HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-16, Page 6t NXI:Mel$ 11,00,t
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wr olost11' SWIM Publishing ]louse,
Tolman Mt ST., Blinesube, Csx,
'rABM8 or' Sv same ray.Orl.--One dollar a.
Year, iu advan00. Til0,4ate to which every
or] the ptionae riollabd is denote4 by the date
AnvP.2Trania Ba.Tns.—The following rota
will be oharg04 to those who a4vor0ise by
Me years
s"aAVA 1 Ria. l 0 mo. tl E'
One Column. 800.00 200,00 320,00
golf 86,00 20.00 22.00
QQ00100? " 30,00 30,001 8.00
SOiglith ' T„ I I2,dD 8.00 0.00
Bloat cents per line for aretinsertion, and
011108 o0000 p0? Uu0 101 each subsequent in.
ser0IOn, . An advertisements moored as
Nonpareil—la lines to the inch,
Business Cards, eight lines and under, 5G
per annum.
Advertisements without epeai4o direc-
tions, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly.
Instructions to 0hauge or discontinue an
room oche Por nota later ttlion Tuesday
of each week Thio is imperative,
w. x.xi7Ext1,
Ed1tor and Proprietor.
The annual exhibition of the Morris
Branch Agricultural Society, held on
Tuesday and Wednesday of last weak,
was not favored with the nicest kind of
weather this year, but, even with that
draw.baak,it was one of the mostsuooesa.
1 a in the history of the Society, although
the attendance of visitors was not as large
as it has been on some former years, it
totalled about 4,000 on the second day.
If the number of visitors was smaller
this year, the number of entries and
exhibits was larger, fruit and vegetables
playing a prominent part, Not only was
the exhibit of these large but they were
pronounced by many of the visitors to be
the beet seen at any of the Faire held in
this neighborhood this Beason. The ex-
hibit of horses, cattle, sheep, pigs and
poultry was also excellent. Blyth Fair
has become noted for the excellence of
the stook exhibited here yearly. Many
of our local merchants made displays,
which ware really commendable. The
Standard offered a special prize for the
best merchant's display, which was taken
by Frank Metcalf, who had a display of
jewelry and fancy goods. Tho display
made by Denetedt Bros. of stoves and
hardware was really magnificent. And.
erson &Eider, 0. Hamilton and J. H.
Cbellew were among those who had dis-
plays. The prize list is as follows :
HORSES.—Heavy Draught—Team, 0
Dale, J Shortreed ; brood mare, J Dale,
P Brennan ; mare foal, G Dale, J Dale ;
horse foal, P Brennan, N Duncanson ; 2
year gelding, G Dale ; 2 year filly, J
Shortreed ; 1 year gelding, G Dale ; best
four oolte, Menzies & McGavin. General
Purpose—Team, D Taylor, 1 & 2, Jae
Coulter ; brood mare, G Stevenson, N
Duaoanson ; mare foal, G Stevenson, 1
& 2 ; horse foal, W MoGavin ; 2 year
gelding, 0 W Taylor, 0 H Taylor • 2
year filly, 0 W Taylor, J Mason. Car-
riage—Team, R Lewis. Roadsters—
Brood horses, 0 Howson ; brood mare, T
H Taylor, A Govenlook ; mare foal, A
Govenlock, A Knox ;-2 year gelding, R
Cardiff, W Straughan ; 2 year lilt}, Geo
Quinn, R Cardiff ; 1 •
year gelding, .0
Brigham, G $allanger ; eiogle driver in
boggy, 0 Johnston, J Mellville.
CATTLE.—Durhams-0ow, R Corley, T
H Taylor ; 2 year heifer, J Webster. R
Corley ; 1 year heifer, J Webster, R Cor-
ley ; heifer calf, J Snell, 1 & 2 ; bull, R
Corley ; bull calf, R Corley, W Snell.
