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The Brussels Post, 1896-9-25, Page 8
WT HAVE WOW A LAlt(;i STOCK OF W. H. McOaeaters Willem exhibttat• at Listowel and Sei;forth' Ve.11 Vella this `��' Y 0.10041 [melte arc after the gime yV 1. 1� hetwl foot. They say there ie plenty of r.�0rbunting. • >o Owe thanhe are flue to Mre. Ito , .Brown, Grey townebip, for e• bags° Butter, prime pears. //'''Y1 Jolla tan, of (ley; for a�eupplyox en,hof (Melee dJ©niss to �Q�. 'eating apples. A WARMING i[ on the tapir In town next Wednesday, The fortunate bridegroom hails from Berlin, A tem upset in Deadman & AloCell'a drug store the other night but by prompt action little damage was opoasioned.' TEE annual Government grant to Brut• eels Public Librarybus been received by Treasurer Blair, It amounts to 0106, JAR, U'LEany and P. Scott attended. the Full Exhibition at Goderiob on Wednes. day. "Maple Leaf" took part in the open race. A martian of I'MI apples will be made from Bros cls next week by the farmers of this locality. Those Curry io direoting the work. Mus. N. M. RICHARDSON is leaching in Miss Downey's department in our Public sohovl during ber absence at the bedside of her mother. Mus. Roaees and Miss Roddick will bold their respective Fall Millinery Openings on Thursday, Friday and Sat. urday of next week. Ir the weather is fine for Bruesele Fair J. D. Ronald has kintlly offered to melte an exhibit of his famous Fire and chemical engines on the Show ground. J. G BE ENE S iENg ro sent ed ae with a oculi. flower this week that measured 8 feet 51 inches in oireumierence, 8 inches in die ameter and weighed over 8 pounds. It is surprising the amount of frail, roots and vegetables he groove on his lot. Coroner Friday evening of next week a grand Concert will be given in theTown Hall, Brussels. Pirat.elaea talent has been seemed in the persons of Miss Bol- ton, Mise Cline, Mr. and Mre. Brown, G. W. Cline, R. Downs, comio, W. aloCut. abeoo and M. Morden, Plan of Hall at Fox's drug stare. Keep the date olear. MAN! TRAN1te.-We wish to very heart- ily thank a number of those indebted to Tug Pose for prompt remittanoee or pay- ments at our office. If others w1l1 follow suit we'll be able to square off our debts tbie Fall too. Dear reader if lou ere in arrears mon are kindly asked to help us just now. CInAHieIONoIIIP BASEBALL IlIATCH.-A baseball match between the "Unions," of Wroxeter and Gerrie, and the Goderieb team will be played on the Recreation Grounds, Seafortb, on Monday next to decide the championship of the 'West. These ars the strongest teams in this part of the Frnvince and as each has won nae game this season, the game in Bea - forth on Monde), will be a grand eehibi- tion of ball. Undoubtedly a large num- ber of our sports will go to Seaforth on that day to see the match and the result will be watched with interest by all lovers of baseball in the county. BBriasiLITEs should not harbor tramps by feeding and pampering them with money. Last week three or four young, strapping fellows were doing the town and one who pretended to be °rippled and used a crutch was soliciting alms to aid him, he said, to start a news stand in Peterboro'. Iles was kindly treated but in return got on a spree with the money prooured and' last Seturday evening rais- ed quite a row by blasphemy and other evidences of rowdyism. Be [trunk H. L. Jackson's ohop window with a stone and also upset Dave Lamont's equil brinm with a similar weapon. Conetabl Wright took two of the travelling gent to the ^cooler, " where they reposed for the night. The Reeve has instructed the Constabra to rneke every "tourist" wbo visite Brussels "move on" and our vil- lagers should make the presence of these lazy, hulking fellows known. PRESENTATION. -A very pleasant yet sorrowful feature of the Young Peoples' service in