HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-13, Page 44 N BRUSSELS New AcivertiSementS, Strayed—light. Be, Card—WM, Graham. For aO�—Onlin Robb. Card—Dr. 'Winter gamee—.Jse, Fox. Rink rille-vOi. Dooal—PoBE Publishing Rouse. Speataeles—Deadrnan de McCall, Apples wantecl—Hanter tt Shine, gb.4 ..1Prxts5tIs .ast, FRIDAY, NOV. 13, 1896. Ti Pon believes that the Dominion Government should dispose of their private railway cars and allow the mem- bers of the Cabinet to travel in first-class cars on regular trains. The ooach of to. day is good enough for anybody and for those who want better the parlor car is at their command on the main lima. praotioal, every day work this Do- minion wants and what it should receive. Some of the Opposition journals are Oak. ing great pleasure out of the fent that these private cars are used, and are toma. hawking the Grits on account of this. The telesoopia vision of some of these editors is wonderfully acute since the 23rd of lest Zane. ALL Casirsarm, the Provincial Road CoMmissiouer, is doing a good work in Ontario and in the years to come his services will be more highly appreciated even than now at the almost initial stage of the good roads movement. This week Mr. Campbell is delivering addresses in Bruce County and preparing plans of roadways, drainage, &o., for presentation to the various municipalities interested, showing the best way to carry out the theory advanced. The Provincial Gov. eminent cid a wise act when such a man was secured, as the important department he hoe charge of touches more ratepayers diet/Y than any other in the program. Few municipalities can throw stones at their neighbors on the question of good roads. Let the good work go on. WE believe the Senate costs infinitel more than it is worth to this countr and largely so because the seats are oft filled by men unqualified for the highs Chambers both as to age and practical ex perience. Many of them have beea tira servers of the most finished type. If th y Senate is to bo re -organized rather than abolished then we think the appointments made this week of Hon, David Mills, of London, and Geo. A. Cox, of Toronto, are the very kind that will benefit the country and make the Senate of use, Mr. Mills is a brilliant lawyer, in the prime of life, and with a long experience in political affairs. Mr. Cox is a shrewd business man who stands in the front rank as a financier, The new men will vote against maintaining the unlicensed bar in the Senate Chamber, we sincerely hope. Perth COUnty. Dr. Robertson, of Stratford, is making arrangements for locating at Wallaceburg. Ted Merryfield was before Police Mag- istrate Flagg at Mitchell the other day, charged by John Goetz, of Elioe, with obtaining money under false pretences. The =ergo was established, and Merry - field was sent down for three months in the county jail. A strange man was run over and killed et Shakespeare on Monday' evening by the mixed train going east. He was anti. Byrne, of Stratford. He bit home Mon- day evening between six and seven o'clock intending to go to Toronto, where work bad been procured for him by an employ- ment agency. The mangled body was found on the break after the evening train for the east had left Shakespeare. Life was extinct, and death was apparently instantaneoue, No railroad ticket was, found on the body, and the ticket clerk at Stratford bas no resolleation of selling him one, and the sopposition is that he was helping himself to a ride. As de- ceased was very short-sighted 11 38 sup- posed that in taking the train at Shakes. peen) he missed his footing and fell un- der the oars. Coroner Rankin visited the swine during the night and decided an inquest was unnecessary. Byrne was about 30 years of age and lived at Stoat - ford 01 011 his parents. • Ca Radian Ne Sir Merle's and Lady Tupper left for England on board the steamship Ntuni- dian, which sailed from Quebec on Sat- urday night. Alfred Lamb was working under a car on a switch at Stratford when a shunted car struck it. The result was the shock- ing death of Mr. Lamb. The body of Michael Dundort was found at Hamilton lying on the street in a pool of blood. It is believed he nerdy, ed his injuries in an =cadent, Dr. Milne, of Viotoria, B. C., who Was visiting his cousin'E. Ranter, Welling. ton at., Woodstock, bas been ohal- lenged to fight a duel by Dr, John A. Duncan, of that °ay. Harry Songer dad Thomas Mallon were in the bush near Brookville with a revolver Sunday night. Songer was reloading the weapon, when it went off the ballet striking Mallon in the side and piercing both lungs. Mallon is now in St. Vinnent de Pani Hospital and Songer is detained at police headquarters await. ing developments. Edward A. Rios, president of the Saaltetohewsua 068,1 mines, has made an examination of the Sudbury coal, and says that, for =dace coal, it Is en excel. lent apeeiroon. Mt. Bice says that the Saskatchewan coal was not shipped until the Mine was clown 60 teat, and the product improved at 100. Now 12 tons are shipped aaily. Pits. Bice says that, as tine eoall is evidently harder, such a depth Will not be necessary. 