HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-30, Page 88 TRE BRUSS LS POST Old earl Now i The reason we oan toll .4S'all Papers so ()heap le we gat it Bat'gafn on all of Mr. RQddioli's etoQk, We have just made new samples and oat# show you over 17o samples of item• nttnt8 whtol) you oan have, many of them at about half prig°, plenty for email rooms. Beside( these we have over 100 other different klnde and 25 new Samples of all a'po Direot from the factory. you may be able to make a quiok oboioo but you oan depend upon it we are selling Cheap, We have alat of One and* two roll lots, suflioient for oupboarde or small pantrye—Beautiful Papers, For 6c. per Roll. It will pay you to see our stook if you are thinking of doing any Papering. DEADMAN ct McOALL, Druggists, Oplioiane and Booksellers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & B. Trains leave Brnesele Station, North and South, as follows : GOING Senna. GOING Non?n, iliac 6228 eau, Mixed ......... 8:45 a,m, Express 11:63 8.m, I Mall 12:04 p.m. limed ......... 8:00 p.m. Express 0:43 e.m ".ental e.tirs tents. A ohiel'e amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Irnnow Summer, TIRO Posr gives the news. Busman is brightening up. GET ready to pay year taxes. AnvratrtsE your strayed stock. B3tnssooe Commit will meet neat Mon• day evening. THURSDAY of nest week will be the memorable 5011 of November. LAST Saturday's snow flurry wee a strong hint to get ready for Winter. THE electric light will be running in Brussels, we expect, in the course ofa few weeks. Ruaroa Bays another furniture store may be opened out in Brueeele in the near future. Oun tbe,oke are doe to those indeb ed to us who are sending along the cash. It is much appreciated. NEXT Monday Messrs. Backer & Van. atone will ship another car of live hogs to the Eastern markets. BLANK forms for School Teacher's agreements with Trustees may be obtain • ed at THE Posr Publishing House. Roor. WH.LIAxeoi had Woof the fingers on his left band badly jammed in a pair of gears at the flax mill on Monday. EDWARD'S cider mill is running again, having been closed for a few days while replacing the boiler with a larger one. TEE town Band has purchased new music and have commenced to drill on it preparatory to next season's concerts. PUBLIC Library entertainment in the Town Hall nest Monday evening. Mr. Kleieer, the celebrated elocutionist, will be there. R. H. FERGUSON, Walton, abipped a double decked car of Iambs to Buffalo on Tuesday. He has a large 'number to forward vet. J. H. YOUNG, of Moosomin, N. W. T., formerly a well known citizen of Brussels, writes :—Wheat is 8 very fair orop and from 60 to 70 cents per bushel, so we will be able to obey the command of the Good Book, "Owe no man," A OovvorL of Chosen Friends was in. otituted by Organizer W. G. Collins at Ripley, last week, with a membership of 23. This week Mr. Collins and son are busy at Belmore, where they expeot to organize a Council also. ATHEISM CLEGG & DAMES shipped a car of hogs from Brussels and another from Belgrave on Tuesday. Last week they forwarded two care of cattle, a car of lambs and a car of hogs. These gentle- men handle a lot of stock and consequent- ly pay out a very large sum of money annually. Guie POWDER PLor,—Brussels L. 0. L. No. 774, will hold an entertainment in tl:e Orange Hall on the evening of Nov. 5th, program to commence at 7:30. A cordial invitation is extended to all Orangemen and their friends, A good time is expected. A splendid musical and literary program has been prepared by the fife and drum band, Prof. T. A. Hawkins, H. L. Jackson and others, B. Gerry will be the chairman of the even. ins. I{LBISER'e Comm—The Public Lib• nary Directors will give the people of Brussels a genuine elocutionary treat at the Town Hall on Monday evening, Nov. 2nd. Grenville Keiser hae a very high reputation as areader and impersonator, and hie endorsements by pulpit, press and educational societies are ofa (hare(• ter equalled by but few of hie profession. The principal part in his program will be aeleettone from "David Copperfield," in which be is said to excel, and a number of miscellaneous selections will make up a delightful entertainment. Plan of Hall at Fox's drug store. HURON MEDICAL Assoc0ATloN.