HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-11, Page 5SE:?i' ' 11, 1890 VV nI Laxa. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev, Mr. Westman will pre sola a special c3iseenree to the young people, with a view of orgardeiag au Epworth Loagaeof Chrasb. ittn Endeavor to connectloa with the Idethodiat church of this place, • la lee vale. Bluovsyle fuotory has diepo8od of the Anent make of oil ere at 0 cents per pound. It is said Rev, A. Y. Hartley has leased Mrs, Tuft's residence at Belgrave and will remove there shortly, We are sorry to lose ouch valued residents aa Rev. Mr, 3artley and family have proven them. eelves to be. 130 etve. Mrs. Little has returned to Detroit. Tne Posen 3s a teat, newsy cheat. Long live the Editor. Miss Luoy Barclay has been ill but is eonvaleseent again, Mr. and Mrs. Myles Scott, of Lake. yet, were vielting Rev. 77. A, Shaw and wife, East Wawanoeh Fall Show will be held in Belgrave on Thursday and Friday, Sept. 24th and 28th. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, Presbyterian minister, of Biuevale, will reside here for the Winter. He is expected early in Gatoher, On Sabbath, 206b inet„ Rev. R. Paul' and 13. Gerry, of Brussels, will deliver addresees on Sabbath School work is the Presbyterian and Methodist churches. JUtbb el. The Misses Spence were holidaying is Toronto this week, Joseph Querrin and wife spent a few days at Berlin last week. Mr. Wellwood, of Albert Oollege, Belle - vine, is the guest of Miss B. Milne. Hugh Docket has opened a barber shop in a part of W. Bowden's tailor shop. The teachers of our school received a visit from Inepeetor Robb last week. He was well pleased with the advanoement made. S. J. Nichol, of Auburn, and W. K. Whaley, of Belgrave, spent Sunday in oar village. 3. Patterson and wife, of Whitechurch, spent a few days with Jno. Patterson and wife, of this place. Mr. Pratt, of Hamilton, spent last week with Win. Pollard of this place. He came up on hie wheel. Some sneak thieves have been visiting plum trees in our village lately, Surely plume aro not so scarce that they need be stolen. $05 was the amount of Government grant received by our Public Library for last year. New books will be purchased at ee00. C. Rupp, an M. 0. R. brakeemanat St. Thomas, after speniliag a few weeks with his parents here, returned to hie situation last week. Wm. Milne has sold the grist mill here to 11. F. McAllister. Mr. Milne has also disposed of the sawmill and will shortly move Die family to Trout Creek. We are pleased to learn that Mise Lida Hall who has beeu attending the London Oollegiate Institute for the past year hae been euooeeefnl in passing the junior leaving examination. SouooL Barone.—The following is the standing of the pupils in Ethel Public school for the month of August :— nooM 1. 2nd class—Maud Querrin, Wellia Mc- Donald, Percy Greeneidee, Mabel Coates ; Jr. 8rd—Edna Milne, Bernice Slemmon, Helena Barr, Mand Badgely ; Sr. Ord— Annie Bateman, Edna Baynard, Mary 'attain, Emma Imlay ; 4th olaes—Cora Sanders, Edie Milne, Edith Walker, Claude Walker. Gso. Donsoo, Teacher. noon 2. Sr. 2nd—Bessie Wanner, Eva MOAl- lister, Walter Savage, Jennie MoBlain ; Jr, 2nd—Ida Faulkner, Lily Simpson, George Eokmier, Mamie MoAllieter ; Part god—Oeoil Lindsay, Leslie Fogel; Charlie Cameron, Willie Badgely ; Sr. Part let—Ellie Hansauld, Eva ober, Russel Dilworth, Grover Gill ; Jr. Part let—Mina Elliott, George Dunbar, Willie Matta in, Bertin Eckmier. Mess W. RAYNAw, Tauber. Grev. Warden Strachan was in Goderich on business last Monday. The next Council meeting will be held on Saturday, Oot. 8rd. Quite a number of Greyites are at. tending the Toronto Fair this wools. Miss Via. E. Gordon, of St. Helens', is