The Brussels Post, 1896-10-2, Page 6gip Nritsotis Vat
-Ie 1'oaniuED.--
Oa Woe for the early mails1 at
lldgc-p Purvis, Blytb,
Boors AND YlsoxaAs> xe,- elephant p0.
twtoe% Anderson, W Taylor ; Metal.
lose Oorlee,l 0 Proctor LC kion; IMefdur•
ray ; Dinpfrs State, It McGowan, 1'
Anderson ; any other variety, 0 Rroeter
& 6o1 Walter Scot sariyo
cabbage, ,
David, It ersot ; red cabbage, G
"The post" Stolon I'abllsblu(a douse, .David, W Taylor ; cauliflower, G David,
WTaylor ; blood beets, W Taylor, Goo
David; turnip baste, G David 0 Praetor
ds Son mangolds, G TDavid, h MOW -
Timm ev SensonmelcN.-one dollar a ray i Swado ronrnipe, Wilkinson,n, D- i3
adva?oe, Ttia datR to 'telltale every Anderson
suhserintion le mild ie denoted by the data Hold wrote,D B Aaderepn
on the uddrRee label, W Taylor ; horn garrote, W Taylor, Cr
AD rnwVreING lt4ene.-The following rates David ; parsnips, G T
David, Waylor;
will be al'rilrge4 to tbcen who twlyertise by onions from seed, G Daviel, J henry. &
the year:- Son ; onions, any other kind, A W
Webster, W Taylor;• celery, G David, W
Taylor ; corn, A Carr, Geo henry
water melon, G Henry, G David ; musk
melon, G David, W ;l'aylorpumpkin,
1t McMurray, G David ; squash, Goo
David, W Taylor ; citron, G David, G
Idem ; tomatoes, W Taylor, G David ;
beaus, W Taylor, G David ; oolleotion of
vegetables, G David, W Taylor.
Judges -D McKinley, Wingham, Jno
Elston, Morrie.
Dem Pao»ori.-Dairy butter, A Oarr,
T Wilkinson & Son, Walter Scott ; crook
butter, A Cara ; butter in rolls or prints,
Mre Sowlar, Mrs Porterfield ; 10 Ibe
table orook butter, Chile Proctor & Son
10 lbs. table butter in rolls, Chas. Proctor
& Son ; 10 lbs crock butter, R Corley ;
home made bread, 111re H McLean, Mrs
R Molliurray, Mrs J Henry ; honey in
6ELGRAVE FALL FAIR. comb, Mre H McLean, Mrs Jas Dow ;
maple sugar, W Scott ; maple syrup, 0
Proctor & Son, A Carr • home made
cheese, Jae Dow, Geo Moffatt ; home
made bread, speoial by TUE Pose, Mrs Is
Judges -T A Mills and R 0 Spading.
Five Anes, Painting, Mise Owens ;
pencil drawing, Mre Dr Carder, Mrs
Bale; oil painting, Miss Owens, D B
Anderson ; oolleotion nil paintings, Mrs
Dr Carder, D B Anderson ; photo.
graphs, Mies Edwards,
LnDtae' W000. --Tatting, Mre Hele ;
crochet work, Mrs Carder, Mise•Brydges;
bead work, Mise McClelland, Mrs Card•
er ; hooked skirt, Mies Brydges, Mrs
J Henry ; fanny knitting, Mrs Geo Mof-
fatt, Miss MoOlelland ; gent's linen shirt,
Mrs McKenzie, Miss McClelland ; gent's
flannel shirt, Mre McKenzie, Mrs G
Moffatt ; braiding, Mrs Brydges, Mrs G
Moffatt ; woollen stockings, Mrs Mo.
Kenzie, Miss McClelland ; Books, Mre
McKenzie, Mise McClelland ; woollen
gloves, Mre DloKenzie, Airs G Moffatt ;
woollen mite, Aire Moffatt, Mre McKen-
zie ; log cabin quilt, Mise McClelland ;
knitted quilt, Mrs Carder, Mrs Moffatt ;
patched quilt, Mrs Moffatt, Mrs Hele ;
rag mat, Mrs Henry, Mrs McLean ;
Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs Carder,
Airs T Wilkinson ; Berlin wool work,
flat, Mrs Carder, Airs T Wilkinson ; sofa
pillow, A W Webster, Mrs Carder ;
cotton etookings, Mrs McKenzie, Mrs
Moffatt ; card work, Mre Moffatt ;
leather )work, Mrs Hele ; hair flowers,
Mise McClelland ; embroidery on silk,
Mrs Carder, Mise Hale ; embroidery on
linen, Mrs Hele, Mre Carder ; lace work,
Mrs Hele, Mrs Carder ; twine lace, Mrs
Hele, Mise McClelland ; rag carpet, Mrs
Owens, A W Webster ; 'collection ladies'
work, Mrs Hele, Miss Ag0Clelland.
