HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-18, Page 1Vol, 4. Na, 10. Attitude in Prayer, '10 the 77dibor of Tula Pose : Ern,—May I, through the columns of your paper, be allowed to express a few thoughts on what I believe to be the most beeemfug, as well es the most Scriptural, attitude in peayer ea that of 'kneeling. Who would tlrfuk of standing or sitting down wheu appeoaehiug;God when alone in their own room ? •)ben why should we in God's house just sit down and bow our heads ? It is certainly cot the ow- , fashioned Methodist way, If we were e11 filled with the Holy Ghost power it ermine to me we would find it finita" easy to kneel or, if the pew is too narrow to turn round in, could we not Iiueel with• out turning round ? 'I was attending re- vival services fn one of ourelbychurches and the minister said to the people in the after -meeting, °Do nob males yourselves uncomfortable; if you aannot.00nven- iently kneel just bow your heads." What dons the Discipline of 1804 teach, ohap, 4, sec, 1: "Let the people bo earnestly ex. hobecl to take part in the public worship of God ; first in singing, secondly in Moyer, in the Soriptunil attitude of bleating," Would it not be better for •us to know a little more about the Dis- cipline of our own church ? Let us look into God's own Word, and we find in Isaiah 45 : 28, "Unto Mo every knee shall how ;" Romans 14 :11, "Am I live. saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me and every tongue shell confess to God." Also see Phil. 2 :10, We find in II Chron. 6:13 "Solomon kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation of the children of Israel" when praying at the consecration of the temple, I Kings 8: 54, "He arose from before the altar of the Lord, from kneeling on his knees with bis bands spread up bo heaven," The Psalmist, in bis exhortation to the people Psalms 95:6, eaye, "0' come letl' us worship and bow down,; lot no kneel be- fore the Lord our maker." Let us do it, not merely the minister. T am glad to say our ministers (at least some of them) do kneel. We coo in Aobs 7:60, Stephen kneeling • also in dots 20:36, "Paul kneeled down and prayed with them all." Acts 21: 5, "We all kneeled down on the shore and prayed." Eph. 8: 14, "For this pause I bow my knees unto the leather of our Lord Jesse Christ." Let me imitate Christ above all others. Matt. 26 : 89, "He fell on His face and prayed," Mark 14 :35, "He fell on the ground and prayed." Luke 22: 41, "Be was with- drawn from them about a stone's eget, and kneeled down and prayed." If the Lord Jesus Christ kneeled down to pray surely it becomes us bo more than politely bow our heads. May the Holy' Spirit teach us to be true and humble worshippers. R. M, G. • America's Champion Athlete. INTERVIEW WITI1 41DENN I'EICICIE. Having the benefit of an introduction to Gideon Perrie, recently a representa- tive of the Dundee Weekly News took the first opportunity of a "bwa-handed crack" with America's champion. Per- ris came "ower the water" originally to take part in a match with G. H. Johns- ton, of Aberdeen, who is recognized as Scotland's beet all-round man, but the nenteh fell through owing to—But we will refer to that later on, and give the Canadian's version of it. Perrie is a yom,g mneou)ar man, 6 feat 8 inches in height, weighs about 15 stones, and is well proportioned. The Weekly News representative ask. ad—Wbat is the difference between the methode of oonduotiog athletic comps. titions here and in America ? In America, replied the athlete, they are conducted more fairly than bere. The rules and measurements are differ- ent. In Scotland at putting, t&o., the throw is murmured from tbe oeutre of the mark, and the man who puts from near the end tet an angle has an advantage ageiustthe man who puts or throws straight. In America measurements are made from the toe-mark—the point of delivery—in everything, 130 matter where. You ere then credited exactly with what you do. 