The Brussels Post, 1896-10-16, Page 4New Advertisements,, Iiewa rd. --Sae. Fox, China -T. Matcher. I,oasl-w. 'f1. Pelton, I:ooal-T, MoGregor. Must be bung -Sas, ?or. Fall goods A, Strachan, Pink Pills Pr, Williams, kihesp for sale -Jae. Spear. Boor for service -L. MoNeil. Hunters' llxoursions G, T. Notice to oreditor5--A. Hunter, Boar for eervioe-Jas. 4, Moore. Teacher wanted --D. McTaggart, r n stis Vat FRIDAY, OCT. 16,1896. A vans vigorous effort should be made by the Dominion Government to eevure a large number of practical farmers for the thousands of fertile acres of Manito. ba and the Northwest, That will never be a great country until it is more thick. ly populated. We expect a big boom in Ulla particular. Tun great interest taken in the foreign mission fields by the various churches and the desire of so many consecrated young people to thoroughly equip them. selves and go bo these places is a most hopeful sign of the times, and it presages great advancement in many forms to the heathen lands thus visited. While all this may be right it would be well to bear in mind many needy cases on this side of the Atlantic. Loan Ausn:Esx has many oommend- able points about him as Governor- General of this Dominion, and one of the leading ones is his desire and willingness to meet with the people ; to hear their opinions and wishes ; and see for him- self the various Provinces. High toned officialism will never accomplish any- thing in this or any other democratic country. Just now Lord and Lady Aberdeen are visiting in Manitoba and the Northwest, where they hove an estate. Practical information gleaned by personal observation is worth a great deal more than doubtful, untried, and in some cases impossible theories. WHILE we don't believe in ,beheading Government employees purely and sim- ply because of their political views, we do regard it as a very proper thing to remove from the various Departments at Ottawa or from positions elsewhere men who are offensive partisans. We know of in- stances where Government officials were allowed to resign their office, run for Parliamentary honors and after their de- feat were re -instated to their former posts. This applies to both political parties and should not be permitted. Where a man is dependant on his posi- tion for a livelihood politics should be set to rest and the general weal considered. The present Dominion Government is be- ing castigated by a portion of the press, but a short year ago the tune being sung to the same song was not set to suoh a minor key. It seems to depend on whose ox is gored. A Life of lilartydom. ENDURED BY THOSE WHO SUP- PER FROM CONSTANT HEADACHE. One Who Suffered Thus for Over Twenty Nears Relates ffer Experience. Which Will Prove Valuable to tethers. From the Tribtme, Matta.va, pat. Among the residents in the vicinity of Mattawa there is none better known or more highly esteemed than Mr. and Mrs. R. Ranson, who have been residents of this section for the past fifteen years. Mrs. Ranson has been a great sufferer for years, her affliction taking the form of dizziness and violent headaches, and the attacks would come upon her so suddenly that she could scarcely reach her bed un- aided, and would be forced to remain for three or four days, unable to take any nourishment and suffering more than tongue can express. She was but seven- teen years of age when these attacks first came upon her, and the doctor who then attended her said that in his opinion her life would not extend over a few years at most. But more than it score of years have since passed, during the greater part of which, it is true, Mrs. Ranson was a great sufferer. But that is happily now past, and she is enjoying better health than ever site did. To a reporter of the Tribune Mrs. Ranson told her story, add- ing earnestly that she hoped her experi- ence might prove of benefit to some other sufferer. She said :-'The simile of dizziness and intense headaches would attack me every three or four weeks, and would last from two to four days at each attack, and with each attack my suffering appeared to grow more intense. I had good medical advice and tried many remedies, but with no beneficial results, In the, Spring of 1895 my appetite began to fail, my hands and feet would swell and my heart palpitate violently. I was utterly discouraged and felt that I would not live much longer, One day my daughter urged me to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pille a trial, bat I hall token so much medicine with no benefit that I re. fused. Ilowever,sho went to town and got four boxes and to please her more than for any hope of benefit I agreed to take them. I did not find the first box do me any good, but by the time I had taken the second my appetite began to improve and 5 could sleep better. I then began to have faith in them and as I continued their use found myself constantly getting bettor, When I had finished the fourth box both myself and friends were sur- prised to find that I had not had a Bead. actio for more than six weeks, the action of my heart had become regular and I could sleep soundly all night. T was still weak, however, and