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MEl v1LLN 08sitoB,—Sabbath Services
at 11 a m and 7:QQ p, m, .%today Soheol
ab 2;80 p m, Bev, John Roes, B A,
ST, Jora'e Ofreite r, --sabbath Servioos
at It m and 7 p m.. Sunday School,
at 2;30 p. an, Bev, A, 13;. griffin, lactim.
V—reurourae Cuunon,—Sabbath Services
at 10:80 a m and 7:00 d m, Sunday
School ab 2:80 p m, Rov, S. 3, Alilu,
Emdenl OATroree Onunou.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
1•0180 a m, Rev Joseph Kennedy,
SALVATION Aaetr.—Servloe at 7 and 11
a an and 8 and 8 p ne on Sunday and
every evening in the week at 8 o'oloek, at
the barraoke,
ODD 1t'ELnowe' Lonaia every Thursday
evening, in Graham's block.
MAeoana LODGE Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Garfield bloDk.
A 0 U W LODGE on the8rd
1♦riday evening of each month, in Blas.
hill's block,
o O lr LODGE 2nd and last Ilfonday
evenings of each month, in Btaehill's
T 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd
Fellows' Hall:
L 0 L 1eb•hionday in every month
in Orange Hall.
SONG oe SCOTLAND, let and Brd Taos.
days of each mouth, in Odd Fellows'
K. 0, T. 111. LODGE, 2nd and 4th Tues.
day, of eaoh month, in Odd Fellow's Hall.
Ilona Cxnano, 2nd and 4th Friday even-
inge inBlaehill'e Hall.
Poen ()FPR/R.-01fioe hours room 8 a.
m. to 6:80 p.
Mammas' INeTITOTE,—Library in
Holmes' bleak, will be open from 6 to 8
o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:80 to 6
and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Mise Minnie Mo.
Naughton, Librarian.
TowN Couxam.—W. H, Herr, Reeve ;
Geo. Backer, Hobert Graham, Ie. Lea-
therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ;
F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Belly,
Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J.
T. Ross, °enactor. Board meets the 1st
Monday in each month.
Sonoon BOARD.—Dr, Graham, (chair-
man,) Bev. Roes, D. C. Rose, A. Reid
and A, Hoenig ; Sea..''2reae., El. Rose.
Meebings 2nd Friday evening in each
Pnmro SCHOOL TEAOHEns,---J. H. Cam.
eron, Principal, E. North, Mies Downey
and Mies Ritchie.
BOARD or az:Atm—Reeve Herr, Clerk
Scott, A. Stewart, T. farrow and J. N.
Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical
Health Officer.
Hare's a motto just your fit—
Laugh a little bit.
When you think you're trouble hit,
Laugh a little bit.
Look misfortune in the face,
.Brava the bedlam's rude grimace ;
Ten to one 'twill yield its place,
If you have the wit and grit
Just to laugh a little bit.
Cherish this as sacred writ—
Laugh alittle bit.
Keep it with you, sample it,
Laugh a little bit.
Little ills will sure betide you,
Fortune may not sit beside you •
Meu may knock and fame deride you,
Bat you'll mind them not a whit
If you laugh a little bit.
'Tia not a motto fine as some,
Perhaps, in tone high sounding ;
Bat as from ooal rare colors oome,
Trnth richly worth expounding,
Lies in this adage—truth sublime—
And I would here declare it ;
And if a bore you deem my rhyme,
Why, simply "grin and bear it."
When oheriehed projeots oome to naught,
Or pain embitters pleasure ;
When banks and bonds yon firmest
Bring lose to hoarded treasnre
When friends forsake and foes increase,
Pub on, though hard to wear it,
A sunny emile of perfect peace—
'Twill help—just "grin and bear it."
When woes oome thick and still more
Disasters gathering daily ;
When hope deferred the heart makes sick,
While round you jesting gayly,
Tbe world Irnows not how sad your soul,
Dreams not what griefs do tear it,
Keep over self a calm control.
All bravely "grin and bear it."
Ab, 'neath these homely words there lie,
Vast minae of deepest meaning
Whole tones of sound philosophy,
Well worth most careful gleaning ;
Feb, not mete stain's lore I urge—
Forever I forswear it—
Let earth's and heaven's beet wisdom
Trueb God, then "grin and bear it."
She eat on the sliding ouehion,
Tbe dear, wee woman of four ;
Her feet, iu their shiny slippers,
Hung dangling over the floor,
She meant to be good ; she had promieed ;
dud so, wktb her big, brown eyes,
She stared at the meeting-houee windows
And oriented the crawling fiiee.;
She looked far up at the preacher,
But she thought of tbe honey bees
Droning away in the blossome
That whitened the oherry trees.
