HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-10-2, Page 8WE HAVE NOW A LARGE STOCK OF D Witt' a Jersey Butter Cal er x A.31(1, MI recommend it to 3'ane wishing a Color soh will give the Butter Atte: most desirable tint, We Guarantee itio Give Satisfaction. Fart up in IEc• and 15e, Bottles. DEADMAN c MoCALL, dlratggists, Opticians and Booksellers, GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHER,% EYTENSIGN W. Q. & B. Trains leave Brnesels Station, North ea South, as Follows: $1.Gf OSanTn. Goisa N01i7a. t2I0 69.26s..03.2Mixed :4 0 Ga,w. :L+t _ose 31:88 a $tai m• .m, 1 -. .. Yl• :44 .m. '4'brrtd 9:00 p.m. Express U I s 0:43 .m 1 U ".a,cat Retus 51ion , A chiefs amang ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. 0'.tY your subscription. BRM,SeLs market lends, eel:CELT Friday evening, See POST gives the news, 'isle to the Fete on Friday. sr.Ser Enron Fall Fair, Oot. 1 & 2. Eleueco. meeting next Monday evening. !0 T forget the Millinery Openings 085s week. PI_BEasrhas had his residence, Mill seteet, newly painted. TIME= Division ;loud will be held in 314Tssels on Wednesday, 21st inst. "'MA7LE LEAs" was a prize winner in rise open race at Goderieb Fair last a eek, ?maxims, tomatoes and Late grapes as -fared from the severe frost early last weak. X1',00, in advance, gets THE POST until slea.lot, 1898. Tell your neighbor. Or ale weekly Globe with it for $1.50. 230100Tl0N.—The Promotion Examin. Rana for the County of Huron will be tiro$ on Thursday and Friday, Oct, 22nd mrd 23rd, ?Senn a number of our residents went thiSeaforth on Monday to wituese the lase ball matoh between Goderieh and taw 'Unions," a'r;ENrs' heading factory was closed degh this week owing to a disabled plan - Fs They will have work hustling again inn few days, S. & N. GERRY have secured the eon - t of putting two No.43 Buck furnaoes seehe Methodist church in this piece. Me work will be done at once. SHILOH'S cure is sold on a guarantee. sores incipient coneumption. It is 'tlxbest cough sure. Only one oent a '-kse. 25 cts., 50 ots. and $1.00. Sold by shame Fox, Druggist, Brussels, Tam CLASS talent in the persons of Mr, tv-3Mrs. Brown, llIiss Cline, Geo. Cline, . iSSoCuteheon, &c„ at the concert this '£Fsi8ay) evening in Brussels Town Hall. ilaand hear them. Plan of seats at Yeah drug store. Slav: J00. Ross caught a young part. clogs at the verandah of the manse the mime day. In attempting to get away it es* entangled in the vines and was cap- ennd. These birds don't often come into .dflww alive. F11e Amherstbarg Echo of last weelc Sure:—John Wilson and Duncan Taylor, 'taws . near Brussels, Huron Co., spent tee creek prospecting in the County of M-eex. They were through Menem, Goe- itila and Celchsster South, and spent a ieoeilayewith their old friend, David iloobibald, on Pelee Island. Mr. 'Wilson hes•.bis eye on a farm in Colchester .Secth. arnraw; Rom.—A meeting of these in- reeted in curling was celled for Tuesday messing, bat the very wet weather no ?hubs detained a large uamber who pur. lamed attending. The objeot of the meet. skagwas to consider the question of erect, aro, joint stook curling rink. F. S. Neste and W. M. Sinclair were appointed a'ammittee to canvas for shares which .mrr'o be planed at $10.00. If sufficient ants9est is taken the work will he proceed- aai•Atith in the near fatore. The site has Lib been aboseo yet, LIECTRic LIGHT.