--•The regular meeting of this Association was held in the Council ()bomber, Clinton, on Wednesday of last week, those present being Drs. Burrows and Bethune, Sea. forth ; Kennedy, of Wingham , Agnew, of Loedesboro' ; Taylor and Thomson, Goderich ; ilfoAsh, Belgrave ; Arm• strong, Bruoefield ; Gunn, Shaw and Iirauseman, Clinton ; Seanbury, Bay- field. Dr. Gunn read a roper on Hernia, with caeca in practice ; I 0 presented a (lase showing the result c= an operation ; the paper was a very 3,8tra0tive one, Dr. Bethune read a paper on tape worm, with specimens. This paper was equally instructive. Dr. Taylor gave a history and notes of. 06e0S ih praobioe on diph• theria; this Was a epeoially interesting paper because of his experience with the enti•toxihe treatment. The AesoOiatien expressed the opinion that the Provincial Government should have a enpply of anti toxins at centres in different parte of the Province, so that it can be more readily secured than at present, the special value of this remedy being in its early application, TSB Game Warden for this Dietrint 18 W. 1t. Climio; Listowel;, who oleo ieeuee dear shooting lioeneee, AN interesting oommunieatlon on Fall Fair exhibits 18 crowded out of thio ieeue. It will appeal` next week, A LErrgo from Dire, Rijahart may be read on page 6 of We issue whieb will be of intereet to many of our readers. J. J. AND Mao, GI01'1N entertained the membere of the Methodist ohureh choir and other friends at their reeidenoe laat Friday evening, AD enjoyable time woe Spent, SATURDAY night of this week i8 Hal- lowe'en, A 89eeial oonetable will aseiet Constable Wright in a lookout for tnisohief makers. The "nooler" will also be ready for occupation. FOUND.—A.small sum of money on Turnberry street, Brussels, The owner may have. the tame by paying for this notioe and galling on Jas. Walker, oar. riage maker and undertaker. BRUSSELS Public Library Reading Room ehguld be more extensively patron. iced. The small sum of 01.00 will make you a member of the library, and the use of the papers and periodioale. AUCTION. sale of driving horse, harness, top buggy, plows, do„ at the Queen's Hetet, Bruseele, on Saturday afternoon at 4 o'clock. F. S. Soott will be the auctioneer. Elijah Pease is the pro- prietor. Tim probabilities are that the prrbposal to erect a Carling rink in Brussels will not be carried out owing to the want of cosh. Quite a few snores were taken but not eulluient to warrant proceeding with a building. MoNTnor Horse Faire will be held in Brussels this season ae usual. The first will take place on Thursday, Nov. 30th. Opportunity will be offered for auction sale of stook or goods on Fair days, at reasonable terms. PnopERry Soxn.—Last week F. S. Scott disposed of the "Andrew Lees" farm, lot 20, 8th line, Morrie, to Harvey Beam, of Brussels, for the sum of 81,400. There are 100 agree of land and Mr. Beam will set to work to clean up the place and im- prove it. He will summed too as he is a worker. NEw HABNEss Soon.—David Frain Data leased the frame shop from B. Gerry, formerly oocupied by the late Wm. Rod• disk ae a wall paper store, and will open up a harness making business. Mr. Frain is a practical man and bad at chop in Brussels some years ago. He will also attend to carriage trimming ae usual. DEATH or MRS. E. DoWNEY.