HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-11, Page 6MittatanSintiDalltantadelMi East Huron Fall 'Show. PRIZE LIST 1896. HEAVY DRAUGHT. Stallion over three years, Stallion under three years, Brood Mare, Herne Colt, Mare 0011/, Two year 034 Filly, Two year old.Gelding, Yearling Filly, Yearling Gelding, Heavy Draught Team, Stallion over 8 yearn with 4 of his progeny. for 1896, AGRIOIILTl71iAL: Brood Mare, having raised a foal in 1896, Horne Colt, Mare Colt, Two year old Filly, Two year old Gelding, One year old Filly, One year old Gelding, Span of Agricultural Heroes, Stallion over three years, Stallion under three yeara, Brood Mare, having raised a foal in 1898, Spring Foal, Colt, Spring Foal, Filly, Two year old Filly, Two year old Gelding, One year old Filly, One year old Gelding, Buggy Horse, Roadster Team, ROADSTERS. CARRIAGE. Stallion over three years, Stallion under three years, Stallion, Road or Carriage, with 4 of his progeny of 1896, Brood Mare, 16 hands high, Two year old Filly, Two year old Gelding, Yearling Filly, Yearling Gelding, Spring Foal, Colt, Spring Foal, Filly, Carriage Span, 16 hands high, lex, 30 8 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 8 00 4 00 08 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 $3 00 3 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 33 00 3 00 4 00 8 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 8 00 Chard -IbrO (Saltie. DURHAM (With Registered Pedigree.) Ball, over two years, Bull, under two years, Milch Cow, 4 yrs. or over, having calved since last Show, Milch Cow, under 4 yrs., having calved since last Show, Two year old Heifer, One year old Heifer, Ball Calf, Heifer Calf, Herd of Durhams, 1 male and 4 females, lax. $8 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 8 00 JERSEYS (With Registered Pedigree.) 08 00 3 00 3 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 Bull, over two years, Bull, under two years, Milan Cow, 4 yrs. or over, having calved since last Show, Milch Cow,. under 4 yrs., having calved since last Show, Two year old Heifer, Yearlina Heifer, Heifer Calf, Bull Calf, Herd of Jerseys, 1 male and 4 females, NATIVE OR GRADE CATTLE. Cow, having calved since last Show; Two year old Heifer, One year old Heifer, Two year old Steer, One year old steer, Steer Call, Heifer Calf, Fat Cow or Bailer, Fat Ox or Steer, pear, lar. 02 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 LEICESTERS AND THEIR GRADES. Aged Ram, Shearling Ram, Ram Lamb, Pair of Ewes, having raised lambs in 1806, Pair of Shearling Ewes, Pair of Ewe Lambs, Pen of Leicester Sheep, 1 male and 4 females, , DOWNS AND THEIR GRADES. Aged Ram, Shearling Ram, Ram Lamb, Pair of Ewea, having raised lambs in 1896, Pair Shearling Ewes, Pair of Ewe Lambs, Pen of Downs, 1 male and 4 females, tgs BERKSHIRE. Boar, over 2 years, Boar, under 2 years, Boar, under 1 year, Sow, having littered in 1836, Sow, under 1 year, YORKSHIRE. Boar, over 2 yeare, Boar, under 2 years, Boar, under 1 year, Sow, having littered in 1896, Sow, under 1 year, CHESTER WEIITES. Boar, over 2 years, Boar, under 2 years, Boar, under 1. year, Sow, having littered in 1806, Sow, ander 1 year, 2Nn. $2 00 2 00 2 00. 3. 60 1 50 1 50 1 60 1 50 1 60 2 00 3 00 81)0, $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 2 00 02 00 $ 150 10 1 50 1 00 1.60 1 00 150 100 1 50 3 00 1 60 1 00 2 00 1 00 32 00 $ 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 150 100 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 32 00 31 00 2 00 1 00 3 00 2 00 2 00 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 60 1 00 2 00 1 00 2ND. • San. $2 00 $1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 $2 00 01 00 2 00 1 013 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 00 2 00 1 00 San. 3RD. 31 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 60 1 50 1sT. San. San. 31 60 $1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 60 1 00 150 100 2 00 1 00 51 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 60 1 60 2 00 ANY OTHER BREED, NAMED. Boar, over 2 years, Boar, under 2 years, Boar, under 1 year, Sow, having littered in 1800, Sow, under 1 year, Beat Sow, any age, Best pen of pige, any age or breed, 1 male and 3 females, $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 ler. 2Nn. inn. 31.60 3100 160 100 1 50 1 00 1 60 1 00 1 60 1 00 1sT. 2Nn. 31 50 $1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 $1 60 1 50 1 60 1 50 1 60 $1. 