HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-9, Page 8THE BRUSSELS- ,POSY wJ1 .a , 'mss A t� po'ynu wantBargafne in Wall Papers ? We Have them, Do you want New Lines in Wall Papers ? We supply them. Do you want Retenaote in Wall Papers suflloient for small rooms ? Ours is the place to get them. Do you want 10o, Wall Papers for 70. ? You can got them at our Drug and Book Store. If you waut Wall Papers and Deooratione away down in Pries then let no have your order. DEADMAN fd McCALL, Dr'ugg!uts, Opticians and Booksellers. GRACED TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTOE0N ExTENeioN W. 0. & B. Trains leave Brueeels Station, North and South, as follows: GoINGSonTu. GOING Nonan, ,taU • 826am Mixed 04a a.m, 0 ress 1153 a, Mail 2 4 t xp m 1 min. limed .....,... 0 00 m Express p. p , I E a ., fl 44 ,.m 1 1 taus riftezns, A ehiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll pront it. THE Fall Fairs are over. Easy Huron prize list on page 6. Scaom, Board meeting this (Friday) evening. FouRna Division Court at Brussels next Wednesday. A. HUNTER'S apple evaporator is rash. ing business. COUNCILLOR Gnuuu,r shipped a oar of peas this week, WEnxzsnaY Messrs, Barker & Vanetone forwarded a oar of live hogs. JA+. KELLY says slacked lime sprinkled on potatoes will prevent them rotting, TRE POST as an advertising Medium is unsurpassed. Read the advertisements every week. INSPECTOR Rolm was visiting some of the departments of the Brussels Public School this week. Tare season's flax has a!i been lifted after the rotting process nod scutching will come next in order. Miss O'Coxxo&'s cantata and enter. bailment will be given in the Town Dalt on Friday evening, 16th inst. $1.00, in advance, gets Tan Poem until Tan. let, 1888. Tell your neighbor. Or the weekly Globe with it for $1.50. AUCTION sales are moving lively. Tan PoOT is headquarters for bills. A free notice of sale given with every set of bills printed. PeooroiIox.—The Promotion Examin- ations fur the County of Huron will bo held on Thursday and Friday, Oot. 22nd and 23rd. A Loan of Bresselites attended a con- cert given by the Telman Co., at Wrox- eter,last Monday evening and report having e. good time. SEVERAL of the former coal oil street lamps were placed on the street on Wed- nesday and will help dispel the darkness of the nights until the electric lights are once more cunning. Tae attention of teachers holding tbird•olass certificates is malted to the fact that if they expect to obtain second- class certificates they should do so this year, otherwise they will come under the new regulations and will be compelled to study two or three languages. FRorr the Rolland Observer we clip the following ;—The seoond shooting party, consisting of Rev. D. Campbell, W. Megaton, (formerly of Brussels) and D. Griffiths, returned home on Thursday laden with game, whiskers and glowing accounts of their excursion. They re- turned with 75 ducks and 8 geese. WALTER Rlaaaitson bas disposed of his residenos and fruit garden to Thoe. Pep• per, 910 con„ Grey, for the sum of $1,- 000. Mr. itiohardson talks of trying Northern Ontario. The new purchaser will take possession early in 1897 and may dispose of his farm. Mr. Pepper has mooted a very comfortable and de- sirable property. DIEn.—Last Friday Myrtle J., infant daughter el W. A. and Otellia Ross, of Fergus, died at the residence of Wm. Kneahtet, need 4 months. The little one had been brought here by Grandmother Xneehtel, hoping that the change would help it. A private funeral was held on Sabbath afternoon. Rev. S. J. Allin, assisted by Rev. J. Rose, conducted the service. Mr, and Mrs. Ross are deeply sympathized with in the loss of their little daughter. DIED.