She tbougbt of a broken basket,
Where, purled in a dusky heap,
Three sleek, round puppies, with fringy
Lay snuggled and fast asleep.
Snell soft, warm bodies to Diddle,
Snub queer little hearts to beat,
Such swift, round tongnee to Nees,
Snell sprawling, ouehiony feet.
She could teal in her clasping angers
The tough of the satiny skin,
And a cold, wet nose exploring
The dimples ander her chin.
Then a sadden ripple of 1014331188
Ban over the patted lips
80_11018k that sha could net 004ib
With 1108 rosy linger tips,
The people wblspered, "idose the child,"
As euoh one waked from a nap,
But the dear, wee woman hid her loon
)8or'halm to her mother's lap.
B001I I
On afternoons, when baby boy has had a
splendid nap,
And sits, like any moneroh on bis throne,
in nurse's lap,
In this peculiar wise I hold my 'kerobief
to my face,
And oaabiouely and gnietly I move about
the plane
Then, with a cry, I suddenly expose my
fano to view, "
And you should hear him laugh and orow
when I say "Boob I"
Sometimes that rasnal tries to make be.
Bove that be is soared,
And, really, when I tint began he stared,
and stared, and stared
And then his under lip oamo out, and
further out it Dame,
Till mamma and the nurse agreed it was
a "cruel shame"—
But now what does that same wee toe-
eking, lisping baby do
But laugh and kink his little heels when
I say "Book l"
He laughs and Woke his little heels in
rapturous glee, and Hien
In shrill, despotic treble bide tie "do it
all aden l"
And I—of Bourse I do it ; for, ae hie pro-
Itis such pretty pleasant play as this
that I am for I
And it is, 0, such fun ; and I am sure
that I obeli rue
The time when we are both too old to
play the game of "Boob I"
Do the will of God and he will take
ogre of the result.
The Christian's hands should both be
kept so busy for the Lord that they will
have no time to gossip.
A marked difference between a hypo-
crite and a child of God is that the hypo-
crite baa no closet for prayer.
When some people smile they do it in
a way that makes you think it hurts
them, and you feel better when they
"To love God and keep his oommand-
manta," should mean something more
than going through the motions of being
Find a man like Job auywhere in this
world, and you will have found one epot
where the powers of darkness cannot
A ono•talent man who is wholly the
Lord's, outweighs the man with tan who
keeps one back.
Whoever leads a child to Cliriet gives
God an army.
If there were MD difficulties there would
be no men.
Every improvemenb in the telescope
opens the gates of the heavens wider, and
'shows ue that the arm of God is longer
than we thought,
Seven bundred pounds of honey were
found recently in a belfry of a olauroh at
Casville, N. J. Its sale put over a hund-
red dollars into the treasury of the
The choir of the Stockwell Orphanage,
London, is to make an American tour
next Winter. This institution was found-
ed by Spurgeon and is still concluded by
the Tabernacle.
A Congregational ohuroh in Minnesota,
whish a few years ago was reducad to one
member, and be a nonresident, is now
flourishing. and last year ereoted a par.
sooage and raised 81,350.—Christian
Amoug the forty-two donors of $5,000
to the building fund of the Westminister
cathedral are Viscount Llandaff, the
Marquis of Ripon, Cardinal Vaughan, the
Duke of Norfolk, and the Marquis of
Bete.—Oatholio Register.
St. Bartholomew's ohuroh, New York,
is carrying on a cosmopolitan work in
addition to its English services. It has
now a °Meese, Armenian and Swedish
misaion, where services are conducted in
the respective languages.
Gude a -felt.
Marlton has pulled the tug Ontario on
to the island, and will nearly rebuild it
during the Winter.
The organ factory business the past two
months greatly exceeds that of the cor-
responding period of 1805.
Tbe West Hurou Teachers' Association
will meet in Godericb on Friday and
Saturday, Nov. 27th and 28th.
At the harbor sawmill a large quantity
of lumber, timber, and ties is being turn-
ed out. They are also running the
shingle machine.
A number of the Colborne farmers have
clubbed together and shipped a ooupla of
oar loade of choice apples to the Old
Oountry, George Mc1hee, one of the
ehippere, going in charge of them.
The Heudersoh Bioyale Oompany have
contractor McLaren at work removing
the frame building off the corner, when
they will extend lbs main building to and
facing on Cambria Road, the frame going
to the rear to be used as a storehouse.
