The Brussels Post, 1896-10-16, Page 81"I,, B'TSS, a ' PQST' MM ill .11!...ajws Do yeti want Bargains in Wall Papers ? We have them, Do you want New Lines in Wall Papere ? We eupply them. Do you want Remnaute in Wall Papers suffioieut for small roome ? Oath le the place to get them, Do you want 10e. Wall Papere for,,o. ? You can get thein at our Drug and Book Store, If you want Wall Papere and Decorations away down in Pelee then let us have your order. DEADMAN & MCCALL, Druggists, 4ptieiaus and BOOkeellers. Tut PORT le a first-alase eldvcrtjeing niediena. Try it. Sgv(0uAL 1,3rueselitee attended W{ngllaut Full Fair on `d`need0Y' Geo. 117DWAane ie !Matting work at Lia eveptsator and aider mill, SAS, Fox had )lie drug store and real. deuce aonneoted by telephone this week, let mouey fit the open race at Wingham Fall Pair an Tueedaytefternoou, W. G, OOLLINs organized a Grinnell of Moine Friende at Southampton with 33 members, Ice is now working at Ripley, Tax 00hIXOToa Ross is preparing to call op Brussels tax payers. All the taxes are to be nolleoted before Deo, 14th this year. TE canvase in behalf of ehares for the proposed new Curling rink has been quite suoceseful and the probabilities are the building Will be erected, MOW'IGAOE sale of village property at the American hotel, Breathitt, on. Tues- day next, Ocb.20th,.at 1 o'o�eak, p. m. P. S. Scott will be the nuotioneer. IT is not probable that a Trustee will be elected in the plane of H. Dennis, re. moved to Chatham, until the close of the year,theweby saving the expense of an election to the town. This is wise. Fon the enumeration week in Brussels postotYioe the record is as follows :—Let• tars for pieces in Canada, 1,450 ; letters for foreign oountries, 170 ; post cards for Canada, 407 ; post Cards for foreign countries, 27 • newspapers and books posted, 188 ; 3fth clans matter, 7 ; parcel post, 17 ; total postage, $61.14. Slum is Tai. LEAD.—W. U. McCracken aontinuee in the front of the prooession of prize winners at the Agricultural Fall Fors. Here is the record for 1890 :— Listowel 30 Seaforth 83 Atwood 24 Wingham 22 Brueeels 40 Fordwioh 25 Blyth 22 Dungannon 22 Making a total of 224. Who can beat this for roots and vegetables 2 LAST Saturday evening, about 8 o'clock, some of the enterprising youths of our town gave us a street illumination iu the shape of balls of ootton, soaked in coal oil and attaohed to sticks on either sides of Main street, The movement oaueed considerable amusement. Although fire is a dangerous thing to play with, no damage was done and we hope very shorb• ly to save the necessity of repeating the joke by baying the electric lights running in good shape. PosratAerEn FAEnow reoeived a letter from the Deputy Postmaster General, asking for explanation of charges of tek- ing part in the Dominion elections last June. Thursday's London Free Press publi-lied a telegrapbia dispatch from Ottawa stating that Postmaster Farrow had been dismissed. Mr. Farrow has reoeived no notification to that effect. A petition is being circulated asking the Postmaster General not to do so, Tan North Huron 1). D. G. M. in oda• nection with the A. F. & A. M. official report says of St, John's Lodge, Brue• cele :—My visit to Brussels was made on February 28 ab a regular, and I had the honor to be assisted by R. W. Bro. J. A. Morton, P. D. D. G. M„ of Wingham. The arts, deuce was large, The third degree was conferred by the W. 1)L, W. Bro. H. James, assisted by W. Bro. Ir. win, and the work of the lodge was well done tbrougboub. I particularly ex. amined the Secretary's books and found him oue of the most efficient in the die. trict, WEDNESDAt evening the Seraphatio Band. belonging to the Solvation Army, with headquarters at London, paid a visit to Brussels. This musical organization contains 10 members and is under the management of Adjutant Archibald end Bandmaster Wakefield. The Baud play vary well and present a program well worth hearing in vocal and instrumental selections. They went from Brussels to Atwood. Tbere was a large attendance at the meeting in the barracks here. Thursday forenoon the Band treated our citizens to a street oonoert of a first•olass character. ELEcralc LIGHT.