HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-18, Page 6rI,1'i bMsse,C' ..s4
*Is PUALIenEP."*^,
(in time for the early malls) at
The vow Steam publishing Rouse,
Timing RX ST., I'iltU88EL8j OST,
'pontis Qs SUnsonrrtmoa.--One dollar a
year, 11, advauoe. The,date bo wltioh every
subscription is paid Is .denoted by the data
on the address label.
AmaRTral22 RATER.—Tho following rates
will be charged to shoos who ad3ertiee by
the year
arson I d sit, 10 mo, I a mo
One Oolumn '80000 880,00 820.00
Half 4 80.00 20,00 12,00
Quarter " 20.00 1.2,01 8.00
Eighth " 12.00 8:00 0.00
E1gn t cents p er line for fret insertion, and
threeoents per line for arab subsequent in-
aertion. A11 advertisements measured as
Nonpareil—la lines to the inch,
Business Cards, eight Hues and under, SS
per annum.
Advertisements without epeeifa direr.
tions, will be inserted until forbid, and
charged accordingly,
Instructions to ohange or Ateoontlnue an
advertisement must bo left at the counting
.room of Tax P000 not later than Tneaday
of each week This is imperative.
W. 1-1. 1.iERR,
Editor and Proprietor.
Mzst:ztl ReWs.
JS ox tLw5clx.
A. Orr is painting and otherwise fix.
ing op big hotel.
The Howiok Fall Show will be held at
Fordwiob on Saturday, Cot. 3rd.
A. Edwards baa just finished veneering
his house, which makes 18 look more
Mr. Walkey, who has started a furni.
tura factory here, is turning out some
flue furniture.
It is reported that Amos Willis has
traded bis property here for the Clegg
farm near Gorrie.
On Monday of last week the late Mr.
McCabe, of or near Kartgville, was buried
in Maine cemetery. The ceremony was
conducted by Rev. Mr. Couslus, of Ford-
L uelinow.
22 mills on the will be our tax rate
this year.
W. H. Hornell, of this village, bas
secured a position at the drygoods
Mounter in T. Eaton's store, Toronto.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
ehnrch intend giving a "birthday party"
in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening,
Sept. 29th.
E. Bower, of Ashfield, has a turkey hen
that bas already this Summer laid 108
eggs, and as yet shows no signs of giving
up the job.
A. T. Davison, furniture dealer and
undertaker, has removed his furniture
business from the East end to the build-
ing just vacated by G. W. Berry.
The annual meeting of the West Bruce
Teacher's Association will be held in the
Model School, Kincardine, on Thursday
and Friday, Sept. 17th and 18th, oom-
mencing at 10 o'clock on the first named
As Jas. Howatt, of Aebfleld, was plow-
ing, he had a very narrow escape from
being seriously injured. He undertook
to brash some bot flies off one of the
horses, when the horse, being frightened,
struck him with both bind feet and made
a bad cut in his head and injured his
shoulder blade. He was not seriously
Rev. Bray sprained his ankle badly
while jumping over a fence.
Joseph Case has put up an evaporator
at Rogerville for the purpose of drying
A8 the Epworth League Convention
held here, W. H. Parsons was appointed
President for the Exeter District.
Joseph Cobbledick has rented the ele-
vator at Clandeboye and wilt in future
run it in connection with his business
Wm, White, Rogerville, had to shoot
iwo horses recently, one which was the
family pony got its leg broken . by a kick
from another horse, and the other had
The third 000008t match between the
Exeter and Clinton Clubs was played at
Clinton on Labor day. The score at the
conclusion of play stood, Exeter b games
and Clinton 1.
A valuable horse belonging to John
Ford, Lake Road, ran into a gang.plow,
the handle entering the animal's side
about eight inches, near the front leg,
causing a very painful wound.
while F. J. $night was working in the
cellar of hie new house, he was suddenly
taken with severe pains coarsiog up and
down one of his legs, which soon began to
swell, causing much anxiety. He return-
ed to his home, where medical aid was
summoned, bat the affected member is
still painful and he is now obliged to
move around by the aid of crutches.
G ode rich.
The bathing house has closed, whether
on account of Captain Babb's better to
the Council or the cold weather, there is
some dispute.
At a meeting of the vestry of St.
