HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-6, Page 8BRITSSE±S POST QUACKS• ()Often sell Spectaelee and snake money at zt too. Xis fact, the better the Qum*, the. more money be modes. These people sLreteud to ltnow MI about that delicate organ, the eye, and ifthey would always grcesurtbe window glass eye glasses for their patients, they would not do quite so alech harm. The only safe plan is to ?ave your eyes ,thoroughly tested by a raldablp Optieian, We have matte a spec. •deli study of the eye end presoribe glasses .ester soientifio tests only. No charge for antsting. DEADMAN t MCOALL, '!Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHEr,N EXTENSION W. G. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North o,n4 South, asfollo"s: GOLNo SouTH. Gonna NORTH. Mail GA a.m. Mixed 0:45 a.m. -„Express 11:53 a.m. Mail ............12:54 p.m. Armed9:00 p.m. Express 5:48,,,m Ao.c�lt 'etDs ferns, A ohiel's amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Nommen, Bustir•Ess'is picking np, Do von take•Tne Posrr ? Door trot over the bridge. Tars has been a great fall forbicy,•ling. 'KID glove found. Enquire at THE E' aST. SCHOOL Board meeting on Friday even• ung of next week. Tnuotservnve Day turkeys are getting ..3tt good condition. .. HARRY Korot shipped a car of apples to Oshawa on Tuesday. EDWARDS' cider mill runs both day and sight to accommodate' the rush. WsLLraus & Column ship two cars of Winter apples to England this week. THREE or four school reports are orowd• --sad out this week. They will appear in atext issue. TOAVELTING PASSENGER AGENT Donanrrr, -sni the CI. F. R., was calling on the:G. T. :33,. agent at Brussels on Wednesday. A. NEW Ronald steamer is now stored in the engine room at the Town Ball while .he town engine is undergoing repairs at ,Este Ronald Works. pro yop see the ghost ? Its usual acute is said to be from the bridge up the ziver. People who keep late hours should =aim note that "the goblins will get you if you don't watch out." •Canoe COLLIEI, of Listowel, and Lieut. Darken, of Palmerston, are the new Salvation Army officers now in .Marge of Brussels corps. Capt. Stavene and Lieut. Matthew, the ladies who have Green here. were removed to Listowel. The new officers are gentlemen. COMPLAINT bus been made about the - violation of the law as far as bicycling on SBre sidewalks ie concerned. The names of six violators are mentioned and Oon. -Affable Wright is asked to increase the ^camber so that no partiality will be brown. With the streets es dry as they • :have been there is no excuse for getting • on the sidewalks. SYNDICATE Areous.-The Blyth syndi- :ate have received the returns from. their 8fret shipment of 287 barrels of apples to Edinburgh. They cleared 70 •„;ante a barrel. They have forwarded 2 ,rtes to Liverpool ; 8 to Manchester ; 6 to London, England ; and will send 2 from `Lucknow to Glasgow. 14 oars in all have :Ir will be shipped and the profits on the • Winter fruit are expected to ' be better • than that already reported for Fall ap• Plea REOITAL,-T, A. Hawkins' large music Toon was filled twice Mat Tuesday after - 11,00n and evening by his pupils and ff:riends. A program of tome twenty-five cumbers, consisting of organ and piano music, vocal solos, quartettes, choruses, .dxc., made up a pleasing variety. The fallowing are the names of the pupils rasho took part :-Annie and Maggie Mc• Allieter, Mimi Belden, Lida,Crooks, ,K..avina Parr, Nellie Campbel, Tena Walsh, lilies Aiuley, Jemima Humph- reys, Miss Thomson, Kate Black, Lily Fzx xwrw.-The following is the Tress- Mooney, Bessie Moore, Jennie MoArter•, nrer's report of collections corning into Ina Bryans, Mrs. Jackson, Mies Shaw, his bands from the Sabbath sohoole visit. .Lottie Ktanig, Sarah Heist, Maud Hog• ed in this District during the past four .decd, Aggie Herbert, Mr. Cameron, Chas. months, the lietappeariag in the order of Richards, Miles Ritchie, Wm. Ritchie, the visits Ida Zilliax, Rich. Cardiff, P. McMartin, Ethel, Presbyterian 2 8 Mrs. ;lames, Mies Ross, A, Ross, May „ Methodist d2 11 .3)eadman, Wm. Lentherdale, Possis Brussels, Melville 2 08 :Mitchell, Miss Mobauablin, 810.ud Walton, Presbyterian 1 00 �tfuclafr, S. W. Hunter. " Methodist 1 88 PeeemENT LARONT APPaEOLSTED.