—This weep a very energetic canvas of the town is "beim made regarding contracts for the plaoing of inoendesoent lights in the business places, lodge rooms and residences, by B. Gerry and Mr. Skinner, the represent- ative of the National Electric Light 00. The prospects so far are favorable and 'TIIE POST bespeaks the hearty co oper- ation of Brusselites in this effort, so that in the near future we may have the use and benefit of the most approved appli• armee. Mr. Gerry is figuring the rates as low as possible so that almost everybody may invest without making a burdeu- some expenditure. If everything goes well the light will probably be installed thebelonging to Capt. Stratton, located "Moms LNAr, S, 0 Leary'e pager, took GRAND. TRUNK RAILWAY. a0008se10N ESTENeIoN W. G. & 5, Trains loans Brueeels Station, North and South, as follows: GOING Scorn. GOING Nonni - nail t 38 a.m. Mixed 0:45 a,m, r7apn000 1159 a.m. Mail 10:04 p.m, Rimed .,.,.... 9:00 p.m. Express 5:48 p.re ' '°rat °�t.e1U z.ers. c � A ohiel's amang ye tahin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. GOOD roads. FINE weather. retinas Summer, Bnusseze market leads. Armors sales are moving lively. ABE you going to patronize the inean• descent light ? MESSRS. CLEGG & DAMES shipped a oar el Iambs on Tuesday. THE new Buck farnaoes are completed in the Methodist church. HUNTER' excursion comes next on the G.T.E. See the advt. Jae. Fox has put in a stook of wall papers in his drug store. Wm. AINLsy is remodelling the work- shop and stable on his lot. Foment Division Court will be held in Brussels next Wednesday, 21e1 Oat. Bliss O'Cosxon's entertainment this (Friday) evening in the Town Hall. Go and enjoy it. Mies MANY Monies has recited rooms over I. C. Richard's store for the use of bet art pupils. A NEw sidewalk is being laid on tin, East side of Turnberry street from Market street Southward. JAS. BALLANTYNE recovered his lost poodle advertised in last week's Post. She was found near Henfryn. THE Reeve, Clerk and Assessor per. formed their annual duty of selecting jurors on Tuesday of this week. $1.00, in advance, gets THE POST until Jan. let, 1898. Tell your neighbor. Or the weekly Globe with it for $1.50. Bares Fall Fair prize list appears on page 6 of this issue. District news of interest may also be read on the inside pages. Sceroot teaehere desiring situations would do well to read the advertising columns of The Pon. Trustees requir- ing teachers, ditto. Ax Interesting letter on Manitoba and the Northwest, from the pen of G. A. Deadman, is crowded ant of this issue but will appear next week. AucrooN sale of Robt. Hughes' 50 acre improved farm, con. 8, Morris, will take plane at the Queen's Hotel, Brussels, on Saturday afternoon of this week at 2:80 o'clock sharp. Geo. Kirkby will be the auctioneer. LAST Saturday Jas. Fox, druggist, had the misfortune to lose over $12.00 from his pooketin some nnaoaouatable mac• per. If any person has found the miss- ing money we don't doubt the loser would willingly reward the finder for the restoration of bis wealth. OVEN $220 were paid outlast Saturday Afternoon, at the Town Hall, by Treas. urer Stewart, as prize mousy in conaea. tion with the recent Fall Fair. Mr. 'Stewart may be fonnd at the Hall next Saturday afternoon for the same purpose. If you have not drawn your money this will be y'onr opportunity. -flkE.