HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-11-6, Page 3Noy, 0,1890 '''H1 Blf,U$ Then listening details, With trelnbline Orem Berbare, sitting at her work, Looke web beyond the ehadowe dint, "Why, what en earth hae POMO tO She sees John lift the little (Mild, Ae if it were leis own fair son ; And theu ehe sighs and Bondy grin : "Oh would tbet3 heeven had given us one I" And then she risee from her eeat, Ana mattes her way agrees the floor, And opens wide the ferm-houee door. "Here, Berbera I here I" ho trembling Surpriaed to hear no moping voice, "This little one must be our son ; It ought to neake our hearts rejoioe," nOh John ! my Jobn !" poor Barbara nIf your'e content, so lob lb be, May God forgive and let me line To being this babe up tenderly." "'Mimeo is the vixen ?" neighbors, ory ; "Where is the sold that rent John'e Acts here on earth an angens part. Town Directory. y.. MAt viennee (nnito t, --Sabbath ' Servioee at 11 a 101 and 710Q p, m, Sunday Senecl at 2;5Q p m, Rev, Jvhn Bees, B A, pastor, Sx, Jennie Ouaaeu.--Sabbath Servioee at 11 a en and 7 p M. Sunday School' at 2500 p. m. Rev. A. R., Griffin, imam, bent. Mnenonls'r Ouunou,—Sabbath Servioes at .0;80 a m and 7;00 p m. Sunday Sehool at 2080 p en. Rev, S. J. ARM, paeton RotiAN CATHOLIC Onunan,—Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 00;80 a m, Bev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SenyATIaN Anne.-Seryioe at 7 and 11 a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olna, at the barraolte. ODD T''entowe' Lenon every Thursday evening, in Graham'sblook. MAeor:o Lomat Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield blook. A 0 I7 W Longe On the Ord. Friday evening of eagle month, in Blae. hill's block. 0 0 F Lonoln 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blashill's bleak. I '0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. Sons OF SCOTLAND, 1st and 8rd Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M.Lonaie, 2nd and 4th Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Honut Crane, 2nd and 4thl'riday even - loge in Blashill's Hall, POST OiFIoN.—Ofioe hours from 8 a. an. to 6:80 p. m. MECHANIee' INGTITOTP.—Library in Holmen' blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'aloolt p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to b and 6 to 8 Saburdays. Miss Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian. • Tow Ooweom,—W. II. Kerr, Reeve i Geo. Baeker, Robert Graham,' R. Lea- therdale and R. G. Wilson, CouuciIlors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Tholnaa Kelly, Treasurer; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Roes, Collector. Board meets the let Monday in each month. SanooL Bonnn.—Dr, Graham, (chair- man,) Rev. boas, D, C. Ross, A. Reid and A. Koenig; Sea• -Trees„ R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. PBDLI° Salmon TEAouEns.—J. H. Cam. aeon, Principal, B. North, Miss Downey and Miss Ritchie. BoAltn of Mennen—Reeve Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. MoNaaghtou, Medical Health Officer. MY MITHER TONGUE. I like to nn.ra my mitber.tongue, When far awa' free bame, I'm fond o' ilka sang that's sung That has a Scottish name I The dear old Doric, is to ere Familiar frac my birth, Sae, tender,couthie kind and free, The sweetest notes o' earth. I like to arena my wither -tongue, Gas wander where I will, When a' restraint free me is flung, My heart then bas its fill 1 The English tongue may rule the Ian', The Scotch commands the heart— I'd rather lose my guid richt hen Than frau the Doric part. X like my wither -tongue to smo The gangs I Io'e sae dear, Youth's early scenes they seem to bring Life's riper years to cheer. Sweet memories a' come bask to me, 0' neither, love, au' home ; The dear auld land I neer may gee, Yet love it a' the same I TRUST ON. When fairest hopes are dead—when light And joy and earth itself is dark, When brightest day is turned to night, And storms engulf life's poor frail barque, Oh, heart trust on—though oloude bang low, Though life seems dark and rude winds blow God's promises remain the same— His oonstanoy doth still remain. When cold and dead the blossoms lie Behind the clouds the sun's bright rays, Those fair, sweet buds—why must they die ? Wily do we