-Ab Brnesele, Methodist 2 36 -Mae regular meeting of Brussels Epworth Sunshine, Methodist 1 94 League, held on Monday evening, Nov, Grey, Bethel, Methodist 1 29 -2nd, the following resolution with regard 'k Fulton's, (Union) 1 00 t%,8 the removal of President Lamont was Morris, Jackson's, Methodist 66 adopted by a unanimous standing vote of Morrie, Johnston's, Methodist1 15 :bite members of the League :-Resolved, " • Ebenezer, Methodist 97 't`Itai we have heard with very great re. Belgrave, Presbyterian 3 73 gist of the contemplated removal of our Belgrave, Methodist 1 24 afteemed President, Bro. Geo. D. Lam• Oranbraok, Presbyterian 4 41 ...tat, and we hereby ear• 088 our sinners " Methodist , 1 02 xppreeiatiou of bis faif„ful service and Grey, Roe's, Methodist 1 82 the devotion whiob be bee always shown " Sbraohan'e, Presbyterir'fn 1 22 to the interests of our League work. Bluevale, Presbyterian 2 42 Whilst we all feel that his removal will " Methodist 2 05 'Mia a sad loss to ue, we rejoice in hie pro. Henfryn, Methodist 07 .:motion and we beg to assure him of our Grey, Whitfield's, Methodist 1 28 heartiest wishes for his future euccees Smith's, (Union) 1 42 ,aced usefulness. Signed, " Shine's, (Union) 2 50 (REv.) S. J. Aura, Hoe. President, Total $43 41 'Mr. Lamont epoke appropriate worde of 815,00 of this amount was forwarded to thanks for the kind remarks and wished the Provincial Sabbath School Assooia- 4alto'League increased prosperity. Hetion and the balance will bo disbursed mrsuld always remember the young deo• under the direction of the Executive of 'P,e Of Brussels. the Dietriot Aeeooiation. ,Tiro O. 0.F. Lodge here le noir doing its work nutter the new ritual. Awn Bnoa, have put up n shed 19x70 food to be need as it storage for shingles i,u their factory yard. Tout Rellowe'on pranks played in Rms. Ws lest Saturday were few but es foolish tie in years gone by. Ammo= forme between school teach, ern end trusbaee may he obtained at 'anti Posr Publiebing House, A, Retinue of. Brusselitss attended Elam Livingstone's sale of horses, ate., in Wewanosh on Tuesday afternoon. QUITE en amount of 'gravel bas been put on street oroesiogs and filling up holes in the roadway during the pest week, , Dtolf,";one of the ohastottt horses used at the Enterprise Salt Works, turned up his toos last week after, s long and useful (*areer. A, Snow Shoe Club should be organized tike Fall to take the pleas of skating its a paetti}ne seeing there will not be a rink here next Winter, LAST Setorday H. R. Brewer took a. photo. of old Dirs. "Laird, an her, one hhttudredth birthday. Very few iTeople ever have their picture taken at that age, Eznernrc light is a necessity in Bros sats and ovary citizen should make am effort to aid in keeping our town in line with our neighbore in tbia important matter. CONTRACTOR GIIaIIAat, of Loudon, made a gall on the Reeve on Wednesday in re- ferenae to granolithio' sidewalks, Mr, Graham has just completed 1 miles of pavement in Wingbam. NEW FURNITURE BusnNEse,-The rumor hinted at fn the last issue of THE POST relative to the opening up of a new furni• tura store in Brussels will be a reality, John Walker, of this place, has leased the premises recently vacated by D. G. Hogg, opposite the American Hotel, and will place a large, new steely therein. He has also purchased Jas. Walker's hearse and undertaking soppliee andwill oarry it on in connection with his business. HURON AGAIN To THE FRONT. -Welcome news was received here on Wednesday from Langdon, Dakota, viz., that Bar- rister W. B. Dioksov,-formerly of Bras- sele, had been re-elected State Attorney by a majority of 251 and Rebt. Work, also well known here, had been returned as State Auditor with a majority of 286, THE Pon heartily congratulates the two gentlemen on their eleation and ventures to predict that a Judgeship and Senator is in the pathway they're travelling in. We also notice that Mr. Bryan is la- the soup -in Dakota. Does THIS FIT You ?