The Brussels Post, 1896-9-11, Page 3SEPT, 1J. 1800
PRIZE' LIST, [Co r7°l'N>7sp 11'
Quart any other variety of Beane,
Two Qitrone, round Striped,
Two Citrone, long Californian,
Three Watermelone,
'.Three llltteirmelege,
Three Ooeutubsre,
Three plots of Celery, White,
Three plants of Celery, Pink,
011f PAGE (i.]
00 25
le'a, 2nn, SPIT,
50 55
60 25
50 26
50 25
50 25
50 25
50 25
tl1,:lg o raa.
Tweetyfive pounne Tub Button, home made,'
Five pounds Table Batter,
50 pounds Creamery Butter,
50 pounds Fectory Cheese,
10 pounds.Helne Made Cheese,
157, 2xe, OP.
52 50 $2 00 $1 50
4th, 1 00 6th, 75
2.50 4th, 75 6th, 50
200 100
800 250 200
4th, 1 00
1 00 60
lffir er i•c.e hanfact zxez ,
Ten yarde Flannel,
Pair Blankets,
Skein Yarn, home spun,
Gentleman's Suit, Canadian Tweed,
Ten pounds Maple Sugar,
Quart Maple Molasses,
Honey, Comb,
Eoney, Strained or Extracted,
One bottle Grape Wine,
Rhubarb Wine,
Strawberry Wine,
Tomato Wine,
Elderberry Wine,
Tomato Catsup,
One quart Apple Jelly,
One quart Rhubarb Jelly,
One quart Raspberry Jelly,
One quart Jelly, from any other fruit, named,
Loaf Baker's Bread, white,
Loaf Home Made Bread, white,
Loaf Baker's Bread, brown,
Loaf home Made Bread, brown,
Trait Cake,
Jelly Cake,
Oatmeal Cake,
. Collection of Canned Fruit, in glees jare,
leT. 2Nn. Ben.
$076 4050
76 50
75 50
76 60
1 00 75
50 25
60 25
50 25
50 25
50 26
50 25
50 25
60 25
50 25
50 25
50 25
50. 25
50 05
50 25
76 60
75 50 26
75 80
75 50 25
75 50
75 50
50 26
76 50 25
Of 11,1' late Ifellald and 1Tllteroat$ Tire
Engine Tests. In Termite.
(Fnotf Tononro Nnws, Ano. 2150.)
The following letter, recently handed
to the Mayor, has been given The News
for publication, and as it contains some
important statements it is only right that
it should be placed before ,tile citizens at
large :
Toronto, July 31, 1890,
To Hie Worship Mayor Fleming :
Dear Sir,—We, the undersigned me-
chanics, boviug eeeu the fire engine tests,
wish to call yon: attention to the follow-
ing facts in regard to the Waterous En-
gine on trial in this city
1. Considerably too slow in getting up
2. Weight being, we are informed, 2,000
pounds heavier than the Ronald and very
much heavier than contract calls for, was
to be 7,400 pounds fully leaded, and is
now 8,700 pounds light, and when it is
borne in mind that nearly all the weight
is on the hied wheels, it is doubtful if iu
bad weather it could get to a fire at all.
Itis also top heavy—apt to tip over in
suddenly turning a corner.
8. The vibration of the pump is of such
a nature that it would be very destructive
to the hose, as shownat test, when the
hose was chaffed and worn to such an ex-
tent as to burst and break, and finally also
splitting, then breaking off air chamber.
4. Considering the high pressure at
pumps the work done is very unsatisfac-
tory, which we think can only be account-
ed for by their defective construotiou.
5. The engine has broken down at every
test. Hence we, as practical mechanics,
are decidedly opposed to its purchase.
These reasoue are more potent titan ears.
ed the Merryweatber to be rejected.
0. We have all seen the working of the
Ronald engine and are a unit in its decid.
eel superiority.
We would reoommeud a first -Blase en.
gineer to run the engine, recommended
by its mailers.
Very respectfully yours,
Charles Hood, M. IS., 829 Wellesley street
John Wilson, 101'McCaul street.
11. W. Parker, 190 Richmond street west.
Alfred Webb, 222Riohmond street west.
Chas. Smith, 151. Parliament street.
Thomas Dill, 210 Richmond street,
W. Goddard.
Jacob M. Eggert, 112.1'".,118 Shifter street.