Tho new dynamo for tbe inoandesoent
system was tested, and everything is re-
ported to have worked satiafaotorily, the
machine developing some 16 -per Dent.
more than ibe indioabodpower, so that ib
will furnish considerably more lights
than are likely to be required for a long
The oonseoration and dedioation of the
new Sb. Peter's ohuroh fn Goderioh will
take place on Sunday, Nov. 8. Arrange-
ments have been made for a epeeist ex-
0ureion train to run ffom Stratford here,
leaving Ihnt city at 0:80 e. m. and calling
at all intervening stations for the con.
venieucoof those wishing to attend the
services. The train will leave on iia re
turn at 0 o'aiook p. m.
At e, meeting of the Goderioh Curling
Club the following officers were elected
for the' ensuing year :•—Sheriff Gibbons,
patron ; Mrs. el. Hutchison and Mrs. P.
Adamson, patronesses ; D. 0. Straoban,
president ; W. T. Weleb, vioo.president ;
0, A. Humber, neo,-broae. ' Rev. M.
Turnbull, chaplain ; 111. 0. Cameron, M.
P., 3, T. Garrew, M, R. P., and Sheriff
Gibbons, honorary members ; A. MoD,
Allan and R. 0. Jennings, Toronto, rep•
resentative -members: Committee of
management and skips Were elected for
the year and all look forward for a esaeou
of intermit in the roaring genie,
Hong's D1annzor answer
to ae eugnlry from Oounty Olerk Lane
on behalf of the Goderioh ITorlioalturai
Society, A. H. Pettit replied that a few
days ago lie received the medele awarded
at the World's Fair for Outarie fruit ex.
White, eleven in number and one of whish
belongs to Enron, 155 says the Minister
of Agriculture is very anxious that, in.
stead of distributing these amongst the
distrlets, they should all bo pot in it
suitable ease or frame and hung up to
the Legislative buildings, where, be
thinks, they will be more beneficial as an
adverbisement of what tide Provinoo oan
do in fruit.
While thorough in action, Ayer's Pills
strengthen rather than [stimulate the
excretory organs. Leading phyeioians
r000mmend them because they are free
from calomel or other injurious drugs,
being composed entirely of the best
vegetable aperients.
Plums for the Public.
In order to encourage new subscribers,
and to save the expense of agent's com-
missions, we have decided to give Pm
POST to New Subscribers from Now to the
First of January, 1808, for the small's=
of ONE DOLL 1.R. Or we will give TEE
Pose and Weekly Globe to New Subsorib.
era from now until the First of January,
1808, for the small earn of ONE DOLLAR
AND FIFTY OENTS. We thus offer
the beet local paper in Ontario and the
best oily weekly in Canada for less than
the pries' of one good paper for a year.
This ie really hard times offer. It is
oheaper than wheat at 50 mute a bushel,
or oats at 10 ciente. Do not delay, if yon
desire either or both the papers ; send in
your order at once. Remember that a
one dollar bill will ewers you THE POST
from now until the First of January,1808,
and if this is not enoagb, put in fifty
cont' more and you will get the Weekly
Globe tbrown in for the same bkme.
We have still a fete on our Bete who
have evidently forgotten that the price of
Two Pose is $1.50 a year when not paid
in advance, or who really desire to be
taxed the long prioe. To all snob we
would say, that on moment of the hard
times, we will give them ONE MORE
CHANCE. If they will sand us Two
Dollars AT ONCE, we will give tbem
oredio for the past year and for the oom•
ing year, thus giving them advantage of
the advance pay price. This very liberal
offer will nob hold good for long, so those
desiring to take advantage of it had better
nob delay, Bat those who are still in ar-
rears and who do not take advantage of
this offer, will most positively be charged
the credit price of one dollar and fifty
cents for this present year, and if they
are they must blame themselves and not
us, as we offer them a good chance and a
fair warning.
Those who owe for longer than this
year, and we are glad to say there are not
many, will have their papers stopped at
the end of the year and their acoounte
planed in court for collection. WE
To the thousands who have paid us
punctually in advance and who are in the
habit of doing so, we return our sincere
and heartfelt thanks. It is those who
have helped us to make Tag Pose what it
is. We appreoiate that patronage and
shall do all in our power to deserve it and
to give them more than value for their
We would ask all our old and valued
friends throughout the oouoty to show
the liberal offer which we make to new
subscribers, at tbe top of thin article, to
any of their neighbors who do not now
'subscribe for Ton POST, and to use their
influence with them to induce them to
become subscribers. We have obtained
many new subscribers in this way in the
past, and we ask our friends to favor us
again. It will greatly help os and will
give them the consciousness of knowing
that they are doing a good eat,
Mite Vial; Lino.
