HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-6, Page 6,E USSBLS iQSTNo. O, 1..899 .. �................-.�„� mR a,mm•,sinesur'aph„,nts..^ro..rr.:.m...�rmn,>rmmmn.,wig.,p*w.amw..a�+ * r• v. .:manmm,., ..v m, ..,a...m..F...,. M 1 �. jl ry --•T1s SRRA002P O' —EVERY FRIDAY MORNING (ire time for the early mails) at ,,, "The )?pet, Stearn )Pul)tishhlg 1101150e Tanzanglan'x Sr., I3rsu00Lbs , ONT. Tondos 0r' Bun0011rPT108 , Ono dollar a year, in advance. Tho;date to whish every on eoripttion is paid is denoted by the date ADan'a'A'1e1Nii mires.—Tho following rates Will be chargedto these who advertise by the year :•- VACS 1 1 Yl,, 1 0 neo, I a mo One COiumn $00.00 e80.00 $80,00 ylalf 80,00 20.00 12.00 Quarter " 20,00 12.00 8.00 Faighth .0 12,00 8.00 0.00 'mot cents per line for first insertion, and throe touts per lino for each whodunit in. aertiOn. Ail advertisements measured 88 Nonpareil-121tuos to the inch, Business Cards, eight lines and under, 88 per annum, Advertisements without specific direo- tions, will be inserted until forbid, 'aid charged accordingly. fnsttuctionsto ohmage or dis00110inne an advertleemeut must be left at the oouuting room of Tin Poso not later than Tuesday of eaoh weak This is imperative. W. 3E -i. 13 E1 1L, Editor and Proprietor. 13Astfr. Our undertaker, J. II. Chellew, is suffering with typhoid fever at present. Mrs. A. W. Carter and Mrs. Miles 'Young have returned from their trip to Manitoba. Some of Elam Liviugeton's men were bunting empty houses to occupy when they come to town to work. Our townsman, R. Howard, has once more embarked into the butchering busi- ness in the Howard brick block. We are pleased to learn that Walter Scott, who has been seriously ill for some time past, is improving a little. Some of the new machinery to be plat. ed in E. Livingstone's factory has at: - rived and been placed on the grounds. JE..lstow el. Jas. Mannon, of the Tremont Rouse, Toronto,' was in town. Rev. Dr. Williams was in London at- tending the meeting of the Missionary Committee of the London Conference. Miss Maggie Huggins, of Monkton, a former pupil of theListowel High School, has been rs.engaged by the trustees of S. S. No. 0, Elma, as their teaoher for 1897, at an i0eea00d salary. Edgar Hayden has purchased the lot on the corner of Main and McDowell streets, on which the Wiles Fanning mill factory once stood, and is making pre. parattonsfor erecting a house thereon, which he purposes proceeding with at once. About 11:30 Monday night the barn of Wm, Ballard was destroyed by fire, to- gether with contents, consisting of a cow, hay, straw, grain, feed, a buggy and several other articles. Insured in the Waterloo Mutual for $160, which will about half cover the loss. Origin of the fire unknown. Prior to his departure from Listowel for Ingersoll, N. Tilt was waited upon by the members of Listowel Lodge, No. 160, I. 0:0. F., and presented with a well- filled purse, accompanied by a highly complimentary address. Mr. Tilt re- plied in suitable terms, expressing his ap- preciation of tke gift and the sorrow be felt at sundering the ties which had so long bound them together. The remains of Jas. Norton, who died at the residence of his daughter in Pais- ley, were brought here and interred in the new cemetery, the funeral taking place from the station. The deceased was an Englishman by birth, end resided in Listowel for a good number of years. About a year ago he went to reside with his married daughter in Paisley, and had. been in failing health for some time. Atwood. The grant to the .Gema Agricultural Society this year is $109. A field parrot weighing eight pounds was dug up on S. Vipond's farm, 10th con. Geo. Chapman has men engaged build. ing a briok house on the site of the frame one burned some time ago.. Ben. Brunt dug up the other day a potato weighing 2l, lbs., and five others averaging 2 lbs. 10 ounces each. Miss Zinkao, of Southampton, will as- sist Rev. Mr. Ball in special evangelistic meetings at Donegal. They expect to commence in about a week. The School Board have engaged the services of Mrs. D. M. Lineham (nes Mies Mamie Harvey) to leach the junior department of the Publio school for 1807, at e. salary of $221. John Bennis disposed of bis farm, comprising about 31 aoree, to Henry Sanders, for $1,600. The