'What is your opinion of the reepeotive merits of the athletes in Scotland and. America ? In jumping I think they are better "over there." In e. note I had from a friend recently he said he had jumped 5 feet 8 inches on rough ground, and at the same meeting be had covered fully 46 feet with hop, step and leap. Of course, the ground wag rough, or he'd done mnoh better. In putting, I also think they aro better in America. Yon can't have any mot oompnrieon, as the shot there is 14 and 21 lbs. ; here it is generally 16 and 22. But in America with tine 21 pound shot 87 to 31) feet was an average. At hammer•throwing Scotland beats America, bub the condi- tions are different, The handles are longer here, and you nen etand anywbere behind the mark you like. But don't you throw with a wire Or nhaiu handle in America ? Oh, no, not, professiouale. Amateurs throw with a wire handle. At Irish games I have thrown with a wire handle, but never at the Scottish gatherings. The prof. alwoye throwe with a wooden handle, as here, but shorter, In oabre•' throwing you eau make no comparison, us here they tone it for weight; in America they throw it for dietanoe. Neither eon any comparison be made in regard to wrestling. Here it is Cumber- land style ; there it is "oatoh•ae-catch• can" and Graeae Roman etyles that are in vogue. Have you many utatohee there between man and men ? 0h, yes. For five years I was engaged in wrestling tnatahes, and never touched a'oor'ight. What's the best throwing you have seen since yon came here -to bave that much debated match ? The best throw with the heavy ham. mor (in thio cane 24 to 25 ponnde) wag at Bridge of Allan, when MoCullooh threw it 80 feet 0 inthee, 0r something like that, The best with the light hammer BRUSSELS, wee by Marr, at Lees, when he threw a 17.1b hammer 140 feet 4 inoheo—the furthest that baminer (and both hem* mere have been need for ten years) was over thrown, Jernsaefe Sebeei Deard, The regular meeting of the Brussels, Public Sebool Board, at which all mem- bers were present, was bold loot Friday evening in the Council Chamber, The minuteeof last meeting were read and paseed. A communication from Miss 3, Ritchie was read asking for an increase of $25.00 is her salary for the year 1807. Moved by A. Koenig, seconded by H, Dennis, that no cotton be taken, Moved in emmendment, by A. Reid, seconded by Rev- Jno, Rose, that Miss Ritohi0'e salary be increased by $10.00, making her salary $285.00 for 1807,---ammendment oarried. Moved by A, Reid, seconded by D. 0. Rose that tbe Board borrow the sum of. $1,100 from the Standard Bank for three months to pay existing note and quarter's salaries,—Carried. Board then adjourned. Ca,nu.diau NeirvMr- Tilbnry'e tax rate is 8 mills. Canadian cattle are again being ship. p eel via Boston. Zion. William Harty is at Montreal, muob improved in health. Low water has caused a blookade of vessels at the Galops Canal, Ex-Ald, John Ritchie, an old and well- known oitfzen of Toronto, is dead. H. J. Bowman has been appointed county clerk and treasurer of Waterloo, The Interprovincial Christian En- deavor Convention opened in Ottawa Tuesday. Capt. Stamonr, of Wallaoeburg, of the steamer City of Mount Clemens, is missing. Archbishop Laogevfn has returned from his trip to Rome, and is now in Montreal. Hon, Edward Blake' prl1V0d at New York on the steamcr Umbria from Liverpool. the training o A Normal school foef 90)8008 f8 to b teachers io domestic e opened in Ottawa, The Montreal exhibition was formally opened by Sir Adolphe Ohapieau, Lieut mien a, Governor of Qua Mre. S. J. Crespected residerotter, 8 t of Northport, committe ting her throat with a r The steamer Emprea Li Hung Chang on board, soiled from Vancouver for Hong Ko The wool growers of t still holding a large por clip in hope of obtoeniug higher prices. Arthur Prentice, who at Cobonrg, on Dea. 17t of Thomas Lingard in placed in an isolated wit and under a epeeist death watch. By a vote of eight to four the Benohere of the Law Society of Upper Canad a meeting at Osgoode ball, Toronto, de• cided to frame a set of rates touchin oalling of women to the Ontario bar. Elijah Wiemer was killed in the mill of Chas.)]