— The Guelph Mercury of Oct. 20th says :—Ou Sunday morning P. Downey, of this city, received a message from Waterdowo, an- nouncing the death of his sister-in•law, Mrs. Edward Downey. The cad event look place on Satnrday night. E. J. Downey, 0. P. 10. agent, Fergus ; J. B. Downey, Watnrdown, and Mise Mary Downey, school teacher, Brussels, are the surviving children of deoeaeed. Her husband died nine years ago. Liar Friday evening a largely attended meeting was held in the Liberal Club room and the pro and eon of Brussels poetmaeterehip discussed. The decision of the gathering was, in brief, that if Mr. Farrow's action iu addressing political meetings daring the last Dominion elec. tion campaign comes under the rule laid down by the Government as partisanship, that be be removed. A ballot was taken as to choice of candidate in case of a vacancy being caused and F. S. Scott was declared the choice. The notion of the meeting was forwarded to the proper authorities. THE Editor of the Clinton New Era, who by the way, is the Mayor, Rays :— The Mayor is not known as a fighting character, nor is he penally given to the use of strong language, but there are those who say that during the past week he has been guilty of both these indie• orations. He hoe been fighting with a severe attack of sciatica, and generally the sciatica has had the best of it. It has been more than difficult for him to attend to his ordinary duties, and the ab- sence of tbe usual amount of local news is due to his partial oonfioement to the house. TnROUOII THE STORE WLaonow.—Friday afternoon Conrad Michael, 12th con., Grey, accompanied by hie collie dog, went into Gerry Bros'. hardware store. After attending to hie business Mr. Michael retired but the collie had the door closed on him. Not wishing to re. main longer indoors be jumped into the Northerly window among a lot of fancy lamps and lamp goods just received, and after a crash there of several lamps went through one of the large window panes, b088121ng the glace to smithereens. Mr. Michael made good the damage and in future collie will stay at home when his owner comes to Brussels. 11.LEIsEn.—The Goderich Signal Bays of the gentleman who comes to Brussels next Monday evening :—Mr. Tlleiser, on appearing, was thoroughly appreciated, and sacrificed none of the credit the In. etitute lee won in providing entertain• menta of a high order. The state of mirthful effervescence in which the audi- ence felicitated during the evening WUS not clouded by the tragical scenes and the characters of Mioawber and Uriah Heap were given with a faithfulness which Dickens himself, no doubt, would have highly approved of. Mr. Kleiner le an artist of lrigb merit and we oongratu• late the people of Goderich on having been afforded an opportunity of hearing him. SPEARING of salaries for the new nomi- nating officers the Municipal World says: "The County Councils Act does not de. fine the amount whieb nominating offi• cars are to receive for their service& Under the ant the first duty of the of - titter is to engage a hall for the nomi- nation meeting, and then publish or poet up notice of the same. Eta next duty is to attend the nomination meeting, and be available during the following day, for the purpose of receiving resignatione from candidates nominated. In view of the above, we think the nominating of - fleets' aerviose should be worth at least six dollars, and that hie accounts should include the expense of posting and publi• Dation of notices of the meeting, rent of hall, and for eervioee of timetables at the meeting. In municipalities where an sleotion for county Menai] only ie held, the amount to be paid for deputy return- ing officers for their services, polling places, eta., is to be determiner) as uenal, by the council of the local munioipality, but the election imposes an additional duty on the municipal clerk, and coup• oils in passing a bylaw to appoint deputy returning officers and fix polling places, should determine the amount their aleck is to reo)fv8 for oonduoting the county cannon elections, making returns, etc, 01 Tuts button fad le rem:bine great pro. portione. llverytlling from the gravest to the gayeet ie to be found, The To• xonth Telograu4 eaye —Had the groat Amerioao public ae many (Dins in its pocket as oampeign buttooe on ite hreeet, the preeeot election would not have the money gnetitian ae the all important le - sae, ltenn5 1;3A08 eo BaueeapLo,.