Judges. -Mrs. Graham, Brussels, and
Mrs. Powell, Blyth.
Tuoue000 x Sr., Buveeon,s, Cox.
eoao17 1 1 Ori, 1 0"mo, f-Jmn
One Oolumn $00.00 030.00 520.0-0
half 80.00 20.00 ;2.00
QQuarter ` 00 00 ;3.00 I
k3iE11 0 ... le.UO -„ es0
'Went poets per lino for first insertion, and
tame game Per line ler eaob subsequent in.
eertlon, All advertisements measured ae
Nonpareil -le lines to the inch,
Buetneeo Canis, eight) sees end under, 61
per annum,
Aevertigemouts without specific dirge.
?,ions, will be teeerted until forbid, and.
charged aeaordingiy.
Inetruetlone to ebange or discontinue an
edvertieoueent fnnet be loft at the nounttne
room of Tan Peer not later than Tuesday
of aaoh week This ie imporatrve.
Tl. moor ,
liditor and proprietor.
r3I30 Lrat.
EMUS.- Heavy Draught. - Brood
mare with foal, Jno Shortreed • Spring
foal, Jao Shortreed ; 2 year filly, Jno
Shortreed ; 2 year gelding, Barber Bros.;
1 year filly, Barber Bros. ; 1 year gelding,
Jno Forster; team, Jno Shortreed, Jno
Forster. General Purpose --Brood mare
with foal, Jas Owens, Barber Bros ;
Spring foal, Jas Owens, Barber Bros ; 9
year filly, J. Taylor, H. Wightman ; 2
year gelding, J Taylor, T H Taylor, 1r ;
1 year filly, Jas Owens; 1 year gelding,
Jno Taylor ; span, Geo Taylor & Bros,
Was Dow, Geo Taylor & Bros. Road and
Carriage -Brood mare with foal -T }I
Taylor jr, T Brydges, T Hollinger ;
Spring foal, T Brydges, T 11 Taylor jr ;
2 year filly, T Hollinger, V Vannorman
2 year gelding, J Kling ; 1 year gelding,
R McMurray ; baggy horse, Jno Swal'ts,
Mrs W 11 Ilene ; back horse, Joseph
Brandon, L Lott ; span, road or carriage,
C Howson, L Lott, T Brydges ; brood
mare, any olaee, Jno Shortreed ; team,
any class, Jno Shortreed.
Judges --M Nicholson, Ripley, and 0
A Rowson, Auburn.
Cleft -E. -Thoroughbred -Cow, R Cor-
ley, T II Taylor jr, Geo Sowlar; 2 year
heifer, R Corley ; 1 year heifer, Jno
Armour, 11 Corley ; heifer onlf, T 11 Tay-
ayfor je, R Corley ; bull oalf, R Corley ;
bull, over 2 years, H Perdue, T Brydgee,
R Leishman ; bull, under 2 years, 11 Cor-
ley. Grade -Cow, Ii. Scott, T H Taylor,
jr, D Scott & San ; 2 year heifer, D Scott
& Son, T Wilkinson & Son ; 1 year heif-
er, M 11 Harrison, D Scott Jr Son ; heifer
calf, R Corley, Thos HTaylor, jr ; 2 year
steer, D Scott & Son, Jno Coultee ; 3.
year steer, It Corley, A Irwin ; steer Daly,
M H Harrison, Jno Coultee ; beeve, 0
Proctor & Sons, T 11 Taylor, jr ; oxen,
D Scott & Sons.
Judges -Jae. Ferguson, Brussels, and
Jae Tabb, Auburn.