Any other registered breed—Cow, J Den-
holm, J McGregor ; 2 year heifer, J Mc-
Gregor ; 1 yr heifer, R G McGowan, A
Jacobs ; heifer calf, J McGregor, R 0
McGowan ; bull, ball calf, R 0 MoGow-
an. Grade—Cow, R B Laidlaw, J Par-
rott ; 2 yr heifer, J Webster, Al H Har-
rison ; 1 yr heifer, M H Harrison, R Cor-
ley ; heifer calf, R Ferris, R Corley ;
steer calf, M H Harrison, J Snell ; 2 yr
steer, M H Harrison, J Shortreed ; 1 yr
steer, T Roes, J Barr ; fat eteer, T Rose,
1 & 2 ; fat cow or heifer, T Ross, M H
SHEEP.—Ootewold—Aged ram, shear -
ling ram, J Potter ; ram Iamb, aged ewes,
ewe lambs, ehearliag ewes, J Potter, 1 &
2. Leicester—Aged ram, J Cumming, J
Snell ; eheariing ram, J Snell, J Coulter;
ram iamb, N Cumming, J Coultas •
sbearling ewes, aged ewes, J Snell, J
Coultas ; ewe lambs, N Cumming, Ino
Coultas. Shropshire Downs—Shearling
ram, ram lamb, aged ewes„ Cooper &
Sons, W Snell ; ehearliag ewes, aged ram,
Cooper & Sons ; ewe lambs, Cooper &
Sons, 1 & 2. Any other breed—Aged
ram, J Tabb ; ehearling ram, L Tasker ;
ram lamb, J Tabb, L '1'saker ; aged ewes,
sbearling ewes, J Tabb, 1 & 2 ; ewe
Iambs, J Tabb, L Tager ; fat sheep, J
Barr, J Snell.
Pias.—Chester White—Aged boar, H
Edwarde ; brood sow, T H Taylor ; boar,
W Deer ; sow, G Henry, T H Taylor.
Any large breed—Aged boar, brood, sow,
boar littered in '06, W W Fisher;cow
littered in '06, W W Fisher, G enry.
Improved Berkshire—Aged boar, Wm
Theon, G Quina ; boar littered in '06, H
GRAIN, --Fall wheat, G Moffatt, Wm
Thuell ; Fall wheat, white, J Stafford, G
Moffatt ; Spring wheat, red, S Fared, J
McCallum ; white wheat, Spring or fall,
S Furse ; Wbite Fife Spring wheat, R G
McGowan, S Puree ; Fall wheat, R 01
Laidlaw ; 6 -rowed barley, A Edwards, S.
Purse ; large white oats, M H Harrison,
G Moffatt ; black oats, S Puree, G Mof-
fat ; small whits oats, S Furse ; email
peas, S Furse, G Moffatt ; large peas, G
Moffatt, R G MoGowan ; golden vine
peas, S Furse ; timothy seed, $ Furse, R
Carter ; flax seed, S Furse, 1t G MoGow-
Rooxe—Empire State potatoes, R Fer
riff, R (3 MoGowan ; Rose potatoes, J
Barr, D March ; elephant potatoee, J
Barr, S Furee ; any other kind, W Pater -
eon, J Stafford ; collection of potatoes,
W Taylor, E Haggitt ; field carrots, .P
Willows, J Mooallum ; garden red oar.
rots, J Stafford, Pp Willows ; Swede
turnips, J McCallum, A Carr ; beets, J
Allaneon, W Taylor ; mangold wort•>.ole,
W H McCracken, E 1Saggitt ; pumpkins,
H Edwards, J Jackson ; equaeb, W H
Mo0racken, tars T Hamilton ; red on-
ions, W H McCracken, W Taylor ; yet.
