HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-23, Page 83 Oa New
The reason we ooten sell Wall
Papers ea cheap is we got a Bargain
on all oe Air, Roddiclfe Stook, We.
/lave just made tieW samples and 0811
phew you over ;7e samploo of Rem,
Hants which you owl heee, many of
them eb ghoul) half price, plenty for
small rooms,. Besides them we
over 100 other different kinds and
05 new Samples o1
aTe 'a
'Dlroot from the factory. You may
be able to make a quio1 ohoioe but
you can depend upon it we are sellin"
Cheap. We hem lot of one and
UM roll lote, suflioient for cupboards
or small pantrys—Beautiful Papers,
For bee. per Roll.
It will pay you to see our stook
if you are thinking of doing any
Druggists, Opticians and Bookeellers,
Traiue Imre Bruesels Station, North
and South, as foilo"'e:
Genie 6avrn. GOING None et,
]'fall 6:4> ¢.m, Mtxed.....,......
(express 11033 then. Mail
0:40 a.m.
Mail12:54 p.m.
tinted.. 0:00 pan. Express 0:13 pen
"or.atC �d1cius Items.
A. chiel's amang ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prone it.
SQIAI Winter.
BRUSSELS market leads.
Rem the advertisements.
SEINES are a good crop this year.
Two communications are crowded out
of this issue.
W. H. ATcClACEEN shipped another car
of potatoes this week,
WING8A11 Fall Show price list may be
found on page 0 of this issue.
FOURTH Division Court was held on
Wednesday before Judge Doyle.
Ica formed on the river Wednesday
night and could be plainly seen Thursday
Geo. TuoblsoN, grocer, purohaee 1 a
young driving horse this week from
drew Govenlock, of Melfillop.
A My was pushed through one of the
side lights, 46x00, of W. H. Peltr,u'e
restaurant on Monday evening,
GEO. EDWARDS i$ putting in a new boil-
er at his factory, Mill street. Ile deserv•
es to succeed as the grass does not grow
'ander his feet.
THE Stacey property offered for sale
Mat Tuesday afternoon by F. S. Scott,
auctioneer, at the American Hotel, was
not sold, no bid reaching the upset price.
AMONG the names mentioned as prob-
able aspirants for the positioo of Post-
master in Brussels in case of an opening
are F. S. Scott, Jno. Shaw, (of Teeswater)
W. H. McCrackenA. Cousley, Councillor
Graham and Daniel Stewart. The name
of John McCrae bas also been spoken of.
Bnusselrs Posra:Flcs.—Last Tuesday's
Toronto Globe contained the following
reference from Ottawa :—The Poebmaet.
e••Geueral, who hae bad in hand a charge
of distinct partisan condnct on the part
of the poetmaster, Mr. Farrow, ex -M. P.,
of Bru+sels, has received a statement of
defence from that official, No motion has
vet been taken in the matter, nor will
any be taken till the allegations are fully
borne out by proof.
lermes010's Cou1No.—The Publio Lib.
rary Directors will give the people of
Brussels a genuine elocutionary treat at
the Town Hall on Monday evening, Nov.
tad. Grenville Kleiner hes a very high
reputation ae a,reader and impersonator,
and his endorsements by pulpit, press
and educational societies are of a oharac-
ter equalled by but few of his profession.
The principal part in his program will be
selections from "David Copperfield," in
which he is said to excel, and a number
of miscellaneous selections will make up
a delightful entertainment. Plan of Hall
AT leox'a drug store.
Dego Ix Tonoxxo.—The Peterboro' Ex-
aminer, of tee
xaminer,oftee 17th inst., eays:—"This
moraine a telephone message was reeeiv.
ed, stathig that lire. 0. Ellsworth, of
London street, who was on a visit to To-
mato, dial at the residence of her son-in-
law, J. W. Flavelle. No other particulars
es to her illness have been received, Mrs.
Ellsworth was a daughter of the late Wm.
Thompson, of Peterboro', and widow of
the labe Rev. 0. Ellsworth, a minister of
the Methrrliet alinroh, who died at Bay-
field. She has been a widow for many
years, and resided for a long time on the
corner of Lake and Elizabeth streets,
A'llburnham. The only surviving child-
ren are :—lire. James Holden, of Mc-
Allister, Texas, who returned home but a
tow weeks ago from a visit to town ;Mre.
