HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-4, Page 8DEADIVIAN M,cOALLi IIEADCIUA1TEBS FOB= t ol Books. WE HAVE THE Best 5co Scribbler IN BRUSSELS. DEADMAN d McOALL, 3xaggists, Opticians and Booksellers GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHIIIM ExTENSUON W. G. & E. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : eoING 9onTa. GOING NORTn. :Hail 0:28 a,m. Mixed 0.40 a.m. (•lxprees 11:58 am. Mail 12:0,4 pm, !sod 0:00' 1 Ex 9:48 p.m faxed pan, press 1 1 1 NEx0 Monday ie Labor Day and 10 u etatutury holiday, T.A. U&WISion bite a ooneert-anatoaineed at Leedbury for Friday evening of this week, Tile cellar and etcno fgandetion for Watson ,Ainls 'e re11 90010 Ja Y fan street, le ready for the lineareateee1ure, ON ecoonnl of Monday being 11. pultlio helidey the Allege Coutmil will not aneet until Tuesday evening of next week, TuesnaR, September. 15th, at 1 1,, 111., Ju Magoon Judge M ai R will hold Vetere'Dist Int Court in the Oonnoil fabumber, Brussels. JNo, Baer lies dispoaodbf hie span of pontos to George Parker, bores dealer. They will go to Loudon, England, with the next shipment. Bntwseres apple evaporatingfactoey will he in operation shortly and will handle all the apples brought. It will be in' charge bf 111eners, Ilunter cis Shine. BRussr,Le Public eehool rimmed work. on Tuesday, Principal Cameron, Mr. North, Mise Downey and Mies leitohie were in their respe0t1100 departmeete: One thanks are due to George Iidti'ards for jar of apple jolly made by the new process in vogue at his fa0tory, Mill street, Brussels. 11 is a goad article and should fled favor with the public Tae POST wants a wide-awake oar, respondent et every point not now repro." sented in its columns. le there ie .no news appearing regularly from your — section drop in and see us or write to ne. We will furnish you with stationery. lease week Meeere. Clegg & Dames shipped a double deekod car of lambs on Tuesday, a oar of cattle an Thursday and a oar of bogs on Friday. This firm handle a lot of stook and put a large amount of money into oiroulation. Berme AND Boos.—Floving mowed the Egg, department of Jas. Ballantyne's business, I am prepared to pay the high. est market oath price for good butter and fresh eggs at Bailantyne'e side store door. Bobs. Thomson, Brussels. le le the intention of the Canadian Order of Foresters in Brussels to .place an organ in their Hall to aid in the ren- dering of opening, closing and initiatory odes and also in musical programa for "the good of the Order." The idea is a good one. An exhibit of Ronald Fire Steamers will be made at the Toronto Fair. Mr. Ronald has an open challenge of $200 to the Waterous engine for a competition, the loser to donate the above sum to a Toronto charity. The Ronald engine stands at the top and other manufactur- ere know it. FALL Faze Drum:mono—A joint meeting of East Huron and Groy Branch Agricul- tural Society Directors will be held in the Council Chamber, Brussels, on Wednes- day, 9111 inst., at 1.80 p. m., to make necessary arrangements for the coming Fair. All i,terested are expected to be present. Tan Clinton Record speaks of a former Bruseelite as follows :-0n Monday morning Walter Coate had a narrow escape from serious injury. He had de- livered from Cooper Bros. factory, a load of material for the improvements to Her. land Bros.' store. On the return trip, at the corner of Albert and Rattenbury streets, Mr. Coats lost his balance and one wheel passed over his body. The injury was so slight that he woe able to continue work. QoxrE a number of Broseelitee went Northward laet Seurday night to witeeee a so called prize fight between two Grey township young men. It is nothing to their rredit and by their action lay them- eelves liable, with the principals, to arrest for aiding, abetting and attending the fight. A revolver in possession of the party was discharged. The owner should read up the Statutes referring to carrying firearms and thereby ascertain his Habil. ity to a fine of $20.00, Bum:fEEI Excunsxon.