—On September 5th, Carrie, be- loved wife of John Talent, Salem, Oregon, died at the home of her brother, Alfred Close, Lafayette, O,egon,whither rhe bad gone in the hope of benefitting her health, The mon of death was consumption. Mrs, Talent was the youngest daughter of Henry Close and was born near Wood - stook, Ont. She went West about 11 years ago for the Bake of her health and was united in marriage to her now bereft partner six months later. Threeabildren are left to the care of relatives. Mrs. Talent was only 81 years of age and was a oaneistent member of the Baptist ohtiroh tor yeare. Deceased was the only sister of Mrs. W. F. Stewart, of Breese's, Basis Bann,—Tae Bachelors challenged the Benedicts to a final base ball contest on Victoria Park on Monday afternoon of this week. Eight innings were played and the Pao • stood 15 to 5 favor of the bnoha ire. The two teams were oomposed of the following players :—Baohelors—J. Dunoan, J Grower, H. Scott, J. Thompson, W. Sample, T. Cochrane, E. Downing, I. Gerry, A Burgess. Benediots—N, Gerry, D. C. hoes, 7, MOBsin, W. Sin. cleir, J. H. Cameron, S. Jackson, E. North, A. Cousley, Dr. Moore, The benediots having the "shorts" two bachelors, Wieners. Cameron and North, were promoted for the game to make up the necessary quote. Owing to the soorer's good nature the number of err Yon was not kepb traok of, Tun first snow of the season fell. on Wednesday, LAST Tlleeday Jno, Boddiigie shipped a oar of Lambe Ilastward, A can of 'loge was shipped by Messrs. Clegg & Dames on Tuesday. Doo. WOOPIOx wag a ;Edge on light home at Riley Fall Fair last week. Sgviltvr, from tale locality tool; in Blyth Fair on Wednesday of this week. Arran barrole for sale at a low rate. Apply at Tun POST Publishing Ilium, Brueeels. U00u WoLLrntts 10 having a furuaes planed in hie resbdenos, Gerry Bros, have the oontraob. 81.00, in advance, gets TGE POST until Jan, lab, 1808. Tell • your neighbor, Or the weekly Globe with it for $1,50, MAGISTRATE'S Court on Monday at 4 p. m., on information sworn out by Walter A. Lowry against Jae, Bird, of Grey, for baste;'; on the evening of the Fall Fair, A COMMUNICATION relative to„Brussels postofiloe Dame to hand too late for this issue. It witl appear along with other matter crowded out in next week's paper. Tisa Atwood Bee in epealib,g of their Fall Fair says :—The roots and veget- ables were very fine indeed, McCracken's, (of Brussels) mange's beating anything of the !tied exhibited in this locality for Pomo years, 'Inn local rate is over 8 mills lower than last year ; Co. rate is 3.10 of a •mill lower, and the 8011001 rate is 1 mill less. The school loan rate is a mill higher, only n fete months intsreet being inolud. ed in last year's rage. AT Brussels Fall Fair W. 11. hloOraok. en wasawarded n a dad 4 0 prizes.On Saturday Sat r a Y he took 35 n L+' • t otdwiuh. Re x180 attend- ed Blyth Show on Teesdey and Wednes- day, where he got 22, and Dungannon on Thursday and Friday. Tmt weekly Band concerts are at an end for this season. Tney have been kept up very regularly and with great aooept- ability to the public,. If practice is main- tained through the Winter the Band should be in good form next Summer. H. 0. Annorn, personal business mana. ger for Grenville Kleiner, Canada's lead- ing entertainer, was in town on Wednes- day and arranged for the appearauoe of that distinguished artist under the nus• pices of the Meobanies' Institute for the evening of Monday, November 2nd. WoAT re Mono Pencious —Than good health ? Do not suffer with sick and bilious headache, sour stomach, indigest• ion, despondent feeling with lack of ambition, pain in back, legs and side, poor appetite. when you can remove the cause by using one box (complete treat- ment) of Wright's Liver and Stomach Pills at a cost of 50 cents from Jas. Fox, Chemist and Druggist, Brussels, Don't Headache Powders will relieve that violent headache in lees time than it takes you to r. ad this. They are safe, successful, sore. 25 cents a box. MONDAY afternoon a traction engine was being loaded on a Sat car at the depot for shipment to London. Steam was up and the bulky machine was run tip the gangway on to the platform. The engine lacked and backed up, running off the platform, and breaking the back axle. Regardless of the danger the young man in charge stuck to his post, raked oat the fire, &o., and thereby pre. vented trouble of a more serious char- acter. The engine was afterwards load- ed by the aid of a dozen men. • LITERARY.