HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-13, Page 5Nov.' 13, 1390 iistrict ttebo. Min 101100 lYlol ee f2 at present visit• ing trioxide fn Wa11001oy, ra, WAS. Oroolishanks, who wap vieit. Mg In Bele vicinity, returned to her home, M. McKee, who wee judge at the Wel- lesley plowing match has retmeed, and reports a gime match, Mrs. Rot Armstrong intends leaving for Manitoba on Saturday of this week. A ear load of goods follow her on Mon. day in °barge oe Albert Armstrong. 012 Monday evening, Nov. 284 a night school will be opened. Thoee desirous of attending should hand in their nampe at once. Already a good number have joined, 0u Monday evening, Noy, 1002, an 0 en meeting of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society will be held in the Preebyteriau church. Rev, Mn. Maolren- ale, of Orangeville, will addroee the meet- ing. Excellent mosie will be turn. iehed by the °hole. Iteet•1 t e l . Council meeting here on Saturday of next week. On Thankegiviog Day there wilt be a shooting match for turkeys, geese and duoke et Joseph Qnerrin'e hotel in this village. You can count on Ethel and vicinity being ready to snake a vigorous kink against the tnking,off of trains on the W. G. do B. Ethel oheese faobory closes for this season next Saturday. They have about $4,000 Teeth of cheese ready for the mar- ket. It has been a good season. Next Wednesday afternoon,at 1 o'olook, . at the Ethel hotel, F. B. Boots, of Brus- sels, will offer Lot 21, Con. 0, Grey, for sale by public auction. There are 100 mires in the farm. Elijah Pease intends going to Glad- stone, Mich., on Thursday of this week, where he may spend the Whiter working in the Chemical Works. Soma folks say it is going to be a wedding trip. We wish him enooess. DaeTdallo p. AN OLD RESIDENT PASSES ANAP. -Last Monday afternoonW. H. Aitoheson, an old and most highly esteemed resident of McKillop, passed away to his reward, aged 76 years. Deceased was born in Glasgow and served his apprenticeship to the tailoring. Shortly atter his marriage to Miss Jean Aitobeeon they came to Can- ada, 56 years ago, and after a short so- journ at Paris they removed i to Bland- ford, where they lived for 25 years. From there they settled on the 16th con. of Gray toivnehip and afterward located in McKillop, where they resided for the past 25 years. Mrs. Wm. Martin, of Brussels, and Wm. Aitoheson, of Orton - villa, Mich., are their ohildren. Lung trouble was the cause of Mr. Aitobeson'e death and he had been ill for 2i years, having been confined to bed since June 23rd last. Mon. Aitobeeon died eleven years ago. The subjeot of this notice wee a straightforward mac, who enjoyed the reepeet of the entire community. He was a Presbytorien in religion and a Liberal in polities. The presenb Mrs, Aitobeeon was a Mies Pearson, of Perth. The funeral took place on Wednesday, Rev. Mr. Musgrave, of whose ohurob de. ceased was a worthy member, conducted the service. ere. 'two oc➢.. A deer is said to have been seen in M. Harvey's bush last week. The Kiokapooe failed to dazzle the Atwood people this time wibh their cabcll•penny performances. Thos. Nesbit's two-story brick cottage is nearing completion. It is a fine resi- dence and a credit to the town. The Newry factory disposed of their October oheese to Mn. Brill, of Guelph. We understand the pride received was Mee. per pound. 1t. M. Ballantyne has patented a de- vice to economise the heat of a cook - stove oven, affording the benefits of a furnace without the expenditure. At the Police Court, in Stratford, Jno. Holmes, of Elmo., who is charged with an offence under the Charlton sot, was sent for trial by Polios Magistrate 0'. Loans. Mr. Peebles, miller, and family have moved to Atwnod, taking up their resi- dence in the house lately vacated by Mr, Reseal'. Mr. Peebles has taken a position in the grist mill with Mr. Cor- rie. The Blinn Cheese Oo. has disposed of the September, October and November cheese to Ballantyne 12 Son. llo. per . lb. bas been received for the September and