—Early last Saturday morning , barn and stable beton ing t on Queen street, was de• etroyed y lire, the building being almost entirely consumed before the alarm wee given. A bottle containing liquor and a pipe were found near by and the suspic- ion ie that ib was tired purposely or by accident by a tramp who was seen in the locality. There wee a bay press, wagons, implements and grain destroyed. g We did not ascertain the amount of insnr• ante. WHAT Is Mona Pawners —Than good health Y Do not Buffer with Rick and bilious headache, sour stomach, indigest. ion, despondent feeling with lank of ambition, pain in back, legs and side, poor appetite, when you can remove the nause by using one box (complete treat. me0t) of Wright's Liver and Stomaoh Pills at a cost of 50 cente from Jae, Fox, Chemist and Druggist, Brussels. Don't Headache Powders will relieve that violent beadaohe in lees time than it takes yon to read this. They aro safe, sacceseful,sure. 26 menta a box. THE COUNTY COUNCILS Aon. ---On TUBS. day of (met week Warden Strachan was in GoderIch and appointed officers for re• oeiving nominntions ander the new County Counnils Aot, which event will take place) on Monday, Deo. 21. The officers are its follows f, • the Divisions earned :—No. 1, wail, ising Gaderich town, Colborne and Ashfield, W. Stoth• ere. Belfast ; No. 2, Goderich township, Gunton and Hallett James Campbell Londesboro' ; No. 3, Hay, Stanley and 23ttyfield, Frei. Hess, Zarin!) ; Nu, 4, Stephen Usborne and Exeter, Cbe.ter Pointy, Gay t No. 5, Tuokersmith, Sea. forth and AloHillop, A. 0. Smillie, Hen- aalll No. 6, Morris, Grey and Brussels, P. S. So 'It, Brnseel4; leo. 7, Etat and West Weivanosh, Wingham and Blyth, Neter Porterfield, Marnoak ; No, 8, Turn - berry, Howlett and Wroxeter, Joseph Bowan, Wroxeter. n the course of a few weeks. Boom it along, as it necessitates quite a large in• eetment on the pert of any person put- ting in the necessary plant and the streets cannot be lighted unless there are pa- trons sufficient to pay for the capital in- vested. A arum meeting of Brussels Council Wile held Wednesday morning to deal with a request from the National Elea - trio Light Co., in behalf of B. Gerry, for the franchise of the streets to erect poles and string wires for eleatria light pur- poses. The franchise was granted far 19 years, or eoodition that the light is regularly maintained for that period. Parte TurNIrs AEU MaNGaLe.—The fol- lowing is a summary of the restilts of the field root competition under the direction of the East Heron Agricultural Society, the judging being done this week. The weights given below are for 15 yards of drill taken in 5 equidistant "lifts" dia. gonally throes each field or plot :- 085501s. 1st, Wm. Armstrong, Gray 201 lbs 2nd, Jae, MoCallum,Mclifllop,,178 3rd, Hugh Lamont, Grey 164 4th, Jas, Seek, Morrie 1601 John Brown, Grey 15ei Alex. (Gardiner, Itioliillop,,150 Robs. Nichol, Morrie 141 Varieties sown in Order of weight Elephant, Bangholm, Sutton's Cham- pion, Mixed, Westbury. Principal weede —Thietles, Foxlail, Amarantbue and Lrquisetum. 1131051, WOIILEL5, Busa,ness Locals, Laza, clear bacon at AloOraolten'e. S,os D. 0. hoes' new stook of Over. conte, OrsTnne ab Pelton's restaurant, Soo adirt, next weep, OOSIVON'rautE eattage on Qtieen street to rent. Apply to Jowl TAM Rathke oaba and all /chide of mill feed for sale at ROSS' mill, Brussels. Rumens to keep, your feet dry, and that will fit all sizes of feet. I. 0. Ittohards, Fon the oheapeet Oval'ooate in town go to D, 0. Ross', Goonbteineee stand, opposite Ameri. can Hotel, Ilrnssels, for sale er to rent, Apply to B. Gerry, Beasesrs and robes, all kinds. Trumps and eatohele at low prices, I. 0. Richards, Oun men's long boots are !Sand made, extra value, low prices. Try them. I. 0. Richards, SEE our bargain counter. There may be something on it you want, Your ahoios this week for $1,00. T, C. Richards, I no saw filing very Cheap now Fpr spot cash aa I have a new and a fast way of setting envoi. T. McGregor, saw -Eller,' Brussels, Queen St. East. Hume there 1 Have you seen the beau- tiful china just received. Another enp. ply of china with photo. of new school, at T. Fletcher's jewelry store. Sau:oa's Cure, the great Bough and croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty -flue doses ; only 26 gents. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Bruseela. CoinrosranLE'brick residence with every convenience, furnace, &o„ for sale or to rent. Possession given on Deoember let. For further particulars apply to )lire, R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels. KAEL's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25 Cts•, 50 cts. and $100. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Brussels. CaurEre: Any one desiring carpets will do well to call at the Brussels Wool. en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in pride from 80e. to $1.00. Howls & Co. Mee. T. 6. HAwxrzs, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my Ida.." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For Avepensia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. trice 75 obs, Sold by Jas. Fox. Wxeo..1Jiu„nxc at,,, Dn .ono .—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar• ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatiefaotion. Wells gleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Bruseela. 34-13 $ooze 7 WaLEEn.—In Brussels, on Oct. 7th, the wife of Mr. Jas. Walker of a dough. ter. Ross.—In Brussels on Oct, 9th, the wife of Mr. D. (). Ross of a son. HoeimS. In Newry, en Oct. 7th, the wife of Mr. Chas. H. Holmes, mer• client, of a son. y Ji iaA. FEnGO£oN—FEnausoN.—Ab the manse,. Croswell, Mich., on Oct. 1st, by Rev, Mr, MuLeao, Mr. John Fergu• son, of Caraouville, Mich., to Miss Jessie Ferguson, of MoKillop, Huron Co., Ont. ax>=1r_ IIELLT.—At Detroit, on Sept, 15th, Jas. H. Helly, formerly publisher of the True Briton, Clinton, aged 86 years. Hlcas.—In Exeter, on Oct. let, Lottie May, daughter of the late Andrew Rieke, and neige of Rev. G. H. Cob• bledick, B. D., of Glencoe, aged 19 years, 1 month and 15 days. IIazxa.—In Atwood, on Oot. 8rd, Mr. William Hanna, aged 85 years, 11 months and 4 days. .A_TTCTIOTS S.A.TZEIS. Fnmar, OCT.letb.—Farm stook, &o., at lot 15, con. 7, Grey. Sale unreserved at 12 o'clock. Thos. Taylor, prop. F. S. Scott, atm. SATuoDAT, OCT. 17th, --Valuable farm, at Querrin's Hotel, Ethel. Sale at 2,80 o'olock. John Grant, prop. F. S. Scott, auo• SATunmar, Oct. 17.— Queen's Nobel, Brussels, 50 acre farm, being North-West k, Lot 14, Oon. 8, Morris. Sale at 2:30 o'clock, Robt. Hughes, Prop., Geo. Kirkby, Aao, TM:GOWAr, OCT. 22u5.—Saw mill, lands, lumber, horses, &o., at lot 28. con. 16, Grey. Sale at 2 o'clock. F. 6. Scott, Bus. Tnun'DAY, O0T. 22.—Farm stook, implements, ata., Si lot 29, con. 2, fvlor• ole. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m. Jno. Wilson, Prop. Capt. Stratton, nuc. Forme, Oot. 28,—Lot 14, Con. 5, Grey. Farm, farm stook and implements. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. P. J. Biebop, Prop., F. S. Scott, Auo. TDEsDAY, Oct. 27.—Lot 22, Con, 9, Grey. Farm stook, implemeute, &a. Sale unreserved, at 1 p. m, sharp. Mrs. Ann Slemmon, Proprietress, F. S. Scott, inc. •UIE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ri IHREE LEICESTER RAMS, 11 one Sbearling and 2 Lambe, for sale. Apply to JAS, SPBIR, Lob 30, Con, 0, Morrie. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortgage, farm oocurlby. Apply at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels, ONE SUEARLING RAM, A amber of Ram Lambs, all pure bred 8bropshirae, also 12 young Ewe, grades, for sale. Apply to 1810. SMITH, Lot 8, Con. 0, Grey, Brussels P, 0. 13-32 REWARD,—A LIBERAL RE— WAItn will be paid for the retut'n of 21200lost by me last Saturday In Brussels. There were 2 live dollar bills, 2 one dollar and 2 twenty -eve centpieeee. JAMES PDX, 1st, James, Speir, Morris, ..... , ..1109 ibe MORSE FOR SALE,—WELL 2nd, Jas. MoOnilum, MuKiIIop.... 