•--Leet Fri- day morning Rwbard Roach brought the well known And epeody trotting horse, "Roddy," whose record is 2;101, to town haviog completed 0 very suogoselel season on the turf, He has been per, (based by D. O'Leary, of Petrone, brother to JAS. 'O'Leary, Brueeele, from 13, Dunlop. The horse will be ltopt in training by R. Roach, who hoe well a place in every rale he started bine in thie year. It is said Mb,.Dunlop, whom people said wee "married to "Reddy," may go to Britieh Columbia and buy out n gold min, With Reddy, Florence G., Maple Leaf, O'Donnell, Online and Rookaway, the Queen's Hotel stables should be kelit well to the front, es they no doubt will, Business Locals, Lotto, clear boomat MoCraoken'e. Sim D. 0. Rose' new stook of Over. coats, SINGLE harness very cheap, and a good stook on hand. I, 0. Richards, Fop the cheapest Overcoats in town go to D, O. Rose'. BORES, blankets, trunke and valises cheaper than ever. I. 0. Riohnrde, Goon business stand, opposite Ameri• oan Hotel0Bruseele, for Bale or to rent. Apply to B. Gerry. Fon repairing rubbers, boots and shoes we take the lead, I. 0. Riaharlls, Inoeaw filing very (heap now for spot cash aa I have a new and a, fast way of setting sews. T, McGregor, caw -filer, Bruseele, Queen St. East. A LADY'S kid gauntlet was found on William street. The owner may have ib by proving property and paying for this advertisement. Herno there 1 Have you Been the beau- tiful eantiful china jest received. Another sup- ply of china with photo. of new school, at T, Fletober'e jewelry store. Cotl'onrencm dwelling to rent over my. store. Good hard water force pump on the promises which does away with oar. rying water up or down. I. C. Richards. So'Lnn'n Core, the great cough and Drool, m2 re, is in groat demand. Pocket size eonucfva tWeuty•live doses ; only 25 oente. Children love it. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Brussels• CoacroiTAEL8 brick residence with every oonvenience,furnane, &o„ for sale or to rent. Possession given on December let. For farther particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels. MAIL'S Olover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear ae a bell. 26 ate., 50 ote. and 8100. Sold by Jas.' Fox, druggist, Brussels. CAnrErs: -Any one desiring carpets will do well to call at the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 803. to 41,00. Howz & Co; Mns. T. S. HAw7INS, Ckattanooge., Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitaed System I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 75 eta. Sold by Jas. Fox. Editor J. L. Montgomery, of Marsh- all, (Ill..) Democrat, states that for many years 1,e suffered untold agony from dyspepsia. At last he began to lake Ayer'e Sarsaparilla, and by the time be had used six bottles he was as well as ever. (Duree others, will cure you. WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells (leaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34.02 Do NOT CONFOUND Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills with the numerous cheap purgative pills that only act on the bowels. Wrigbt'e Liver and stomach Pills are given to you as a treatment with full directions of how and when to use them. The coat is 50 Dents a box. One box cures. Ask Jae. Fox, Druggist, Brussels, about them and get a circular. Don't Headache Powders will relieve that violent headache in less time than it takes you to read this. They are sate, euoceseful, sure. 25 cents a box. MARRtf1L, B181or—Hor.—At Melville Mance, on Wednesday, Oct. 2801, by Rev. Jno. Ross, Mr. James Bishop to Miee Carmine Hoy, both of Grey. Slairsow—McGns. At the reeidenoe of bride's parents in East Wawanoeh, on Tuesday, 008. 18th, by Rev. Mr, Hall, of Belgrave, Mr. Douglas Simpson to Miss Jennie McGee, both of East Wawanoeh. GI080e—RonznrsoN.—At the reeidenoe of the bride's mother in East Wawan- oeh, on Wednesday, Oot. 14th, by Rev. Mr. Hall, of Belgrave, Mr. Jae. Gibson, West Wawanoeh, to Miee Bella Robertson, East Wawanoeh. MGNTGoarERY—IawIN,—On Wednesday. Oct. 21st, by the Rev. G. A. Gifford, lYfiee Debbie Irwin, daughter of Mr. Thos. Irwin, John street, to Mr, Alex. Montgomery, of Oeangehill• HAuan—Ronrnsow.