HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-4, Page 6RAnk18AE0 ,*-n.. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING lin time for the early maflel at A PLUCKY AIISSIQUll,f. Dr, Snyder, un American missions In the employ of the Southern Pres)) at The new Speaker, Han, J, D. Edger/ THE BRUSSELS POST Prohibition $5811,009. Tile leek year under Salome 801 new accounts were ry opened in the savings banks, while 1n the Y• Chet year under azo lioonse 999 were open. terra( Mission Board, arrived recently LiYelpool, after tour years' Pheone° the Congo regicu of Africa, tIo pee- *, i'he Post" Steam revile line House, tatted it thousand mite/ into the Interior,' exploring regions 000yor before visited by in does not appeal to beve taken any hint about a change in the House Of Oowmoos restaurant, Barnett, of Toronto, who ran it through the last notorious seeslon, is again in charge. Although Ilfr, Lour. ler is determined that little bullnose, be• yowl passing the suppliee, obeli he trans. a0ted at this cession, he should permit the adoption of a resolution inetruoting the Speaker to abolish the Commons grog chop, Sir Oliver and Hon, E. W. Soott have an opportunity to give an earnest of their sincerity as. Prohibition- ists by looking after the Senate saloon, T11nND.10RY Sire Bill/salt18, Ow'r, 'bb^ntle 0Y eun0ai 'Y'fo0,-•Ona dollar a year, lb advance, 'rhe date to which every eubseript1a11 in pald is denoted by the date on the address label, 4nvatero (G Remo.—Tho following rates will be charged to those who advertise by the year SPASM 1 1 01, I 0,00, I a MT; One Colunin..... ...„, 400,00 $00.00 $80.00 Efalf 00.00 20.00 19.00 quarter 0 20,00 19.00 8.00 igbtll ...... 12.00 8.00 0.00 Bight ciente per line for first insertion, and throe aerate per line lox each subsequent in. maim, All advertisements measured as Nonpareil -42 lines to the iuob, Business 00100, eight lines and under, $0 per annum. Advertisements without speei50 dire°• Nous, will bo inserted until forbid, and charged a000rdingly, Instructions bo change or discontinue an advertisement must be left at the counting room °trap Boar not later them Tuesday of each week This is imperative. W. 83. K]3li.1Z, Editor and Proprietor. SPEECH FROM1, THE TI1RONE- A8 the opening of the Dominion Parlia- ment His Excellency read the following speech, first in English and then in French: -- Hon. gentlemen of the Senate and gentlemen of the House of Commons The necessity of malting provisions for the publio ssrvioe bee compelled me to eummon you together at this somewhat 00 in nvenlent season. It is impossible to lay before you at this session the public accounts for bbe past year, or indeed any of the reports usually submitted to Parliament. Tinder these circumstances and in view of the foot that you will be required to re -as- semble eatly in the ensuing year it does not appear expedient to invite your at- tention to any measures beyond the passage of the supplies. The operation of the tariff will be made the subject of careful enquiry during the rocas, with a view to the preparation of meth a measure as may without doing injustice to any interest, materially lighten the burden of the people. Immediate steps will be taken to effect a settlement of the Manitoba Pcbool question, and I have every oonfidence that when Parliament next assembles this important controversy will have been adjusted satisfactorily. Gentlemen of the House of Commons : The estimates for the current year will be laid before you forthwith. Honorable gentlemen of the Senate, and gentlemen of the House of Com- mons I hope that when you will have given the necessary attention to the consider- ation of the year's supplies, I maybe able to relieve you from the duty of further attendance at thio session of Parliament, Dog and Horse Fight. Thursday morning John Dillon's big bulldog, which had been chained all night In a box stall in the City Hotel stables, Stratford, broke loose and got out. The family horse was in another stall just norm the way, and the liber- ated bull -dog attacked it in a most viol• one manner. A desperate conflict fol. lowed. Nobody saw the beginning ; but when the hostler first entered, the horse was pretty badly used up. The animal was in a foam of sweat, and his jaws were terribly torn. The horse's forefeet were his only defence, and that Le used them wee evident by the state of the dog's body, but the poor animal was tied in his stall and was therefore handicapped. Quito a crowd of spectators soon gather- ed, but beyond