George's church it was unanimously de-
cided to have the oburoh lighted with in.
candescent lights.
G. M. Elliott has ebipped about 8,500
baskets of plums this meant his aggre-
gate of this frail and oberries reaching
nearly 7,000 baskets.
81r. Lewett, of the Knitting Works, On
the Bron Road, reports hie business so
brisk that he has been obliged to refuse
soy more orders for tbo present.
Tho annual complaints arebeiog made
against boys ravaging the fruit crop.
Two lads were up before P. M. Seeger,
but got off through a diffically in idents.
Principal Halls is bosy after four these
afternoone training the boys and girls at
the Central School in a program of patri.
otic songs to be sung at the G. N. W.
Another eat of vandaliem was perpe-
trated a few evenings ago, when some
miscreant, a boy, probably, chopped two
of the newel posts on the stairway tit the
new Bank of Oommeree building.
North•st. Methodist trneteeBoard have
deoided to have the incandescent electric
light system placed in their ahuroh, and
a committee are negotiating for the same,
It le thought that 60 or 70 jets will be
heeded for tho body of the church. The
gas will be kept ea a reserve in Mule of en
The stone work on the fine new Cabho•
Ito oburoh 18 aituoat completed, only the
top port of the two towers remaining to
be One, The roof hae alt been elated
a 's decidedly 1
.1,d 1 ed hon eM The lathing
is almost done, and the plasterers will bo
heir Work ato P. Lynn has
gin t a coo neo. yn
pulled down the old frame ohnrob build-
tag and the new one now stands out to
better advantage, The servioee Of the
congregation aro being bold in the eon.
vont, but in a oouple of weeks the vestry
will be rowdy, and then, until the main
building ie completed, services will he
held there.
Art, Robinson went to Harriston to
attend the High Sohool.
The old shed that cumbered the ground
between the hardware store and blank -
smith shop was removed last week.
There were 28 tiokete sold here for
Toronto on Tuesday of last week, more
than at any station of the 0. P. R. West
of Mount Forest.
The Women's Foreign Missionary So-
ciety of the Presbyterian church here,
held their annual meeting last week, In
the basement of the ohurob.
John Brethauer and John Knutson
went for a drive to the County. of Water-
loo whore they have been waiting old
friends and putting in a good time gen,
Rev. Mr. MoRibbon and wile loft on
Monday of last week on a two weeks'
visit to friends in the Southern part of
the County, They may also wait the
London Fair their return.
e r ba for e
Mrs. C. W. Andrews has been very ill
during the past week and' was in a
dangerous condition. The illness was
due to an absoess in the face, whiab
broke, and she ie now recovering,
A large number from here took in the
Toronto Exhibition last week.
A large number of new books will
shortly be added to the Gorrie Public
Hammond Bros. shipped two oars of
latnber to the Massey -Harris Company,
Howrcr. MUTUAL. --.The directors of the
Howiek Farmere' Mutual Fire Insuranoe
Co. held their monthly meeting at their
office, Gorrie, on Saturday, and trans-
acted a large amount of business. Quite
a number of New applications for Minim
emu were received and carefully examin-
ed. There were also a large number of
renewals, whish, oombined, went to show
that the Umiak company is not only
bolding its own but adding many thous-
ands of dollars of first-olass risks every
month. There were also some small
cleims for loss of buildings and stook.
These claims were all adjusted upon a
thorough business basis and the result
was that alt the applicants felt that they
had received justice and that the interest
of the policy holders load been well
guarded. The gentlemen who form the
board of directors are all men of ex-
perience, possessed of good judgment and
honest to themselves and the policy
holders. The losses sustained by the
company so far this year are light, and
with the strict economy practiced by the
board, the rate of assessment will com-
pare most favorably with any other
company in Canada.
D. Cantelon has 70 men out peeking
apples, and is handling 700 barrels a day.
Since 1st of Sept, 85 oars of apples
have been shipped from Clinton station.
W. Doherty is having a conservatory
built by Cooper Bros. to protect and pre-
serve some rare plants he bas.
R. Holmes attended a meeting of the
Executive of the Canadian Press Aesooi.
ation at Toronto on Tuesday of last week.