J, W. Elevens, Toronto, and Oran Ells.
worth, of Taxes. The deceased was about
seventy years of age. Tt:e body was
brought to Peterboro' for interment, the
funeral taking place from her late reef.
Fiance, 100 London street, on Monday,"
Phe deceased lady was a cousin to Mrs.
M. A. Turnbull, Brussels,
TEsteraimcg.—A. Temperance program
of no mean order was presented at the
Epworbh League on Monday evening.
The devotional pact of the Korvin wan
taken charge of by Mise Josie Buchanan
and at the omrolusion of that a 10 minas
intermission was allowed for social puts
pesos, .Following was the program
Temperance ohm ua ; addrees by Rev. 13.
J. Allin, "Temperance in all things" ;
antra earl chorus, "The (Lingo river.," by
.hisses Maggie Beattie o ed Minnie Moore
and company ; essay, "The Tobacco
Habit," by Miss Gdneie Smith ; solo,
"Nod Sir," by Mise Lizzie Sample ; ad -
drawl, "Peobibition," by W. H. Herr ;
shalt and chorus, "Shall we 000 the
victory," the duett being taken by Mies
D'v,1 Tltrnhull fond N, 13. Gerry; address,
"The Moderate Drinker," by President
Latrtont, tubo also read a very eaitabie
poem entitled "The two glasses." Tan
minutes were allowed fot each address.
Mies H- Ball was organist. Miss E, 1:1,
Kerr, under whose Department the sub-
ject was, presided. Rev.. Mr. Norton
dismissed the meeting by the Benedict.
tion, An enjoyable evening was spent.
• Elute Nov. find el0ar for Nleiser,
ON 'Tuesday Messrs, Soots & Jones
forwitrded 2 -ears of fine pebble to the
Eastern markets,
MEsens. Barium 13 Y,1NOTOlie Shipped a
doubla.deglied oar of hogs from Brussels
lel Monday Moon,
Tare week 'Wm, Ainley hae moved his
residence bash in the lot and will matte
other itnlptovemellta,
HOT air furnaces have been planed in
the stores of Councillor Loatherdale and
Mesera. Doadntan cel MoOa1L
NEW eobeoribers keep steadily drop.
ping in to Tale Paor, Wo eppreoi8te
very highly the kindly interest manifest.
ad by many of our Mende in "reooin-
snending THE Post,
GREY and Morrie Dlatriet contributed
515.00 toward Huron Co. share to the
Provincial Sabbath School Association,
The County is expected to raise 500,00
A pow belonging to Albert Gerry, In.
ditto Head, N. W. T., formerly of Brue-
eels, collided with a C. P. R. train. The
result was bossy got off the track never
more to get on.
$180 were paid out lest Saturday
afternoon to prize winners in connection
with East IIuron Tall Fair by Treaeurer
Stewart, Persons who have 'not yet re-
oeived ;heir money will have to call et
Mr. Stewart's residence, Brussels North.
TEE attention of the Direotors of East
Biioon Agricultural Society has been
called to the fact that several exhibitors
this Fall showed exhibits borrowed or
bought from their neighbors, This
would of course deprive them of a prize.
A searching enquiry will be made and an
example made of the offenders if satia-
fuotory proof is obtained. The rules
mast be adbered to,
SOLD PVT.—Brussels Herald has chang-
ed hands again, Mr. Sarney, of Elora,
having purchased the plant and taken
po eotleion this week. It is paid that Me.
1Voolsey, who hae edited lire Herald for
the past year, will resume bre oldpoaibion
on the staff of the Toronto Telegram.
