HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-16, Page 51.6, 1_96 3;trtc Ram “els ru.we. $1,00, in advnuoe, gots Tun Poem until Jan, let, 1898, Tell your neighbor, ort the weekly Globe with ib for $1,20, Belle as Sunvrose,—Spooial serviette were held in the Methodist ohurah here last Snnttay. In the morning, at 10:30,. Mem Mohan spoke an "Forgiveness" and in the evening her theme was "'Phe beloved of Christ." The evening eon, gregation was unusually largo and abe tentive, comprisingover 320• The ear• vices were aontiuued enol night this week at 713Q o'olook, Saturday excepted, a-- 'Mrs. D. Eokmier bag been visiting Wendt; in Stanley T'ownehip, Several of our villagers attended Bow• dow's IIlohapoo Indian concert at Moles. worth on Monday night. Out barber did not remain long with is but removed to greener pasture, The wants of the people in that line still re- ceive attention by W, Pollard and Lew. Bakmier. The infant daughter of D. Tyerman andwife died on Tuesday night of this week and was buried on Thursday. She was a bright ohild three months of age. The parents have the sinoere sympathy of the oommunity. Contraotor Dunbar would like to know who wee appointed by the Qounail to in• sped the bridge he is building ]Oast of our village. Several persona seem to have the position of inspector and all olaim to be authority in the matter. .Meiiillop. Pulling Winter apples is in order this week. A Large quantity of poultry purchased in Moliillep, was shipped from Seaforth station. Miss Emma Brown, of Sarepta, was on a pleasant visit to friends in this section recently. A stone foundation bas been built under Bethel church. Matthew Stafford did the mason work. We have beard of apples being hauled several miles to the evaporator at Brus- sels, the price received being five cents a bag. There is considerable demand for good stook steers at present, although the price is lowein comparison with what they were some few years ago. Mrs. Cade, of Emily City, Michigan, a000mpanied by her little son, was visit- ing friends in this section last week. Mrs. Cade ie a sister to Mrs, Robb. Gray. An interesting event took place on Tuesday, it being the marriage of Mies Anne Eggert, daughter of John Eggert, one of our most prosperous farmers, to John LtIolfann, son of the horse king. We wish the newly wedded pair pros. parity and happiness. W se. toai. Leet Sabbath the communion was ob. served in Doff's ohuroh. Rev. D. B. Mo - Rae, of Oranbrook, preached on Saturday and the pastor took the other services. 120 partook of the sacrament. The contract for the new Merle in con• neotion with Duff's Presbyterian ohurah, Walton, was let to J. W. Fogel, of Ethel, at $365. The old shade have been torn down and work will be pushed ahead. Thursday evening of this week special evangelistic services were commenced in the Methodist ohuroh here. Next Salo. bath the services will be held at 2:30 and 7 o'clock, the pastor preaching at both meetings. Meetings will be held each evening excepting Saturday. TnnNEsorvnto.—A Thanksgiving ser. mon was preached in the Methodist ohurah, to a large audience, last Sabbath afternoon, by Rev. S. J. Aliin, of Brus- sels. His text wet "Now abideth these three, Faith, Hope and Love, bub the greatest of these is Love." It wag an able effort and much appreciated by all who beard. Tuesday an entertainment wee bald, to take the place of the usual toa•meeting. It was of a literary and musioal character. Interesting, praotiaal and very profitable addresses were given by Revde. Messrs. Allis, Brussels ; For- rest, Walton ; Rigsby, of Blyth, and Bond, Seaforth. Brussels Methodist ohurah choir supplied the musio. The cheer was occupied in a very felicitous manner by the pastor, Rev. J. P. West - man, and the gathering throughout was most satisfactory. No admission fee was charged and rho collection taken amount- ed to nearly $17.00. At the close of the program the epeakore and oboir were en. tertained to refreshments, provided by the kindness and forethought of the ladies. The pastor and people are to be oongratnlated on the sueoess of the anni- versary. Atwood. 