HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-11, Page 8BRUSSELS POST SEPT. 11, 1896 DEADIVIAN MoVAL t HEADQUARTERS FOR Scilool Books WE HAVE THE Best 5c. Scribbler IN BRUSSELS. DEADMAN MALL, Druggists, Opticians and Booksellers. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. 0. & R. Trains leave Bruesele Station, North and South, asfollows : Gorge SonTH, GOING NonTH, Olail 6::a a.m. Mixed 9:48 a.m. lemmas 11:88 a.m, Mail 12:64 p.m. Wised ......... 9:801 a.m. Express ..,9:48 p.m. =C i.rat T•.c vs Pins. A cbiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. BnAt'.TIFrL weather. TEE Pose gives the news. A NEW curling rink ie mooted. SesooL Board this (Friday) evening. ADVERTISE your strayed stock in THE POST. Mornay was generally observed as a holiday, Two care of baled hay was shipped from Brussels this week. ANEW sidewalk was put down in front of the Leckie block last week. Torus' List Court, before Judge Mas. son, next Tuesday at 1 p. m. Huno1 Fall Assizes open at Goderioh next Monday before Justice Robertson. DAVID HAISTS is enlarging and improv- ing the stable on his premises, Albert street. Tam other day Dalby Kendall pared his finger tips with a hand saw and had a sore hand as a result. Bnnsssos was represented in horseflesh at the Toronto Fair by Joseph Fischer's neat 000eh horse "Waldemar," TEE Eeneall Observer has eelebaated another birthday and is making notice- able improvement as it grows older. FRANK DE WOLF has traded his carriage stallion to a doctor in Walkerton getting a fine driving mare and "hoot" in ex- change. Tnx estate of P. C. Maddock, Aoton, formerly of Brussels, paid a dividend of 88 cents on the dollar, which was distrib• Meed last week. A poetioallymioded young mac sings : "The summer days are speeding fast, Jack Frost is nearly due, my loved one's sun -burned nose will soon take on a tinge of blue." Toy THE Posr till the end of the year for a quarter. It isn't worth going to the trouble of borrowing it every week, when 25 cents will give you the sole ownership of a copy every week. J. D. RONALD and Foreman Watt were visitore at the Toronto Fair in connection with their fire engine display. On page it of this issue the comments of Toronto press may be read showing their opinion of fire apparatus. Par Ur.—We intend sending out notices to all indebted to Tan Posr for subscrip- tion with the expectation of prompt set- tlement. We can't run our business without money any more than any sub- scriber San. "Do unto others, &c." is a good rule. WEDNESDAY afternoon of next week the Reeves of the County will attend at the Cloderich Court House to meet Jodge Jones and Judge Creaser, the commis- sioners appointed to divide Huron into Districts according to the new Ontario alattne concerning County Councils. GREAT Caor.—Mushrooms are yielding very plentifully this season, Thursday morning W. M. Sinclair and R. Watt gathered S pecks. TEE POST asked for he location, but received the gratifying information that it was "down in Morrie and to tell Jack Hewitt about it." GuELrn Daily Herald of Sept, 0112, says of a former Bruseelite:—linea Rose, of itieLaren & Co.'s, has been highly sue - :woeful in a competition inaugurated by the Shoe Trade Journal, of Chicago, for ibe best essay on "The Ideal Shoe Clerk." This ie decidedly complimentary to the Guelph lady's literary talent, as there were over a thousand competing, and on- ly ten essays were chosen for pablioation. 'bliss Ross' essay will appear in the Sep. tember number of the Journal. DOES TEIs FIT Ton 7 —The latest postal laws are such that newspaper publishers 080 arrest anyone for frond, who takes the paper and refuses to pay for it. "tinder this law the man who allowe his subscription to run along for some time unpaid, then orders it discontinued, or orders the postmaster to mark it "re - Need," and have a postal oard aent notifying the publieher, lays himself 3iableito:arrest and fine, same as for theft. Tnn RECENT TENNIS TEA.