low onions, W H MoCraoken, 3Allaneon ;
ne,.0 'j4.11aaeal, W
J 01 I M1
8011 1 whit
flel beans, . Herr, W Tay,
for ; 0000, W 3MoOraoken, W `1.'aylor ;
citrons, W .lI McCracken, P illiame ;
oelleetion cif roots, J Allaneon, W >3 1110•
Ciroken ,
D1mm. 3D PROVIRONS,—VuutQty butter,
G Watt ; tub cl butter, 1) Marsh, 0 W
Taylor ; tub butter not less than 40 1130.,
Mrs T Hamilton, It Sprung ; tub butter,
GR lbe., Mre T Hamilton ; Aroel.v bettor,
Carr, It Sprung ; butter in prints, J
Brigham, J Mucailum ; faetery cheese, D
McKellar ; dairy cheese, Miss Symrug.
ton, Mre D Stewart ; exiraated honey, J
33 Tyerman, M Richmond ; honey in
comb, W i'3ortry,; home mae bread, W
linos, W Thuall ; tea Marmite, R Sprang,
Pars A Taylor ; maple sugar, W iii Mo.
()reckon, J AfePowell; maple syrup, J
McDowell,Mrs G Nott ; canned' trait,
Mre. 0 Nett, W H, Mo0raoken ; grape
'wine, Mise Wise, R G MoGowan • to.
mato eateup, G Moffatt,' Mrs •3 M Ham-
ilton ; mixed pickles, Mrs 0 Washington
G Moffatt ; pickles, any other hind, d
Moffatt, W 13 MaOraokea ; jelly cake,
Miss Symington, T Bradnook.
,Faun'.^Vt'loter apples, J Potter, J B
Tyerman ; Tall apples, 180 not known,
2nd J Potter ; Baldwin, R G MoGowan,
G W 'Taylor ; Ring of Tompkins, Wm
Clark, G W Taylor ; Northern Spy, J
Potter, J MoDowell • Rhode Island
Greeninge, S Farce, 3 MoOallum Rib"
eton pippin, D Paterson, Ci Quinn ; gold-
en rueeett, S Purse, J McGregor ; Box.
boro' rveset, J B Tyerman, A Carr ;
Seek -no further, 1t B Laidlaw, It Corley ;
Swear, J McDowell, 'M H Harrison ;
Wagner, J Brigham, J Jackson ; Ben
Davis, W Peterson, J Parrott ; Vander -
yen, J Drigham, J Potter ; Mammoth
pippins, D Patterson, M Harrison ;
Spitzenberg, G. Henry, R G MoGowan ;
rainwater, Mise Wiee, J Barr ; Tatman
sweet, W Taylor, A Carr ; Mann, W
Clark, J Potter ; Maiden's iueb, Mre G
Nott, G Quinn ; Snow, W Thuell, J Pot-
ter ; Duchess of Oldenburg, 0 W Taylor,
Mrs 10 Shortreed ; Pewankee, R Corley, J
Jaokeon ; Wealthy, S Furse, J B Tier-
ney ; Canada red, J B Tyerman, W H
McCracken ; Calvert, R G McGowan ;
Alexander, A Carr, J Sherritt ; 20 oz.
pippins, I,1: Rose, W Paterson ; any other
variety, D Paterson, A Carr ; collection
of apples, J Brigham, A Carr ; Winter
pears, 01 Carr, 1) Paterson ; Fal padre, J
Brigham, J Jackson ; plume, 5 Puree, W
H MoOracken ; tomatoes, 1? Metoalf, J
Stafford ; collection of fruit, R Corley,
Mre G Nott ; grapes, R B Laidlaw ;
crabs, Mrs R Shortreed, 10 Metcalf.