. Naylor, Essex, on day. A saw out him .terribly from the knee up to the armpit, severing the He died an hour afterwards. He lea wife and three small children. Kincardine Review : Dr. Martyn h letter from Dr. Pew the other day, fay- ing that Mr. 1010010, contractor of the Huron -Ontario Electric Railroad, wil ready to begin work in two weeks. He will build 80 miles this fall, probably from Goderiph, Teaewater, Luokno Kincardine, or from Kinoardine, thr Walkerton and Hanover, to Durham. A shipload of sugar for the Canada Refining Company, of Montreal, ars at Sydney, Cape Breton, before change in the sugar duties, which affe her cargo, but on her arrival in Mont the duties were in force and oolleoted by the Dominion officials. The Ref Company took action to recover duties, and obtained a decision in its favor from Justine Burbidge, of the chequer Court, which enriohes its co by $45,000. A. J. Hughes, of Souris, Man., went to the Kootenay oonntry a three weeks ago, has returned on crutches. About two weeks ago he was. prosper/ np in a mountain, when he fell fro precipice 30 feat and struck on aledge but could not stop, and then he fell hundred feet more, lighting squarely bis feet among a lot of boulders. he eaoaped death is a miraole. Wben plotted up and taken to the hospita was found that the cap of his right k was broken and he was bruised about limbs, but no other serious injury was found. After spending two melte in hospital he was able to come ho carrying one leg done up in a plc(ter of parie oast. bac. d 9oicide by cut 8101. 9 of China, with 0g on Monday, be Northwest are tion of this 7081'3 f9 to be hanged h, for the murder Jona last, bas been a, at g the saw• Fri• ribs. '09 a ad s 1' be w to ough ivad tb9 clad real 14119 the Ex- ffere who tont ting m a a 00 How 1 ft nee the the me, E. Dickie, the secretary of the Toronto Lioense•holders Protective Association, has addressed the following letter to the hotel men of Toronto : "It hos been de- cided to bold an athletic tournament at Iranian's Point on Wednesday afternoon, Srpt.28rd,'and it ie proposed to make this event au annual one. This year the date is a little late on a000uut of the Fair, but I bave no doubt that it will be a 8000aae, as every effort will be made to make it fireb•olass in every portion/or. The main reason for bolding the event this year is that we will make an effort to secure from the publio their financial aaelstanoe in aiding the aesooiation to fight, in the city, the prohibition plebis- cite, which will be submitted early next year, and also to combat legislation ttbioh will be introduced by the Provin• offal Government at the next session Of the Loon, Legislature, Ttvenfy tio$ete aro being sent to snob license holder in the city, with the request that he will do his utmost to dispose of the, same,. and 'if a fair percentage of there tiokets are sold all the expensee of the picnic, ebo. will be met, and yon should have a surplus of between $200 and $800, which will be deposited in the Imperial Bank in trust, and can only be need for legislative purposes," CON'TA-RIO, FEUD llTajor•Generel Gasooigao paid an of. fiolal visit to the oamp at London, Two boys believed to be from Toronto pawned a $100 diamond ring, in klam• ilbou, Lord Aberdeen's reception at Sarnia was one of the pleasantest of hie tour 9e far, The eleventh annual meeting of the Ontario Health (Moors' Asoogiation was ltsld at Niagara. An old man named William Barnhart, of Osnabruck township, 90 years of age, committed suicide by oettiug his throat with a razor. A Novnr, Rxnn•—A, fast freight the Other day on the Michigan Central ran into o lot of sheep at a 01000)ng, between Dufferin etation and Cayuga. When the engine stopped ab Welland station, the engineer was greatly surprised to find a lamb curled up of the pilot of the loco- motive, Ib was left there till the train arriycd at the Montroo yards, where the poor little traveller was taken mare of by brakeman W. Barge, who brought it to his home on Ontario Avenue, wbera it is enjoying the beet of treatment, and bids fair to become a healthy, well developed and intelligent sheep, POLITICAL. Hugh John Macdonald was in Kingston and paid a visit to his father's grave. A. motion by Mr. Oraig to prohibit the sale of liquor in the House of Commons was