Mr. Sarney makes the fourth gentleman
at the wbeel since the Herald was start-
ed about three years ago. We would like
to get the recipe ae we have been pegging
away for the past 18 years and can't re-
tire yet. Tno Pose' welcomes the new
Editor and his wife as residents of Brus-
PUBLIC SCHOOL LlxEnanc.—The first
meeting of the Literary Society was
held in the school room on Friday after.
noon from 8 to 4 o'clock. After the
President had opened the meeting with
an address, the minutes of last meeting
were read and adopted. The question of
whether the society should meat every
Friday or every second Friday was then
discussed. • Moved by Ira Gerry, second.
ed by Principal Cameron that the pro•
gram committee prepare a program every
week and that the paper be edited every
second wens—Carried. A short program
was then presented, oousieting of read-
ings, by Jessie MoLauohlic and George
Buchanan. Editor Gilpin then gave the
contents of his paper, which he has
named "The Review," 000810tiO4 of the
current events of the week from all over
the world ; sketches of prominent men ;
several seleations of original poetry, and
an artiole on the recent Railway strike.
The different arblules were all contributed
by pupils in the school.
THE Atwood Bee eaye :—"W. H. Mo-
Oraclten, of Brussels, was in Listowel
and Atwood last Saturday gathering in
the "long green" for prizes woo at the
Listowel and Elma Falre, Mao. makes
a business of it fur the money there is in
it, and there ie considerable in it for the
professional exhibitor. It is a question
in our mind ifItis not an abuse of the
privileges of the township Show, and of
the Government grant at back of it, to
permit such professionals, who melte a
business of growing abnormal garden
"saes" for the money there is in it, and
not for any interest they may have in
agriculture and its kindred industries ;
for Mae. is not a farmer, but a grocer,
and produces the stuff which scoops in
the prizes upon his a sere lot especially
cultivated for that purpose, and fanoy
seed imported from the four gnartere of
the earth," Dear Bee.—Lettnae hope
that you won't mangel our McCracken
even if he does beet your villagers and
anbbige a few prizes. He hae to hoe his
own row even at your Fair.
Leer Friday evening the entertainment
given in the Town Hall in aid of St.
John's church Sabbath school library
came off, a good sized audience being in
attendance. The program was varied
and interesting and eonaisted of a piano
solo by T. A. Hawkins ; cantata, The
Gipsy" ; quartette, by Misses Lottie F1i11
and Mary Ross and T. A. Hawkins and
A. floss hoop drill ; doll song ; broom
brigade drill ; duett, by Albert and Beryl
Putland ; and "Tenting to -night on the
old camp ground," with tableaux. "The
two Mrs, Smith's" was the title of a
short play in which Mrs. F. 0. Rogers,
Mrs. Harry James, Misses Mary Rose,
Attie Cardiff and Nellie Campbell and 11.
Woolsey, T. A. Hawkins, G. D. Lamont
and Geo. Rogers took part, The play
proved that there is more than one Mrs.
Smith. Each performer did their part
wall although several persona did not
speak loudly enough to be beard die.
tinctly ab the rear of the Hall. Proceeds
01 entertainment, $20, Rev. A. K. Grif-
fin, incumbent, addressed a few appro.
priate remarks at the opening of the
evening's program. Mise O'Connor drill•
ed the young people and had a large
ahare of work in canneation therewith.
People We Know.
Rev. S. Donee ie still quite ill.
M. A. Halliday, of Cheeley, is in town.
Dr. Graham visited Toronto on Mon-
Jae. Fox and wife spent last Sunday in
Mrs. Samuel Stnale has gone to Buffalo
on a visit to her sons,
Wm. Marie, of Robhsay, was in town
for a few days this week.
Courtney Gilpin, of Gorrie, eves culling
on friende in town on Monday.
Will. J. Remelt has taken a situation
with Zilliax & Sarvis, Lisbowel,
Robt. Watt was in Toronto during the
past week no fire engine business,
Mrs, G. F. Blair is progressing favor.
ably from her attack of typhoid fever.
Will. James, who has been in Manitoba
for severed months, arrived home this 1
Mra, Fermin and Mia Ella are bank
from a visit of two or three months at
Mies Eche Perkins, of Gorrie, and
Miss Minnie Hemphill, of Wroxeter,
were visiting Mien Lizzie Perguson and
Mita Lily Mooney this week.
Mise Lily Elliott, of Bayfield, le visit
ing MiGs
Mary Beattie, 011010b street,
Mies Nellie Ross and Miss Gentle 11004
are vieiting relatives in Qhealey for a
week of sa.