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 $1 50 01 00 1 60 1 00 1 50 1 00 1 50 1 oa Diploma Diploma. TSB BEUSS°UoS Pao S' ��ztaMvi , Pair of Gaines Fowl, Pair of Dads Bralimae, Fair of 1,igbt03rahreaa, Pair of Bleak Spaniah, .fair 0f Plymouth Books, Pair of White Legborne, Pair of Brown Leghorn?. Pair of Silver Spangled Homburgs, Pair of Black Hamburga,, Pair of Polnnde, Pair of Bantame, Pair of Houdane, Pair of Porkine, Pair of Langebans, Pair of Ooohine, Pair of Wyandottee, Pair of Black Mlaorins, Pair of Torkeye, Pair of Geese, Pair of Rouen Make, Pair of Pekin Duke, Pair of Aylesbury Dade, Pair of Canaries, Pair of Pea Fowl, Pair of Game Fowl, Pair of Fowl any other named bred, Colleetion of Fancy Pigeons, Jn1t :I menta, Patent arm wagon, One horse buggy, covered, Phmton buggy, Cutter, Road Cart, Field Roller, Iron harrows, Turnip suffler, Two horse Cultivator, Fanning Mill, Turnip Cutter, Pump, • Twin Gang Plow, General Purpose Plow, Turnip Seed Drill, Set Doubletrees and Neckyokes, Farm Gate, Wheelbarrow, 2 bus. Whits Fall Wheat, " Red Fall Wheat, " Spring Wheat, any variety, ' Barley, 4 or 6 rowed, " Black Oats, " White Oats, " Small Pena, " Large Peas, One bushel Timothy Seed, 1 '•All Varieties of Grain to be Named, and Purity of Seed to be considered in Judging. 157. J1050 60 50 60 50 04 50 DO50 0 50 60 50 50 60 60 60' 60 50 50 50 50 60 50 Lim.. $2 00 2 00 2 00 1 50 1 50 3. 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 75 76 75 MOM 2ND, 313Pt 00 0 26 26 25 25 20" 25 25 26 25 05 26 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 2ND. 3RD. $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 60 60 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 Dd. 2ND. • 52 00 $1 00 2 00 1 00 200 100 2 00 1 00 2 00 • 1 00 2 00 1 00 2 00 1 00 200 100 2 00 1. 00 • 5 Baldwins, 5 Fameuse,. 5 Ting of Tompkins Co., 5 Mann, 5 Monmouth Pippins, 5 Northern Spies, 6 R. I. Graeninga, 6 Golden Russets, 6 Spitzeuburg, 5 Seek no Further, 6 Tolman Sweets, 5 20.oz. Pippins, 5 Wealthy, Ribatan Pippins, Colverta, Roxbury Russets, Alexander, Duchess of Oldenburg, Fall Pippins, 5 Failawater, 5 Gravenetien, 5 Maiden's Blush, 5 Porter, 5 Peewankee, 6 St. Lawrence, 5 Cbenango Strawberry, 6 Varietiee of Winter Apples, 5 of each, named, 6 Varieties of Fall Apples, 5 of each, named, 5 Winter Pears, 5 Plums, any variety, 3 Clusters of Grapes, 5 Peaches, 12 Crabs, 5 Apples, any named variety not in the above list, 8 Varieties of plume, 5 of each, named, ler. $0 30 30 . 30 30 80 80 30* 30 30 80 30 30 30 80 30 30 30 80 30 80 80 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 50 50 50 50 80 80 50 .acts anb1.5zeb. ems. Bushel, Early Potatoes, named, Bushel Late Potatoes, named, Oollaotion of Potatoes, 1 peak of each, named, 6 Swede Turnips, 6 Turnips, any otker variety, 6 albite Field Carrots, 6 Altringbam Oarrota, 6 Scarlet Nantes, 6 Early Horn Garrote, 6 Long Blood Beets, 6 Blood Turuip Beata, 6 White Sugar Beebe, 6 Parsnips, 6 Mangel Wnrzels, long red, 0 Yellow Globe Nlangela, 0 Red Globe Magda, 6 Long Yellow Mangele, 12 Onions, from seed, Rod,. Sun. 12 Onions, from seed, Yellow, 12 Onions, from seed, Giant Rocca, 12 Onions, from top seta, 12 Onions, from Dutch sets, One quart 'Pop Onion seta, One quart Dutch Sete, One gallon of Potato Onions, 038 ears Gorn, Yellow Canada, Six ears Corn, White Flint, Collection of Corn, named varieties, Four heade Winter Cabbage, Four heade Curled Savoy, Four heade Red Pickling Cabbage, Two beads Cauliflower, Pumpkin, yellow field, Pumpkin, Mammoth, Squash, Collection of Garden Produce, 12 Tomatoes, large, 12 Plum nr Cherry Tomatoes. Quart Butter Beans, • Quart White Beane, 11CONTINUI0D ON PAGE 3.] lam. 31 CO 1 00 1 00 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1sT. $0 50 50 50 50 60 50 60 60 60 60 1 00 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 1 00 60 50 50 50 San. $0 50 50 50 60 50 60 50 50 60 2ND. San. 30 20 20 20 20 .20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 26 25 25 25 25 20 20 25 ann. inn. $0 75 30 60 4th, 25 75 60 4th, 20 75 50 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 26 25 25 25 26 26 26 OND. San. 50 25 25 25 25 26 26 25 25 25 26 50 25 26 25 25 25 26 25 25 60 25 25 25 26 25 WP«UWU Idea Minn! roet your tdonat tboyy may bring M eel wriic 'PAM W)DPERi1VRli R CO. PPd lisp qt 31)0 Oilpd001l4tuv04t1ou a ,vaale 1, olrar m Restores natural color to the hair, and also prevents 1t toning out, Mrs. $. w, Eenwlek,of Digby, N. s„ Paye: "A little mere than two years a o sem` •`,i began i to turn gray and fall out. Af- IGI'+ �a ter the use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An occasional application has amps kept the hair in good condition."