—On Wednesday evening the pupils of the Senior Department of Brea. sole Public echool met in the school room for the purpose of organizing a Literary Society, when the following officers were sleeted for the current month ;— Hon. President, Principal Cameron ; President, Josie Buohanan ; Rec.-Treas., Duno.•MaLaneblin ; Editor, Fred. Gilpin ; Assistant Editor, Bide Jaeltsnn ; Committee, Ira Gerry, Hattie Down- ing, Cleveland Allin ; Program Committee, Lena Basket, Lizzie Downing, Geo. Buchanan, Frank Roach. The Society will hold its first meeting on Friday, 10th inst. Jona)) In Wznroox: Wednesday of last week a very interesting event was solemnized at the reeidenee of the bride's mother, Mary street, Clinton, when Miss Libbie M. Gaaley (formerly of Brussels) was united in marriage to Noble Lovett, of the Base Line. Promptly on time the bride appsared.and looked obarmiog in a pretty dress of cream lustre, supported by her cousin, Mies Flora Miller, and the happy groom by Albert MoBrien. The interesting ceremony was performed by Bev. Mr. Millyard, of the Rattenbary street Methodist church. The bride was well remembered by her friends and relativee, as the beautiful array of pres- ents fully testified. The happy couple left on the 4.17 train for London to spend the honeymoon, prior to taking up their future home on the Base Line. On be- half of their many friends we extend Don. gratelations to Mr. and lire. Lovett, in which TEE POST joins. PARLOR Colgcznx.—The conoert given by Goo. H. Cline and Company in the Town Hall last Friday evening attracted a fair- ly good house and the general opinion ex. pressed was that good value was given for the admission fee. On the program was Miss Bolton, of. Listowel, who possesses an excellent soprano voice under perfect control, did her part capitally. Mr. and Mre. Brown, of Wingbam, won favor with the audience in the numbers render- ed. Mies Cline, of Wingbam, has a pleasing voice that entitles her to front rank among soloists. 11{r, MoOutobeon, Lietowel, in both solo and quartette showed his fine bass to good advantage. He promises well in this role. Mr. Downs, Clinton, tot k the part of the oomio and aroused no Fimail amount of merriment and rousing encores over his amusing selections. Last but by no means least we mention Mr. Cline, who appeared to be equally at home in chorus or solo. He has a rich, clear tenor voice and his songs were warmly applauded. As accompanist Mr. Minden, of Wing• ham, rendered efficient eervice.• The chair was ooaupied by the Reeve. Fol- lowing was the program :—Quartette, Mies Bolton, Mrs. Brown and Meagre. Cline and MoCutoboon • solo, Mr. Brown ; comic specialties, 13. A. Downs ; dust;, "Only Three," Miss Holton and G. W. Cline ; oomio song, R. A. Downs ; solo, "The Nightingale's Trill," Mise Bolton ; solo, "The Toilers," G. W. Cline ; trio, Miss Bolton and Messrs. Mo- Outaheon and Cline ; solo, Mise Ada Olins comic solo, It A. Downs ; daett, Mr. and Mrs. Brown ; solo, "'The Ship I Love," Mr. Mo0utoheon ; solo, Mise Bolton ; oomio solo, R. A. Downs ; solo and °borne, G. W. Cline and Company ; titfett, Mtge Bolton and G. Wt Cline ; National Anthem. The proceeds amount• ed to $00.00. Business Looals. Lotto, clear boom at Ikfo0 acken's, Sint D. 0. Rose' new 0000 of Over. poets, Oettrowranni cottage on Queen Areal; to rent. Apply to Jomo Tab, Roush gate and all !amino! mill lord for sale et Rose' mill, Brussels. Rosanne to keep your feet dry, and that will fit nllsizes of feet, 1. 