—The necessity of name arrangements for electric lighting ems Brussels streets was made very ap- Trrvnt this week owing to the rainy -Anther and consequent dark nights. adr.t introit, who has been running toe Neel for years, is willing to continue if gsbees world join him in the purobase .uses i;tting out of an incandescent eye. xera89 the merchants prefer that to the ars, and e, plant of this description would do, well patronized. While the with• sirncsal of the light bas saved the town Arta oependiture of 000 or over up to this dime the majority of ourratepayers xtvaald rather pay their share of the eouslsary expense and have the streete ty'-srvperly illuminated. The matter will nem up for discussion next Monday aseeing at the Council, ,her. ---Burly last Saturday morning Jsmea Gibson passed that bourne from 035559.08 no traveller returns, aged 81. Vestil. His death wee not unexpected as ho:izld been in failing be for the past ern Deceased was 11 . 1 in the County vu'5tvan, Ireland, and a ae to Canada in wee, After living in Darlington town- alev,for a time (where he married Miss eitere,b Ingram who survives) they reneov- eul:l, St. Marys and same to Brussels ebtort l i mobs bytrade but had notfollewsd shoe- 3'uv %ease. Of four children born to them mile one is living, viz„ James Gibson, Thsotsbjeob of this notice was an out and vrdatlonvervative and loved to talk of the befsekts of bis youth, Interment wag meek: at Brussels cemetery last Sabbath mareeii on, Item ,T, Roes oondnated ser- 8iteut the Louse, 00350513 3300094 013 Friday mania Next week, O11ss BOSTON jo _e fivsb•olaea von Bear her ab the concert Frldey even J T. hose hoe 'tweeted ill a well smug Irish setter. Itis a fine ani Mies O'CONNOR'S Oanoort will be hol the Town hall on Friday evening, inst. A NNW 'bus 11110 beau pp01 0haeed by Beattie to roplaoe the old one,.whieli about served its day, $1,00, in Wettings, gets Two FOK Jan, let, 1898, Tell your neighbor, the weekly Globe with it for 111.50. A henalb consignment of grapes peaches was received this week by grocers, preparatory to the Fall Fah', ABIENT Boos, big barrel wagon ra frequently brought into use these delivering apple barrels. Ib holds 200 rale, Do yoti went to enjoy a good lag If so, go and hear Mr. Downs' ao songs iu the Town Hall this (Fri evening, • JAS. WALKER le putting down a platform ab his Carriage -Works on w to display his buggies, wagons, Ifo. a hustler. THERRR should be a large numbs entries for the special prize for beat 1 driver at the hair on Friday aftern No entrance fee. Was. Newsotns, Queen street, bas gr ly improved the appearance of his dw ing, Queen street, by a new dress of p and a new roof, THE Salvation Army will serve dinner and supper on Friday of this w in the store lately vacated by D. G. H Ma au ie C 1 v c blaal g - W. G. Gonane organized a Oonnoil Chosen Friends in ungannon last w With a membership of 24. He w from there to Southampton where he Trow at work. TOE frame of Watson Ainley's n residence, John street, is up and soon be ready for briok veneering. stands on the lot formerly occupied Knox oburob, W. H. MOORAGNEN captured 88 pri at Seaforth Fall Show last week, was at Wingbam Fair this week wh be won 22 prize tickets, and also at wood, where he secured 24. Two more stone oronsings have b put down during the past week on Tu berry street, one at Mill street inters tion and the other opposite Messrs. De man & McCall's drug store. R. N. BARRET'T has mproved the terior of his tonsorial parlor by bay the walls painted and a stencil bar added. He has also a furnace instead a stove for beatin; the place. A LIBEL.—The Editor of the Bly Standard, in commenting on the Coen press in reference to Blyth Fair, lib he press outrageously when it Says .No credit can be given the editors of t County press for helping to make o Fall Fair greet. They take no inter n it whatever, only on Fair days, wh hey Can be Been looping eagerly for t uetomary press badge and oomplimen ry ticket, the latter entitling them to good equare•meal at one of our first•cla otels. All the direotore ask of them o publish the date of the Fair. for whi hey renews in return the courtesi hove mentioned. We do not say th hey positively overlooked publishing t ate of our great Fair, but ib bee that a