John J. Booth, first engineer steamer
John 0. Parker, manufacturer of engine
supplies. .
QUALI0XOtTle1's of Tim 5)000ns.
Captain Hood holds flrat•olaes marine
engineer certificates.
1 ohn Wilson, machinist.
H. W. Parker, meebanienl engineer.
A. Webb, mechanic, ex -foundry pro.
Chas. Smith, manager Ontario Engine
and Pump Manufacturers, served his time
in Shand to Mason's Hiro Engine Works,
London, England.
Thomas Dill, mechanical engineer, fore-
man late Dickey Neil's Engine Works.
W. Goddard, foreman A.. R. Williams'
Engine Works.
Jacob M. Eggart. mechanical engineer,
at present perfecting improved steam
John J. Booth, first engineer steamer
John 0. Parker, mechanical engineer
and manufacturer of large experience,
(Tononro Termanot, Juni 81,'00.)
Aceoriling to the statement of the en-
gineer acting for the Ronald firm, the Leet
of the Ronald the engine yesterday was
most satisfactory to the firm, who regard
it as euooessful in every respect. The
trials wore as follows ;—
First boat—To get steam up. The Ron
old threw its $ret stream in 7 minutoe ;
the Waterous in 18 minutes.
Second test -500 foot hose, with 1.4 inch
nozzle on each hose, The Ronald sept a
steady stemma, continuing longer than the
Waterous, and throwing an moorage of 25
feet farther.
Third test -Two Snot, each 500 fent, 1}
inah nozzles on boat, The, Ronald ex'
oeedecl the Waterous by an average of
from 15 to 20 feet.
Fourth test—With 750 feet hose on
each engine, and 1} inch nozzles. The
Ronald exceeded the Waterous in work,
throwing an average of 25 feet farther.
After running for from one half to three
quarters of an hour the Waterous engine
burst the large air vessel on the top of its
pump, blowing it into the lake, and caus-
ing great excitement among the crowd.
This was the fourth time the Waterous
engine broke dawn in its tests it this city
—twice in its steam gear and twice in its
pump gear.
The weight of the Ronald engine is
7,000 lbs., while the Waterous is supposed
to weigh at least over 2,000 lbs. more than
than the Ronald. The Ronald engine is
offered to the city at $4,800. The price
of the Waterous is $5,300.
The steadiness and ease with which the
Ronald engine worked as compared to its
opponent was admired by the crowd of
onlookers. Less coal and less steam
pressure was used by the Ronald engine
than by its oppouent.
The Ronald engine woo the World's
Fair medal and first prize at Chicago, and
these marks of high merit will be exhib-
ited in a window on a leading street in the
city in a few days. The competition at
Chicago was not only keen, but the merits
were adjudged by a board of the best ex-
pert mechauios the world could produce,
selected both from Europe and America.
At the Centennial Exhibition, Philadel-
phia, in 1876, the Ronald engine competed
against thirteen engines in several days'
competition, and was awarded second
place by the underwriters of New York.
The medal then won will be exhibited
with that won at the World's Fair, and
also the gold medal won at London for the
best, fire eligine in competition, in a few
(Peon Tonne() News, Aum, 5,'96.)
At the test yesterday of the Waterous
fire engine twelve bags stuffed full of straw
were. placed under the hose to act as a
cushion and preserve the hose from being
chafed and destroyed by the ceaseless vi-
bration, rather a humiliating spectacle foe
a supposed modern machine to have to
resort to.
(Tonoxxo More, Atm 0,'96.)
The Ronald fire engine World's Fair
lob prize diploma and medal, also their
Centennial and other gold and silver
medals awarded this firm, are now on ex-
hibition at C.1'. Ry. office windows, cor.
ner King and Yonge streets. After to-
morrow will be at Evening Telegram's
windows, corner Ring and Bay.etreete.
Awards of merit no other fire engine can
Can il.ciitt It .N e
John Galbraith, of Toronto, was ap-
pointed Vieo-President of the meobani-
cal and engineering section of the
American Association for the Advance-
ment of Science at Buffalo.
There is nothing to prevent anyone
concocbing a mixture and calling it
"sarsaparilla," and there is nothing to
prevent anyone spending good, money
taking the stuff ; but prudent people,
who wish to be sure of their remedy,
take only Ayee'e Sarsaparilla, and so get
After six years of patient study, R. 13.