Several parties in town have just se.
cured a hunting reserve on the farms of
Rowden and Rumball, in Goderich town-
W. J. Biggins, of Elmhurst Farm,
Clinton, was a judge on Shorthorn cattle
last week at the Industrial Exhibition in
Four members of the Clinton Gun Club,
Messrs. Hovey, McMurray, Oantelon and
Biaokail, are among the prise winners at
the first meeting of the Ontario Rod and
Gun Club League, in Galt, last week.
We regret to know that a change in the
duties of W. Taylor, jr., representative of
the Confederation Life, will cause hie re-
moval to Walkerton. He will be missed
in town, and is a particularly valued
member of the Lawn Bowling Club.
Sixteen members of the Clinton Lawn
Bowling Clnb attended the contest in
London lost week, but were not successful
in winning any matohee. At a meeting
of the Western Ontario Bowling Aesooia.
tion, in London, G. D. MoTaggart was
elected 2nd Vine -Pres.
Three tramps were arrested by Con-
stable Wheatley for breaking open G. T.
R. oars, and were Owed in the look rap,
two in one cell and one in the other. The
letter oould not be securely looked and
after the inmate had liberated himself
be liberated the others also. After an
exciting chase one was recaptured, but
he was the most innocent of the trio, and
was subsequently released.
There were 179 tiokete sold at the Sea.
forth station for Toronto during the days
of cheap fares.
Gardner Beak, of Seaforbh, has grown
a monster cabbage whieh weighs 17i lbs.
and maasuree 8 feet 8 inches one way by
8 feet the other. Mr, Beek also has to•
matoes which measure 161 inches.
Mrs. Robert Logan received a telegram
on Monday of last week, announcing the
death of her sister, Mre. Henry Flock-
hart, on Sunday, at Sault St. Mario.
The deceased lady had been in denlining
health for some time. She leaves a hus-
band and two little thildren 80 mourn her
DEng OF A GOOD MAN.—The Expositor
of last week says 1—Martin Charlesworth
passed peacefully away to the better land
on Saturday afternoon last, havingreaah-
ed the good age of 78 years, Mr. Charles.
worth was a native of 'Yorkshire, Eng.
land. He came to Canada when quite a
young man. He first lobated in Port
Hope and after that in Clinton. He
came to Seaforth about 27 years ago.
He wan almiller by trade and was for
some time after coming to Seaforth so -
gaged as manager of the mill now owned
by Mr. Ogilvie. He built the mill at
l gmonllville which was afterwards own.
ed by Metiers. Kyle and Mustard, and
whit* was burned some ten or tweivo
years ago. Of into years be bee nob been
engaged in any buetoese and for a M.
siderable time Ile lags not enjoyed good
health. RIO last ;illness was net pf long
duration, some effeetiOn of the kidneye
being the immediate otan80 of death, Re
wits one of nature's, noblemen, and al-
t ou' he. 0 In 9
h h was f an t as umlag and
retiring disposition and never took any
rot' a t' ubl'o. airsin"
tv part 1n 1_ ail con
sh s
oerelyrespeated frit' bis honesty and in.
begrity of oharaeter, kis was is man of
whom one never heard anything but good
epokeu, He was a devoted member of
the Methodist (thumb, and bis every day
life bore testimony to the sincerity of his
profession. In fact, his death removes
one of the oldest and moat highly esteem,
ed oitizens of Ohio town. He leaves a
widow Aho, we regret to learn, ie in very
feeble health, and a family of eight sons
and one daughter to cherish the memory
of a loving and thoughtful husband and
the kindest of parents. The remains
were laid to rest to the Maitlandbank
Cemetery on Tuesday.
Huron Presbytery!
Presbytery met in Willis, church,
Clinton, on Tuesday, the 8th, Rev. P.
Musgrave sating as Moderator pro tem.
Minutes of last meeting were read and
confirmed • ane
oti 0 of the frequent ab -
once of the Moderator wee inserted in
the minutes. Report of Finance Mom.
mittee re the expenditure for the ooming
year was presented by Mr, Musgrave, and
congregations were asked for 16 cents per
familyto meet the necessary expense** of
the Presbytery. Rev. Jas. Hamilton was
appointed to represent the Presbytery in
the interest of Manitoba College. Report
of Home Mission committee was present-
ed by Rev. S. Acheson, recommending
that Missionary sermons be preaohed in
all the congregations belonging to the
Presbytery, and that their different sea.