-We notified all subscribers of THE POST who were in ar- rears two years that after November we would plane their accounts in other bands for collection. Oar best thanks are due for hearty responses from a large number, but there are scores yet behind and we ntusT have a settlement. A list of de- linquents is being prepared for our So• lieitor, who will conduct negotiations the e month is past. If you are on thb bepk list take a word of friendly ad- vice and save the necessity of adding costs to the amount. THE Poor can't be .•n without money any more than your business, hence the reason for emphasis on this subject. Ate IatrnxsoxED DOG. -When the Medi- cal Association held its meeting in the Council Chamber, Clinton, on Wednesday, Oot. 21st, Dr. Shaw's dog accompanied him thither. But when the doctor came out the dog did not come, a fact that was not observed at the time. When the doctor missed his favorite he went back bat meld find no trace of it whatever. Mr. Welsh, in the course of his daily duties, continued looking for the animal, but it was not until the following Friday afternoon that be was able to locate it, and then only after considerable difficulty. It would seem that when the dog found itself shot op in the engine room, where it bad evidently wandered while the meeting was in progress, it made its way up the hose tower, and when found by Mr. Welsh was wandering pitifully about the top landing. THE Paisley Advocate says the follow• ing :-We learn from a reliable source that Dr. F. H. Kalbfleisch, late of this place, has bought the property and residence of Dr. Graham, of Brussels, and will shortly commence the practice of Mia profession there. Those who have visited Brnesele say that the residence is a beautiful one, equal to the best city homes in appearance and in fixtures, and that Dr. Graham had a large practice there. Last May Dr. Kalbfleieoh left Paisley for Detroit where he spent several months in the hospitals following up hie specialities, viz., diseases of the eye, ear nose and throat, and of women. He was also, we understand, in Chicago for some time, studying on the same line. The experience thus gained added to the enviable reputation for skilful treatment and attention established in hie large praotioe in Paisley, should place him at once in the front rank in his new home. Apart from professional considerations, Paisley will always fol. low Dr. Kalbfleieoh with interest and well wishes, for during his stay here be proved one of its most progressive and enterprising citizens. A genial hearted fellow and a warm friend, "Doo. K." will soon make many fast friends in Bruseels. Business Loi als, Lone, clear begot) el McOrenkerPs, Sinn D. 0. Ross' new shook of Over.. o0ate, Spine harness. very oheap, and a good stack on hand. I, C. Richards, Fon the oheepesb Overcoats in town go to D. 0. Ross', Benue, blankets, trunks and valises ()beeper than ever. I, 0, Biohards, Fon repairing rubbers,, boots and shoes we take the lead. I.O. Richards, I 110 saw filing very cheap now for spot Dash aa I have a new and a fast way of setting saws, T. McGregor, saw -filer, Brussels, Queen St. Beet, Titan's Glover Boot, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and glearness, to the oomplexian and Duras 0onetipabi0n.' �5 ote, 50 as and 51,00, Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. OOairotasaro dwelling to rent over my store. Good hard water faros pump on the premieee'whioh does away with eat. rying water: up or down. I. 0. Richards, WINDOW SnADEs.