visiting friends on the 4th and 5th cons, of Grey. Mies Rebeoaa Mohair is re.eugaged in No. 10 Union school, Howick and Wal. lace, for next year. The eohool rate le 12d one.hundretbe in the dollar instead of 12i cents as the item stated last week. A party of young people, led by 0. Rupp, spout an enjoyable evening at the home of Wm. Young last weak. It is said that Peter Watson has sold bis fine 100•acre farm, 16th eon., t0 his eon -in-law, James Sholdice, for the sum of $8,000. Mr. Watson retains possession until next Spring. Wednesday of this week John Mitchell went to London to arrange and superin. tend the hortioultural display at the Western Fair to be held in that oily. Mr. Mitchell has held this position for years, and le an A 1 man for the work. Gm. Pznalss Te Onearmole.—In She non. test held at Pitloohry, Scotland, on Sept. 8th, for the Caledonia Athletic champion. ship, betweeu Gideon Perris, of Bruesele, Ont., and the Sootohman, G. 13. John. atone, of Aberdeen, tbo former won, de. featieg Johnstone in four events out of seven. Two new records were establish. ed, Johnstone throwing the twenty pound hammer 92 feet 2 inches, and Perris put- ting the 22 pound shot 87 feat 5inches. The, following is the report of S. S. No. 8, Gmey, for the month of August, based ou good conduct, regularity of at. tendanoe and general proficiency :—Sr. 4th, --Stella Strath, Jr. 4th,—Ira Fowler, Ezra Fowler, David Shielt, Abloom McTaggart. Sr. 8rd,—Ann Dunlop, Dohald McNair, Aggie Clark, Willie Campbell, John Brown. Jr. 2nd. -i1, McNeil, ]]that Malnnee, Barbie Campbell, Jame Brown, Sr. Pt and,—. Tillie Whitfield. Jr. Pt. 2nd,—.Lena Kerte, Eloise Fowler, George Barron, Charley Strath, A. MoINrosu, Teacher, THE 13RtTSSFt S nrssatmexuvrau4u We are pleased .to bear that Mise 15110 06O13Oii, formerly of Grey township, hae been engaged as' tea0bet' .ab I'istevan, Alan„ at a Wary of $47,510 per mpnth, The trustees who eesnre Mies MoNe31's servicoe don't make any mistake SA 0110 is a oapltal teacher, Her Many friends here wall her en0e036. Fall Pair Sept, 29 and 28, Harvest Thanksgiving services will bo hold an the pariah room, Christ church, on Sunday, 18th lost, Wm. Stephen left lot week for Strain ford 31 oepite1,1 with the intention of undergoing an operation, M, Farncwmbe, of Wallace, brought' in some stalks of Dorn, out nearly two weeke ago, which measured 12 ft, 3 in, Miss Gertie.Draper, who passed the Junior Leaving exam, ab Stratford, has gone to Berlin, where she has secured a sollool, x31.s'tix. Mre. Dallas, of Wingbaw, was visiting at the Commeroial the past week. A large number of our eilizene are tak. ing in the Industrial Fair in Toronto these days, On Monday evening our fire oompany was out filling up a eoople of tanks that were getting low. Beorameet of the Lord's Supper was adminietered in St. Andrew's (Presby- terian) church on Sunday morning: Our voters' list was appealed against and His Honor Judge Masson hae ap. pointed the 28rd to hear the complaints. On Sunday morning the annual ham, vest thanksgiving service of Trinity church will be held. Rev. Mark Turn. ball, rector of St. George's church, Gode- riob, will officiate. A special offering will. be taken up towards the church debt. On Monday our townsman, Jos. Mc- Guire, offered his house and household goods for sale by publio aeration, 0, Ham. ilton wielding the mallet. The brisk residenoe was dieposed of to Geo. Den- etedt, for X830, Wroareeter. There will be a large representation from this looality to Brussels Fall Fair this year. Thos. Gibson, M. P. P., and numerous other residents are visitors at Toronto this week. Jno. MoOrae and F. S. Scott, of Brue-, cele, and Warden Strachan, of Grey, were callers at