Pounxnr.—Turkeys,geese, D Showers,
G Irwin ; Rouen ducks, G Irwin, W J
Irwin ; any other hind, G Irwin, Wm
Carter ; brown Leghorne, J Melville, tV
Taylor ; light Leghorne, W Taylor ;
Iloodane, Faireervioe Bros, G Irwin ;
light Brahmae,W Carter, G Irwin ;
bleak Spanish, G Irwin, W Garter; Min -
circus, G Irwin, W J Irwin ; dark Brahm-
as, G Irwin, 1 & 2 ; Homburgs, W Cart-
er, E Haggitt ; Langehans, J Fairaervioe,
G Irwin ; Dorkiue, G Irwin, W Cum-
ming ; blaok breasted red game, E Hag -
gilt, 1 & 2 ; buff urchins, E Haggitt ;
partridge 000hins, W Wallace ; bantams,
W Taylor, Mre 0 Campbell ; Polands, E
Haggitt, W Carter ; red caps, W Wal-
lace, Feireerviae Bros; Plymouth rocks,
4 Irwin, 1& 2; pigeons, E Haggitt, G
Henry ; collection of fowl, W Carter, G
Irwin ; Guinea fowl, W Carter, E Hag•
iUPLEioENTe.—Lumber wagon, 5 Burns -
don, Slater & Sims ; bob sleighs, Slater
& Sims, 1 & 2 ; iron beam sod plow, C
Hamilton, S. Sutton ; general purpose,
Slater & Sime, 0 Hamilton ; gang
plow, S Sutton, J Brnnadon ; iron har-
rows, J Phillipe, S Sutton ; single open
buggy, J Ferguson ; single covered buggy,
J. Ferguson, J. Brnnadon ; double buggy
or jump seat, covered, J. Ferguson ; cut-
ter, Slater & Sims, 0 Hamilton ; horse
shoes, Slater & Sims, J Phillipe ; trotting
horse shoes, J Phillips ; cabinet work, J
H (Mellow ; wooden pump, D Showers,
P Willows ; farm gate, Slater & Sims ;
stove and furniture, Denetedt Broe.;
land roller, 0 Hamilton ; turnip drill,
Slater & Sime ; cooper's work, W Tay-
lor ; ecuffier, 3 Braasdon & Son, Slater
& Sims ; churn, 0 Hamilton, W Taylor
reaper knife sharpener, J. B. Tierney ;
assorted tiles, M H Hammond.
MANuraaru»ue. Home made all wool
flannel, Mre G Nott, Mre T Hamilton ;
flannel, union, Mre C Washington, Mre
D Stewart ; home-made wool blankets,
J McCallum, Mise Wise ; union blankets,
Mies Wiee, Mrs D Stewart ; horse
blankets, J McCallum, Mrs D Stewart ;
coverlet, Mise Wise, Mre G Nott ; rag
mat, Mrs H R Walker, Mre G Nott ;
yarn mat, Mrs Walker, R Sprung ; rag
carpet, Mrs Walker, Mise Wise ; stocking
yarn, MrsiT Hamilton. W H MoCraoken;
coarse boots, hand -made gent's boots, J
Sherritt, 1 & 2 ; set single harness, J T
LADIES' Woaic.—Gent's flannel shirt,
;fire T Hamilton, Mrs G Nott ; white
shirt, Mrs T Hamilton, Mre G Nott ;
gent's mitts, Mies Symington, Mrs G
Nott ; pillow shame, Mrs C Campbell,
Mra 0 Washington ; patch quilt in mit-
ton, Mrs G Nott, Mrs D Stewart ; in
sloth, W H MoCraoken, 111rs G Nott ;
silk crazy quilt, orazy, Miss Symington,
Mrs G Nott ; oroobet quilt, Mise Syming-
ton, Miss Lane ; knitted quilt, Mise
Symington, Miss J Faireervioe ; woollen
socks or stockings, Mre G Nott, Mies
Wise ; braiding on wool, Mise Symington,
Mrs 31'r Carder ; araeoene work, Mre 0
Campbell, Mre G Nott ; embroidery on
bolting cloth, Mee G Nott, Mre C Camp-
bell ; embroidery on silk or satin, Mrs
Hele, 111re 0 Oampbell ; Kensington
embroidery, Mre Hele,' Mre D Stewart ;
Roman embroidery, Mre 0 Campbell,
Mre Halo ; parlor screen, Mrs C Camp-
bell, Miss Symington ; cola cushion, Miss
Symington, Mre G Nott ; fancy panel,
We 0 Campbell, Mies Symington ;
beet piano or table scarf, Mre G Nott,
Mre Bela ; drawn work, Mrs 0 Camp-
bell, Mrs C Washington ; Houlton or
point ]ane, Mre 0 Campbell, Mre G
Powell ; beet novelty in fancy work, Mrs
Dr Carder, W Hartry ; crochet work in
silk, Mise Symington, Mrs Hole ; in
cotton, Miss Symington, Mise Wiee ;
bedroom slippers, hand made, 'Mre Dr
Carder, Mre G Nott ; fancy toilet set,
Mrs 0 rampbel], Mre & Nott ; best foot
stool, Mre 0 Campbell, Mrs HR Walker ;
antique work, Miss Symington, Mre G
Nott ; fancy pin cushion, Mre 0 Camp-
bell, Mre Hale ; fancy handkerchief case,
Mre 0 Campbell, Mrs G Nott ; mould
work, Mre 0 Campbell, Mies Symington ;
snit of ladie's underwear, Miss Mo.