—A very pleas. ant social event took place on Monday afternoon and evening last, when the lady members of the Brunets Lawn Tennis 'Club entertained. The day was spent in arclosely oonteeted tournament at the courts of the club, on t'•e grounds of D. O. Roes and 1. D. Rona' I. The weather had on its best behavior and, in thie, seemed to vie with all 810' membere,judg. ing from the pretty pleasantries and happy faces of those assembled, A very •temptingly prepared tea was served on abs lawn of iddr. Rose to some forty or fifty glints, who presented a charming picture with the bright destining set in :relief against the sombre foliage. The *vetting was spent in -doors, where games, songs and oonvereatlon soon whiled away the boors, and as the guests dispersed many expreeeions of thanks were tender- od the ladies for the enjoyment and sac. res of the day's sport. 1. 0.'TUOE'3 new 2 story oottage ie re• calving its (levering ofbxiek veneer this week, Dueneo the poet week Gerry Broe, r•e• calved 4 oars of coal for the miming Winter. WE are rendering all our 99000009 thin month end expect prompt settlement. 1t is a pleasure to do bueineee with prompt pay, Souiu & MOLARRN, Amos the visitors to Toronto this week were A. Oousley, X0. C. Rase I). Stewart, Mrs, R Paul, Miss Jewitt, Geo, Halliday, Mrs. W. F. Stewart and A X. 10100811, 1. T. PEPPER, of Woodetook, druggist, formerly of Brussels, has been awarded fourth prize for the beet window display of "1'rog•in-the•throat,' by the makers in Philadelphia. BiwessLa foot ball team went to Sea. forth on Labor Day and played a matoh with the .club Of that town, It waefa 01ose, well contested game and resulted in one goal each. LADIES' silver watch lost on Sunday, Sept. 10, between Dr. Graham's reel- denoe and Fiehleigh street, The finder will confer a great favor by, leaving it at THE POST Publishing Hausa at 0008, BRUSSELS Fall Fair Thursday and Fri- day, Dot. 1 & 2. We publish the prize list in this issue and hope our readers will peruse it and decide to boom the Fair by becoming members end exhibit- ors, AT the Alpena races last week "Jno. Nelson" won 1st money in his race in 2.24. "Nellie Bruce" oeptured the free- for-all and 17 class in straight heats, making the mile in earth race in 161. "Reddy" started in the 20 °lass and took 3rs1. Winning time, 2.101. A LOCAL Tennis tournament was held on Labor Day in Brussels. Sides were obosen by G. D. Lamont and W. J. Stewart and a series of close and interest. ing games played, resulting slightly in favor of the former. There are few towns in Western Ontario that put up better tennis than Brussels. W G. CoLLINs, organizer of the Chosen Friends, has instituted a Council, 28 strong, in Lucknow. The leading citi- zens of the place have cast in their lot with the organization, among the number being no less parsonage than John Wes• ley. Mr. Collins has signed e, contract with the 0hoten Friends to continue with them as organizer. He will not remove from Brussels. TEE Seaforth Expositor says :—George Donaldson, who has been carrying on a harness making business in town for some time, bas purchased the business of Mr. Dennis, in Brussels, and intends re- moving there in about two weeks. The people of Seaforth will be sorry to lose Mr. Donaldson, as he is not only a good harness maker, and a square business man, but a most worthy citizen. We oao heartily nommend him to the confi- denoe of the good people of Brussels and vicinity. BIG BARGAINS IN BRossumm.—A. R. Smith was in the city last week and while there the largest retail buyer in To- ranto stepped into the manufacturing es- tablishment where Smith &McLaren buy their olothing and bought nine hundred pair of pants, besides a large line of suite. His catalogues are scattered all over the country. Smith bought olothing of the same lines that day and just as cheap, so torn up your catalogue and see if Eaton & Co. sells No. 157 men's suits at $6.00 ; also No. 757 youths' first-class suits for $4.55. Line No. 887 mans' fine pants at 51.60. SMITH & MCLAREx. EPwonrH LEAoUE.