carried. The County Counoils of Ontario are petitioning Parliament to amend the Railway Arm, making railway companies responsible for damages paused by fires arising from sparks from locomotives, Representatives of the Railway Em- ployees' Association waited on the Gov- ernment, with the object of securing leg• islation for the protection of their inter- ests. Mr. Laurier stated in the House that the Government intended to offer the portfolio of the Interior to Some gentle- man from the Northwest. He was not prepared to state who or when. The Government inetruoted its agents to warn the Frenoh•Oanadian families against emigration to Brazil, and as a ooneequenoe one-half of the 800 who had gone on board ship deoided to remain in Canada. It is stated that a demand will shortly be made on the Ottawa Government for the settlement of 'tannin claims which the Manitoba Government have against the Dominion, including one in connec- tion with the old Hudson Bay Railway transaction. The Council of the Canadian Bankers' Association had en interview with the Minister of Finance the other day with regard to the rate of interest on deposits in Government and p000001100 savings banks. It was pointed out that, inas- much as the Government can obtain all the money it wants in London for leas than three per cent., the rate now paid to depositors by the Government 10 too high. On Friday of last week Judge Bour- geois rendered bis decisions in the last four contested eleotious in Quebec. He dismissed the preliminary objections of Mr. Boievert, Conservative M.P„ Niaolet; Dr. Marootte, Ooneervative M. P„ Ohara• plain, and Sir A. P. Caron, Conservative M.P., Three Rivers, the second with costs. The Voizard-Legrie(Liberal), Maskinonge petition was dismissed. Mr. Legris holds the seat. Mr. Oliver gives notice of a resolution to the effect that the country is not re- ceiving a corresponding benefit for the $30,000 paid for the maintenance of the High Commissioner's office in London. The resolution alleges that during the tenure of office of the lata High Commis. stoner, Sir Charles Tupper, the oattle Rade with Great Britain decreased and immigration fell off ; also that by reason of his business commotion the present High Commissioner is not a suitable per. eon to hold the ofiioe, Mr. Maxwell, a new member of Parlia- ment from British Columbia, has preoip• Hated the disoussion of the propriety of further restricting the immigration of Chinamen into Canada. The honorable gentleman will be baoked, in the near future, by well•signed petitions from the Pacific Province, praying not only for bhe discouragement of Chinese immigration, but for apposition to the wholesale im• portation and naturalization of the Jap• &nese. Our national debt atone increased be- tween 1880 and 1800 from $85.25 per head to $47.51 while that of the United States fell in the same time from $88.83 per head to 614.24, so that ours is now more than three times tbeirs. Their whole national, state, county, municipal and school debt amounted in 1800 to only $32.87 per bead of the population, which was less then our national debt alone, leaving out alt our provincial, ununioipal and sahooi debts. These figures are very significant; and, taken in connectlbn with a corresponding growth in oar pub. lie expenditure and the burden of a high proteotive tariff, they must have caused a oousidernble increase in the cost of living to the people ; or, what is the same thing, iesseoed that reduction in the cost of liv- ing which has been brought about by the inventions end discoveries of the time. Albert Wilton, a murderer reputed to be insane, escaped from the Toronto Asylum on Saturday of last week. Ernest McArthur, aged fifteen, was run over by a G. T. R. yard engine at Owen Sound and died shortly after. Dr, Naneeen, the Arotio explorer, was received with public honors at Christi. aria, and was decorated by Ring Ceoan Au old man named William Barnhart, of Oenabrnok township, 90 years of age committed suicide by otttting his throat with a razor, A boiler in Pettit Bros'. beep and stave mills, Comber, Ont., exploded Wednesday morning, The sound of the explosion