283 trained '1004 Meet Detre gentle, Bold 8rd, Alex. Gardiner, Mainitop .280 ole gh anr7 robes t 1Ait Is oorime or tap r. boggy 4th, Robt, Nichol, Morris„ . , , . , ..169 than half prion. JNi.1). /WEALD. Win. Armstrong, Grey, 102 Hugh Lamont, Grey,115 NV ANTED, TWO TEA0IIERS 7 wish to bear testimony to the uniform V V holding 2nd find 111.N aln se o0rti8oateo, kind /toss and Courtesy of exhibitors while rsspppsotivnly, for 8.8.140,11, Groy, for 1807. culling on them to judge and award the Ap$1lc nt to state ealary,wibb testimonials, shove prizes. D. STswuttr, San,, Jude, 28.8 WEthel PSPEN0„ Judge, Ethel P. 0„ Ont. OCT, 10, 1890. ST4,ND„Z1W .134X„ ' OF C4,N'4Z?4, W.et.MX,MISnEnZMI 1E?7G. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven MiAlon Dollars) • $7,000,000 OAPITAL (Authorized) - 112,000,000 elpenoies(earl principalpaints in Onlat'io, Queieo,liitenitoba, United S'tatas d England A Gaining Banking Beninese Transacted, Farmers' Notes' Dieoonilted, Drafbs Twined and Collections made on all points. SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT, interest allowed oet deposits of 91,00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SPEOLon ATTENTION axVEN TO TRE COLLgogION Or IiAnnings' SALE Norots, Every facility afforded Customers living at a diebanoe, J. A. STEWART MANAGEn. "Irl OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, The undersigned offers' his comfort- able cottage and i eon of laud as Turnberry street, Braseels for sale, On the premises I a good well, Mable, fruit trees, .&o..For price and terms apply to 141 ALEX, MVLAUGHLIN, Proprietor, riYEAOHER WANTED.—WANT- .1l En for 8, 8, No. 8, Grey,a male teacher, holding Second elan oertift5te, 'Duties to gammen/to January 10,1807. Sealed applica- tions with testimonials and salary expected, will be reoeived by the undersigned up to Friday, November 18t12 1800. D. III0TAGI#A15T, Sea -Troth., 14.4 Oranbrook P.17. TEACHER WANTED. —MALE or Female, for School Seetlon No, 2, Grey.. Ono holding Seeond or Third °lase oerti0oate. Duties to commence the first of January, 1807. Aplioobions giving all 1„ntl0• tilers and salary expected will be rgoeived by the undersigned up to Saturday, 003.24. ALEEX, STEWART, Geo: Tress„ 18.3 Oranbrook P, 0. JERSEY GRADE HEIFER CALvne,—Until further natio° the cost of service of my Jersey Bull, if paid at the time of service, will be 81,50 for grade cows with the privilegeof returning same one, or another, every sear until you -haven heifer omlf, Thiameans no charge for bull calves. You candepend on Ile always keeping a first- class bull from good milking strains. (i. A. DEADHAN, Druggist. Brussels, �i0 REWARD.—I HEREBY A V offer the above reward to any oue who had a vote in the East Riding of Huron at the last Dominion election who can come forward and prove that I either asked or canvassed him to vote for E. L, Dickenson, the Conservative candidate. If there is anyone to be found it will be an they way of making fifty donnrstbese hard times, THOS. FARROW, 181 - Postmaster, Brussels. Notice to Creditors. IN THE ESTATE. OF JAMES MOREL- VEY, DECEASED. Notice is ;hereby given pursuant to the statutes in that bebulf, that all creditors having claims against the estate of James McKelvey, deceased, who riled at the Town- ship of Grey on the 114th day of April. 1800, are required on or before the _enth day of November,1890, to mail to the undersigned, the Agent for the Executors of the deceased, at Brussels post office, or delivered to him in writing, a statement of their claims, with full particulars, addresses and deseriptioue, and of the security (if acyl held by them, and that from and after tbo said date the send Executors may proceed to distribute the estate of the deceased, haying regard only to the claims of which they may then have bad notice. And the Executors will not be liable for the proceeds of the estate se distributed to any person of whose claim they bed not notice at the time of such d1e- tributlon, A. I1UNTER, Brussels, Agent for A. MCKELVEY, M,D,1 Exe tutors, Mar. MCRELVEY I Dated at Brussels, Oct.15,`1890. 