-Over 1,500 G. T. R. employees pianiokedat,0weo Sound last Saturday from the Wellington, Grey & Bruce, Kincardine and Southampton in amebae. The trains were met by a Re- ception Committee of the Oonnoil and Board of Trade. In the afternoon var. lona games were indulged inat the pleas• urn grounds. Two bands were in attend- ance and everything passed off pleasantly. Breesole came to the front in the sports by Jno. Kendall winning three prizes for rnnningand jemping; Charlie Kendall three for the some ; and Dalby Kendall one in the foot race for boys. The exoar. sionista arrived back to Brueeelo about midnight, after a most enjoyable entinu. DEATH os JA1IE9 Goon•—James Good,. the--woll-known liquor merchant, died Very suddenly at his residence, 8 Rose- dale road, Toronto, on Thursday night of last week. Mr. Good had been down to his business Thursday morning, and not feeling quite well remained at home in the afternoon. He appeared to be all right at tea time, but shortly before 0 o'clock he was attacked with pains at the heart, Drs. Burns, :Tobiason and N?+0.9, d1oI%illop. Inspector Robb, Chne. Davidson wore galled in, but could do o. 9, 1 and hi.op Mnrpe are the arbi- nothing for the 0111.0lcen gentleman, who trattoria. died in about bele en hour after the at. Soon,—Harry Dennis dieposed of b • it tank Dame on. 'For a short time past harness I naioestilust week to John Don- aldson, of Seaforth, who will take poaees- sien on the 15th inst. Mr. Dennis will remove about that date to Chatham where he purposes making hid home and carry- on business on a larger eoale, While regretting very much Sir. Dennis' remov. al we extend a hearty welcome to Mr. Donaldson and family. DIEM—James Boyd, who was baker for N. 331ooilmor0, Brueeels, died at his e father's reeidenoe, last Monday. IIs bad been poorly for several months, but his decease was unexpected. The funeral took niece on Wednesday forenoon at Se,forth. Much sympathy is expreeeed for the relatives of the young man in their bereavement. NIrs. Jno. Robb, 6th line, Morris, is a eieter of the de. ceased. BP WORTH LEaouE.--,Monday evening a musical and literary program was pre - seated at the Epworth League which was pesee0eed of considerable merit. 11 was ad follawe :—Opening exercises : duets, "AA we sow so shall we reap," Mies Norton and N. B. Ge,•ry ; recitation, "Gone with a, handeo ser man," Miss ilLey Putiand ; quartet..., Misses Norton and Herr and N. 13, Gerry and W. H 'Cunt "!dos Z4fitrfts, A chiel'e among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll Arent it. Econ. Tae Pose gives the news. 01001.0 is a Bank holiday. PLANT your Fall advertisement. 6cuoot. Board meeting on Friday even• ing of next week. 31 =enamel= were ticketed to Toronto on Thursday. AoiENx Bnos, received a oar of British Columbia shingles this week. New subscribers are dropping in on our 20 cent trial trip for the balance of 1896, THE boys brought before the Reeve for stone -throwing were let off with a warn- ing. PASoEsamt tra-ftio is booming this week, ate Toronto Fair being to a large extent the cause. Two cars of hogs were shipped East- ward on Tuesday by Messrs. Baster & V anetone. 