earance. The same thing happens ever ear, but this year patience has ceased e a virtue. The directors of the Fa ere and the business men of Blyth sa he omission is made to assist their ow ne-horse Shows." The above par raph may he intended to be witty, bet e Blyth editor should remember tbs. e County newapapere boomed Blyt air'before the Standard was born. Th sinuatian as to "their own one -hors bows" does not apply to Huron County Brussels, Seaforth, Clinton, Exete oderieh and Wingham have as large, i t larger, prize lists than Blyth eve d and 717 More prize money. BEV. GEO. MOILII: Oonarnen,—Tb auchester (Kansas) News, of Sept, 24th ys :—An adjourned session of the Solo on Presbytery convened in the Man ester Presbyterian church Tuesda ernoon at 2 o'clock for the purpose o daining and metalling Rev. Geo. Ma y as pastor of Manchester and Cheave arches. The vioibing ministers wer v, Dr. Foulkes, of Salina ; Rev. H altnell, of Concordia ; Rev, T. R wis, of Beloit ; Rev. Rankin, of Solo n, and Rev, W. H. Course, of Milton• e, Tbo services opened by singing d Scripture reading, after which Rev. Baelrnell preached the ordination mon, taking his text from Matthew 18-19, Mr. McKay then went forward while standing in front of the altar constitutional questions were pro. nded by Rev. Mr. Rankin. Mr. Mo. y. then knelt down, and while the four !eters rested their hands upon his d, the ordination prayer was offered RSL. Rankin. Rev. Foulkes then fol - ed with the charge to the pastor. theme was the "Ark of the Covenant the budding of Aaron's rod," which go a 5155. ing,' bred mal, lit 10th Ino, has nntii Or and our all ie days' bar gmio day) new blob He's r of ady eon, eat - ell. flint hot eek Ogg, of salt ant is ew I, It by zes He ere At. sen rn- eo• ad. in ing der of th ty els be or est en he t - a SS is oh es at he 13 - to iry at • 11 jf f e r n b d P b h 0 u th F in as 0 ha M se U aft Or Ka oh Re Bu Le COO val an Mr ser 28: and the you Ka min hea by low Hie and be used in an illustrative sense. Rev. Lewis then arose and delivered the charge to the church, basing his remarks upon let These. 5:12-13. The benediction WAS then pronounced and the congrega- tion given an opportunity to extaud the hand of greeting and congratulate Rev. Mr, )11oKay. The services throughout were impressive and very interesting, The ohureh was crowded, many coming from quite a distance." Rev, Mr. Mc- Kay is a son of Mrs. Geo. hIoKay, Eliza. beth street, Brussels, •'Che amount of granolitbio sidewalk now fronting the business pla0ee and homes of Blenlleimitea is over 64,000 square feet, with more to follow. The cost has been over $8,000 to be paid in 20 annual payments. In Petrolia water bag hitherto been brought frrim a distance in cart tanks, and gold for a cent a pail. But the waterworks now nearing completion will give Petrolia an ample supply of water for domeetio and fire purposes. The water will be brought from Lake Huron a mile or two above Sarnia, and its quality will be high. The distance from the lake to the town is about 11 raise. Jae, McPherson, who lives on the Huron Road, about two and a half miles from Stratford, had just finished thresh. ing his 90800n'e crop on Saturday, when the barn took fire, apparently from a opark from the steam thresher. The building was destroyed and all the • con- tents, :minding the whole season's atop, burned up, Some implements were also destroyed, and a valuable stallion was burned to death. There was an imm- erses of $2,000, which will not cover the lose. Trig 1 1,USSELis POST._ Business Locals, < iSTvidltDd.RD .134XE OF adX4.1)4, Lame, elaar ba00n at McOrteekel'e, Son D. 0. Boss' new aboele Of oyer. coats,. Retrain mita and all kinds of mill Iso fee Sale at Bose' mill, iiruesele, Runnitoe to keep your feet dry, an Shat will fit all sizes of feet, I. 0,111oherds, bat