Olde, of the firm of P. F. Olds et Son, of
Lansing, Mich., has perfected a horselese
carriage which works to perfeobion. The
propelling machinery is all under the
vehicle, and consists of a eompaet gaeo•
line motor of five.hortae oapaoity, with
gasoline tank capacity for a 25 mile run.
A double chain gear and sprocket, simi•
lar bo that of a bicyele, only of lamer
pattern, connects the motor with the
rear axle, and a lever controls the motor
from the driver's Beat, the steering gear
also being in the front of the vehicle,
consisting of a light lever controlled by
the left hand. The equipment, complete,
weighs about 1,000 pounds,, and 11,h. Olds
is donfideut this weight can be reduced by
.at least 200 patinas. One point ofsuperi.
ority of the carriage over others is the
small amount of fuel required, the eoet
being onotgnartet et one cent for each
mile travelled.
The 51wniteba senaue showsa pope.
lades of 193,825.
Ata 0104 61 meeting of the Canadian
Oat Nail Ameo Wien ab Montreal, it wee
decided to re2uoe the east of out Palle
OM dente per keg.
Sportsmen are erowdin5 iota idani iebe
for the duek•shooting, which began en
Tsoaday, Sept. let. Prairie thickens
come in two weeks later, Game is re.
ported very plentiful,
Ayer's 1Tair Vigor lopes up the weak
hair mete, stimulates the voseele and
tissue which supply the hair with
nutrition, strengthens the hair ileel5 and
adds the oil whioh keep the shafte soft
lustrous, and silky. The most popular
and valuable toilet preparation in the
A Regular Cripple.
Suffered terribly With rheumatism, and
lend to vise nteehnnloal ADplhOtcee te.
'Purrs lu Ileal -Friends 'Tbou5bt he
Could net Recover,
From the Eesnemist, Shelburne, Out,
Almost everybody in the township of
elelanathon, Dufferin Co., knows Wm.
August, J. P., postmaster of Augustan.
Mr. August, now in his 77th year, came
to Canada from England forty years' ago,.
and for 88 years bas been a resident of
Melanothon. During some thirty years
of that time he .has been a postmaster,
and. for 11 or twelve years was a member
of the township council, fee some years
bolding the position of deputy reeve,
He has also been a justice of the peace
since the formation of the county. It
will thea be seen that Mr. August stands
high in the estimation of his neighbors.
In the winter of 1894.95 Mr. Augast
was laid up with an unusually severe at.
tack of rheumatism, being confined to
the house and to his bed for about three
months. To a reporter of the Economist
lkir. August acid :—"I was in foot a
regular cripple.' Suspended from the
ceiling over my bed woe a rope which I
est far"
Wash Day
Makes clothes
sweet, clean,
white, with
the least
able lasting
and cleansing
economical and
Every Day
Ilaving purchased a shop on
Thomas St., opposite the Queen's
Ilotel stables, I wish to notify my
old customers and as manynew
ones as may favor me with their
patronage that I have removed
to my new stand.
Soliciting a share of business
from the public, guaranteeing
I remain,
B. T. Plumy
General Bin chin ith Jo Horseshoer
would seize with my hands, and thus
change my position in bed or rise to a
sittiug posture. I suffered as only *ale
ranked with rheumatic pains can suffer,
and owing 10 my advanced age, my
neighbors did not think it posaible for
me to recover. I had read much con-
cerning Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and at
last determined to give them a trial. I
commenced taking the pills about the let
Feb., 1895, taking at the outset one after
each meal and increasing to three at a
time. Within a couple of weeks I could
notice an improvemeut, and by the let a.f
April I was able to be about as usual,
free from the pales, and with but very
little of the etiffuess left. I continued
the treatment a abort time longer and
found myself fully restored. It is now
nearly a year since I discontinued tak•
ing the Pink Pills, and I have not had
any retnrn of the trouble in that time.