300, Stacey, of MiiObell, formerly of
Brussels, 13160 in town on Tooedey on a
beeineee trip,
Wm, Richardson and wife, of Walker-
ton, were the goatee of Walter ltiobartl.
son and family this week.
13. Gerry was at Palmereten, Durham
and Mount Forest this week looking lip
the eleetrio light questipn.
Douglas, sou of Rev. G. 11. Cobblediok,
B. 'D., of Glencoe, late of I3ruseeis, flat,
been laid up with scarlet fever, •
Philip Ilingeton, maobiniot, 10 bore
from London, being 017 duty while the
shop he, was employed in is undergoing
Fred, Downing le home from the rag -
1»g main, He waft assistant steward on
the steamer "North Land," running
from Buffalo to Duluth.
Ifarry Hewitt, jeweler, who has been
residing at Mattawa, is home on a holiday
visit with relatives. He'a 013111 worrying
along in singlelouefinees,
A. Soott, 8rd line, Morrie, made hie first
visit to Brussels for two year0 last Mon-
day. We hope the old gentleman's
health will continue to improve.
We regret to learn that Mies Lily
Gordon, of Lacknow, sister to Mrs,
Pletcher, Brussels, met with a painful
aooident. She was getting wood when
she stepped on a rusty nail which went
through the shoe into her Met.
Dr. J, K. Gordon, of Lucknow, hat
pnrobaeed the medical practice of Dr.
Bneohtel, of Ripley, formerly of Brussels,
and will sbortly move there. Dr. IIuaoh-
tel intends taking a course in some of
the colleges of the 01d Land and will go
to England after a brief holiday 'felt
among relatives iu this locality.
Business Locals.
LoNo, clear bacon at McCracken's.
8nn D. C, Rose' new stook of Over-
ROLLED oats and all kinds of mill feed
for sale at Rose' mill, Brussels.
RUB130000 to keep your feet dry, and
that will fit all sizes of feet.
I. 0. Richards.
Fon the cheapest Overcoats in town go
to D. 0. Ross'.
Goon business stand, opposite Ameri•
eau Hotel, 8rueeels, for eats or to rent.
App'v to B. Gerry.
138,,.o,:'raand ri,hre,_all kinds. Trunks
and satubels at low prices.
I. 0. Richards.
Oen men's long boots are hand made,
extra value, low prices. Try them.
I. C. Richards.
FLOU8 I noun 1 Manitoba patent, Man-
itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, beat
in the market, for sale at Rose' mill.
SEE our bargain counter. There may
be something on it you want. Your
ohoioe this week for $1.00.
I. 0. Richards.
I no saw filing very cheap now for
spot oaeh as I have a new gad a fast way
of setting Faces. T. McGregor, saw -filer,
Brussels, Queen St. East.
HELLO there 1 Have you seen the beau-
tiful china just received. Another sop -
ply of china with photo. of new school, at
T. Fletaber's jewelry store.
SNmo0's Cure, the great Dough and
croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25
cents. Children love it. Sold by Jas.
Fox, druggist, Brussels.
Coi'onrABLE brick residence with every
convenience, furnace, &o.,fer sale or to
rent. Possession given on December 1st,
For further particulars apply to Mrs. R.
Walker, Turnherry street, Brussels.
EARL'S Clover Root will purify your
blood, Clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and melte your head (dear as
a bell. 25 eta., 50 ole. and $100. Sold
by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels.
OAnrzrs.—Any one desiring carpets
will do well to call at the Brussels Wool-
en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they
have the largest assortment of samples
ever shown in this locality, ranging in
pride from 80e. to $1.00. HowE & Co.
Blas. T. S. HAWKINS, Chattanooga,.
Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved
my life." I consider it the best remedy
fora debilitaed system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it
excels. Price 75 ole. Sold by Jae. Fox.
Birt has all the ne0easery machinery for
digging and drilling wells and is prepar.
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
share. Terme reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
aide of Tarnberry et., Brussels. 84-11
Do Noe CONFOUND Wright'e Liver and
Stomach Pills with the numerous cheap
purgative pills that only act on the
bowels. Wright's Liver and stomach
Pills are given to you as a treatment
with full directions of how and when to
use them. The roost is 60 centa a box.
One box oures. Ask Jas. Fox, Druggist,
Brunets, abort them and get a circular.