Bions make whatever a
ve arrangements would
be best to accomplish p eh this end. The
Cleric, Rev. Mr. McLean, gave notice of
giving a transfer to obtain license for
Mr. Hunt from this Presbytery to Toron-
to Presbytery. A communication from
Gavin Ross, referring certain chargee to
the Presbytery against Rev. J. S. Hend-
erson, of Carmel church, Hansell, was
disallowed and ordered to be sent baok to
Mr. Ross, with instructions that they
must come through the Session as the
proper course to the Presbytery ; also a
notice of appeal from Mrs. Gavin Rose
against the decision of the Presbytery to
the Synod, the appeal was also disallowed
on the ground of not having been present-
ed within the proper time, given by the
book of forms for church government.
Remit No. 1 from General Assembly, re•
ga;ding a central place of meeting for
that body for all time to come was not
carried. No. 2, to lessen the represent.
ation to the General Assembly from the
Presbyteries, also voted down. No. 8, a
remit regarding Mission Boards was sent
to Mission committee to report at next
meeting of Presbytery; No. 4, remit
anent Sabbath schools sent to the S. S.
committee to report at future sednrent.
No. 5, reception of minister** from other
branohee of the church sent to the com-
mittee or superintendent of students.
No. 6, uniformity of worship, the Mom.
mittee on ohorch life and work were
asked to frame a report for next meeting.
The Presbytery then adjourned, to meet
again in Clinton on the second Tuesday.
of November.
The miser's walk is noiseless, with
short, nervous steps.
Tiptoes walking symbolised curiosity
and discretion.
Quick steps are said to be indicates of
energy and agitation. -
Wavering steps betray uncertainty,
hesitation and indicision.
To a certain extent one's character
may be read from one's walk.
Turned -in toes are often possessed by
pro-000cupied, absent.minded persons.
Slow steps, whether Long or short, sug-
gest a gentle and reflective state of mind.
Where a revengful purpose is hidden
under a feigned smile the step will be
slinking and noiseless.
The proud step is elow and measured,
the toss being oonepioionsly turned out,
while the legs are straightened.
Obstinate people rest the feet flatly and
firmly on the ground, walk heavily and
slowly, and stand with the legs firmly
planted and a good way apart.
John Crooksltank, of Blenheim raised
a peach this year that measured ten
inches in oiroumferenoe and weighed
half a pound.
An eel 8 feet 8 inobes long, and weigh-
ing 5} pounds, was pulled from the
river Thames just below the upper dam
at Ingersoll by J. Sobevier.
One advantage of taking Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla to purify the blood ie that you
need not infringe upon your hours of
labor nor deny yourself any food that
agrees with you. in a word, you are not
compelled to starve or loaf while taking
it. These are recommendations worth
Covers the
Whole 1icld.
!3JG 3 ---�
London ,advertiser
LARGEST noon circulation in West-
ern Ontario of any paper west of Toronto.
Middlesex County and the territory west,
of Toronto thoroughly covered.
The People's Popular Evening Taper.
Circulates i1, eity and suburbs by carrier
boys and agents. All advertisements in-
serted in both editione.
Western Advertiser
Largest weekly circulation in Western
Canada. As an advertising medium in
the west it ie without a rival. .
Wanted .n Idea Vvlte Mau tlttnlr
a1! t �'�'"A .AI.�LI4A QQt sumq apgPto
stilus tp Pateatf
Pretest your 11181,6• the may brlpg you w58100
write . np1 wsp7iI au ooN 01,0ap01. Pa oat Attgr.
31031 l0vvp or 15031 k'llf03081UY3their i' stilt ettfpr
AyE, arsaa
p(0 gpenile
consulted doctors who prescribed for
mo, but to n0 purpose. I suffered in agony
seven long years. Filially, I began taking
Ayer'** Sarsaparilla. In a week or tWO
noticed a decided improvement. Encour-
aged by this result, I persevered, until On a
sore began to heal,and
using thea f the cancer dor gip mnths;
Me Inst trace of the rancor disappeared..—
.Was E. NreaoLsox, Floranoevillceville, N. B.
