The Brussels Post, 1896-10-2, Page 4New Advertisements,
I,00ala---D. 0, RONe,
Locale --J, 0. Ayore,
Lost•--1Ylre. D. Currie,
Clothing—D, 0. Rose,
Laval --Mrs. It, Walker..
Fa11 and Winter—Wilton & Turnbull..
Property for solo --Dont ds Thompson.
gig ct 117.0,e11$ fat
FRIDAY, OCT. 2, 1896.
Dorman Parliament is expected to
prorogue on Saturday or shortly after.
TEs Seuato at Ottawa ooulde'bdo with-
out their "grafi" so decided to continue
the unlicensed sale of it in their restaur-
ant. If they were holding office with the
good will of the people instead of being
surely out of their reach we believe the
old gentlemen who desire to cultivate
ligbthouee noses would be allowed to eon -
tines this eoientifio art in the quiet of
their respective homes after the first elec-
tion, so that mea possessing modern views
of publio morals could draw the salaries.
Shame ou the Senate of this grand Do-
Wn are pleased to notion that Jno. A
Auld, of the Amheretburg Eoho, receive
the unanimous nomination of the Lib
orals of South Essex as their standar
bearer in the approaching bye eleotion
oocaeioeed by the deoeaee of Hon. W. D
Balfour. Egerton Scratch, Reeve of Mar
sea township, is in the field as the Con
servative candidate and while a citron
man we will be disappointed if Mr. Aul
is not elected by a large majority. Th
latter Las very efficiently filled the Reeve'
chair in Amheretburg for many yen
and as Warden of the County was a sus
oees. He would prove a most notemember in the Local Legislature and w
expect to see him there.
Tan question of a mail on the noon
train East along the Wellington, Grey &
Bruce, cdmmencing at Kincardine, is
once more a live question and is being
dincuesed in all the towns to be benefitted.
The Reeve has corresponded with Dr.
MoDonald, M. P., now at Ottawa con-
cerning this subject and a reply from the
Dr. Bays Postmaster General Mulook is
gleaning necessary information relative
to the additional mail but nothing has
been decided yet. A. mail on the above
mentioned train would prove a great ao-
oommodation to the business men of
Brussels and if another petition is neces-
sary we feel quite certain snores of signa-
tures could be readily obtained, We ex-
pert Dr. McDonald will leave no stone
unturned in having the wishes of the
people in Huron and Bruce acceded to
as far as possible.
Sir Richard Cartwright has returned
to Montreal from Boston, where he met
and dieoussed several subjects with
Joseph Chamberlain.
Premier Hardy has moved his family
down from Brantford, and will occupy
Sir Oliver Mowat's old home on St.
George street, Toronto.
The Pattie of Montreal has started a
subscription for the family of Louis
Riel, the old land in the Banque du
Penple having been lost.
The Winnipeg Tribune figures out that
Government House, Manitoba, has cost
since 1875 the sum of 8540,233.22, and
advocates its permanent closing.
Rev. Mr. Maxwell, of Burrard, and
Rev. Mr. -Douglas, of East Assiuiboia,
two Liberal members of Parliament,
oocopied pulpits in Ottawa last Sunday.
To meet the case of Saskatchewan,
the Solicitor•General brought in a bill to
provide that when a second election
takee place within twelve months after
the first one it will not be necessary to
prepare new eleotoral lists.
"It looks now as if Mr. Laurier will
not settle the school question until he
can extract his sunshine from au-
cumbers."—Orillia Packet. It looks
very mnob as if the other fellows had
extracted the "cramps" out of the same
The North•weet Assembly was formal-
ly opened Tuesday afternoon at Regina
by Governor Maclntosh. In a lengthy
address, he said :--"Altogether agricul-
tural and stook raining interests through-
out the North-west are eminently satis-
factory, and although certain Drops are
not sa large as in some years, other
branches of farming industry have per.
manently improved," The progress of
educational institutions in the Territories
must be considered ae very satisfactory.
On Aue, 29111, 1805, there had been pro•
claimed 88.4 Public schools, 80 Roman
Catholic Public schools, 10 Roman
Catholic Separate schools and 2 Protest -
set Separate sohools, in all, 432 sobool
distrfote; During thirteen months that
have since elapsed 50 Public schools, two
Roman Catholic Public echool, and one
Protestant Separate school have been
erected, making a total of 485 schools,
and the estimated number of pupils in
attendance was 10,710,
The supplementary oslimatee were laid
on the table of the House on Sept. 21tta.