Between New York and Liverpool, via
Queenstown, every Wednesday.
As the steamers attire line carry only a
strictly limited number in the Pram and
8800811 O.tssnr accommodations, intending
passengers are reminded that an early ap-
plication for berths Is nea505ary ab this sea-
son. For plans, rates, eta,,apply to
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brussels.
From From
ST171.1lian1Ps. Montreal Quebec
2 Oniy 6ardnt e
in 18 July 10 Slily
o 8 *Numidian 20 20
10 " 'Parisian 1 Ang, 0 Aug.
28 " Laurentian 8 ' n
00 " `Woegolian 1e " 16 "
0 Aug. Bard inion ........ .,,22 " 23 a
10 " +Numidian 20 " 20 "
20 " Parisian 0Snub G6apt
27 " *Laurentian 12 12
a Sept. *Mongolian .... 10 " 10 "
10 ' Sardinian "o " 67 „
*The Laurentian carries only cabin
passengers Eastbound.
"Steamers wben marked thus do not
stop at Rimouski or Londonderry.
All steamer's sail from Montreal at
Passeugere go on board between 7 and
10 o'olook on the evening before the ad.
vertised date.
l Passengers may go via Montreal
and reborn by New York or vice versa.
For further information as to rates,
tba., apply to
Test for
Wash Day
Por quick and .easy work
For cleanest, sweetest
and whitest clothes
Surprise is I ASI
very Day
For every use about the F
house Surprise works
best and cheapest
see for yourself.
Having purchased a shop on
Thomas St., opposite the Queen's
Hotel stables, I wish to notify my
old customers and as ]many new
ones as may favor me with their
patronage that I have removed
to my new stand.
Soliciting a share of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
S. T. Plum,
General Blacksmith & Horseshoer
Certain in its edeats and never blisters.
Read proofs below,
DrBBo.atCmhIoionderaon Co. Ill, Feb,21,
Dear Bha—Please:
sand mo one or our Horse
Booka and oblige, I have re with your
of your
'wondNPa medic Core with a a auacohh It Is a
wonderful medicine. I five bail n mare that had
an Occult ble on h and ave bottles cured her. I
10009 a battle on band all the time.
Yours truly, 00,0. Powers,
Dr, B. d. REaaAr.,. Co. CANTON, era, Apr, 1, 4DeaE.
think It the best Liniment I ever used. Ere re -
two Bono Son!,,,.' Have recommended kilted
hoxerel of my friends who are much pleased with
and Eoeplt. nsspootr10. RN]yy,�
6.AY, 0. O. BorOO,
For sale by all Druggists, or address
Dr. 13. J. S1ND4LL d0]IP.d,TT,
00050U500 FALLS, VT^
Over Thirty Years
Bout Sickness.
.Der. H. WETTSTErN, a well-known,
enterprising citizen of Byron,
writes: "Before I paid much atten-
tion to regulating the bowels, I
hardly know a well day; but since I
learned the evil re-
sults of constipation,
and the efficacy of
Pills, I have not had
one day's sickness
for over thirty years
— not one attack
that did not readily yield to this
remedy. My wife had been, previ-
ous to our marriage, an invalid for
years. She had a prejudice against
cathartics, but as Soon as she began
to use Ayer's Pills her health was
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6 Per Cent., Yeai4y,
Straight Loans with ;privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division Oourt Clerk, Brussels.
l' G. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in bis line.
Good Workmanship and
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
''Shop oyer McGowan's Store.
Has just received a idle
new stock of
Both Note and Lotter Size4
The Best in the Market.
.Full Line of .armr
School Supplies.
Nice Range of
Bibles, Hymn Books and Albums.
Cathartic Pills
Nodal and Diploma at World's Pair.
To lirstare Si:shgih, take d'yer's Sarsaparilla
British Columbia This Mill has. been thoroughly overhauled and modern
Red Cedar Shingles machinery added Where required so that better
AND-- t work can be done now than ever.
North Shore
Pine and, Cedar
Brussels Planing Mills
Also Doors and Sash of all Pat
terns on hand or made to order
at Short Notice,
Estimates Furnished for all
kinds of Buildings. Workman-
ship and Material Guaranteed.
J. 8c 1'* AMEN'T,
Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &c.,
always on hand.
_ Satisfaction Guarallteede
Highest market price for Wheat delivered at the Mill,
W F. Stewart