0, Richards, Fon the ohsapeet Ovarogads in town go to D. C. Ross', Goon business stand, opposite Ameri- can Hotel, Brnsaela, for Sale or to .rent. Apply to B. Gerry, BrAN1cE'1's and robes, all kinds. Trunks and satchels at low prices. 1, 0. Richards. FLoug1 FLonit 1 Manitoba patent, Man- itoba mixtur�,ps, or straight Ontario, beet in the markdt, for sale ab.ROSA' mill, Oun men's long boots are Band made, extra value, low prioeo. Ttty them. I. 0, Richards. BEE our bargain ooenber. There may be something on it yon want. Your oboiae this week for $1.00. 7, 0. Rioharde, Herne there 1 Have you seen the beau- tiful china just received. Another enp- pply of ohina with photo, of new subool, at T. li'leloher'e jewelry shors, Hanr's Olover Root, the great Blood. Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and Duras constipation. 25 oto, 50 oto and $1.00, Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. CoorontrL aR E brick r residence with 91 h eVOr y aouvenienae,furnaoe, &o.,for sale or to rent. Possession given on December let. For further particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels. Simon's core is sold on a guarantee. It mares incipient consumption. It is the best cough ours. Only one cent a dose. 25 ots., 60 Sts. and $1,00. Sold by James Pox, Druggist, Brussels, CAPTAIN Sweeney, U, S. A„ San Diego, Cal., says :—"Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the Bret medicine I have ever found that would do me any good," PrIoe 50 cents. Sold by Jas. Fox. druggist, Bram. eels, CARPETS.—Any one desiring carpets will do well to call at the Brussels Wool- en 111i11 before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples' ever shown in this locality, ranging in prioe from 80e. to $1,00. Row & Co. PAINTING, &o.—The undersigned, hav- ing entered into partnership, are prepar- ed to .to -'h kinds of worn in the following linea :—Plain and ornamental painting, kalsomin lug, frescoing, paper.hanging, sign-writing,'&c., &c, Remember our motto, "First-class work and reasonable charges." STEWART dr RITCHIE, Brussels, WRrx-Disease AND DenrLING.—George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 84-0 SSEIR.--In Morris, on Oct. 4011, the wife of Mr. Allan Speir of a daughter. LE:min.—In Elms, on Sept. 271b, the wife of Mr. Joint Lenard of a eon. Culrruxe5,—In Elmo, on Sept. 29011, the wife of Mr. (lemmings, jr., of a daughter. MAnTrN.—In Elma, an Sept. 29th, the wife of Mr. Jas. Martin os 0 eon. BAxnn.—In Wingbam, on Sept. 26th, the wife of Mr. Nicholas Baker of a son. GRuianx.—In Detroit, on Sept. 8rd, the wife of Mr. E. R. Grundy, formerly of Brussels, of a son, - MARRT�-7D, Ban—Rzm,—At the residence of the bride's mother, Trecaetle, on Sept. 22nd, by Rev. R. H. Barnby, B. D., Mr. William Rae, of Elma township, to Mise Maggie P. Reid. LOVRTT—GM:MEL—At the residence of the bride's mother, Clinton, on Sept. 80th, by Rev. Mr..Millyard, Mr. Noble Lovett, of the base line, to Miss Liable Gaaley, formerly of Brussels. nxaa_ TALENT.—In Lafayette, Oregon, on Sept. 50b, Carrie, beloved wife of John Talent, Salem, Oregon, and sister to Mrs. W. F. Stewart, Brussels, aged 81 years. Lonnenmei.—In Lower Wingham, on Sept. 80th, Samuel Lookeridge, aged 77 years, 4 months and 10 days. McALLrsTEa,—In Berlin hospital, on Sept. 28th, Wm. McAllister, formerly of Grey township, aged 49 yearn, Roes.—In Brussels, on Oct. 2nd, Myrtle J„ infant daughter of W. A. and (Nellie, Roes, of Fergus, aged 4 months. AVCW5ON' SA=,RrB- FRIDAY, 00T.16th,—Farm stools, &o., at lot 15, Don. 7, Grey, Sale unreserved at 12 o'clock. Thoe. Taylor, prop. F. S. Scott, auo. SATURDAY, OCT. 77th, --Valuable farm, at Querrin's Hotel, Ethel, Sale at 2,30 o'clock. John Grant, prop. F. 8. Scott, auo, SATURDAY, Oct. 17.