The Brussels Post, 1896-10-23, Page 3-nwrz ra Best far..-.444›- Wash ar -Wash Day makes clothes sweet, clean, white, with the least labor. AL' . -,i. `,r,.lsrr ,u. dot Its remark- able lasting and cleansing properties make SURPRISE most economical and est fpr, Every Day 463,4 OCT, 23, 1890 Tovrn, Directory. 1111,tvlhr,lt Qiluaag,^-Sabbath Servioes at 11 it m and 7:00 p. m, Sunday School at 2:80 p m, Bev, john Roller D A, pastor, $2. 402N'8 Onnitan.—Sabbath Serviaee at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Sebooi at 2;30 p,. in. "Bev, A. K, Griffin, inoum. bunt. MnTliouznT Oliouon,—Sabbath Services at 10130 it m and 7:00 1i m, Sunday School at 2:80 p m, Rev. S. J.,Atlip, pastor. Bombs OATnonro Cnonolr.—Sabbath Servide third Sunday in every month, ab 1(1:80 a m. Rev Joseph I{ennoay, priest, SALVATION Antsy: $e Vioe at 7 and 11 a m and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday and every evening, in the weak at 8 o'clock, at the barraoke.. ODD FELLowe'. Loos every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook. MAsovlo Lonsn Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. A. 0 U W Loner on the 8rd Friday evening of eaob month, in Blas. bill's block; O 0 E Looms 2nd end last Monday evenings of each month, in Blaehill's block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L l) L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONS OP SCOTLAND, tat and 3rd Tues- days of each month, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0. T. M. Lows, 2nd and 4th Tues. days of each mouth, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Hems Ornono, 2nd and 4th Friday even- ings in Blashill'e Hall. POST Orvroe.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE.—Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 8 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 0 to 8 Saturdays, Mise Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian. TowN Consort..—W. H. Kerr, Reeve ; Geo. Beaker, Robert Graham, R. Lea- therdale and R, G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Belly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Ross, Oolleotor. Board meets the let Monday in each month, SCHOOL BoemD.-Dr. Graham, (chair- man,) Rev. Ross, D. 0. Rove, A. Reid, A. Koenig and H. Dennis ; Sec.-Treas., H. Ross. Meetings tad Friday evening in eaoh month. PuoLIO Stumm TEAM:ERS.—J. H. Pam. eron, Principal, Mies Linton, Mise Downey and Mies Ritchie. Beam OP I:IEALTH.—Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. SOMETHING WHICEI MAY BE LOST. A wee little maid, with a bright little face, Climbing up on the railing, one day, Which guarded the pansies—a slip and a fall, And down 'mid the blossoms she lay I No very bad bruises were ,found on her !ones=, And very few tears in ber eyes, "The child lost her balance," her grand. ma declared, May listened iu wondering surprise. They missed her, and down in the pansies she knelt, Now peering this way and that, "'Tie gone—some one steeled it," she oalmly announced, Looking up from the depths of her bat. "And what did you drop ?" asked her mamma surprised (And kissed the cheeks all aglow), They laughed at her answer and kissed her again : "My balance—I loot it, you know 1" THE OLD FIREMAN'S STORY. 'Tis a good many years ago now, but I'll never forget that night— Twenty years ago, so long ; ah, me ! how swift time's flight ! I never thought I'd be living—aye, I often think of it yet. • When a man has soars like these, lad, is he likely to forget ? 'Twos midnight, aye, and stormy—ye gods, hots hard it blew 1 And the snow it almoetblinded as through the streets we flew. The brigh, red sky to the Eastward told us the fiend had hold ; And I thought of the homeless mortals out this night in the cold. We soon were there and fighting with all our might and main ; But it seemed that our utmost efforts would only prove in vain. How the mighty conflagration roared in defying might, And the MUMS leaped soorahinground us as if with mad delight 1 Then a ory arose—a, woman at the win- dow was aeon to stand In wild despair, and shrieking at the armed she waved her hand, Some said'twae only fanny, but we soon had a ladder raised, And a thousand terror•s6ricken eyes on that window gazed. 