Wroseter this week. Thursday of this week R. Fox and wife, Rolt. Miller and wife and Jno. Davidson arrived home from a visit of 8 or 4 months to Scotland. They came by the Hurons. A most enjoyable time was spent by all and we welcome our residents book to Wroxeter. BAsri BALL, Laet Monday the return baseball match was played between the "Unions" and Goderich at the latter town, and was a very unique exhibition. At the opening of the game Dudley Holmes, of Goderiob, was the umpire, but be was giving too fair play to She visitors, who, by the way, scored 10 runs in the eeoond innings, so he was called off and a young gentleman named Tilt substituted and he "roasted" our boys in proper shape, even allowing runs where the base runner did not go within 20, feet of the base, and other decisions were on par. For fear the "Unions" would feel lonesome, o asoma, a goodly number of the spec- taborsinterested themselves in calling names, throwing nails, a few stones and other little marks of epeeial favoritism. With fair play Goderich would have been badly beaten. The some was as follows A. Paulin, lb 4 2 1 G.Nash, Ob 4 8 8 J. Brawn, if 3 3 1 P. Colby, p .. 8 0 A. Kaska, of 2 R. hose, c 3 4 0 P+, etretton.3h 2 1 2 W. Hawke, 00 2 4 8 G. Paulin, rf 1 4 2 N. 23 27 16 8ralcom Gn o eout u, o 2 Mc/lardy, es 0 4 0 Collins, 21) 5 2 3 2'. Shannon,lf 1 3 0 C.islhannon, of 1. 3 0 Thompson, lb Robertson, rf . 1 4 0 Doyle, p 2 .1 0 24 25 12 tiring from the pastorate 0f the Presby. Same by Innings -1 2 3 4 u 6 7 8 9 terian church here, was. resented with a Unions" -110 1 3 1 2 3 2 0_23 p Goderich--2 0 3 0 6 1 4 6 8-24 costly gold watch and chain by his Winning run was snored with only one man out, What !pekoe Tom, of the 311.31, wear each pieoeaut omilo ? Olt 1 it's a boy, Miss Annie Ifellingtoe, who hae been visiting her patenle, bas returned to To. Mato, It 10 expected that 0p001a1 seryioea will be eommenoed at Sunshine on Sunday, Sept.08th. Mee `,liirsksss, of South. ampton,will aid the pastor, Itev. I1#, A. Shaw. Among the suooeeefgl eandldates Sar 2nd.olase oertilicatee at Hamilton 001. legiate, we notipe the name of Do., sou of Rooth MoKenzio, of this township. Succors to him, MOIL eswortlk. Miss Ifippou is visiting leer sister, Alis, P. Creme. 13. Bailey intends returning to Bluevale this week, Miss Linda Milne le visiting her sister, Mrs: A, P, Mies. R. Smith, of Alpena, Mich., ie visiting in obis vicinity. Mrs, J, Stewart has so far recovered that she is able to drive out, Mre, W. Smith, of Strathroy, is visiting her eider, Mrs. W. S. Molise, S. Menzies hae gone to Stratford to at- tend the Model School for the Fall terns. W. Mitchell and N. Terry are attending the Listowel High school. We wish. them success, 3. McAllister is bolding camp meetings every night at Alex. Robertson's corner, Large crowds ars attending.. D. McDonald left on Monday last to attend the London Business College. We wish Dau. unbounded 8000005. Miss S. Lougheed, accompanied by Mae J, Stewart, has gone to Torouto to take in the Exhibition and see friends. The hunters, A. Terry, J. Sangster and 13. McBee have gone to spend a couple of weeks shooting game in the vicinity of Wiartan, Geo. Lee is assisting his brother, S. R. Lee, in the cheese factory. J'. Harvey, of Listowel, and H. Campbell, of Moles- worth, are also working there. XX4311 u,il. GALA DAY.