HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-9, Page 3O0T, 9,1890 TSB BETTS .....-,. - - - - ".;.,",,,1."10' ..,.-----• �-- ..msmerneneer,nreemeer.menereetreameonerneeroneeert TONVA DiXectoziy.:. A1.11hY uh9 Ononon,--Sabbath Servioos at 11 a m and 7:00 p.m, 3ouday School at 2:30 p hu, Rev. John Boss, B Ai pastor, Sr. John's •Oounon.-Sabbath Services at 11 a in and 7 p on, Sunday Sohool at 2:60 p. m, Rev. A, K. Griffen, Mourn. bent. Alirnoniwo Cuunou,-Sabbath Sorvloee at 10:80 a m .and 7:00 p m. Sunday School at 2:60 p m• Bov. S. J. Allio, pastor, Roman OAznonto CHuno11.-Sabbaths Service third Sunday in every month, at 10;30 a in. Rev Joseph Kennedy, priest. SALVATION Anna. --Servide at 7 and 11 a m end it and p m on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clock, at the barracks, Onn b'nrrows' Lonoo every Thuraclay evening, in Graham's hloyk, AUUeoneo LonaE Tuesday et or before full moon, in Garfield block. A .0 U W Lome on the Sed Friday evening of each month, in Bias. hill's block. 0 0 F Lomb 2nd end last Monday evenings of each month, in Blashill's blook, I 0 F, 2nd and last Friday in Odd Fellows' Hall. L 0 L 1st Monday fu every month in Orauge Hall. Soca of Saornann, 1st and 8rd Tues- days of moll mouth, in Odd Fellows' Hall. K. 0, T. M. Londa, 2nd and 4th Tues. days of each month, in Odd Fellow's Hall. Hoare Omens, 2nd and 4111 1priday even- ings in Blaehill's Hall. Posen OIrj a .-O1liae hours from 8 a. m. to 6:80 p. m. MermANx00' INerirorn,-Library in Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m. Wednesdays and 3:80 to 5 and 6 to 8 Saturdays. Miss Minnie Mo• Naughton, Librarian. Town Oouuam.-W. H. Rorr, Reeve ; Geo. Backer, Robert Graham, R. Les, therdale and B. G. Wilson, Councillors ; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thomas Kelly, Treasurer ; D. Stewart, Aseoasor and J. T. Ross, Collector. Board meats the 1st Monday in each mouth. 8oHOOD-Bosco.-Dr. Graham, (Chair-- mom) Chair-man,) Rev.Ross, D. C. Roes, A. Reid, A. Koenig and H. Dennie ; Seo..Treas., R. Rose. Meetings 2nd Friday evening in each month. PWOLra Sanson TEAonalte.-7. H. dam- eron, Principal, Mies Linton, Miss Downey and Miss Ritchie. BoAliu or HEAr rat. -Reeve Kerr, Clerk Scott, A. Stewart, T. Farre* and J. N. Kendall. Dr. McNaughton, Medical Health Officer. THE ROAD TO YESTERDAY. Will some wise man who has journeyed Over land and over sea, To the countries where the rainbow And the glorious sunsets be, Kindly tell alittle stranger Who has oddly lost her way, Where's the road that she must travel To return to Yesterday ? For, you see, she's unfamiliar With To -day, and cannot read What its strange mysterious signpaete Tell of ways and where they lead, And her heart upbraids her sorely, Though she did not mean to stay And abandoned Yesterday. For she left a deal neglected That she really should have done ; And she fears she's lost some favors That she fairly might have won. So she'd like to turn her backward To retrieve them if she may. Will not some one kindly tell her Where's the road to Yesterday? TLU1I HILL OF GOLD. The ragged rail fence just loafed along, In a leisurely, zigzag line, Down the side of the hill and wandered out To the mut muring slopes of pine. And I had only to climb the fence, Or go through a crumbling gap, To lot gold spill down out of my arms, And overflow from my lop. And tho fence never eared a single bit, For all it lens there to guard, And I might have doubled my golden spoils, Untroubled of wntah or ward. A careless old fence, and yet the hill Broke splendidly ou the eyes - Gold clear out to the west, my dear, And gold clear up to the skies 1 And you needn't say, "0, it's a fairy tale I" With that odd little soornfal nod, For it happens to bo our own east hill Grown over with golden rod. RuSrIO sir. In the town of B., Connecticut, there ie o. factory where yarn is made. A stranger, approaching the town ono day in buggy, pulled op his horse and ac- costed it farmer who was digging potatoes on the other side of the fonoe. "Oen you tell me where the yarn -mill is ?" inquired the stranger. "Certainly," was the reply. "Keep straight on till you come to the drinking fountain. Right opposite is a wooden block with three dome. Tho middle door is the ono you wont." "Thank you," said the stranger and drove on. In due time be came to the fountain and sought the middle door of the wooden block ; and it led him up. stairs to the ofOoe of the local newspaper. The other yarn factory, the one for whiob he was looking, lay half a mile beyond. It takes it business man to describe a costume to hie wife. A busy son of eon. mane, after seeing a very taking dross on a very taking young lady recently, in. formed tho partner of his joys that : "It was fine. The dress