Ootober make, and loo per pound for the November cheese, Xeieetowel- Mrs. Alex. Morrow met with a painful accident, having fractured her arm by a fall. W. Godfrey, G. T. 15. agent here, left last weak on a holiday trip to Toronto and Detroib. Edgar Hayden has commenced the erection of his now house on the corner of Main and McDowell strode, It will be a modern frame struoture. J. A. Hacking, Reeve, and D,• Sander. son have gone to Muskoka to join the hunting party from this town. John Livingstone, jr., and G. S. Kidd also left for Muskoka on Tuesday of last weak. Hugh Russel, of Monbreal, will give two of his most interesting lectures in the Congregational (Murrill on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 16tli and. 17th. The subjects will illustrate Scottish life and scenery, the Highlands of Scotland, and around Windsor Castle and other thence, Rvsawev,-What might have been a serious runaway acoidenb oo0urred on Monday morning of last week. J, W. Sootb, occompanred by Miss Scott, had driven out to bis farm in Wallace, and when near the railway crossing on their return to town, the coupler of the •buggy came out and tho horses, a spirited pair, started to run with the front wheels. The oocnpaubs were thrown out of the buggy on the road, Mies Scott being bad- ly shaken up, but obherwiso escaped in- jury. Mr. Scott, who hung on to the linos, was thrown oil hie face and re- ceived some eats and braises about the nose and oys, His o2capo from mote soriotts injury was remarkable, as he was dragged for some, distance hetero lotting go of the lines. The horses, with the front part of the buggy attached, came into town at a runaway speed, and were suddenly brought tot a halt by daehin66' against the telephone polo at the Bank of J HeMilbon aoriter, The orowd which Selolrly gathered expeotod to find one or both of the horses killed, but noitinor were, =eh the woree when extricated from the broken Itarnose and buggy, Jaiupt.,i;oN n, 80120011 ibaro;ar,-Tho following ie bbs standing of the pupils of S. S. Na. 4, Grey, fon the month of Qotober. The standing of the e pts is basad on regular r attendance, good aorrduot and eiSolenoy in °lass work :-5th olase--Jossio Rae, Rohr Eaket ; Sr. 4th -Geo. McInnes, Mina McAllister, 0, Simeon ; Jr, 4th- Pearl Jaokeon, Allis McKelvey, Prod. Bryans, Clara MoQuarrie, Ed. Lynn, .ttebeooa Smith, Fanny Robertson, Win. McAllister ;,13r. 3rd -Eliza Cutt, Jalia Frain, 0. Smith, Joe Oootnbes, C. Bry. anti, A. Mann ; Jr. 8rd-Lizzie Lynn, J. McInnes, Nay Smith, J. Outs, 3, Fraser, Eliza Omer, L. McAllister, 0. Lake, Pin, Fraser, Jno. Mullein, It, McDonald, A, McDonald, Tom Rae ; Jr. 2nd -L, Mo, Allister, L. Carr, A, Jaoklin, Jno. Lynn, Mary Smith, E, Bryans, Jno, Jaokeon, H. Jackliu, L. King, Donald MoDonald, R. McDonald, Mary Johneton, Tom Mullein ; Pt. 2nd --Stella MaQuarrie,Joe Frain, Geo, Rae, H, McDonald, T, Mo. Donald, A, MoKeivey. Those taking the highest number of marks at the reosut promotion examinations are :-For Sr. 4th, Pearl Jackson ; Ir, 411h, Ellin Oath ; Sr, 8rd, Lizzie Lynn ; Br, 2nd, Lizzie Carr, E. G. MODONALD, Teacher, 7Cielmore. The oidor mill here is still being kept busy. The tax ooliector for Oalross was in town that week. We 099052 to state that Mrs, Sandy Tlemming hi quite sick at present. Quite a number of the houses here are being repaired before Winter and it gives the town quite an improved appearance, The Orangemen intend holding a con- cert and sapper on Friday night of this week in the school house. Quite a nine time is expected. Lrxonear.