HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-18, Page 8WE HAND NOW A LARGE STOOD OF W itt's e W ® Vee . Butter Color! .And 211ii eeolinnend it to Unpile Wishing fl Color WWoh Fill give the Butter the moat defiltillle tint. We Guarantee it to Give Satisfaction. Put up in 16e, and 25C. Bottles. DEADMAN c McOALL, Druggists, Optioiane and 139oksellere, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 600100120 EXTENSION W. 0. & R. Trains lease Brassela Station, North and South, as follows: GaING SOnTE. GOING Nonni. Ilan 6;26 a.m. I Mixed 9:40 a. 12:54 Mail 6:08 Nixed.,....... 0:00 p.m, Express 8:48 p.m, ,o cal 11:eii 3 1n } A chiel's amang ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. ADVERTISE your strayed stook. Pae your subscription to Tae POST. TEE days are shortening up rapidly._ TARE THE POST if you want the newt. Two oars of heading were received by Ament Bros. GERRY BRos. received another oar of ooal this week. NEW window sash have been placed in Boss' flour mill. Sxximex passengers were ticketed to London on Monday. Loox after your well and cellar at this season of the year, for health sake. MESSRS. BAKEE2 & V.NsTooe shipped a oar of bogs and a ear of peas this week. A DOUBLE deoked oar of lambs was ship. ped from Brussels on Tuesday by John Roadie's. THE silver watch lost, and advertised in Tao Poor last week, was found and restored to the well•pleased owner. Lase Tuesday R. N. Barrett reoeived a young hound from Woodstock, per ex. press. Game will have to fly high now. TRH Canadian Order of Foreste,•a, Brussels, purchased a Doherty organ from R. Leatherdale, this week, for their Hall. We are rendering all our accounts this month and expect prompt settlement. Ib is a pleasure to do business with prompt pay. Stara & MCLAREN. Tan flax mill has about finished the threshing for this year, and the haude are now lifting the rotted flax. Scutoh• ing will commence shortly. FEATHER I3Ex0VATOR.—Take the chance now and have your feather beds and pil- lows thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. .TNn. WALKER, opposite Town Hail. W. F. SCOTT, of Brussels, won a num- ber of prizes at the Dutton Caledonian games last Friday. Lord and Lady Aberdeen were among the visitors of note. A Bergsma young lady proved her proficiency as a cook by sending a lemon pie to the doubting "Thomas." He's satisfied now as to her ability. Wedding invitations later. THos. MCGiu0On'9 wonderful book saw was on exhibition at both the Toronto and London big faire. W. A. B. Fish. leigh also displayed his new patent stove drum in both cities. It is pronounced to be the article the public is looking for. Mne. Small and her two daughters re- moved to Brussels this week from Ripley, Mrs, Smith's eon le operator at the G. T. P. station here. They have rented J. A. Oreightoo'8 house, Queen street. 'Lan Pose welcomes them as residents of Bree- se 18. Exounsiox.—The G. T. R. is running an exours!on from all 8Eatione on all their branches North of Guelph, on Monday, ' I Sept. 28th, to St. Anne de Bsaupe, Que- bec, for $10.50 fur the round trip. ' Mak- Sts available on all regular trains on date mentioned, and good to return for twelve dap. Parties may stop off at Quebec, Montreal, 8to. A Goon COLT.—In the three year old. colt's race at the Toronto Industria) Fair Messrs. Irvine & Hughey, of Mitchell, were easy winners with their horse, Billy E. Although the track was very heavy from the late rains, he took three straight heats in 2.371, 2.41} and 2.30. In one of the heats he made half a mile in 1.12. Billy 1:. was sired by Gustser, the fine stallion owned by A. Koenig, Brussels, and promises to be one of the fastest horses in Canada. Mr. Koenig is track- ing Gustaer, with the intention of giving him a record this fall, He's a good mover, Tun G. N. W. ExannxroN,—Don't fail to visit Goderich during this Fall Fair next week. The program fnoludea the preeenoe of Lord and Lady Aberdeen, who will