0. H. Holmes, the Newry merchant, has token a son onto partnership. Mies•Alice Turnbull, of the 8th, oon,, has been engaged to teach S. S. No. 7, Elms, next year. August Stahl'ie oomplebing a flue brink house on his farm on the 2nd oon. of Erma. James Kende] has also built a briok residence at a cost of about $1,000. Samuel Shannon, B. A., bas secured the principalship of the Drayton Publio school at a salary of $500 per annum. Mr. Shannon is an honor graduate of Toronto University. 0. Kehoe, of Stretford, the young man wbe fell, off the scaffolding at W. F. For - rest's new house, has been removed to the Stratford hospital. One of hie arms is broken and his head injured. Wrn. Horn, 14th oon., lost four sheep in a peculiar manlier. He fed them tette in a may tin, and when ho returned to the barn a few hours afterwards be found three of them dead and the fourth died a few minutes after. They ate the rust from the tin, which killedyhom, 'IMAM woomoNm.—While Geo. Fish- er and wife wars driving toward Atwood Wednesday of last week about 2 p, m., they found Mra. Albert 'Tindall, of the 141b oon., lying in the diboh on the west side of the gravel road, a few rods from the 12th oon., near Newry. She was quite insensible and part of her body lying in about eighteen inobes of water. She was on her way to Newry, and her horse ran away, pitching her 001 in the manner deeoribed. The loots° and the open buggy she was driving were found a short distance away on the opposite side of the road Sloss to the fenoe, with the broken shafts over the animal's baok, and the barnees more or less entangled, in• dion;ting a runaway aoaidenb, Mr, Fish- er lifted the unfortunate woman out of the water and Itafter.working soma time Teetered ber to r oneeleueneee, He then pot her into his buggy and Dere, Plater drove her home, while Me. 31'ieher Ionised after the runaway Jiorae, It is not thought that she is eerieuely inj.ursd, al' though the o eipleins of pains 10 her arms and ehoeldero, X'31.#' ;t:fa. Tax oolleotor John Boll is on hie an. Waal roulade. Rev. J. F. Parke, rector of 51. Patil'e oburah, (Mitten, was in town oo fair day S. S. auniverseryeerviue is to be held on Sunday morning in Trinity oburob. A special offertory Per the S. le. will be taken up, Will. Goodiand, babolier, took a moon. ligbt flight on Sunday morning, leaving several mourners behind. He had only been in buslness a short time. The Tolman Concert company's concert held in. Industry Hall on the night of the Fair, was well attended, the hall being literally packed. It was pro. nounoed by some that were there to be the best that they had seen, it itettowel. Miss Rothwell has taken the leadership of bbe Mebhodist (March choir. Suooeselal revival meetings have been oarried on in the Evangelioal church, The rate was fixed at 21 mills in the dollar, including 2-Sths of a mill for elnk• Ing fund, D. Bowyer has sold his handsome res. idenoe on Dodd et. to J. E. Brook, Mr, Bowyer retaining possession until New Year's. A, B. George lute started a broom works up stairs in the old foundry build. ing, which will be run by steam power obtained from the oider manhfaotory in the same building. The Berlin Newe hart been sold to J. C. Robineoc, late Editor of the Oannington Gleaner. Mr. Robinson is a graduate of the Standard aloe, and we wish him amass in his new venture. Last week was enumeration week in the post office here. The total number of letters, poet cards, etc., posted here dur- ing the week were an follows :—Lettere, 2,484 ; post cards, 542 ; papers and par- oels, 249. The contractors are making good pro - pees on the now English ohuroh, the stonework on the main side walls being almost finiebed. The gables, obanoel and tower ere still to be worried up, which will take another week at least. The oarpenters began roofing a portion of the building this week. 1VY.orrlbS. Bennet Farrow is home on a visit from Wiarton. Willows Farrow wee in Goderioh last Friday on business. Chas, Sheriff, of Toronto, ie visiting friends on the 3rd line. Threshing will just be about wound up this week. It was a short season. Allan 0. Mason, ort East Wawanosb, is vieitieg his grandparents on the 8rd. Miss Crich and brother, of Tucker - smith, were visiting friends here this week. Mre. Jno. Budd is still about the same, but there is some hope now of per re. oovery. ILiy Bros., of Grey, put in a culvert on the 3rd line last week for $8.70. 'They are workers, rain or ebioe. $1.00, in advance, gets Tali Posm until Jan. let, 1898. Tell your neighbor. Or the weekly Globe with it for $1.50. Partridges are very plentiful this year. Wm. Bowman bas shot 30 already and ie of nr- ps ne ng an a he r- oE a of e g 1I line Morrie, for a term of years. Mr. Wilson end family purpose removing to Colchester township, Essex Oo., where he has rented a peach farm. Quintin Anderson got a telephone mos• sage on Saturday evening to go to Ohes• ley and see hie brother-in.lave Gilbert good for 80 more. Willie Anderson sb 9 in one day. Last week Jae. Moore, 8th line, p phased a thorn' bred Berkshire boar from Geo. Green, of Fairview, Be also kee one of the Yorkshire breed. Mies C. Brydon, 5111 line, who has go to California for the Winter, sxpeoti the visit to benefit her health, writes interesbing letter to THE Poem, which will appear next week. Jas. Speir, 6th line, has purchased fine pure bred Leicester ram from t flock of the well known S. S. Smith, Maple Lodge. Mr. Speir is an ente prising farmer and deserves to do well. The removal to bhe U. S. last week a oonple of 6th line residents caused little ripple among the businese men Brunets and other portions of th oountry in a scramble for the remainin effects - Last week Wm. Killougb, of Grey leered the line farm of Jno, Wilson, 2n Meir, who met with some aooidenb and was not expected to recover, He left on the early train Monday morning. If Reeve Mooney steps out of the town- ship Council to become a candidate for Co. Oonnoillor it is hinted that Councillor Bowman will be an aspirant for the Reeve's oboir with the probabilities of Councillor Iebister or R. et Duff also being in the field. Deputy Reeve Kirkby will seek re•eleotioe, S. Calbiek, Gloria. Miohie and Jas. Bolger may also be nom- inated for seats at the 0ounoil in addition to Oounoillor Code REPonT —The following is the standing of the pupils in S S No. 4, Morris, an - cording to marks obtained during the month of September :-4thclass—Norah Maunders, Ida Mooney, Lulu Davis ; Sr. 3rd -•-Jae. Innes, John Oloakey, Susie Manning, Geo.Iinea, Joe Petah, Willie Johnston ; Jr. 8rd —Earnest Mooney, Flora Flatt, Richard Cardiff, Milton Sharpe ; Sr. 2nd—Mary Kernaghan, 'Clara Mooney, Mabel Niohnl, Beetba Niobol, Nelson ]Maunders, Gee. Davis, Willie Fleet, Myrtle Niobol, Dewe Walk- er ; Jr. 2nd—Bertha Sharpe, Minnie Mooney, Carrie Speir, Lizzie Davis, Willie Ames, Charlie Barrie, Minnie Walker. Part 2nd—Eletou Cardiff, Don. ald Innes, Tana Forsythe, Ada Me- Outoheon, Ida Platt, Everett Walker, Lizzie Speir. Mess 0, A. Hensmee, Teacher, REPORT.—The following is the stand. ing of the pupils in S. S. No. 8 for the month of Sept :-6th oleos.—Maggie Yuill, Lyon Pipe. Sr. 4th—Bate Black, Lizzie Michie, Joe Yuill, Reg. Watson, Jr, 4th—Russell Wheeler, Nellie Wilson, Ernest Wheeler, Jno. Yuill, Willie Caution. 