—On Wednesday, Oot. 21e8, by the Rev. Wm, Lowe, Miss Jane Robinson to Mr. Thos. Haugh, all of Turnberry, MAxwarn—Bntnons.—In Mornington, on the 14th inet., by the Rev. E. A. Fear, Mr. W. Maxwell, of Bluevale, to Mise Mary Brydone. • FJRVeSr3 clz,m SA:.A.RSCOJTS, Fall Wheat .. Peas Oats Butter, tube and rolls ... Eggs per dozen Flour nor barrel Potatoee Hay per to 1 Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt per 1311•, retail, Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Apples per bus Hoge, Live,. 75 25 40 21 11 12 4 00 25 di 4 1 00 50 15 50 8 50 Wool ................. 18 75 25 42 22 12 18 4 60 8 00 00 40 8 80, ST4NV4, D Ta/INK OF C4 W4:D4, ''",.4.e:) Xee4--IZ77A HEAR OFFICE, - TORONTO A,SSETid. (Sewn Million Dollare), CAPITAL(Alortze ) . OCT, 30, 1890 47,000,000 82,000,000 Armin in' all vrincfpal pointe tilt Ontario. Qucbee, D2'aeiltofa, United States l520nplaat4. A General Banking Baoinese Traneaoted. ' Farmers' Notes Dieoounbed, Drafts leaned and Oolleotione made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 41,00 and upwards from dab of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPECIAL. ATTENTION GIVEN TO Tile UOLLEOTION OF FARMERS' SALE NOTES. 13very facility afforded Customers living at a dietanoe. 5, A. STEWART MMe8nonn, THE PEOPLE'S COLUM.RN. APPLES WANTED. SHIP - Pin's price W01108 paid for 2,000 bags BRUSSELS 1OVAPORATING FACTORY at A, MAGIO LANTERN P01-1 -ple, with 200bpl to 0, views. nth& P. 0. THREE LEICESTER RAMS, one Shearling and 2 Lambs, for sale. Apply to JAS, sninit, Lot 80, Con. 0, Morrie, DRIED APPLE 5.—FIVE OAR loads wanted for the Belgian market. 16.2 G.E. KING, W1ngham. ONE SHEARLING RAM, A number ofliani Lambs, all pure bred Shropetiirea, also 12 young Elves, grades, for sale, Apply to JN 0, SMITH, Lot 8, Con, 0, Grey, Brussels P, 0. • 18.01 HORSE FOR SALE,—WELL framed, good size, extra gentle. Sold with or without harness and top buggy, sleigh and robes. All In prime order, 8,080 than half price. JNO. D. RONALD, r71EAGHER WANTED.—WANT. JL in for S. S, No.8, Grey, a male teacher, holding Second class eertiacato. Duties to comm enee Januarylet, 1807, Sealed appltoa- tions with testimonials and ealary expected, w ill ee reoeived by the undersigned up to friday, November 18tb, MB. D, MCTAGGART, Sec.-Treas., 34.4 Oranbrnok P. 0. TERSEY GRADE HEIFER CALVEe.—Until further notioe the cost of service of my Jersey Bull, if paid at the time of myths, will be 91,60 for grade cows with the privilegeofreturning same one, or another, every roar until you have a heifer calf. Thienieene no charge for bull calves, You aan depend on us always keeping a firBt- mass bull from good milling shame. (4. A. BRADMAN, Druggist, Brussels, AUCTION SALE —0E— 'TALUAELE FARM PROPERTY In the 'Township of Grey, Co. of 1111I0n. Under and by virtue of a Power of Sale contained in a 0erinin mortgage made by John Raynard to the Vendersnow in default and to be produced attic' time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the ROYAL HOTEL iu the VILLAGE OP EETHEL, on Wednesday, file iSt11 Day Of November, stthe boor of 2 o'clock in the afternoon. All that certain parcel or tract of land situ ate in the Township of Grey, composed of Lot number 21 in the 0th Concession, con- taining one hundred acres more or less. The property is sitaat0 about two miles from ale Village of Ethel and eight miles from Bros - 0810, Erected on the property 3s a frame house iu good state of repair and a bank barn with stable below 40 x 00 feet. There are about fifty aoresunder cultivation. The soil is a clay loam. There is also an orchard of about an aere in extent. The property is watered by a spring creak. The property W ill be offered for sale eubjoot to 0 reserve bid. Terms :-10 per cent. of parobaee mon- ey will require to be paid at the time of sale and balance according to favorable