HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-9, Page 44
New Advertisements,
Local—Dna Taft
T.,00al—T. lrlataher.
Gerd—Jas, Stretton.
For sale -Jnc. Smith,
For sale—J, D. Heald, •
Neroeea-7, Donaldson,
Hurrah—N. c& N. Gerry,
Pink Pills Dr, willlama,
Strayed—Jae Ballantyne,.
$60 reward Thee, Farrow,
For Servioo G, A, Deadman.;
Teachers Wanted--.Wre, Spence.
Tender wanted --Ales. Stewart,
Wall Paper—Deadman & 11faQall.
The first advertiser—John Ferguson &
c b.e r�ti_ 5els Vat,
FRID.Ety, OCT. .9, 1899.
Iowiok Township show.
The annual Fall Fair of Howiok Town-
ship was held at rordwich last Saturday
and was a decided success, both as to the
character and quantity of the exhibits
and also the financial returns. There
was a fine display of horses and a fairly
good exhibit of cattle and sheep. In the
inside department there was a tip-top
show of vegetables and roots ; apples
were also there in groat variety. Beare.
tary Hepinstall did everything poesible to
add to the comfort and convenience of the
press representatives, in the persons of
the Editors of the Wingham Times, Cliff-
ord Express and Tim Poor of Brussels.
The prize list is as follows :—
Roasse.—Heavy Agrioulturel-- Span,
Wilkinson Bros, A & J Campbell; 2 year
gelding, Jas Bell ; 2 year filly; Jas Mo -
Ewan ; brood marc, Jno G Lambkin, Jas
Bell ; foal, J G Lambkin, Jas Bell.
General Purpose -Span, W Casemore,
Jas MoLeod ; 2 year gelding, Jae Mc-
Ewen ; 2 year filly, Geo Nay, J Downey ;
brood mare, W Casemore, 1 & 2 ; foal, W
Casemore, 1 & 2. Roadsters—Team, Jas
McKay, Hugh Collins ; horse, gelding or
mare, B S Cook, J D Merrifield ; fool, J
G Lambkin, S Carnochan ; 2 year geld-
ing, A & J Campbell, W Galbraith • 1
year gelding, J G Lambldn ; 2 year filly,
Ino Holland, Joseph Davidson ; 1 year
Ally, Joseph Davidson, Bobt Edgar.
Saddle horse, T Davidson, 11 Dairoch.
Judges—W Stewart, F Bennie, A Run-
beam plow, Gillies & Martin, Tolton
Bros ; gang plow, Tolton Bros ; root cut-
ter, Toltou Bros ; single carriage, Gillies
& Martin, J Schnett ; lumber wagon,
Gillies & Martin, J Scuett ; set double
harrows, Tolton Bros ; cutter, recom-
mended, J Schuett, 1 & 2 ; set double
and single harness, E Beihm. Judges—
Jno Davidson and J Hestia.
CATTLE.— Durhame, with pedigree—
Bull, any age, S Johnston ; bull, 3 years
old, S Johnston ; bull, under 8 years, J
L Wilson ; bull, under 2 years, W
Brown ; best female, any age, 5 Johns-
ton ; cow• S Johnston, 1 & 2 ; 2 year
heifer, J Hunter, S Johnston ; yearling
heifer, S Johnston, J L Wilson ; bull calf,
J Hueter, J L Wilson ; heifer calf, S
Johnston, Jas Hunter ; herd, 5 Johns-
ton. Durham Grades—Cow, J L Wil-
son, S Johnston ; 2 year heifer, yearling
heifer, S Johnston, 1 & 2 ; heifer calf, S
Johnston ; fat animal, R Edgar, S Johns-
ton ; herd, 5 Johnston ; cow, any kind,
W Galbraith, A Littlejohn ; any
J G Lambkin, Judges—T Inglis, R Pal -
]is, J H Campbell.