a few chance blows at the dog no effectual work was done, until someone was thoughtful enough and courageous enough to untie the horse. Then the fight was oontioued on more equal terms, but the horse by that time was pretty weil fagged out, and kept up principally :a defensive warfare. Time after time be was able to. free himself from the dog's terrible jaws. but nothing Geoid induce the brute to desist. Once the course of the battle brought the dog within range of the heels of a colt that was in the stable. Out went the heels with unerring vein, and the dog was kioked clean across to the opposite end' of the stable. Stunned and breathless the brute limped baok to the combat and succeeded in getting a hold on the horse's under Hp. .Everybody knows what the grip of a bull -dog ie. Somebody inserted the handle of a pitchfork in the brute's month and tried to pry his jaws open, but bo failed to move them. Finally Maurice Dillon was made ac- quainted with the facts. He charged down on the dog with a four -pronged pitchfork, and jabbed it again and again into the brute's body ; bat apparently it bad no effect on him. Then Homebody got an axe and began to chop the brute. Even this did not seem to interfere with the brute's besinese for some tfine, for be kept right on. Of coarse be was finally killed, but while he showed signs of life be allowed signs of fight. The poor horse's head was lacerated in 0. terrible manner. Ito tongue has three cute in it, each several inches, while its lower jaw is chewed almost to pitae0. It will have to be tenderly num. ed for some time, and may have to be killed. The dog bad been around the place for over a year. A man who wanted Mr. Dillon to wept 11$20 for him was to bays palled at the hotel to see the dog Friday morning. 'When the horse was being led out after the eonffiet it noticed the dead body of the dog on the floor, and, wheeling sud- denly around, it let fly both heels at the vanquished antagonist, with a vigor that showed munistakably that it was meant. The boat of an old man named 7ohm eon was run down in the St. Lawrence by the steamer Alert, of Clayton, end Mr. Johnson was drowned. Rev. father O'Reilly, of Hamilton, Very Rev. Dean Harris and John ado - Keown, Q. C., of St. Catharines, are go- ing to Ireland as delegates to the Dublin Convention. white men. Ile elaf(ns to have diaoover. ed a new lake of the first magnitude, Dr. Snyder first ascended the Congo Elver to l,uabo, Ho then travelled ap the Congo river a three days' journey, to a point where he first learned of the lake. It wee a magnificent body of water, 1c' gated on the opposite aide of the Congo river, from the town of Ltiabo. The lake NM not visible to the naked eye from the Congo river bank on noccunt of the hills and dense forests, Dr. Snyder was not able to disoover the outlet, bub it 20 be- lieved that ib ie &invented with the Congo fiver, in some manner, by an -under' ground stream, Dr. Snyder decided to honer the Southern Presbyterian Board of Missions by naming the lake after the President of that organization, Mre. Snyder accompanied her husband on the perilous journey, and they travel- ed throngh vest etretobes of wilderness. In many instances Dr. Snyder and his wife were regarded by the blaoke es euperior beings, while everywhere their visit attritched the greatest ouriosity among the natives. Mrs. Snyder passed through the hardships of the trip to the interior without difficulty, but died at Leopardsville, ou the return journey, having contracted a miasmatic fever in the regions of the Lower Congo. The missionary brought many objects of interest back with him. One of the things that hos attracted most attention ie a beetle, eighteen inohee long. On ao- count of its peculiar shape Dr, Snyder terms it "the walking -stick beetle.” During hie stay at Lnabo several tribes combined against the Belgians, who dominate the Lower Congo region. The Belgians bravely y defended the town against the natives, though the blacks at one time occupied a portion of Limbo. Dr. Snyder himself barricaded a house in which he was living. Ile was not able to leave the house for several days, on account of the proximity of the warlike natives. TEEMPI1ItANCE COLUMN. There is no sin that a man inflamed with drink may not commit. A big part of the license fees has to be paid by poor women at the wash -tub. Let the parties he silent in regard to the liquor traffic, and the liquor power will do the rest.