property is situated Southwest of the corporation and 10 a desirable property. Mrs. Johnson, of Toronto, formerly in business in Atwood, will remove back to Atwood in the near future, having tired of city life, where she bas been engaged in the bakery and grocery business since leaving here. Jas. Porterfield, 0th con., assisted by Jas. Smart and two boys, dug up with the plow 44 rows of potatoes, each row measuring 80 rods long, in one day last week. They also hauled the potatoes some distance and pitted them. While the Salvation Army Band was here and were on their way to tea, some nnprincipled wretch threw a stone, Wilt. ing Capt. Graham, of Chatham, behind the head with such violence that he fell to the ground like as killed. Ile encceed• ed in rising to his feet in a few momenta, but a lump the eine of a hen's egg told how severe he was hurt, and all evening he experienced a dizziness in the head. Mr. Gamble, teacher for U. S. S. No. 4, Eima and Grey, for 1807, has been re- engaged tot salary of $300. Mr. Gar- butt resigned to attend the Normal, but was disappointed to learn that both the Ottawa and Toronto Normal eobools are full, and in consequence his applicatiou for admittance had to bo declined. He will teach next year. Thos. Nancekivell, Dorehatn, grew a 27 lb. turnip. A (lough which persists day after day, should not be negleoted any longer. It means something mere that a mere local irritation, and the sooner it is relieved the better. Take Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. /t is prompt to act and sate to once. DESERTEDHl.�. HIM AT r ALTAR. *11 Mrs, Edwin Sleeman, who lute been a bride beta few weeks, lies at tbe reel, donee of her Rather, Thos,lieynolds, No 810 Queen Street west, Toronto, suffering ' From shook and nervous prostration,b310 result of an experience that fe.w young girls have been called upon to endure. Mr. Reynolde and family' foemorly r0. aided in Guelph and iu this way their young daughter, Minnie, 8 highly'oultur.. ed and beautiful girl, bonnie acquainted with Edwin Sleeman, eon of George Slee man, the well known proprietor of the Silver Creek Brewery. Young Sleeman, who acts as bookkeeper for the firm and i0 also Secretary of the eleotrie ebresb. `railway oompeny, of. Guelph, courted Minnie when the family resided in the Royal City, and when they removed to Toronto be regularly visited her and wrote to her. She had visited the family several times and was 00 beloved by Ed. win's parents that they were anxiotSOthat their eon should marry her, A few weeks ago she ,went bo Guelph on a visit and one afternoon, she states, she and young Sleeman slipped quietly away to the residence of Rey. liar, Belt, bhe Ohuroh of England clergyman, and were married, returning at onoe to his father's house. An hour later, in an out- burst of ooafideuoe, Edt'in's sister, so Minnie states, told the young bride a story ot alleged wrong -doing that shriven. ed up her love, destroyed her newly found happiue0s and drove her in despair from the man to whom she had so shortly be- fore plighted her faith at the altar. The same afternoon she returned to Toronto, oonfebsed her marriage and her reasons for having deserted her husband of an hour, and sinoe then has bean in a eondition of nervous collapse from which her parents have as yet found it impos- sible to arouse her. The story which Mrs. Sleeman says she heard was that a young girl named Emma Quinn, daughter of a respectable citizen of Guelph, aooused Sleeman of having betrayed her. The Quinn girl is DOW in a Montreal hospital and herfath• er has taken proceedings to enter an ac- tion for $6,000 damages against Sleeman. The latter will defend the snit and claims that there is no truth whatever in the Quinn girl'e allegations. Upon inquiry it is learned that on Oat. 8th, a writ was issued by Emma Qninn. against Edwin A. Sleeman for $2,000 damages for breath of promise, mod on the same day a writ was issued by the father of the girl, Jas. Quinn, against Edwin A. Sleeman, for $8,000 as damages for the seduction of his daughter. G. W. Field, barrister, is acting for Mies Quinn and her father, while W. H. Outten, bar- rister, is acting for Edwin A. Sleeman. "That little piece of paper and the few words I spoke in the presence of the min- ister are all that bind