S1utor.-Leicesters- Aged Ram, N
Gaining, J Sbortreed ; shearling ram,
Ino Coultas, R. Scott ; ram Iamb, N
Curring, Jno Caultes ' ; aged ewes, N
Coming, Jno Coultee ; gnarling ewes,
Geo Henry, N Coming ; ewe Iambs, N
Griming, J Conine. Downs -Aged ram,
Jae Tabb : gnarling ram, L Tasker, 1 &
2 ; ram lamb, Jae Tabb, 1 & 2 ; aged
ewes, Jae Tabb, 1 & 2 ; ehenrlicg ewes, J
Tabb, 1 & 2 ; ewe lambs, J Tabb, L
Tasker ; fat sheep, J Ooultee 1 & 9; pen
of sheep, Jae Tabb.
Judges -Thos Anderson, Auburn, and
L Tasker, Hallett.
Pins. -Large breed -Aged boar, R Mo.
Murray, H Edwards ; brood sow, R
Scott, T II Taylor, jr ; boar,. littered in
'90, H Edwards ; sow, littered in '91, Geo
Henry, 1 & 2. Small breed -Aged boar,
Geo Quinn ; brood sow, W Scott, R Ma.
Murray ; boar, littered in '90, II Ed-
wards ; sow, littered in '90, H. Edwards,
1 Sc 9 ; pen of pigs, H Edwards.
Judges -Thos Anderson and L Tasker.
Pe.r,rnY.-Geese, D Showers, T II
Taylor, jr ; turkeys, 1) Showers, R Ma•
Murray ; ducks, T H Taylor jr, D Sbow•
ere ; Leghorne, W Taylor 1 & 2 ; any
other kind, W Taylor, 1 & 2.
Judge --F Patterson, Wingham.
IMPLEMENTS.- Perm gate, H Edwards;
churn, H McLean ; pump, D Showers, 1
& 2 ; lumber wagon, W Gannett ; spring
wagon, Jae Walker ; bogey, Jas Walker ;
plow, 3 L Geddes, T 11 Ross ; gang plow,
Wm Gannett, J L Geddes ; iron harrows,
Wm Gannett ; waehiog maohiae, D B
Anderson, H McLean.
Jurige-J G Stewart, Belmore,
Giutx.-White Fall wheat, R McAlur-
ray ; red Fall wheat, Geo Moffatt, It Mc-
Gowan ; Spring wheat, M Harrison, 1i
McGowan ; six rowed barley, II Ed-
wards, Chas Proctor & Son ; , black pate,
D B Anderson, Geo Moffatt ; white oats,
Chae Proctor & Son, M H Harrison ;
email psas, Geo Moffatt, It McMurray
large peas, Geo Moffatt, 1t MoGowan ;
flax seed, R McGowan, It Connolly ;
timothy need, T Wilkinson & Son, It Mo.
Judge -P. Deans, Winghaul.
AND 1'aowlnr8.-Golden russet,
Jno Taylor, T II Taylor ; Baldwins, Jno
Taylor, Jas Owens ; Snows, A Carr, It
Corley ; ithode Island (Groeninge, R'
Corley, Scott ; Maidens Blush, Gee
Moffatt, Geo Quinn ; Northern Spy, Jno
Barr, Chas Proctor & Son ; Culverts, H
Wightman, If Edwards; Tolman Sweets,
R Corley, R McMurray ; King of Tamp.
kine, lI 1I Harrison, It Corley ; variety
of Whiter apples, A Oerr, 11 Wightman ;
Fall apptee, AI I3 Garrison, Geo ()Men ;
Pall pears, It McGowan, II Wi„ hte nu ;
Winter pears, W Scott, It Corley ; grapes,
0 Proctor & Son, 11 Wightman ; crab
apples, Joseph Brandon, J Henry tSon ;
peaches, 11 Wightman ; oolleetion of
fruit, It Corley, A Carr ; table bouquet,
Jas Henry & Son, Chas Praetor & Son ;
hand bouquet, Geo David, Walter Tay.
for ; flower in pot, Ed Saoltriclor, Jas
Henry & Son ; collection of hoose planta,
Ed Saokrider, A W Webster ; foliage
plants, Hugh McLean, E. Saokrider.
Judge -Geo Powell, Blytb.
Mo:torrectuaoe.-Rome made cloth, Jae
Owens ; pair blankets, Jae Owens ; coarse
boots, Jas Haugh;home made wine,
Mre. W. H. Hale, B. McGowan ; cooking
stove,$ McLean,
Wm. Haekwell has erected a work shed.
The residence of Michael Johnston is
nearing completion.
Mre. Irvine, of !Reinhard, is visiting at
the residence of her son, J. J. Irvine.
James Bell and wife, of Drayton, have
been visiting relatives in this section.