St. John's ebnrah, on Thurs. day evening of last week, was the pre[. entation of a beautiful piano lamp and a quarter oak table to Mre. and Mr. Dennis, by the members of the congregation, on the eve of their departure to their naw home at Chatham. Rev. A. $. Griffin, incumbent, made a feeling and suitable address, instancing the many years of energetio, faithful service rendered to the church mud Sabbath school by Mr. and Mrs. Dennis ; thanking them for their willingness and zeal and expressing best safeties for their future happiness and prosperity. Mr. Dennis, although com- pletely taken by surprise, made a most appropriate reply, returning thanks for the highly prized evidences of their affection. Mrs. Dennis, himself and family would always look back to their stay in Brussels with very pleasant mem- ories and while regretting parting with many old friends, he wished them abundant prosperity both in their church and homes. her. Dennis and family re- moved to Chatham on Wednesday. A large number of old friends went to the G. T. R. depot to wish them good-bye. Chatham is fortunate in scouring stitch worthy citizens. May abundant success attend them in their new home. '�Qp, 11.�� �. 7. c.' �l4, '�1 T�` Ki ,I7 R V 1 S ,H, .I+.i S POST sunsanmen In Toronto, remitting btu' subegript•lon for Tun PoeT, calls 1t "0 gond and Iveloolne paper," That's what we're aiming to milk T11E Peer, Aaoiuxel -John Amens hats a out in. Meted on We light hand the other day beet by the rebounding of aboard from a'rip t of saw in the factory et which Air. Ament was working. TEE lemma, G T, l3, ex$ureiel) to De. troll, Ohtoago aid other Western cities will enn on pot 1, 2 and 8, good to 1't tarn until Ode 10 The a.lvt, appears fn And chit recommend it to anyone trialling a Color whish will give the Butter the most cleliall's tint. We Guarantee it to Give Satisfaction. Put up in lCO.:tma 25e. Bottles. DE'ADMAN cfMaCALL, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY, • 800THERN EXTENSION w. 0. tit B. Trains leave Brunets Station, North and South, as followe: GOI'LG SOUTH. GOING NORTR, td ll ••....605am 'ix a d R1r u , 1Dxes11:00 am. Mail 1154 p.m,Hexed 0:00 pan. Ex1 pess 0:43 p.m, F.o.ral P1115, .A °biers amang ye takin' notes, An' faith hell prent ft. Coen; to the Fair. New snb.ioribers continue to drop in to THE Poe , l:ntronror and market reports erowJed out of thio issue, Cons t0 Brussels Fall Fair Tbureilay and Friday of next week. Tug cold weather bas set people think. ing about preparation for Winter. B. GERRr, T. Kelly and other Bruesel- ites visited Lietowel fair this week. WEDNESDAY Messrs. Baeker & Vanslone shipped a car of hogs from Brussels. 30 PRIZES was W. H. MoCraclt:•n's reo"rd at the Listowel Fall Fair this weelt. THE three typhoid fever patients are Improving nicely and will Boon be non- valeseent we pope. GEORGE COLVIN is baildins a kitchen and woodshed to the North of his 1 esi- dence, Brussels South. Simmons will get into trouble over hooking shade trees with jack-knives and other sharp instruments. READ the District news on pages 8 and 6 of this issue. An interesting letter may also be read of a trip to Melbourne, Australia, GEORGE Pennell shipped a car of horses to London, England, on Wednesday. He has accompanied the shipment to the old land, R. ROACH has sent "Rockaway," a speedy Wallaceburg horse he ham been trainiu4, to Brussels where he will be speeded on the track. THE fire alarm was rung last Friday evening but the engine ems not required 00 it was only the soot burning out in one of the Queen's Hotel chimneys. Messes, Crewe & DAMES shipped a doable decked car of lambs on Tuesday, a car of cattle on Thursday and will abip a car of bogs on Saturday. ' %env" soon 3rd money in the 2,18 clan el McKee's Socks, Penn„ last week. Ile made the 3rd heat in 2.104. Ile is a good horse and a money maker for bis owner. . PROPERTY BOUGHT. -John MOCHA hes sold his stylish new residence on West Main street, Seafortb, to John Lands - borough for the snug euro of $1,500. The Expositor says :-We congratulate Mr. Le.ndsborough on his purchase, and our people will be pleased to welcome him and his amiable wife as citizens. COD OF TmtNEs.