emcee—Leicesters—Aged ram, shear -
ling ram, J Sanderson, J Stewart • ram
lamb, ewe having raised Iambs in '96, Jas
Sanderson, 1 & 2 ; shearling ewe, ewe
lamb, J Sanderson, J Stewart ; pensheep,
ram, ewe, any age, J Sanderson Oxford
Downs—Aged ram, J Holland ; shearling
ram, ewe, having raised lambs in '96,
shearling ewe, ewe lamb, J Cousins &
Sons, 3. & 2 ; ram lamb, pen sheep, Sao
Cousins. Shropshires—Aged ram, ram
Iamb, ewe having raised lambs in '06,
shearling ewe, ewe lamb, W 11 Webber,
1 & 2, and for shearling ram and pen of
sheep, 1st. Grades—Ram, S Johnston,
T Mauderson ; ram lamb, E Sotheran, J
Cousins & Sons ; ewe having raised lambs
in '96, J Cousins & Sons, E Sotheran ;
shearling ewe, E Sotharan,1 & 2 ; ewe
lamb, W Brown, E Saharan.
Pros.--Berkehiro — Boar, S Vegan ;
sow, A Robertson jr, 1 & 2.. Chester
'Whites—Boar, T Mandersan ; sow, A
Robertson jr, T Henderson ; pen of pigs,
T Manderson.
PooLTnr. Geese, light Brahmas, Jas
McEwen ; turkeys, J Salter, T Hender-
son ; ducks, J Salter, J McEwan • Ply-
mouth rocks, T Manderson, J H Johns.
ton ; pencilled Hamburgs, J H Johnston ;
Legborns, W H Webber, 1 & 2. Judges
for sheep, swine and poultry -0 Hender-
son, R Harris.
Gews.—Red Winter wheat, J Camp.
bell, S vegan ; white Winter wheat, Wm
Evans, J Campbell ; Suring wheat, Jae
Campbell, J McEwan ; barley, J Camp.
bell, W Evans ; large peas, J Campbell,
J McEwan ; small peas,) Campbell, Wm
Evans ; white oats, J Campbell, J Salter;
black oats, J Campbell, R Peel ; white
beans W Strong, R Edgar; yellow Dorn,
R Edgar, 0 Caudle.
DArnr Pnonnce.—Packed bntter, 50 lbs.,
Rohl Harding, W Strong; packed butter,
20 lbs, R Harding, R Edgar ; butter in
roll, R Harding, J G Lambkin ; home
made bread, J Haetor, J Salter.
ROOTH AND VEaETAELEs,—Early potatoes,
Smith Bros, J Campbell ; late potatoes,
0 Caudle, R Edgar ; Swede turnips, 0
Candle, J Cousins & Sons ; any other
kind, Tolton Bros, W H Mcracken ; red
mangold, W H McOraolcen, A Littlejohn ;
yellow mangold, W H McCracken, 1 & 2 ;
garden carrots, W Strang ; field carrots,
W H MoOracken, S Vegan ; potato oni.
one, W H McCracken, C Caudle ; seed
onione, W H McCracken, 7. & 2 ; parsnips,
W H McCracken, W Strong ; pumpkins,
W 11 McCracken, R Edgar ; citrons, W
H McCracken, S Vegan ; blood beats, W •
H MoCraoken, R Peel ; tomatoes, P P
Aylesworth, J Cousins & Son ; cabbage,
W H McCracken, C Candle ; red peppers,
J Cousins & Sons ; cauliflowere, C dand-
le, W H McCracken ; watermelons, W H
McCracken ; squash, W H Mc0raoken.
Fuuir.—Winter apples --Northern spy,
T Davidson, P P Aylesworth ; Canadian
red, B Vogan, J Cousins & Sons ; Rhode
Island greening, W Strong, J Downey ;
King of Tompkins Co, Urea, J Cousins
& Sons ; Russe;, A ,Littlejohn, J Hol-
land ; Baldwin, S Vogan, A Littlejohn ;
Ben Davie, S Vegan, Smith Bros ; Mann,
,T Cousins & Son, R Peel ; Talman sweet,
Smith Bros A Littlejolua Pall apples--
Oalvutts J H Jobnstou R •Peel ; Daslo
use of Oldenburg W Strong, A Little.
haulau al Illudu,TtIjvJ0o
saA iOa, ueios
Litt lejohn,S Crabappp�les, 3 ia?sE wain, R
Peel i plume, W H McCracken ; pears, 3
Cousins Ss Sons, R Pool ; grapes, R Peel,
A Littlejohn ; oolleetlan of apples, Jens
Hallman, Judges for grail, roots, fruit
and dalos. ng -q wllsau, G Moffatt and 7 ��o ' �0
LAnii.s' Wonic.—Homo made full cloth,
J Salter, P P Aylesworth ; yarn, 1' P
Aylesworth, J H Johnston • blankets, Jas
IT E. .