Quarrie, Mies Symington ; knitted lace
in cotton, R Sprung, Mre' D Stewart ;
knitted or crochet fanny wool shawl,
Mre D Stewart, Mrs 0 Campbell ; one
sot of oroahet table matif, Mrs Dr Carci-
• T $B SEL i os
e1', Mise Symington ; one ssb table doilies
Pat mere than pieces. Mrsa 0 Campbell,
000napbeoll, Mre n Drente Carder ; . nalta
glove owae, Afire 0 Campbell, Mre
t1 Washington ; Tatting, Mrs G Nott,
pbell fancy n
etting, W
Fir ry, MissSymington Queen Anne
darning, Mxe 0 Campbell "Blies
ton i favor Afgan, bliss Symington, Aire
0 Campbell ; tablecentra paeee, Mrs
lisle, Ma G Nott ; trey cloth, Mise
Symington, Afro 0 Campbell ; tea ooele,
Alm Hole, Mre Walker ; picture throw,
Mrs G.Nott, Mra 0 Campbell ; Berlin
wool work, pat, Airs G Nott, Mrs d
Campbell ; .raised, Mre Dr Carder,
Mre 0 Campbell ; lamp screen, Mise
Symington, Mrs Dr Carder ; beet ease
stuffed birds, Mrs Dr Carder ; laundry
bag, Mrs Walker, 0 & 2 ; chopping bag,
Mre dela, Mrs 0 Campbell ; etching on
any material, Mrs Dr Carder, Mrs G
Nott; knotted bed spread, T Bradnook
mantle drape, T Bradeook, Mise Syming-
ymington ; ooll lady's work, Mre G Nott, Mrs
1'a Campbell,
Oprr.»lt$N'e »erARTtmNT,—Hemmed
handkerohiefe, M Barr, K Barr ; darn-
ing on 800ke or etooliings, Miss.1[antry,
Jennie Sprung ; oroobet work in wool,
Mies Hartry, 0 McCraeken ; in cotton,
0 MoCraoken, Miss Hartry ; pencil
drawing, 0 W Campbell, Miss Hartry
drawled doll, Mise Hartry ; woodwork, 0
W Campbell, Miss Hartry ; plain sewing,
MIea Hartry.
FINE AitTe, .Oil paintings, Mles Lane,
Mrs'0 Campbell ; relater colors, Mrs 0
Campbell, Miss Lane ; figure painting,
oil, Mrs Hele, Miss Lane ; animals in
oil, Mies Lane, Mre 0 Campbell ; single
picture in oil, Miss Lane, Mre Hele ;'
crayon drawing, Miss Sutherland, Mies
Lane ; pencil drawing, Mre Hele, Mre
Campbell ; paetelle, Mrs Campbell, Mrs
Hole ; pen and ink sketches, Mrs Camp.
bell, Miss Lane ; painting on pottery,
Dire Hele, Mre Dr Carder ; hand paint-
ing on silk, satin or plush, Mre Camp.
bell, Miss Symington ; oil painting on
glass, Miss Symington, Mre Campbell;;
oil painting, Mrs Campbell, Mies Lane
photographs, Mies Sutherland.