me to Edwin Sloe. man," said Mrs. Sleeman nee Miss Min. Die Reynolds, to a reporter when he call- ed upon her at her father's resideboe. Thelittle pieceof paper was a marriage certificate whiob showed that Rev. Mr. Belt, rector of St. James' church, Guelph, had on September 2nd laet, married Ed• win A. Sleeman and Minnie Reynolds ; the witnesses to the ceremony being Mrs. Belt, wife of the clergyman, and Andrew Me0rae. Mrs. Sleeman, who fled from her hus- band while their unconsummated mar- riage vows still lingered on their lips, has a most charming presence, a rarely beau- tiful fade, with light brown eyes, a wealth of dark, wavy hair, a graceful figure and a moat rigid and uncompromising opinion as to her moral duty towards herself and her parents in the painful and singrilar experience which she so recently endured. Tho parents of both the young coaple naturally feel keenly the trouble that has arisen, and are anxious that the matter shall not reach tbe courts. It is under- stood that the young bridegroom has agreed to meet Mise Reynolds' solioitor in Toronto for the purpose of arranging the trouble without it being found neces- sary to have recourse to the court in a suit for alimony. HealtIny Digestion. A BOON AND Al BLESSING TO MAN- KIND. The Lire of a Dyspeptic one of Constant. Misery—One 1Pito II80 Suffered From Its Pangs Points IDs Road le Renewed Ucellh. From the CornwalLFreeholder. The life of a dyspeptic is proverbially a miserable one, (dieting universal com- miseration. Not so much because of the actual painfulness of the ailment, but largely because it projects it- pessimistic shadows npon all the concerns of life, and here they sit like a deadly incubus npon every interest. An impaired di- gestion gives rise to an irritability that exposes the person to much annoyance, besides being extremely trying upon' others. We are all aware of the value of cheerialnese in life. It is a flower of the rarest worth and strongest attractions. It 18 a tonic to the sick and a disinfsot- ant to the healthy, Those things wbieh .destroy a man's habitual oheerfullnees, lesson his ueefullneee, and ought there- fore to be resisted by some drastic and efficient remedy. The duties that de- volve upon the average man and woman are invested in so much difficulty ae to put a premium on hopefulness. The re- lation between the prevailing moods of the mind and the health of the digestive apparatus is close and vital. Hence it is not surprising that many would'be benefactore have oaughb the patronage of sufferers from indigestion. Judging by results Dr. William's Pink Pills is a remedy unique in its 0necees, therefore it is confidently recommended as a 0afe and adlgtlate Dura for acute dyspepsia, This olaim is substantiated by expori. ence as the following facto will show. Mrs. D. MoCtimmon of Williamstown, Glengarry Co., suffered untold misery from a severe attaok of dyspepsia, which manifested itself in those many unpleas. ant ways for which dyspepsia . is notoe. ions. Every attempt to take food [was a mennaoe to every feeling of comfort, until the stomach was relieved of its burden by vomiting. When not suffer. ing from the presence of food in the stomach, there were other symptoms more or less disagreeable consequent to the functional dioturbanoe of the atomaoh snob ae impaired taste and appetite, un.. wonted langour, increasing apathy and failing. ambition, Such an aggregation of the symptoms produced 8 trying state of afdairs, and relief was eagerly 00001, Otte of the boot pbysiojane of the neighborboad was ooneuitod, 100 presoribed, Idle medielno wee taken and hie direoli0ne followed, but unfa0' tunetely three menthe of the treatment brought no substantial relief, When Airs MoOrimmon expressed her intoe• Ville 1 Pit Williams' Pink Dr, Wi ofD. Alan o trying I e ho lit andheld 1 t u the doctor laughed 3 ,t g in derision, Uawever Mrs. AfoCrimnlou decided she could not afford to leave un. tried ouch a well reeommenc)ed remedy fie Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. }Tendo she took a course of this medicine, whiob after a fair trial, was eminently 0uaeese. ful. Prom being only able to take stole bread and milk or soda bisonits, she be. came able to oat a hearty meal of any variety, without the painful offeote w11ioI1' formerly asserted themselves after eaab meal It only remains to be said that Afro. M0Orimmon improved in flesh and general comfort from the first taking of the pills, and almost anything going she could eat with impunity,' Dyepopeia became a thing Mee dreaded, and . largely belonging to the past. It is little, wonder therefore that she urges the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills upon others similar. ly afflicted. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills (treats new blood, build up the nerves, apd :one drive disease from the system. In hundreds of oases they have oared after all other medicines bad tallied, thus, establishing the claim that they are a marvel among the triumphs of modern medical eeieioe, The genuine Pink Pills are gold only in boxes, bearing the full trade roar#; "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Proteob your- self from imposition by refueiog any pill that does not bear the registered trade mark around the box. Bobby's Composition Int a Cat. The oat is a small animal with four legs and a long tail The oat is oovered with cat fur. In the night eats roost on the back fence. They roost lengthways .on it, instead of crossways like a bird or hen. Oat's eyes shine in the dark. Once I was up in our garret, and saw a cat's eyes shining, I oame down and went to talk. ing to ma about things. She said she thought I went up into the garret to stay awhile. I said, no, I stayed as long as I intended to. The cat has a Ann Tipathy for rats. Oats eat rats. ,Tastes differ. The Chinese make porcelain cats with yellow glass and put a Dandle inside. When the rate see it they go on the dead run. Of course there is no danger. I forgot what I went up into the garret for that time. The middle of oat's eyes gets big in the dark and small iu the light. Girls like oats. A oat goes up a tree front- wards and comee down baokwarde. They go up because they see a dog and,00me down when the dog isn't looking. Tho more dogs a oat sees the bigger her tail gets. The oats in the isle of Man don't base any tails, so they are not afraid of dogs. Once we had a cat whose eyes got so big in the dark that you would have been afraid if you hadn't known what it was. This was the same eat I saw in the garret. But I knew what it was .right away as soon as I got down ! That's all anybody knows about rats. 0. E. Graham, of Norwich, has an order for 16,000 cases of Winter apples to go to Germany. An unknown woman threatened to thrash the Mayor of Galt because he re- fused her a railway pass. Citizens of Ridgetown have subscribed $1,600 as a bonus for J. & C. Cawthrope, of Thamesford, to re -build the flour mill recently burned at Ridgetown. A well known East Oxford farmer is being sued for divorce by his wife, who has gone to reside at Fargo, South Da- kota. Neglect and abuse are the grounds on whioll the divorce ie asked. The only permanent Dura for chronic catarrh is to thoroughly expel the poison from the system by the faithful and per- sistent use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This wonderful remedy proves successful when all other treatment has failed to relieve the sufferer. McLEO'D'S system Peer ovator —AND 022611— TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, (Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neur. algia, Loss of Memory, Bronohitie, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities and General De- bility.. LABORATORY, GODERICH, ONT. J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufaoturer. • Sold by dos. Fox, Druggist, 0rusSel8. A. COLEY, Real Estate & Loam Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate • of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Speeialty. Fire d Life insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. A. COUSLEY, Office over /Madmen & McCall's Store, BRUSSELS. Wanted—An idea nr su:'no"an� �l Protceb your Idone, they may tri gl yoy Nou101g 0 Write 348118 wl0PP1l1t11V1118 SsQ9g. Patpent Attn.RAdsllawo orpiwo iiiwil,1ri0Y0g110ud 1188 1'0'1° alter8, SPECIFIC FOR SCROFULA. "Since obildbood, I have been afflicted with scrofulous boils and sores, wbicli caused lee ,terrible suffering, i.Dliysicians were unable to help me,, and I only grew worse under their care. At length, 1 began to take AYER'S Sarsaparilla, a