HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-11, Page 44 New Advertisement: Strayed -414 Barr.. Locale -A, Ti, Smith, Local, -Henry Burgese. For sale -G, A. Deadman. Pink Pills ->-Dr, W1iliame, ,Flare for sale -Was, vathill, Farms for eale-A., Rueter," Locals --Posy Publishing Home, Orae laTS$$$ WO. J71D 4Y SEPT. 11, 1896. {~ Peovinorar. S.zonmmanr Davos was elected by aoolamation in North York on Tues- day and will now be a fully fledged Cabinet Minister, Ar the bye.eleetion in North Oxford County, owing to Sir Oliyer Mowat's go. ing into the Senate, Andrew Pattallo, of the Woodstock Sentinel -Review, was eleotod by a majority of 781. He was opposed by an Independent candidate. Mr, Patullo will make a very useful member in the Local Legielature. TOnoNTO's Industrial Fair possesses a magnetic, influence not common to many eueh institutions, and instead of retro. grading is making rapid and substantial progress. This year the attendance of visitors was something enormous, the climax being reached on Tuesday, when upwards of 100,000 people were on the grounds. Ir is hinted that Jno. A. Auld, partner of the late Hon, W. D. Balfour in the Amherstburg Echo, will be asked to he the Liberal candidate for South Essex in the coming bye -election. Mr, Auld has been Reeve of Amherstburg for years and also Wardeu of Essex County and would no doubt make a most able and careful legislator, as he has proven himself to be an A 1 man for his town and County, CONe1raI SLE anxiety has been felt as to how the Dominion Government would flare on a, vote in the House owing to the many contradictory statements published concerning majorities: This question was set at rest on Tuesday of this week, when Pion. Wilfrid Laurier had a record- ed majority of 34, and 2 Liberal seats vacant, on the question of the Governor General's warrants. Tris favors and honors bestowed upon Li Hung Chang by Canada and the United States have been the best at the disposal of these Countries, but there is evidently a large sized incongruity some place when these marks of favor are placed in comparison with the laws of both this Dominion and the U. S., re- garding the rights of the Chinese to citizenship. Toronto Fair Directors made no mistake, however, in having Mr. Chang visit their big aggregation on Tuesday. TEE Berlin Record, one of the most rabid Tory journals in the Province, bas evidently lost all conceit of the party, or perhaps Joe Seagram has not come down as handsomely as expected. That there is something the matter with it, the fol- lowing from last week's issue clearly shows :-"The defeat of North Grey drives homo the fact that the Conserva- tive party is disorganized and without a leader who possesses the confidence of the electorate. With the spectacle of men like Whip Taylor voting in June for "principle," as he termed it, and in f August deserting that principle to fan a 1 race cry ; of Wallace, the pigmy states- man, astride his hobbyhorse attempting e to put himself into the stature of a lead- t er, coming atop of the unpleasant mem- o ory of the ]ate Cabinet's quarrels and a dissentione last Spring, there was some p cause for defeat. A long lease of power h has given the Conservative leaders the o gout ; hard work in the shades of opposi- w tion may pure them of it, if they are wise r enough to sink personal ambitions and unite in a common can5e around their t strongest man, remembering that they t are the servants and not the masters of ly. the people ; then it may not be many leo years ere the party that made Canada ate what it is to -day may again be returned the to power. ear ioc QuIte au iatereet 10 manifeeted in the Waling 8laeb ilurOn Ta1111'!<ir. 'J.'hedatea are Oob.1,k 2. The Young people are lgolcing °forward. to numerous apple paring bees witb a' good deal of interest, Fall Wheat.-., ..,..,. 00 DD Barley - .. • . 26 80 .Peas • 40 41 Oats Butter, kuba and robe ,,10 Agga per dozen Flour per barrel........, 15 4 00 Potatoes,..... 