the oheapest Cverceate in towel go to D. C. hose', Goon business stand, opposite Amari• eau Ilobel,,Btusesle, for sale 09 to rent. Apply to 13. Gerry. Jhelum:a and robes, all kinds, Truths and Satohele ab low prices. FLonol bloat I Manitoba patent, Man' Rohe mixtnro, or straight Ontarie, beet tnOuts men's long hoots arefor sale at obandilrtlade, extra value, lots prions. Try them, I, 0. Richards. HIM our bargain counter. There niay be something on it you want, Your oholoe this week for $1.00, 3, O. Riebards. KAnn's Clover Root, the great Blood Purifier gives freshness and alearnees to the complexion and curse oonabipation, 25 ole, 50 ole and $1.00. Sold by Jamee Fox, Druggist, Bruseele. 00BIb•ORTADRE brick resideeoe with every convenience, furnace, &o„ for sale oe to rent. Possession given on December let. For further particulars apply to Mrs. R. Walker, Turnberry street, Brussels, GAPTAIN Sweeney, 11. 8, A„ San Diego, Cal,, says ;"Shiloh'e Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good" Price 60 mute. Sold by Jae. Fox. druggist, Brue. eels. OAnuETS. Any one desiring carpets will do well to pall at the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 80a, to 31.00. Hewn & Co, WHAT do you think of this McArthur, 118 Robert street Toronto, states that the action of Wright's Liver add Stomach Pills is marvellous. Bad been troubled with bilious and sick head- ache for years. One box taken according to direotione removed the cause of all the trouble and restored me to health, Ask Jas. Fox, Chemist and Druggist, Brueeele, aboub them, get a circular. a d BORN _ Gormre —Io Eowiak, on Sept. 21st, the at;c t.f M1r. John Griffin, of a daugh- ter. 118.11313-10 Gerrie, on Sept. 23rd, the wife of Mr. Christian Hazen of a daughter, MoKr1NoN,.--At Winnipeg, on September 22nd, the wife of Mr. P. D. McKin- non of a daughter. S6ARRS.FJa. RowLHr—Suint.—Io St. Paul's Cathed- ral, London, by the Dean of Huron, Mr. 0. W. Rowley, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Berlin, to Miss Fannie Smith, sister to Mrs. E. L. Taylor, of Brussels. L1l3RERr—Lnoas. —At the residence of the bride's father, on Sept. 23, by Rev. A. McKibbin, B. A., Mr. George Lambert, of Mildmay, to Miss Vietta, youngest daughter of Mr. Wm. Lucas, 8rd oou. Carrick. 771'mD- GnUreE.—:S.b Salem, Oregon, on Sept. 18th, Agnea, wife of George Cruise, aged 48 years, sister of F. G. Neelin, of the Seaforbh San. GrneoN.—In Brussels, on September 20th, James Gibson, aged 81 years. KINo.—In Morris, on September 291h, Benjamin King, aged 28 years. AwCTIC1N- ,9.&I mS- TUESDAY, Om. 0.—South 10 of North a. lot 26, con. 11, Grey. Farm, farm stock, implements and household furniture. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock sharp. Isaac Lake, Executor, F. S. Scott Ana, PREPAY, 009. 10th,—Farm stook, &o., at lot 15, con. 7, Grey. Sale unreserved at 19 o'clock. Thos. Taylor, prop. F. 8. Scott, ane. SATURDAY, 00T. 17t11.—Valuable farm, at Querrin'e Hotel, Ethel. Sale ab 2,30 o'clock, John Grant, prop. F. S. Scott, Sac. THURSDAY, 00T. 22nd,—Saw mill, lands, lumber, horses, &o., at lob 23, con. 16, Grey. Sale at 2 o'oloole. F. S. Scott, an0. _C•$ICw.T�TwR.Li2., FAIRS, Brussels, Oot, 1 & 2. St. Marys, Oct. 0 et 7, Stratford, Oot. 1 & 2. Blanehard, ab Kirkton, Oct, 8 and 9. West Nissouri, at'Ehorndale, Oot, 8. Blyth, Oat. 6 It 7. Bayfield, Oct. 1 & 2. Pordwioh, Oct. 3. Dungannon, Ont. 9 & 10. r"t.. RwS3mZ,B 1.•4:,41.--5+=MTS, Fall Wheat Barley - Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls ,.. Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel,....., Potatoes Hay perton Hideo brimmed Hideo rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Apples per bus Hogs, Live Wool 05 66 25 41 42 17 18 11 12 11 4 00 4 50 40 50 8 00 9 00 4 4. .. 