grope through darkeomo ways, Oh, heart trust on—the Wintere storm Will keep the frozen blossoms warm ; They'll sleep beneath the fallen snow While bleak and etormy wields eball blow. And Winter's etorme will soon be o'er, In bounty earth shall bloom again ; The waves that beat with angry roar But leave the sea a calm blue main. This ehauging life of toil and strife ' Prepares for higher deathless life, Wbero partings o'er safe home at last, Heaven brighter far for darkness past. Mil] VILLAGE WAIF. Why wants, I pray you, honest John So sadly up the village street ? He eeameth vexed, with mind perplexed, A mood to match his lagging feet. A littlo child rune ab bis tide, A three.year.old, with baby face— Brown, curling hair, o'er shoulders bare, And sberdy limbs of wondrous grape. Yet nob a bairn bath honest John— A sheerlees borne, a eeolding wife ; A vixen bold, with heart stone-cold, HMIs been his weary lob in life. Now be had found an orphan waif, With neither parents, kith or kin— k bonny boy, with scarce a joy, "Will she, take the stranger in ?" He mnrmuee, be be nears the gate, And quite reluctant lifts the latob, HE WHISTLED. When o,aps wuz burnt to cinders An' not a rain in sight, He opened all the winders An whistled in thelight— Jest whistled, An' whistled, Like that Ma make things bright. When mortgagee wuz growio', • Like weeds by day an' night, He kep' right on a•hoein', Au' whistled in the light— Jest whistled, ' An' whistled, Like Limb'ud make things bright. In sowin'time or reapin', In wrong as well as right, When shedders oome a.oreepin', Ha whistled for the light -- Jest whistled, An' whistled, Like that'ud make things bright. Somehow he'd hear bells ringlet' For all the night an' day, An' stilt the birds kep' singin' When the blue skies turned to gray, He whistled, Jost whistled, 'The rooky world away. HYMN TO CANADA. Oh, Canada I thy regal bead Lift higber to the skies. Pride with humility to wed Deep in thy tender eyes ; Stand forth to a more honored place, Fair though thy peat bath been ; Stand forth and vindioate thy ram, Thou Daughter of a Queen. As Venus from the ocean In living beauty sprang, And stood without emotion While heaven with plaudite rang I So thou, my own dear land, arose Far on the Western sea, A hope to glad the hearts of those Who dream of Liberty ! Think what thy storied past hath been, Thy guarded, ancient bole ; The deeds thy former years have seen Remembered evermore 1 For thee, a, babe of natione, The beet of blood was spilt, And firmly thy foundations On heroes' bones were built. Oh, Canada, unworthy Of them thou shalt not be I All noble ends to further The constant aim of thee ; Till, in the van of nations, Thyself a star shall shine 'Midst those fair constellations Led by the voice Divine. CRISP AND CASUAL. No woman bus entered the Convent of St. Catharines, ou Mount Sinai, for 1,400 yeags. Ali the letters of the alphabet are con- tained in the following: -"A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." The London and Northwestern rail- way passes through more than half of the 58 counttee of England and Wales. Orwten labored 10 ye'O ars on bit QO" oordaneeta the Bible," anis )rnnredietely after its publication was sent to an asylum. Ile never entirely reoovsred from the neural .disueae indeoed by tike great undertaking. An ordinary man sec say ever'ything that any occasion 04110 for with a Maim. Lary of 1,000 words. Of those be only tame 400 or 500, using the rernein0er when an idea cat 02 the usual line of thought 00uui'e to him. Most of its, be. ins ordinary men, Seldom draw upon the surplus 500 words, Probably it is not generally known ibat the wife of the Lord Ohief Justine has the right of driving through the park gores of St. Tames' Palade joeb an if elle were ono of the Royal Family, She used to have the right, moreover, of driving down Oonstitution Hill when it wee olosed bo the publio. The town in England beet provided with plunges of worship is the ancient one of Roohdale, where there are 145 obnrob- es and chapels, Fifty belong to the (Thumb al England and ninety five to the Nonconformists:. The Church of Eng- land accommodates 24,449, and the Non. oonformiste 61,850 persons in sittings, EXCEPT/ONS TO THE RULE. Perfect children. Doctors