was so great as 00 awaken people several miles distant. Night fireman Alfred Jacobs was instantly kil- led and his assistant was seriously hurt. Deceased had apparently 001300003 to open the valve in a new pipe before fir. mg up. Y, SEPTEMBER 18, 1896 C17UIOCff• l i{IlUey- Rev. John Rose, B. A„ and Elder Steaohan attended Maitland Presbytery on Tuesday, W, R. Mooney has joined the bfctbo• dist Sabbath School Orobeetra and will play the flute. "The Need of Home Miosionary Work" will, be the topic ea Melville Endeavor next Sabbath evening. The,Provinoial Sabbath School Oon, vention will be bald in London next month. A tine program is being pre. pared. Next Tuesday evening Be,. Mr. Robinson, 01: Walkerton, will preach a Thanksgiving sermon in St. John's etakebun•ob.. Thanksgiving offeringwill be The annual oonvention of Lay Workers and Sunday School^ teachers of the Dice oese of Huron will be held this year on Wednesday and Thursday, the 28th and 99th of October, at Clinton, A special eervioe for the young people will be held in Melville ehuroh next Sabbath morning. The diplomas and prizes gained at the Higher Religious Inetruotion examinatione will be pre. sensed.• Capt. Stephens and Lieut. Blakeway event to London on Monday to attend an Officers' Council, The Lieut„ who has been in Brussels dor the past six months, will be interobanged with some other Lieut. The Captain will continue here, The young ladies of the Epworth League, Brussels, will give an "At Horan" in the Sabbath School room on Monday evening of nest weals. The whole program will be supplied by the gentler sex and promises to be first-olass. Rev. Walter Rigsby, of Blyth, will preach Harvest Home sermons in Brue. seta Methodist churoh on Sabbath nexb morning and evening. Special oolleat• ions are asked in lieu of the usual dinner. Rev, Mr. Allis will take Mr. Rigeby's work on Blyth oircuit. Last Sabbath Rev. John Ross, B. A., was in his own pulpit, after hie vocation, and the congregations were pleased to welcome him book. His morning sub• jeot was "The three Baptisms of Christ," and at the evening eervioe "Safe places" was the interesting topio. "The lines have fallen to me in pleas. ant places yen, I have a goodly heritage." Psalm 16 and 6, was the text ohoeeu by Rev. S. J. Attie last Sabbath evening in the Methodist cbaroh. A most excellent disoonrse was preached, the outline being as follows :—We have a goodly heritage in that Christianity (a) Acknowledges tbe value and sacred - nese of life ; (b) In the provision made for the poor, infirm and old ; (o) In the diffusion of wealth ; (d) In being favored with a universal and unrivalled secular education ; (e) Justice to womankind ; (f) By baying the highest type of poetry, music and art ; (s) In the dispelling of prejudice and superstition ; (h) All have a goodly heritage who are possessed of the knowledge and bops in the future through Jesus Christ. - G00r11n0nDxaTnmT MnaTuro.—The reg• alar fall meeting of the Methodist ohurohes in the Goderioh District was held in Rattenbary street church, Clin- ton, on Thursday afternoon of last week, Rev. Jos. Edge, Chairman, presiding, and Rev. E. Olivant, secretary. All the min• isters in the dietriot, except Revs. 11. Millyard and 3. W. Pring, were present.. The laymen in attendance were R. W. MoRenzie and A. Million, Goderioh ; R. Relines and D. Tiplady, Clinton ; W. Nesbitt, Holmesville ; J. H. McClinton, Auburn ; R. Pollard, Walton ; N. H. Young, Blyth ; M. Braithwaite, Londes. boro ; W. Keys, Varna, and J. Lather. land, Seaforth. Arrangements for Ede. oabional and Missionary anniversaries were left in the hands of east minister, The allotment of the Superannuation for the respective oiroaits is as follows : Goderioh, North st., $76 ; Goderieb, Victoria ab., $43 ; Clinton, Ratteabury, $72 ; Clinton, Ontario, $01; Holmesville, $41 ; Seaforth, $56 ;. Blyth, $50 ; Landes. boro, 348; Auburn, $40; Benmiller, $33; Dungannon, $41 ; Nile, $37 ; Walton, $23 ; Tuokersmitb, $17 ; Bayteld, $28 ; Varna, $89. Quite a discussion took plane concerning this fund, and also as to bhe advisability of holding miesiouary meetings on week evenings, but