3 37� 1 00 0G 60 75 15 40 1 00 360 300 18 Llvrnrooa, Sept. 28,—States cattle sold aL 135 per pound here, and Canadians at 5}d ; and sheep at 5c1. Trado.is slow, Beene -o, Sept. 28.—Receipts, 40(1 oars ; market fairly active ; lambs, good to choice, 34.23 to $4,50 ; culls and com- mon, $3 to $3.05 I Canada lambs, good be choice, $4.60 to $4.85 ; sheep, good to choice ]candy weight wethors, $3.00 to $3,70 ; culla and common, $1.50 to $8,25, Dam M,uucn9s,--Ingersoll, Sept. 22,— Offerings to -day were 1,290 home:, 1,040 1505at Om Sma 1pattendance,mber te Market quiet. Belleville, Sept. 22.—At our hoard to -day 18 factories offered 7(30 box- es white and 70 colored, Hodgson Broe, bid Sa for the board ; R. J. Graham bid Oc for the August, and 9 3.8e for Sept- ember. No salol. London, Sept. 26.— To•day twelve factories boarded 1,244 boxes September and 150lasbhalf Augneb W.A.IaI.afalx4JO 0.433, HEAD QFFiCE, e TQRQNTQ, ASSET'S, (Seven Million Dollars) $7,900 000 OAPITAL (Autitorjzed) - ' $2,OOD,A00 ,dpenoies in all principal point8'in Ontario, Quake, Mani tobg, United States rO Ltirypanii, A General ,Banking ,13ueiness Transacted, Farmers' Notes Discounted, Pratte issued and Colleotions made on all points, SAVINGS HANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed ou deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dot of deposit bo date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, 87901033 ATTENTION anal To THE 0003059300 OP FAlitiI3ne' SAno Norsie, Every facility afforded Customers living at a distance, J. A. STEWART MANsems, cheese, Sales, 40 August at 8 5.80. Attendance email. Little Falls, N. Y., Sept. 23.—Large oalored, lip Do ; large white, 81)o ; small white, 83o L4 9o'; small colored, 83a to Oy. Butter—Farm dairy, 15o to 1Go. MoNamoon, Sept. 28.—The shipments of live stook to date are 76,000 cattle, 67,- 485 sheep, and 8,467 horses, There was a better demand from shipper's for export cattle, and all the really ohoice eteere and heifers were pioked up at $3.60 per 100 lbs. Sheep and lambs for export account were also in good demand, and the form- er sold at 23o to So and thelatter at 8- 1 8o to 33e per lb„ live height. At the East End market there was no perceptib- le improvement in trade. A few head of the best cattle were sold at sie per 1b. ; pretty good beasts sold ab 2io to 3 1.8e, and the common stock at 2o to 210, while quite a few of the leaner beasts went at 14o per Ib. Calves were in good demand. Common calves sold at $3 to $6.60 each, shippers are paying 2.-o to So per Ib, for large sheep ; lambs Bell at 80 to 3}c per 1h., very few going over 3}o per lb. The receipts of live hogs were 300 head, for which the demand. was fair, and prices ruled steady at 33e to 4a per 111. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. DRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN: First TOrbgago, farm Soculity, &pply a1 THE P08T Publiebang 150000, Bruesole• [j'OR SALE. --A 000D STOVE • .. suitable for hall 01 -room. Also a sheet - iron heater. Apply at Melville Manse, STRAW WANTED.—I WANT a load or two of elan straw at once. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Brussels. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Fon $Ana,—L' o is 22o' end 000. Queen st. Terme reasonable to a cash purchaser, Ap- pl y on the premises or to 28 W. M. SINOLADI. 1 ADIES' ASTRAOHAN CAPE f lost on Thursday, Sept. 24th, between Mre, Donald Currie's, 4th line, Morris, and Brussels bridge. Any person finding the same will oblige by leaving it ut this office or at Mrs. Ourrie's house, STRAYED ON THE PREMIS– Ra of dm undersigned. Lotc M01915,. 