— Queen's Hotel, Brussels, 50 acre farm, being North-West Lot 14, 0on. 8, Morrie, Sale at 2;30 n'cloak. Itobt. Hughes, Prop., Geo, Kirkby, Anti. THURSDAY, OoT. 22nd.—Saw mill, lands, lumber, horses, &o„ at lot 28, con. 10, Grey. Sale sat 2 o'clock, F. S. Scott, an0, Flamm Oot. 23.—Lob 14, Con. 5, Grey, Farm, farm stook and implements. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. P. J. Bishop, Prop., F. S. Scott, Aum. ram0 vp�ax s A6'AZ 3C=7,S, Fall Wheat 65 Barley........ ......... 20 Peas 40 Oats .... 16 Butter, tubs and rolls ,.. 11 Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel 4 00 Potatoes 25 Bray per ton ..... 8 00 Hides trimmed 4 Hides lough8 Salt per bbl., retail1 00 Sheep skins;eaob 60 Lamb skins eaob 15 Apples per bus 1 00 Hoge, Live 8 50 Wool 18 67 25 42 18 12 12 4 50 4} 00 75 40 3 80 Om 9 1.896 ST'4X,D%,T>'D 134X- O2 CilJV",f1D4• W.A.n?T•TSBx ?A 3•E7P, HEAD OFFICE, ^ TORONTO ASSETS,(Seven Million Dollars) CAPITAL (Authorised) - , 4geneieein all prinoipal pointe in Ontario, Quebeo,Afanitaba, $7,000,000 82,000,000 41e4 Status rpEnylanfi, dd1, °22,40 /iv axes. A General Banking Business 'Trausaoted. Farmers' Nptee Discounted, Drafts Issued and Colleetiots made on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Inter allowed on deposits of $1.00 'and upwarde from dab of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, Snow, ATTENTION GIVEN TO TRE OOprd05TION Os FARMERS' BALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Customers living at a disbanoe, J, A. STEWART MANAGED. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. P RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAR...— et TE1rPOST Puklisbing Houo ,'1Drussel8 1Y T\ESIRABLE RESIDENCE Tonna reasonable Simla—Lots ounhs purchaser. Queen Ap- ply en the promisee or to 28 W M. SINCLAIR. ® NE SHEARLING RAM, A number of Ram Lambe, all pure bred Shropahiroe, oleo 12 young Dwelt, grades, forsale, Apply e 0.SMITH' Luta Con. 0GxeY, BrUB80lP. 15-11 0RSE FOR SALE.—WELL trained, good size, extra gentle, Sold 'with or without harness and top buggy, Less thaulhalf robes. All 3180. D RONALD. ANTED, TWO TEAON]+,RS, holding end and Srd ohms eertiacatoe, respoctivelY for S. S. No. 11, Grey, for 1827. Applicants to state salary, with tesiimoniale, auO apply to WM. SPENCE, 28 3 Ethel P.0, ont, T ADIES' ASTRACHAN CAPE JU lost, on Thursday, Sept.246h, between Mrs. Donald Carrie, 4th line, Morrie, and Brussels bridge. Any person finding the same will oblige by leaving it at thea office or at Mrs. Ourrie'e house, OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his comfort- able cottage and 1 norm of land on Turnberry street Brussels fax sale. Ou the premiere is m good well, stable,fruit trees,&a. Forprloe and. terms apply to 1-tf ALEX. MULAUCHLIN, Proprietor. ITRAYED FROM MY PREM Isar, Brussels, on or about Sept. 2200, alwhite'bull terrier bitch, with brown spot on back, auewere to the mine of "Terrier." Any tefe'mation leading to her recovery will be thankfully received. JAS. BALLANTYNE, Groner. 'CPT. J. STRETTON, V Who has had 25 years experience as an Auctioneer, but who had to quit 1 owing to 11l health, has again taken out license and is prepared to conduct Bales at reasonable terms. Sattsfaation guaranteed. Dates may be arranged at Tim Posm Publishing House. JAS. STRETTON, 18•tf - Auctioneer, f�tEAOHER WANTED. --MALE or Female, for Souool Section No, 2 Greyy. One holding Second or Third class Duties to commence the first of January, 1807. Aplicati on s giving all partic- ulars and salary expected will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, Oct. 34, ALEX. STEWART, Sec. -Trees., 13.2 Cranbrook P.O. JERSEY GRADE HEIFER OArvE5.