9-year-pld son Of Frank King, of Antheratburg, plaead a pound of wet gon.powder in the stove tO dry. Boon after Zar., Meg started a tire, The powder &lea and iookientally eXpleded, WOW*, the stove Oo atoms, completely wreaking_ the kitchen and firing the house. Fortunately there was no ono in the room at the time of the eXploolori. Three boys went ohooting, Oatne borne, °lemma the gun, and then one pOinted at the Other with the remark, =old do you both up," "Coald you ?" said one of the others, as he snatohed a revolver from; a table. The pistol was diatharg. ed and the ballet lodged in Ambits Gil. Glitters' shoolaer, o Teeswater. His ohutn dirt not know the revolver Was poked, Wit-oxatter- Soott Blank, 8011 of Robert Black, had a very Ohne call the other day for his life by being drawn into the hopper in his Satinets mill and stood a good 'show for death by suffooation bad not reseue Or= when it did, Ii'VueignAX,.—Last Wednesday evening Alexander Campbell and Miss Oharlotte Leckie, both wall known residents of Wender, were united lin the holy bonds of wedlock at the residenoe of the bride's mother, by Rev. Mr. McKibben, B. A., Methodist minister. Miss Dolly Busker, of Brussels, was the bridesmaid, and Geo. Leckie, of the same place, and brother of the bride, was groomsman. The wedding gifts bespoke the popularity of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell begin married life with the best wishes of a large oirele of friends. 01.-ra7.7aS=X..a IVG.A.R3C=E, Wheat Barley.. Peas Pees (large) Oats Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen ......... Flour per barrei.. ..... Potatoes (per bag) Hay per ton Hides trimmed Rides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each . Lamb skins saoh Apples per bbl Hogs, Live Wool 80 22 40 45 19 11 18 4 00 25 7 00 4; 4 1 00 60 15 50 8 50 18 25 $2 65 20 12 4 50 8 00 00 40 3 00 Must MemsErs.—Liverpool, Nov. 10.— Cheese Dm ; demand poor ; finest American white, and colored, (September) 51s. Butter, finest tJ. S., 08s ; good, 60s.—New York—Butter steady; state dairy, 11c to 18o; do. creamery, lac to 10o; western dairy, 8s3 to 124,3 do., creamery, 12.3..c to 20c ; do., factory, 7o to 120 ; Elgins, 20o. Cheese easy ; state large, 7io to 10to ; 110.,Tao to 10o ; c to nly one part skims, 8o69c; full skims 3c—Ingersoll.—No business Ives tra acted at the cheese market to -day. 0 620 boxes were offered ; 910 bid for lot first half of October make. TORONTO, Nov. 10.—Market gu Flour strong ; straight rollers quoted 84 to 64.10. Bran quiet ; prices firm dealers asking 68 west ; shorts 60 to 50, west. Wheat firm ; very little tr ing„. holders asking big prices and bt era hold off ; a sale of white reported 8440, west, and odd cars of No, 1 Ma tab's, hard sold at 930 to 93io, Toro freights. Buckwheat quiet ; sales 31c, outside. Barley quiet; No. quoted at 38c ; No. 2 at 31c to 32o, a No. 3 extra at 27c to 28c, outside, 0 —Offerings moderate and prices stead white quoted outside at 20io to 21 mixed at 19io west. Peas quiet ; pric. steady; sales outside at 43ic to 44 Rye—Trade sales outside at 35c. Co dull; prices at 27c to 280 at outsi points. Oatmeal unchanged; car lo quoted at 63.15 to 83.25. BAST Bri,Fa0, Nov. 10.—Gattle dos strong. Hogs olosed strong for lig grades ; slow for others, with a few deol of heavy peeking unsold. Sheep au Itunbs.—The offerings were only 10 ea of na,tives, but there were 18 cars Ganaslas on sale, some of which reache here pretty late in the day. There was fairly active demand' and prices remain ed fully as firm as yesterday, with yesto day's advance maintained. Best ligh weight Canadas sold at 64.80 to 64,85 sornewbffbullry lambs at 64.65 to 64.75 and e. few sheep at 63.50. The run 0 natives is likely to be rather small fo some time to come, and prospects are fo an advance on Canadas the supply b not excessive, or the run of heavy -weight too great. Export sheep and lambs eel slowly at a considerable reduction from the prices prevailing for choice ligb grades. Imams, Eng., Nov. 10.