was made of some kind of Bloch, with some kind of trim. ming. It was sorter lilac, or shrimp pink in color, and has for waist some sort of barque that was indescribable, She wore one of those hats you sometimes see on women, and altogether gave an effect that I wish yon could have mien." "113 dear, come in and go to bed," said the wife of a jolly sou of Erin who had jest returned from the,7h10n a oecidedly bow•do•yotvooms'so stake 1 "yon mut be: dreadful tirod,,eure, with your long walk Of sht miles;" "Arrah, got away with Your noneenso;' said Pat "11 wnst't the length of the wall at ell that:fatigued mo, 'twee oho breadth of it:" SAP MANNERS, The girt who misbehaves in publio die. plays bad manners and oalle attention to the foot that neither her Bead nor her heart bas been trained at home. The other evening a girl of eighteen came bo en entertainment, a000mpsniod by two boys of abottt her ewe ago and her mother. The young 00,, pat between the two men, It was evident that she was in a state of mental elation, and believed that the dual attondanue wee a mark of her great attrantivenese. She carried on a running oonvoreation with her escorts that compelled one Ulan to leave bis seat and go farther hawk in order to hear the lecturer, and eubjected her neighbors to great discomfort and annoyance, Whitt clan be done to rouse =there to train their daughters to Wed promin• shoe in pbblio ? What can be Bald to the girls of this country that will make them see the absolute bad manners of dressing or acting in publio in a way which reflects on their training. 'PILE SEW 1LARRLUiE ACT. TIU IIUI"1'1'LUN /►iv .A 'MHO 17021171/ MAN Iy SHAM= or .A 624; I.NSE, Tho provisions of the aro act relating to marriage have not yet been studied by those young men who are contemplating marriage. The issuers of licenses in Woodstook say that all sorts of misappre• hensione exist in the minds of those who come to puraha00 the necessarydooumeat whiob entitles them to take unto them- selves a wife. A young mew called on one of the 11- 00000bseuers alone the other night and asked if it vas not within the power of the license seller to give him a license.. He gave his address as Ingersoll and said that his intended was living in Stratford. He desired to avoid publicity in Inger- soll and was equally anxious on the mime goers that tho license should sot bo pur- cbased in Stratford, wbere he and his inteuded were known. He was told that the rule was oast iron and that the only way he could get a license would be to bring his intended down from Stratford. He promised to call again. Tho same official issued his first license sinus the new Aot cams into effect one night at ten o'clock. The young oouple called and complied with all the condi- tions, but raised a big kiok when told that the partioulars of the proposed mar- riage would have to be forwarded on an open posb card to 6110 Attorney General's department. They gave special in• etructions to the official not to give any information to the press and they had a vague fear that some one might see their names on the postal card as it wont through the mail. A TRAPPER'S STORY. A CALLING 'l'l1A'l',EN'L'ALLS MUCH HARDSHIP AND EX1'u:iUitE. One ('Ilse in w111c11. the Exposure Brought on La Grippe ,111t1 Serious After Troubles -Ileo• the Viet in. Secured Renewed Ill'aitlt. From the 13 rookvlllo Recorder Rockport is but a small hamlet, but it has achieved a wide reputation owing to the fact that it is situated in the very heart of the far•famod Thousand Islands, and for this reason attracts, cluing the Summer months hundreds of pleasure seekers. Among the residents of the vil- lage none is better known than Wilson A. Root. During the Summer months he follows the occupation of =oarsman, and none know" better than he the haunts of the gamey bass and pickerel. In , the 'Winter and Spring months Mr. Root fol• lows the occupatiou of trapping and this pursuit requires cue to be out In all sorts of weather, and in the water frequently at a, time of the year when the water is none too warm. A.s a result of a netting Mr. Boot took a severe cold, which de- veloped into 1a grippe, which took such a firm hold upon Ins system that for a time lie was unable to leave the house. His kidneys became affected and he suffered from severe pains across theback. There was a feeling of continuous tiredness, which no amount of rest or sleep seemed to relieve. The appetite was fickle, and there was an indisposition bo exertion or work. A number of remeclies were tried, one after the other, but without' any beneficial resides. At this juncture it friend ebrongly advised that Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills be given a trial. They had oared thousands of others, and why not he ? Acting on kis feastaiiPs angges- ti0n Mr. Root procured a single box of the Pink Pills, and before all were used felt an,improvsment. This encouraged him to persevere with the treatment, and after the use of a few 01000 boxes of the pills Mr. Boot found his health fully re• stored, all the pains and aches had dis- appeared and with thou disappearance cause renewed strength and activity. Mr. Boob says :-"I firmly believe Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills to be unsurpassed as a medicine, and I advise any who are ailing to give it a fair and honest trial." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills strike at rho root of the disease, driving 1.1 from the system and restoring 6110 patient to 11001111 and strength. In oases of paraly. Sill, spinal troubles, l000motor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism, erysipelas, serofu- lous troubles, etc., these pills aro superior to all other treatment. They are also 0 epeei0o'for the troubles which make the lives of so many women a burden, and speedily restore the rich glow of health to pale and sallow cheeks. Men broken down by overwork, worry or excesses, will find in Pink Pills to certain ouzo. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail post paid, at 50o. a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams' .Moc1i- cine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y. Beware of. imita- tions and substitutes alleged to be "just as good." Gtanoesral .t*if .owl*, Ogle Cooper, Clinton, llae broken the record. Whlio cut 100e13000 i hunting ono day 1010 week he Seunred a pall'•ball 48 by 486inches, and had it on fahibi; 00» 111 his store window for leveret clays, Tbo Blenheim World is tho latest ad. (hien to jonrnallem in liens Oouuty. It is a neat, glean, well•gotten•up, 0 soh sheet. 00 published by E. L. Mott, and from the patronage it reoeived looks as 11 11 had seine to stay, Thos. (Tab) Oraig, who broke jail at Goderloh a few weeks ago, was last week reoapturocl at Niagara, Falls. Deputy Oundry returned se far ae Flolmgsville with the prisoner, The train moved slowly up the grade and the prisoner made it life leap and`wits soon at liberty,. his pannier losing eight of him. 110 has sinus been reoaptored. 'For some time the country around SE. Peter, Minn„ has been infested with hog oholera, During the last few weeks it has been espeoially,eevere, and is killing whole herds of swine. It is estimated that, the preeenoe of the disease will coet Nlcrollet and Leeeeur oounties over 0100,- 000, and other oounties in Minnesota as lnegli more. Lake Erie hes now the 1111081 Sea of eidewheol passenger steamers of any lake on this oontinent, perhaps in the world, composed of the Oity of Cleveland, City of Detroit, City of Mackinac, City c£ Alpena, City of the Straits, Otty of Buffalo, Stale of Ohio, State. of New York, Frank E. Kirby, City of Toledo and Arrow, besides the two serow-wheel palaces North West and North Land. Professor Joseph Eisle, of Adrian, Midi., who has been making balloon aooensions from Blennerhassett Island during the past few weals, lost his grip on the paraohute, after having made an aseensioe at Sistsrvillo, on Saturday, and. fell about 100 feet, landing on a coal barge in the Ohio river. Re is chill alive, thoogh both legs are broken, and he is otherwise terribly iuju:ed. He cannot live. A detective named Rogers' made an ar- rest at Owen Sound last weep. The prisoner is Samuel Penny, a laborer, who is charged with "unlawfully writing a letter offering to eoll a counterfeit token of value and in executing and promoting the scheme in offering to sell such coun- terfeit token of value used a. fiotitions name," Penny was trying to run a apeoiee of green goods game on a small scale. He had his mail sent to G. B. T., box 108, Owen Sound. One of the oir- aulare was sent to the Attorney -General's Department. The department immedi ately wired the postmaster at dwen Sound and ascertained that Penny rented the box. Rogers went and arrested Penny. White Star Line. ROYAL ALA LL STE:111811IPS. Between Now York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every wedtlestlay. As the steamers of this lino oarry only a strictly limited "umber Cu the FIRST and eEOONO CABIN 0eoommodatioee, intending passengers ars reminded that an early ap- plication for berths is necessary at this sea- son. For plane, rates, ate., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. 'A. ONSLEY, Real Estate 86 Loan "For several months 'X was troubled with a persistent humor on my head, which gays ole considerable annoyance, until it occurred to me to tryAyer's Hair Vigor, Before using ono bottle the -senor was healed;" -T. T. Adams, Gen- t oral Merobant, Tuboville, Va. Agent, - Brussels. Money to Loan on Farm Secur- ity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Money Loaned on Notes and good Notes Discounted. Sale Notes a Specialty. Fire cE Life Insurance Written. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. 10 C O U V..,' L E Y Office over Deadman h McOall's Store, BRUSSELS. ALLAN UNE. Bummer Amer Saili nge, 7896. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY & MONTREAL SERVICE. Flom •....._ :.-_ From From Livelpo'1 STllAMBRtre, ,%huntress Qnobee Daylight, 3 Ally Sardinian ........13 July 10 Any 0 " *Num -khan 19 " Par15 00 1 A1.13, 21 Aug. 2:1 " Laurentlau 3 ' 0e " *Mongolian 1- "IO " e Aug.. Sacdwlan "" " 2$ " 13 „ *Numiribw "0 " 00 20 " Parisian ... a Sept 5 Sept 27 " *Laurentian' 12 " 12 35opt. `Sa inian 8 " 47 " .The Laurentian carries only amble paseengera Eastbound. 'Steamers when marked thus do not stop at Ritnaeki or Londonderry. All steamers sail from Montreal at Daylight. Passengers goon board between 7 and. 10 o'olooh on the evening before the all• vertissd date. l:;1"Paeeengere may go via Montreal. and return by New York or vide versa. For further information as to rates, lbs., apply to W. H. KERR, AGENT BRUSSELS EL$ POST .r+ ;plan"e"t rreettrea mmeoremllen*:e+meallsoneonse,.taa. ormasersenrmrveoro mar est loo Wash Day For quick and easy work +'or cleanest, sweetest and whitest clothes Surprise Is !Jest iaLlP7at - 1�® - For every use about the ' house Surprise works -�- F - pest and cheapest. 5cp far yourself, •T/ ntsf .er a rtlrr,+rl+V sTalfrIttol. nos NOTICE OF REMOVAL Having purchased a shop on Thomas St„ opposite the Queen's Hotel stables, I wish to notify my old customers and as many new ones as may favor me with their patronage that I have removed to my new stand. Soliciting a shale of business from the public, guaranteeing satisfaction, I remain, B. TO Plum, General Blacksmith & Horseshoer- From orseshoer '----- -max MOST SUCCESSFUL REMEDY FOR !BAH OR BEAST. Certain in fie effects and never blisters. Bead proofs below, KE D LL'S SPAVIN DUDE. Box 12, Carman Heudersoa Co., Ill., 100.10,'14. Dr. B. J. KENDALL ba. Dos,'5tre—Plonne send me one or your Horse Books and oblige. I havenoed a great deal or your Iiendull's Spawn 0000 withfood Success • it Is a wonderf01 medicine. I once h da mare that bad an Occult Span in and live bottles cured her. 1 keep a bottle on band all the thee. Yours truly, Clem. Poworo, KE LL'S SaANreEP l lr B�I L Dr, B. J. ICEauc nCo. hCo., Dear Stra—I have used several battles of your think It 500 best Liniment I lth much everused. aHove re- mover/ono Curb, one Blood Spell n 001010401,1 two hone Spavine. 0510 recommended it to eo,onsepfmny frl000sItcswho rey�much pleased with and S.R. RAY, P. O. Box 313. Por Sale by all Druggists, or address i Dr. 23..T. JLEIO'D4LL OO1l0P3._i r, IL - enossuasH FALLS, VT. The Crayrie To Stand the Test. Rev. William Copp, whose father was a physician for over fifty years, in New Jersey, and who himself spent many years preparing for the practice of medicine, but subse- quently entered the ministry of the M. E. Church, writes: "I am glad to testify that I have had analyzed all the sarsaparilla prepara- tions known in the trade, but AYER'S is the only one of them that I could recommend as a blood -purifier. T have given away hundreds of bottles of it, as I consider it the safest as well as the best to be had." -War. Corr, Pastor M. E. Church, Jackson, Minn. THE ONLY WORLD'S PAIR Sarsaparilla When in doubt, askforAyer's P1119 HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or 'Village Pro- perty at 6 6, 6k Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Cleric, Brussels. NLORINC G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds] ut work in bis line, Good Workmanship and Good Fits guaranteed. LATEST STYLES, Suits made for $4 and upwards. l 'Shop over NeUolttut's store. Has j est received a fine .new stock of Both K ote and Letter Sizes - E VELOPES, NOTE PAPERS, &. C. The Best in the Market. Tull Line oft School Supplies. Nice Range of tsia Bibles, Hymn Books and Albums. QST BDOKSTORE 9 1 A TIO0 L. Lr 4 is , British Q'olinnbia - This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern UNI Cedar Shingles 0 machinery added where required so that better work can lie done now than ever. .100• — North Shore niche and Cedar BEST GRADE OF FOR SALE Al 'elle MANITOBA FLOUR 1 D 'i1 ]' GROUND FROM MANITOBA WHEAT.Fusels Planing ill`s Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat,&c•n Also Doors and Sash of all Pat always 011 hand_ tarns on hand or made to order at Short Notion. Estimates Furnished for all hinds of Buildings. Workman- Highest market price for Wheat delivered at the shill, ship and Material Guaranteed. • Slttisfaetion Ganaranteed. J. & P. AMENT. W. F. :ate*art