terms and conditions to bot en made known. For further particulars apply to E. M. CHADWICK{, 08 Wellington et„East, Toronto, Solicitor for Vendors. Dated at Toronto 2011 October,1806. Notice to Creditors. IN TIM ESTATE OF ,TAMES MCKEL- VEY, DECPAS1iD. Notice is 'hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that behalf, that all creditors having claims spinet the estate of James McKelvey, deceased, who died at the Town- ship of Grey on the 114th day of April 1800, are required on or before the Tenth day of November, 1866, to mail to the undersigned, the Agent for the Executors of the deoeaeed, at Brueeele post o0lee, or delivered to him in writing, it statement of their claims, with full particulars, addressee and descriptions, and of the security (if any) Bold by them, and that from and after the said date the said Executore may proceed to distribute the estate •of the deceased, baying regard only to the claims of which they may then have had notioe. And the Executers will not be liable for the proceeds of the estate so distributed to any person of 3v11oee claim they had not notice at the time of such die- tribution. A. HUNTER, Brussels, Agent for A. McKnnvoor,lyxeoutore. Mu. MOKELynr, ! Dated at Brussels, 000.16, 1800. 14-2 REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- DERsxoNEn has several good Farms Ior Bale avdto rent, easy terms, in Towneblpe of Morris and Grey,. F S. SCOTT,Bruesele FARMS FOR SALE. — 200 L' aorea—Censieting of Lots 18 on the 701 and 8th Concessions Township of Grey, be - lug 1 mile from the Concessions, of Ethel and 5/ miles from Brueeele, 40 sores of Fall wheat sown and about 80 scree under grass ; 00 norma cleared an oath. Perms of payment easy, A, M0KELVEY, M, D., 84- Brussels. ABM FOR SALE. -160 ACMES Consisting of the South 4 and South / of the North l of Lot 80, 0on 2, East Wawa - nosh. This is an ex0011on0 stook farm, being well supplied with good timing water, It ie situated about 3 miles from the thriving Vil- lage cf Blyth. A largo part of Itis under grass. Buildings and femme aro le a fair state of repair. Boar terms ofpayment will be given, Por all information apply to 11-tf G, P, BLAIR, Barrister, Brueeele, 1 PLENDII) FARM FOR SALE. Li That excellent farm, Lot 10, Oen. 2, Townehip of Grey, 100 aures, mast be sold at once iu order to close estate of daeeaeedown- er, The lot is nearly all alearoll, with good buildings, ample water supply, largo or- chard, 11 miles from Crairnr0ali le under good cultivation and is a very doelralo]e pr0- ptertyy indeed. Apply to ItiOHAR]) MIT- tOHI4LL, Brussels P..O.' 3011N hi/TOP/DLL, the ,remises' nr`A.31004510110, Brussole, Dated Sept, 10th, 1800. ( 00,D FARM FOR SALE NEAR ▪ Brueeele. Groat bargain. Let 7, Oan. 0 Grey township, Good buildings and or- ;Mara, well watered suitable .for mixed or dairyM farming. Apply to W. KILLOUGbl on the promiseesor to THOMAS HE1i•ITAGE, London West. ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. 780 agree of good 7arm land at Springfield, 8 miles from Winnipeg, 12 offer. ed for sale at alow prlee. q'be property' Is North Nast I Se0,10, T wp. 11, Rouge 4, East. There le a house on tbe premises and some breaking done, Per full partioulare as price, title, 1 0,, write or apply to G,11`, BLAIR or W.: H. KE1RR, 20.11 Brussole, Ont. G00D FARM FOR SALE IN the Towuehip of Grey. In order to olOse an estate the West half of .Lot 24, Con, 7, Township 01 Grey, 10 acres, is offered for immediate sale. On the premises aro a good frame dwelling with kitchen, &(., also two frame bawl, good water, orchard, &c„ and is 00088 0o the Village of Ethel. Soil is of the best and farm 1e well fenced, Apply to ALBS. 0801/IILVEY, M. B„ Brussole . `var. MoKELVNY, Jaelostowu ; or A, HUNTER, Brussels, 'ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- niBelGNEn offer their splendid 100 mere farm , Lot 22,0013, 12, Grey, for sale. There are 85 sores. (bared, ba'laaao goodhardwood bush. On the .premises ie a oomfortable frame ]rouse frame barn and