—The Mark Lanei Express n the course of a long article on the orops, says :—"The de Delaney in India is now known to be very serious, bat it is not likely that any large wheat imports will occur. Al- though priecs only range from 26s to 36s per quarter the extreme poverty of the Indian populace renders anything over 30s almost prolaibitoryl and las to 26s is the usual range. Owing to the failure in India and Australia a deficiency of 2,033,600 quarters has been created in Groat Britain's usual supply, which must bo made 05 from other sources,_ and is a changethe situation which itself is sufficient to uphold the recent rise. The quantities of wheat in passage to the United Kingdom on Nov. 7th were 2,401,000 quarters, of which Russian wheat. amounts' so 400,000 quarters, North American, 900,000, South Ameri- can, 100,000, Californian, 1,220,000, and elsewhere, 26,000 quarters. The spring corn trade has been dull for maize, the supply of which is larger than a good retail demand can easily tuesirnilate, while the largo new crop in America discourages any idea of speculative per. chases for a rise in 1807." Tonoicro, Nov. 10.—The Toronto cattle market to -day so far AS receipts were concerned was one of the most remark- able on record for seven years. There were only 20 cars on the boards, which included 851 sheep and lambs, 1,650 hogs and half a dozen calves, In the absence of large offerings the market wee quiet and prices were not good. Montreal men were looking for 501110 cattle, but they could not get any of a kind to suittbem, them. Only' about 1 car of butcher's cattle 'were taken for Montreal. Cables firm. Export cattle—Owing to small of- ferings and high freights! little business was done ,• market nominal at 8io to 8o per polind. One or tvvo extra fancy head. might bring 40 per pound. Some iet. at era 60- ad - 17. at ni. nto at 1 nsl ate 7; 0; BB 0. rn do is 00h 05 ars of 11• r- 1- r export prattle, 1,800 pounas average, Old at aio nor lh. Botchere' eattlev,blot anuch doing ; ehoice Rolling at 50 per mind, with the atonal ran al %notations front Oe 00 Re per lb. Even with Israeli efferingo there were oonte of the poorer left in the IV= at the aloe°, Deal. ere complain that they oannob get the oloss of cattle they require, most of the offerings; being not good enough. Stook. ore and feeders continue quiet ; ooMe oaks were made at 62,00 ; to 201 per owt. ; Ea= big heavy Stean. sold for 80 per pound. Everybody about sun - plied,. There is practically no demand fOr light Oman's, which sell very slowly M 2o per lb, Bulls quiet ; a few export head selling at $o to 3io per potted. Stools bulls, dull, at 2ia par pound. Shoop and lambs—Shipping sheep steadier under lighter offerings; 2to to tio per pound for good shippers. Backe bring 2o per pouud ; lambgulet at Se to Br per ib ; butchers' ebeep narcl to sell a 62,50 each. Calves—Not many offer. ea ; steady et 84 to 60 each ; miloh oowe and opringers, 20 offered, half of which were sold. Those left were of poor goality. Sales from 620 to 625 each, Hogs, --Choice salt:134one, 860 per pound ; thick fat, 8io ; sows, 3c ; stags, 2o per lb. ; marlrot plot. Cassino Roans no Ettozon.—The lat. est mail from England brings the follow. ing particulars of a sale of Canadian horsesl—"Mssrs. Pritchard and Moore Bros , the proprietors of the Oanadiau Horse Repository in Lamb's, Conduit Street, W, 0., had a big catalogue to put before their patrons the other day, con. elating of some 170 Canadian horses, which included heavy draught horsee, vannes, has horses, seasoned harness horses, etc, The attendance was good, and the competition proved excellent, with the result that the prices reached really nice average. Amongst a lot con. signed by Mr. Elliott, of Montreal, a fii%.