-I desire to record my hearty thanks to my regular cuetomers and the public generally for the generous support accorded me while engaged in boniness for the past 14 years in Bees. - sets, and in leaving I bespeak for my sa0eessor, Mr. Donaldson, a continuance of your esteemed patronage. H. Demos, h; nmre mailer. Pimeee Lrnn.ier.-3, meeting of Bros - eel's Public Library was held in the Reading Room on Monday afternoon. J. A. Stewart was elected Chairman and G. F. Blair, Secretary -Treasurer. A Book Committee, consisting of J. H. Cameron, J. MaBaie and G. F. Blair was appoint. nd to purchase 250.00 worth of new books. Another meeting of the Board will be held fn the course of a week to arrange for the Winter term. FALL FAIR ATTRACTION[. -The follow- ing constitute some of the specialities on the program at East Huron Fall Fair on Friday, Oct. 2nd :-Best lady driver, the MATonuomere The Mitchell Advocate contestant to harness horse, hitch to refers to a former residenb of Brussels, in buggy and drive once eronnd the half the person of Miss Cale, sister to the late mile truck, 1st, $2,50 ; 2nd, $1.50 3rd, Dr. Cale, of Ethel, as follows :-An in. 31.00 ; feat race, 100 yards, (profession. teresting and fashionable wedding tools ale burred, lst, $2.00 ; 2nd 81.00. place at 11 a. m. in the Methodist ohuroh Boy's rave, under 10 yams, 50 yards, on Wodnesday last. Long before the tat, $1 ; 2nd, 75c. ; 3rd, 50o. ; 4th, 25e. boar for the important ceremony people Girl's race, under 16 yenta, 50 yards, let, thronged to the °heroh and soon every 75e ; 2nd, 50a ; 8rd 25o ; 4th 25o. Old seat was filled. The o50eeion was the men's rase, over 80, 100 yards, let, $1 ; [marriage of blies Bessie Onie to 7. Frank - 2nd, 60o. Best trained eollle dog, (Wei- lin Read%, a fine young man from Calm- tition to be given on Fair grounde), 1st, rado Springs, who some years ago wee a $2 00 ; Ind, $1.00 ; three entries or no resident of Mitchell, Mrs, Helthy pre. prize. Sawing match, two tote off beealt sided at the organ and played a beautiful log, 1st $3.00 ! 2nd, $2,00 ; 8rd, $1.00. voluntary aa the wedding procession pro- Entriee to be to three days before Show. needed up one of the aisles. First carne Rev. Walter Rigeby, of Blyth, preached four ushers, maids of honor, and then the n the Methodist church in this plane bride, leaning on her father's aria. She 1941Sabbath. In the morning a very carried a handsome bouquet and looked insteuutive discourse was given on the charming in a dress of mom silk, with life end character of Jaen') and at the trailing veil to nimble Mies Edith evening service en equal •, good sermon Gerry, the bridesmaid, wore a pink silk was based on Take bee' now ye hear; dress and also Berried a nice bouquet, Puke 18 and 8. In the h.t of bad hear- The maids of honor were Grimy and ers wereolassed the aerelese, inattentive, Ruth Cale, of Toronto, nieces of the bride. forgetful, faetldiane, critical and the Will, College, of Winnipeg, assisted the positively antagenietic, Among those groom. The ceremony wee tondnotsd by calculated t0 aid a preacher and get good Rev. Mr. Holmes, pastor of the oburale from the discourse were those prepared After the usual congratulations, the to hear ; those who meditated on the happy couple and their friends entered Troth ; and those obedient to God's carriages and drove to the home of the word.. 