4 Hay per ton.. 7 00 Bides trimmed 4 • Hides rough 8 Salt per bbl., retail 1 00 Sheep skins,oaoh 80 Lamb thine each 15 Apples per bus 1 00 Hogs, Live 8 00 Wool 18 17 11 8 4 800 0. 8 U 76 40 3 80 Dana M3iu axe, -Liverpool Sept; Cheese firm ; demand poor • fi American white, 405 ; fineet Amt colored, 40s 0d, -New York, -Bu steady ; state dairy, 100 to 16o creamery, 11io to 10ko ; western da 8o to 12110 ; do creamery, ilio to 1 do faotory, 7}a to fife ; i;tglne, 1 Cheese firmer ; state large, 0o to 810 small, Tho to 8�o ; part skims, 2o to full skims, 11e.-Madoo, Ont,-Niuet factories boarded 850 boxes cheese; sold at 03o. Wilkins, 275 boxes, ltt'aC gar, 850 boxes, Ware, 200, Cook, Belleville, Ont. -Ab the cheese board day 18 factories boarded 1,010 bo white and 36 colored. Sates on bo were :-50 white at 90 ; 95 colored at 50 white at 8�o. Tonoire, SEPT. 8. -Market go Flour quiet ; prices unchanged anti rollers, quoted at $8.10 to 03.16, and made out of new wheat, 33. Bran v dull ; oars quoted at $8 west, and sbo at $9. Wheat -Very quiet ; some regularity in prices ; sales of old red white at 64o outside, and of new red 60o to 610 ; new white, bald at 020 ; 1,Mauitobe bard held at 610 afloat, William, with 600 bid, and 77o, 2 at 8 Toronto freights, with 6610 bid ; No. hard, Toronto freight, is quoted at 70e 701o. Barley -Prices purely nomin Oats steady ; offerings moderate ; o white Bold at 1815, and mixed ab 1 west. Peas quiet ; prices steady ; sa of new at 410 north and west, and at 41 to 42o middle freights. Oatmeal quie prions nominal, at 02.40 on track. Co dull ; prices quoted at 28e to 29o. 11 -New rye quoted outside at 820 to 380. Tonoxro, SEPT. 8, -The Toronto oatt market was quiet today. Hoge were easier for choice ; other live stock w steady. Receipts were 70 cars, inaludin 1,261 eheep and lambs, 40 calves, an 1,200 hogs. Cabbie were steady. The was fair demand and prices were stead but the quality was not up to ma Best cattle sold at 4e, but some sold fro 9}c up to that priae. Butchers' catbl were in good demand at 2o to 8o, and few choioe sold of 8a per pound. Seve oars were taken for the Montreal marks Sheep were steady, export sheep sellin at 8o per Ib. Lambe were eteady at $ to $2.50 each. Butchers' sheep were no wanted. Hogs were easier for best baoo hogs and 40 per lb. was the top prig paid ; Sao for thick fat and 33o per Ib for light ; stores were not wanted. EAST Buevzo, Sept. 8. -Cattle: 1 care left over ; 2 fresh steady ; good t best rimers, $2,50 to $2.75 ; butchers $4.20 to $4.40 ; export bulls, 08 to 03.25 stook steers, $2.65 to $3. Hoge -4 oar fresh ; 8 left over, firm ; Yorkers, $9.6 to $3.70 ; light and pigs, $8.70 to $3.75 mediums and heavy, 33.35 to 33.45 mixed packers, $3,40 to $3.60; roughs, $2.80 to 33.15 ; stags, $2.25 to 32.76. Sheep and Lambe, -G care ; higher ; prime lambs, $5 to $5.25 ; good to choice, $5.60 to 35 ; culls and common, 33 to $4.25 ; good to choke mixed sheep, 08.60 to $3.75 ; culls and common, $1,25 to 32,60. Cattle closed with feeling dull. Hogs closed firm. Sheep and lambs closed dull ; latest sales of common to sir natives at $9.75 to 04.50 ; Canada meths, 34.85 to 35. Lxvs Broom -An English correspond. nt of the Trade Bulletin says :-With he approach of cooler weather, meat onsumption takes on itself an impetus, nd salesmen find it less difficult to die. gee of their chargee, to whioh they have elpsd this week by diminution of total fferings. London must be taken as a hole, and not Deptford alone, when eokoning these matters for buyers are all in communication, and the state of rade at Islington, at Smithfield, and on he Thames side affects each individual - Liverpool and Glasgow are also at - ted from the same causes which riper. in the metropolis, as demand from 6,000,000 mouths in the capital neaes- ily regulates rates at centres where al population fails to appreciably diminish the bulk of arrivals. Ali Lames of supply have been called on by Switbfl.eld