25 Mans in advance gets Ton POST for the balance of 1896. Take advantage of this trial trip. "Mute Lear" took 2nd money in the 2.20 race at Guelph lost week. He did the mile in 2.17e. MovoAr being a holiday, Brussels postoifice will be open from 9:45 to 10:15 a. on., 1;30 to 2:30, and 6 to 6:80 p. m. MRS. E. RoGERs removed this week to the new etore in the Leckie block wbioh hes been specially fitted up for a millinery show room. QcITE a number of Brnsselites went to Wroxeter last Friday to witness the baseball match between Goderieb and Wroxeter.The visitors won. Tao lithograph Fall Pair bills for East flnroo-l;xhibition are out. The Fair will be held at Bruseele on Thursday and Friday, Oot. 1 & 2. Are you a member ? Par Ti P, --All accounts due me must be tattled before Sept. 15th as 1 purpose leaving town on that date. All unsettled temente will be placed in other hands for collection after Sept. 15th. II. Dennis, Brussels. Ona correspondents are kindly request. ed to be regular and punctual in sending in their budgets. A few artioles from each correspondent every week ie highly appreciated, not only by the Editor but by those who live in your locality. SOMEBODY ornamented the window of Ino. Hewitt's barber shop while he was away to dinner, on Wednesday, as fol. tows :—Barker wanted, to take posses. cion of this shop. Low wages. No Irish. need apply. Presebt proprietor going West, but not alone. Par LP,—We intend sending out notices tos.11 indebted to TOE Poer for eubeorip• tiau with the expectation of prompt set- tlement. We can't ram our • b11eineoe without money any more than any sub scriber can. "Do unto o1here, &c." in a' ae^ad rule. JSATURDAY, at 10 o'clock, a school arbi- tration will .be held in the Council Chamber, Brussels. The point in die. pate is the propored formation of a new sootiou from parba of No. 2, Grey, and Mr. Good had bee,, a sufferer from boort disease, bet bad never been serif:4s1v ill with it. Deeeeeed was 92 years of ago and a very well-known man in the oily. He came to Toronto from Ireland in 1867 and lane been in business there ever since. He was a member of the A. 0. 1J. W. awl attended St, Paul's church, Blear - street. He leaves a widow and two sone. Deceased was a brother to George Good, of Wingham, and the Jate Adam Good. The funeral took plane on Saturday af. ternoon. WORTHY or COrIAIENDArxox,-Brussels, While not possessing a High School, has a Pablie School that will compere very favorably with the best High Schools in the Province. We ars often compliment- ed on our fine school .building -the finest in heron County—but the work done in- side is equally good and reflects great credit not only upon the pupils but on Principal Cameron for his careful train- ing and preparation for the exams. Here; ie the record for this Summer's examin Pelona :- 11 wrote for Entranoe, 10 passed; 10 " Leaving, fl " ; 0 Form I., 0 " 7 " Primary, 4 „ Kett ; reading, "Thos. Jefferson Allen," Passed Form l„ 2 Miss Minnie McNaughton ; tole, "Flee es a bird," G. D. Lamont ; ueaeonable 87 wrote, 34 paused. and practical addrese on "Duty," by Rev, Myrtle Nott and Prank Smith, who male - 11. J. Arlin ; duett, "Will the dear old ad the Primary, are only 14 years of age, times ems back Again; ' Mioeeo Lizzie The former would have written a year Semple and Florence Hunter ; fine may ago but had the misfortune to fail and ou "Ambition," by G. D. Lamont ; aloe. break her arm a abort time before the tag. There was a large attendance. Eli examination. We doubt if any other Smith oeeupied the chair very a00ept. Pubifo School in rho Province can pro. ably. Next Tuesday evening the election dude SA good a showing, Tan Poet' eon' of omoe•bearers will take place, meeting gratulatee both pupils and t000here en' Taommeno(ng at 7;80 o'clock, their suaeese. T g $ T?v [TSS Tina week will see the frame work 'et J. 0.',lpuck's now reeld0 00 well advanced and about ready for the brick vopoer. 