Little Bessie Smith, who has been ill
with an attack of quinsy, is recovering.
A young lad, son of Aire. Stimor, had
the misfortune to fall from an apple tree
and break hie arm.
A. Garde°, of Seaforth, and A. Goven•
lock, of McKillop, have been around buy-
ing apples for shipment. The price paid
is about 50 Bents a barrel.
The tea meeting at Bethel was fairly
attended considering that the weather
was not good. An enjoyable time was
spent all round.
J. Common has started up in the
butchering business in the fine store in
the Beattie block, recently vaoated by
Mr. Sobelly.
The graaoiithio sidewalk laid down on
Main street is now in rise, aced is certain-
ly a deoided improvement on the old
plank walk.
Thos. E. Hays returned from his trip
to the Old Country, where he had been
with his cattle. He got hie centre over
all right, streak a good market and made
a good sale.
At the regular meeting of the W. C. T.
U. it was decided to open a free reading
room in connection with the Y. M. C. A.
for the benefit of the public during the
winter months.
1Vbile engaged at work in the Broad.
foot & Box factory George Patterson
happened with a very painful accident
by a load of lumber in the kiln accident.
ally toppling over. Mr. Patterson re-
ceived serious injuries to his breast,
shoulders and arms. IIs will be off
work for some time ail a result of the
accident, but if sympathy can aid re-
covery he should recover speedily ae he
has tote of it.
Some preen entered the house of Jae.
Beattie the other night.. fie out the low-
er slat in the shutter of the pantry win-
dow whioh was open, ineerted his fingers
and raised up the Wall. After going
through the pantry otpboarde and draw•
ere, be passed through the kitchen into
the diuiug.romn, where he ransacked the
drawers of the sideboard and writing•
table, lis succeeded in finding a pocket-
book, containing about four dollars, which
belonged to Miss Ada. lie passed into
the parlor where he found the eafe, which
wee unlocked. Ile pulled out alt the pap.
erg and also small parcel containing a
lady's gold watch and some jewellry.
These/ he left lying on the floor. There
was a tin cash box in the safe containing
valuable papers. ale took it into the kit-
chen and burst it open and left all the
papers on the floor. He also examined
the drawers of the hat rack and sowing
machine, but as far as is known did not
take anything hub the cash. Mr. Beattie
is pleased that the papers which are val-
uable to him were not injured. A rather
remarkable thing le that the dog which
was in the house and usually makes a
great noise eeemod to keep perfectly quiet.
None of the family heard any noise nor
knew anything about the matter until
they came down stairs in the morning,
x al ^r i r 7171.mramara
At a meeting to re.oi'ganize the Coll,
luat,1oot•ba1t oiub, tbo following oflloors
werN appoilited;-Hen. lame„ Dr, hlo,
Kay; Hom Viae Pres., W. 0. Pohl ;
Pros., H. S. ltobertson, 13, A.; Vice
Pros., J, 1-r. 'Tbompeon, B. A. ; Seq..
Treas., Ii, J, Mnldrew ; Oapt., A. d.
iprAispn ; Managing Committee --11,
4. Bethune, ',C, lyfoQnaid,
A. Bond, D. Wilson, 1C, McLean, The
olub liar held the hough gap for eight
enaoeesive setteo0eand witha strong
team this season exp00t to keep it still
in their poseeseion.
During the progress of the tour of Lord
and Lady Aberdeen of Western Ontario,.
the objective point being Goderich, the,
train due here ab 12;40 p. m., was -held
for half au hour, for the purpose of pre,
senting them .with an address of welcome
to the garden of Ontario. The raver
and Town Connell anted us a reacption
committee and the distinguished visitors
were'esoorbed to a platform, whicb was'
beautifully decorated with flags and other
national =blame. ,julayorsGray read the
address of welcome, after which Ills Ex•
canny made it concise, happy and
patriotic speech, which was rapturously
applauded by the very large aseemblage
of citizens. During the progreee of the
iutrodnotion, Lady Aberdeen busied her-
self in kissing the sobool children, thus
endearing herself to the hearts of the
little ones. Lord Aberdeen end his eetim.
able wife possess a warm corner in the
hearts of the people of Seaforth. The
33rd battalion Band in their bright milia
tary uniform alma reed bigh•alase mili.
tary airs, much to the enjoyment of the
viae -regal party, who were loud in their
praises thereof. Among other things
Lard Aberdeen said :-The name of Sea.
forth le of course attractive because of its
Soottieb sound. I endeavored to procure
a pleoe of heather to wear this morning,
but unfortunately what I was treasuring
got swept away, but you must imagine
the spirit of the heather is animating my
feelings. We already claim friends here.