;RUS�iiuS '�-OST
Salter, W Strong ; •stookangs, J Salter, W
H MoOraoken ; seeks, J Salter, W H Me-
Craokeu ; znits, T Davidsoii, R Grieve ;
gloves, J Salter, W McCracken line
shirt, l;', Grieve, R Hording ; flannel
shirt, 31 Harding ; log cabin quilt, Jim
Couaiue & Sous, W H McCracken ; patois•
as quilt, W Hele, R Grieve ; knit quilt,
W Hele, R Grieve ; orool et quilt, R
Grieve, J Salter ; eoverlid, S Caruoohan,
P P Ayleeworth ; crochet in wool, W
Hele, 11 Grieve ; in cotton, W Dano, R
Grieve ; embroidery in aottou, R Grieve,
R Harding ; in muslin, W Hele,W Dane ;
in silk, W Help, P P Aylesworth ; point
lace, R Grieve, W Bele ; Berlin wool
raised, R Grieve, W Hele ; flat, R Grieve,
P P Aylesworth ; wool dowers, 0 Caudle,
P P Aylesworth ; wax fruit and flowers,
P P Aylesworth ; drawn work, J Cousins
a Sons, W Dane ; cone work, P P Ayles-
worth ; arasceue work, W Hale, RGrieve;
hair work, P P Aylesworth ; cretonne
work, R Grieve ; leather work, W H Mc-
Cracken ; sofa pillow, W H MaOraoken,
H Collins ; sofa cushion, W H McCrack-
en, R Grieve ; macrame work, 11 Grieve ;
tinsel work, R Grieve, W H McCracken ;
fanny knitting in cotton, R Grieve, Ino
Cousins & Sons ; in wool, R Grieve ;
braiding, R Grieve, W Eels ; rag carpet,
P P Aylesworth, W Dane ; toilet mats,
W Help, W Dane ; door mats, S Carne-
ohm, J H Jonnston ; feather flowers and
shell work, P P Aylesworth ; tissue work,
J Davidson, W Dane ; hand boquets, W
Dane, J Cousins & Sons ; table boquets,
J Cousins & Sons, W Dane,
Fins Anis.—Pearl painting, R Grieve ;
oil painting, W Hele, R Grieve ; painting
on satin, R Grieve, W Bole ; pencil
drawing, R Edgar, R Grieve ; crayon,
W Hele, R Edgar ; penmanshi, W Hele,
W Strong ; painting on pottery, W Hele,
W H McCracken ; collection of painting,
R Grieve. Judges—Mrs G Moffatt, Mrs
0 Sparling, Mrs D Sanderson and Mrs
Wesley Stewart.
System Renovator
—AND ornEn—
For Impure, Weak and Impoverished
Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, ;palpita-
tion of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Hour -
Mee, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Con-
sumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney
and 'Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danae,
Female Irregularities and General De-
Prop. and Manufaoturer.
Sold by Jas. Fox, Druggist, Brussels.'
rooery Score
W. E. Pelton
Has opened out a New Grocery Store in
connection with his Restaurant with a
full line of Fresh goods. We want a big
trade from the start and in order to get
it we will not only sell at the following
wonderfully low prices but we will give
away a large part of what we save on ex.
pensee in handsome prizes :—
Pare Ceylon Tea for ........
25 cent Japan Tea
80 cent Japan Tea
85 cent Japan Tea
25 cent Bleck Tea
85 cent Black Tea
40 sent Young Hyson Tea ....
All kinds of Soap from
12io. Canned Salmon for
80. Currants for
Ba. Raisins for .
10a. Box of Matches for
Essences per bottle
Vinegar per gallon
Potted Ham per can,
Canned Corn
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Mired Bird Seed
25 Cents
2 up.