12 Feer,—henry Buttery, 1$111 oon,, Grey, sent THE POST a stalk of Dorn that 100aenred - 12 foot in length, et fe "a cherry pinker trent filo to limb' inite eeowupetivonees. Kgox 011ur'c13 is no mere as it 1199 been torn down by Watson Ainley who per. chased. it. A good :there of the material. willused iii b n V h the ebn9trUOtlOn Of one Or Mete dwellings, h Busmltes must be looking up at ,Ino. MoBain'e tailoring shop ae he took on anotber hand this week. Tlic young gentleman will board with 114r,'. and lure. 000Bain.for the present. AcoIDENT,-0olanoillor Backer bad two 31139000011019 left hand bedly oraeh0d on Monday eyeuing while working around a hay Tees. He will be eomewhat die• ebled for a time but we hope will suffer 00 901100nent injury from the aooident. BASE BALI,. ---A baseball' . match wee played en Victoria Perk, ]resale, 00 Thursday afternoon of last week, be. tween the l3enediote, captained by 11, N. Barratt, and the Baehelare, 'lead to the - fray by the redoubtable haohelm' A. 11, Smith. The game was 7 innings and was. Won, by the double harness fellows by 20 to 18. A. douetey umpired the match and, in spite of the numerous freak tees, performed hie duty without fear or favor. Among the ball tossers were 1—Bene. diets—J. Moliain, J, Fox, D. 0, Rose, W. M. Sinclair, N. F. Gerry, R. N. liar- rett,'J. Trimble, A. Currie and ;James. Baohelore-J. Grewar, W. Griffith, W. Leethordale, K. Scott, 3. H, Cameron, Jae. Tbompeon, W. Sample, J. Arden, A. R. Smith. Another.gam0 is tallied of eor this week between the some teams. Bnneeano Vmrone.—The Tennis match played on Tuesday of last week between Listowel and Brussels Clubs, on the lawn of J. D. Ronald, resulted in a victory for the home players, the result being 5 events to 4. This makes five matches this season, two. with Wingham, in which Brussels was successful, and three with Listowel, two of which were wins and one a draw. The score in the Tuesday matob was as follows :—Singles—Kidd beat Stewart, 6-2, 6-1 ; Tbompeon beat Cameron, 0 4, 8-8 ; Roes beat Nichol, 6-1, 7.5 ; Sinclair beat Stewart, 7.5, 8 6, 6.3 ; Cluff beat Martin, 6-8, 6 4 ;• Livingstone beat Lamont, 6 4, 6-3. Doubles—Kidd and Nichol beat BOSS and Stewart, 6-2, 6.4 ; Lamont and Chuff beat Livingstone and Martin, 6.4, 4-6, 10.8 ; Cameron and Sinclair beat Thompson and Stewart, 6.4, , 6. 12,6. Thie will probably wind up the weenie nlatehes for the season. Business Locals. Love, cleat bacon at MoOraaken'e. BALANCE of my dusters, fly nets, &e., at oost. 0. O. Richards. RIPE tomatoes only 40e. per bushel at Tboe. Kelly's, Brussels. 1 COMFORTABLE reaidenee, with 3 acre of land, for sale, II. Dennis. Fon beet value in boots and shoes we take the lead. 'I. C.Ricbarde. GREAT bargains in harness, collars, trunks, &c., for 80 days at Ft. Dennis'. CEEAN 1 obese I harness of all kinds, both heavy and light. 1. 0. Richards. RoLLen Date and all kinds of mill feed for sale at Roes' mill, Brussels. Ser secondhand single harness for sale ebeap. Sign big Scotch collar. I. 0. Richards, LEAVXNO TOWN.—H. Dennie is selling off hie entire stock owing to intended re. move!. Big bargains for 00 days. FLOUR! FLOOR I Manitoba patent, Man- itoba mixture, or straight Ontario, best in the market, for sale at Ross' mill. Goon eeoond hand lumber wagon, wide tire, newly painted-, with box and whiffle - trees, for Bale at a bargain. 13. Gerry, Brasoele. Are one needing sawn hammered had better bring them in now as I have a practical saw maker engaged to straight. on and true saws et my shop, Queen et. east, Brussels. T. MaGeneoi; saw filer. San oa'e Care, the great cough and 010149 cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty -Elva doses ; only 26 Dente. Children love it. Sold by Jae. Fox, druggist, Brussels, IIARL's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25 ora„ 60 ata. and $100. Sold by Jae, Fox, druggist, Brussels. Rerexnive DONE.—Machinery, bicycles, lawn -mowers, 00000000, implements and all kinds of tools sharpened add put iu order at reasonable prices for spot cub by saw filer T. McGregor, of Brussels, Queon St. East. Mits. T. ' S. EAwrmro, Chattanooga, Tenn., says, "Shilob's Vitalizer "saved my life." I consider it the beet remedy for a debilibaed system I ever urged.," For dyepepeie,liveror kidney trouble it =eels. Price 75 ole. Sold by Jae. Fax. OAarnas.