—The an0uai election of office bearers for the Epworth League, in connection with Brussels Methodist church, was held last Monday evening and resulted as follows :— Hon. President, Rev. S. J. Allin ; President, G. D. Lamont ; let Vice -Pres., W. J. MoOracken ; 2nd " " Mise E. E. Kerr ; 3rd " " W. E. Armstrong ; 4th " " N. B. Gerry Secretary, lvfiss Jennie Howe ; Reo. • Seo., Miss Minnie McNaughton ; Treasurer, Mies Lizzie Ferguson. Mr. Lamont was formerly President of the Chatham League. CANADIAN FLowxns.—There will be sev- eral short stories in our national maga. zine, "The Canadian," for August ; these will be illustrated by a special staff of artists. There will also be several flower poems and many floral illustrations, the leading Canadian Flowers being tints treated. This mid -Summer number will contain nothing about Icebergs, Indians or Snow Drifts, bot will represent Can- ada's Summer beauty as no other issue of any periodical has done. Among the l contributors are Fidele H. Holland, Jean Blewett, Charles G. D. Roberts, W. E. Hunt, Ian Maolaren, Frank L. Pollook and Thos. Swift. As a Canadian eonv- enir, nothing equal to it bas ever been at- tempted in this country. A PEDLAR, not remarkable for bis hon- esty, was offering for sale apair of gold (7) rimmed speotaales to a lady in Acton the other day for $1.60, explaining that be bad found them on the track and oould not find an owner. He buys these gold (1) specs wholesale at $8.00 per dozen pairs. The Free Press soya, it is hoped none of our citizens were foolish enough to in- vest." This same gent was overhauled by Postmaster Spence and Constable Scott some time ago. He should be sent to "jug." To avoid fakirs of this kind the public should patronize business men of their own locality whose good name is already eetabliehed. If they prefer to take the chances it is their own look -out and they should not complain when bitten. Faint Moosotux.--J. H. Young a form• er well known resident of Brussele, writes as follows :—This is the second best Drop we have had slime coming West, and only about 6 acres got one night's frost. We bad 52 acres of crop besides a third of another plot which was on shores, and we hope for favorable weather for stacking, threshing and after that good prices. We had a bad knook out in our electoral District last June when a usual Censer. votive majority of 800 or 1000 was turned to 1054 the other way, a Patron being elected. Our old member supported the Remedial Bill, We will oaten on next election. There was no 12111 of July cel- ebration nearer to us than Indian Head and as that was too far away for ne we did not attend, Annie took a 2nd olaee teacher's certificate this year, the only one given in the Moosomin Distriot. She is now attending the Normal Sohooi for 4 months at Regina. Attie passed the Entrance to High School last July, Mot - ton is also taking up teacher's work. Would like the names of the lads who form your much talked of Fife and Drum Band. We are enjoying the greatest of blessings—good health, With kind re= Bards to all enquiring friends. LASTSpring J, 7, Gilpin had R Green Gage plum tree upon whish he had a limb of a Lombard variety grafted, This Fall the new shoot, which attained great growth, bore fruit in he shapea of well matured plum, w Winne walking through the garden of a well known Brueselita last week we were treated to a supply of !unions raspberries, the third o00p thus season. In the eagle garden le a sun flower stalk upon which are 16 flowers. Rom, Tuobtsox, who has been with D. D. Wilson for years, has leased a portion of ,Jas. Ballantyns'e building and has embarked in the egg and butter