no nation was taken. A public meeting was held in the evening, but the attendanoe was woefully small, pertioularly for m town where' Methodism is pretty strong. How. aver, two excellent addresses were de. livered by Rev. Mr. Godwin, of Goderioh, and Rev. Mr. Rigeby, of Blyth. A very enjoyable social was held on hursday evening of last week in Mel- illa church basement under the $nspioee f the Christian Endeavor, with the oubie purpose of welcoming the pastor oma after hie venation and saying fare. ell to Mr. Stewart, who had supplied ev. Mr. Bose' pulpit. President G. A. eadman took the chair, and after de- oti0nal exeroisee made a terse address p910911ate to the occasion, and called r the following cheery program which as admirably rendered :—Solo, Soldier's Cheer," bliss Kato Wilson ; ootoh reading, "Saunders before the ession," G. F. Blair ; quartette, "Teach e Thy Statutes," Misses Annie and innis Stewart, A, M. MoKay and J. Cameron ; address by Rev. J. Rous Which be made brief reference to his ay at Clifton Springs, tine pleasure the ugregation had manifested in Mr. tewart'e tereioes, and the hope he had Mornse8 spirituality in theEudsavor; lo, "I am content," Miss Lida Crooks ; dress by Mr. Stewart, expressive of s thanks to the congregation of Melville hush for their sympathy and Iclndnoss, d wishing the En8Oavor Sooieby great 0aees for the time to Dome ; eolo, "Aly od, my Father, while I stray," Miss ate Wil 00 ; solo "Tine and Tide," 115 Sinclair. Mies Jean McLancb)in neared efficient service as accompanist. u abundant eupply of refreshments, nsisting of bread and butter, cele, floe, and frnit was served and a social me spent for a: half hour, "God be th yds till we meet again" was heartily ng and the gathering dietniseed by the stet pr0nouuoing the Benediction, T v 0cd h R D v a fo w s S M H fn et 00 S of SO ad bi 0 an e0 G K re A co co ti wi en Pa W01-1, KE RR/ Prolo. • Rev, J. A, >I•IoLnohlin, M. A., former• ly of Wroxeter and Teeswater ointuits, bee been invited to Acton next year. Rev. Janne de Buohanne, Ph.D., M.D.,will be buried in the Gulf of Mexico, ex. cording to his reeve/at.zie declared that the happiest hours of his life had been spent at sea, and that be wished to be buried there. He died lo Galveston, Texas, A tug boat bas been engaged for the funeral. A oommunion "token" . used over 50 years ago wee puked up by a resident in No. 1 ward the other day. It le made of lead, and on the face of ib are the words "Knox aheroh, Galt, 1845." On the reverse aide is the quotation, ',This do in remembrance of Me." I Cor; sr, 2e. It is about Ole size of a Canadian oenb, but it is oblong instead of being round.— Ingersoll Chronicle. The ruri-deoanal meeting for theDean- ery of Huron was held et Seaforth ou Tuesday of last week. The business transaoted was mainly of a routine character. The questidn of the re.assees• meet of the parishes was discussed, and a committee consisting of Revs, M. Turnbull and A. K. GriEdn with John Rensford, was appointed to visit the re• spsotive parishes 00 the matter, People We Talk About. ,Ino. Beattie is on t- he - sink list. Mrs. Jerry Blashill fs Blair this week. Bola McAlpine was in town this week. J. T. Rose was in London for a few days. Mrs. R. G. Wilson was in Atwood last Sunday, Ed, H01linger saw the sights of Toronto last week. Miss O'Connor was in Durham for a few days, Tony Sample was in Paisley for several days this week. Mies Lily Kendall has gone on. a trip down the lakes, Mrs. T. Fletcher was visiting in To. ;onto for a week. Will. Y,eatherdale is back from his visit to the Queen City. Mies Minnie MnNaughton is holiday- ing at St. Thomas. Roland Beattie, of Wingbam, is in town for a few days. Misses Mary Friendship and Mary Ross are visiting at London. James and Wesley Walker were visiting in Toronto last week. Jim McKenzie, of Fox's drug store, is hollidaying in Guelph. Robb. McCracken spent a few days with friends at Hanover. Miss Maggie Smith will take a millin• cry situation at Wiarton. Mise Johnston, of Gallica, Ohio, visited Mrs. Ge. 8. Blair, Brus sel' Miss Chapman, of Wingham, spenb Sunday with Mrs. Pearson. Rev. W. T. Olaf, of