1 was half way up the ladder when the ory of despair rang clear ; I looked aloft at the window, sure that she would appear ; There, white as snow, an arm was hang- ing over the sill, And the eight of it ao lifeless sent to my heart a chill. "My God, how slow I'm going l Will I ever geb there 1" I thought ; The smoke and the heat Bent out stifling wave after wave so hot ; I pulled herout to the ladder—too late 1 eh, too late, she is dead 1 But her lips moved in a whisper, "My babe" was all she said. My comrade gently bore her down to the street below ; I looked at the smoking window; and something whispered "Go." On my hands and knees I started, and I soon was at the door ; 'Just near the flames were coming up through the stairs and liaot, Grapipg .around I found rootoue child ; For it the cry of aegalsh rang out on the air 00 wild, The Are was all nround me ; I was 10010g my eensos fast ;. Singed and bruleed and blistered I reach- ed the window at last,' I gob en the ladder somehow ; I thought I would surely fall 1 The only thing that roused me was my comrades' ahesring call. I got down unsupported, with the babe in my arras held tight, I gave it a fireman's shelter and it same through the ecorob all right. I saw it shortly after ; fn a snowy wee cot it Jay •, First it looked in my face in wonder, then smiles began to play, 011, how my heart went to it ; I bad Buffered its life to nave, And the motherless mite repaid me with the inn000nt emilee,it gave, Ali, yes, I see her often ; snob a beautiful lass she grew ; I don't think there 10 another living so gentle, and good and true ; As site. lay in the cot there smiling she got into my heart someway ; I carried her home to mother ; she is living and well today. Her mother, a bonny creature, never spoke in life again ; They tried every means to revive her but all was in vain, Now I never look at her child hub that 'whisper "my babe," I hear, And light and love come flooding my aged heart to cheer. THIN BRITS "-.,., .r1,,nr�.xrama.•.*r++a+'r..�.,xrm, hs mother's The end Southerner neverhal pae is heel On the men of the Northern Zone, "Pupa, I10 '['rue to Ale." Senator Henry J. Coggeahall is a poet. He says, however, that he hue only writ- ten one poem. "To tell you the truth," said the senator at the Fifth Avenue hotel, "that poem you have heard about was really inspired. One ottmy senatori- al colleagues gave a dinner and I was one of the guests." "Were you fined a poem for drinking seltzer ?" asked the. reporter. "No," replied Senator Ooggeshall, "I refused to drink anything intoxinating, and my colleagues began to jibe me. I thought of a promise I had made to my little daughter, her last words when I left home for Albany being, "Papa, be true to me." I gave the poem that title." It i8 as follows What makes me refuse a social glass ? Well, I'll toll you the reason why ; Because a bonnie, blue • eyed lase is ever etanding by, And I hear ber, boys, above the noise of the jest and the merry glee, As with baby grace she kisses my face and says, "Papa, be true to me." Then what can I do, to my lass be true, better than let it pass by ? I know you'll think my retinal to drink a breach of your courtesy ; For I hear her repeat, is a008nte sweet, and her deur little form I see, As with loving embrace she kisses my face, and Bays, "Papa, be true to me." Let me offer a toast to the one I love most, whose dear little will I obey ; Whose influence sweet is guiding my feet over life's toilsome way ; May the sun ever shine on this lassie of mine, from sorrow may she he free ; For with baby grace she Hath kissed my face, and said, "Papa, be true to mel' 0 CANAi)A'a el1AMPIONtiHIPS. That Canada ie .producing a race of men which is physcally the beet in the world—strength backed up by nerve, oommon sense, Balance and intellect—bas been abundantly proven during the prey. ent year. The Sporting Championships that have come to Canada this year were never more numerous or more repre- sentative, and the world is wondering bow such results have been obtained. Look at this list : Jake Gaudaur, of Orlllits, Ont., has won the sculling championship of the world. At Higley the Canadian Militia team won the Kolepore cup. At Shoeburyness the Canadian Artil- erymen won the Queen's prize, The yacht Canada defeated the yacht Venoedor at Toledo in the international race for the championship of the Grant Lakes. The Glenaairn in the race at New York won the championship in her class. J. K. MoOollough, of Winnipeg, won the slating ohampionehip of America at St. Paul. The Winnipeg four -oared crew at Sara. toga won the amateur championship of America. In the international orioket match at Philadelphia, Canada defeated the United States by 40 runs. This is a record of which Canada may well be proud. Her citizens have not been so married away by the pursuit of the almighty dollar that they have ne- glected the development of a sound body and a healthy mental power. Perhaps this little nation with its five million in- habitants may not be the champion in the race to accumulate wealth, but it is the nurse of generations which shall some day play a not unimportant or minor part in the