business, He will pay oath for both of these vary important commodities end will no doubt da a large trade, For years the oath system of purobasiug eggs lute been found to be the most sotielaotory and with but. ter it will be even more so, owing to the diffioulty often experienoed by merchants in grading it and finding a profitable market, We wish Mr. Thomson encoees and recommend him to the farming Dom- mnnity, as this 113 one of the surest ways of building up a good butter market. He will be found at the side entranos, Thomas street, of Mr. Balien tyne'e grocery. Business Locals. Loxo, clear bacon at MoOraoken's. BALANCE of my dusters, fly nate, ho., at oost. I. C. Richards. Bn'n tomatoes only 40a, per bushel et Thos. Kelly's, Bruesele. COMMUTABLE residence, with } acre of land, for sale. H, Dennis, Fon beet value in boots and shoes we take the lead. I. C. Richards. GREAT bargains in harness, collars, trunks, &o., for 80 days at H. Dennis'. CIIEAP 1 cheap I harness of all kinds, both heavy and light. I. C. Richards. Bormsn oats and all kinds of mill feed for Bale at Ross' mill, Brn8se15. SET second-hand single harness for sale oheap. Sign big Scotch collar. I. 0. Richards, LEAVING Tows.—H. Dennis is selling off his entire stook owing,to intended re- moval. Big bargains for 80 days, • noun! Pon l Manitoba patent,10Oan- itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, best in the market, for Bale at Rosa' mill. Goon second hand lumber wagon, wide tire, newly painted, with box and whiffle - trees, for sale at a bargain. B. Gerry, Brussels. Fn'ron'- Onre, the great Dough and croup 00'e, 1s in greet demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25 dente. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. KARL's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear as a bell. 25 ate., 50 cts. and $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. Pas Ur.—Ail accounts due me must be settled before Sept. 15th as I purpose leaving town on that date. All unsettled accounts will be placed in other hands for collection after Sept. 15111. H. DENNIS, Brussels. REPAIRING DONE.—Machinery, bicycles, lawn•mowere, scissors, implements and all kinds of tools sharpened and put in order at reasonable prices for spot cash by saw filer T. McGregor, of Brussels, Queen Sl. East. Axa one needing saws hammered hod better bring them in now as I have a practical saw maker engaged to straight. en and true saws at my shop, Queen st. east, Brussels. T. MCGREGon, saw filer. BUTTER AND EGGS.—Having secured the Egg department of Jas. Ballantyne'e business, I am prepared to pay the high- est market cash price for good butter and fresh eggs at Ballantyne's aide store door. ' Bobt. Thomson, Brussels. PARCEL lost on Saturday evening be- tween American Hotel and Ament's factory. Said parcel was inclosed in a grain bag with name Snarling on bag. Finder will kindly leave at the home of Henry Burgess, opposite Ament Bros.' factory, and much oblige. MRs, T. S. HAwr.INs, Chattanooga, Tenn„ says, "Shiloh's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the beat remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used " For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it excels. Pries 75 eta. Sold by Jas. Fox. OARPETs.-Any one desiring oarpete will do well to call at the Brussels Wool- en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in prioe from 80e. to $1.00. Howe & CO. PAINTING, &0.—The undersigned, hav- ing entered into partnership, are prepar- ed to do all kinds of work in the following lines :—Plain and ornamental painting, kalaomining, frescoing, paper•hanging, sign -writing, &°., &o.• Remember our motto, "Firat-class work 'and reasonable charges." Sxnweur & RITCHIE, Brussels. WELL-DIGOINO AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure sa0iefaotion. Wells cleaned out and put in propel. shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry at., Brussels. 