Ayer's o yy Sarsaparilla
Admitted at the World's Fair.
etlL]t'B .e.m.rns JOngulate the Bowels.
e 1, E.
j• •TH'AT:: .,
:'0 U G -H
26 eta., mac..
000 5 Kastle. C'I . :RE
Mae Ment a none. , Y
It is sold on a guarantee by all drnggl005.
It sures Incipient Consumption and la the
best Cough and Croup Cure.
Sold by JAS. FAX, DrassIsr,!tinsels.
I wish to inform the people of Brussels
and surrounding district that I have par
chased the Pump Business of JAMES
BELL and will be found ready to attend
to all wants in either new work or repairs
at moderate prices.
No better Pump in the market.
Order left at my shop or residence or
at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly
looked after.
ra-Orders taken for the Digging of
Welle and Cisterna.
Gomer Green,
Wanted—An idea
Who can think
thing some
Protect your Ideas: they may bring you wealth.
Write 201500 WEDDEIBUAN & 00, Patent Attor.
hens Washington. D. C., for their $1,800 prise otter
and list Of two hundred inventions wanted.
T. Dawson, Manager Standard Bank, Brad-
ford, Ont., says, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills aro a
grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver.
W. P. CARRIRR, ,,S ticCaal St., Toronto, re-
presenting Montreal Star, nays, Chase's Pills set
like magic for the relief ahead -ache, bilious attack
and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by mall on
receipt of pries, to EDMANSON, OATES & CO.
46 1000050 ST. TORONTO. OOT.
Star Reg.taurant
New Fruits such as Watermelons
Raspberries, &c., in stock.
New Potatoes and other early
Vegetables kept on 'hand.
A full line of fresh ry
and Well Assorted Gracerle2
added to our business.
he Cream and Summer Drinks,
well prepared by the Glass
or Quart.
SAPT.. 18, 189E
'White Star Lino 4-1
Fpbweon NQw fork and Liverpool, via Ili
Queonetawtt,.eyery Wenn outlay,
18 the etvalnvry of this lino carry onlya
strictly limited number 10 robe rum and
exco n oe x
N nI atmos alt Oat a intending
mien ttoo 2 are reminded that an'ea:iy op
pMpablon for bortlae is it000ssary at title ala-
son..For plewyr�a
VV, H. Kerr,
Agent, Brunels.
L U. Richardson
Is prepared to do all kinds of
work in his line.
Good Workmanship and '
Good Fits Guaranteed.
Suits made for $4 and upwards.
l' 'Shop over McGowan's Store.
0111•1•••••111.1•1•1161T1IMININ 10•01.11
utdlier SUup I
The undersigned had open-
ed up a Butcher Shop in the
where he will keep constant-
ly on hand a supply (of the
Best Meats Procurable, sold
at reasonable prices. A share
of public patronage solicited.
Meat delivered to all parts
of the town.
Halt! T.
Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects
This is the Latest Out, and is
taking the lead. Don't fail to
call and see samples of same.
1'Views of Residences, Pic -nit Parties,
etc., taken by applying or sending your
TO EE Finar•CLAss
Nothing nicer than to have some Photos
of ourselves and homes as we go
through this world, to look
book on in after years.
And the Work is the Beet.
rdS'Como while in health.
Always Welcome at the Old Reliable
Photograph Studio.
H. R. BREWER, artist
Gallery Over Smith b HeLaten's
Iife of Toronto,
n p
tom• m
p rho pC
LS:U�ia�,:llltfii�t e C2'1i c ., o o
0 0
0 0
The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself,
It leaves nothing further to be desired. Bates and full infor-
mation -furnished on application.
a 11. ItEREI, Agent, Brussels.
Will be our new Premier
decided by the Blectors before next issue of this paper.
A decision far greater than that has boon given by the voice of
the people, viz. t Tliat B. F. Brook & Son, of Listowel
Woolen Mills, pay the
Highest Prices, cash or Trade, for
941Mir 400 Was
And that they sell the best Woolen Goods Cheaper than any
Factory or Store in Western Ontario.
ncaldy'made Clothing
Is a new line adcied to their busiliess. They make
up their own goods into Men's, Youths, Boys & Children's Suits and
sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with.
Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or buy
a new suit and we feel satisfied you will say they give you the best
t alUS.