They total 52,889,000, and include the
folloging items :—Oommiseion for in-
vestigating the affairs of the peaitenti-
arise, 53,000 ; militia arms and ammnni•
tion purohaeed in England, March and
April last,8814,000 ; artillery, guns, oto.,
3100,000 ; Soo Canal, work already per-
formed, 3120,000 ; to pay judgment Sit -
previa Court 81, 01. Louie ve. (ween,
870,000 ; improvement of Colliugwood
harbor, 320,000 ; Rainy River, improve-
ment of navigable channel, 815,000 ;
Goderich, reoonetraction of breakwater
and repairs to pies, 328,000 ; Kinnard.
int, repairs to piers, 815,000 ; Kingsville,
repairs to landing pier, 810,000 ; Port
Burwell, improvement of harbor, pro.
vided interested parties expend a sum of
!I50,000, 05,000 ; River Thames, dredg,
rug at the mouth of, 03,000, T1bArnbury,
repairs to wharf, 31,000 i expenses Brll.
lob Berrtlg $oo (Salina Oomrniselon, 350,•
000. To defray the expenses of delimit.
ing the boundary between Canada .and
the United Skidoo along the frontiers of
Naw T3renawink, 4anekee, Ontario and
1ia'itjsh Oolumbia, 375,000. To defray
the expense of exploring, eurveying, oto„
the country lying between the Stioiseen
River and the sourose of the 'Yukon, 33,-
PJi.uns for the rubble.
In order to encourage new eubecribers,
and 10 eave the expense of agent's porn -
missions, we have decided to give inn
Pos'to New Snbeoriberefrom Now to the
Firet of January, 1808, for the small enc
of OND DOLL 311, Or we will give Tns
POST and Weekly Globe bo New Subsorib-
ere from now until the First of January,
1808, for the small sum of ONE DOLLAR
AND FIFTY CENTS. We 'thus offer
the best local paper in Ontario and the
best city weekly in Canada for less than
the pries of one good paper for a year.
This ie really hard times offer. It is
cheaper than wheat at 50 vents a bushel,
or oats ab 10 ciente. Do not delay, if you
desire either or both the papers ; send in
your order at once. Remember that a
ono dollar bill will emirs you Tae POST
from now until the First of Januory,1898,
and if this ie not enough, put in fifty
vents more and you will get the Weekly
Globe thrown in for the same time.
We have still a few on our lists who
have evidently forgotten that the price of
Tnn POST is 31.50 a year when nob paid
in advance, or who really desire to be
taxed the long prise. To all anon we
would say, that on amount of the hard
times, we will give them ONE MORE
OHANOE. If they will send ns Two
Dollars AT ONCE, we will give them
oredit for the past year and for the com-
ing year, thus giving them advantage of
the advance pay price. This very liberal
offer will not hold good for long, so those
desiring to take advantage of it had better
not delay. But those who are stilt in ar-
rears and who do not take advantage of
this offer, will most positively be oharged
the credit prime of one dollar and fifty
cents for this present year, and if they
are they must blame themselves and nob
us, as we offer them a good chance and a
fair warning.
Those who owe for longer than tbie
year, and we are glad to say there are not
many, will have their papers stopped at
the end of the year and tbeir accounts
placed in court for collection, WE
To the thousands who have paid ue
punctually in advance and who are in the
habit of doing so, we return our sincere
and heartfelt thanks. It is those who
have helped ue to make Tnn Pose what it
is. We appreoiate that patronage and
shall do all in our power to deserve it and
to give them more than value for their
We would ask all our old and valued
friends throughout the county to show
the liberal offer which we make bo new
subscribers, at the top of this article, to
any of their neighbors who do not now
subscribe for TIM Pose, and to use their
influence with them to induce them to
become sobeoribere. We have obtained
many new subsoribers in this way in the
past, and we ask our friends to favor us
again. It will greatly help us and will
give them the consciousness of knowing
that they are doing a good sot.
A New
W. 3. Pelton
Has opened out a New Grocery Store in
connection with his Restaurant with a
full line of Fresh goods. We want a big
trade from the start and in order to get
it we will not only Bell at the following
wonderfully low prices but we will give
away a large part of what we save on ex-
penses in handsome prizes :—
Pare Ceylon Tea for
25 cent Japan Tea
80 cent Japan Tea
35 cent Japan Tea
25 cent Black Tea
85 vent Black Tea
40 cent Young Hymn Tea
All kinds of Soap from
12ia. Canned Salmon for
80. Currants for
80. Raising for
10c. Box of Matches for
Essenoes per bottle
Vinegar per gallon
Potted Ham per can,
Canned Corn
Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Mixed Bird Seed
25 Cents
25 .