be received jointly by the Dir- ectors and Town Council, with a military esoort and a band ; a mammoth chores of 260 school ohildren in a select program of national and patriotic songs ; and an evening reception by their Exoellenofee, when addressee will be presented, inolud• ing ono to Lady Aberdeen from Irie5 citizens of the. riding. The speeding event8 will beat least egnel to last year, which is saying it good ens), and the en. tries for live stook and fruit will be tab excelled. The sawing match will be well contested, Au electrical display, showing the marvels and conveniences of eleobrio power, will be a feature. The poultry house and other buildings have been en- larged end improved, and the dining hall and arrangements for refreshments will be as oomplete as in a firet,olaee hotel. This le the popular Fair of the Huron. district, and you can't afford to mise it. Fare awl ou8.1515d tiOkete on the G. T. R., from 22nd, good to return on 256h, and single fare on 23rd, good to return on 0495. Special brain0 out each evening at p. In. E BUSSA POsP Tn1'leawos are pakipg ren their 311113112111 Onto. ?, & J. I,avnuniTeo shipped a oar 0f fiao tbie week. LATE dux is nee an good a crop 00 that ripened earlier, '. nie your Noa nerals bills e9 TRH POST Exile the date of I90,00 Boron Iran Fair in mind-'-Octobeg 1 and 2, at Bru eels..' GEonan Perigee ehipped a oar of horses this week and will forward another nest week, 111950 plaoed my:bgoks iti 11181oandir el J. Y.S. Kirk, who luta authority to col - beat all a000unte due me. H, DENNIS. Two new furnaces will be planed in the Methodist 0hureh basement to replace tile muse used einoe the ohureb WAS emoted, Wr1;L, 13AE15ER, while rendering tallow at A. Currie'e received a nasty burn on his face Flom the melted grease the other day. THE town band did not play laet Fri- day evening — the $rat omission this 889800, owing to some of the members W being ill. W. H. McOnten5N is getting his exhibit of roots. vegetables, &o. ready for the fall faire, Mao, will make the 'best of them hustle. Tan Reeve was at Goderieh this week attending the eittbngs of the Commission in connection with the division of Huron for County Council purposes. Orin thanks are due to the Dirsotors of the Lietowel Horticultural Sooiety for oomplilneotary tickets. Their Fair will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Geo. Hamlin', while trying to mount his bicycle with a parcel on Wednesday, took a "header" and came in content with "Mother Earth" rather sooner than he expected, cutting his hand badly. THIS week the "Crystal Palace" at the Agricultural Park is being pat in order for the Fall Fair. Refreshment booths are also being taken, and, with good weather, East Huron Fall Fair for 1890 will be a sweeper. Read the list of at- tractions in another item. JUDGE MASSON held Voters' list Court in. Brussels on Tuesday afternoon in the Council Chamber. The interest's of the Liberals were looked after by Barrister Blair and Barrieter Taylor was there in behalf of the Oonservatives, This was Judge Masson's first visit here. He is a fine looking, genial gentleman and made a favorable impression on the Court. W. F. M. S.—Tuesday afternoon the annual meeting of Broaeels Branch of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society was held at the residence of Mrs. W. F. Stewart. After the presentation of the annual report, whioh showed the total membership to be 21 and the total re • ceipis for the year 347.80, the following office bearers were elected : President—Mrs. Jno. L. Kerr ; let Vice President—Mre. H. BanI 2nd Vice President—Mrs. R. Paul ; , Oor. Secretary—Mrs. Watson Ainley; Rec. Secretary—Mise E. E. Kerr ; Treasurer—Mrs. W. F. Stewart. Mre. Stewart will represent Brussels Branch at the annual gathering to be held in London in October. TOADSTOOLS.