outbuildings ; good orchard; wells, &e. 40 acres under grass. Farm tin ex00110at !state of 00111ya- Mon,10 miles from Uranbrook village and 0;4 from Brueeele• Possession could be given this Pall. For further particulars as to price, tense, &o., apply on the promises or write to C Wee . AND SAMUEL OA11NO0HAN, VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligible 200 acre farm, eompoeed of lots 10 and 17 1n the 10th con„ Gray township, Sumo Co., and 00 eorea, part of lots 18 and 17, 11th Don., belonging to the Robert Brown. estate, is offered for sale to hind up estate. On the first farm is a good stone houee and large bank barn, necessary outbufldtn e, or- chard, &c. Farm well watered, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. About 00 acres of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On the 50 acre farm there is a house and barn, orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. B'arme sold Jointly or separately to Suit 900013 e0r. Possession given in the Pall. Parma are on- ly a mile from the village of Oraubroole, where are school, churches post-ofnoe, stores, &o., and 3f miles to the thriving mar- ket town Brussole. For further partioulars as to price, terms, &c„ apply to AGNES BROWN,11 JAMES BROWN, I Executors. JOHN BROWN, J1 Oranbrook.P.0. BBOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will ]veep .tor service at Lot 17, Uon.14. Grey, a thorn' bred (Mester White boar. Usual terms. 14-4 L. MoNEIL, Proprietor. BOARS FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for Berrie( at Lot 24, Ooa1, 8, Morris, a thorn' bred Berk- shire boar with registered pedigree, import- ed stock OD botlr sides, bred by Goo. Green, of Fairview, also an improved Yorkshire with pedigree, Tents. $1.00, to be paid ab time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. JAS. A. MOORE, 14.4 Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 28, Con. 8, Morris, the thoro' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected,” red from 3. E. Brotbour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Lair. Terme, $1.00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege- of 10 - turning if necessary. Pedigree may be soon on application, ROBT. NICHOL. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keen for servloe on Lot 80, Con, 0, Morris, the thoto'-bred Large English Berkshire Boar, Captain John.' His mother in a full sister to the 1st priz0 sow at the 'World's Pair. Pedigree will be Produced on apgllcatlou, Terme-51.00 to be paid utlimo o[ service with privilege of returning If necessary. 3.9.43m JAS, SPESR, Proprietor, BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 27, Con, 4, Morris, the thoro' bred Tam• worth boar ,"King George," purchased from H. George 1801008, who got first prize for their 10rd at Guelph Pat :Stock Show, The dam m "Eiag George" won flret prize at the Show, London England, H 1r 1, Hirai was im- or00d and weighed 75011)2. Terms $1.00 to bo paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary, Pedigree may be seen on application, RICHARD ARMSTRONG, 40.02 Proprietor. Ancient Order of United Workmen, This old and prognerou8 Fraternal Associ- ation numbering 050,000 members are pro - senting to thepnblio their popular and000u• ondeai rates to worthy mon, et the very low rata of about $8,00 per $1,000 per annum. The"Workmen" Promptly Pay Meal, Claims and expect a largo increase to its members now that those American Line Companies don't seem satisfactory ib Can- adione. ItOBT, ARMSTRONG kL W. ; W. H, 1i30113t, Recorder ; J. A. CIDABIB�rON,Pinanaiar, DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons, Crown and Bridge work a specialtyy. Moder- ate P090. 