'Thanksgiving anthems were bride's parents, where an elaborate din - rendered by the choir. A special 'auntie- ner was served to nearly forty guests. givingoffering was taken whioh amount. On the 8:48 train the newly married ed tonearly $60, with several families in couple left for Toronto and other pointe, the oongregation to hear from. Rev. Mr, oaerying with thorn the beat wishes of AIIin preached at Blyth. !their many friends and acquaintances, anebber column, TEE tint of several etone °0'Oesiege was put in tbie week opposite the telegraph otfiee and le a 1110e1 substantial affair, of good width. Tbo stone was got at dive Mitchell's quarry in Grey.. A. Lowry assisted Juo, Wright in puttiniftbe orose- ing in. Leonine, Qunne-A eubsoriber writes TBE Pose as follows, in remitting his subeoription :-Tisa Poee Nimes to hand very regularly, generally on Saturday, and is greatly appreciated by the under• signed, business and politics take a bask seat for the time, being. This plane is quite different to Huron Oounty, being rooky and mountainous and not very good !arming country, though au oaoasi- onal farm fe very like Western' Ontario land. Laehute is a town of 1,700 in. habitants, about half and half Frannie and English. Itis very nicely athleted on the river North, alongeide the Leur- enldan mnuutains, The great drawback to 9 is the sand, othertvise it would be well patronized by the city people as a Summer resort. Hoping your valued. paper may continue to prosper, Yours very ' truly,J S Business Locals, Lowe, clear bacon al MaOraolten's, RIPE tomatoes only 40e. per bushel at Tbos. Kelly's, Brussels, Rouen Data and all kinds of mill feed for Bale at Rose' mill, Brussels, RunnEns to keep your feet dry, and tbnt will fit all sizes of feet. I. 0. Richards. GOD business stand, opposite Ameri- can Hotel, Brussels, for sale or to rent. Apply to 13. Gerry. BLANKETS and robes, all kinds. Trunks and satchels at low prices. I. 0. Richards. Froea I Froue 1 Manitoba patent, Man- itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, best in the market, for sale at. Rose' mill. Ore men's lout; boots are hand made, extra 0,1 np, law price,. Try item. I. 0. Richards. SEE our bargain counter. There may be,somelhing 0n it you want. Your choice tbis week for $1.00. I. 0. Richards. FEATHER I1alloyATon,-Take the chance now and have your feather beds and pil- lows tboroughly cleaned and disinfeoted. SRO. WALKER, opposite Town Hail. IIAnn'S Clover Root, the greet Blood. Purifier gives freshness and clearness to the complexion and cures constipation. 25 ots, 60 ole and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels, Sun,on's oure is Bold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cats., 60 cts. and $1.00. Sold by James Fox, Druggist, Brussels. BuTTgn AND Eaes.-Having secured the Egg department of Jas. Ballantyne'[ business, I am prepared to pay the high- est market cash price for good butter and fresh eggs at Ballantyne's side store door. Robt. Thomson, Brussels, i, CAPTAIN Sweonsy, U. S. A., San Diego, e Cal., says ;-"Sbiloh's Catarrh Remedy a is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by las. Fox, druggist, locus. sele. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is nob a secret pre. parntion. Any physician may have the formula on application. The secret of its success as a medicine lies in its extra. ordinary power to cleanse the blood of impurities and aura the most deepaeated eases of blood disease. Oenrers.-Any one desiring carpets will do well to oall at the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 80c. to $1.00. Howe & Co. Peroexyn, &c. -The nodersigued, hav- ing entered into partnership, ore peeper. ed to do all kinds of work in the following lines :-Plain and ornamental painting, keleomining, frescoing, paper -banging, sign -writing, &e., &o. Remember our motto, "Fireeelaes work and reasonable charges." STEwART & Br Brussels. WereeDaou1No AND Dommnro.