—A story is told at the ex• pense of the genial Conductor Quirk, well known on the W. G. & B. While going homeward toward Kincardine he saw a plot of what he thought to be beautiful mushrooms. He took stook of the location, and his mouth fairly water• ed ae he prospectively saw the toothsome dainty on his plate. When Kincardine was reached, and his duty done for that day, he boarded the evening accommo- dation going southward, and, with baeket in hand, was singing "What shall the harvest be?" as he hied him to the "mushroom" patch. Like Julius Cresar, he came, he saw, but he didn't conquer like old Jule, as on closer scrutiny the muahroome turned out to be a first-olass, able-bodied family of toadstools. Oon- duotor Quirk went back to the lakeside thoroughly convinced that "things am not what they seem." FALL FAIR ATTRACTIONa.—The follow- ing constitute some of the specialities on the program at Eaat Huron Fall Fair on Friday, Oct. 2nd :—Best lady driver, the contestantto hareem horse, hitch to boggy and drive once aronod the half mile track, let, $2,50 ; 2od, 31.50 3rd, 31.00 ; foot race, 100 yards, (profession• ale barred, lat, 32.00 ; 2ud 31.00. Boy's race, under 12 years, 50 yards, lot, $1 ; 2ud, 76c. ; 3rd, SOe. ; 405, 25o. Girl's race, under 6 years, 60 yards, let, 75o ; 2nd, 500 ; 8rd 25o ; 415 20o. Old man's rao8, over 50, 100 yards, 1st, 31 ; 2nd, 50o. Beet trained collie dog, (exbi• hition to be given on Fair grounds), let, $2.00 ; 2nd, 31.00 ; three entriee or no prize. Sawing match, two cute off beech og, lst 33.00 ; 2nd, 32.00 ; 8rd, 31.00. Entries to be in three days before Show. MODEL Scaoons.—•The following are the Model school students now in training at the Public eohoole, Goderieh, for the duties of teachers ; Benson Guest, Gode- rioh ; J. Robert McTavish, Goderieh ; L. L. Conzene, Auburn ; R. A. MoMordie, Kippen; Vinetta Hanes, Crediton ; Char- ity Lewis, Clandeboye; Frank D. Clark- son, Seaforth ; James C. Duucao, Bros• eels ; Bertha Duff, Goderieh ; James Horton, Hurondale ; Winnie A. Ball, Godsriab; Walter Hawkins, Port Albert ; Chrietine Gordon, Sheppardton ; Sarah McKnight, Nile ; Louis Hooey, • Ford- wich ; Jennie Smilife, Heneall ; Edith McCaughan, Godericb ; Lizzie Robert- son, Goderich ; Wm. Treleaven, Lanes ; Ina. C. Martin, Wbitechuroh ; Ruby Crittenden, Belmare ; Wm. Tippet, Bay. field ; Edith Reid, Luoknow ; Evelyn Reid, Luoknow, "Fannie" for September (published by the Bryant Press, Toronto) is a magni- ficent number. It opens out with a full and readable description of what is being done for agrioulbure in Ontario, by insane of governmental enterprise and voluntary aseociatbon, giving en account of the 0n. tario Department of Agriculture and of its worke, and of many of the aesooiaEione and societies that have been formed to advance agriculture in Ontario, ouch ea the different live Stock associations, the different dairy associations, the farmers' inslitntoe, &c. This article is illnetrated by nearly ,sixty portraits and views. Other leading articles take up the Silo, the Heavy Horse Trade, the Enriching of Impoverished Soils, How to Make Money out of Poultry, Draining Roads, eta., many of them illustrated. The pro- gram for the year inoludee a number of artioles on the Dairy Industry, the Sheep Industry, the Beef Industry; the Pork Industry, New Methods of Tillage, Suit- able Seeds for Special Seib!, eto, We commend "Farming" to our farmsre and stockmen, ae being worth many bimee over the eubeetiption pylae, which is only $1.00. Subscriptions received at this office. }War Stumm tools a noel) light view of the American Hotel dining room an !pneeday,, Oeunoroo,on BAnrinn's boll dog, Thos, Fleteher'e (looker spaniel and ;no, Beat. tl s setter e tel aro dead from 1 e f t1 the r eeutf 0 pion, No Glue as to where it wee got. ToANlce,—Our thanks are due for e )cumber of prompt remittances fop back subscriptions to Wm.Poo:, There are hundreds yet we are anxioilg to hear :from in the near Latino, Did you re• ueive a notification from us ?- If so, kindly cot on it, tomo SEA800.