8rd class—Robt. Kellington, Edgar Proctor, Agoee Speir, Jos, Hanna, Annie Speir, Porte Pipe, Stanley Wheel. er, Wesley Sbepheneon, Sr. 203—Bur. debt Geddes, Robert Douglass, Willie Douglass, Jenny Skadden, label Pipe, Jr.2ne—Lillie Henderson, Bessie Wat• Me, Annie Henderson, Frankie Mo. ,p rm uprrS+ r'r 9. POET I t .viiumRna i# r s;a41mr r Crooked, Andy Miller, Jae, eloprnollsn, Gll;ety Wheeler, Alex. Stewart, Sr, let olesa—Jets, b01c,hie, Willie Clerk, .Annie Dcuglase, Lenny Wheeler, 4l04 Sftolr, Tommy Cameron, Marg. Shedden, 14et- tie Kellingbon. Jr, lse—Jno. MoOraollen, Elsie Speir, Jesele Wheeler, Willie Llbtltt, Wellington GJboon. M, Bbeax, Teacher, eiri 101.1)troo1c. 51.00, in advaeoo, gets Tee Pose until Jan. let,' 1898. Tall your neighbor, Or the !be ennbBwe.R.VCamro,ofdrnrook, has aooepted a pall from the Presbyterian oongregabions of North Dasthops and Hampebead. He Will be ordained and inducted in a short time. SP01imtbioN's ATFENm10N.—A. shooting =lob will be bold at the Union Hotel, Ore.nbrook, on Friday, Oot;,28rd, when a (Melee lob of turkeys, geese and ducks will be snob for. separate targets for rides and allot gene, Shooting to oom- men0e at 10 O'olooli, Postponed Fall Fair was held on the 13th inst. in Wingham. .Lott & Sturdy won first prize with their running horse, "Twister," et the Walkerton Fair, John Diokeon, town treasurer, is dangerously ill, and owing to his advano- ed age his renovery is doubtful. Prior to hie departure for Kamloops, B. 0., the friends of Freda Bradwin en. tertained him royally at the City Ree. Laurent. The members of Fern Lodge, No. 19, L. T. 13., purpose holding a White Rose box male! en the Orange Hall on the evening of November 5th, the anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot. Mrs. Malloy, an old lady of Howiok, who is 96 yearn o13, was in town last week and marketed twenty.one pairs of woollen mics, of her own knitting and for which she had both carded and spun the wool. Two weeks ago Stewart McGee, olerk in the store of John Hanna, received a kiok from the delivery, horse, from wbiob an abscess has resulted. Mr. McGee will be laid off duty for some time. Fortun• ately Penh-aeelf be had taken out an accident polioy'only a few hours before he received the kick. •Fav, $1.00, in advance, gate Tare Yos'r until Jan, 1st, 1898. Tell your neighbor. Or the weekly Globe with it for $1.50. At the last CounoIn meeting J. Kreuter end S. McGeorge were re -appointed tax collectors for ]hie year at the same salary as they received in 1895. On the last Sabbath of October Rev. R. Paul and A. M. McKay will visit the union Sabbath school meeting in Smith's school house. A missionary collection will be taken. A speoimen of Late Rose variety of potatoes was dog in Jas. Fergoson's patch that weighed 3 pounds. An Irish bullet of that weight should parry death and destruction into all oases of hunger. Francis Coates, of Elma, has leased the 100 more farm of John Toughen for a number of years. It is a good farm and John did well to get a good man on it, Francis is a tirst•olass farmer and well worthy of a good farm. James McDonald and .Richard Bewley, who went to Northern Ontario with the expectation of purchasing farm property have returned. They sold their effects taken up. We welcome them beak. Huron County oan't be beaten. Rev. R. Paul and A. M. MaKay of Brus- sels, will deliver S. S. addressee at Ben. fryn Methodist church next Sabbath morning and at Whitfield's church in the afternoon. Collections will be taken for mission S. S. in Northern Ontario. It is said that all the present members of the Township Council will seek re- election with the exception of Deputy Reeve Hislop who will run for Co. porn• oilier. The names of Messrs. Whitfield, Livingeton, Jno. Straohan, McNeil, Fer• gegen and Dickson are also mentioned as likely candidates for seats at the Town • ship Board. Bethel