14-3 MORTGAGE SALE —OF— PROPERTY IN BRUSSELS, Pursuant to the power of enle contained in a mortgage made by John Stacey (labial) will be produced at the time of sale) there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at bhe AMERICAN HOTEL IN THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, on Tuesday. October 30111, 1896, at 1 o'eloclr p. m., by ,F. B. Scott, auctioneer, the followinguroperties namely :—Lots Noe. 880 Elizabeth street, and .308 Stratton street in the Village of Bruseele, in the County of Huron , Upon Lot 083 there is n frame house now occupied by a tenant—Lot 898 is vacant. The property will be offered for sale In two parcels, The Vendor reserves 'one bid on seclr parcel. Terme of Sale.—Ton per cent. ou day of sale; balance in 80 days, Other terms end conditions will be made !mown at the time of sale or in the meantime can bo ascertained by applioatiou bo HUGH CAMP- BELL, Conyeynneer klitohsll or to DENT & TiOMPsoN, Vendor's Solicitors, Mitchell Dated Sept. 003h,1355. 12.0 REAL ESTATE. ,HARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN• nansranan has several good Farms for sale and to rant, easy terme, in Townships of Morris and Grey, F S. SOOTT.Bruesels F ARMS FOR SALE. — 200 acres—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 7311 and 8th Concessions. 7.'ownebip of Grey, be- ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and di miles from Brussels, 40 three of Fall wheat sown and eboub 80 pores under groes ; 90 acres cleared on each. Perms of payment easy. A. MCKELVL'Y, M, D., 34- Brussels. Ii-IARM FOR SALE, -160 ACRES Consisting of too south 3 and south d of the North t of Lot 30, Oon 2, East Wawa - nosh, Tble is an excellent stock farm, being woll supplied with good spring water. This situated about 8 miles from the thriving Vil- lage cl Blyth. A large part of It le muter grass. Buildings and tenths are in a fair state of repair. !Easy terms of payment will be given. Nor all iniovration,applyYtn 11-tf G, F, SLAIN,Barrister, Brussels. GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN the Township of Cray. In order to close anestate the West half of Lot 21, Oon. 7, Township of Grey, 50 acres, le offered for immediate sale. On the mead 805 area good frame dwelling with kitchen, &e„ also two frame bans. good water, otrohard, As, and is close to the Village of Ethel. Boil is of the host and farm is well fenced, Apply 0 to ALEX. elaILVI:Y, EGD,, lirueeols W Mcl.ELV1'/Y, Jamestown; or A, HUNTER, Brussels, PLENDID FARM FOR SALE. ). 'That eminent farm, Lot 15, Con, 0, Township of Grey, 100 sorsa, meet be sold at ones in order to clam °atato of dormant( own- er, The lot ie nearly all bleared, with good buildings, ample water supply, Ursa °r• abard, 1,3 miles from Colebrook,in under goodeultivabion and is a very desirable pro. petty Mcleod, Apply to RICHARD 31IT- 070,LL, l32ussele 1 , 0, ; 7011N htITaPELL, on the promises • or A, BUNT1013, Brussels, Dated Elope, nth, 1803, GOOD FARM FOR SALE NEAR B russols, Great bargain, Lot 7, Oen. 0,' Grey township, Good buildings and 01'- charyyd,well watered, suitable for mixed or on daily farming, P orirruises Apply 1 HOM A8�BLRI'AGE Londpu.Weat. ''i%j ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 mires ofgood farm laud at S1n'1ngOsld, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for stile at slow prloe. The property le North Blast 3 Se°.10, Twp, 11, Bangs 9, 'East. There is a house ou the premien and some breaking done. For full particulars fie to Price, title. &o„ write or apply to 2 •tf G. F. BLAIR or W. H. HE131, 0 Brussels, Ont. 11FARM FOR SALE. — BEING Township of Grey Couthnty of LHui nn � known as the estate of the late rhos, Sanders,. The farm contains 20 throe, more or less, is well under -drained, well fonoed and has good bearing .orchard; alt cleared and In goad state of cultivation. There is a frame house sled frame uarh and stables on the premises. For further particular's aP. my to ISAAC LAKKE,Exeoutor 1131 , .Ethel 3. 0. 