84-tf SOR3r . Teti.—In Goderioh, on Aug. 23rd, to In - sputter and Mrs, Tom, a daughter. Mclsroau.—In McKillop, on Aug. 30811, the wife of Mr. Finley McIntosh, of twins, son and daughter. Son stili born,. OamennLL,—In lbteKillop, on Aug. 0118b, the wife of Mr. Robt. Campbell, of a 8001. Kermit --ID Seaforth, on Ang. 31st, the wife of Mr, Wm. Keller of a son. MaGILLlaunnx.—At 448 Manning Avenue, Toronto, on Aug. 10011, the wife of Mr, Thomas McGillicuddy, of a eon, McKExorn.—In Wingham, on Aug. 24111, the wife of Mr. D. MoKeozie of aeon. BULLAnb.—In Wingham, On Aug. 26th, the wife of Mr,Joseph Bullard of a son. ELLIOTT:—In Ingersoll, on Aug, 22nd, the wife of Mr. R. Elliott, formerly of the Wingham Times, of 8 son, Lownin.—In Howlett, on Saturday, Aug, 81st, the wife of Mr, Jamas Lowrie of a daughter. a¢ARRxaa. BowEx—PAISn9x.—At the residence of the bride's father, Clinton, on Aug. 26011, by Bey. A. Stewart, Prof. O.K. 0. Bowen, of Tecumseh, Mich., to Mies Marie, second daughter of W. J. Paleloy, License Inepootor, West Huron. 05T4,N7),4 R.D :13,4,7V E O F C,/. ,7V',4.D4, HEAP OFFIQE, - TORONTO ASSETS, (Seven Mt is n Dollare) CAPI'EAL (Authorized) $7,000,000 82,000,000 Agencies i0tannprincfpalpaints itsQatari°, c l0ai °,dfanitobd, 11814 fed Stats°tOEnptgatd. Loma 6144Dawn'. er n A General Banking Business Transacted, Farmers Notes Discounted, Drafts Issued and Collections made on all pointe, SAV)NOS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed on deposits of 81.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded ball yearly. SPEoIAn ATTENTION OIVEN TO TEE COLLAOTION Olt FARDf9918' BALE NOTES. Every facility afforded Oustomere living at a distance, J. A. STEWART MANACOM, E A11F,u=GAL500n)oR.--In 'Wroxeter, On Wednesday, Sept. 2nd, Mr. John Earner, to Mins Blanche Gallagher, .40.'C:rCTSO:37' C.li.Lr�S_ MONDAY, Sim. 28111,—Farm stock,, implements, &o. Lot22, con. 18, Grey. Sale unreserved at 1 o'clock. Jonoen McInnis, Propt. F. S. Scott, Ana. AGT-uT,Cv..72.,T'07R.A.S� HAIRS, Brussels, Oct. 1.& 2. Sb. Marys, Oot. 6 de 7. Tavistock, Sept. 21 & 22. Woodstock, Sept. 24 & 25. Mitchell, Sept. 20 & 80. East Nieseuri,at Tbamesford, Sept, 30, Stratford, Oct, 1 & 2. Blanabard, at Kirkton, Oot. 8 and 9, Western, at London, Sept. 10 to 19. West Nissouri, at Thorndale, Oct. 8. Guelph, Sept. 15, 16, 17. .Elmo, at Atwood, Sept. 20 & 80. Listowel, Sept. 22 & 23. Belgrave, Sept. 24 & 25. Blyth, Oct. 11 & 12. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. �RIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— Fixebmertgage, faxen seonrlty. Ap].ply at 111110 POST Publishing House, Brussels, HEAVY DRAUGHT MARE, 4 years old, for sale. Apply to 9.1 JAS, CUTHILL, Lot17, 000.19, Grey. rj1WU WELL BRED JERSEY .1 Heifers, aged 1 year, and 2 months re- spectively, f Or sale. Apply to '8.2* JAMES DUNCAN, Lot 27, Con. 4, Morris. D E SIRABLE RE SIDENOE rnu SALE.—Lots 220' end 901, Queen at. Terms reasouable to a cash pur0hnser. Ap- pl y on the premises or to 28 W. M. SINCLAIR. TINOHESTER REPEATER, 10 shooter, nearly new, with reload• ins tools and a number of loaded and empty cartridges for sale A. DUPADMAN Druggist, Brussels, 1AR11I FOR SALE OR TO Bent, being Lot 20, Don. 7, Grey. This is a good farm adjoining the village of Ethel. Omni eatable house, good bank barn and over 80 acres cleared. Terms easy._ Applyto 8.4 VJM. SPN00, Ethel. STRAYED ON THE PREMIS as of the uudersigued. Lot 20. Oh line, Morris, on or about June 15th, a yearling heifer, The owner is requested to prove property,pay expenses and take her away. 84 JNO. BARR,Bruseels P. 0. Q TRATED ON THE PREM— raze of the undersigned, Lot 20, Con. 10 Gray, ou or about July 12th, two ewes and two Iambs. The owner is requested to prove property, pay 5 UGH0CUNNINGFIAM away. 0-4 Ethel?. 0. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The undersigned offers his comfort. WAG cottage and d acre of land ou Turnberry street, ilru ase]s fOr solo. 013 the premises is aood well, stable, fruit trees, &c. For price and. terms 101111V to 1•0f ALEX. MOLAUCHLIN, Proprietor. ET OTJSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subscriber offers his brick re8i1.- 8000 adjoining Brussels, 10th eon., Grey, for sale, There is one acre of land, mostly planted with small fruits, stable, well,&o. For prioe and terms apply to the undersign. ed. WALTER RICHARDSON, 52.4 Brussels P. 0. Voters' List Court. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the "Voters' List AO," by His Honor the Judge of the IOouut • Court of the county of Buren, at the TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS , on the Fifteenth Day orsew telllber, 1806 at l o'clock, to hear and de. tormiue the several oomplaiuts of errors and omi0sions ill tlte. Voters' List of the Munici- pality of Brussels for 1800, Ail persons hav- teud business saidtGinCourt and plane required to at. Dated the let day of September, 1820, F.8. SCOTT, Clerk of the said Municipality. REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE. — 200 aoree—Coneieting of Lots 18 on the 703 and 803 Concessions, Township of Grey, be- ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and 64 miles from Brussels, 40 acres of Fall wheat sown and about 80 acres under grass ; 00 acres 0lca8ed on each. Perms of payment easy. A, Mo10ELVLY, IFI, D., 84• Brussels, lVl ANITOBA LAND FOS SALE. —100 aoree of geed farm land ab Springs eld, 8 miles from Winnipeg, is ador- ed for sale at a low prise. The impart', i8 North Saab 4 See,10, TWp. 11, Bongo 4, East. There is a house ontbe promisor end some breaking done, For fall partioulare as to price, title, d:o„write or applyto G.F. BLAIR or l. U, HERR, 20.19 Brussels, Ont. !_'t OOD FARM FOR SALE IN l7� the Township of Grey. In order to close an estate the West half of Lot 20, Oen. 7, Township of Grey, 00 acres, le offered for immediate sale. On the promisee are a good frame dwelling with kitchen, &o., also two frame barns, good water orchard, &0„ and is close to the Village of ltithel,. Softie of the best and term is well foveal, Apply to ALEX. MoKELVEY, M.D., Brussels WM, MoKEL'VJIIY, Tani ogtown ; or A• HUNTER, Brussels. SPLENDID FARlv1 FOR SALE. i. That excellent farm, Lot 15, Con. 0, Township of Grey, 102 wires, mutat be 0010 at onoiu ordorto aloseoetato of deceased own - or. The lot is nearly all cleared, with good buildings, ample water imply, largo or. oltard, 13 miles from Crembraok, is tmtlor goo.] eoltivatlon and. ie 0. vory desirable fro. party Mcleod. Apply to RICHARD MIT- CHELL, -Brussels 1.0. • JOHN MITCHELL. on the tremiste r or A. (040NTl 11,13rtaasols. Dated Sept, 190(1,1801. • 0,. 00D FARM FOR SALE NEAT N7f Brussels, Great bargain. Lot 7,00n, 0 Grey township, Good buildings and or - Chard, well watered, suitable for mixed Or dairyfarming, Apply to WM, ISILLOUG10 on the promises or to PITOMAS Hb1RITAGE,', Loudon West, FAR14I FOR SALE.—THE UN- farm,Lot 38 Oon, 10, Greer y] for sale, 100here are 80 acres cleared, bulana° good hardwood Medi. Onthe promisee le a. comfortable frame house, frame barn and ou tbmldings; good orchard; wells, &o, 40 aures under Groes, Farm lie excellent ,etate of cultiva- tion, 13 miles from Oraubrook village end fla- ir= Brussels.” Possesaiou could be given this Fall. For further particulars as to prioe, tonne, &e., apply. on the promis88-or write to 0 Whf, A:NND AMUEL OARN00HAN, VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE. • The eligible 200 acre farm. composed Of lots 10 and 17 in thel0bh con., Groy tows ship, Huron Co., and 60 acres, part of lots 10 and 17, 1111 oon.. belougiug to the BobertL'rown estate, i6 offered for sale to wind up estate. On the first farmisa good stone house and large bank barn, necessary outbuildings,. or- ohard, &e. Farm