011 or abunu Juue 01 s yelarling heifer. The owner is rocne0ted to prove property, ty, pay expenses and take her a,vay. JNO. BA1tR, Brussole P. 0. Ij• OUThSEuNaslDgnLd OOTforEe OhRie SALE. able cottage and aacre Of land on Tcnfeorrrty- street, Brussels e Sulo. On the promisee is well, a good well, stable, fruit trees, &a. For prion and terms apply be i•tf ALEX. MaLA U08LIN, Proprietor. i1 TRAYED FROM TEE PREM– k_7 nes of the undersigned, Lot 18, Con. 10, Grey, on or about July Mat, two ghosr and two lambs. They are all marked on too un- der part of the right ear. Any information Ponding to their r000very will be thankfully received. ALEX. ST.E\VA1RT, 11-2 Oranbrook P. O. 67TRAYED FROM TELE PREDS– i.3 rens of the undersigned, Lot 10, Oon, 3, Grey, last 101y, 2 ewes, white faded ; 2lambs and 1 yearling ram. 'Punch hole iu the right ear of 8 and in Wit ear of 2. Any informa- tion loading to tboir recovery wall be thank- fully received, LORENZO FRAIN, 11.22 Brusseia P. 0. MORTGAGE SALE —OF— PROPERTY IN BRUSSELS, Pursuant to the power of aalo con tainod in a mortgage made by John Stacey (which will be produced at the time of sale) there will bo offered for sale by Public Auction at the AMERICAN HOTEL IN THE VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, on Tneaday, October 2011,, 1800, et 1 o'clock p, m„ by 'r, S. Scott, auctioneer, the following properties namely: Lots Nos. 388 Elizabeth street, and 088 Stratton Btreet, in the Village of Brussels, in the Oouuty of Huron . Upon Lot 888 there is a frame home now °coupled by a tenant—Lot 888 is vacant. The property will be offered for Bale in two parcel&, The Vendor reserves ono bid on each parcel. Terms of Salo.—Ton per cent, on day of sale; balance n 30 days, Other tering and conditions will be made known at the time of sale or in the meantime can be ascertained byapplivation to HUGHIJAMP- 1015LL, Conveyancer, ,ltitahell, or to DENT & THOMPSON. Vendor's Solicitors, Mitchell. Doted Sept, 311tb,1800. 12.3 REAL ESTATE. T.(1ARMS FOR SATaE.—THE UN - DAIMONS]) has several good Farce for Salo add to vont, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey. 30 S, SCOTT,Boussols GOOD FARM FOR SALE NEAR Brnasota. Giantba'goiti. Lot 7, Con. 0 Grey township, Good buildings and or- ollard, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairyfarming, Apply to WM.I9ILLO9715 on te premises er to THOMAS HERITAGE, Loudon Woat, FARMSFOR SALE. — 200 LL'' uaree—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 7th and 8th Corscoeoloie , Township of Grey, be- ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and si Milos from Brussels, 40 aerosol Fall wheat sown and ahem 80 Sores under grass ; 00 acres acacia on saolr. Penne of paymenteasy A MCICI.LVDY, M. D., 84- Bnssols, PAiOlI FOR SALE' -150 ACRES Consisting of the South d and South 4 of the North d of Lob 30, Cos 2,Nast Wawa - sloth. This is an excellent stock Nam, bain well supplied with geed taming water. It Mime situated (Monte :Mies Iran the thriving Vil- lage of Blyth. A largo part of 11 la wader gram. Buildings and fonmes aro in afair etato of renal.. Oiasy tame of payment Will beiven. Fall 10tormation apply to 110 - or 01 0,10, SIAM, Barrister Brussels. ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —30o agree of good farm land at.. Springfield, 8 mhos from Winnipeg, is offer- ed sale at Alm -price, The property is Orth lastSee. 10, Twp. 11, Range 4, i,ast, There isa home on the pr0mi555 and none brooking done. For full particulars as to price, title, &a„ write or apply to 20-tt G. F. BLAIN or W. H.11311315, Brussels, Ont. 1 1ARM FOR SALE. - BEING South 3ofNorth I of. Lot 25, Oen, 11, Township of Grey, OonutYy of Huron, /nacre as the. estate of the: late Thos, Sallrterm, The farm contains 26acres, more or leas, iswellm, Ser-draino i c wall 1 P , ell0ad and a ,n. 9 good � on ' U tri n orchard• all 1 o eared and i u cod. d g state -or cult and call an, There to a framhe pre housmesa Por rani and stables p too puemieo0, l or furtli ar paX0AAO 's apply '- ' ISAAC LARE,Executor. ll-tf Ethel P.0. !'t COD FARM FOR SALE IN close an the nate