5 to 8
We intend to cultivate, a good ' Tea
trade and now Teas will leave our store
that we eau honestly recommend. Teas
are in the market to Bell as low as 10c.
but choice Teas are so Cheap that it does
not pay to buy the poor kinds, The
most profitable kinds are those ranging
from 20s, to 80c. for Japans and in Blaok
and Green 28e. to 85o. The Kolona Pure
Ceylon Toa at 40o. is a Tea fit for a king.
American Silver Taken at Par.
Money Saved is Money Gained
Drawn for 2 cants per hundred ;
small. parcels, 5e, ; empties returned
Free. Job work done reasonable.
W. H. Felton,
Before Ilurrahirlg very mush see that you are
ready for the Cold. We can supply you with
x, Parlor and, Goal Stoves,
Of the Latest Design—to burn either Goal or.
Woos1-'-put in and Guaranteed.
Large and well selected stock of
Lamps, Lanterns, Coal Oil, &c,
Halters,Oow Chains, Glass and a host of other
things you require for Fall and Winter.
131acksmiths' and Stove Coal always on hand.
t"Tinsmithing in all its Branches.
T. GAY o ®W Ewa 71R ,
We keep in stock and supply everything in
Goal and Wood Stoves,
Either Parlor, Box or Cook.
First-class Furnaces
From best Canadian Manufacturers, and
Warranted to work properly.
Plumbing promptly attended to at Reasonable Rates.
Lamp Goods, Lanterns, &c.
Orders Taken for Coal.
Stove and Furnace Men, Brussels.
FOR 3ia
This week 1 have put in a stock ofd
Men's and Boys' Overcoats
and 1 am going to make it hot for hard times. You can-
not feel poor when you see our goods and prices.
Values that were never so marvellously
low as they are right now.
We are buying and passing on Bargains in
Bright, Fresh, Stylish, High Grade
11en9 s
l• fit,
Mats, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c,
The Completeness of our Stock
Guarantees everybody Perfect Satisfaction.
Come and see this choice selection of honest Qualities and
learn why sensible, economical people prefer to
spend their money with. us.
There is no law against paying Big Prices, --
but it isn't Sensible.
You will trade with us because you cannot duplicate our
Goods at Prices so LOW,
Leading Tailor and Gents' Furnisher.
OF �nN.
9 r
The Newest and most Correct in_.,0004.-
The old is put away and we must don that whish is
new—and why riot the Newest ? We gather direct from
the Manufacturers. We display, beyond question, the
Greatest Values Ever Offered. We never bought so liber-
ally. We never bought so well. We never got Values
so Low in :—
New Dress Goods, New Cape Cloths,
New Mantle Cloths, New Velveteens all colors,
New Gloves and Hosiery, New Carpets,
New Corsets and Umbrellas, New Flannels,
New Flannelettes, New Cottons;
New Blankets, New Table Linens,
New Towellings, Towels and Table Napkins.
� ail FiiruisViu�s
It is true there are grades of Clothing we clo not sell. iSome
Clothing is made so cheap that they, are too expensive for anybody
to wear. It is short-sighted Economy that looks only at the price.
At our Prices nobody sells Clothing as good its ours. We are care-
ful to see that every person gots advantage of our knowledge of
Clothes, and guarantee all our goods to bo as represented. See for
yourself—the size of stocks devoted to Men's and Boys' needs, the
range in Styles and the Values we offer in
Overcoats, Suits, Underclothing, Gloves, Hats
and Caps, Shirts all kinds, Ties and Suspenders.
The Chances aro we'll get your trade if you only make Comparison.
Our Boots Pan Well.
Everybody should aim to buy as Low as possible, but price
after all is only a relative quality. Some folks have a mania for
buying anything so long as it does not cost them much, and usual-
ly with such people you find a cellar or an attic filled with a lot of
useless truck. Boots and Shoes ars not an exception in this appli-
cation. When moil and women are giving a good deal of attention
just now to the newest in hats and bonnets let them remember that
nothing is more undressy than an unstylish and poorly shaped Boot.
Our Prices are as Low as the Lowest, but the tato pleasure in invit-
ing attention to our New and Stylish Goods as much as to the
Prices, There are many now things in Fall Boots and Shoes, and
this is the store where, above all others, you can see them.
We are Sole Agents in Brussels lot the justly Celebrated
Granby Rubbers. We carry a full stock, from the finest made to
the heavy lunlbermen's.