Don't Headache Powders will relieve
that violent headache in lees time than it
takes you to read this. They ere safe,
successful, sure. 25 cents a box.
Dr. William Campion, President of
Qieen'a College, Cambridge, is dead.
The kiontreal firemen who lost their
lives in Friday's fire, were given a public
John A. Auld, the Liberal candidate,
carried South Essex by over a 111oeeand
Norman Patterson, a Windsor bank"
clerk, has been missing since Friday.
Ills accounts are all right.
Dire. Gardiner and Wm." MoQomas
were committed for trial at Woodstock
on a charge of murdering the woman's
husband on Sept. With. All the parties
are oolored.
Rev. A. J. Campbell, a minister lof the
Chnrob of the Anointed, wee found sink
and helpless on the road near Stoney
Creels, las wag placed in the hospital
at Hamilton,
Win. Rogers, a farmer living about
a mile from Belmont, shot himself
several times and out his throat. Ile
sent hie housekeeper, Dirs. Smith, on an
errand to her husband, who was work-
ing at a neighboring farmer's, When
she returned she found Rogers dead,
OLow,-In East Wawenosh, on the 14th
inst., the wife of Mr. David Olow of
a daughter.
MOGEE.—In East Wawanoab, on the 11th
inst., the wife of Mr. Henry McGee
' of a eon.
OCT. 28, 1896
S,JC ✓.L el y D4 • .73 13,4A I , V.4' C4.71114,1)4.
TAU3Z 10010 i7� 30.1772,
ASSETS, (Seven. Million DoUare
CAPITAL (Authorized) ) 57,000,000
itgctlales in all principal points in Ontario, Qtlobco, Manitoba, United StatoslG En0Zagd•
P NU"i SSE1408' l'a...YV 6R•}Y.
A General BankingBoeineee Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted,
Drafts I80ued and Colleotlons made on all pointe.
Interest allowed on deposits pf 51,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of
withdrawal and compounded hall yearly.
Brame: ATTENTION ovens TO ma 0oLLigoclog 0P FAn000ne' 84LE' NOVO.
Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance.
Lovi—linnu En.—On the 21st inst., at
the residence of the bride's father,
411 con., Grey, by Bev. D. B. 'Mo.
Rete, Mr. Charles Love to Miss Jane
L. Bremner, only daughter of Mr.
Andrew Bremner, all of Grey.
EarewonTn,—Ou Friday, Oat. 16th, at
the residence of her son-in-law, J. W.
Flavolle, 505 Jarvis street, Toronto;
Eliza Ellsworth, widow of the late
Rov. 0. H. Ellsworth, of the Wesley-
an Methodist church of Canada.
Knee.—In TBrnberry, on the 11th inst.,
John King, aged 84 years and 8
A 'CTC:01 ' 6 r x bS.
PnmAy, Oot. 28.—Lot 14, Oon. 6, Grey.
Farm, farm stook and implements. Sale
at 1 p. m. sharp. P. J. Bishop, Prop.,
F. S. Scott, Ana.
TUESDAY, 001. 27. --Lot 22, Con. 9,
Grey. Farm stock, implements, &o.
Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m. sharp, Mre.
Ann Sleinmon, Proprietrese. F. S.
Scott, Auo.
A. one Shouting and 2 Lambs, for sale.
Apply to JAS. 8PE31, Lot 30, Con, 0, Morris,
loads wanted for the Belgian market,
10.2 G. E. XING, 'Hingham.
number of Ram Lambs, all pure bred
ShropaMree, also 12 young Ewee, grades, for
sale. Apply to JNO, SMITH, Let 8, Coe, 0,
Grey, Brussels P. 0. 18-tf
trained, good size, extra gentle, Sold
with or without harden and top buggy,
sleigh and robes. All In primo order. Less
than half piece. JN0. D, RONALD,
holding and and 8rd clan oertifioatea,
respectively, for S. S. No. 11, Grey, for 1807.
Applicants to state salary, with testimonials,
and apply to WM, SPENCE,
29 3 Bebe' P. 0., Ont.
The endorelgnod offers his comfort-
able cottage and $ acre of land ou Turnberry
street Brussels for sale. Ou the premises is
a good well, eiable,fruit trees, &o. For price
curd terms apply to
1•tf ALEX. MCLAUCHLIN, Proprietor.