directing and regulating of this world's advancing civilization. The foundations are being laid broad and firm and deep, and the national building will stand imperious and grand when the ephemeral structures of other nations shall have crumbled into insignifloonband forgotton ruins. Thane is a time coming, no doubt, when the foundations will bo assailed by a sbrength equal to their own, lint in the words of the Poet Kernig= Our hearts are as free as the rivers that flow In the 0000 where the North star shines ; Our lives aro as free as the breezes that blow Thro' the crests of cur native pines. We never will bend the knee ; We'll always and 'aye be free ; For Liberty taigas in the land of the loal, Our brothers are round her throne ; A Southerner never shall plan his heel On the men of the Northern Zone. Shall rho mpthers that love 00 bow the Bead And blush ter degenerate sone 9 Aro the patriot fires gone out and dead 7 Oh, brother3, stand to your guns Leb the flag be nailed to the mast, Defying the coming blast, For Canada's sons are tract as steel Plums for the Publ�le, In Order to 00000rage now e0eerlb0re, and to save the expense of ageut'e oom- miseione, we have -decided to dive Sun Pos'r to New Subeoribers from now to the 1"iret ofJanuary, 1808, for the 50101 sum of .ONE DOLL kR, Or we will give' Tim POST and Weekly Globe to New Subeorib, ere from now until the 1 irst of January, 1808, for the small sum of ONE DOLLAR, AND FIFTY CENTS. We thus offer the beet looal paper in Ontario and the best oily weekly in Canada for lase than the prioe of one good paper for a year. Thie is really bard times offer. It is cbeaper than wheat at 00 cents a bushel, or oats able Gents. Do not delay, if you. desire either or both the papers ; Bend in your order at once, Remember that a one dollar bill will secure you Tim Pon. from now until the First of Janunry,1598, and if this is not enough, put in fifty cents more and you will got the Weekly Globe thrown in for the dame time. We have still a few on our lists who have evidently forgotten that the price of Tun POST is $1.50 a year when not paid in advance, or who really desire to be taxed the long price. To all such we would say, that on a000unt of the hard times, we will give them ONE MORE ()HANOI]. If they will send us Two Dollars AT ONCE, we will give them credit for the past year and for the own- ing year, om-ingyear, thus giving them advantage of the advance pay price. This very liberal offer will not hold good for long, so those desiring to take advantage of it had better not delay. But those who are still in ar- rears and who do not take advantage of this offer, will most positively be Charged the credit price of one dollar and fifty Dents for this present year, and if they are they must blame themselves and not 0e, as we offer thein a good ohanoe and a Fair warning. Those who owe for longer than this year, and we are glad to say there are not many, will have their papers stopped at the end of the year and their accounts planed in court for colleotion, WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY. To the thousands who have paid us punctually in advance and who are in the habit of doing so, we return our sincere andheartfelt thanks. It is those who have helped us to make Too POST what it ie. We appreciate that patronage and shall do all in our power to deserve it and to give them more than value for their money. We would aelt all our old and valued friends throughout the county to show the liberal Direr wbioh we make to new snbsoribere, at the top of this article, to any of their neighbors who do not now subscribe for Tne Pose:, and to use their influence with them to indcae them to become subscribers. Wo have obtained many new subscribers in this way in the past, and we ask our friends to favor us again. It will greatly help us and will give them the consciousness of knowing that they are doing a good act. W. H. KERR, PUBLISHER. The Public and High School Boards of Kingston have decided to amalgamate. Sir Charles and Lady Tupper celebrated the golden anniversary of their wedding day at Ottawa. A Liberal convention to select a oandi- date for Saskatchewan will be held at Prince Albert on Oot. 21st. A supporter of the Stquffville Lacrosse Olub has deposited $50 with the Globe on behalf of it challenge to play Mark- ham for $500 a side. The Corn Exohauge of Montreal has passed a resolution in favor of removing an obstruction in the Laohine Canal, which is causing a great deal of trouble to vessels. In many oases the'first work of Ayer's Sarsaparilla ie to expel the eheots of other medicines that have been tried in vain. It would be a saving of time and money if experimenters took Ayer's Sarsa- parilla at first instead of at last. White Btu Line. ROYSL MAIL STE I1SHIPS. Between New 'Pork and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. de the Steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number in the Pm8T and enc0xn CABIN accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that au early ap- plication for berths Is necessary at this sea- son. For plans, rates, oto,, apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. ALLAN LINE. Summer Saith iges 1 8931. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY. & MONTREAL SERVICE. from From From Liverpo' STEAMSHIPS. mouthed Quobee 'Daylight. 2 jolly Sardinian 19 July 19 July o riuuiidian ,......25 " 05 ' 10 'Tarteian I dug. 2 Aug. 23 " Laurentian 0 ' 0 30 " *Mongolian 15 " 15 ". O Aug. Sardinian 22 " 03 " *Numidiatl nn " 30 " 13 " Parisian 5 Sept 0Sent 27 " *Laurentian 12 - 12 ' 3 Sent. *Mongqollaa 10 " 10 " 10 , Sardinian 20 " 37 " *The Laurentian, carries only oabiu passengers Eastbound. *Steamers when marked thus do not atop at Rimoueloi or Londonderry. A11 steamers sail from Montreal at Daylight. Passengers go on board between 7 and 10 o'clock on the evening before the ad. verbieed date. tiPasssngere may go via Montreal and return by New York or vice versa. For further information • as to rates, ,80., apply to W, H. KERR, AGENT, BRUSSELS. LS POST ;.m r. nene ewes rm :•.meanviosor1,+ t+! i art erneserrn•rn.. ane NOTICE OF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on, Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify nay old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand, Soliciting a sharp of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, S. T. Plum5 General Blacksmith S Horseshoer MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR MAN OR BLAST. Certain in its effects and never blisters. Read proofs below: KENDALL'S SPAV1N DUDE. Box 52,Car000 HendersonCo., D1, Feb.11, 'N. Dr. 11..T. KENDALL b0. Dear Sirs—Please send me one of your Horne Rooke and Oblige. I have,,aedu groat ,seal of yam' Kendall's Spav,a Cure with good success: it is a wonderful medicine. I once had n more that Lad an Occult503.11, and ave bottles cured her, I keep a bottle on band 011 the time. Yours truly, 00.09. POW=. KENDALL'S SPAN DUNE. Dr. B. J. KEND LL 00. CANTON, Mo., dpr. S,'P . Deur Sirs–I have used several bottles of your 'rtondai•s Spavin Cure" with much saccade, I think it the best Liniment I ever used. Dame re- moved one Curb, one Blood Spavin and killed two Bone Spavins. Have recommended it to so.era1 of my friends who are much pleased with and keep It. Redpoctnuly S. a. RAT, P. O. DoxS, For Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. I3. J. 7rr.N'Daz3 OO111PA.vr, 00000500H FALLS, VT. A VETERAN'S STORY. "Several years ago; while in Fort Snelling, Minn., I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough, that allowed me no rest day or night. The doctors after exhaust.. ing their remedies, pronounced my case hopeless, say- ing they could do no more for me. At this time a bottle of AYER'S Cherry Pectoral was sent to me by a friend who urged me to take it, which I did, and soon after I was greatly relieved, and in a short time was completely cured. I have never bad much of a cough since that time, and I firmly believe Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life."—W. H. WARD, 8 Quimby Av., Lowell, Mass. YE h D Cherry Pett raQ Highest Awards at World's Fair. AYER'S PILLS cure Indigestion and Headache British Colinnbia Red Cedar Shingles AND. --- N or Shore Pirie and Cedar FOR SALE AT T1115 Brussels Planing dills Also Doors and Sash of all Pitt terns on hand or nutdo to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for all kinds of Building0. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed, J. & P. AMENT, MONEY TO LOAN, Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro. perry at 6 & 64. Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerk, Brussels, iLORINC! IL G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. I "Shop over i1cOnwan's Store. STOF Has just received a fine new .stock of Both Note and Letter fuel ENVELOPES, N OTE P aP S, &C. The Best in the Market. Full Line of.,,,.. fo School Supplies. ,Nice Range of__,egark Bibles, Hymn Books and .albums. POS OOI0T111E, '/ONNA 1—.....ozsa This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern machinery added where required so that better work can be done now than ever. BEST GRADE OF�l !�{ j MANITOBA .L: L O V R GROUND FROM MANITOBA WHEAT. Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat; &c., always on hand. A Sati»faction Guaranteed. Highest market price for Wheat delivered at the Mill. W. F Stewart.