--Any one desiring carpets will do well to cell at the Bruesele Wool. en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest aseortmeut of samples ever shown in •thio locality, ranging in price from 30e. to $1.00. Howe & Co. PAINTING, &c.—The undersigned, hav- ing entered into partnership, ore =spar. ed to do all kinds of work in the following linea:—Plein and ornamental painting, kalsomining, frescoing, paper -hanging, sign -writing, etc., &o. Remember our motto, "Fieet•claae worir and reasonable chargee," STEwART & Rxuonie, Bru esele, WELn-Dxocnvo AND DRmLING.—George Biot has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling 'Dile and is prepar- ed to attend,to all worst antruetod to him in a way that will insure satisfaction, • Welle cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable. 'Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 34-81 Amur. —In Brussels, on Auguet 21st, the wife of Rev. S. J. Allin, of a daugh- ter. MOBAxe.—In Brueoele, on Aug, 801.1x, the wife of Mo, Jno, MOBa(n of a eon, Moonr.--In Morris, on Aug. 25th, the wife of M. Jas. Moore, of a &evil - ter. MaLeoo.---In McKillop, on Aug. 11113, the wife of Mr. R. McLeod of a daughter. Moons, In NfeKillop, on Aug, 171h, the wile of Mr, Robt, Moore of a dough. ter. Cs:frn8l,L,-5n MnIliliop, on July 10th, the wife of Mr. Jae, Campbell, of a daughter. UST lealleautesti BIT., 43, 1890. till 4.w1'.IM2UD B4e/Y.tit. Q. 04W424, HEAD 'DFFIOS, - TOi;ONTO d.SS TS E (SayanDellore) � CAPITAL (Authorized) , Agencies 3n ail3rrlitotlloi points to Ontario, Quebec, Marlitaba United States s0 England. ari,952fieg Roamail. A Gene 1 an ra Banking ,lipsinees 7.raheaoted, Farmers' Notes Draf1.9 Ieoned and Collocations made on all points, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, Interest allowed op deposits of $1,00 and upwards from dot of deposit to date of. withdrawal and compounded half yearly. 00e0141, ArTANT1o3 man TO THE COMMOTION OP P1101Ena' BMA N0TM0, livery facility afforded Cuetomersliving at a dietanoe. 00 0 $7, 0, OR $2,000,000 Dieoounted, 3. A. STEWART MINA01:1L uumuumuumneaumuuWateonnuinaleamaimimm acme. =roe: Mowxr0.0Y;—Ind ilitKillop, on Aug. 270, Christina, daughter of Jno,lliowbray, aged 21 years, 1 month and 14 days, Goon —Suddenly, at his late residence, 8 Rosedale road, Toronto, on There - day, August 27th, James Good, aged 52 years, Born,—In Soaforth. on Aug. 31st, James Boyd, aged 20 years. m.A.M.m. S. MCN010, SEPT. 28113.—Farm stook,. implements, &o. Lot 22, con. 13, Groy. Sale unreservedat 1-o'olook. Duncan Molnnie, Propt. F. S. Scott, Am. •ACI -R SC'C7•T�'S•r7'.t.A.SJ-�'A22v: S. Brussels, Oot. 1. & 2. St, Marys, Oot. 6 & 7. Tavistock, Sept.. 21 es 22. Woodstock, Sept. 24 & 25. Mitchell, Sept. 29 & 80. East Niseouri,at Tbam esford, Sept. 80. Stratford, Oct. 1 & 2. Blanebard, at Kirkbon, Oct. 8 and 9. Western, at London, Sept. 10 to 19. Torobto, Industrie], Aug. 31 to Sept, 12, West Niseoari, at Tborndale, Oot. 8. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ANTED.—TO OLEANUP 25 aoreso!land. En quire atT1EPos'r Publiehing House. 8•ti PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— Firstmbrtgage, farm eeourity. Apply at THE POST .Publishing . House, Brueeele, TWO, WELL BRED JERSEY 1L Heifers, aged 1 year, and 9 months re- epectively, for ealo. Apply to 8.2" JAMES DUNOAN, Lot 27, Con, 4, Morrie. LADLESl—TOWORK around home. Salary 924.00 monthly. Applin ants desiring attention meet seed re- forenoes and three tient stamp to HOUSE- HOLD PUBLISHING CO„ McKinnon Build- ing, Toronto. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE rem Sena,—Lots 220' and 221, Queen st. Terme reasonable to a cash purchaser. Ap- ply on the premises or to 28 W. M. SINCLAIR. WARM FOR SALE OR TO elle Rent, being Lot 20, Con. 7, Groy. This ie a good farm adjoining the village of Ethel. Oomfortable house, goodbank barn and over 80 acres cleared. Terms easy. Apppl to 8.4 WM. VENOM, Ethel. COMB HONEY.