J. KIN for S. S. No, 8, Grey, a male teacher,
holding Second class certificate, Duties to
commence January let,1007. Sealed applioa-
tious with testimonials au d salary expected,
w ill be reooivod by the undersigned up to
Friday, November 18113, 1806,
D, DIaTAGGABT, Sec,-Treas.,
14-4 Oranbrook P. O,
✓ CALSne: TIntil furtheraotioe the web
of service of my Jersey Bull, if paid at the
time of service, will be 81.50 tor grade oowe
With the privilege of returning same one, or
another, every year until you have a heifer
calf. This means no (Margo for bull calves.
You can depend on us always keeping a Stat-
eless bull from good milking strains.
Druggist, Brutsole,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice is ;hereby given pursuant to the
statutes to that lobalf, that all creditors
laving claims against the estate of Janios
Mol6alvey,deceased, who died at- the Town-
ehip o1 Grey en the 114111 day of April, 3808,
are required on or before the Tenth day of
Novomber0800, to mail to the undersigned,
the Agent for the Estimators of the deceased,
at Brussels poet office, or delivered to him in.
writing, a atntement of their claims, with
full paeticulare, addresses and descriptions,
and of the security (if any) held by them,
and that from and after the said data the
stud Executors may proceed to distribute
the astute •of the deoeused, having regard
only to the claims of which they may then
have had notioe. And the Executors will
not be liable for the int:meads of the estate
Be distributed to any person of when claim
they had not nobles ab the time of such dis-
tribution. A. HUNTEB,Bruseele,
Agent for A. Me3Gi ver, M.11, t Exooutors.
Mai. 1
Mated at Brusselsa,, 001 001.155,, 1800. 1418
macaw= has govern: good Farms for
Bale and to rent, easy theme in TOwnships
of Morrie and Grey. '[ 8. 6�1UTT,Braoeele
i.01 ARMS FOR SALE. — 200
acres—Consisting of Late 18 on the 7110
and 8th Concessions, Townshipof Grey. be-
ang 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 6}
mll08iron%lirussels, 40 acres of Pall whont
Sown Hud about 80 acres under grape ; 00
apron olaared en 01010, ferns of puycneut
oaal'. A, McN,ELVEY, M, D.,
04. Brussels,
stOoeoietfug oftho 8an the and South}
ill North } emLot 80, 000 2, East Wawa
uea11. This is au oxeolleet stook tater. I is
well supplied with good spring water. Itis
aftuatot about 8 mies /aeon thriving Vil-
lage of Blyth. A largo part
of It is under
grate: Buildings and foueoe aro in a fair
state of ronnh'. Base terms 05 payment will
be gleamFor Ni information apply to
11-tf G.F. BLAIR, Barrister, Brussels,
iw7 That excellent fal'be, Let 16, 0011,0,
loweebipof Grey,100 Beres, must be, sold at
Oboe inorder to olMao Iodate of deceased own.
or. The lot ie nearly all cleared, with good
boildinge, ample water as ply large or-
obard, 14 miles from Crateroo 0is under
good Oultivalion audio av5Tv desirable rro-
1,0rtyindeed, Apply to RIUHARD DI133.
010161,L, Brussels P. 0, ' HUNTER;
mrpoB'EL L,
on Gm pretnisen' or A,'UNTEit;Brussele.
Detect Sept, loth, 1000.
Bruonole. Great bargain, Lot 7, Cou.
,)llasuitableloixeoabO,vy ewte ed, frr and
daisy teeming, Apply to . WM. S6ILL0U01.1
on the promisee or to THOMAS HE1OITAGE,
Loudon West.