n d very soon grew bet- ter, After .using ilalf a dozen bottles T was completely cured, so that I iavo not bad a boil or pimple on any part of my body for the 'last twelve years. I can cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa- parilla as the very best blood -purifier in existence." — G. T. P110NIIART, Myersville, Texas. THE ONLY WORLD'S FAIR Sarsaparilla Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds 26 ate., 00 Cts. and $1,00 Bottle. One cent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It aures Incipient Consumption- and in the best Cough and Croup Cure. Sohl by JAS. EON, Drusaisl:, Druesele. Covers the Whole deed. THE LONDONf ONT., lam' 6 Lona= Advertiser 2 P. M. EDITION. LARGEST noon circulation in West- ern Ontario of any paper wast of Toronto. Middlesex County and the territory west of Toronto thoroughly covered. 4 P. M. EDITION. The People's Popular Evening Paper. Circulates iu city and suburbs by carrier boys and agents. All advertisements in- serted in both editions. Western Advertiser Largest weekly circulation in Western Canada. As an advertisingmedium in the west it is without a riva. • Wanted—An Yyi�mdrea e00D pt Protect JOHN Wr1DIi11RH018N y& O• -Patent Aiior. nays Washingto0, D. C., for their 31,800 prize o=or cud list of two hundred inventions wanted. LAD L il_ IDI THE LUXURY OF SECC f 'Y .tr Ie SOUND IN Jr. LeRoy's Female Frills. T1 only rrllalln ad trnelmnrrhy ora. pnnUn gnewe. . fukt, 0,8,81 cud Moet aectivo rnu,rdrn ny eaiecevvred for till irrog• elorlu,nnf llmtrmnlalyetuO. nroledclreninr arca Prim El Per l.n% n[,lr8I3 aixla. 0114 Mail securely seated en roceIpt prance. LeRoy Pi11 Co. 01000190. St.. Toronto, Can. Sold In 'Brussels by .1AS. Fes. DR. cs THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL CHASE'S THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS pr ,s T. Dswvoa, Mananer Standard Bank, Brad. ford, Qat., Roy„ CI nae, K J oy Livrr fills are a grand medicinefor the KiJncyn and Livor. W. P. Coaster , «5 1treatd Sl., Toronto, re. lisenting liontre I Star any,, Cheae'E Pills act ke magic' for the rt lief of herid•nrhe, bilious attack And constipation. Srla evrrywherc,orby mail on 1100,541 or Prlcei to EOM10AN800, edTtt e,4 CO. 46 LOM0000 90. 00110040, 0111. • EC.140: 'T r• ��i�he� SVop The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in, the MILE BLOCS!, BRVSSBLSL where:he will keep constant ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold 'at reasonable prices. .A. share of public patronage solicited. p Meat deliveredrol to all parts of the town. AINTINGI 11 Igi cd d 's' 1 a ' le un er are prepared to sliced to all branabeo oe Patetiog, including House, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Work. Paper Ranging, Raisomining and Decorating neatly and prompt- ly looked after at mod- erate Prices, We make a Specialty of Manufacturing and pla0inq in position First -Class Awnings b Orders left at our Paint Shop, formerly used by 11Tessrs. Roddick & Wake, will be attended to with dispatch. Paper Hanging Orders may be left with Messrs. Deadman & Mc- Call. PAINTERS. ', CAN'T GO WRONG IF (� YOU BUY YOUR ARD WARE FROM THE LARGEST STOOK. THE LOWEST PRIMES., criAl raj els Special value in Paints, Machine Oil, Fence Wire, &c. Established os bD •E'iJ m Illlll'If'i�,it il+=l�""IYilti9sr_ `oo- "00a 0 0 0 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, • ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. • It leaves nothing further to bo desired. Bates and full infor- mation furnished on application. W. E. ICE1111, Agent, Brussels. R TOPPER Will be our new Premier decided by the Electors before next issue of this paper. MUMMY A decision far greater than that has been given by the voice of the people, viz.: That B. F. Brook Sc Son, of Listowel Woolen Mills, pay the. Highest Prices, ' Cash or Trade, for , And that they soli the beat Woolen Goods Cheaper than any Factory or Stora in Western Ontario. eadyrelde Clothing la a new line added to their business. They make up their own goods into Men's, 'Youths, Boys & Children's Suits and sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with, Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or burr a new suit and we feel satisfied you will say they give you the best. value. LISTOWEL, WOOLEN MILLS