-Gorge Birt has all the necessary machinery foe digging and drilling wells and is peeper. ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and pat fn tlroper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of .the bridge, west aide of Turnberry at., Brussels34.15 Weir do you think of this :-Mre. Jas. MoArtbor, 118 Robert street Toronto, states that the aotion of Wright'[ Liver and Stomach Pills is marvellous. Bad been troubled with bilious and aid: head- ache for years. One box taken according to directions removed the cause of all the trouble and restored me to health. Ask Jos, Fox, Chemist and Druggist, Brussels, about them, get u oircnlar. inial tT86021T-,S Fall Wheat Barley. Peas Oats Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Flour mor barrel.. .. Potatoes Hay per ton Hides brimmed Hides lough. Salt per bbl., Sheep eking, Bash Lamb skins each Apples pee bus Hoge, Live... Wool 60 20 80 15 11 4 00 85 7 00 4 3 1 00 00 15 1 00 3 60 18 61 28 40 16 12 11 4 60 40 8 00 4e See 75 40 13 60 A•t7'CTm 11w 0AT,�i9. WEDNESDAY,SEPT, 30.• -Tarin [took, im. Clemente, &a., Lot 10, Con. 5, Morrie. Sale nneeeerved at 3 o'clock, Wm. Stephenson, Prop. Geo. Kirkby, Aue. TUESDAY, O0r. 6. -south ,} of North lot 25, eon. 11, Grey. Farm, farm aboek, implements and household furniture; Tale Matto Lake, Executor. rved et l Executor. F, S.osoott gimp, 87.ar-f, XDv;G1W Be2.✓ 1' .L'<, O1 04X4,D4, r/, ,D4, 'Z'1a73=?ZseaTAlD HEAR OFFICE, ^ .TORONTO A•SSJ,T1;, (Seven 2iilllon Dollars) 07,004,000 CAPITAL (Authorized). . $2,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in Ontario.�Qn0eee, Maniia55a,'Uycited Statae tO Ti,npland. geRVAS2F'Yol$° 66'a1JZmem. A General Banking Business Trensaated, Farmers' 39otee a2isnonntod. Drafts Issued and Oollectione wade on all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Internet allowed an deposite of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date Of withdrawal and eompoanded half yearly, SPEarAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE O111lItEoT10N or FARMERS' SALE. N0105, Every facility afforded Castomere living at a dietance. J. A, STI7'WART MANA0E11. ato y emmt MONAA1 SEPT, 2811. -Farm stook, ... impiomoute, &o, Lot 22, oon. 13, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock, Duncan McInnis, Props, P. S. Scott, Ano, l$aipT. 25, 10$01 Brussels, Oot. 1 & 2. St. Marge, Oot. 0 &.7. Woodstock, Sept, 24 & 26. Mitchell, sept. 20 ea 80. East Nieseeri,at Thamesford, Sept. 80. Stratford, Oot, 1 & 2, Blanmbard, at Kirkton, Oot. 8 and 9. West Nissouri, at Thorodale, Oet. 8, Elvia a t Atw codSept.Se 20 & 80. Bslgrave, Sept. 24 & 26. Blyth, Oct. 11 es 12. Olinton, Sept. 20 & 80. Wingham, Sept. 29 & 80. Seafortb, Sept. 24 & 26. Earrieton, Sept. 80 & Oot. 1. Bayfield, Oct. 1 & 2. Pordwioh, Oat. 8. 'Dungannon, Oot. 9 & 10. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN._ PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. - First 5riiHouse,security.arm Apply T111Sublshu Brussels, TJ OB SALE. -A GOOD STOVE suitable for hall or room. AISo a sheet. iron heater. Apply at Melville Meuse. STRAW WANTED. -I WANT a load or two of cissa straw at Orme, G. A. DIOADT,StN, Druggist, Brussels. z -7E SIRABLE RESIDENCE port SALT=, -Lots 220' and 221, Queen at, Tomas reasonable to a cash purchaser. ftp.pl y es the a promi4ee or to W.01, SINCLAIR. TilARM FOR. SALE OR TO Bent, being Lob 20, Con.?, Grey. This in a gone farm adjoining the village of Ethel. Comfortable house, good bank barn and. over 80 acres cleared, Terme easy. Apgglgyto 8`4 W M. SPEECH), Ethel. QTRAYED ON THE PREMIS- r•.s of the undersigned. Lot 26, 4th line, Moms, on or about June 15111, a yearling heifer. Tito owner is requested to prove pmuppe4rty, pay expenses and teem her a,vay, 1N0, BARB, Brussels P, 0. FIOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. The