8atiefa0tlon ;inured. Ofloe over Barrett's barber shop, Turoberry St„ Brus- eels, VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Vdtoslnary College, 10 prepared to treat all diseaeem of domostioated animals In a oom- potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dentistry, Galls promptl, at. tended to. O011loO and'1aOrecary-Pour doors north of bridge l'urnberry et., B0000015, AUT H, 1 m, i, A What ? Why that drily load of Now Wall Paper that was re- ceived at raaiatUlta a few days ago ? Yoe, and it will be hung if Neatness of Doelgn and Cheapness in Pries has anything to do with it. We haven't a single roll of old Wall Paper in store, Every sample isolefin and bright, direct from the factory last week, 7011 Sh011.1d See Our 50, Papers with •Border and Ceiling to matoh, and then of course we have a very fine range of Glimmers and Gilts at from 7o. to 110., but we not only have our 'papers marked at exceeding oloso prioes, but we also save you the trouble of trim. ming it. We do that for you with our new Trimming Ma0lrine, without extra charge. Now there's a pointer worth re. mombering, Every Roll of Wall Paper Purchased from us will be Trimmed Free of Charge. We will consider it a favor to show Yon our stook whether you wieb to purchase or not at Fox's Drll g Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • solicitor and Conveyancer. Colles. bions made. Office—Vanstone'e Block, Brus- sels. 21-8m Y�M. SINOLAIR, • • Solicitor Uonveyaneer,NotaryPub- lia, &c. ONoo—'Vauatone'e Bloch, 1 door north of Central Hobe], Private Funds to Loan. C-. CAMERON, UCr(rstrSlCameron, ameon,)IIarieand iGr10 Out. Office—Hamilton St., Opposite. Col- borne Hotel. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • 8eliaitor, do. (late of Garrow & Proudfoot's CNao, Goderiol.) 011toe over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKJ3Y, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a auecialty. Orders left at Tan Pon P obiehing Ifouse,Bru seen(, or sent to Walton. P.O., will receive prompt attention, T S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - J. • EIRB, will sell for bettor prices, to better men, ]n ace time and less charges than any other Auctioneer In East Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged et this office or by personal application. CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 25 years exporienee as an Auctioneer, but who had to gait owing to ill health, has again taken out license and is prepared to conduct Bales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dates may be arranged at Tun Posr Publishing house. JAS. STRETTON, 18.1 Auctioneer. MEDICAL CARDS. TA. MONAUGHTON, M. D. EJ • O. M„ L. E. O.P., Edinburgh, M.O.P. S. Ont, Residence and Moe in Wileon'e Block, 0021185 of Mill and Tprnberry Ste. JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. GradFhyoiolan, Surgeon Aoeoucher,etc, uate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of 1'hysioians and Surgeons, Ont. OFFICE—Next door to McDonald & Go„ Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. WT E. MoORAOKEN, V Y' • Ieaurer of MarriageLfacnsoe. Office at his Grocery,'Puruberry, street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, •. Tonsorial -Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. M. MoKay & Co'e hardware store. Ladios'andshildrohs hair cutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 91,00 to $1,000 and allawe 0l per aut. iuterost. T. FARROW, 87.8m Postmaster, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PLETCHER issue' of Marriage Licenses,. OFrfoE AT JEWELRY Smut. fa -No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brueeele. ALEX. IEUNTRfl, Clerk of the Pourth Division Cour Co,. Huron, Oonveyaneer, Notary Public Land,. Lean and Insurnnoe Agent, Iiundo invested and to lean, Colleotione made Office in Graham's Bleak, Brineele 211H08. A. HAWKINS; 1 Will give le000ne to pupils either on Piano or Or'gan, at his Min °Room, opposite the 13080.00oe, Brussole-Vocal loosen a also given, Tea years _ experience in. teaching. `erme moderato. let H lei of to mi De 001 Ito to W to ed 011 a 80 pfl to w, pa el, 300 wl of n tl t1; 113 OP Uh to tb to Ii M t1, P, ar si ac 011 p' 11, b G to m '32 sl gi 10) 111 in io la d, It D B 11G li w J P 1 2t; w 2U sl C 1, f2 1 tc tl i n t o tl S g. 0 s a 0 v c