-Must be sold, over a thousand window shades, cheaper than was our known before ; cheaper than cotton shades at one cent • ayard.. All shadale,des hung free of (Marge. R. Leather. Salmon's ours is sold, on a guarantee. Ib 0urea incipient gonsumpt)ou. It is the best cough ours. Only one pent a dose. 28 ate., 50 obs, and 81.00. Sold by Jamas Fox, Druggist, Brussels. ti ANYTHING that is kept in a firettolass furniture store in the cities you Dao get Prom me, I will take any amount of goose and duck feathers in exaltange for goods. A11 goods delivered. free. R. Lee,therdale. 0onuo0TADLE brick residence with every oonvenienoe, furnace, &o„ for sale or to. rent. Possession given on December 1st. For further particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels, A PICTURE.l11ouLinNes,-I have the finest line of picture mouldings I have ever had since I have been here ; all the newest patterns and shades. I bought a Large quantity in order to buy them right and I can frame pictures very cheap. R. Leatherdale. SmwING MAooINEe.-I am selling the New Williams' sewing machine and if you have the least idea of buying a ma- chine come and see mine and get my • prices before you buy. I can save you 810 on a machine and 525 on an organ. 17. Leatherclele. y, 0 ,,.1Na,-If yet are thinking- of buying. an orge„ pad and sue R. Leatberdale'e four different makes always on band. You arm get a six octave piano ease organ cheaper than you can get the old style five octave from agents. Go where you have a stook to choose from. WHEN YOU GET TInED-06 dosing yourself with cheap, purgative pills that ouly,aotonthe bowels,; be advised, and remove the huge of all your suffering by using a common-sense 'treatment, that alts directly on the liver, kidneys and stomach. Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills do the work. The cost ie 60 cents for a complete treatment. Ask Jas. Fox, druggist, Brnesele, about them. Sample box sent on receipt of six Dents in stamps. The LeRoy Pill Co., Tu• route. Try Don't Headache Powders. Safe, successful, sore. 25 cents a box. LoxoatiRE-PETE&-In Elnan, on Oat. 28th, 1896, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. Jno. Bath Mr. John H. Longmire to Miss Mary Jane, eldest daughter of Mr. Samuel Peter, both of Blum. JOHNSTON-SWAN.-At the Methodist a parsonage, Palmerston, by Rev. T. Albert Moore, on Oat. 21st, 1896, Mr. Geo. Johnston, to Mrs. Sarah Swan, both of Listowel. IIAvon-HAsruo.--At the Nome of the bride's parents, I3elgrsve, on Oct. 27th, by Rev. Higley, Mise Carrie Haslam to Mr. James Haugh, of Wingbam: Mmaxn-MOALenv. At the residence of , Mr. Thos. Stewart, 1101 Holland Avenue, Saginaw city, Michigan, on Oct. 21st, by Rev. J. R. Towel!, of Warren Avenue Presbyterian church, Mr. John Michie, of Saginaw City, and formerly of Morris Township, Huron Co., Ont., to Miss Mary Ma - Alpin, also of Saginaw City and formerly of Simooe, Norfolk Oo., Out. DowNEY.-At her late residence, Water• down, on the 24th, ult., Ann Hark. ins, reliat of the late Edward Downey, and mother of Mies Down. e y, teacher, Brussels, aged 67 years. A -v0¢'202.7* sA x Es. SATURDAY, Nov 14. -Horses, cows, wagons, implements, household furni- ture, &e., at Brussels. Sale nnrevrved, at 1:80 dalook, sharp. Geo. 1Heapy, Prop., F. S. Soott, Auo. TuEenax, Nov. 17. -Farm stook, implements, &o. Lot 113, con. 8, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 p. m. Bobt. Ma- Kay, Prop. F. S. Scott Auo. axzvsstats.s xvLAase=1 '1,6, Fall Wheat Barley. Peas Peas (large) Gate Butter, tubs and rolls ... Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel Potatoes (per bag) Hay per ton..........: Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Apples per bbl Hoge, Live Wool 74 20 40 45 19 11 12 4 00 26 76 25 42 55 20 12 4 50 8 00 471 4. 1 00 00 50 15 40 50 8 5500 8 60 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. AMAGIO LANTERN FOR - sale, with 200 views, A. bargain, Ap- ply to 0, STUBBS, Ethel P. 0, BRIVATF FUNDS TO LOAN.