HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-16, Page 3OCT. 16, 1896 "Omit sato y* z3RITSSE.Tj$ P—S ' Dintrnam Ononeu; Sabbath Services at 11 a m and 7:00 p, m, Sunday Sellool at 2:80 p m, Rev, John Roes, 0 A, pastor, ST. JOBS's Oztmi011,—Sabbath Servioes at 11 a m and 7 p m, Sunday Sohool at 2:80 p. m, Rev. A., IC, Griffin, inoum. bent, lli i'uonis'r Onoaop,—Sabbath Servloos at 10180 a m and 7;00 p m, Sunday Sobool at 2:30 p m. Rev. S. J. Allis, pastor. ROMAN OATnoLIo 0141711011, --Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, al 10:30 a m. Rey Joseph Kennedy, priest, SALVATION Aatix,—$orvioe at 7 and 11 a m apd 3 and B p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks. Ono F1lLLows' Looaz every Thursday evening, in Graham's blook. Mame LODGE Tuesday et or before full moon, in Garfield block. A 0 tJ W LODGE on the. 3rd Friday evening of each month, in Biae hill'sbleak, O O' F Linen 2nd and last Monday evenings of each month, in Blaohilpa block. I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L let Monday in every month in Orange Hall. SONS ON SaoTL/ND, let and 3rd Tues- days of eaoh month, in Odd Fellows' Hall, K, 0. T. 85. LonoE, 2nd and dth Tues. days of each month, inOdd .Fellow's Hall. Hohn OrnmL i,.2nd and dth Friday even- ings inBlashill's Hall. PoeT OoploE.—Office hours from 8 a. m. to 6:30 p. m. MEOHANIos' INeTtroro.—Library in Holmes' blook, will be open from 6 to 8 o'olock p. m. Wednesdays and 8:30 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo. Naughton, Librarian. Town Oouxom.—W. H. Herr, Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Robert Graham, R. Lea- therdale and R. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Belly-, Treaeurer ; D. Stewart, Assessor and J. T. Roes, Oolleotor. Board meets the 1st Monday in each month* SCHOOL. BOARD.—Dr. Graham, (obair- man,) Bev. Rose, D. 0. Ross, A. Reid, A. Koenig, and H. Dennie ; See.-Treas., R. Ross. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in eaoh month. Pomo Sonoor TEAOHERS.—J. H. Cam- eron, Prinoipal, Mies Linton, Miss Downey and Miss Ritohie. BOARD Op HEALTH.—Reeve Herr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farrow and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Offiosr. ITS VERA WEEL. It's vert wee1, throughout the day; When taken up wi' work or play, To think a man can live alway Wi'oot a wifey. But its anither thing at night To sit alone by candle light Or gang to rest when sharp winds bite, Wi'oot a wifey. It's vera weal when olaee are new, Ta think they'll always be just so, And look ae well as they do noo, Wi'oot a wifey. Bob when the holes begin to show, The stitches rip, the buttons go, What in the world's a man to do Wi'oot a wifey. It's vera weal when akies are olear, When frien'e are true and lassies dear, To think yell gang through life, nae fear, Wi'oot a wifey. Bat clouds will oome, the skies athwart, Lassies will marry, frien's maun part ; What then can cheer your very heart 7 A dear wee wifey. It's vers weel when young and hale, But when you're auld, and crazed, and frail, And your blithe spirits 'gin to fail, Hell want a wifey. But mayhap then the lassies dear Will treat your offers with a sneer ; Because you're oranky, gray and sare ; Ye'Il get nae wifey. Then haste, haste, ye silly loon ; Rise up and seek about the loon,. And get heaven's greatest earthly boon, A wee bit wifey. THE OLD FASHIONED LATJND- BESS. How dear to my eight are the shirts of my past days, When mem'ry recalls them so perfect and fair, That never went through any steam laundry fast waye, But hung bleaching and drying in purely fresh air, The edges unfrayed, as they danced in the daylight, The buttonholes fraotureleee, free from all rent, The tubs with the bubbles presenting a gay eight, And e'en the about lauudrese that over them bent— The old fashioned laundress, the home - keeping lauodraee, The singing old laundress that over them bent. The old fashioned laundress was surely a treasure, John Chinaman then was in distant Cathay, And dragging maohinee used no shirt, at their pleasure, And ohemioale then ate no linen away. And when, with her strong arm she gently had wrung them, We knew that the shirts needed no foreign scent— The old falhioned laundress, the home - keeping laundries, The singing old laundress that over them bent. Then our shirts took a year and s day in their -wearing, The bosoms ne'er oraoked like a stiff, brittle board,, And we put them on safe without fear of tearing, And dung forth her praises in lofty ac- cord. Sbo no'er disappointed is whitenoes or luster, Nor oaesed us in "case words" °lir feelings to vent, And we gave her the beet words our brain pan could mpsier And said Haat from paradise sure she was sent— The old fashioned laundress, the homy/ - keeping laundress, The singing old laundress that over them bent. BLANKET STREET. 