—150 nem of good farm land ab
Springfield, 8 milds from Winnipeg, is offer-
ed for Oslo at a low prion. The property is
North East 3 Soo,10 'lwp, 11, Range 4, Beet,
Therein a house on the premien and some
breaking done. Per full particulars as to
price, title. dm,, write or apply to
G. F. BLAIR of W. H. BEER,
20.4f Brussels, Out,
elm an estate the Wont hal[ f Lot 2A Con,
7, 7, Townebip of Grey, '50 acres, is offered for.
immediate sale. On the premises area good
frame dwelling with trachea, .50., also two
frame barns, good water, orchard, &o„ and ie
close to the Village of Ethel. Soil ie of the
best and farm is well fenced. Apply to
AM013311,V10111', Jamestown ., or Ae7VNT111,
8Ene1GNED offer their splendid 100 acre
farm ,Lot 22, Con. 12, Grey, for sale. There
are 85 acres cleared, balance good hardwood
bush, Ou the premises is a comfortable
frame heave, framebarn and outbuildings ;
grod onanol0 o11,a a,Frm tiwells,
',state f0813tion,
1,1 miles from Craabrook village and 0}
from Nruseele. Possession could be given
this Pell. For further particulars as t0
price, terms, &0„ apply on the premises or
write to Craabrook p, 0.
4.11 WE. AND SAMUEL 0410T00$AN.
The eligible 400 acro fatm, composed of
lots 10 aid 17 in the 10th eon„ Grey township,
Huron Co,, and 50 uoros, part of lots 10 and
17, 11th con„ belonging to the Robert Brown
estate, is offered fur sale to wild up estate.
On the first farm is a good atone house and
large bank baro, necessary outbuildings, or-
chard, &e. Farm well watered, well fenced
and in good state of cultivation. About 60
sores of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. Ou
the 00 acro farm there is a house and barn,
orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. Perms
sold jointly or separately to snit purchaser.
Possession given in the Fall. Farms aro on-
ly a mile from the village of Oraubrook,
where ore school, churches, post -office,
stores, &c„and 81 miles to the thriving mar-
ket town Brussels. For further particulars
as to price, terms, &a., apply to
J461E0 BROWNExecutors.
Oranbrook P 0. BROWN,
Lot 17,10010.146 ey, a thorn t brow rOliooter
White boar. Usual terms.
14.4 L. MGNEIL, Proprietor.
Lot' s, Con. 8,g Morris llakthere' brediBerlr.
shire boar with registered pedigree, import -
of a Fairview, both
an bin] prby
oa Geo,
with pedigree. Terme 51,00, to be paid at
time of service with nriviloge of returning if
necessary.. JA8, A. Moo11E,
14'4 Proprietor,
Undersigned w111 hoop for service on
Lot 20, Con. O, ,Borrie, the there' brad im-
proved Whits Yorkshire Boar "Selected,”
bred trona 3,41. Brothour's sweopetalses sow
at Chicago Pair. Terms, 81.00 to be paid
at the time of service with privilege of re-
turniug if necessary. Pedigree may be seen
on application,
undersigned will keep for service on
Lot 30, Con. 0, Morrie, the tbm'o'-brad Largo
English Berkshire Boar,"Captain John."
His n1011201:18 a fall sister to the 1st prize
sow at Ilio World'e Fair. Pedigree will be
lmoduoed on applinatiou. Perms—$1.00 to
be paid at time of service with privilege of
returning if neae96ary.
14.Om JAS. SPEnIt, Proprietor.
undersigned will )coop for sorvice on
Lot 27. Con. 4, liforrie, the thorn' bred Tam-
worth boar,"Klug George," purchased from
1A. George & Sons who got Met prize for
than' herd at Guelph Fat ;Stook Show, Tho
dam of "King George" won Ilret prize at the
Show, London, England, His shoe was im-
ported and weighed 7501be. Terme $1.00 to
breturnlug if necessary, Pedlar Orr may of
seen on application.
40-tt Proprietor,
Anoiont Drdor of United Workmen.
This o1c1 and peoepernua Fraternal Aseoot-
ation nuteberiug 850,000 members aro pre-
senting to the public their popular and coon-
omiaal rates t0 worthy meu,at the very low
rate of 0)001 $8,00 per 51,003 per t0nbtlm,
33110 Workmen', Promptly Play Month
Clalwa and 0x5000 s large increase to its
members now that thea American Line
Companies don't seem 8111181acto'y to Can.
11011T.AlIMSTRONG M.W,; W. 10.1HEB10,
Recorder; J. A. oRE1G11TON,Flnaueter.
Honor Graduate Toronto University,
Licentiate Royal Oe,logo Dental burgeons.