-There has been a literary society organized here and quite a nine time is expeoted during the winter months. The next meeting will be on the 18th inst., when the subjeot, "Which has the greater influence over man, money or women ?" will be dimmed. Dr. Macklin, D. McDonald, J, D. Clamp • bell, J. Hartley, W. Hartley, H. Lowry, B. Bot and J. Abraham will oonduot the debate. The Glee Club will also take part. The following are the officers elect- ed :- President, Dr. Macklin ; vice. President, D. N. McDonald ; Secretary, Wm. Hartley ; Asst, -Secretary,. Mies R. Crittenden ; Treas., H. P. Harriston ; Editor, J. D. Campbell; Asst: Editor, H, Lowry; Committee, J. Mulvey, T. Saand. ere, J. Hartley and Misses J. Bremner, I. Cbittick and M. Jeffrey. Gres. Auction sales are still on the move. Council meeting Se -tardily of next week. Bethel Sabbath school is making ar- rangements for a Christmas entertain. meut for school purposes. Mrs. Chas, Harrison arrived home from a visit of three months to ber sons at North Bay some weeks ago. Mies B. Pearson has been re-engaged as teacher of S. S. No. 0 for 1897. She is doing good work in the school. Warden Straohan was a pall bearer at the funeral of the late ex -Warden Young, of Colborne, Wednesday of last week. Mre. Donnan Livingston bac gone to Laoknow to nurse a typhoid fever patient. She is a }irst•olass hand eb this work. This week Arthur Jackson went to Al. goma, where he purposes sojourning. He has been in this locality for the past sea - eon. Brussels oheese factory will wind up manufacturing for 1896 on Saturday of this week. This has been an exception- ally good season. Turnips are a great crop this year. Some farmers say they have taken as munh as 600 bushels off an sore. Mangels did not yield so well. Revival services are being held in the Whitfield Methodist church conducted by Revde. Messrs. Walker and Trimble. The signs are hopeful. Peter Patterson who recently leased a farm on the 14th con., Logan, will re- move from the 1614 of Grey shortly as be has hie bones completed. W. A. Turnbull, formerly of Grey, bas gone to Boieeevain, Man., from Manitou, where he takes the position of Principal of the intermediate school of that place. Somme REronT.-The following is the report of S. S. No. 3 for the month of Ootober :-Fifth class -Vinic Cardiff, May Smith, Sam. Lamont, Elsie Strachan, Bessie Livingston, 4th class -Jane Hogg. So. 8rd-Maggie Cardiff, James Straohan, Graeme Richardson. Jr. 8rd-Rob. Work, Grace Stewart, Alex, Lamont, May Hogg, Annie Living. stone, Addie Cardiff, Vera Abbey, Annie Brewer, Wm. Brewer. Sr. 2nd -John Work, Susie Livingston, Frank Abbey, Wm. Elliott, Lyle Riehardeoe, Dungan McDonald, Mary Marsh, Dittman Brewer. Jr. 2nd -Sadie Lamont, Ella McKinnon, Laura Cardiff. Part 2 -Leslie Lamont, Duncan McKinnon, Rills Cunningham, Anna Richardson, Annie MoDoneld. Part 1--A. Hoy, M. MoDonald, W. Cardiffff, H. Hogg. Promoted front 8 to 4-M. Cardiff, J. Straohan, G. Richard. son. From jr. to sr. 3rd -R. Work, G. Stewart, A. Lamont, M. Hogg, A.Living- eton; A. Cardiff. From 2nd to 8rd-J. Work, S. Livingston, le. Abbey, W. El- liotb. J. T, Donee, Teaober, Salem REPORT. -The following is the reporb of the standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 1, Grey, for the month of October, 1890:-P, S. Leaving --Total Blake, 281 ; L. Bielby, 201. Entranoe- Total, 300,-W. 'Armstrong, 268 ; J. Crerar, 298 ; M. Hoggard, 251 ; L. Blake, 250, Fourth olase-Total, 400.-A. Calder, 802 ; A. Switzer, 100 ; 0. Arm. strong, 209 ; A. McKay, 213 ; E, Bed- ford, 106 ; J. Farquharson, 117. Sr. 8rd -Tobal 850.-v, Armstrong, 829 ; A. Bedford, 174. Jr. 8rd-Total, 360.-W. Switzer, 118 ; 0. Pepper, 123 ; D. David. son, 180 ; R. Elliott, 18 ; F, Blake, 92 ; G. Blake, 148 ; M. Hollinger, 114 ; M. Oakley, 148 e W. Glaserer, 60, G. Bielby, 224 ; A, Dickson, 214 ; M. Riley, 178,, Sr. second -Total, 220,-F. Davidson, 100 ; B. Davidson, 164 ; L, Dieleson,125; E. Blake, 186 ; M. Bedford, 157 ; M, Cardiff, 18 ; B. Rands, 108 ; M. Rands, 87 ; J. Haggard, 77 ; ]. Hollinger, 184 ; G. Dark, 184 ; J. Bands, 129. Sr. let- Total, 200,-W. Riley, 169 ; W. Stephen - eon, 109, A. Oakley, 121 ; A. Glassier, 51 ; Three Bielby, 89 ; M. Dark, 92, r, let• -Total, 100.-A. Glassier, 88 ; H. 11 FA Ti P. TTStS 'LS' POST Bedford, 09; 185. Haggard, 91; T3. Dante, 09 , ,9. °WWdon, 40, honors, -d, Blake, W, Arntettoog, J. Orerar, AI, Haggard, L. Blake, A, Oakber, Y, Armstrong, 38. Bollinger, W, Riley. The following promotions were mode 1 --To sr. 8rd-Y, Armatrong, To jr. 8rd-•G. Bielby, 4, Dickson, M. Itiley, W. Switzer. To sr, 2nd -B, Bands. To jr, 2nd -G. Dark, J, hands, Jr, lat.