—WE HAVE new on band a supply of ,nice comb honey also plenty of extracted honey. Prices —Comb, 150. per Ib. ; extracted, 111310,. fpr 81,00 or 100. per single ib. D1A3MAN &McOALL, Druggists & Opticians, STRATE]) ON TFflil PREM— tone of the undersigned, Lot 20, Con. 10 Grey, on or about July 33th, two ewes and two Iambs. The owner is requested to prove Property, pay expenses and take them away, H UGH CUNNINGHAM, 0.4 EtnelP. 0. QTRAYED ON THE PREM- s0Es of the audofsiguod, Lot 30, Cop, 0, Gray, on or about July 7th, a red heifer two The owner wis oth queete4 to prove pn properte. y, pay expenses and take her away, 4.4 J. lie BA 10ER, Henfryn P. 0. 1_10USE AND LOT FOR SALE. The uuderergned offers hie oomf0rt- able cottage and t mire of land on Turnberry street, Brussels for: 0010. On the promisee is a good well, stable, fruit trees, &o. For price and terms apply to 1-15 ALEX. MOLAUORLIN, Proprietor. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The subeoriber offers hisiiriek maid - mese adjoining 13roeselo,0011, eon„ Grey, for sale. There is nue Oen of ]and, mostly planted with mall fruits, stable, well,&e. For price and terms minty to the undersign. ed. - WALTER RLCBABDSON, 52.4 Brussels P. 0. Voters' List Court. Notice is hereby given that a Court will be held, pursuant to the "Voters' List Aot," by His Honor the Jndgu of the (County Oourt of the County of Huron at the TOWN HALL BRUSSELS, on the Fifteenth bay of Sep. Lumber, 181)1; at 1 o'oloolc, to hear and de- termine the several complaints of errors and omissions in the Vetere' Litt of the Munici- pality of Bruseole for 1800. All persons hav- ing business at the 0ourt aro required to at- tend at the said time and plane. Dated the 1st day of September, 1800. P. 8. S0O'rT, Clerk of the said Municipality, REAL ESTATE. HARMS FOR SALE. — 200 and 8th O neessiose, Township of Grey, be- ing 1 mile from the Village of Ethel and Li mies from Brussels. 40 acres of Pall wheat sown and about 80 acres under grass ; 90 acres cleared on omen. Perms 0f payment easy, 84. 4, MoRELVEY, 14, D., Bruenel&, M'ANITO]3A LAND FOR SALE. 100 aores of good farm land at Springfield, 8 mites from Winnipeg, is offer- ed for sale at alow price, The propert0 10 North. East;} Soo, 10, Twp. 11, Range -4 East, There is a house on the promisee amid Some breaking done. For full partioulors as t0 price, title, &a•, write or apply to tf G. F. BLAIR. or W. H. HERR, Brussels, Ont, T'ARM FOR SALE 1— 100 oare0-Boing South Half Lets 17 and 18 Oon.1,Morrie, having a frame bowie and frame bath with stoneenabling underneath, also an Orchard end two good wolfs, situated 24 miles from the Village of'Bluevalo end miles from the Town of Wingham senoras cleared good olayloam, m balance bdwood b110h, Any person wishiog to purchase same apply to WM, J. JOBNSTON, GEC, PEACOCE, } aeon Ora. T4-4 be sot." an or bonito letti 1 September, (21_00.0 FARM FOR, SALE NEAR Brunets, Groat "inmate, Let 7, Con, 0 Groy township. Good buildings anti or- chard, well watered, suitable for mixed or dairy fanning. Apply to WM, IOI1LOUGH ou the promises or to 30100MA8 11ES0I'0AG]O, London West, T1ARM ,FOIL. SALE.—TIRE UN•' DEn01GNED Offer their Splendid IOC acre farm, Lot 22, Con 13, Grey, for sale. There' are 85 ecru Moored, balauae good hardwood bpeh. On the promisee ie a comfortable frame house, frame barn and outbuildings; good 010310rd; walla, 30, 40 urea Under' grace. T,arm •in excellent ' state of eultiva- tlon, St milds from Oranbroo]c village and Oi from Brussels. Posseselon eoul0 bogiven tine Fall, For further partii e:eat as to price, berms, &a., apply on the promisee or 'Mite to Oranbinee re. 0, 4-10 WM. Ann SAMUEL OARN00 HAN, VALUABLE FARMS FOR, SALE. The eligible 400 acro farm, composed of lots 10 and 17in the 10th Don„ Grey t0w11ship, Huron Co„ and GO acres, part of iota 10. and 17, mu ern....belongleg