well watered, well fenced and in good state of oultiyation. About 60 acres of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On the 50 aore farm there is a house and' barn, orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. Forme sold jointly or separately t0 shit purchaser. Possession given in the Pall. Farms are on- ly a mile from the village of Oraubrook, where are school, churches, post -office. stores, &o., and o7 miles to the thi•]ying mar- ket town Brussels. Per further particulars as to price, terms, &o., apply to AG NHS 3311094'N,) JAMES 10100WN, }Executors. JOHN BROWN', 1 Oranbrook P.O. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Undersigned will keep for serriee on Lot 20, Onu, 6, Morrie, the tboro' bred im- proved White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J. E. Brethour'o sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair. Tonne, 81.00 to be paid at the tame of service with privilege of re - 900010g if necessary, Pedigree may be seen on application. ROBT. NICHOL. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE undersigned will Leap for service on. Lot 00, Oon. 0, Morris. the thoro'•bred Large English Berkshire Boar, Captain John." His mother is a full sister to the 1st prise sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on application. Tonna-91.00 to be paid attime of service with privilege of returning if necessary. 14.810 .TAS. SPEIR, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THF undersigned will lteop for aorvioe on Lot 27. Con. 4, Morrlu, the thorn' bred Tam- worth boar, "Ring George," purobased from H. George&Sous, who got first prize for their herd at Guelph Fat ,Stook Show. The dam of "King George" won first prize at the Show, Loudon England. Hi3 etre, was im- ported and weighed 750 lbs. Terme 91.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. Pedigree may be aeon on application. RICHARD ARMSTRONG, 40•0f Proprietor. Ancient Order of Vnitod Workmont This old and prosperous Fraternal Assoai• titian numbering 850,000 members we pre- senting to the public, their popular and scan• cambial rates to worthy men, at the very low rate of about 58.00 per 91,000 per annum. The"Workmen" Promptly JL'113' i,enkb Claims and expect a largo increase to its members now that those American Line Companies don't seem satiefantory to 0an• adieus, RC33T. ARMSTRONG, ht, W. •; W. H. HERR, Recorder J. A. C14ELGHTON,Flnauoior, Executors Notice to Creditors. IN TEE ESTATE OP EL22ABETII HUGHES CAMPBELL, LATE ON TDM TOWNSHIP Or GIME, IN TDM COUNTS 09 IHUMON AND PROVINCE OF ONTAItIo, WIDOW, DE- C/BASED. Notice is hereby given nuraneut to Chap. 110, Fee. 80, of the Revised Statutes of Outer. io, 1887, that all orediture and others having. claims, ]]bus or demands against the oetato of the -said lllioabbetlr Hughes Campbell, who died on or about the fifth day of .August, 1803, 08 the said Township of Grey, aro re- quired to send by post prepaid for deliver to David Campbell er Alexander Alexander (both) of the said Township of Grey, yeomen, post office address Molesworth, Out., the ex- ecutors of ash! estate, or to F. It, Blewett, Eeq.,L)0towel,Ont„their Solicitor, on or be. fora the 17th day of September, 10116, their names, addreaeos and descriptions, the full pantioulars of their claims duly rode oil anti tthehemnature. of the aoaurities (if any) held by And take notlee that after the said 17th day of September, 1800, the said Exaeutore will proceed to dietribobo the aseots of said estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of witioh notice have been received as above required and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any personhthavebeen%oeiveda'claim afo esoidby the said Exoontors ab the time of atoll die- tributlou. DAVID CAMPBELL, II"eators, AALEXANDERALEXANDER,at 0.4 F, R.BLIOWNTT, their Solicitor, DENTAL. TAR. DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto University, Lioentiate Royal College Dental Surgeons. Drown and Bridge wort a specialty. lIodor. ate Fees. Satiefactlou Assured. Office over Barrett's barber shop, Turnberry St., Brus- sels, VETERINARY. D. WARWIOK, t . Honor Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary College, is prepared to treat all diseases of domesticated aulmalo lu a com- petent mariner, Partoahtr attention paid to veterinary dentistry. Calla promptly at. tended to. Odioa and Isflrmary—'Pour (bore north 0f bridge Turnberry et., Brueeols, VOW., WilE CI:1P011 Take it with Your Exercise and Build up the System. Our Beef Wine and Iron is a splen- did Summer' Tonic, eounteraote the et - feats of excessive heat, supplies the body with the elements necessary to take the place of that lost by undue perspiration. There 10 DO better medloine fpr mental or physical languidness. Only coats 1 cent per dose and 100 doses work wonders. Try it, Af tor you bare that tired feeling re- moved by using a bottle of the above per- haps you would like a game of CROKINOLE. If so we would be pleased to show you soma of the new boards we are selling at $1.00 and $1.25 at Fox's Drug Store. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 1T4 L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, 1Lc Solicitor and Oonveyaneer. Oolleo• Mons made. office—Vonetone'e Block, Brus- sels. 21.8m AAT M. SINCLAIR Y0 ' • Solicitor Conveyancer Block, 1y door Bs, &a. Office—Vauatope's Block, door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan,. Air G. CAMERON, Cameron )(Barrister and Solicitor,G derlah, Out. Office—Hamilton St., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. G• F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (late o1 Garrow & Proudfo0t'a Offio0, Goderioh.) Office oyer Gillies & Smith's Bank, Brussels. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stock atome lalty. Orders ]eft at q'HE POST P abiishiug Hooso,Bru seels,or scathe Walton P. 0., will receive prompt etteeUee. T1 S. SCOTT AS AN AUOTION- .x. • HER, w111 Sell for bettor priouo,to better men, in ass time and loss charges than any other Auctioneer lu Eaet Huron or he won't °barge auytbing. Dates and orders can ahvays be arranged at this officio or by personal application. MEDICAL CARDS. T. A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. el • 0. M., U. R. 0.P., Edinburgh, M. 0. P . 8. Ont, Reaidenee and office in Wilson's Bloat, corner of fall and Turnberry Sta. F e• Ph rotator', Surgeon A000uoher, etc, M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. Graduate of Toronto University Medical Vacuity, Member of College of 1'byeielans and Surgeons Out. OFFICE—Noxi door to M0D0nald & Co., Walton. Ont. BUSINESS CARDS. NTH. MoORAOKEN, Usurer of Marriage Licenses. 091oe able Grocery, Turnberry street, Brueaeis. N. BARRETT, . Tonsorial Artiet• Shop—Next door south of A. 11. Molloy & Co's hardware store. L10000 and ehildrrsns Bair cutting's specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Bank takes Deposita from 51.00 to 81,CO0 uud allows 84 nor cont. i ntero81, 'J.`, FAR1tU\Vl 37-3m Poabmaetor• ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. PLETCHER 1481101 of Marriage' Licenses, CFFIQE AT. JEWELRY STORn. 8 "No Witness Required. T. FLETCHGR, Brussels. U7'ELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- SnRANOE Oo. Nstablishod 1890, Tn- eur0na80 effected on all Town and Farm Property at very low rates. J. A. 011E101180N, 10.0m Agent, Brussels, ALEX. HUNTER, , Clerk of the Fourth Divl8ion Cour 0e.. Heron. Conveyancer, Notary Public Land, Loan end Ineuranee Agent, Funds inveotod and to loan.. Collections made Office in Graham's Bleak, Brussels T'HOS. A. HAWKINS, lt iye tV10g00,0 1100 to t yBoo8,oporon theuperr organ, rl hiss, Vo Room, ne lab the post'l'O>, °, ears 819. Vaal10 t0 a also Von, Ton years experience in. teething;: Torme moderate