undersigned offers Itis comfort- able coitago anti k ace of loud on Timbe y street, Bros 5515 Sar sale. On the premisesr is ra 0, good well, eloble,fruib tress, tee. Forprice and berme spew to 1-tf ALES, MnLA'COHLIN, Proprietor. CTP'"APED FROM THE PREM TOES of the undersigned, Lot 18, 000.15, Grey, on or about July Mat, two sheep and two lambs. They are all marked on tiro so - der part of the right ear. Any information leading to their recovery will no thankfully received. AMAX. STEWART, 11.2 Cranbrook P.O, (,STRAYED FROM THE PREM - ram of the nnderaigned, Lot 10, Con. 8, Grey, last July, 2 ewes, white faced ; 2 lambs and.3 yearling ram. Punch hole in the right ear of 3 and in Telt ear of 2. Any informa- tion loading to their recovery will be thank- fully received. LORENZO FRAIN, 11-9 B ru[se]s P. 0, Tenders Wanted. FOR CHURCH SHEDS AT WALTON Tenders will be received by the managers of Duff 'a chorall, Walton. Plans and spotlit• cations maybe soon at Jonathan Moore's, THANna0oo1 ,Wal tton, oirtmorm before Sept. 30th, MB. Dissolution of Partnership. Notice is hereby given that the Partner. ship heretofore subsisting, between us, the undersigned, as general merchants in the village of Bruesols, has this clay been dissol- ved b9 mutual consent. All debts owhig to std partnership are to b o paid to John Ver. goon, at Brussels, afore said, and all claims against the said partue ratite aro to bo nre- sented to the said John Ferguson by whom the eama will be settled. Dated at Brussels this lstday of Septem- ber, 1800. Witness : JOHN FERGUSON, G. F. BLAIR. GEORGE HALLILAY. REAL ESTATE, 'L'IARMS FOR SALE. -THE UN - sale and toe rent, easy terms, and Tow or of Morris and Grey. F 3. SOOTT,13russsls G 0OD FARM FOR SALE NEAR B 14tosals, Glee .t bargain. 'Sot 7, Con. o Gray township. G0Od bundle/es and or- ob ard, well watered et itable for mixed or dairy the farming. s Apply io THOM%I�S hair (G5f4' Loudon West, .IARMS FOR SALE. - 200 11, acres -Consisting of Lops 18 on the 7511 and etb Conoossinne, Township of Grey. be - ill 1 mile from the Village 0f Ethol and 51 millas from Rruseele, 40 items of 10a11 wheat 00100 and shout 80 nares Soder grass acres cleared on moil. Ileums of payment easy. A. IIcIfELVEP, Al, IL, 01- Bruasals, TABU FOR SALE. -150 ACRES of the Nor North 1 of Lot 00, pont 2, East South Wawa- nosh, Tile is as excellent stock f,tr'in, b sing well supplied with good spring Avatar. Itis situated about 3 malas from the thriving Vil- lage cf Blyth. A large part of it is under grass. Buildings and !moos aro in a fair state of roe air. Eat terms of payment will ii 1tf given. F. till information Brussels, IIARII FOIL SALE. --BEING Routh 4 of North of Lot 25, Con, 11, Township 0f ttrey,County, of Anton, Knowe as the estate of the late Thos. Sanders, T Tse farm contains 00 acres, Moro or loss, le well undcr•drained, well fouled and las .good he trine ornhard ; all cleared and In.. good state of oultiv alien, There 18 a frame hon ea. anal trance barn and stables 05 the peemisps, lornuttier par tinders tiiy to Ihtt 18440 LAIIili ,Executbr Ethel �', 0, ANITOBALAND FOR SALE, -300 acme of good farm laud at Springfield, 8. miles from: Winnipeg, is -offer- ed for sale at [.low trine. The property is North 'Mast 1 Seo. 10, Two. 31,1bauge 4, End. There Is a house on bbo premises and dome brooking bone. Por fun particulars as to price, title. &u.,write or apply to 20•tf G. F. BLAIIR or W. Pi.REAR, Brussels, Out. FARM FOR SALE, -THE UN- mmISsxoxEn effars Iiia 50 aoro farm, be- ing the North West :f Lot 14, Con, 8; Morrie, for tole. About 46acres cleared, There is a house, bank barn, orchard, &u., on the prem. face, POeesaslO11 would he given SIOxtblaroh,. with privilege 5 of workingland t byrmsa ppl from day of [alp. For prion and farms app1Yy to W. 11. KERR, Brussels, or