—On Saturday night and Sunday it looked prettyblue for oar sports here, but on Monay the clouds had cleared away. Barring the pools of mud and water everything looked beauti- ful. At 11 o'clock the Clinton Brass Band and a contingent drove in and the Zurich baseball team soon after loomed up. When the people saw that the Dom. mitten was bound to go on with the sports they turned out en moss and at 2 p. m. the baseball game was galled between Zurich and Hensel". A large crowd was present and a highly exciting game en- sued, resulting in a victory for Hensall. At 4 o'clock the bicycle races were called and they peeved exciting throughout. The following are the winners mile open, amateur—Molvor, 1st, Gode- rich ; Galloway, 2nd., Goderich ; Bennett, 8rd, Heusall. Half mile, professional— Manville, 1st, Clinton ; Jowett, and, Bay- field ; Livingstone, 8rd, Goderich. One Milo, pro£essronaI—Manville, let, Clin- ton; Livingstone, 2nd, Goderich ; Emer- son, 8rd, Clinton. Oue mile, local ama- teur—Bennett, 1st, Cook 2nd, Taylor 8rd. Half mile, boys, in heats—Cook 1st, Wensall ; McMurray, and, Clinton ; Bat- teubury, 8rd, Brumfield. Half mile open, amateur—Galloway, lab, Goclerich ; Ma - Ivor, and, Goderich ; Blair, 84 Bayfield. Two mile tandemfe r p o esional—Manville and Jowett 1st, Gook and Bullard 2nd. This was the most exciting race of the day. A high-class local concere in the evening brought to a close one of the most successful days sport ever held in Honsall. Atwood. A district S. S. Convention will be held in Milverton on Tuesday, Sept.l5th, 1806, commencing at 2 p. m. Mrs. J. L. Mader's many friends will be pleased to learn that she has almost entirely recovered from her recent attack of typhoid fever. Miss Frances Mader, of Kincardine, and formerly of this place, bas been sue• easeful in obtaining a 2nd-olase certificate at the recent exam. Geo. Newbigging left for his home in Cinoinatti, 0., on Monday of last week. For a boy 14 years of age, it is a long distance to travel alone. Rev. A. Henderson, B. A., who is re. Morris. Mise Maggie E: Scott, of Alma, is visiting relatives and friends in Morris. Miss Bella Black, who bas been visit- ing here, has returned to her home in Algoma. Mrs. D. Lamont, of Michigan, is home on a visit to her parents, Wm. Shedden and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Siliers, 1st line, left on Tuesday for Toronto. They will visit the Pair for a few days. A couple of burglars have been visit- ing some residences on the let con. Our farmers should take warning. Jae. D. Hunter left for Belleville Col. lege last Monday, Sept. 7150. He will be much missed in the church and min - A. K. McAllister left on Monday for a trip through Rainy River Dietriot. He may remove there if the country is agree. able to him. Rev. R. Pani and B. Gerry, of Brus- sels, will deliver addresses at Johnston's and Browntown churches next Sabbath morning and afternoon respeotively. A Brussels youth was visiting on the 8th line, Morrie, one evening this weals. no saw a small animal on the road ahead of him, something like a small dog which he kinked with considerable force. It wasn't a dog but a skunk and the young man was oat a suit of clothes fee being a good kicker. &non ioiiusc.—:rhe following is the marmot standing of the pupils in S.S. No. 4, Morrie, according to marks obtained during the month of August :-Sr. 41h— Ida Mooney, Norah Maunders ; Sr. 8rd ha. Innes, Joe Petah, Susie • Manning, Willie Johnston, John (Pokey ; Jr, 8rd —Flora Platt, EarnostMooney, Richard Cardiff, Dave Mo0uteheon ; Sr, 2nd— Clara Mooney, Bertha Nichol, Mary llerneghan, Mabel Nichol, Willie Platt, Myrtle Niohol, Nelson Maundere, Dave Walker ; Jr. 2nd --teethe Sharpe, Min• nie Mooney, Carrie Speir, Lizzie Davis, Charlie Barrie, Jessie Greenslade ; Part 2nd—Ida Platt, Everett Walker, 'Lizzie Speir and Tena Foreythe, equal, Donald Innes, Ada MoCntoheom Elston Cardiff. Miss C. A, HALLIDAY, Teacher, friends here. The Edocation Department have been pleased to grant our Atwood Public Library 1306,40,-864 for the year 1804.5, and 882.40 for the year 1805.6. A read. ing room will be established. D. M. Lineham, who has been in the Northwest for some months, returned home Monday, for a brief visit, prior to taking a medical course at McGill Uni- varsity. Mrs. Lineham acid baby are staying at her fatber'e, AI, Harvey's, o0 the 10th con. PAST The anniversary aorvioae in Mimeo - Oen with St, AIbee's ()purger will be held on Sunday Sept. 16113, at d and 7;80 o'uloolt, p. m„ the Rev. 3. 