to the Robert Brown On thio flre4 fain for a good atone h ueo rami large bank barn, necessary outbuildings, Or- ebard, 30, Fenn well watered, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. About 50 acres of bush, 43 of which f0 hardwood. On the 50 acre farm there 10 a house and barn, Orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. Parma sold jointly or separately to .suit pureheeer. Pgseeseion given in the Vali. Farme aro en. ly a mile from the village of Oranbroolc,. where are school, 0h01ehee, ostg-ofice, ]cot town Brussels l?oortfarlb,rh povrtfaulms as to price, terms, &o,, apply to AGNES BROWN,} JAMES BROWN, lexecutom, Cranbrook P OHN BROWN, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. BeeiWiue:Iru� Take it with Your Exercise and Build up the System. Our Beef Wino and Iron is a splen. did Summer Tonin, oouutersote the ef. feats of excessive heat, 'supplies tips body with the elements neeeseary to take the plane of that lost by undue perspiration. There je no better medicine for mental or physical languidness. Only poets 1 cent per doee and 100 doses work wonders. Try it. After you have that tired feeling re- moved by using a bottle of the above per- haps you would like a game of CROKINOL,E. If so we would bepleased to ebow you some of the new boards we are selling at $1.00 and 91.25 at Fox's Drug Store. BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE 'UnLot 20, Con. 0, Morred is,lthe keep for bredim- proved White Yorkshire Boar. "Selected," bred from 3, E. Broth0ur'e sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair, Tonne01.00 to be. paid at the tune of service with privilege of re- iurning if necessary. Pedigree may bo soon on applioatiou. ROST. NICHOL. 'ROAR FOR SERVICE.—THE underorgned will keep for service on Let 80, Con. 0, Morrie, the tboro'-bred Largo English Berkshire Boar, "Captain John," Ells mother is a fell slater to the let prize sow at the World's Fair. Pedigree will be produced on application. Terme—S1,00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of. retuning if necessary, 14 -Om JAS, WEIR, Proprietor, OAR FOR SERVICE.—TAP uudor0igned will keep for service on Lot 07. 0on. 4, Morrie, the tboro' bred Tom- worib boar, "King George," purehaeod from H. George & Sone, who got first- prize for their bora at Goolpb Fat :Stock Show, The dam of "Xing George" won first prize at the Show, London, England, His eiretwas ire - ported and weighed 710 lbs, Terms 81.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if ooc000ary. Pedigree may be seen on application. RICHARD ARMSTRONG, 4.5.1f Proprietor, Anciont Ordor of United Werk enl This old and pro cpm•oue Fraternal A asooi- ation numbering 850,000 members urn pre- senting to tho public their popular aid aeon- onnoal rates to worthy men, ab the very low rate of about 08.00 nor 51,000 per annum. The Workmen" Promptly Paw deem Claims and expect a large increase to its memb,00 now that those American Line Compania, don't seem satisfuctory to Can- adians. ROBT. AIOMSTRONG,M, W.; W, H, 1{ERIt, Recorder; J, A. OBETGBTON,FInauoi0T. Executors Notice to Creditors. IN ma ESTATE or ammo Enema OAMenzet, LATE ON TRE Tow:mow or GREY, DI TEE COONTY Or 33215030 AND PROVINCE ON ONTARIO, WIDOW, DE - 0010E1). Notice ie hereby (time pursuant to Chap. 110, See, 88, of ilia Revised Statutes of Ontar- io, 1887,the tall creditors and others having olabne, lions or demands against the estate of the mid Elizabeth. Hughes oampbof, who died 011 or about the fifth day of August, 1808, at the sold -Township of Grey, aro re- quired to send by poet prepaid for deliver to David CampbellorAlexander Alexander (both) of the said Township of Grey, yeomen, poet office addro1e Molesworbh, Out., the ox- °eatoreof said. estato, Or to 1C', lt, Blowott, Eeq„Listowel Ont„ their Solicitor, on or be- fore the 17th day of September, 1800, their names, addresses