decided to continue eassitessintsammeasesessesir the use Who pills, which I did until three more bozos were need, Since then I ltavp been stronger Oban at any time for vanes bIfeau dore o nyvw ilt,e not hImo a pm ge or naw Interest iu life and feel ten years younger. I feel that Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will de for °there what they have don° for Me, and believiug this I am glad to make my story public in the hope that it will be of value to some sufferer," Mrs, Ranaoa's husband and 'nether, were both present and say that they look Upon lib' recovery as miraoulous. They further said that many and many a night they bad sat up keeping hot oloths on her head, that being the only treatment that had helped her before she began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilia. This great remedy enriches and puri - Bea the blood, strengthens the nervee, and in this way goes to the root of the disease, driving it from the 'system and curing when other remedies fail. Every box of the genuine Dr. Williams' Pink Pills has the trade mark on the wrapper around the box and ilio pur. chaser can probeot himself from imposi. tion by refusing all others. Sold by all dealers at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2,50. 11'' TT. V,, TT Et, -P:neT Ooy, 10;' 1896 Ogilvie's flour mill at Goderioh has been closed down. Mary McOlond, employed at the Dog and Duok hotel on Colborne street, To. ronto, was arrested by Detective Davis on Saturday charged with robbing her employer. Two years ago she was en- gaged to a respeobable young man named Angus Matbieeon, of Kincardine. She jilted him and he drowned himself, pre. ferring death to life without her. Not liking the associations of Kincardine after this episode, the young woman drifted to Toronto, and was some time in service, having been employed by several prominent Toronto people. She was first euepeoted of being a thief when she went to the Dog and Dusk. A young man was ill for a while at the hotel, and she used to tend bins, and he began to alias money from bis pockets, Then the bartender took her fancy, and she appropriated his photograph and a nine silk handkerchief from his pocket. Soon the silverware and linen in the hotel began to be short and Saturday the woman was arrested. She appeared in the dock Saturday morning, dressed en• tirely in blank, and appeared to be very sick. She pleaded guilty, but the Magis- trate refused to hear tbs plea till she should be in a responsible condition, She was remanded. mRVSSMT S a L2CmTS. Fall Wheat Barley. Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls ... Eggs per dozen Floor per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton., Hides trimmed Hides rough Salt pen bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each.. Apples per bus Ilogs, Live Wool 07 68 25 25 41 42 18 19 11. 12 12 4 00 4 50 25 7 00 8 00 4 4i 8 3,f 1 00 00 CO 70 15 40 1 00 8 50 3 50 18 Darns M.eiucETs.-Liverpool; Oct: 18. - Cheese firm, demand moderate ; finest American white, August, 48s ; finest American colored, August, 49e. Butter, -Finest United States, 90s ; good, 60s. New York -Butter strong ; state dairy, 10c to 17c ; do. family, 12o to 190 ; western dairy, Tia to 11*c ; do. cream- ery, 12c to 19c ; do. factory, 70 to llo ; Elgius, 19c. Cheese firm ; state large, 7o to 9}0 ; do. small, 7o to 9* ; do., small, 70 to 10*0 ; part skims, 3,10 to 6ic ; full skims, 2o to 2}c. Ingersoll -Offerings 3,890 September make. Sales 220 at 10*e ; 10 1/16 offered and refused. Mss ROSTALO, Oct. 13. -Cattle. -Two oars ; nothing doing. Hogs -Twelve oars ; 12c to 15c higher ; Yorkers, $3.75 to 03.80 ; mixed packers, 08.70 to 08.75 mediums, $3.60 to $3.65 ; heavy, $8.50 to 03.55 ; pigs, $3.00 to 03.70 ; roughs, 03 to 08.80 ; stags, $2.25 to 02.75. Sheep and lambs-Twenty.three cars, slow ; prime lambs, 04.40 to 04.55 ; good to choice, 04 to 04.40 ; culls and common, 03 25 to 02.75 ; choice wethers, 08.50 to 08.00 ; fair to choice mixed sheep, 02.50 to 03.50 ; oulls and eoumon, $1.50 to 02.. 25. Cattle closed steady. Hogs closed steady ; all sold. Sheep and lambs closed weak ; late salee of Canada lambs at $4.45 to $4.50, with some unsold. TORONTO, Oct. 18. -At the Toronto cattle market to -day prices were little firmer, but there was no material ad- vance. Receipts were 49 care, including 1,001 sheep and lambs, 1,600 hogs and 25 calves. Export cattle were in moiler• ate demand. There was slightly better feeling. Best price was no to 40 per lb. ; some sold at 3 c, Butchers' cattle were dull. Demand for Montreal market was slow, only half a dozen oars being taken for there. Ruling prices were 2c to 3o per lb., but as high as Bic was paid for choice. Stockers and feeders were quiet. Farmers' stockers, weigh- ing about BOO lbs., sell at ,20 per lb. ; good feeders are in active demand, at 2ic to 210 per Ib. Bulls were steady, at 2c per pound ; export bulls were firm, at So to 3}o per Ib. Sheep and lambs were unchanged Export sheep wore quiet, at 2ic to 211° per lb„ and a few choice brought 3o ; lambs were quiet, at $2.50 to $2.75 each ; butcher's sheep were very dull. Calves steady ; choice fetch $6 to 07 each, and ordinary 02 to 34. Hogs were firm ; selections of bacon hogs sell at 3 o per lb., end thick fat at 3}c. Toeoxro, Oct. 13, -Market quiet. Flour quiet, prices generally unchanged ; straight rollers quoted at 03.60 to $3.80, west. Iran, quiet ; prices unchanged, at 07 west and 49 on track here ; shorts, 08 bo 38.00, west. wheat very strong, good demand ; sales of red and white outside tot 710 ; No, 1 Manitoba hard sold ab 81o, Toronto freights, and at 713o afloat Fort William ; No, 2 hard, 780, Toronto freights. Buckwheat quiet ; sales at 31c, middle freights, and at 82o oast. Barley quiet ; prices unchanged at 35o to 80c for No, 1, 290 to 80c for No. 2, 25o for No. 8 extra, and .23ofor feed. Oats -Good sales of round lots of tvhite at 20, and of mixed at 190 outside. Peas fairly active, and prices rule steady, cars being quoted at 42o to 42*10 north and west. Oatmeal -The market is un- changed., with car lots quoted ab 02.05 to $2.7.5. Corn -The market is quiet ; prices are steady at 28o outside. Rye - The market is dull, with sales outside at Sic to He. OI' Before Hurrahing very mlloll see that you are ready for the Cold. Wo eon supply you with Cooking, Box, Parlor and Coal Stoves, THE BEST IN , THE 'MARKET, Of the Latest Design -to burn either Coal or Wood -put in and Guaranteed. Large and well selected stock of Lamps, Lanterns, Coal Oat, &c. Halters, Cow Chains, Glass and a host of other things you require for Fall and Winter: Blacksmiths' and Stove Coal always on hand. 'Tinsmithing in all its Branches. & . GERItT, BEAVER HARDWARE STORE. FALLWIN 0-® We keep in stock and supply everything in Coal and Wood Stoves, ti GiPODS Either Parlor, l3ox or Cook. First-class Furnaces From best Canadian Manufacturers, and Warranted to work properly. TINWARE OF ALL KINDS, Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates. ' Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &o. Orders Taken for Coal. LTO URBULL Stove an, d Furnace Men, Brussels. F FOR Asa, T This week I have put in a stock of -413110 --- Men's ane Boys' Overcoats and I am going to make it hot for hard tinges. You can- not feel poor when you see our goods and prices. Values that were never so marvellously low as they are right now. We are buying and' passing on Bargains in Bright, Fresh, Stylish, High Grade en's ¢t y :{t.. ys' Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goons, &o. The Completeness of our Stock Guarantees everybody Perfect Satisfaction. Come and .see this choice selection of Holiest Qualities and learn why sensible, economical people prefer to spend their money with us. There is no law against paying Big Prices, - but it isn't Sensible. You will trade with us because you cannot duplicate our Goods at Prices so LOW. D. C. 1R,0��..a- 09 Leading Tailor. and Gents' Furnisher. The Newest and most Correct in__06-- FALL GOODS ARE HERE. The old is put away and we must don that which is new -and why not the Newest ? We gather direct from the Manufacturers. We display, beyond' question, the Greatest Values'Ever Offered. We never bought so liber- ally, We never bought s0 well. We never got Values so Low in :- Ne w - New New New New New New New Dreg Goods, New Cape Cloths, Mantle Cloths, New Velveteens all colors, Gloves and Hosiery, New Carpets, Corsets and Umbrellas, New Flannels' Flannelettes, New Cottons, Blankets, New Table Linens, Towellings, Towels and Table Napkins. Stylisil Clotlflllg aid Furu!s1iiup , .aao • It is true there are grades of Clothing we do not'sell.'7- Some Clothing is made so cheap that they are too expensivelfor anybody to wear. It is short-sighted Economy that looks only at the price. At our Prices nobody sells Clothing as good as ours. We are care- ful to see that every person gets advantage of our knowledge of Clothes, and guarantee all our goods to be as represented. See for yourself -the size of stocks devoted to'illen's and Boys' needs, [the range in Styles and the Values we offer in Overcoats, Suits, Underclothing, Gloves, Hats and Caps, Shirts all kinds, Ties and Suspenders. The Chances are we'll get your trade if you only make Comparison. Our Boots Pan Well. Boots Shoeo Rubbers. WASI97'lr', metnt. Everybody should aim to buy as Low as possible, but price after all is only a relative quality. Some folks have a mania for buying anything so long as it does not cost them much, and usual- ly with such people you find a cellar or an attic filled with a lot of useless truck. Boots and Shoes are not an exception in this appli- cation. When men and women fur e giving a good deal of attention just now to the newest in hats and bonnets lot them remember that nothing is more undressy than an unstylish and poorly shaped Boot. Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest, but we take pleasure in invit- ing attention to our Now and Stylish Goods as much as to the Prices. There are many new things in Fall Boots and Shoes, and this is the store where, above all others, you can sec them. We are Sole Agents in Brussels for the justly Celebrated Granby Rubbers, We carry a full stook, from the finest made to the heavy lumbermen's. SMITH & MCLAREN.