Grown and Bridge work ,3specialty. Moder-
ate Pees, Setieftiotlih Assured. Office over
ltarrott'l )arbor shop, Turnberry St„ lerue-
eole. .
tl . Honor Graduate of the Ontario
Veterinary College, le prepared to treat all
di0enees ut d0moatiaaterl animals in a coin.
potent Wanner, 1'artt001ar attention paid
W veterinary dentistry, Calls prom etly at.
tended to. Gillet, add LroArmary—Four doore
0100110 of bridge 'parnloetry et., Broesols.
F'! Li ,
What ? Why that dray load
of New ]Wall Paper that was re-
ceived at
a few dale ago 7 Yes, and it will be hung
if Neatness of Design and Chsapnesa in
Pride has anything to do with it. 'we
haven't a single roll of old Wall'Paper in
store. Every sample is Olean acid bright,
direct from the faotory lash week.
Tou Should Soo.
Our 5o. Papers with Border and Ceiling
to match, and then of course we have a
very fine range of Glimmers and Gilts at
from 7o. to 11o., but we not only have our
papers marked at exceeding close prices,
but we also save you the trouble of trim.
ming it. We do that for you with ono:
new'7rimming Machine, without extra
charge. Now there's a pointer worth re'
Every Roll of Wall Paper
Purchased from us Will be
Trimmed Free of Charge.
We will consider 11 a favor to show you
our stoop whether you wish to purchase
or not at
Fox's Drug Store.
U• Solicitor and Oonyoyeooer. Colleo-
tionsmade. 00300—Vanetone'aBlock, Brae.
sole. 21.8m
• Solicitor, 0onvoyaeoer,NotaryPub-
lio, &o. Ofioo—Vauetone'e Bloolq 1 door
north of Oentral Hotel, Private Funds to ,.
Cameron,) cud Solif citor Cameron,
that Office—Hamilton St., Opposito Col-
borne Hotel.
Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow de
Proudfoot's Office, Goderioh;) Office over
Gillies & Smith's Bank, B russets.
Money t0 Loma. 47
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct
edou reasonable terms. Parma and farm
stooka opeclelty. Orders left at Tan Pon,
P ublishiug House ,Bru gaols, orsent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
•S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- • ETH, wit) sell for better prides, to
better . mon, in sea time and lees charges
than any other Auctioneer in East Huron
or he won't charge anything. Dates nod •
orders can always be arranged at this oflioe
or by personal application.
CAPT. J. STRETTON, Who has had 25 years oxporienee as an
Auctioneer, but who had to quit 'owing to 111
health, has again taken out license and is
prepared to conduct sales at reasonable
terms. Sattsfaotlon Cuaran toed. Dates may
he arranged at Too Pon Publishing House,
• 0. Df., L. R. O.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P.
S. Ont. Rosideuoe and offioo nn Wilson's
Block, corner of 101011 and Turnberry Ste.
• Phyeielan, Surgeon Aceouohor,etc,
Graduate of Toronto University Medical
Faoulty, Member of College of Yhyelofans
and Someone,Ont. OFFIC1—Next door to
McDonald & Go., Walton Out.
• Issuror ofMarriage Licenses. Office
at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels,
I�,•N.Tonsorial ABARII{T'T,
rtist• Shop—Next door
south of A. lei. Malley & Co's hardware store.
Ladle e'and obildrene hair cutting a specialty
Savings Beak takes Deposita from
81.00 to 51,000 and Showa gi per Dent,
utmost. T. FARROW,
37.301 postmaster.
!awe, of Marriage Licenses,
0 No Witness Required,
T. FLETCIIER, Brussels.
.C9.. Olorlt of the Fourth Divaslon. Cour
Co, Buren, oonvoyarioer, Notary Publio
Land Loan and Insurance Agent, Panda
invested aid to loan, 000100tion8 made
Chico hl Grabam'o Bloolt,Bruesole
11-1110S. A. RA,WRTNS,
Will give V tenons to pupils either OD
piano no:organ, at his Motile Roomaopiroalso
the o, 01011 eaBrs 0x8, Vocal inset a also
Turn. Well years - oxperienoe in teaching.
Terms moderato.
bqb�� b