—Trip duck shooting eoa80n mule Deo, 15th. The open mason for grapes, pheasant, prairie fowl or. partridge, =adorn*, snipe, Tail, plover, or any other waterfowl, or game bird or animal, including bleok or gray epnirrele and bares began September 1695 'ane audit Member 166b. The open Beason for quail begins one month later than the others, on Ootober 15th, and ends the same day, December 15th, Trio Seaforth ltxpositor of last week, in speaking of the football metal in that town on Labor Day, says ; The sewed event was a football match ,between the Hurons of Seaforth and ateam from the Brussels olub. In this matnk the Hurons,. who were supposed to be almost invin- cible, got their eyes opened by the men from the north, and they found then to be men well worthy of their Steel, and men on whom they ooeldnot make a single march. The match .olosed a tie, with one game for each club. Itis need- less 10 say that the Brussels boys put up a good game of football, and they went home feeling "first rate," as they had good reason to do. Business Locals. ' Lotto, clear bacon at MoOraolien'e. BALANosof my dusters, fly eels, &c., at oast. I. 0. Richards. RIPE tomatoes only 40e. per bushel at Thos. Kelly's, Brussels. 0001NO0TAntE residence, with } acre of land, for cele. H. Dennis. Fon best value in boots and shoes we take the lead. I. C. Richards. GOAT bargains in harness, collars, trunks, &o., for 30 days at H. Dennis'. Casey 1 cheap I harness of alt kinds, both heavy and light. I. C. Richards. ROLLED oats and all kinds of mill feed for sale at Rose' mill, Brussels. SRT second-hand single harness for sale cheap. Sign big Sootoh Dollar. I. 0. Richards. L0°v1so TowN.—A. Dennis is selling off his ,",lire stools owing to intended re. moved. Big bargains for 30 days. FLOUR! Amin I Manitoba patent, Man- itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, beet in the market, for sale at Rose' mill. Goon second hand lumber wagon, wide tire, newly painted, with box and whiffle. trees, for sale at a bargain. B. Gerry, Brussels. Samoa's Care, the great cough and croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty.five doses ; only 25 oents. Children love it. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Brussels. KARL'S Clover Boot will purify your blood, olear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25 eta., 60 cte, and $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. PAY Ur.—All accounts due me must be settled before Sept. 15Ih as I purpose leaving town on that date. All unsettled accounts will be planed in other hands for collection after Sept. 16111. H. DENNIS, Brueeete. Bwrsue AND Eeea.—Hiving sectored the Egg department of Jas. Ballantyne'e business, I am prepared to pay the high- est market cash price for good butter and fresh eggs at Ballantyne's side store door• Robt. Thomson, Brussels. MRs. T. S. HAWKING, Chattanooga, Tenn., Gaye, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Price 76 Ots. Sold by Jas. Fox. Orinase --Any one desiring carpets will do well to call at the Brueeels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 30e, to $1.00. Howe & Co. PAINTING, &o. -The undersigned, hav- ing entered into partnership, ere prepar- ed to do ati kinds of work in the following lines :—Plain and ornamental painting, kaleomining, fresooing, paper•hangtng, sign•writing, &e., &o. Remember our motto, "First-class work and reasonable °barges." STEWART & RITCHIE, Bruseele. WELL -DIGGING AND Derma/G.—George Birt bas all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure eatiefaotion. Wella cleaned out and put in proper share, Terms reasonable. Residence emend door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34.0 M30232.2,7 BURGESS.—In iviitobell, on Sept, lltb, the wife of Mr. W. W. Burgess of e daugh ter. TIIRNDeLL.—In Grey, on August 15th, the wife of Mr. Oliver Turnbull of a son. Wenwcct.