—R. S. Thompson. No one should vote for license, unless he is willing for bis son to drink or for his daughter to marry a drunkard, A Kansas City judge says that seven - teethe of the divorces are occasioned by whisky.—Kansas Temperance Monitor. I have four good reasooe for being an abstainer—my head is clearer, my health is better, my heart ie lighter, and my purse is heavier.—Dr. Guthrie. If a man who is to became a drunkard could be killed by his that drink, what an amount of sorrow and shame and degra- dation would be prevented l—Paeffie Ensign. No peaty can be neutral regarding any great political question that the times have brought up for settlement. The party that is not for reform is against it. —R. S. Thompson. "I'm not afraid of anarchy if you will abolish the saloon. It ie not the pipe filled with dynamite that is the real bomb ; itis the bottle on the saloon shelf,"—Dr. Henson. Canadians will take an inlereat in the Georgia State elections, where the Popu- list party has come out flatfooted for Prohibition and nominated an out•and- out Prohibitionist for Governor. The Wine and Spirit Gazette, of New York, bolds up to ridicule the prohibi- tionists who desert their principles to support or serve the party, and it con. eludes that such Prohibitionists are not sincere. An eminent living statesman was once asked whether he thought it possible that Mr. Pitt could have spoken in the House of Commons after drinking three bottles of port. Be replied :—"You must remember that he was addressing an audience very few of whom bad drunk less than two." There are ninety thousand barmaids in England. There are praotioally none in Ireland, very few in Scotland, and they are unknown in this country. An appeal is being made to Engliehwomen to band together in a crusade to rescue the 00,000 girls from the thraldom and temptations of the bar. A lawyer in Chicago wag defending a man for issuing a vile newspaper. He began the defenoe by challenging every juryman called who was a member of a °drietine church. He could not trust his client's case with, a good man. This was complimentary to religion, bat made hie awn bad work probably easier. "One of the strongest advocates that can be enlisted in any cause is the per. sonal letter. When a friend. writes to another under t110 implied confidence of a letter it carries with it much more weight than a volume of printed testimonials." So Bays the "Banner of Gold," in the interests of the Keeley Cure. Why do we not more pu' to use the same truth in the interests that would leave no need of Keeley ? Said an influential pastor whom rallies many, and sermons and speeches many had not ohanged a bit, "Your letter has convinced me I ought to be an abstainer." A drink of whisky, a revolver and a young men with the spirit of daredevil- try iu him ie a bad combination and usually some one gets hurt. This is ex• wetly what happened a few days since at EI Dorado. The man drank the whisky, wont to a game of base ball, engaged in a quarrel and shot two persons, one through the ear end the other through the breaet. So as a result from taking a single drink one man barely canapes being killed, an- other lies at the point of death, while the perpetrator lies in jail with the peniten- tlary in view.—l(aneas Templar. The Yarmouth Light makes this good paint :—"The liquor faction contend Ibab saloons help the business of a town or pity- tette away the Saloons, they say, and everything will be dead. We admit that towne in which liquor is geld and drunk freely often present a lively ap- pearance, with their street brawle and arrests of drunken men and women, but after all it is the figures that tell. The 8avi0ge banks of Cambridgeport, Maes„' give testimony ae follows : "The last year under saloons thorn (were 8140,000 of now deposits, and the next year under G cju oval PTO Wee 8. F. W. Ilsubaoh proposes to exhibit the produate of Manitoba and the Northwest at the Toronto Industrial: Exhibition in a building made of baled hay, The Queen's speech proroguing the Imperial Parliament contains references to the Soudan expedition, Turkish ef. faire, and the Mntabele rebellion. A dispute as to the ownership of a school building in section three, Barton township, resulted in the 8800her0 sed pupils being locked out for the day. James Hendy, a Barnardo boy, em- ployed on a farm in West Zorra, tom• witted suicide. lee first out his throat with a razor and then threw himself into it pond. A despatch from Quebec says that the owners of the eteamehip Vauoouver have sent a bailiff to Montreal to make a seizure on the steamship Ontario