-91, .Dark, T. Bielby, r 4 411, GlassteY,Riley,S9.Stephenson, ri A. Cordon, H. Bedford, 13.Dark, Annie Glassier. W. H Sscour, Toaoher, Blue -vale. Municipal and County Cannon affairs are now coming up for disonseion. Robert Musgrove arrived home last week from a trip t0 Manitoba whore he spent a few menthe, Rev. A. Y. Hartley luxe taken a ()barge near Sault Ste, Marie and went to it last week, Mrs. Hartley will probably re. main at Belgrave for the Winter, The Orangemen of this locality cele- brated the 61b of November by a grand supper at the hotel hero. A number of the young people tripped the light fan - teeth, afterward, Gummi Pena: ie, -Last Friday evening W. G. Collins, Grand Organizer, aseisted by T. Collins, Brussels, organized a Conn- oil of Chosen Friends hare, to be known as Bluovale Council. it -le well officered and will go ahead with a boom, The officers are as follows :-P. 0., Dr. 0. A. Toole ; C. O. Alex. McEwen ; V. 0., Mrs, Wm. Messer ; Rea, W. M. Bailey ; Asst. Rem, Miss Mary Prager ; Trees., Robb, King ; Pre., Mrs, Geo. MoDonald ; Marshall, Jae. Gardiner ; Warden, Mrs. F. Scott ; Guard, Arch. Patterson.; Sentry, Jas. Pugh a Med., Ex., Dr. Toole ; Organisb, llire, (Rev.) Mose ; Trustees, Andrew Holmes, Jae. Pugh and Walter Patterson, The Coupol will meet iu the 0. 0. F. Hall on the tet and 8rd Fridays of eaob month and begin under very favorable auspices, having a membership of 26 and good prospects for the turns to come. `piing renin. G.E. Bing made large shipments of fowl to Parkdale last week. The London Guarantee Accident Com. pany has insured the firemen of the town. A large pane bf glass in the Kent block was aooidentally broken by one young man shoving another through it. John Wilson, V. S., has received the appointment of Inspector of this district for stook shipped to the United States. John Clegg, 0. E. Williams, G. B. Roe and Robt, Wood left town last week for Burk's Falls, Muskoka. They took with them Mr. Williams' Sue pair of Beagle bounds, and the necessary guns and Damping outfit. Stanley, the young son of Robt. Small, victoria St„ met with a serious accident. He and some other lads were climbing on the back of Hanna's delivery wagon which was driven by Herb. Wigbtman. In attempting to climb in behind his foot was naught in the wheel and his leg brok- en above the knee. William Shortreed was arrested on a charge of stealing cheep skins from W. 3'. Chapman. He appeared before W. F. Brockenshire, Magistrate, hie counsel asking for an adjournment until Monday, which was granted. As bail was not ob- tained, Shortreed remained in custody over Sunday, When the oase was palled, W. J. Chapman, who was to have appear. ed against the prisoner, stated that be bad no evidence to proceed with the oase and Shortreed was dismissed. Alex. Xing, an employee in Chapman's tannery, was carrying a large bottle of sulphnrio acid noross from the Hyman tannery, when the bottle broke spilling the acid, a part of it coming in contact with his right cheek and severely burning it. The front of bis clothes was saturat- ed with the dangerous Iignid ; be immed- lately threw off hie coat, vest and over. alts but in doing so his hands and right arm were badly burned. In a short time the discarded garments were literally eaten ap and had it not been tbat he bad on two pairs of pants the accident would certainty have beau more serious. Morris. Township Council next Monday. John Clegg's new dwelling house is nearing completion. We regret to Learn that Allan Speir is in rather poor health at present. Mise Minnie Paul bas been visiting her aunt in Blnevale for the past week. Benny, bhe adopted eon of David Walker, 6th line, is on the sick list, Thos. Sheridan is (quite ill this week. The old gentleman ie in his 81st year. Wm. Michie, jr., spenb Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Coombe, of