—Iintl' further notice the cost of service of my Taney Bull, if paid at the time of service, will be S1.50 for grade cows with the privilege of returning Bama one, or another, every year until you have a heifer calf. This means no °barge for bull calves. Youcandepend on ns alwayskeeping a fl ret - class bull from good milking strains. G.A., DEADMAN, Druggist, Brussels, Kj REWARD,—I HEREBY k ?iv offer the above reward to any one who hada vote in the East Riding of Huron at the lest Dominion election who eau come forward and prove that I either asked or canvassed him to vote for E,L, Dickenson, the Conservative candidate. If there is anyone to be found it will be an easy way of malting fifty dollars these hard times. THOS. FARROW, 18.1 Postmaster, Brussels. MORTGAGE SALE —OF— PROPERTY IN BRUSSELS, Pursuant to the power'01 sole contained in a mortgage meds by John Stacey (whish will be produced at the time of sale) there will be offered for sale by Public Amnion at the AMERICAN HOTEL IN THE VILLAGE OF B18055ELS, on Tuesday, October 30111, 1890, at 1 o'clock p. in., by F. S. Scott, auctioneer, the following properties namely; Lots Nos. 388 Elizabeth street, and 858 Stratton street, in the Village of Brussels, iu the Ooun0y of Huron. Upon Lot883 there is a frame house now oasupiedby a tenant—Lot 0281e vacant. The property wall be offered for sale In two particle. The Vendor reserves • one bid on ' each parcel. Terms of Sala.—Tet per oent. on day of sale ; balance in 80 days, Other terms and conditions will be math) known at the time of sale or in the meantime can be ascertained by application to HUGH OAMP- BELL, Conveyancer, Mitchell, or to DENT & THOMPSON, Vendor's Soliaitors, Mitchell. Dated Sept. 0110b,1000. 12.3 REAL ESTATE. T7ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. nznsrontn haseevsrai good Farms or sale and to rent,easy berme, in TownshipDs of Morris and Grey. F S. SCOTT, Brunie G00D FARM FOR -SALE NEAR A reseals, Groat bargain. Lot 7, don, 0 Grey township, Good buildings and or- chard, rorsniiinwatered, wt Apply to SWM IfILL013011 on the preinfeos or to THOMAS H17RITAGE, London West, FARMS FOR SALE, — 200 acres—Consisting o3 Lots 18 on Oho 7th and 8th Cona00efone Township of Grey, be- ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 51 miles from Brueecle. 40 aures of Fall wheat sown and about 80 aoroe under grass; 00 aaros cleared on 05511. Terms of payment easy. A, MclELVEY, M, D., 84- Brussels. T14 ARM I'OR SALT, -160 ACRES L Goneisting of theSouth}.and South of the North 1 ef Lot 50, Con 2, East East Wawa. nosh. This is an excellent steak farm, being. well supplied with good spring wetor. It le situated about Smiles from the thriving Vit. lags of Blyth. A largo part of it le under grass, Buildings and fences ars ina fair state o1 ropeir. Emilyterms of. payment will he given. For all loormatlon apply to 11 -td 0, F. BLAIIR, Barrister, Brussels, ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 acres of good farm land at sfsaSpringfield, 0. low peloo Winnipeg, property cis North •[last } Sco,10 Twp, 11, Range 4, Emelt,There is a house on life promisee and some breaking done, Lor full particulars 00 bo price, title, &c„ write of apply to 20-01 G, F. BLAAIR sole, H, MUM, B �.l ARM FOR SALE. -- BEING Routh k ofNorthtl of Lot 25, Con, 11, Township of tray Cotluty of. Huron, known as the estate of the late T'hOs,Sa.udere. The. farm oontnins 36 acres, more lees, ie well under-drained, fenced mid bagg00boatiug orchard • cleared and in good state of cultivation. Thein in a frame honed and frame barn and stables on the premises. For further purtieulars apply to ISAAC LAKE ,Exesutm' 11-t0 Ethe1 i . 0. GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN the Township of (:trey. in order to close an estate the West half of Lot 20, (Lon. 7, Township of Grey, 50 acres, is offered for immediate Bale. Ou the )premises area good frame dwel11ligng with kitchen, &o„ also two close to tbesTillage of Ethel ar Soiil Is of the bust and farm is well fenced. Apply to ALEX. MoXELVEY, M.D., Brussels-' WM, MOEELVEY, Jamestown ; or A. HUNTER, Brussels. QPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. Tsifeao, Lot et500oownhp That 100 mmbe 1at 01100 Su orderto close estate of deceased own - or. The lot is nearly all cleared, with good. buildings, ample water suppply, largo or- chard, 11 miles from Craubroolr le under good cultivation and is a very desirable pro- perty indeed. Apply to RICHARD MIT- CHELL, Brussels P, O. ; JOHN MITCHELL. on the premises ; or A. XTINTER, Brussels, Dated Sept 1100, 1800, )ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- farm,Lot 22,, Oen. 120Greyrfor sale. l There are 85 aures cleared,iialaeao good hardwood bush. On the premises is a eons/eatable frame house, frame barn and outbuildings ; gra e.sr Farm' 110 walla, state of=hive.- Mon,er 11 miles from Cranbrook village and e,1 from Brnseols. Poe:motion could be given this Fall. For further particulars as to price, terms, &a„ apply on the premises or write to Cra,tbrook 1. 0, 4-01 WM. Alin SAMDEL OAi5N00HAN, VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. lots 10 eligible in the acre son,,tGreymtown hip, Huron Co., and 00 acres, part of lots 10 and 17, 11th con.. belongieg to the Robert Brown estate, is offered for sole to wind up estate. On the first farm is a good stone house and large bank bare, necessary outbuildings, or- chard, &o, Farm Well watered, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. Aboat 50 acres of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On the 50 acrefarm there ie a house and barn, orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. Parma sold iofutly or separately to suit purchaser Possession given in the Fall. Farms are on- ly a mile frons the village of Oranbrook, whore are school, churches, post -office, stores, 860„ and 81 miles to the thriving mar- ket town Brussels. ]for farther particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply t0 AGNE8 BROWN, JAMES BROWN,}Executors JOHN BROWN, Cranbrook P. 0. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot 28, 'Undersigned 6,, Morris,, 1110e keep ' bfor red Ian - Proved White Yorkehiro Boar "Selected," bred from J,E,Bretbonr's sweepstakes Bow at Chicago Fair. 'Terms, 61,00 to be paid at the time 01 0011100 with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. ROST, NICHOL, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will keep for service en Lot 00, Con. O, Morrie, the thoro'-brad Large English Berkshire Boar, Captain John." His mother in a full sister to the let prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on application. Terme—$1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if neeeasary. 14-0m JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep fox service on Lot 27, Con, 4, Morris, the thorn' bred Tam- worth boar,"Xing George,' purchased from H. George & Sone, who got first prize for their herd at. Guelph Fat ,6 bock Show. The dem of "Xing George" won first prize at the Show, London England. 1813 sire lwas im- ported and weighed 750 the, Terms $1.00 to be paid at time of eeryiee with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree may bo seen on application, R1018ABD ARMSTRONG, 40.00 Proprietor. Anoint Order of United workman. This old and proeporous Fraternal Aesooi- atiou numbering 850000 tnetnhe'e are pre- senting to the public their popular trod econ- omical rates to worthymen, at Mao very low rate of about 58,00 per 61,000 per annum, The Workmen" Promptly Pay hent'' Clalnls and oxpaot a large Moreau, to its Companies sdon't seem idiomAmerican to Can Can - adieus. BORT. ARMSTRONG M.W. ; W H. HERR, Iteoorder 1 J. 0. °BELOIPPON , Finauttor, DENTAL. J—." DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto Univereity, Lioontiute Royal Oollego Dental Surgeons. Crowe and Bridgework a specialty. Moder. ate Pees, Satisfaction.. 