Dresden, paid a visit to Brussels this week, Rev. Mr. Pring, of Nile, was in town on Wednesday of this week. J. J. Gilpin and wife have gone on a visit to London and Hensall. Mise Hattie Rogers will resume her position as milliner at Zurich. W. G, Collins is at Dungannon this week booming the Cboesn Friends, Mrs. D. Frain has gone on a visit to relatives in London and St. Thomas. Mr. Carter and daughter, of Blyth, Snndayed with Robb. Burns and wife. W. H. Willis, Mrs. Willie and Gerry, of Seaforth, were in town last Sunday. Wm, Martin and wife are in MoKillop oaring for Mrs. Martin's father who is Mr. Taman and wife, of Goderioh, spent Sunday at alto. Carter's Mill street. Miss Downey was called to her home in Witten/own owing to the serious illness of her mother. Miss Maggie Beattie was home this week from Clinton, where she has been for Several months. Miss Clara McCracken- returned home last Tuesday from Hensall where she has been eines last nine. Mre, Wm. Kneobtel is back from, Feta gns. She brought her grandchild, Myrtle Rose home with her, Rev. S. J. Allis and Miss Fernie were visitors to London on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Noble Gerry combined business and Osmium in a trap to London this week. Mre. Gerry a000mpanied him, Mrs. James Jones and daughter and Miss Thompson were treating Mre. Homphriee, at Toronto, last week. Mrs. Leslie O'Connor and children re. turned to Durham last Saturday. The baby's health is still in a precarious con- dition. Dr, Holmen, County Treasurer, was in town on Tuesday. He and Mrs. Holmes have recently returned from a trip to England. R. F. Blair, of Parry Sound, and Mre. Blair, of Goderioh, were the guests of Barrister and Mrs. Blair for a few dive this week. Mrs, Neil McLanohliu and Mrs. R. K. Ross represented the missionary society of Melville church at lo meeting in Wrox• star on Wednesday. Thos. Edgar, of Tara, formerly oheese- maker at Brussels faotoey, has atoned a fiour mill, with all the leant impeovo- menta, in Pinkerton. Mrs, Wm. Ellie, of Bruesele South, who bad the misfortene to break three of bar ribs by a fall, is able to get about again, although not altogetber recovered yet. H. Jatnes, R. Thomson, J. Long, Geo. Beet, Mrs. Geo, Cardiff, Mrs. J. T, Rosa, 0ounoillor Wilson, S. Wilton, D. Ewan, Mrs. Ewan, Mrs, F. S. Stott and others went to London Fair on Wednesday. We ate sorry to hear that Wm. R. Stretton, 0. P. B. engineer, dislooated his shoulder, sprained hos arts and injured his side by a fall, Ete has been off duty while hie engine is undergoing repairs. Dr. Horsey, who travelled through Canada with Li Hung Chang as 0511 of the Canadian representatives of the Do. minion Government, is a eon•iu•lnw to Dr, lMfaodonald, of Winghom, the well- koowo M, E. for Bast Huron. Dr, Elm. say formed Li Hnng'e aaquafritauce while travelling i5 the Flowery Kingdom. Willie Cooper is on the eiolc lien, N. 13. Gerry and wife Snndayed in Seaforth. Clark Ailin is laid up with "a sane throat this week. Stuart Scott ran a nail in his foot ou Monday of thIO week, Mrs. Woods, of Galt, was 'eating Mrs. R. G. Willson this week. Postmaater and Mrs. Farrow are visit. ing in Loodon and vicinity. Will, and Russell 0)Imie, of Listowel visited at Roderick Ross' on Sunday. Town Treasurer Kelly and wife are visiting at London and Wardsville this Week. Miss Eva Turnbull, of Tan PM staff, and Airs, Turnbull, are holidaying with relatives at Guelph. Will, B. Brown, of Boston, Mass., who was visiting at Thos. Ballantyne's for three weeke, returned to his home last week. Andrew Burgess, youngest eon of Sand. Burgess, is home for a couple of weeks' visit. He bets been at the goo for nearly five years. John MoDonnell, the popular Hensall hardware dealer, was in town this week. He thinks Brussels is bhe smartest town in the County—barring 13eneail. Rev. E. A. Shaw, of Belgrave, was in town on Tuesday. He was seeing Mre. Shaw and baby off on the train to Guelph whither she went to visit old friends and attend a wedding, Additional Local News. h is said that Brussels will supply the bride for a matrimonial alkanna in which the groom will Dome from one of the Western Stater/. Ooa thanks are dee to the Direotors of the North-western Exhibition for oom- plimentary tickets. Their Fair will be held in Goderioh Sept. 223d, 28rd and 24th. Rama catalogues are Doming to the town in large numbers. Brussels will not boom any better by oar residents trading with Toronto houses and bo the detriment of the home business man. Roxix o Fran Exanm.