Township half of Lot order to 1, 1011 immediate al . On, GO Jaren, ie offeredg for rdwelling w wn ith kitchen, .20.,r5150 two frame barna, good water, orchard, &0., and Is close to the Village of Ethel. Soil is of the best tad farm is well fenced. Apply to AoLLYM.D., Jametu; Brussels Brussels• CPLBNDID FARM FOR SALE. Township Ot f Grey 100 farm, Lot et be (5011 t own- er.e in Thorder ot to elle cleared, te of 301511 g od buildings, ample water supply, large or- chard, 15 miles from Cranbrook, is under good cultivation and is a veru desirable pro- pertyMcleod. Apply to RICHARD MIT- OHELL, Brussels P. O. • JOHN MITCHELL, on the premises ; Or A. HUNTER, Brussels.. Dated Sept. 13th, 1800, 171.4 ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- L� no-RaroNnn offer their splendidl00 aore farm, Lot 22 Coo,12, Grey, for sale. There. ere 85 acres cleared, balahae good hardwood bueb. On the premises 18 a °omfo.ttable frame ltoupe,freme-barn and outbuildings; good Osebard; wells, ,to, 40 acres under tion, lk miles from Orembroolct village and 04 from Brussels. Possession could be given this Pall. For further particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply onthe premises or Wrte 4itf to C WM. AND SAMUEL 0AR140011AN. VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE, The eligible 200 ,taro farm, aompoSed of lots 10 and 17 1n tbo 10th con., Grey township, Huron Oo., and 60 morn, part of lots 10 and 17, 11th con.. belonging to the Robert Brown estate, is offered for gale to wind up °state. On the first farm lea good stone house and largo bask barn, necessary outbuildings, or- chard, Se. Favi well watered, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. About 00 the b0 aore farm of fa u houeo and barn, orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. Dame sold jointly oe separately to suit purchaser. Possession given 111 the Pall. Farms aro on- ly a mile from the village of Cranbrook, Who urs school, churches, post -office, stores, &e., and 87 miles to the thriving mar- ket town Brussels. Por further partioulare as to price, terms, Sc., apply to AGNES BIM WN, JAMES BItOWN,}Executors, JOHN BROWN, 1 Cranbrook P. 0. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—T1IE Undersigned will service 20,, Con 0, Morris, the ba ion m - proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J. 10. Brothour's sweepstakes 55w at Chicago Fair, Terms, 81.00 to be paid guru nt g S netime cessary, ry, 1'0di reh ed privilege seen on application. ROBT. NICHOL, BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE underolgoad will keep for Servlae on Lot 80, Con. 0, Morris, the tboro'-bred Largo English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John," sow mother iWorld's Pair. Pedigree swills, be Precluded on application. Terms -51.08 to be puld at time of service with privilege of retnrung if ueooaaary, 14.0m JAS. SPEIIi, Proprietor. ROAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot 27, Com rris, the keep for brei T ou un- wortb boar, "Ifing George," purohased .from H. George & Sous, w•ho got first prise for their herd at Guelph Fat ,Stook Show,. Tbo dun of "King George" won first prize at the now, Loudon, England. 1513 sires was im- ported be paiduatdtimsgof seryiae760 s with Terms privil1.00 to ege of returning if nera0sary. Pedigree may bo scion on application. 