this week, and prices are consequently up all round, with a better feeling generally infused. Beef and mutton fairly approximate in value. Best oaaadian beef at Deptford brought 3s Ed to 88 8d per stone of 8 lbs., wbiob was 2d worse than States, and 4d to Gd better than Argentines. The top prism in Liverpool for Canadian beef has been 85 8d per etone. Sheep from Montreal steamers have sold at 3s Gd to Os 8d, with a pretty brisk demand, and would have gone higher, but for the presence of so many Buenos Ayerane, which left the pens at Be 2d to 45 4d per stone, 8. - nest Amer Iter do, iry, l a; Geo. ; do bo ; 550 all NT - 26. t0. xee and Do; let. ght that try rte ir- and at No. Forb 7a, 1 to al. id 80, les 0 t; rn ye le in as re rk. m t, 2 0 e 1 0 6 l XC7 idea. A number from this section purpose taking in the London Fair. Mr. Laban, of Harriston, is visiting at the residence of Wm. Hackwell. The continued frosts at night have done considerable injury to the oor0. Mr. McIntosh, of Mount Foreab, is visiting at the residence of Joseph Stanz- el. Mise Polly Grigg, of Morrie, has been visiting her ovals and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Fall wheat seeding is about completed here. There is not a large acreage sown this year. What ie the matter with the apple bay. ere this season 7 They have not been around in the Northern section of Mc. Hillop yet, Mies Ida Brown, who has been staying with her sister, Mre, R, Gray, during the past Summer, has returned to her home at Sarepta, a con art i Jonk es'Hall, Leadburof ygaou Friday evening of last week, The pro. gram was an excellent one and refloated credit king, who n t is it hhe ost in I bimeelf, was ar. ssist. ed by James Thomson, D. Ewan and D. Lamont, all of Brussels. We hope they will oome again. The people around Bethel purposeboid. Mg a tea -meeting on the evening of Sept, 18th. A good time is antioipated. Ad. dresses are expected from Rinds. Messre. Rigsby, of Blyth; Sawyer, of Tuoker. smith ; Forreet, of Walton, and 'Mus. grave, of Ma1illop. Good music, Pro- ceeds will be applied to making nem. sary repairs to the church and shed. Press Your Apples, Goo. Edwards Has put in an Apple Press in con- nection with his factory, brill ht., Brussels, and is prepared to make Cider, Apple Jelly and Apple Butter AT REASONABLE RATES, Bring Along Your Apples, T] TJ LS PAia.T PRIZR LIST, f Oazza'I r n F1'llo8U PAGA a,] Set Double Tartn Ilarneee, Bingle Buggy garottes, , fair of Me Boone, Pair of Corea Boots, Axe Handle,. Tinware, 12 pieces, Beetle Work,. Collection Shelf Hardware, f Oitge Merit. Arlsosus Work, Applique Work, Braiding, Berlin Wool Work, flat, Berlin Wool Work, raised, Berlin Wool and Bead Work, Berlin Wool Flowers, Bead Work, Bonnet, .Berlin Wool and°Silk, flat, Cone Work, Cord Work, Crewel Work, Gard Board Motto, Croohet Work, Cotton, Croohet Work in Wool, Darned Net, Embroidery, Cotton or Muslin, Embroidery on Worsted, Embroidery on Silk, Pine Shirt, Fanny Knitting in Cotton, Fancy Knitting in Wool, Tangy Flannel Shirt, Feather Flowere, Feather Stitching, Hair Flowers, Point Lace, Laos, Roniton, Lambrequin, Berlin Wool and Bead, Lamp Mat, Leather Work, Pair Woollen Mitts, Pair Woollen Gloves, Netting, Tufted Quilt, Croohet•Qailt, Patchwork Quilt, Log Cabin Quilt, Fancy Quilt, Knitted: Quilt, Rag Mat, Ribboeoene, R Rope Silk, Boman Embroidery, Shell Work, Sofa, Pillow, Berlin Wool, fiat, Sofa Pillow, Berlin Wool, raised, Sofa Pillow, Braided, Sofa Pillow, Patchwork, Pair Stockings, woollen, Pair Stookings, cotton, Pair Socks, woollen, Pair Sooka, cotton, Seed Wreath, Straw Hat, Tatting, Tinsel Work, Tissue Paper FIowers, Wax Flowers, Wax Fruit collection, Wax Shell collection, Outline Work, line. US, Collection of Photographs, Collection of Enlarged Photos., Collection of Stuffed Birds in ease, Collection of Stuffed Animals, Pencil Drawing, Water Color Landscape, Water Color Figures, Oil Painting Landscape, Oil Portrait, Black Crayon Drawing, Colored