I have no hesitation in saying that I owe
my recovery to Dr. Williams' Pink
These pills are a perfect blood builder
and nerve restorer, curing snob diseases
as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paraly-
sis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus dance,
nervous headache, all nervoue troubles,
palpitation of tbe heart, the after effects
of la grippe, diseasee depending on
humors of the blood, suck as scrofula,
chronic erysipelas, eto. Pink Pills give
a healthy glow to pale and sallow com-
plexions, and are a specific for the
troubles poeuliar to the female system,
and in the case of men they effect a mull.
cal cure in all eases arising from mental
worry, overwork, or exossses. lir. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills may be had of all
druggists, or diro t by mail from Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont„
or Scheneotady, N. Y., et 50 cents a box
or six boxes for $2.50. See that the
company's registered trade -mark is on
the wrapper of every box offered you, end
positively refuse all imitations:and eubsti•
totes alleged to be "just as good." Re-
member no other remedy has been dis-
covered that caneneoesefnlly do the
work of Dr.'Williams' Pink Pills.
Al�umater �a 1rn jntN�9
From From From
Livert,O'l STEAMSRIP5. Montreal -Quebec
2 duly Sardinian .........18 July 10 July
0 " *Nnmidlan 20 20
Jo " i'arieiun 1 Aug. 3 Aug.
88 " Laurentian 8 5
00 " *Mongolian 15 ' 15 "
5 Aug. Sardinian 22 0 28
18 0 *Numidion 20 n 20 "
20 " Parletanl 6 Sept 6Sept
27 " *Laurentian 12 0 12
5 sept. *hiougoliau 10 ' 13 '
10 " Sardinian 05 " 57 0
*The Laurentian carrion only cabin
passengers Eastbound.
*Slearnere when marked thus do not
stop at Ritnouski or Londonderry.
All Steamers sail from Moutreal at
Passengers go on board between 7 and
10 o'clock on the evening •before ' the ad..
vertised date.
t'Passengers may go via Montreal
and return by New York or viae versa.
For further information ea to rates,
,2o., apply to '
Certain in lie egpeorotsofs 00and 10w: aovor bliotoro.
Hos SS, Carman HeadwallsCo., ID., Reb.ra,'oa.
Dr. n. 3. l.sen.u0 CO.
Deur Slrn—Plonne send me ono of your Horse
Books and oblige. I have used a great deal of your
Randall's Spann Ouse with good success • it is a
wonderful medicine. I onto lead a mare that had
an Occult Spuvin and ave bottles cured her. 1
keep ubottle on Tours truly, and all otim0 . Powrta
Dr. D. J. Run= Co. OA-4Toh, 310„ Apr. 0,'02.
Dear Sta—I 11005 used several bottles of your
"Seudall's Spavin Cure" with mush success. I
think It the best Liniment I ever used. Have re-
mouedone Curb, nnu Blood Opnvl,, and kilted.
boo Bene Sestets.. Have recommended 1t to
e oral of my friends who are much pleased with
and keep 11, iteapes a�y,
ttor, 1'. 0.Bos515.
For Sale by all Druggists, or address
Dr. 20. J. SEND.v.Zl d0BtP.d.A"r,
d. Lollar.
"I contracted a severe cold, which settled
on my lungs, and I dill what is often done
In such eases, negleeted it. Itheu consulted
n doctor, who found, on examining me, that
the unppere,p:art of the left lung was badly
',Footed. The medicines ha gave me did not
seen to do any good, and 1 -determined to
try Ayer's ChorryPectoral. After taking a
Tow doses myitrouble was relieved, and be-
.— I had
Alt,lwatchmaker, Orangeville, iwaS lls Ont.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
Biighest Awards at World's Fair.
4ver•'s Pills Cttre ZILlEiOJEStiatta
LI t t G I E S
Britisis t'01111ilb1iL
Ited Cellar Shingles
North 811.01'0
Phi littil Cedar
, AND. ---
Brussels Planing bills
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
" pert/ at
6 & 6i Per Cent., Yearly',.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Division court Clerk, Brussels.
Are Yoii'Leok!ii or
The Balance of oilr Mock of
Base Balls and Bats
Garden Tools ancl.
Croquet Sets
Will be Sold at a Very
Small Advance on
C T'
To Clear out Stock.
PreAbyteiiai. 1-i rrm Books
Cheap and First-class Material.
Every Huusellnlder should call and see the
&Clary Coal oil Stove with Fountain,
Also Doorsaand Sash made a tel rat Window Screens all Sizes and
tarns on hand or madeto ardor
at Short Notioe. Screen Doors made to order.
Estimates h'tnrnishei for all
kinde or Bnildtoga. Workman.
ship and Material Geal•anteed.