40•t! 351011ARD ARMSTRONG, Proprietor, Ancient Order of United Workmen, atl auumbering� prosperous snli�embeisel are pro- senting to the aniline their popular and won - mica rates to worthy mat at the very low rate of about 50.00 per $1,000 per 0110010, The Workmen" Promptly Pity Death Claims and expect o three tnoroaac, to its msinbers now that those Anlorlean tine Companies don't seem satisfactory to Can- adians, 100133, A105ISTRONG, M, W. ; W. H.19E:Mt, Reoueder; J, A, CREIGHTONFtuaaoier, DENTAL. It. DAVIDSON, Honor Grnduato Toronto U Licentiate Royal College Dental SSurgeons, Crown amt Bridge work almeluityy, Moder- ate Fees, 31LN:deatlon Assured.mum over Barrett's barber shop, Turuberry 86„ Brue- 5015. — VETERINARY. toD, WARFVloR., • Honor Greet:ate of the Ontario diseases is eases of college, is prepared to treat e- peoot ooeaomostioatottanimalsot a bore - potent uiannsr, Pa l:mew ottoman paid to veterinary,tdentistry. Calla promptly at- tended to, bdloe and Indy 50et,, .Four doors north of bridge Turnbcrry „ Brussels. 0cm. '2, 1890 The a 'Gul2,7 Has taken a drop during the past fete days and so will your system if nob pro- perly taken care of. :Now that the hot weetbee is over, during which -100 many allow the system to become weak from lack of nouriebment—No appetite is the oxouse—Then' something is needed to tone up on and that something should be our BeeI�t �wx k,, : It gives vital anergy to the weak and enervated. It strengthens the stomach and promotes a desire for food. It's worth double the prise it costa for a bot- tle, That's why we sell so much of it. GIVE IT A TRIAL. Then of course we always keep a full stook of all the other standard peepara. Sons and Drugs of all Doseriptious. Pure and at right prices at Fog's Drug' Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Y ti• Solioitor and ponveyanoer. Colloo-. Mona made. O1noe—Vanstona s Brook, Brus- sels, 21-3m TIT nr. SINOLArR, lie, &a, So011nciicaor,vaonvoyanoer,NotnryPsb- nortb of Central Hotel, P 1 4be Funds to Loan. M• 0. CAMERON, Oamoron,l(1F3ur titer and of Cameron,oio Gocloorich&, Ont. OMee—Hamilton St„ Opposite Col- borne Hotel. GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &a. (late of Gnr'row & Proudfoot'e Oflle°, Godorich,) 0Rloa oyor althea & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loam47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE IRIRI{BY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales ooncinot ed on reasonable terms. Parma and farm stookaspecialty. Orders lett at THE Poo, Publishing Hou fie ,Bru wets, orsentto Walton P.O., willreeeiyepromptatten tion,. T' S. SOOTT AS AN AUCTION- • EER, will sell for butter prices, to bettor men, in 088 time and loss °barges than any other Auctioneer iu East Huron or he won't cbargs anything. Dates and orders. can 'always be nerangod et this °ince or by Personal application. MEDICAL CARDS. it A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. el 8, Ont O. ARResidena ant Edinburgh, Lai Wilson e Block, corner of Mill and Turaborly Ste. T M, ARMSTRONG 111. D. Physician, Surgeon, Accn0ober, oto, Faculty, te Memhor of ColegeoofitP]ryelolone and Surgopee Out. 07)'0033—Next door to McDonald & Gro.. Walton Out. BUSINESS CARDS. V AiNT IUoORA0KEN, at his Grocery Purnr of borrygstreet.lB?russels, N. BARRETT, south of A. Tonsorial oay& Co's hardware stoop Ladiea'and childrens hair cutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 81,00 to 51,100 and allows 30 per pant. i utaroeb. T. FARROW, 87.5m ^.�--- Postinarter. ROBERT CUNNI NG HAM• Iustnis0308, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH• T. PLETCHER /Sue/ 8/ o f Marriage Licenses, OSTIGE AT avenue STORE. Wituses Required, T. FLETCHER, Brussels. 12cTELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- In- surances aliected011 dill Townaaand Farm Property at very low rates, SJ.Bm J. A, CREIGHTON, Agent, lirensale. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division bout 00. Buren. Oonvoyaneee, Notary Public LandLoan and S00111.01100 Agent. Funds throated and to loan, oolleotiens made Oates In Graham's 13 look, Bruseole n08, A. IAWIIINS, W01 giyo lessees., t0 1n 1 1. o 19 gibber oa ppiano et organ, at hisala. Vb 351looRoomo s 0050 the post•o0foo, Bruosnlg. YOaalleasous also given, Ton years expetionee iu touching, Terms mu ievate,