• year-old black mare fetched 84gs, a five- year.old roan 29gs, a five year old =est. nut 39gs, and a five year old black mare 98go, Messrs, Hay & Xiad, of Listowel, Canada, did even better, as of a consign. meet of fifteen, a bay gelding (6 years) sold for 35gs, another five year old bay 40gs, a grey gelding (6 years) 34gs, =est - nut gelding 88gs, and a live year old chestnut mare for 40gs. Amongst a lot sent over by Mr. Selack, Friesland, Hol- land, an entire black horse provoked plenty of competition and VMS eventually disposed of for 50gs. A second black en- tire went for 45gs, and a third for 40gs. POST TIbo biggest mine, however, was obtained tor a Dro year old gkey mare sant over by Mr. 84.1015, of Booton, Mese., atal atatea to bo 01110910 bosineso, woe D. prize win. uer 01 Americo, and luta trotted ci inbo in 2 Min, 40 0185 She wont for Om wbila o dos year old bay marc in the mane lot Welled 36ge, a six year old grey 3Sge,a year old bay gelding 80gs, and a eix year old bleak 26go." • Press Your Apples. Geo. Eciwards Has put in an Apple Press in con, nection with his factory, Mill st., Brussels, and is prepared to make Cider, Apple Jelly and Apple Butter AT REASONABLE RATES. Bring Along Your Apples, MeLEOD'S System renovator OMER— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpita. tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neer. algia, Loes of Memory, Bronchitis, Con. sumption, Gall Stones, jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dario°, Female Irregularities and General De- bility. LABORATORY, RODERIC% ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sold by alas, Fox, Druggist, Urines/S, Hull AT FOR OLD Before Hurrahing very much see that you are ready for the Cold. We can supply you with Cooking, Box, Parlor and Coal Stoves, THE BEST IN THE MARKET. rtY .4210= Of the Latest Design—to burn either Coal or Wood—put in and Guaranteed. Large and well selected stock of Lamps, Lanterns, Coal Oil, &c, Halters, Cow Chains, Glass and a host of other things you require for Fall and Winter. Blacksmiths' and. Stove Coal always on hand. Tinsmithing in all its Branches. & N. G1117, BEAVER HARD WARE STORE. notiieruntanzalmomassenzaemme 1000 yds. 32 in. Flannelette Going at 6 Cents per NEW DRESS GOODS, AND TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. CHOICE GROCERIES. Having purchased the Harness business of Mr. II. Dennis, I am prepared to serve the public in First;class stock in Light andIleavy Harness, Robes, Blankets, Halters, Whips And everything usually found in an up-to-date shop, and. at Reasonable Price; A good line of Trunks and Valises always on hand. Special attention given to Collars—satisfaction guaranteed, Repairing promptly attended to. Have retained the services of Mr. Wm. Kneehtel, well known to the Public. M'A share of your .Patronage asked for. J. DONALDSON 5 Dennis' Old Stand, Brussels. Nuv, 18, 1896 trarialomeaemeariudamsozwmchormoopmemum,immow But nevertheless true, that Smith McLaren , Sae Giving uptho Merchant Tailoring Department w P 111 11 ELY Going 04 of Tweeds, Worsteds, .0vercoatings and Fancy Pantings for Clothing made to order. We have a very large and well assorted. stock on hand, When we make up our minds, to go out of a line we want to clean that line quickly, and we make the Prices the Motive Power. We have gone through and marked the Sale Price in every case with Red Ink in plain figures, at and in a number of. cases less than the goods cost us, They Rik MI olli Ullidly Here's a few of the Prices : 2 pieces Tweed, former price 850. Sale price 25c. 4 " ft 45 '' 84 11 3 11 if 8 7 1, 4 if 50 if 87 65 " 44 75 46 85 " 55 90 " 62 38 " $1 to $1.50 " 69 to $1.10 9 pieces 6/4 Scotch Tweed, former price $2.25 to $3.75, Sale price $1.65 to $2.85. 18 pieces Overcoating, all shades, former price $2.75 to $4,50, Sale Price $1.65 to $2.85. 9 pieces 6/4 Worsteds, former prices $1.75 to $8,50, Sale Prices $1.15 to $2.50. 28 pieces Fancy Pantings, former prices 75c. to $2.00, Sale Prices 50e. to $1.15. MUST *GO. you want anything in Tweeds by the yard or Clothing made to Order we will save you money. CLA Elk. T We keep in stock and supply everything in Goal and Wood Stoves, ,,Ei.ther Parlor, Box or Cook, First-class Furnaces From best Canadian Manufacturer; and Warranted to work properly. TINWARE OF ALL. KINDS, Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates. Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c. Orders Taken for Coal, WILTON DMIRINSIMS' TURNBULL Stave and Furnace Men, Brussels. t 4II.IL021.16IICISIBITyup t91.6.1111131111•111112Entittitull01110111:021111,01,0111111.1010112101 c. •",411); Al STAR RESTAURAN.jT OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE Fruits, Candies, Fancy Biscuits, / Confectionery. 26 lbs best Coffee Sugar, 22 lbs best Granulated Sugar 1.00 2 lbs first-class Tea, 25 Baking Powder, per lb., 10 Corn Starch, per lb., 5 Tapioca, 5 lbs., 25 Rice, 5 lbs., 25 Bird Seed, per lb., 5 XXX Wine Vinegar, 80 Best Sulphur, 8 lbs., 25 Rolled Meats, 8 Best Heliotrope Soap, eake, 5 W. 11, PELTON. 11