0,eo rBarrott'e barbeshoplurobo,y 50,, Brue- bele, I ALEX. HUNTER, (1ron, of the Fourth Division Public GO. Huron, and I Conveyancer, Notary Funds Land Loan and l:o nrnnoo Agent. Funds invested and to lone, Uoliostions made T D. WARWICK, Office in Grakarn's Block, Bruesols • Honor Graduate of the Ontario •i- I10S, A. T3AWII7N q, Veterinary College, is prepared to trent alit dlseasee of domeetiaated animals in a cons- Will give humane to pupils either on petett manner. PurtiettlaP atteutlon. paid plane 00 at�o8aa, at elis btuelo:ItoOoi, apposlbo. to deed teary den untoy, Calls promtttly at- the poct•olhee, a years axe, rimae le050os also tended to. Omoe and Inflrmhry�Faur doors given, ''les ea north of bridge Turnberry at. Brussels. I Terme ntederete,r0 bapoHonce in teaching. The lilerour7 Has taken a drop during the past. few days and e0 will your system if not pro, party taken care of, Now that the hot weather ie over, during wbioh too many allow, the system to become weak from lank of nourishment—No appetite is the excuse—Then something is needed to tone np on and that something should he aur BeeI YY illc<-Yron It gives vital energy to the weak and enervated. It strengthens the stomach" and promotes a desire for food. It's worth double the prion ft conte for a bot- tle. That's why we Bell so much of it. GIVE ITA TRIAL. Then of oanree we always keep a full stook of all the other standard prepora• tions and Drugs of all Deeoriptions. Pare and at right prioes at Fox's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. �L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, e Solicitor and Conveyancer. Oollec• tions made. Offio0—Vanstono sAlbeit, Brus- sels. 21-8m M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor Conveyancer ,Notary pub - lib, dm. Oflice—Danstone's Bleak 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private bunds to Loan. Me G. CAMERON, (Formerly Cameron 'Holt ihCameron,) arrrieand ollotoGoec Out, Office—Hamilton St., Opposite 0o1 - borne Hotel, G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late of Garrow & Prondfoo is (ffice, Goderiah.) Oflice over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 07 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer, Saler conduct ed on reasonable terme. Farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders left at Tan Poem P ublisbingHouse,Brussele, or eentto Walton P.O., will receive prompt attention, S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- -Y.: • EEG, will sell for better priors, to better men, in use time and less ebarges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron orderrs Dan always be arranged at Dates source or by personal application. MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUG•HTON, bl. D. S.OntO, MResidence anEdinburgh, cin Wilson e Block, corner of MAI and Turnberry Ste. J•1yi. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Physician, Surgeon, Acoonoher, oto. Graduate of Toronto Ucivereityy Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons Ont. OFF10n—Next door to McDonald & do„ Walton Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoORAOREN, ee at hie Grocery. Tnrnborrygstreet �.kirussele, N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist- Shop—Next door Bouch of A. M. Moray& Co's hardware store. Ladle Wand ahildrene hair cutting a spsolalty BRUSSELS POST OFFIOE Savings Bank takes Deposita from $1.00 to 51,000 and allows 8i per Dent. i uterest, T. FARROW,87-Om Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INsriaMer E, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PLETCHER lssiiel of Ma1'riage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STORE. I0'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. TTELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- e0RAN0E Oo, leetab11ehed1840, Ia. 'nuances effeotml on all Town and Farm Property at very low roto'. 10.3m J. A. O �igent B Cssels. VETERINARY. ti 2 3 3 2 3 4 1 8 li 1