church Epworth League bas sleeted the following staff of admire for the current term':—President, Miss B. Pearson ; let Vioe, Mrs. D. Livingston ; 2nd Vioe, D. Clark ; 3rd Vioe, M, Mc- Taggart ; 4th Vioe, Mrs. T. Williamson ; Secretary, Miss T. Sperain ; Treasurer, G. Sperain. ' The League Bolds its meet. ings on Wednesday evening of each week. A good program hes been pre. pared for the ooming six montbe. Another free exhibition of the effects of whiskey could be seen on the 8th line on Oot. 14th, hours from 8 to 5 p. m. If it occurs again it will be driven to Brussels in daylight and parade the front street, accompanied with a ootton flag and fish horn. Maybe the dealers in this ourse don't know that the money spent for it in this case means a Irak of shoes and clothes for young children at home. Shame 1 Shame 1—we were going to say men. A1re, Geo. Sperling wee visiting her father, l8, Slathw.ell, in .Godorioh town. ship, Revolve—The following ie a report of the otaluling of the pupils of S. S. No, 2, Grey, for Sepa,1-••P, S, L., total, 400-4, Blake, 17 L' 9 r L. 13101by, 813,. Entrance, total, 500-9, Orerar, 482 ; W. Arm. strong, 374 ; L, Blake, 803; Al. Sfoggaza, 802 ; 22..Cardiff, 310. 4th close, total, 370--A, Calder, 298 ; A., Switzer, 204 ; A, Molcey, 206 ; S. Bedford, 198 ; C. Armstrong, 288 ; J. Farquharson, 188. 8rd olaes, tote!, 8266—V, Armstrong, 295 ; 0, Pepper, 168 ; D, Davidson, 141 ; A. 13edfor4, 183 ; ' W, Switzer, 124.• F. Blake, 121 ; 1f, Hollinger, 120 ; G. mom. us; let, Oakley, 92 ; W. Glassier, 89 ; R. Elliott, 70, 2nd olass, total, 839 -ell, Dickson, 302 ; G, Bielby, 272 ; M. Riley, 248 ; D, Hollinger, 209 ; D. ;lake, 198 ; L. Dickson, 152 ; 13, Davidson, 152 ; M, Rands, 143 ; T. Davidson, 132.; M. Bed- ford, 131 ; 13, Rands, 180 ; M. Cardiff, 121 ; J. Hoggard, 90 ; W. Farquborson, 83, Sr. 1st, total, 245•-1. hands, 186; A. Oakley, 149 ; . W, Stephenson, 147 W, Riley, 147 ; G. Dark, 185 ; A. Glare eier, 104. Ir. let, total, 100—M, Dark, 93; T. Bielby, 85 ; M. Boggard, 29. Honors—J, Blake, L. Bielby, J, Greyer, V. Armstrong, A, Diokeon, G. Bielby, 3. Rends, T, Bielby, M, Dark. W. 13, Sxuwanm, Teacher, Canadian iN' a wra: Charles Huebner, a well-to.do citizen of Windsor, committed suicide by hang. ing. Capt. Weller and Lieut. Runnione, of the Birley team, were banquetted at Cornwall. No date has yet been fixed for Thanks. giving Day, but it is probable that Nov. 20th will be chosen. The City Council of London has adopt - 53 plans for the new sewerage system, which will coat about $200,000. Mr, Paulson, Provincial Government agent, left Winnipeg for Iceland to pro- mote immigration from that country. A number of dentists of Perth and Huron will hold a meeting in Mitchell on Oot. 291h, for the purpose of forming an assoeiation.for the two counties. The London Times publishes n des- patch stating that the Canadian emi- grants to Brazil are not satisfied with their treatment. Hon. R. W. Scott told the Brazilian Consul that the Govern. went world do all in their power to prevent emigration from Canada. A man named Farewell was arrested at Kirkton on Saturday morning on a war. rant charging him with uttering raised bills. The constable who made the ar- rest was from Hensall. The warrant was issued in Huron ()minty, but as Fare- well was found just aoroes the boundary line in Perth, Magistrate Beatty, of Kirkton, endorsed it and the suspect wag hustled off to Hensall to undergo an ex- amination, A day or two previous to this Mr. Hyslop, merchant at Cromarty, complained to Magistrate Beatty of hav- ing had a raised bill put upon him by Farewell. The min was celled into the magistrate's office and when oonfronted by Mr. Hyslop strenuously denied having any knowledge or suspicion that the bill had been raised, but as be offered to re- plaoe it with good