'i ARM FOR SALE,—THE UN- farm,Let38,Ooe,NED 2, Grey, for 8015, pihere are 85 agree cleared, balauae gcoe hardwood bosh. On the premises is a oomlortablo frame house, frame barn and outbuildiuge ; grass or Fenn tin wells, ;state o2 0 underl tion,19 miles from Uraubrook village and 0i from Brussels. Possession could be given tons Pall. Far further particulars as to priest, terms, &c., apply of the promises or write to Oranbrook 8, 0, 4-tf WM, Arm SAMUEL CARN00 HAN, VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. The eligible '200 acre farm, composed of lots 10 and 17 in the 10th con„ Grey township, Huron Co., and 50 acres, part of lots 10 and 17, 11th eon„ bolongh,g to the Robert Brown estate, is offered for sale to wind up estate. Onthe first farm is a good atone house and largo bank barn,' necessary outbuildings, or- chard, &o, Farm well watered, well fenced and in 00511 state of cultivation. About 00 acres of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On orchard, crea bout there is a home bush �dP urine sold jointly or separately to suit purchaser. Possession given in the Fall. Farms are on- ly a mile from the village of Oranbrook, where are school, ohurohos, p053.0 055. stores, &o,, and 8j' miles to tbo tluivlug mar- kettownBruseele. For further particulars as to prion, terms, &e., apply to AGNE$ BROWN, JAMES BROWN, 3 Exeoutors. JOHN BROWN, Cranbrook P. 0. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE Lot 17, Oou.1.1 Grey,igned lai there' for Cheater White boar. Usual terms, 14.4 L. MaNEIL, Proprietor, BOARS FOR SERVICE,—TUE Lot 24,Oonr8,gMorr s flakthoro' bfor rediNerk- Berk- shire boar with registered pedigree, Import- ed stook on both sides, bred by Goo. Green, of Fairview, also an improved Yorkshire with pedigree. Terms 31,00, t0 be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. JAS. A. 110011E, 14-4 Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE,—Tin Lot 20, Con 5, 3Io Morris, tll he keep bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J. E. Brotlrour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair, .Terms, 41,00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of 0e- turniug if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application, ROBT.NIOHOL. BOAR FOR SERVICE. -THE undersigned will troop for service on Lot 80, Con. 0, !Morris. the tboro'-bred Large English Berkshire Boar, 'Captain John." H1s mother is a full Dieter• io the let prize sow at the World's Pair. Pedigree will be produced on 533110atiou, 'Terms -51.00 to be paid at time of servioo with privilege of returning if necessary. 14.0m JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor, BOAR FOR SERVICE.-nE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 27, Con. A, Morrie, bhe tkorc' bred Tam- worth boar,"Sing George," purchased from H. George &Sons who got first prize for their herd at Guelph Pat ,Stook Show. The Showm a, London, erglosd, nille firstprize Wast mt 11:13 - ported and weghed 700 lbs. Terms 61,00 to returning 11 neaoeesury,Oe Pedigree lmayebe seen on application. 49•tt RICHARD ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. Ancient Order of United Workman, This old and prosperous Fraternal Aesooi- atlon numberittg 050,000 members are pre. Booting to tIo public their popular and 50011. omical rales to worthy mot,a3 the very low rata of about 88.00 per 81,000 poi. annum, The Workmen" Iuroigjlly Pity Sleuth Claims and expect a large !carcase to its member's now that those American Lino Companies don't sewn eatitfuctory to Can- a 130111T. ARMSTRONG, M.W; W. H. HERR, Recorder; J. A. OREIGHTUN,Irivancier, DENTAL. BIt, DAVID.SON, Boner Graduate Toronto University, Lloentfate Royal Oollsgo Deena Surgeons, 0rowu and Bridge work a Specialty Moder- ate Foes, Satisfaction Assured. Ui11,10 over Barrett's barber drop, Turuberry 83,, Dom- I -- MU8T BE H1LJ Wlattt ? Why that dray load of New Wall l'itpm, that was re- oeived at l 5.