0 oome with me, baby, to Blagksb Street, "Bis a famous plane, dear, for tired feet ; 1Jp' Stairway Hill, across Landing Ridge, Past Banister Lane, and then Kissing Bridge, Where somebody always you're euro to sleet. Over the bridges and at last we are there, Right in the middle of Little Orib Square ; The street fe as white se the driven anew, Bub warm like the blossom -tide spow, You know— Warm to toes that are soft and pink and bare. And speaking of tope, 'tie in Blanket Street, That the little pigs so often meet, And the littlest always goes squeak, squeak, squeak, Though the weather is never cold and bleak— For tie always Summer in Blanket Street. t, And the yellow bird talks ae wellassings, And the bumblebee home but never • stings, And the lave lamps burn lilts atare all night ; 0 oome, and be sure to listen right, For the Blanket Street birds say wonder. ful things. 'elle President's Private Life. The following is a fair idea of the many inoidentala that come free to aPreeideot Every bit of linen, bedding, towels and anoh things are furniehsd. He ie shaved by the White House barber. Hie table ie spread with the finest, daintiest dam- ask, Bev with the most exquisite ohioa, and bountifully supplied with flowers from the White House coneervatoriee. If he sends a telegram, it is done from an instrument in the White House, for which the Government pays. His stationery, postage, ebo., Dost him no- thing. Should he desire a game of bit. Herds, there is a beautiful table at band ; or if he wants to take a drive, his stables, which the Government pays the rent for and takes care of, are amply equipped, When he enters his business office, a man is stationed at the door to open and close it; and a private secretary, to whom the Government pays a salary of 25,000 a year,, assists biro with his oor- respondenee. The services of a type- writer are also furnished. He is pro. tented from the curious by a number of private watchmen. Should he want a cruise, a magnificent steamship from the navy is planed et his disposal. There are many other things that coat him nothing, such as the culinary ar- rangements, hie steward, who does the marketing, the many fancy delicacies Bent him by enterprising firma. This, by the way, is a sort of nuisance, for it seems to be the desire of every manufao- borer of some new eatable or drinkable to get it into the White House. Things of value that find their way there are never accepted. 1B1.vth. Mrs. Levy and family moved to Hen - salt on Monday. J. G. Emigh and J. W. Ball attended the Brussels Fair. Mr. Gallagher, stonemason, of Bel - grave, hae commenced the atone work of Elam Livingstone', factory. On Tuesday evening a contingent of the Salvation Army gave an entertain- ment in the Temperance Hall. His Lordship the Bishop of Huron is to administer the rite of confirmation to a large class on Sunday the 22nd Novem- ber in Trinity ohuroh. Wednesday evening a grand display of Fall Millinery was shown in the different establishments in town. Notwithstand- ing the disagreeable weather the fair sex turned out in great numbers to eee which was oonsidered the beet display. On Friday evening our Oounoil held their regular monthly sitting in Industry Hall ieetead of on their regular night, whish would come on the first night of the Fair. They reappointed John Bell tax oolleotor at the same salary as other years, besides doing a large amount of other business, keeping them there until near midnight. Jt twood. 7 Jacob Klump, butcher, is erecting a new ice house and driving shed.. Newry cheese factory hae captured the gold medal at Ottawa exhibition. The scholars of Mrs. Kalbdeieoh'e S. S. oleos presented her with a beautiful gold dagger pin. Mises Edith 'Harris was awarded the special prize for the prettiest young lady on the Fair ground. The net reoeipte of the ooneert on Fall Fair night were $61.75, 422 of which was paid over to the Agricultural Society. The gate reoeipte were about 0105.00, which with the proceeds from the rent of the refreshment stalls, ebo., make a grand total of 0185.00, which is a creditable showing for the society, considering the weather. The baby ebow at the Fair created considerable