and descriptions, tbo full particulars of their claims duly verified and the nature of the eo0uritioe (if any) held by them. And take nobfoo that after the said 17th day of September, 1800, the said Exooutore Will proceed to distribute the mute of acid estate among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the elaime of whloh notice have been received as above required mud the eafd EA0OntOre will not be liable for the said aeaete or any part thereof to any person or persons of when olatm notion s1m11 not h9vebeen received as aforesaid by the said Executors at the limo of such dis- tribution. DAVIALEXANDER CAMPBELL, B' ANDER, }Exeoutara, 6.4 F. B,BLIOWETT, their8olioitOr, DENTAL. DR. DAVIDSON Honor Graduate Toronto Upivorafty, Lieentiate Bo a1 Oollog0 Dental Surgeons. Crown end Bridge work a specialty. Moder- ate Poo, bSatisfaction rber °1 1,1Turubarey Office1., xus. Bela, VETERINARY. :.• T. D. eWARWLCK - Moo tJ • 13oi r or Gxaduato of the Ontario .. Taos. A. HA.ISTFr,INr{ Veterinary College. ie prepaa.red to treat all ti , dieoasge of domoetioatod anitnale in a own- Vei11 give losoone to pupils oltlrei• on potent manner, Partunalar attention 'paid plane or organ, at his Itfuo(o itaom, opposite tb vatnrinerV dontietry, Oatle Uroplptly- at. the post•o11106, Brnseole, Vocal lse0na oleo tendedto. 3dloo and Iullrreary--Four doors given, atm yenta experience in toaobiug. north of bridge 'i'nrnborryet1, Brusels, ren, moderate, L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. COHeo- tione made. Oi11oe—Vanetone'e Block, Bruit - eels. X91 -em M. SINCLAIR, lie, &o. Solicitor, fe ane1one'e /ancer Hoek,t1y door north of Central Rotel, Private Funds to Loan. G. CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Ont. Ofri Office—HamiltonSt.,S4,laOppositoa 001 - borne Hotel, jrZ.. F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, •001101E0; &o, (late of Gamow & Proudfoot's Oiloe, Godolich,) OiRee over Gillies & Smith's Bank, Drueeole, Money 10 Loan, 47' AUCTIONEERS. (1 E0RGE KIRItBY, �V�++ Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduit edon reasonable terms- Perms and farm stocks specialty. Orders left at Tau Poor Publishing House,Bruesels, or sentto Walton P. O., will receive prompt atteutien, T, • S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION - better non ink ass time better daless chaar8 to s than any ocher Auctioneer in East Huron or he won't charge anything.Dates and orders can always bo arranged at this office or by personal application. MEDICAL CARDS, �) A. MoNAUGETON, M. D. • 0.M.,L.1,0.P., Edinburgh, 00.0. P. 8. Ont. Residence and otiloe in Wileon'e. 10100k, corner of Mill and Turnberry Ste. T• • M. ARMSTRONG, M. D. GradPhysician, Surgeon Accpuehor, etc. uate of Torouto University Medical Faculty. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Out. Oneno1—Nast door to McDonald & Co., Walton Ont, , BUSINESS CARDS. H. MoCRACKEN, • Isomer of Marriage Licensee. 051ee at bfe Grocery, Turnberry duet, Brussels. Tp N. ]3ARRETT, _R - dr• Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Noxi door, south of A. M. Mo.ifay & Coe hardware store. Ladies' and childrone hair cutting a epooialty RUSSELS POST OFFICE Savings Hank takes Deposita from 81,00 to 01,000 Dud allows 8t Per cent. i ntorest. T. PARilOW, 07-8m Poatmjtater. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- 1N8nn1N0e, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OPPxOE AT JEWELRY STORE. 1'a'No Witness Required. T. JFLEP'CHER, Brunette 'WELLINGTON MUTtAL IN•• epne5Oe Oo. bletabliahed 1845. In- 0uran00e effected on all Town and Farm P roperty lot very low rnte0, J. A. OREIGHTON, 1G•Om Agant,'Bru00ele. ALEX HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Cont Co. Huron. Oonvoyanear , Notary Public Land, Loan fund Ineuraaoe. Agent, Panda invested. and to loan. elolleeti0180 made in etrabametelock; lirn009I0