who agree. A man without an enemy. Lovers who never quarrel. Genius without opportunity. A great character amylase. Pride and humility hand in hand. One who loves his enemy an himself. Sense that attracts as soon as beauty. The tattling tongue that tells the truth. One who passes righteous judgment upon a rival. The road to success that is not par. tioularly steep. A failure where someone did not say, "I told you no." The time when justice finds no eiffh- oulty in adjusting the scales. One who is ready to blame himself as quickly as another for the lama fault. Net To Be Trusted At All. Of imolai significance as to the altar- npter of the liquor and saloon business in general, is the fact that in times of publio disorder it ie almost the invariable practice of the authorities to close up the drink shops ae° soon as possible. Snob action bas been taken in Chicago, Pittsburg and other cities in repent years in times of mob violence. So in the repent troubles In Jobnneeburg, South Africa, one of the first movements of the officials was to close every saloon, compensate the owners for their stock, and then destroy the liquor by pouring it on the ground. All such action as this forces the thought upon the mind as to the wisdom and rightfulness of giving publio saootion at any time through license laws to a business which is admittedly snail a dangerous character that it cannot be permitted to exist in times of public excitement. It would appear obvious that a tra6Ho which can. not be trusted at such a time should be trusted at all, The grog shops are the chief fuel makers for mobs and riotous outrages always and everywhere. They are just as bad in times of peace as they are in times of war. There would be few occasions for publio disorder if they were closed and kept closed all the time. —Christian Work. John Fraser, an expert driller, has been engaged to put down from 10 to 15 oil wells in Bothwell. Jas. Collins, a North Eastbope Town• ship farmer, has been left 888,000 by his brother, who died in Michigan. The Beamsville extension of the H. G. & B. Electric Railway has been finish- ed, but will not be opened for a few days. Dr. Bergin, M. P., died at his home in Cornwall on Thursday of last week as a result of the shook he sustained by falling down stairs on Sept. 18. Two Indian women were killed near the Blood reserve, MaoLeod. The same Indian who killed the Indian and at- tempted to kill Agent McNeil, is the murderer, the victims being his mother and sister. White Stu Line. ROYAL 'MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenetown,every Wednesday, As the steamers of this line Garry 0r11y a strictly limited number in the Mew and sNooxn cAnIN aeeommodatious, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for berths isnoeessary at this sea - Experts say that in its deepest parte son. For plane, rates, eta., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussele, the ocean's waters are so dense that, a sunken ironolad would never reach the bottom. As far as calculation can determine the temperature of oomets is believed to be two thousand times homer than rod hot iron. A New York woman, who bas n mar- "vellonely retentive memory, has sold her bead for 825 to a medical college to be examined by the experts after bar death, Between the system of Willis in 1862, and Pitman, 1887, there were 201 systems of shorthand published, and slime that date there have been 281, mak- ing a total of 482. From June 1791 to November, 1818, the French Government enrolled 4,550,- 000 men, neatly three•fourths of °whom died in battle, of wounds, or of diseaees oorttreolsd on the field. A -scientist reaonenende that every life boat carried by ships should be pro. vided with a bottle of citrin acid, which precipitates chloride of sodium and con- verts sea water into a palatable drink. Lighted cigarettes were distributed the other day among a lot of monkeys et the Zoo iu Paris by soma miecbievons urohine. The animals puffed away at file weed with evident enjoyment until the advent of the keeper, who put a atop to it. • A deputation of veterans of '66, who re. palled the Fenian raid, waited upon Mr. Laurier end asked for recognition of their petriotioservices in the shape of a medal and a land grant. Mr. Laurier said he would lay the matter before hie calleagnee. Inetramente for 'self torture, inornding a epikey anklet, a rough horsehair belt, and it "barbed heart" are being gold at a ebop in Loudon, Eng. The dealer snys that for every order he receives from a Roman Catholic lie has throe from "ad- vanced" members of the Ohuroh of Eng. land. ALLAN LINE. Summer Sailinge, 1896. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY tc, MONTREAL SERVIOE. • From From From Liverpo' Srneemarrs, ikrontreal Quoboo Daylight, 2 Judy 8areinien 18 Joly 10 July 0 *linmidian 28 20 1s " 1noleilon • 1 hug. 2 Aug. 29 " Laurentian 8 " 0 90 "49louggoltan 10 " 10 " 5 Aug. 5 Sardinian 22 " 23 " 13 *Numi8ian 2s " 20 '' 20 " Parisian 0Sept 8Sept 27 " *raauvontiau 12 " 12 ' 9 SOpt, *M000011an 10 „ 10 " 10 " Sardinian 20 27 " *Tho Laurentian menthe only cabin paesengers Eastbound. *Steamers when marked thug do not stop at Rhnouski or Londouderry, All steamers sail from Montreal at Daylight. Passengers go ou board between 7 and 10 o'eleok ou the evening before the ad- vertiged date. r0'Passsngers may go via Montreal and return by New York or vice versa. For further information as to rates, &a,, apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. i;S POST enneneeneretellwenefellerrenetet NOTICE OF d !REMOVAL, Having purchased to shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from the public, , guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, S. TA Plum, General Blacksmith & Horseshoer THE MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAH OR BEAST. Certain In its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below, KE LL'SSPttVINCUR . Box a2,,Carmnn Manderson Co., Ill., Feb. at, '94 Dr. R. J. hmomm, bo. Booksaear nd oblige Iteve Iowa u greaat your oeyone it0ndall'0810000 Cure with good once ass 1t isa wonderful methane. I once Lad a more that bad an ePec0. bFMInand ave bottles purod nor. 1 Yours ruly,,atam000s..PorrEU. KENDALL'S SPAV1pCURE. eLL 000000, ITO., Apr. 3, 12.lir]30 B45E7 navCeOused several bottles of your think It ll'e epavtn Ours" with much sa00005. I think 12 the best, one el I over 0008. Hare re - ',mama Curb, one Jnned Spavin and kinto hso Rmw Spnvla0. Have 1'aoee,mendad is to pu: oral of my Wends who aro much ploasedwith and keep 11. Respectfullyg, 8.11. RdF, P. 0. 800319. For Sale by all rugglate, or address )0'..73. 8'. 1 E, all CoalU.A20 y, 1 , ly_ oaossueoH FALLS, VT. -- Cough -cure, the most prompt and effective remedy for diseases of the throat and Lungs, is.Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. ,As an emergency medi- cine, for the cure of Croup, Sore Throat, Lung Fever an d Whooping Cough, AYER'S Cherry Pectoral cannot be equaled. E. M. B R A W L E Y, D. D. Dis. See. of I— the American Bap- tist Publishing Society. Petersburg, Va., endorses it, as a cure for violent colds, bronchitis, etc. Dr. Brawley also adds: To all ministers suffering from throat troubles, I recommend ns Cherry , ;rectwr& Awarded Medal at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS Cure Liver and Stomach Troubles, URI ',: LES NONE PO LOAN, Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6k Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels. TA!LORINC! It G. Richardson: Is prepared to do all. kinds of work in his line, Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. 'Shop over McGowan's Store. RE Has just received a fine new stock of' Both Note and Letter SiZef ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPERS, &C. The Best in the Market. Full Line of Alm, School Supplies. Arioe Ba7age,of, Bibles, Hymn Books and Albums. POST BOOKSTORE, EqEtT-S5S=L5. Br'itisli Columbia This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern Red Cedar ,Shingles machinery added Where required so that better work can be clone now than ever. North Shore Pine and Cedar BEST GRADE OF FOR SALT; ,o'r mull Brussels Planing Mills Also Door's and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice, Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AMENT, MANITOBA PLO V Rl GROUND FROM MANITOBA WHEAT. Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &c,, always on hand, Avam,Satisfitotion Guaranteed;.. Highest mullet price for'Wheat delivered at the itIill. W. F. Stewart.