I had the pleasure of making aognaint-
anoe with our friend D. D. Wilson, whom
,you all know, some time ago, but I am
sure he will not take it amiss if I say
that we have still more interest in meet-
ing Mrs. Wilson on this ocoaeion. She
belongs to a dietrict in Aberdeenshire
where the name of Duthie is well known
and esteemed, and Wm. Duthie, the
present head of that family. end re rela-
tive of Mrs. Wilson, is well known far
and wide because of hie splendid short.
horn cattle. We are proud of him for
that, and still more for another reason,
thee his influence is all for good. Mrs.
Wileon and also the Honorable T. Batlan-
tyne, whom I saw this =truing at Stria.
ford, can testify with me to the truth of
that. We are glad indeed to have an op-
portunity of meeting Mre. Wilson, who
is a near relative to the gentleman to
whom I refer, and whom we knew go well
at his old home. Your address, Mr.
Mayor, suggests many topics, but it will
be better I think that we should occupy
tbo time at our disposal in making acqu•
aintnaca with as many as possible of
those who are assembled here. I must,
however, before oonoludiug, acknowledge
the courtesy of the Grand Truuk Rail-
way authorities, represented by Mr. Pitz•
hugh, for so readily complying with your
request as to detaining the train for a few
minutes, thus making possible this pleas.
ant episode in your town, which I can as.
sure you we shall never forget.
Perth County.
Stratford's new fire alarm system le
about completed. It cost 52,000 and
provides for 14 boxes.
The township of Sandwich West has
passed a which prohibits any per-
son not a resident of the township to sell
meat within the limits without n license.
Thos. S. Byers, caretaker of Romeo
ward school, Stratford, died Thursday
from the effects of an overdose of lauda-
num. He had been in the habit of taking
laudanum to allay pain, but finally took
too much of it. He was a very old resi-
dent of Stratford.
"For several months I was troubled
with a persistent humor on my head
which gave me considerable annoyance,
until it occurred to me to use Ayer's
Blair vigor. Before using one bottle the
humor was healed." -T. T. Adams,
General Merchant, Tnberville, Va.
A sad drowning accident occurred at
KilworOby, near Gravenhurst Friday the
news of which has only come to band.
Mr. Torrance, a young divinity student,
stationed at Kilworthy, a000mpanierl by
his young wife, left that ptaoe in a small
boat for a row across Sparrow Lake.
When half way over a squall struck the
boat and capsized it, throwing both of
the occupants into the water. - Mr. For.
ranee made a brave struggle to eave both.
Ilia own and big wife's life, but unavail-
ingly, and both were drowned. Mr.
Torracce's body come ashore Saturday
morning but that of Mre. Torrance hes
not yet been found.
A pbyeician who resides in a neighbor.
fug town, has a dog which he claims can
beat the canine world for agility, intel-
ligence and all-round usefutnese. The
animal is a massive black fellow, and has
never been known to enter a gate to
reach a place if he oan attain his ends
by jumping a fence. Ile acts as mail
oarrter for the doctor, and when he gate
a letter frotn the post -man, whom he al-
ways meets upon tine pavement, he will
clear the high iron railing in front of the
house, and matte for the front door knob,which long practice has enabler) him to
turn by a dexteroue twi0et of his paw.
Ile will never deliver a letter to any one
but the phyeician, who thinks so much
of him that he almost believes the dog
might be tanght to compound pi11e.-
Elmira Advertiser.
ilMP ' `1' OPIK8.
I with to inform the people of Brussels
and surronnding dietriet that 'I have pur-
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either, new work or repairs
at moderate prides.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left ab my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
1M -Orders taken for the Digging of
Walls and Cisterns.
Gomez Groo
nr•n,r• ogrwrfi' sw ria ran
idea 12E.411:40
lOrIte 6 yyour Ideas t theyy may briar Yoe wouler.
write e,1,l wxDRxltnDlt 8A Op. I0 ibqis elle.
neva y aebla 0 Illu U, 0., 003lielr ifl, ober
anu het or cwv hµnuroa levouslon wan vd. .
