. on Lot 27, Con. 4, Morrie, the thorn' bred Tam- worth boar•."King George," purchased h ora H. George & Sone, who got first prize for their herd at Guelph Fat ;Steak Show. The dam of ..Ring George" won first prize at the Show, London England, Hie sire, was im- ported and weighed 760 Ibis. Terms 51.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree 1110y be seen on application, RLCHA7iD ARMSTRONG, 40.10 Proprietor, Anoint Order of United Workmsnt This old and prosperous Fraternal dosed-. ¢tion numbering 800,000 members are pro - gen slug to the public their popular and aeon conical rates to worthy men, at the vory low rate of about 08.00 per $1,000 per annum. The Workmen" Prouipaly Pay Heath (Halms and expeeb a surge increase to its members now that Moth American Line Com1)anioa don't seem sage/notary to Can- adians, 1OOST. ARMSTRONG, O2. W, • W. H. HERR, Recorder; J, d, 01bEIGIlTON,PYnauoisr, MEDICAL •CARDS. TA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P. S. Ont. Residence and office In Wilson'e Block, corner of 131111 and Turnborry Ste. T 141. ARMSTRONG, M. D. efi Phveiolan, Surgeon Aocouohor, oto, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Vacuity. Member Of Collage of Physicians and Surgeons Out. Omuta—Next door to McDonald & L'o„ Walton Ont. Dpi. F. H. KALDFLEisCD 00156300.802, 010503013 AND 110001i011E05, SUCCESSOR TO DR. W. GRAHAM, BRUSSELS, - ONTARIO, let Claim Honor Graduate of the Ifniversi- tissof'1'riaity(Toroato), Queen's (I{iegobon) 15211 of Trinity Medical Oollege ; . Fellow of Trinity Modicol 0011ege and member 01 the (!ollogo of Phyomians and Surgeons of Ogter- lo. Post Graduate Course In Dotroit and Chicago, 1800, Special attention acid to die- oaos of Eye, 1Nose analThaddie- liaaoumon. ta"0ouaultatioa in Eng- lish and Gorman, Nov. 113, 1896 •r GA 70 Now that the long Winter even- ings will soon beherewe de- sire to draw your atton, tioli'to the long list of Games that ' we tiro showing this 50110011 Orokinole, Authors, Logomacby, Fish Pond, Dominoes, Bagatelle, Plage, Keeping Store, Snaps, ltioos:m ger. Boy, Ottokoo, Yacht Dame, Bioyole liana, Little Goldenlooks, Ocean Dace, Deter Coddles, Population, Fraobione, Obiug Ching, tap., c00., dm. Lost Reit, Nations, Flips, Halms, Cheolcere, Strange Peop1°, Old Maid, Lotto,' Jack Straws, Paroliessi, Chivalry, WALL PAPER. g—.a R. We have only room to say a word about this but we are selling lots of it all the same. Our trimming machine is giving great satisfaotion and we are pleased to see that our efforts in this dir• action aro being appreeiatod by our oue- tomers. So don't forget that we trim all Wall Paper pur5based from us Free of Charge, at Fox's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Tin L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, s Bolioitorand Oonvoyaneer. - Oollec- bione made. Office--Vaustone's Bleak, Brus- eels. -.21-852 YVM. SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer ;NotaryPub leo, &o. Oftiao—Va55tone'e Sleek, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. MG. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Oaeneron, Holt & OaOnt Office—Hamilton St.,Solicitor, ho Opposite 001. borne Hotel. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER -• Solicitor, &a. (late of Gnrrow & Proudfoot'e Office, Goderieh.) Office oyer Gillian .8 Smith's lank, Brussels, Money to Loan, 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales oonduot ed on reasonable terms. Farms and Yarm stooka specialty. Orders left at Tan Posr PublishiugHouso,Bruaoels, or sentto Walton P.O., w311 receive prompt attention, T S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - i' • LIEU, will sell for bettor prions, to better mon, in ase time and less charges than anyother Auctioneer In East Huron or ire won't charge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by portional npplioatios.. CAPT. J. STRETTON, who has had 25 years experience as an Auctioneer, but who had to quit lowing to i11 health, has again taken out license and to prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction Uuaranbood. Dates may bo arranged at THE POST Publishing House. JAB. ST/1ETT0N, 13.10 Auctioneer. DENTAL. DR. LDDAVID SO t,^r. r Honor Graduate Toronto University,, Licentiate Royal Oolloge Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a specials Moder- Barrett c barber shop,, TAssured. 6�, Brusr sale, VETERINARY. D. WARWIOIC, t Honor Graduate of the Ontario. Veterinary College, is prepared to goat all diseases of domesticated animals in a com- petent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Oa1ls pro5Ftl at- tended to. Office and Infirmary—Four doors north of bridge '1'urnborry et„ Brussels, BUSINESS CARDS. z H. MoORAOKEN, Y• Usurer of MarriageLicenses. Ofiloe at his Grocery, Turnborry street. Brims/de. RPT. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M. Malay & Oo's hardware sore, Ladies' and childrenehair cutting a siseeialty BRUSSELS POST OFFIOE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 81.00 to 51,000 and allows 8i per cent. inte,•est, al. FARROW, 87-8M Postmaster, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM 1NB0RANOE, FIRE AND MARINI2, GUELPH. T. FLETCHEF' Issue, of Marriage Licenses, OFFIOn AT JEWELRY 8000E, I"No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. it HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cour Go, Huron. Couveyaocer, Notary Pubiio Land Loan and Insurance Agent, Fantle incased• -and to luau. Oo11oottons made Olttoe it Graham's Meek., Brussels r n[:1108. A. HAWKI'NS, $ Wilt Ill ivro lessens o pupils either plana or organ. at 1115 Music 800s51opposite the post—office, Brussels. Vocal 'Winona aIs o pxtavramn mToednontooa,les orivac toaahmg, Zi 0 1v of 01