- First Mortgage, farm security. Apply at TH1I POST Publishing Rouse, Brussels. •T__ OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. .L•1. The undersigned often his comfort- able cottage and 71 acre of land ou Turnberry Street Brussele for sale. On the prcmisee is a liner{ well, stable, fruit trees,&o. L'orprioo and terms t p 1V� to 1•tt �tL X.MaLAU01iLIN,Proprtetor. flat* ..einefieltelnerilanitreilleetlillenithafil 7ST4X.D4RD ,14'X,&.' p„ T C. ,N'4Di%, 'Z',s xBx,xl 4;7 0,P7;n. HEAD OFFICE, •' TORONTO ASSBTki, (Seven Minion Dollars) • 57,000,000 OAPITAIs (Alltilorizep) • , 52,090,000 .fpenefesinall prffteipalvicar itt.Ontario , Qteebco,Afanito5e United, $rates ,t;at,7laftd, Vormemso saw. A general ,Booking Bueinces Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collections made on WI points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposit() of 91.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. Snout, A7100e0ION 111V101 TO THE (lorraoeooN ov FAnaosns' Sato NOTTS. Every faoflity afforded Customers living at distance. J. A, STEWART 311AltAGult. riIHREE LEICESTER RAMS J. one Shearting�La�nd 8 Lambe, for sale. Apply to AS, 8710110, Lob 80, Con, 6, Morris. ONE. SHEARLING RAM, A rof Bain Lambs, n m ms, s pure bred sale. Apply o so ON youngJJlwos, t8, Con, , Grey, Aau sell ONO. SMITH, Lot g, Con. 0, Grey, Brussels P, 0. � 19.66 .. ORSB FOR SALE. -WELL brained, geedelze, extra gentle, Sold. with or without harness and top buggy, sleigh and robes, All in prime order. Lees than half price. WO. D. RONALD, 'PRAYED. ON THE PREM- Grey, about July last 1t own art dd1 It lamb, The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses audtake them away. 17-4 1710, BItIT, tfonorteff P. 0, Q TRAYED ON THE PREM - mos of the undersigned, Lot 10, Con:' 4 Morrie,ou or about the lath of October, 1 red holier two years old. The owner is request- ed to prove property, pay expenses and take her away. ROBT. SiiNDDAN. 17.1 Brussels P. 0. ryty REWARD. - THIS RE- kp t1 WARD will be paid for the recovery of a pair of horse blankets and a tanned sheep skin taken from my driving shed Sat- urday night; Oat. 81st; and such information as will lead to the aonviotion of the offend- ers. ALEX, ROSS, 17.9 Lot 11, Con, 2, Grey. iTIEACRER WANTED. -WANT - 11 nn for S. S. No. 8, Grey, a male teacher, holding Second plass certificate. Duties to aommeno0 January 10,1897. Sealed applica- tions with testimonials and salary expected, will be 'received by the undersigned up to Friday, November 13th, 1806, D. MoTAGGART, Sea-Treas.. 14.4 Oranbreok 1'. 0. •-ERSEY GRADE HEIFER CALvns.-Untilfurthernotice the cost of service of my Jersey Bull, if paid at the time of service, will be 81.50 Por grade cows with the privilege of returning same •cue, or another, every year until you have a heifer calf. This means no charge for bull. calves. You aan depend on us always keeping a first- class bull from good milking strains, G.A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Brussels, AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOOK IMPLEMENTS, &c. 7,S, Scott, Auctioneer, has been instruct. tion at Lob 11ld, Oonn8,lGreyelon TUESDAY, NOV. 17th, 1890,at 1 o'oloc'k the following valuable property, viz.: -1 Clydesdale mare, registered vedtgree, 7 years old • 1 mere 10 years old, supposed in Soal • 1 driving mare 4 years old, sired by Ten Brook; 1 yearling colt by Surrab ; Thorn' bred Short Horns -2 sows in calf to thorn' bred bull ; 1 cow with oaif at foot ; 1 yearling bull, registered . 1 2 ball calf, Grade Cattle -2 cows supposed in sail ; 1. bolter 2 years old ; 4 Steers years old; 2 yearling steers; 1 yearling heifer; calves ; 8 owes ; 1 steers; 1 double buggy ; 1 road cart; 1 cutter • 1 set harrow. Salo unreserved as proprietor has sold bis form. Torme-Alt suns of 96,00 and under cash ; over that amount 12 months credit will bo given on furnishing approved joint notes. 0 per cent. oft for cash on cred- it amounts. 1f. S. SCOTT, Auctt oneer.; JtOBT. MORAY, Proprietor. AU CT1ON SALE -0E- VALUABLE mu PROPERTY In the 'Pownshiilof Grey, Co. of Rulon. Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage made by John Reynard to the Vendors now in default and to be produced at the time of Rale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the ROYAL HOTEL in the VILLAGE' OP IOTHEL, on Wednesday, the iStif Day of November, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon,. All that pertain parcel or tract oflandssitu- ate iu then Township of Grey, composed of Lot number 21 in the etb Concession, con. twiningono hundred acres more or less. The Property is situate about two miles from. cbe V ille.ge Of Ethel and eight valise from Brus- sels, Erected on the property is a frame house in good state of repair arida bank barn about fiftya ao oa oder cul feet There The soil 38 a Olay loam. There is also an orchardof about an aero in extent. The property is watered by a spring creek. TLe property will be offered for sale subject to a roeotve bid. Terme s-10 per cent, of purchase mon- ey will require to be paid at the time of sale and balance ueeording to favorable terms and conditions to be then made known. For further particulars apply to E, Nf, 0HADw701{, 68 Wellington st., Tast, Toronto, Dated at Toronto 20111 Octobr, Vendors.80 REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE: '1'HE UN. DEns1ONE0 has several good Farms for sato and to rent, easy terms, in Townahip s of Morris and Grey, F S. SOOTT,Brusseis FARMS FOR BALE. 200 acres -Consisting of Lots 18 011'6110 7th and Stip 0oncoseioue, Townellip of Grey. be- ing 1 mile from the Village o1 -Ether and Ot miles from Brussels, 40; acres of Fall wheat sown and about 80 acres under gratis ; 00 acres cleared on each. Perms of payment east', A, MCEELVEY, Al.D„ 99- Brusseltlt FARM ll'OR SALE, -150 A.ORBS consisting of the South d and South 3 of the North d of Lob 86, Oon 2, East Wawa - nosh. 'Tie Is anexcellent atdok farm, being well mi,plied with good spring water, It fe situated about 3 miles from the thriving vii. lags cf Blyth, A large part of it natter grass, Buildings and feacoe aro In a fair stats of repair. Easy terms of payment will be given. For al1 information apply to 11 -ti G, F,BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels, C PLENDID FARM FOR SALE.. KJ Township oY cloy 100: sores,amust be Co,.st o once in order to close estate of dimmed own- er, The lot le nearly all cleared; with geed buildings, .ample water su ply large ar. .abard, 13 in Hee .from Ctanbroolr is under good cultivation and is a very desirable pro. party indeed. Apply to RTO0AItD -1111. OHI,'LL, lip tassels P, O, • JOHN t9IT01JELL, on the premises • or A. BUNTER, Brussels, Dated Sept, letb,1805, (ZOO') FARM FOR SALE NEAR B ruosole,, Groat bargain. Lot 7, Con; 0, Grey township; Good buildings and or - ober], Well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy reaming, Apply to WM. EILLOUGB en the premises or to ell0MA$ 1IERI'1A21E, London West • MANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. 150 scree of good farm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, le offer - North sale ab ,3 Soo, 0 tliwp. 11 Raproperty ,)hst Thet'e is a house on the promises and some breaking dyne, Yor full particulars as to price, title, dto., write or apply to 20.44 G, F, BLAIR or W,11. EMIR, - llrussole, Ont, GOOD FARM FOR SALE IMT the Township of Grey In order to ()lose an estate the West half of Lob 24, Oen. 7, Township Of Grey, GO acres, is offered ler immediate sale, On the promises are a good frame dwelling with klboheu, &o„ also two frame barns, gem/ slater orchard, &a., and 1s. 0l0se to the Village of 1i)thel,.. Softie of the. beet and farm is well fonoed.