2 up.
0 to 8
We intend to cultivate a good Tea
trade and now TORS will leave our store
that we can honestly recommend. Teas
aro in the market to mil as low as 100.
but choice Teas are so Cheap that it does
not pay to buy the poor kinds. The
most profitable kinds are those ranging
from 20o. to 30o, for Japans and in Black
and Green 250. to 850. The Kolona Pure
Ceylon 'Tea at 400. ie a Tea fit for a king.
American Silver Taken at Par,
Money Saved is Money Gained
Drawn for 2 Dents per hundred ;
email parcels, 50. ; emptiee returned
Free. Job work done reaoonable.
W. Pelton.
Begs to announce that her Millinery and
Mantle Openings will take place'on
Thursday, Friday and Saturday,
OC .1,2&3,
When. will be shown all the newest and lead-
ing Styles for the corning season,
Who has had much experience in
some of the leading establishments has
been engaged for the Fall Season and
we feel confident that every lady plac-
ing her orders with us will receive
entire satisfaction both as regards
Style and Workmanship.
BRUSSELS, Sept. 23rd, 1896.
This week 1 have put in a stock of--41021%.--
f- --Mean's and, Boys' Overcoats
and I am going to make it hot for hard times. You can-
not feel poor when you see our goods and prices.
Values that were never so marvellously
low as they are right now.
We are buying and passing on Bargains in
Bright, Fresh, Stylish, High Grade
i*� � ,��i►l� f�� ',a p 9
Hats, Caps, rents' Furnishing Goods, Bio,
The Completeness. of our Stook
Guarantees everybody Perfect Satisfaction,
Come and see this choice selection of honest Qualities and
learn why sensible, economical people prefer to
spend their looney with us.
There is no law against paying Big Prices,—
but it isn't Sensible.
You will trade with us because you cannot duplicate our
Goods at Prices so LOW,
Lb�r�Np Qi:t"I"ts
1111 111
The NeWest and most Correct
The old is put away and we must don. that which is
new—and why not the Newest ? We gather direct from
the Manufacturers. We display, beyond question, the
Greatest Values Ever Offered. We never bought so liber-
ally. We never bought so well. We never got Values
so Low in :—
New Dress Goods, New Cape Cloths,
New Mantle Cloths, New Velveteens all colors,
New Gloves and Hosiery, New Carpets,
New Corsets and Umbrellas, New Flannels,
New Flannelettes, New Cottons,
New Blankets, New Table Linens,
New.Towellings, Towels and Table Napkins.
Slyilsl Cl�lblll� �llll F!�'VlSlllll�3
It is true therm are grades of Clothing we clo not sell. Some
Clothing is macre so cheap that they are too expensive for anybody
to wear. It is short-sighted Economy that looks only at the price.
At our Prices nobody sells Clothing as good as ours. We are Care-
ful to see that every person gots advantage of our knowledge of
Clothes, and guarantee all our goods to be as represented. See for
yourself—the size of stocks devoted to Men's and Boys' needs, the
range in Styles and the Values we offer in
Overcoats, Suits, Underclothing, Gloves, Hats
and Caps, Shirts all kinds, Ties and Suspenders.
The Chances are we'll get your trade if you only snake Comparison.
Our Boots Pan Well,
Everybody should aim to buy as Low as possible, but price
after all is only a relative fluidity. Some folks have a mania for
buying anything so long as it sloes not cost them much, and usual-
ly with such people you find a cellar or an attic filled with a lot of
useless truck. Boots and Shoos tyre not all exception in this appli-
cation. When 100001 and women are giving a good deal of attention
just now to the newest in bats and bonnets let them remember that
nothing is more undressy than an unstylish and poorly shaped Boot.
Our Prices aim as Low as the Lowest, but we take pleasure in iuvit-
ing attention to our New and Stylish Goods as lunch as to the
Prices. There are many new things in Fall Boots and Shoes, and
this is the store where, above all others, you can sec them.
We are Sole Agents in Brussels for the justly Celebrated
Granby Rubbers. Wo carry a full stock, from the finest macro to.
the heavy lumbermen's,
Leading Tailor and Gents' Furnisher.