ROBERT HUGEE8, Proprietor, Myth, 10.2 G00]3G00]3 .FARM FOR SALE IN the Township of Prey, in oidsi• to close at oetate the West half of Lot 24, Con. immediate sale Gray, the premises offered a a good frame dwelling with kitchen, An,, also two S]•amo barns, good water, orehald, &a,, and is Mose to the Village of Ethel. Soil is of the best and farm is well fenced, .Apps to AMOSllLy.err, Jamestown ; orr AeBUN111030, Brussels. OPLENDID FARM F01i SALE. Township of prey 100 farm, must be sold at 0110e is Order to close estate of deceased own- buildTiings. amplue lot iarm ter lsupelq, lwith argo good or- chard, 11 miles from Oranbrook is under good cultivation and 1e a very desirable ppro- pertySndeed. Apply to RICHARD TLU7.'- OHLLL, Brussels P. 0. • 301100 MITOEfELL, on the premises; or A - HUNTER, Brussels. Dated Sept. 1711,, 1800, tiARM FOR SALE,—THE UN- fatw., Lo sioyED offer their aplendid100 acre are 85 acres cleared,'baalanes for d lhardt Thera bush. On the premises is a eomfottani° frame house, frame barn and. outbuildings; good orchard; wells, &o. 40 acres under grass, Farm -in OXssllsut'[tato of oultiva- tton,11 miles from Cranbrook village and 01 from Bru5eels. Possession. could Ito given this Fall. For further particulars as to price, terms, &a., apply on the promisee or write to Oranbrook 1'. 0. 4.15' WM. AMS 3A110EL OAENOOHAN. VALUUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. lots 15 alnd 17 inzhe 10110 cion.,Grey township, Huron 00., and 50 acres, part of lots 16 and 17, lith eon., belonging to the Robert Brown On the first farm is a good Atosale to ine house estate. large bank barn, necessary outbuildings, or- chard, &c. Ferns well watered, well leaped and in good state of cultivation. About 50 acres of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On the 50 acre farm there la a house and barn, orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. Farms sold jointly or separately t0 suit purchaser. Possession given In the Fall. Farms are on- ly a mile from the village . of OOranbrook, stores,where &o., and and 8919 h Iles to thea thriyin post - kat town Brussels. For further particulars as to price, terms, &c., apply to J1MIF6 BROWN, S Executors. JOHN BROWN, Oranbroolt P. 0. 1DtOAR FOR SERVICE, -THE Lot 26, Con 0, ilorris11the ptholro. bred Ina - matted White Yorkshire Boar "eelootsd," bred from 7. B. Brothour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair, Terms, 41.80 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree maybe aeon en appiioatlon, /WET, NIOHOL. BOAR FOR SERVICE,— 'THE undersigned will steep for service on 1.01 80 COn, 0, Morris, the thorn' -bred Largo English Berkshire Boar, '''Captain John." Els mother Is a 's'iorige8ltlsow at the "World's Pedigree will be produced on application. Terms -$1.00 to be paid at tiros of service with privilege of returning if necessary. 14,6m .IAS, SPEIR, Proprietor. pOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 87.Oon, 4, Morrie, the thoro' bred Tam- worth boar, "Bing George," purchased from H. George *Sons, who got first prize for their herd at Guelph Fat ,Stook Show. The data of 'Bing George" won first prize at the Show, London tingland, MN [drowns im- ported and weighed 750 lin. Terms $1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if nScee5ary. Pedigree ratty lie seen on application. 49-te I6LOHARD ARMSTRONG, Proprietor. • Ancient Order of Med Workmen, This old and prosperous Fraternal Assent. atlonnunmbering 850,000 members are pre- senting to the public their popular and Doan• oluioa1 rates to worthy man, at the vary low rate of about 30.00 per 31,000 per annum.. The Workmen" 1"remhtly ray Jtuuth C101u1K and expect a .large Moreton to iso members now that those American Line OonlpssIes don'tsnm satisfactory to Can- adians, 12013T, AltM5TBONG 35.W.; W, 12. 