Crayon Drawing, Spatter Work, Painting on Pottery, Painting on Silk or Velvet, Painting on Plagues, Skeletonized Leaves, Ornamental Penmanship, Business Penmanship, Girl's Penmanship, Modelling in Clay, Hand Work Hand Work, lkivers kr th rots, Table Boquet, Hand Boquet, Button Hole or Dress Boquet, Collection of Out Flowers, Collection of Dahlias, 6 Paneiee, 6 Phlox Drummondi, 6 Asters, 6 Stooks, 6 Petunias, 6 African Marigolds, 6 French Marigolds, 6 Dianthus, 6 Balsams, 6 Zinnias, 6 Gladolus Spikes, 6 Verbenas, 3 Chryeanthemums, 8 Perennial Phlox, 8 Double Hollyhocks, 2 Cox Combs, Collection Ornamental Grasses, Native, Collection of "tenet 6 Varieties of Flowers nob speoified in above list, 183', $2 1 000 70 75 00 1 00 1 100 2xn, $1 50 1 6600 60 60 50 50 187. 2xn. 8*D. $0 75 50 76 $0 50 75 60 7660 5 69 75 50 75 50 75 50 76 60 75 50 76 50 75 60 75 50 76 50 5 60 75 50 75 60 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 60 75 50 76 50 76 50 76 50 76 550 75 50 75 60 75 50 75 50 75 50 .75 60 75 50 75 50 25 75 60 75 • 50 75 60 75 50 25 75 50 75 60 76 60 75 50 75 50 75 60 75 50 75 50 76 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 50 75 i 60 75 60 75 50 75 50 76 50 75 60 75 50 25 25 25 lar. 30 76 75 76 76 76 75 75 75 76 75 75 76 75 75 75 76 75 76 75 75 lar. $0 50 50 60 50 50 50 60 50 60 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 60 50 2xn. 3nn. $0 50 50 60 50 50 60 50 50 50 60 50 50 50 50 60 60 60 50 50 60 2ND. 8*D. 30 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 SPECIAL PRIZES. Messrs, MoLauohlin &.Carter oiler $5.00 to the best foal from their imported Clydesdale Stallion, "Ayrshire Sbamp," Messrs. Smith & McLaren offer a pair of Ladies' Oxford Shoes, value $1,50, for the beet collection of needle work by oue person, her own work. W. H. Herr will give Tars POST for one year for the beet Loaf of Home Made Bread ; and Tan POST for a year for bhe best 5 pound Roll of Butter, both articles o become his property. W. H. MoCraoken offers to purchasers of seed from him, as follows l -Six Swede Turnips, let 60%, 2nd 26o. ; six Long Rod Mangele, let 60c., 2nd 25c. ; six Yellow Globe Mangele, let 50o., 2nd 26o. 011 Painting, Original Sketoh, not lees than 165.20 in., from spot selected by the Secretary, to be limited by mates and bounds. Intending competitors can get all information from the Secretary. Mt, $3,00 ; 2nd, 32.00. Best sora of Swede Turnips, 1st,'$6,00 ; 2nd, 32.00 ; 8rd, $1.50 ; 4th, 31.00. Beet half pore of Mange's, let, $3.00 ; 2nd, $2.00 ; 8rd, 31.50 1 4th, $1.00. Au En- trance Fee of 50% to be made at time of making entries. Entries to be made be. fore Show day and prizee to be awarded not latee than Oot. 20th. Additional Entries mum be made with the Secretary for the :Above Special l'rIael, SEMI. 1 LEAVING TOW .Having purchased co business bi the City of Chatham l' zoidt offer my entire stook of Harness, Collars, Fly Nets, Trunks, Valises, In fact everything in my shop, at from 15 TO 25 PER GENT. Of a Reduction for 30 Days, . . f wmgaia leIRvSSEZS. dneed poRacma We are offering all lines of Summer Goods at Greatly Re. duced Prices in order to make room for FALL IMPORTATIONS. Odd 14110$ and I,smnsinis We will let go regardless of cost. Space will not permit us to enumerate articles and prices but ask an inspection with a view of comparing quality and cost. Be sure and not miss this chance of a good Bargain. There is something you want in our line. Stracha CAN'T GO WRONG IF YOU BUY YOUR HARDWARE FROM THE LARGEST STOOK. T THE LOWEST PRICES, A. M. McKay at CO. Special value in Paints, Machine Oil, Fence Wire, Vic. This Mill has been thoroughly overhauled and modern machinery added where required so that better work can be done now than ever. BEST GRADE OF MANITOBA FLOUR GROUND PROM MANITOBA WHEAT. Bran, Shorts, Cracked Wheat, &c., always on hand_ _ .. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Highest market price for Wheat delivered at the Mill. W. F. Stewart.