11. Fairlie, of Ctu'fst ohuroh, Liebowel will preach, Mrs. Andrew Donaldeon had the mea. 1061050 to Ralt elle' the book stege .of the kitchen, falling on her band and arm, thereby fracturing the bone of the arm° ab0ll5 Ono 1n011 above the wrist joint, As John McIntyre, er„ wad engaged in drawing a loud of straw from bile baro of Obits, lboMane, the load upset, throwing IbIr. McIntyre to the ground, breaking two of hie as and crooking another one. He le pragreesing nicely. AILORLNC! Jt G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line. • Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES, Suits'made for $4 and upwards. "Shop over NeGoivan's Stora. Covers the "Mole °Field. THE LONDON, ONT., B °G 3 -- London Advertiser 2 P. M. EDITION. LARGEST noon circulation In Weet- ern Ontario of any paper west of Toronto. Middlesex County and the territory west of Toronto thoroughly covered. 4 P. M. EDITION. The People's Popular Evening Paper. circulates iu city and suburbs by carrier boyo and agents. A.11 advertisements in- serted in both editions. Western Advertiser Largest weekly circulation in Western Canada. As an advertising medium in the west it is without a rival. PJ\flNG! The undersigned are prepared to attend to all branches of Painting, including Rouse, Sign, Carriage and Ornamental Work. Paper Hanging, Ealsomining and Decorating neatly and prompt- ' ly looked after at mod- erate Prices. We make a Specialty of Manufacturing and placing in position .First -Class Awnings. Orders left at our Paint Shop, formerly used by Messrs. Roddick Wake, will,.be attended to with dispatch. Paper Banging Orders may be left with Messrs.Deadman & Mc- Call. PAINTERS. ress G New Tinsel/i�yyTrimmings, NEW LACES, And 1000 yds. 32 in. Flan- nelette at 6 Cts. per yard.��t�� ^� 0 The Undersigned has a complete outfit; of Undertakers' CASKETS, such as CASK TS, COFFINS, ROBES, First-class Hearse in Connection. EMBA[WI I VQ ATTENDED TO. JAS. WALKER, Opposite Town Hall, Brussels, mow_ I Coc.ds. SEPTEMBEIR,OCTOBER, NOVEMBER Will find with us a New Stock of the Nobbiest Goods in Brus- sels from, which to Sel- ect, viz, : Fancy Suitings, Plain Suitings, Worsteds, Trouserings, Wool Trouserings, Twilled Worsteds, Clay Worsteds, Venetian Worsteds, New Dress Goods, Ladies' Domestic Dress Goods, Ladies Golf Cloakings, Big Stock of New Carpets, New Boots and Shoes, New Men's Furnishings, New Underwear. Just Reeeiv F- d One Case of Linen direct from Old. Ireland -to be sold at prices that will astonish -the natives. See our 25c,, 30c, and 400. Table Linen—The great talk among the Women. Towels, Napkins, Towelling. Big°Stock of Linen Goods., Our Immense Stock of Overcoats and Suits will be in next week. tis+ MCLAREN, RL s 0, :so FALL CAPAIG1! With the object in view of introducing The Post Into many homes not now represented on our Mailing List, we will send it for the balance of' 1896 for the small sum of 25 CE 9 TS Send along your names and take advantage of this offer, U it Will be sent during the Dominion Parliament for the small slim of 50 Cents in Advance. PBCIAL attention given to Advertisements of Farms liZP for Sale, Strayed Cattle, &e, and an Advertise- ment in THE POST nearly always accom- plishes what is desired. W. H. KERR, Editor and Proprietor, BRUSSELS.