- Apply ' bo ALEX, Moi4ELV107, M,D., Brussels WM. Brussels, Mo7ELV107, Jamestown; or. A. HUNTER, FARIM FOR SALE. -THE UN nAawONEDoffer theirsplendid100 330x0 farm, Lot 22,pou,12, Grey, for sale. There are 85 acres cleared, halation good hardwood bush. On the premised is a comfortable frame house frame barn and outbuildings; grass. Fod arm Farm'du eexaellot,t sta40 te of =hive- Mon,l 1 miles trona . Oraubrook village and. 01 from ,mussels. Possoseion could be given this Fal. For further partioulare as to prion, tetras, 80., apply 011 rbcpremises or write.1to • (WU. ()Ann 88mt1EL OAIU40OHAN, VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligible: 200 aero farm, composed of lots 10'. and 17 in the 10th con.; Grey township, Huron Co., and 60 acres, partof lots 10 and 17, 11th con.. belonging to the Robert Brown estate, is offered for sale to wind up estate. On the first farm is a good stone house and largebankbarn, necessary outbuildings, or- chard, &e. Fere well watered, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. 'About 50 aoros of bush,. 42 of which is hardwood. On the GO acrefarm there is a house and baro, arobard, and about 8 acres of bush. Farms sold jointly or separately to snit purchaser. Possession given in the Fall. Farm are on- ly a mile from the village of Oranbroolr, where aro school, churches, post -office. stores, &o., and 81 miles to the thriving mar- aca s otto tows prioe,.Brtorms, ussels. Por furthert0 particulars apply AGNES MB110WN,1 JAES BROWN, t Exeautore, JOHN BROWN, 1 Oranbrook P.O. BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE Lot 17, undersigned a the or bred Chester White boar, Usual terms. 14.4 L. MOBIL, Proprietor. BOARS FOR SERVICE, -THE undersigned will keep for service at Lot 34.Oen. 8, Dorris, a tboro' bred. Berk- shire boar with registered pedigree, import- ed stockou both sides, bred by Geo. Green, of Fairview, .also an improved Yorkshire with pedigree. T01109 $1.00, to bo paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. 185. A. M0011E, 11.4. Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERV10E.-THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 28 Con, 0, Morrie, the thorn' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from .7. L. Brothour'ssweepstakessow at Chicago Pair. Terms, 01.00 to bo, aid at the time of service with privilege of re turning if necessary- Pedigree may be seen on application, ROW. NICHOL, BOAR FOR SERVIOE.-THE anderelgned will' keep for service on Lot 90, Con. 0, Morris, the there'.brstl Large English Berkshire Boar, Captain John," His mother is a frill sister to the 1st prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on applicattou. Terms -51.00 to be paid at time of ecrvioe with privilege Ot 'returning if necessary. • 14-6m JAS. SPE111, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.-THE Lot 27, Oon. 4, Morris,113 a thorn' bred Tam worth boar, "King George,.'purchased from H, George&Sone who gotfirstpries for their herd at Guelph Pat ;Stock Show, . The dam of "King George'. won first prize et the Show, London Evg1and, His- siroi was im- ported t time of servicee with vilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree any be seen on application, 40b! RIOBABD ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, kat Order of United Workman, This old and prosperous Fraternal Assoai- atfonnurnbering 060,000 mom bars are pro- eeutlug to the public their popular and aeon. conical rates to worthy men, at the very low rate of about $8.00 per 01,000 per annum. The "Workmen" i'routpbly 1T0y Beath 101101Ths and expect n lame Inman to its members le dou'teooui rsatiefaotoiy to' Owns- adieus, 14011T, ARMSTRONG, M.W. ; W. H. -Kilian, Recorder; J, A. 013E1G1T011,.lrinunctor, DENTAL. Taft. DAVIDSON,_. L/ Honer Graduate Toronto University, Li0entiute Royal college Dental' Surgeons, Grown.aud Br(dge worlt a spsoialby. Moder- ate F000, Satisfaction Assured. Offoo over Barrott's bather shop, Turnberry St„ Brus- eels. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, t! • Honor Graduate of •the . Ontario Veterinary College, ie prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated animals iv a cord- patuut manner..Parttoalar. attention paid tovntorint don berry. Oalle promptly at. tended to, of loo and Infirmary -pour doors north of brld Nov, 0, 189 What ? Why that dray load. of Tow Wall Paper that was re - sabred at t�I , si:'' ,L'v "'1A' a few days ago ? Yoe, and it will be hung if Neatness of Design and Cheapness in Polos has anything to do with it. We haven't a single roll of old Wall Paper in store. Bvery sample is glean and bright, direst from the factory last week, . • 0'Iu. ffho'U.h L Our 5o. Papers with Border and'Ceiling to matoh, and then of course we have a very' fine range of Glimmers and Gilts at from 7o. to 110., but we not only have our papers marked at exceeding close prices, but we also save you the trouble of brim. ming it. We do that for you with our new Trlmming Machine, without extra charge. Tow there's a pointer worth re. membering, • Every Roll of Wall Paper Purchased from us will be 'Trimmed Free of Charge. We will consider it a favor to show you our stook whether you wish to purchase or not at Fog's Bruf Store. LEGAL AND. CONVEYANCING. 1-4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, ' tiO• Solicitor and Conveyancer: Oolleo- soh,. ads, Office-Vanstono's B1o.ak, Brae. eels. 21 -Sm �•••••�����•••••N���� M. SINCLAIR, • Solioiter,Conveyanoer, Notar yPub- no, &a. antOillral Hotel, Pre's Bvate P 1 door north of central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Solt & Cameron ;1 Barrister and Solicitor, Goderloh, Ont. Wilco -Hamilton Si.,'Opposite _Ool- borne 'Hotel. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, ,its. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's (Mice, Goderlch.) Oillco over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels, Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, °don etasonable tonne80 Farms and farm. stook a specialty. Orders left at THE Posy Publishingliouse,Brusssls, or seutto Walton P.O., will receive Prompt attention, .( S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- to better men', will assllfor time and lostter s charges than any, other Auctioneer in EaetHuron or he won't phage anything. Dates and orders can always bo arranged at this oO1oe or by personal application. rtAPT. J. STRETT,ON, Auctioneer, butwbo hadl to experienceuito i11 stealth, has again taken.' out Rowse and -ts prepared to conduct sales at reasonable terms.` Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may be arranged at Tea Posy Publishing House. 19-tY JAS. STR10TT0N, Auctioneer. MEDICAL CARDS. J A. MoNAUGHTO . , l''1. D. -rte • O. M„ L, It, 0.P„ 7tdinborgb, 117 0, P. 8, Ont. Residence and otaoe in Wllson'e Bleak, corner of Mill and Turnborry Ste, T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Ph Malan, Surgeon, Aesonoker, eta. Graduate of Toronto University Modioal Faculty, Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons,Oct, °Prism -Next door' to. McDonald & Co., Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. lAT V V • H. MoORAOKEN, Inaurer of MarriageLioenses. Oflioe at hie tlr000ry,•1'urnborry street, reasons. RN. BARRETT, . Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Neat door south of A. M. McKay 8t Gera hardware store. Ladies'and ahildrens hair cutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from $1,00 to $1,000 -aid allows 9,y per cent. 1 Dterest. T, `FAB1toW, 87.3m • Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNiNGHAM- nestanANaE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PL.ETCHER Issue! of Marl'iage Licenses, Osr10B AT JEWELRY STORE. IN'No Witness Required, T. FLETOHER, Brussels. ALEX. HUNTER, Clark of the Fourth Division Cour co,: Huron. Conveyancer,' Notary Public Land, Loan and Inournnee Agent Funds invested and to loan. Oollaattone made °Iiloe to Graham's Black, Blussela TIROS, A. HAWRINS, .9- Will i e le 8 Y ss hie u pianos , op or to plane or orgpan, ab pis Musics Room, opposite alto the o. Tea ears 5ls, Voonl lessons also pen. Tea years experience in. teaching., ge purnbarry et„ Bruesale, Terme mod°tate, fc A et si ti a el c1 it as el pi w NN t1 W b; 11 fc cc a 13 tc of sr 53 n 01 al til