3(311111, R5oorder; J. A. 0REIGGTON,Flnauaisr. DENTAL. D15. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Lioentlate Royal College Dontal Sin -goons. Crown and Bridge work a epoohtlty. Matter-. llarr5Eisr® ba tier shop, Onloo Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T: D. rWARWICR, . 5J • Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, to prepared to treat aTinos. A. HAWKINS, (Beeman of dnruoatiaated animate 1n a own --L Will glye Mesons to pupil0 either on peteut manner. Perfectible attention paid plane or organ, at lila 'Allude Boom, (ippon()to veterinaryy dentistry, °ails prompt) at. the poet•ollloo, Bruesele. V000l lessons else tended 1o, 0111ce and infirmary -Four (loots given, Ton years axporlonoo in tanking. north of bridge 'robbery et., Brussels, .perms moderate, The Mervary d a m s is Has taken a drop during the past few days and so will your system if not pro- perly taken care of, Now tliat the hot weather is over, daring which boo many allow the system to become weak from lack of nourishment -No appetite is the excuse -Then something is needed to. tone up on and that something should be our Beef ' ininfl It gives vital energy to the weals and enervated. It strengthens the stomach and ,pramotes a desire for food. It's worth double the pries it costs for a hot. tie. That's why we sell no mach of it, GIVE it A TRIAL. Then of course we always keep a full stank of all the other standard prepare. Mons and Drugs of 01 Descriptions. Pare and at right prices at Fox's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRRISTER tb • Ft°Bolter and Conveyancer, collo[. tions made. OIIloe-Vgnetoue'eBloa0, Bros- ' eels. 21-8m W Its. SINCLAIR; lie, & • Solicitor,OlConveyanoer,No taryPnb- north of Central Hotel, Prl nes Fundsock, 1 mto Loan, G. 0244.I4ER0N, Oamarou,l Barrister and Solicitor 8odertch Ont. Oflioo-Hamilton St„ Opposite 001 - borne 12oto!, Cf__ F. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, Prondfoo t s SolOffice ' Godorioh.)mfOvoe mover Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. FORGE KIRKBY, nbtsa Salem anfaed on reasonableLicensed terms. Famsandm stook a specialty. Orders bait at Tun Pose. Pub/Mille Iouse,Bruesols,orsenbto Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- btter mein, in ass time better ss charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything, Dates and orders can always be arranged at this alias or by personal application, MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGRTON, gtt. D. • S, Ont.O. M.esidence a 0. nd Edinburgh, in pilon s Block, corner of Mill and Ttriiborry fits, u - T M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Graduate yof Toron to 6 University Mtedical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons Got. 01,1v013 -Next door to McDonald & fie., Walton out. BUSINESS CARDS, -'Y '• H. MoORAOKEN, athis Grocery nOefitslde ala, N. BARRETT, R• south of Tonsorial.. M.. ay& Co's hardware store, Ladies'and ebtldrenehair cutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings ]Sank takes Deposita from 01.00 to 01,100 and allows 80 per Dent. interest. T. FARROW, 87.8m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INenn9NOEr FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PLETCHER lssf;ef of Marriage Licenses, Orp1oo AT JEwELnr 5110115. No Witness Required, '^ T, FLETCHER, Brussels. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN. san.lNol oo, 1intabils1hed 1840, In- surances canted on an Town, and Eakin .Property et very low rates. 15 Uta 3, A, OREIGHT, Agsnt, Bo•OnsoNols, A LEX, HUNTER, um gyn rNoryuliCo, Buren, onvi, Notary Land loon and Iusnrrwoo Agent, Funds invested and to loan, oalleetlans Made Oi toe. in Grabens's 13loolt, l3ruesels 11 Q D' 1'O CL 80 130 OH 0I ST Tie Gra Fol filo Mot algi 0011 110. Pe F Th' 'C lin 151,1 soh eve 031 lad