Pr.ANxs AND FLowlne.—l+oliage, Mrs
Dr Carder ; geraniums in bloom, Mre
D Mareb ; fusohia in bloom, Mre D
Marsh ; banging basket, Mre Marsh'1 &
2 ; plants in flower, Mre Dr Carder, Mre
CUT FLOw050.—Hand boquet, W Tay.
lor, Mre Marsh ; floral design, Mrs D
Marsh, 1 & 2 ; pansies, Slater & Sims,
Mre Elder.
Smramx, ATTaACTIONs.--Bagpipe com-
petition, David McDonald} Wingham ;
D MoKay, Kiutail ; J Dingwal, Blyth;
organ competition, Mise E Anderson,
Miss Elder, Mies Hamilton. The Blyth
Standard offered a special prize of $6 to
the Blyth merchant making the best
display at the Agricultural Hall during
the two days of the fair. Frank Met-
calfe was the winner.
JcnaEe.—Pigs—E Boll, Londeeboro ;
J Hunter, Londesboro ; ladies work and
fins arts, Mre G B Ferguson, Wingham,
Mrs A Brawn, Toronto, Mrs Dr Graham,
Brussels, Mre Rance, Clinton ; grain, A
Taylor, T Vanetone, Blyth ; manufac-
tures, P Purvis, Blyth, R Morrison,
Auburn ; dairy and produce, R C Spar -
ling, Wingham, T W Scott, Blyth ;
flowers and fruit, J Morton, Wingham ;
roots and vegetables, G Rundell, Londee-
boro, R Hughes, Blyth ; sheep, 0 Proct-
or, T Anderson, Belgrave ; light horses,
A Forbes, Seaforth, D B Kennedy,
Clinton ; cattle, Geo Johnston, Londes-
boro, Jno McLean, Dungannon ; poultry,
0 0 Wilson, Seaforth ; merchant's die -
play, M Y McLean, MPP, Seaforth, A
M Todd, Clinton ; S G Brown, Wing -
ham ; heavy 'horses, J Scarlett, Lead -
bury, W H Oruiokshank, Turnberry ;
implements, G Snell, Londesboro, Jno
Cower], J P Brown, Auburn.
The body of Alex. McKenzie, a Ham-
ilton man, was found in the bay. It is
supposed be committed suicide.
Ayer'e Hair Vigor, which has outlived
and superseded hundreds of similar
preparations, ie undoubtedly the most
fashionable. as well as economical hair-
dressing in the market. By its use the
poorest head of hair soon becomes
luxuriant and beautiful.
Real Estate 86 Loan
Agent, - Brussels.
Money to Loan on Farm Secur-
ity at the Lowest Rate
of Interest.
Money Loaned on Notes and
good Notes Discounted. Salo
Notes a Specialty.
Fire ce Life Insurance Written.
Special Attention given to
Office over Dominion & McCall's Store,
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and eurronnding district that I have par -
alarmed the Pump BOeiness of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prince.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
1S"Orders taken for the Digging of
Wells and Cisterna.
Gomer Green,
Wa ed--ArgyIdea
q0q: 2,1u1a.
Pretext ryrout 10000• they may bring you wealth.
wrira sous( 5V51Dii ramous 10 0. PUretlt Atter.
ney9 waeblagte,t, D, 0., for Obel� 81,000 r se 0001'
end ilei et two hundr4d luvontl0ns waalod,
't Since childhood, I 'have beer
afflicted wino scrofulous boils arid'
sores, which caused mo terrible
suffering. Physicians were unable
to help lite, and l only grew worse
under their caro.
At length, I begun
to take
Sarsaparilla, a n d
very soon grew bet-
ter. After using
half a dozen bottles
I was completely
cured, so that I have not had a boil
or pimple on any part of my body
for the last twelve years, I can
cordially recommend Ayer's Sarsa.
parilla as the very best blood -purifier
in existence." — G. T. BEINIIART,
Jtlyersville, Texas.
flyer's Cherry Pectoral cures Coughs and Colds
kv0 Ir
( VffitAl G' ,.S1T( ;PA; ION
�j nC ,�[il�,F„"5T10tJ GIziL Ii+lE 55
CpGs , pv,101es"0t41T E.•;SKN /
i,t.1'EA1TiFif'S,�t:COMPL E.5( N
An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TOMO.
Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 260., 500.,
and 01.00 per package. Samples free.
11{$$o The 1avorfte i00i11 POWDB
�lyll forthe Teeth and Breath, 200
Sold by 3A0. 010x, Drnssiet, itruseele.
COverS the
Mole ielcln
London Advertiser
LARGEST noon circulation In West-
ern Ontario of any paper west of Toronto.
Middlesex County and the territory west
of Toronto thoroughly covered.
The People's Popular Evening Paper.
Circulates iu city and eubnrbd by carrier
boys and agents. All advertisements in-
serted in both editions.
Western Advertiser
Largest weekly circulation in Western
Canada. As an advertising medium in
the west it is without a rival.
Wanted—An Idea
Who con think
or Borne simple
thing to patent?
Protect your Ideon• they may bring you wealth.
Write JOION WEDISERBORN & 00.. Patent Attor-
neys Waehlugton. D, C., for their 81,800 prise otter
and list or two hundred inventions wanted.
LADllE 1!
Ie T'OU\n IN
Jr. LeRoy's Female ills.
The only n•Ilublo and tn,stworthy pre-
paration ruiiwl" c411 liienrurel fa' nil Irro¢'
olarltle.or Um tnmlosystan,. Sciadel ,dur
000 Price SI per box "tdraggists, 0r1,7n,001
.,carol} ?iodation modal. of prim
LeRoy Pill Oa Victoria St.. Toronto, Can.
Sold In 12 russets by JAS. 1`ON.. Rrd15
T, DowoON, Mann,;er Standard Bank, Brad.
ford Ont,, onyx, Cl an Kidney -Liver PeIa ore a
grand medicine for ole, Kidneys and Liver,
W. P, CAkntak. ,10 McCaul St, Toronto, 1'o.
liresenting Montreal Star, says, Chase's Pills net
ke magic for the relief of bead.edlr, bilious attack
and conatipalloe, Sold evcrywhetc, or by mail on
receipt of pr,", 10 EOMANSON, OATE3 & CO.
utc6�r SSI
The undersigned has open-
ed up alButoher Sliop in the
1'a ,atm,
where; le will lceepkonstant,
ly on hand a supply of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage' solicited,
S. Nl/ Aida5CEAa
Meat delivered to all ,parts
of the town.
OGT. (3, 1$90
w;.. .•
The undersigned are prepared to attend
to all branohes of Painting, lnoluding
House, Sign, Carriage and
Ornamental Work.
Paper Hanging, Kaisomining and
Decorating neatly and prompt-
ly looked after at mod-
erate Prices.
We make a Specialty. of Manufacturing
and plaoing In position
First -Class Awnings_
Orders left at 0111' Paint Shop,
formerly used by Messrs. Roddick
& Wako, will be attended to with
Paper Hanging Orders may be
left with Mosses. Deaclman & Mo -
SAMPLE 331103.,
S TOC /'6 . •
CO -
Special value in Paints, Machine Oil, Fence Wire, &c.
onfeder;' tion
of Toronto.
Established 1871.
Tho Policy Contract issued by, this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor-
mation furnished on application.
VT. 11. KEEP,, Agent, Brussels.
Will be our new Premier
decided by the Electors before next issue of this paper.
A decision far greater than that has been given by the voice of
the people, viz. : That 13. li'. Brook & Son, of Listowel
Woolen Mills, pay the
Highest Prices, cash or Trade, for
And that they sell the best Woolen Goods Cheaper than any
Factory or Store in Western Ontario.
nead3rmade Clothing
Is a new lino added to their business. They make
up their own goods into Men's, Youths, Boys & Children's Suits and
sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with.
Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or buy
anew suit and we feel satisfied you will say they give you the best