—The Toronto World of last Friday says : The Ronald fire engine exhibited in the north-west corner of Machinery Hall received per- haps more attention from China's- great ambassador than any other of the fascin- ating sights at the Exhibition. His in- terest was not a mere passing whim either, for be took book with him, for the approbation of his imperial master, ten - dere for two of the Ronald engines, and lett orders for the firm to send a man to teach the Celestials bow to use it. This is preeomably the only tender from a Canadian firm to enter Chinese terri- tory. The sales of this old•reliable en- gine in our own 000ntry, however, have been something enormous. From British Colombia auroes to Nova Scotia there are 98 of their engines now in use, the one ebown in Machinery Hall being No. 99. Wherever they are in use they have given the best of satisfaction, as they are beyond a doubt the lightest and most capacious engine on the market. They get up steam quicker, and, when under- going a most thorough test, throw a stream of water for a distance of 280 feet with a Ir/ inch nozzle. The chief point of superiority in the Ronald over other makes is that it is as steady se a rook while in action, that it does not jar, and consequently does not wear, chafe or in any way injure the hose. It is extra durable by reason of its having seamless submerged collier tubes in its boiler, which prevents them from burning. Hence the Ronald firm gives a guarantee for ten years with their tenders, while other makers do not risk more than five. %V31Ieelltt'm. A. Graham has received the contract for the rest of the granolitbio sidewalks at 13e. per foot. Geo. Carr, has bought out T. Leslie's stook of teetering and added it to bis own. Bell's furniture factory was closed down during last week to give the em- ployees an opportunity of attending the Exhibition. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church has been fortunate in securing the services of Miss Marietta La Dell, B. E., a graduate of the Philadelphia School of Elocution, who will give a re- cital in the Methodist church in the Methodist church on Tuesday evening, Sept. 22nd. John Norris, of Wingham, the well. known G. T, R. engineer, died at the home of his father-hi/am at Windsor on Friday, after an illness of several months, caused by a oaooeroos growth in the nenk. He formerly resided in London, and was past president of the London division oe the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engi- neers. He was also a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, being a Com. panion of St, J'ohn's Royal Arch Chapter Nu. 8 and sPast Preceptor of Richard Coeur de Lion Preoeptory No. 4, Knights Tempters, both of London, In 1394 he was gland sword bearer of the Great Priory of Canada. Mr. Norris formerly ran on the Weetere Division of the G. T:. R„ but latterly on the London, Huron ds Bruce. He leaves a widow. At the regular meeting of the London Knights: Tempters feeling references were made to the great lose the order bad sustained • in the death of Sir Knight Norris. Ie was decided to send a floral wreath ; and B. E. Sir Knights D. B. Buroh and Arthur Carrotbers, V. E. Sir Knight Joseph Dambra and E. Sir Knight W. J. Carson were deputed to attend the funeral on Sunday afternoon, as representatives of Richard Coeur de Lion Preoeptory No. 4. Many of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of London Division, No. 68, also attended. According to advices received at Fort Townsend, Washington, the Btbring Sea fleet will disband at an early dote and return to civilisation. The British Trade Unions Congrose passed re0Olulticns Levering a more practical spawn of aducatioo, and also favoring an annuity 10 alt paliti11al prisoners.