—In Morris, on Sept. 2nd, the wife of Mr. Thos.Warwiok of a son. B1iYDEN•—In Wingham, on Sept. 4th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Bryden of a eon. McBvntrny.—ln East Wawanoeb, on Sept, 4th, the wife of Mr, Wm. McBurney of a son. Lrrrns.—In Wingham, on Sept. 6th, the. wife of Mr. Robt. Little of e, son. SODY.—In Turnberry, on Sept. 765, the wife of Mr, Wm. Soby of a eon. Bnowx.--In Amheretburg, on Sept. 101h, the wife' of Rev. C. W. Brown of a daughter. BL,tclt,—In Brussels, on Sept. 15th, the wife of Mr. J. S. Blank, of Romaine, .Labrador, of a son. CALnnroN.—Io Morrie, on Sept. 11th, the wife of Mr. George Oaldbiok, of a daughter. MARKS=07. AsEe-Bns3N,—At the residence of the bride's parente. Morrie, on Sept. 10911, by Bev. A. K. Griffin, Brussels, Mr. Joseph Ames, of Grey, to Mies Ella, daughter of Mr. Wm, Bryan, of Morrie, =S=IrS. FEnonsex.•—•In 112orrie, on Sept. 7611, Jae. Ferguson, aged 80 years and 0 months, S6nrif,.—In Walton, on Wednesday, Sept. 10th, Jennie N. beloved wife of Wm. Smith, aged 47 years, 10 menthe and 25 days. ,J.rmY.4..., 1/01•.•YJ-/'. .M4!/ [ M•' V.L"' C4 1 4J m,,A.mmi +'J.'f•-v, T3.P= 1273.., .. HEAD OFFICE, - TORONTO ASS; 1 , (Se Yon kilion Do as ry 0o 0o 0OAPIgATi (Authorized) • $2,000,000 Apaltofea in Of principal pointy isf Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Unita States (9 En(ftand, X6resalks BBrzaval A General Banking Business Trausaoted, Parnlere' Notes Discounted. Drafte Iseued and Oolleetione made on all pointe,' SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. Interest allowed on deposits of $1.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly, SPHOLM ATTnNTioN O5YE17 TO THE CIonnemon mr FARMERS' SALE NOTES. Every facility afforded C'eetomers living ata dietanoe, A.'L7'O'Ss mn- t3.A731:70.. MONDAY, SEPT. 28th.—Farm stook, implemonte, ,3 o. Lot 22, 000. 18, Grey. Sale unreserved ab 1 o'clock, : .Duncan Molnnie, Propt, F. 5,;Soott, Auc, THURSDAY, SEPT, 24,—Household feral - tors, &o., Trot 00, Con. 4, Morris. Salo unreserved at 2 O'0loolc, Donald Robert- son, Prop. F. S. Scott, Alio. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 80.—Farm stock,ho. plements, &c., Lob 19, Com 5, Morris, Sale unreserved at 1 o'olook. Wm. Stephenson, Prop, Geo. Kirkby, Ago.' Aceeage: IZTSTV33 arm F$SR.F3, Brussels, Oot. 1 & 2. St, Marys, 006. 6 & 7. Tavistock, Sept. 21 & 22. W oodetook, Sept. 24 & 25. Mitchell, Sept. 20 & 80. East Nieseuri,at Thameeford, Sept. 80. Stratford, Oat. 1 & 2. Bianehard, at Birltton, Oot. 8 and 9. WestNiesouri, at Thorndale, Oot. 8. ;Glma, at Atwood, Sept. 29 & 30. Listowel, Sept. 22 & 23. Belgrave, Sept. 24 & 25. Blyth, cot. 11 & 12. Clinton, Sept, 29 & 30. Wingham, Sept. 29 & 80. Goderieh, Sept. 22, 23 & 24. 7nricb, Sept. 23 & 24. Exeter, Sept. 21 & 22. Seaforth, Sept. 24 & 25. Harriston, Sept. 80 & Oct. 1. Bayfield, Oct. 1 & 2. Fordwioh, Oot. 3. Dungannon, Oot. 9 d: 10. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. T7RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— First mortgage, farm seourity. Apply at Tut POST Publishing House, Brussels, TWO WELL BRED JERSEY 3 golfers, aged 1 year, and 9 months re- spectively, for sale. Apply to 848 JAMES DUNCAN,. Lob 27, Con. 4, Monis. D E SIRABLE RE SIDENOE 0012 SALE,—Cote 220'811(1281, Queen et. Terme reasonable to a cash purchaser. Ap- ply on the promises or to 98 W M. SIN CLAM WINCHESTER REPEATER, IO shooter, nearly WOW, with reload- ing tools and a number of loaded and empty cartridges for sale cheap, G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bre seals. 'FARO! FOR SALE OR TO Bent, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Grey. This is a good faun adjoiningthe village of Ethel, Comfortable house, goobenk barn and ov or 80 acres cleared. Terms easy. App lyto 8-4 WM. SPENCE, Ethel. Cl TRAYRD ON THE PREMIS- 1� Ps of the underedgned. Lot 20, 415 line, Morrie, on or about June 15111, a yearling heifer. The owner is requested to prove property,pay expenses and take her m,vay. 0.4 JNO. BAItR, Brussels P. 0. Q TRAYED ON THE PREM– isn• of the undersigned, Lot 20, bon. 10, Grey, on or about July 19th, two ewes and two lambs. The owner le requested to prove property, pay Sexp GH OIIN take them away. 0.4 �} Ethel P.0. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his comfort- able cottage and 4 acre of land on Turnbeny street, Brus cele for sale. On the premises is aood well, etable,feuit trees,&e. For price andterms ap1111y t0 1-tf ALES, MOLA BOHLEN, Proprietor. _El- AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber offers is brick 1'eaiU' once ¢dioiuing Brussels, :0th con., Grey, for sale. There ie one sore of land, mostly planted with }mall fruits, stable, well, &c. For price and terms apply to the undersign. ed. WALTER Lt.01RATiD SON, 52-4 Brussels P. 0. REAL ESTATE. Ti1ARMS FOR SALE. — 200 1 aeras—Consisting of Lots 18 on the 7th and 8th Concessions, Township of Grey, be - in 1 mile front the Village of Ethel and 09 miles from Bre mobs. 40 wares of Fall .wheat sown and about 80 acres under grass ; 20 acres cleared on mill, Schnee of payment easy. A. Ida ELVEY, 00, 84- Brussels, �j1ARM FOR SALE.—TIDE UN- DEn0IONE3 offers his 00 acre farm, bo - Ing trio North West 4 Lot 14, Con. 8, Monis, for oak). About 46 acres alaarecl. Tbere is a house, Lank barn, orchard, &a, on the prem. 1058. Possossiou.would be given next March, with nrivtlege of worlringp land by purchaser from day of sale. For price and terms anply to W. H. KERR, Brussels, or ROBERT HT3G14E8, Proprietor, Blyth. 10-2 iVA ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. 100 acres of good farm land at Springfiel(1, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is offer - North sole at 958 10 price. 11, The property, e6 Therein a house on the promisee and eome brooking done. icor full particulars as to price, title, do., write or apply to G. F. BLAIR or W. H, KERB, 20.61 Brussels, Ont. GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN GOOD Township of Grey. In order to aloes an °atat° the Weet half of Lot 20, Con. 7, Township of Grey, 50 acres, le offered for immediate sale. On the ]premises area good frame dwelling with kitchen, &o., also two frame bene,ood water, ora antra, &o„ and is close to the Village of Ethel. soil is of the beat and farm is well fenced,Apply to ALEX. MOKILVDY, M.D.. Brussels 1 `VISI. A1o11;ELVEY, Jamestown; or A,30UN1ER, Brun°ale, t 1PLENDID EARN! FOR SALE. I+ That ex0511008 farm, Lot 10„ Con. 9, 1'00318111901 (4ray, 100 gone, must be sold et 01100 in order to aloe° eetato of &Incased oven - M. The lot is nearly all clearer), with good buildings, ample watersupply, large or- chard, 14 mile0 from Cranbroolo 18 Under , good ouhivation and is a very desirable P50- Petty!Wooed. Apply to RICHARD MIT. (]HLL, Biueeela P. 0, ; JOHN MITCHELL, on the tprbmiaes ; Or A. Himmel1t, Brussels, Dated Sept, 1961,, 1800. 1. A. STEWART MANAGER. 00,1) FARM FOR SALE NEAR Brussole,. Great bargain, Lot 7, Con, O, Groy township. Good buildiuga and or- ches; wall watered, selbobio for mixedon dairyfaruling. 4.pply bo WM. IiIt,L0UGH ou the - West,so 05 to THOMAS HTIRITAGE, Landau Wset, "PARK FOR BALE.—THE UN. DEReioNEn oiler their splendid100 acre farm, Lot 29, Con. 12, Grey, for sale. There are 86 acres cleared,balanao good hardwood bush, 0n the promisee in a oomfoatable frame holm, frame learn and outbuiidinpe; good Farm wells, 1 state of oulbiya-: tlon,14 miles from Oranbrook village and Of front Brussels. Poeeossion could be given blue Pail. Por further particulars us to pride, terms; &o,, apply on the premises or write to Cranbrook t . 0. 