money the difficulty was adjusted in that way. Mr. Beatty retained the bill, however, and was about to destroy it when the constable from Hensall arrived and demanded a warrant for Farewell's arrest. Monday morning Mr. Beatty went to Stratford end handed the suspicious bill over to Crown Attorn- ey Idington. The bill bad been a Do• minion two and had been clumsily raised to a tea by pasting figures out from tobacco box revenue stamps over the big twos. The smaller figures along the up- per edge of the bill had been net away and the letters t-w•o in the centre were ohanged to "ten" with pen and ink. It was so poorly done that no person mould be deceived except in an uncertain light. • McLEOD'S System Renovator --.SND OTHEn-- TESTED REMEDIES SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, (Palpita- tion of the Heart, Liver Oomplaint, Neur- algia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con- sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kiduey and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irrsgularitiee and General De- bility. LABORATORY, OODERJCH, ONT. J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer. Sol,] by .las, Fox, Druggist, Brussels. The First dvertiser You think: of Advertising as a modern device, but this is not so, the first man to Advertise was' Noah, he Advertised the Flood and it came. through all right. History has repeated itself daily since then. The live business man is the man who Advertises and is never left ; the live Shopper is the one who reads the Advertisements of the ;live Adver- tiser, and prospers accordingly. Think what economy it is to the hous,ewife who reads this store's news, and what is lost if she don't. Compaae These Values : 1000 yards 44 inch pure wool Serge Dress Goods in all Shades and 131ack, regular price 40e., Reduced to 30c. 5 pious Tweed Dress Goods in Light Shades, was 60c. per yard, Reduced to 450. 2 pieces only Black Henrietta Cloth, the line we have been selling at 65c., Reduced to 50c. 2000 yards best quality 32 inch Flannelette, the kind we have been selling at 8e., Reduced to 6c. 5 dozen Men's and Boys' Curl Caps, the regular 65c. line, Special at 50c. 5 dozen Men's Shirts and Drawers, pure wool, worth anywhere 650., our Special Line at 506. 15 only Ladies' Frieze Cloth Mantles, in Brown and Black, up' to date in Style, German make and perfect fitting, Special price, $4.25. We ask you to put us to the test, try us by comparing Values. No need to Buy unless you are Perfectly Satis- fied. John Ferguson & Co. Highest price paid for Butter and Eggs. New Dress Go. New Tinsel Trimmings, NEW LACES, And 1000 yds. 32 in. Flan nelette at 6 Cts. per yard,` The Undersigned has a complete outfit of Undertakers' Supplies such as CASKETS, COFFINS, ROBES, cgc. First-class Hearse in Connection. EMBALMING ATTENDED TO. Having purchased the Harness business of Mr. H. Dennis, I am prepared to servo the public in First•olass stock in Light and Heavy Harness, Robes, Blankets, Halters, Whips And everything usually found in an up-to-date shop, and at Reasonable Prices. A good line of Trunks and Valises always on hand. Special attention given to Collars—satisfaction guaranteed. Repairing promptly attended to. Have retained the services of My. Wm. 7fnochtel, well known to the Public. A share of your Patronage asked for. J. DONALD O , Dennis' Old Slane], - Brussels. JAS. WALKER, Opposite Town Hall, Brussels. e ani Your Trade for Fall And will guarantee you the Best Value to be had in the Market. Dress Goods. and Trimmings, Flannels, Flannelettes and Underwear. A large stock of Overcoats and Suits for Children, Boys and Men—Cheaper Than Ever. 1n Boobs, Shoes and. Rubbers Our Stock is Now Complete, Special Reductions in Soft and Stiff Felt ]=Tats. Our November Patterns and Fashion Sheets to hand, A. Strachan.