�rype a few days ago ? Yes, and it will be bung if Neatness of Design and dbaapuees. fn Price has anything to da with it. We haven't a single roll of old Wall Paper in store. Every sample is olefin and bright, direct from the faotory last week, • Toll Should, Soo Our 5o. Papers with Border and Ceiling to matob,'and then of course we have a. very fine range of Glimmers and Gilts at from ,7o. to lla., but we not only have our papers marked at exceeding close prices, but we also save you the trouble of trim- ming it. Wo do that for you with our new Trimming Maobine, Without extra oharge,5 Now there's a pointer worth re. membering, Every Roll of Wall Paper Purchased from us will be Trimmer! Free of Charge. We will consider it favor to show you our etook whether you wish to purchase or not at Fox's Drug More. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. donee - tions made. dice—Vanetone'e Block, Brue ee1s. 21-3m Y7• M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Uonveyanesr,No taryPub- lic,. &o. Ofhce—Vaostooe'e Block, 1 door north of Central Hotel. Private Fund° to Loam, G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron J Barrister and Solicitor, Godoriel', Ont. Omoe—Hamilton St., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. Gi.F. BLAIR, BARRISTER P. Solicitor, &c. (late of Garrow & Proudfoofa Office, Goderiob.) Woe over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loom, 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGGEORGE ''KIRKBY, E Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stock s0ooialty. Orders left at Tan Beim Publish tug House,Brussels, or sent to Walton P. O., will receive prompt abteu tion, i S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- • nun, will Boll for butter prices, to better men in sea time and lees charges than any other Auctioneer in Bain Huron or he won't charge anything. Dates and orders can always be arranged at this office or by personal wppiioabioo. CAPT. J. STRETTON, Auctioneer, but who had to experience uit .owing to ill health, has again taken out license and is prepared to conduct Bales at reasonable terms. Satisfaction guaranteed, Dates may be arranged at THE PosT Publishing House. JAS. STRI0TTON, 18•tf Auctioneer. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. 0.111,. L. R.U.P., Edinburgh, M, D. P. 8, Ont, Itesidouoe and °(Boo in Wilson's Block, corner of M1B and Turnberry Ste. M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Physician, Surgeon, teooucher,etc, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Pbyeiaiaue and Surgeons, Ont. OPPlon—Next door to McDonald & Go,. Walton Out, BUSINESS CARDS, H. MoORAOIiEN, lecturer ofMarriage Lieense8, OBioe at hie Grocery, Turnberry street, Bruseela. N. BARRETT, caeboarxttresouhold M MEy& Artist. ardwoso. Ladies'and ohildrens hair cutting a epoolalty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 81,00 to 81,100 and allows 89 per Dent. i ntsreet• T. FARROW, 07.3m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• INBgE3505, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PL.ETCHER Issue' of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JE(VELrtr 810110. It - No Witness Required. T. I: LETOH'GR, Brussels, sets. VETERINARY. T D. WARWICK, el • Honor Graduate 01 the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat ali diseases of tlomeeticated animals in a win - natant manner. Per'tioelar a3teutlou pald to veterinary dentistry, Calla promptly at. tended to, OMNae and Inlrmary—Four doors north of brldgo 'l'sruberry at., Brunets. A LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of tbo Fourth Division Osur 00, Huron. 0onveyaneer, Notary Public Land, Loan and 'monocle Agent, Funds invested and to loan, Ooll5ot(ons made 0I0od 1n Grabam's1look, Brunetti rrIIOS, A. HAWRINS, Will give 1048 0110 to nu:We either on piano or orgau, at his Monde Rome, opposite the poet•eil1OO, IJrussels. Vocalloosons a180 given. Ten years experlieme in mulling, Terms moderato.