4-bf WM. AND 893011301,0910090051935, VALUABLE FARMS 'FOR SALE. The eligible 400 acre farm, composed of Buren 00 , and 00 acres,apai' Grey loE 10 anpd 17,11th con., belonging to the Robert Brown estate, 0s offered for. sale 40 0010(1 up estate. On the first farm le a good atone Lohse and large bank barn, necessary outbuildings, or - (Hind, &a. Farm well watered, well fenced and in good state of 5ultiyabion. About 50 the 50 of farm there ie a hoe se baud barn' orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. Parma sold jointly 01' separately to suit pmohaeer. Possession given In the Fall:' Farms are on - where Bare ro cehool, churches ppoet office: stores, &o,. and 8? miles to the thriving 3.81 town ll"ueeels, For farther particulars as to price, terms, &e., apply to AGNES BOWN, JAMES BROWNExecutors JOHN BROWN, Cranbrook P. 0. SiipT. 18, 1896 monnammiwatimmam BecI Vi!ne Iron Take it with Your Exercise and Build up the. System. Our Beef Wine and Iron ie a splen. did Summer Tonic, eouuterecte the ef- fects of excessive !feat, supplies the body with the elements necessary totake the place of that loot by undue perspiration. There is no better medicine for mental or physicallenguidnese, Only costs 1 cent per dose and 100 doses work wonders, Try it. After you have that tired feeling re- moved by using a bottle of the above per. haps you woold like a game of CROKIIVOLI ', If so we woold be pleased to show you eome of the new boards we are selling at 31.00 and 91.25 at Fox's Bruff store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collett - L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Mons made. Oliloe—Vanstoue's Block, Erne - eels. 51.33m BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE Undersigned will keep for service on Lot 26, Can.0,Morris, the tkoro' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J. It, Brothoure sweepstakes sow at Chicago Pair. Terms, 81.00 to be paid turniing time cee0Nry. Pedigrprivilege e seen on application. ROBT.NIOHOL. BOAR FOR SERVICE. THE Lot 80, Con (1 11Lo r e, tb keep ro -service red Largo English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John," His mother is a full sister to the tat prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will bo produced on application. Terms—$1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary, 14.0m JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor. Pk OAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 27, (lou. 4,'aforris, the thorn' bred Tam- worth boar, "Bing George," purchased from H. George &Sons, who got Arab prize for their herd at Guelph Pat ,ttook Show. The dam of "King C0oorge" won first prize at the FFe Show, London,n gland. Hie sirS)Wae im- ported and weighed 760 Ibe. Terme 91.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of rotm•ning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. RICHARD ARMSTRONG, 40.11. Proprietor. Ancient Order of Visited Workmen, This old and prosperous Fraternal Aasooi- ation numbering 060,000 mamba's m8 pie - sooting to the public their popular and econ- omical rates to worthy men, at the very low rate of about 58,00 par 51,880per annum. The 'Workmen" Promptly f'ey Death Claims and expect a largo increase to its members now that those American LIne Companies don't seem satisfactory to Can- adians, HOST. ARMSTRONG, /CM. ; W. H. HERE, Recorder; J. A. OREIGHTON,Flnaueler. Executors Notice to Creditors. IN TUE ESTATE OF Enr7.ADE'fa RUSHEE] CAPo'nELL, 1,915 OF THE TOWNSHIP OE Geo; IN rim Omar OF Boum AND PROVINCE 00' ON1ARio, WIDOW, DE - mum. Notice is hereby elven pursuant to Chap. 110, Soc. 80, of We Revised Statutes of Ontar- io, 1887, that all creditors and others having elaime, liens or demands against .the estate of the said Elizabeth Hughes Oampbell, who died on or about the dith day of August, 1808, at the said Township. of Grey, are re- quired tosend bypost prepaid dor deliver to David Campbell or Alexander Alexander (both) of the said Township of Grey, yeomen, post °glee addresu llboleaworth, Ont., the os- coutors of said estate, or to Pr, R. Blewett, Eaq.,Lisbowel Out., their Suliotbor, onor be- fore the 17th day of September, 1805, their names, addree5oe and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims duly