interest. Robs. >itoAlpine, manager of the Tolman Concert Go., performed the delicate and critical tank of judging the little tots. There were three entries. The first prize was awarded to Lillian Beryl Pilton, the daughter of the Bee editor. The second prize was awarded to the pretty little girl belonging to Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton, of Henfryn. The geese stealing ease, referred to in our Elms oorreepoudencelast week, was heard by Magistrate Terhnne. The light fingered youths proved to be two Johnston boys and one Smith boy, all of Elms. The former lade worked for J6t. Lineham, a neighbor of Fisher's, and rather than eee them punished Mr. Line- ham tattled the affair for about 225. Twelve Or fourteen gun shots were telt. en from the shoulder of ono of the John- ston boys as a reward for trying to escape with a goose when bold to halt by Mr. Fisher. Rabb. Forrest has invented a capital devloe not. of wire for bolding chi's hat during ohurell service, The wire is screwed beneath the seat in front of you, and you slip your bat or sap and .hand., kerobief ae the ease may be, into the re. oaptaele made for it, instead of putting Otero on the door as •le now the rule, time saving you the inconvenience of reaching down to the door in a crowded pew, ands ph/king up your hat all smear. w Tho populatian of Kingston inO8'eased 100 during the year. it The buildings and orops of the man, hstery ab Traoadie, Nova Scotia, were destroyed by fire. A petition has been filed at Frederic, ton against the eleobion of lion. A. G. Blair in Sudbury and Queen's. Human life is held too cheaply when the individual who wants a tonin for hie syetem, seeks to cover his wante by pur- chasing every new mixture that le reoommended to him. Remember that Ayer'e Sarsaparilla has a well.earned reputation of 60 years standing. v . Plums for the Public. In order to encourage .new subseribsrs, and to save the expense of agent's com- missions:, we have decided to give Pm! Pose to New Subscribers from Now to the First of January, 1898, for the small, gum of ONE DOLL R. Or we will give THE Poe'r and Weekly Globe to New Subsorib, ere from new.entil the First of January, 1898, for the small sum of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS. We thus offer the best local paper in Ontario and the beat oily weekly in Canada for leas than the price of one good paper for a year. This is really bard times offer. It is cheaper than wheat at 50 cents a bushel, or oats at 10 cents. Do not delay, if you desire either or both the papers ; send in your order at once. Remember that a one dollar bill will secure you THE POSIT from now until the First of Jannary,1808, and if this is not enough, put • in fifty eente more and yop will get the Weekly Globe thrown in for the same time. We have still a few on our lista wbo have evidently forgotten that the price of THE POST is 01,60 a year when nob paid in advance, or who really desire to be taxed the long price. To all euoh we would say, that on account of the bard times, we will give them ONE MORE CHANGE. If they will Bend us Two Dollars AT ONCE, we will give them credit for the past year and for the com- ing year, thus giving them advantage of the advance pay price. This very liberal offer will not hold good for long, so those desiring to take advantage of it had better not delay. But those who are still in ar- rears end who do not take advantage of this offer, will most positively be charged the credit price of one dollar and fifty dente for this present year, and if they are they must blame themselves and not us, as we offer them 8 good chance and a fair warning. Those who owe for longer than this year, and we are glad to say there are not many, will have their papers stopped at the end of the year and their accounts placed in court for collection. WE MEAN WHAT WE SAY. To the thousands wbo have paid us punctually in advanoe and wbo 'are in the habit of doing so, we return our sinoere and heartfelt thanks. It is those wbo have helped us to make Tun Poax what it ie. We appreciate that patronage and shall do all in our power to deserve it and to give them more than value for their money. We would ask all our old and valued friends throughout the county to ,bow the liberal offer which we make to new enbeoribere, at the top of this article, to any of their neighbors wbo do not now subscribe for Tan PosT, and to use their influence with them to induce them to become eabsoribere. We have obtained many new eubsoribere in this way in the past, and we ask our friends to favor us again. It will greatly help us and will give them the consciousness of knowing that they are doing a good act. W. H. KERR , PUBLISHER. White Star Line. ROYAL 11IAIL STEAMSHIPS. Between New York and Liverpool, via Queoustown, every Wednesday. As the 9toamers of this lino parry only a strictly limited number iu the IOL*T and SEoouo CABIN accommodations, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for bertha is necessary at this sea- son. For Flans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. ALLAN LINE. Summer Sailings, 1896. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY & MONTREAL SERVICE. From Livorno' From From STEAMemmps. Montreal Quebec Daylight. 2 July Sardinian 18 July 10 July 0 *,`Ouniidiau 20 38 10 " Parisian 1 Aug. a Aug, 29 " Laurentian 8 0 , 30 " *ytougoliau ....,Se " 1s " 5 Aug, Sardinian 22 " 29 " 19 " *Nmnidian 20 " 20 " 20 " Parisian 5 Sept 0 Sept 27 " luaurontlan 12 12 88ept, *i\Ioaqoliau 10 " 10 " , 10 eardiuian 20 " 37 " *The Laurentian carries only cabin passengers Easthoned. *Steamers when marked thus do not atop at Bimeuski or Londonderry. All steamers Bail from Moutrenl at Daylight. Passengers go on board between 7 and 10 o'olook cm the evening before the ad- vertised date. r,'Paesbngers may go via Montreal and return by New York or vice versa. For further information as to rates, ,&o., apply to W. At. KERR, AGENT, BRTJSSELS. ,, ,,0 rM,,IUb Aefekll,�re.1" NOTICE OF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St., opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a share of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, 1 remain, S. T. Plum, General Blacksmith & I-Torseslloer '.'—Via.-------- ---"' MOST SUCCESSFUL /REMEDY FOR MAN OR BEAST. Cortaro is its °treats and never blisters. Read proofs below: KEPI®ALL'S SPAVU CURE. Box 6"1 Carman Henderson Co.:114 Peb.Oi,'94. Dr. B. J. hovpeea eo. Dear Sire—P1ge.I send see one of your Horse Books and chugs. the with d n great dent otyour wonderful Pavia Cure with need sucrose it to a wondorl medlatne. Immo-bed a mare that had as Occult d ave bottles cured her. 1 keepp bottle on Band all the ttmo. Yaars trate, 05,3. Polars,. KERCALL'S SPMNN CURE. Dr, B. S. EEsnerm Co. 05,nov, Mo., Apr.3, 'tt, Dear Sirs—I pave used several bottles of your think rit t6 beet L �ment with 11009, Have re- moved one Ourb, ono Jilond Spavla and killed two Hone 8pnvins, Have recommended it to several of my friends who ore much pleased with ondkeep it. Respectfully, B. R. Iter, P.O.Bost!*. Por Sale by all Druggists, or address Dr. 73. ,T. HDND4ZZ 002IP4NT, 1 ENOSBURGH FALLS, VT, WeH Satisfied with Ayer's Hair Vigor. "Nearly forty years ago, after some weeks of sickness, my hair turned gray. 1 began using Ayer's Ilnir Vigor, and • was so well satis- fied with the results that I have never tried any other kind of dress- ing. It requires only all occasional appli- cation of AYER'S .Flair Vigor to keep my hair of good color, to remove dandruff, to heal itching Tumors, and prevent the hair from fi Bing out. I never hesi- tate to recoi emend Ayer's medicines to my friends."—Mrs. H. M. IIAaa1IT, Avoca, Nebr. ER'S Hair Vigor Prepared byllr. J. C. Ayer 8c Co., Lowell,lass. lake Ayer's Sarsaparilla for the Complexion.' SHHULES British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles AND: -- North Shore Pine and Cedar FOR SALE AT VIE Brussels Planing bills Also Doors and Sash of all Pat terns on hand or made to order at Short Notice. Estimates Furnished for 811 kinds of Buildings. Workman- ship and Material Guaranteed. J. & P. AMENT, MONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6k- Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Count Clerk, Brussels. TAILORING! I. G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds or work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. lSilop over 1lctiowan's Store. TH Os BOOKSTORE Has just received a line new stock of Both Kote alld Letter Size, ENVELOPES, NOTE PAPERS, &C. The Best in the Market. Full Line o School Supplies. X ee Range O f gea Bibles, Hymn Books alld Albufs. POST BOOIiSTOBE, Russ= NA TIOI�lA LS Tliis Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern, machinery added where required so that better work eau be done now than ever. BEST GRADE OF MANITOBA FLOUR GROUND FROM MANITOBA WITEAT: Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat; &c., always on hand. Satisfaction Guaranteed.. Highest market price for Wheat delivered at the Mill. W. F. Stewart.