"Every 03010013, from the tine 1
was two years old, I suffered dread-
fully from erysipelas, which )rept
growing worse until my hands were
almost useless. Tho bones softened
So.thltb they would bond, and several
of my lingers are now crooked from
this cause. On ray
hand I carry large
sears, which, but for
Sarsaparilla, would
be sores, provided I
was alive and able
to carry. anything.
•r.k'" Eight" bottles of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla cured ane, so
that I have had no return of the
dispose for more than twenty years.
The first bottle seemed to reach the
spot and a persistent use of it has
perfected the cure," -O. 0. DAyxe,
Satrsapard Ila
AYER'S PILLS Promote Good Digestion.
An Agreeable Laxative and N10RV17 TONIO.
Sold by Druggists or Bent by Mail. We., 600
and $1.00 per package. Samples free.
for the Teeth and Breath, Ole.
Sold by JAS. 1103,, IDrnssiel, Brussels.
Covers the
Whole b a
® "si
London, Advertiser
LARGEST noon circulation in West.
ern Ontario of auy paper west of Toronto.
Middlesex County and the territory west
of Toronto thoroughly covered.
The People's Popular Evening Paper.
Ciroulates iu city and suburbs by carrier
boys and agents. All advertisements in-
serted in both editions.
Western advertiser
Largest weekly circulation in Western
Canada. As an advertising medium in
the west it is without a rival.
Wanted -An idea Who caa think
thingto sample
thing to parent?
Protaot Yyour ideas; theyy may bring you wealth.
\Nolte 30HN WEDDERnba; 00. Pttor.
noys. Washington. D. 0., faror hear sl,ae0ln eller
and flet of Otto hundred inventions wauted.0.105 led.
l r
E e>s31w 4 1
> , 1+
E. -; !?:::A f..°1-.1 ,11,
LeRoy 1'111 CO, Viet,.ae,,...... :
11 LIINNCIN by .1,131. FON .
T. Dewaos, Manager Standard Bank, Brad.
ford, Otst., .aye, Chanes Kidney -Livor Pills are a
grind medicine for the Kidney, and Livor,
W. P. Cutn nee, 112 McCaul St., Toronto, re.
prese'etibg Montreal Star, says, Chase's Pills act
like magic for the relic( of hend.nche, bilious attack
and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by mall on
receipt or price, to EOMANSON, BATES & CO.
NE 1/ Ar rl.aly
The undersigned has open-
ed up a'Butcher Shop' in the
'Z1( L"dskl 6it12t;.twa.^.sts 4> t77:..,-.. .
where:he will l? eep1'constant-
ly on hand a supply 1 of the
]Blest Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. ,A share.
of public
3m . patlonage solicited,
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
00T, 2, 1896
m'x ^r«u+ _ ae ta wt'waufaltmap
White StaxEmla.
10TAac I}1UGI SJ134111S11IPS.
llotwoen Now!! moral and T.iveypeol, vlw
QReenetowe,, 00003. Weeneedey,
de the etettmei'e 01 this line Parry only a
eArletly limited number to OLe nrnsy and
sisc0Nn oAur3 ausommedattone, intending
paesongere are reminded that at uariy en,
plication for berths is neeeesnry at this sea.
gen, For plane,rates,eba.,applyto
W. H. Kerr,
Agent, Brpeeela,
Id. G. Richardson
Is!prepared to do all kinds:4of
W'ok inihistline.
GoodWorkmanship and
`° '`; EGood Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
'Slfop over McG0ivan's Store.
IFl ii
y- t -
Special value in Paints, Machine Oil, Fence 'Wire, &c.
Established 1871.
O ,p
0 c.
0 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It;leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full iufor-
mationfurnished on application.
W. E. Irma, , Agent, Bx'usseis.
Will bo our now Premier
decided by the Electors before next issue of this paper.
A decision far greater than that has boon given by the voice of
the people, viz.: That B. P. Brook 4U Son, of Listowel
Woolen Mills, pay he
Highest Prices, Cash or Trade, for
And that they sell the hest Woolen Goods Cheaper than any
Factory or Store in Western Ontario.
teadymade Clothing .
Is a new line added to their pb usiness. They make
up their own goods into ]Men's, Youths, Boys lV Children's Suits and
sell at prices they defy any retail store to eompete with.
Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or buy
a new suit and we fool satisfied you will say they give you the best
value,We;;wrtu Ett t;~;;
_, .-.• ..., . LISTOWEL WOOLEN .M/LLS.