Jamestown, Joel Sellers, 2nd line, intends having a shooting match on Saturday, Nor. 21st. Chas. Forrest has returned from Man- itoba where he went a couple of mouths ago. Misses Belle Burgess and May Scott, of Bluevato, were visiting at G. W. Turvey'e ,last week. Geo. Hood is, we ars sorry to learn, off his usual round of duty with severe pains in hie back and legs. Rev. A. Y. Hartley and daughter, of Belgrave, have gone to the Soo, where they intend to spend the Winter. Thomas Russell bas returned from the "Soo," the weather being too sold and wet to permit of building stone -work. Word was received here by telegram that John Walker, formerly of this 401012. ship, had died at his home near Napanee on Saturday of last week. No partion- lare relating to the omen of death have yet been learned. Geo. A, Pipe, 5th line, who has been ab Brandon, Kennel's, for nearly three months, arrived home on Wednesday of this week. arr. Pipe enjoyed bis stay in the Prairie Proviuoe and may go book text Summer, He Bays there wag good sleighing ab 13reendon when be left last Monday, The West agreed with Mr, Pipe all right, judging by bio appearance. Souoor, REronr.-The following is the correct standing of pupils in S. S. No, 4, Morrie, aoaording to marks obtained dur. ing the month of October' :-Sr. 42b - Norah Maunders, Lula Davie, Ida Moon- ey ; Sr, 3rd -Doo Petah, Susie Manning, Jae, Innes, John Oloakey, Willie Johns- ton, Geo. Innes ; Jr. 8rd-Dave Mo• Outoheou, Riot, Cardiff, Darned Moon- ey, Miltot Sharpe • Sr. 2nd -Clara Mooney, Mabel Nichol, Mary Kernaghan, Bertha Sharpe, Myrtle Nichol, Bertha Nichol, Baleen '14•laundere, Willie Platt, C4eo. Davis ; Jr. 2nd -Carrie Speir, Minnie Mooney, Lizzie Davis, Charlie Barrie, Minnie Walker, Willie Ames ; Pt. 2nd -Tena Forsythe, Eleton Cardiff,. Ada Moiutoheou, Ida Platt, Lizzie Speir, Donald Iones, l verett Walker. hires 0, A. T err.tna', Teacher. Henry 13nritbolder, who has boon in Manitoba for several months, arrived home last week, lie'waa well pleased wibtt hie trip, 13ruoli Bros, have purobaoed an engine and grain ember and are prepared to attend to the wants of the farmore in this line of worts, Jas. Cloakey and Bird Bros., having completed this sea, son's threshing, are also staking a tour amongtamers a a_mers wSGh their grain the nowhere iah are driven by steam, A Arewoll party wee held et Jno, Wil. son's, 2nd line, on Wedneeday evening of Intel week when a large circle of friends gathered to say good.bye and express their best wlebee for the future welfare of Mr, and Mrs, Wilson and family. They will be muob missed here but we hope they may be prosperous in their new home in Essex. On Friday afternoon of lasb week a number of Mud friends assembled in Sam, Irvine's bush for the purpose of nutting some wood for the Misses Flem- ming. The day being rather unfavor. able, the turn out was nob as general as euoh a oaues demonde, but those who feel inolined will still have an opportun• ity of showing their generosity and sym- pathy for those in need. RD/WT.-The following is the standing of the pupile of S. S. No. 8, Morrie, for the month of Ootober, names in order of merit ;-Fifth claw -Maggie Ynill, Lyon Pipe. Sr. 4th -Kate Black, Liz- zie Mlohie, Jos. Yuill, Reg. Wabaon. Jr. 4th -Russell Wheeler, Lillie Kellington, John Yuill, Ernest Wheeler, Wm. Caution, 8rd class -Edgar Proctor, Agnes Speir, Joe. Hanna, Pearl Pipe, Annie Spew, Stanley Wheeler, Robb. Xellington. Promoted to er. 2nd -Lillie Henderson, Beeeie Watson, Annie Henderson, Ethel Pipe, Jennie Shedden, Frankie McCracken, Andy Miller, Gusty Wheeler, Promoted to jr, 2nd -Willie Clark, Jas, Miohfe, Nettie • Kellingtnn, Alex. Speir, Tommy Cameron, Lennie Wheeler, Maggie Sheridan, Annie Douglass. Promoted to pt. 2nd -John. nie McCracken, Willie Little. M. BLASE, Tsaoher. John Walker, a well-to-do farmer of Camden Township, committed suicide by drink ing carbolic acid, Major MoGillivray, M. P., has been at the Vermont Legislature promoting a bill for the State incorporating the I. 0. F. The