verified and' the nature of the saoanities Of any) held by them. And ta11e ,notice that after the said 17th day of fioptomber, 1800, the Bahl •Executors will proceed to distribute the assets of said estate among the part -log entitled thereto, having regard only to the etaime of which notion have been received ae above required and the said Executors will not bo liable for tbo said assets or anypart thereof CO auy person or persons of whose aialm notice shall net have been reoelyed as aforesaid by the said Ex8Oubors at the tilos of snob dis- tribution. DAVID 0AMPBELL, ll EXDOnt01'a. ALEXANDERALISXANDER, J 0.4 P. R.BLIOWETT, their Salic:tor, DERil'AL. DR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Licentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Crown and Bridge work a opeo,alty. Moder- ate Peee, Satisfaction Aeeorod, 011ine over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus- sels. VETERINARY. T D: WARWIO,a, t/ • Honor Graduate 01 the Ontario Voterivary College, is prepared to treat all 4i00ase8-of domastioatod animals In a coni - potent manner. Particular attention paid to veterinary dont-tatty. Calls prorev Cy at- tended to. office and Infirmary—!'our &ions north of bridge 'rarnberrya , Drumm M, SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer,NoberyPub. Oniee—Vanetone'o Bloolc, 1 door north of ()antral Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. lUir G. OAMERON, (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Cameron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Goderieh, Ont. Oflice—Hamilton St., -0ppooite Col- borne Hotel GF. BLAIR, BARRISTER, a Solicitor, &e. (late of Garrow & Prondfoot's Oilee, Godoricb.) 011ioe over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE =EBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct od on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stooks. specialty. Orders left at Tun PosT Publish ing Efouee,Bruesels, or sent to Walton P. O., will receive prompt attention, i S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION. • Egli, will sell for better prioee, to better men h1 elm Limo and lose charges than any other Auctioneer 111 East Huron or won't he 50 lv charge be ariainged at Dates is °Mee or by personal application. MEDICAL CARDS. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. J• O.M. L. B. C.P., Edinburgh, 71 t. 0. P. 6, Ont, Residence of it and aloe rr Wiison'e Block, corner of 1Y1II1 and Turnberry Stq, JM. ARMSTRONG, M. D. • Physlolan, Surgeon, Accouoher, eco. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Paoulty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Onb, OP00010—Next door to McDonald & Co,. Walton Out, BUSINESS CARDS. W H. MoORAOKEN, IaeurotiofMarriageLioeheee, Olgoe at his Urooery,l urnberry street, Brussels. N. BARRETT, • Tonsorial Artist Shop—Next door 900111 of A. M. Moliay & Co's hardware atom. Ladlea'and (11112mns hair nutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Suvings Bank takes Deposita from 91.00' to $1,C00 and 51100s 8k Dor cent, i ntersst, T. PARROW, 17.8m Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM• INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER issue! of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY 8)01113. INo Witness Required. ' T. FLETCHEIR, Brussels, WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- auRANOE Go. • Estahliehod 1840, In- surenees effected 011 all Town' and Farm Property at very low rates. 3. A, C12EIGHTON, 16.8m Agent, Brussels. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the 9ourth 011'1331on Oour 06, 1(00011, Conveyancer, Notary Publla Land Loan and Insurnnee Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Dollootione made OObas i11 Graham's Block, Brussels HOS. A. HAWEINS., Will glyo butanes.ola pupils , op or on theor organ, at me Music Roam, opposite the poet•6Afoo, Bruesole. Voodl lemons also glen. Teo years experience in teaching. Terme moderato,