—Mrs. H. P. FENWIO%, Digby, N S. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for three years, and it has restored hair, which was fast becomingggray' back to its natural color."—H. W. HASELIIOFF, Paterson, N. J. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Aver's Pitts cure Sick Headache. + i J•,ac�,l(N,S f;IPA1 LQ; IN • DIdESTION lift ZI NE 5 S. LRUPThO'NS ON �sHE SKIN BEAUTIFIES <'5",Cdsip E%10' :. T' Disc' MCAs _n a.. wov GUBE_ An Agreeable Laxative andNEIZVli TONIC. Sold by Druggists or Bent by Mail. 260„ 500., and 81.00 per package. Samples free. KO NO The Pavorite 700711 POWIER fox the Teeth andlsreatli. 26a Sole by OAS. EON., Dr,asslst, itruasele. BRUSSELS PI DIP WOBKS. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. Nn better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or readenoe or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looped after. rr'Orders taken for the Digging of Wella and Cisterns. Gomer Green., MILL STREET, • BRUSSELS. Wanted—An Idea who enc think or some stento thing to patent? Protect your Ideas: they may bring yea wealth. Write TORN WEDDERBURN a 00. Patent Actor• and liot of ewomh nntred'tnventlons v uuta,1. o2er DR. THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL CHASE'S KIDNEY= LIVER THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS BILES. T. Dawson, ManaFer Standard Bank, Brad- ford,Ont„says, CI use s Kidney -Liver Pills arra grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver. . W. F. CARRIER, 1,e McCaul St., Toronto, r. senting 11'loatreel Star, says, Chase's Pills act like magic for the relief of head -ache, bilious attack and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by mail on receipt of price, to EDMANSON, BATES & c0. 46 LOMBARD CT. TORONTO, ONT. tit Pahl Pdisk Imo O m 14 ....• 0 l , Pf' I m mtirl —11,.. 1 •;., crq m tri 114 • p • cN ✓ ' I • • - ' 2 It a, engliti m CR Shr R�s(ai�raiif Halt I A NEW AND STARTLING PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS. Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects New Fruits such as 'Watermelons Raspberries, Leo., in stock. New Potatoes and other early Vegetables kept on hand. A. full line of fresh (� and Well Assorted Groceries added to our business. Ice Cream and Summer Drinks, well prepared by the Gass or Quart. . STAR REarauaaNx. W. II. PELT014. PLANTING MUT PROMS This is the Latest Out, and is taking the lead. Don't fail to call and see samples of salve. t.Views of Residences, Pio.nfc Parties, eto., taken by applying or sending your order. Ash OF OUR W oamo GUARANTEED TO DE FTaam.CLAss Nothing nicer than to have some Photos of ourselves and homes ae wo go through this world, to look back on in after years. . THE PRICES ARE RIGHT And the Work is the Boat. t"Come while in health. Always Welcome at the Old Reliable Photograph Studio. Ili R.. BREWER, Artist Gallery Over Smith & llglaion's White Stair Line. ROYAL MAIL STE,,IMSIIIPS. Between New York and Liverpool, via Queenstown, every Wednesday. As the steamers of this line carry only a strictly limited number in the /mud and SECOND CABIN aoeommodatione, intending passengers are reminded that an early ap- plication for berths le necessary at this sea- son. For plans, rates, etc., apply to W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels. TAItOR! cj IL G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. tarShop oyer McGowan's Store. NEW filcher S�oD The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMAU BLOCS, BRUSSELS, Where 11e Will keep constant- ly on hand a supply Of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices... share of public p�a�tsr�o/natgte �psyo�lii�ciiteed. 3. VV ALEErSL Meat delivered ,to all parts of the town.