skeleton of a man, supposed to be Peter McLellan, was burned up by Mr. Weir while plowing on hie farm in South Dorchester. McLellan worked for Little Bros., former occupants of the term, and disappeared under suepicioes eircnm- etances ten years ago. Deadman & McCall SELL d"-- Home Health Sarsaparilla, Home Health Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Home Health Syrup of Hypopbospbitee, Home Health Beef, Iron and Wine, Home Health Cough Balsam, Home Health Pain Relief, Home Health Headache Powders, If you have not tried "Home Health" Medicines, try them. Deadman & McCall, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers, BRUSSELS, ONT. EiIIHN1.iIRlit ct!a1 LVU'AY Direct route to all the Popular Winter Resorts OF AMERICA. Through tiokete sold to principal points in Florida, Louisiana, Texas, Mexico, New Mexico, California, and oth- er Southern States. For information as to rates, routes and eleeping oar accommodation apply to J. N. KENDALL, G. T. R. Agent, Br'aesels. Will 3nsYre, n wolf 2311111 of YOU! 010002 PROMS:55 TRS Ae000 RIISIILTI IN FOUR WSrge, 2I0000 auras all N aroma !Amason, Sloeploen• noes, FOinng btomory, N1Rbtlp Emleetona Sloan. tarrbonn. Inn,ot00oy. 9W., canoed by AU*aro. givoa vigor and alas to ahrunkea mane, and qutakly butaurel matron LOST Ara8R000 10 old or young. Ueo 2 0055 00,1 you wm glow 004ug sad aeumu attain. kept by m?Jn er ation w ing and am,roly e00000 from obao pvm 10rrl0. 0 vont 00y 10 Prino, ppI a P os ,o o.0te z tor,50. Coad money 1n litho* 10.0 11. r ro3,dlstar- od lotto° AddroW000oe on , O o, t. d. e. PitI• o Ov' nru(5lea woonarcog, Oa T., Agent ror 00 nw min on otr. Cpnadn. BRUSSELS PUMP WORKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs ee moderate prices. No bettor Pump in the market. Order left ab my shop or residence or at F. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after, f"ordere taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterna, Gomer Green,, MILL STR1?1ET, BRUSSIILS, nrelele Sloppy Roads, Cold and Wet Weather are Now the Rude. Why bo uncomfortable when you can buy Mille Boots, SVues & RuVners So Cheap as we are selling them - See our Men's heavy all wool Ulster Overcoats at $6.00 and Young Men's at $5.00. The best value we ever offered in Men's Long Boots at $2.00, $2,75 & $3,O0. WE HAVE A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF Dress Goods, Trimming and Mantle Cloths, Call and see Values. No Fancy Prices. trachan. lar Must bo broad guage in its methods. It must admit the intelligence of the buying public, and endeavor by every hon- orable means to establish confidence between itself and that public. The buying should be right and the selling just. The rich and poor alike should be treated with courtesy and con- sideration. This business is building up on these lines. OUR SPECIAL -IES. Lamps, Silver Tea Setts, "The Queen" Razor, The "Out of Sight" Mouse Trap, The latest Tracing Wheel, Carpet Sweepers, Powder, Shot and Shells, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Cow Ties, Axes, Saws, Lanterns, &c, CASH FOR FURS, HIDES AND SHEEP SHINS. American and Canadian Coal Oils, Call and see us. A. M. McKay & Go., HARDWARE MERCHANTS, BRUSSELS, 1321111.61.9410.131.1.6=112. - F®R This week I have put in a stock of -"d Men's sad. Boys' Overcoats and I am going to make it hot for hard times. 'You can- not feel poor when you see our goods and prices. Values that were never so marvellously low as they are right now. We are buying and passing on Bargains in Bright, Fresh, Stylish, High (+rade Furnishing N Ha: , Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, 86o., ys' The Completeness of our Stook Guarantees everybody Perfect Satisfaction, Come and see this choice selection of Honest Qualities and learn why sensible, economical people prefer to spend their money with us, There is no law against paying Big Prices, - but it isn't Sensible. You will trade with us because you cannot duplicate our Goods at Prices so LOW. ' Leading Tailor and Gents' Furnisher. 7