for damages incurred by the late collision. The barquentine Herbert Fuller, which has been delayed eines the triple murder occurred on her, left for sea. She just avoided a seizure on a claim for enlvape d bySpencer, the colored steward madeS o0 1 P , and there the or w. O of a Eliza Brown, a 00•yoar.old woman, who was an inmate of the House. of Providenoo, Power street, Toronto, fall from a third story window of that in- stitution shortly before 9 o'clock Friday night end was instantly killed. Which is worse, imprisonment for life or a life-long disease, like enrofula, for example ? The former, oortainly, would be preferable, were it not that Ayer'e Saresparilla can always come to the rescue and give the poor sufferer health, etrength and happiuese. Saturday morning Jake Gaudaur, of Canada, and James Stansbury. of Australia, drove in a, coach and four to the Sportsman office, and there signed articles of agreement to row on Sep- tember 7111 from Putney to Mortlake, the Thames championship course, for the championship of the world, a puree of $2,500 and the Sportsman's challenge cup. Gaudaur, who looks in the pink of condition, is apparently pleased with the boat nowt being constructed for him at Putney by Clasper, and wbielt he saw on the stocks Friday. The Provincial Board of Health is in- vestigating a new kind at cattle disease which seems to be quite prevalent and is becoming serious. It is a disease of the eye, and if not attended to at once ends in permanent blindness and in some cases hoe resulted in death. Dr. Bryne bas examined one herd where the disease existe and ie making a study of the epeciflo nature of the disease, He re- commends that the diseased oozy be isolated as soon as there is any euspioioo of disease. Late Saturday night the steamer Oce- anian, of the Lehigh Valley Transporta- tion Company's fleet, collided with the propeller Wm. Chisholm fo the new channel in Lake St. Clair, and both were Bunk. The Oceanioa was bound up, loaded with ooal from Buffalo to Chicago. The Chisholm was tended with iron ore, and wee bound from Marquette to Ohio ports. None of the crew were drowned, the men taking to the rigging until help arrived. The Coeaniea was veined at 880,000 and the Chisholm at $125,000. The boats lie in 17 feet of water. It is thought that the aocident was caused by a confusion of signals or lights, Mrs. Oockler, of Beaver Township, Mich., ie nothing, if not plucky. About a week ago August Slinak, a resident of the same township, missed $116 in Dash, a suit of clothes and a pair of cuff but- tons. At the same time his nephew, Carl Slinak, disappeared from home. The eireumetances led Mr. Slinck to be- lieve that Carl lcnew something about the missing money and articles. Saler. day morning, as Mro. Cuckler; was 001n• ing into town, about four o'clock with a load of vegetables, she discovered Oar! walking a short distance ahead of her on the Kawkawlin road. She recognized biro as the man who teas wanted, and he recognized her. She immediately gave chase, and finally landed him. She 0110. seeded in intimidating him to suoh an extent that he willingly rode into town with her, where she saw him safely in the Bay County jail. Slinok wore the stolen suit, and when searobed la pocket- book containing 8110.02 was foundim one of his pockets. Covers the 'Whole Field. TIIL LONDON; ONT., 1 r d'b> I Lona.=Advertiser 2 P. M, EDITION. LARGEST noon circulation in West- ern Ontario of auypaper west of Tor •' to. Middlesex County and the territory west of Toronto thoroughly covered. 4 P, M. EDITION, The People'/ Popular Evening Paper. Ciroulatee ill city and suburb/ by carrier boys end regents, A.11 advertisements in. sorted in both editions. Western Advertiser Largest weekly circulation in Western Canada. Ae an advertising medium in the west it is without a rival. 41,7, 4, 1896 00 8 can' thl1ie Wanted—An Idea pt 00(00 el0tpf11 Teapot y Hullo (0110(01161 Write 0 /18(1 q nVD O oc Sh51(100.80 01915 0100(1• aryl ilei 08 ewe 101010104 00vpnt(poi (0(n(011, A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING ' CHERRY PECTORAL "Several y ars ago, I caught a severe cold attended wltl a terrible dough that allowed torspronouncedlmycasehopeless. A,friend learning of my trouble, sent mea bottle of dyer's Cherry Pectoral, 13y the time I had used the whole bottle, I was completely cured, and I believe it saved my life."—W. B. Wein), 0 Quimby Ave., Lowell, 08001, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral hest Awards at World's Fair. dym a Pills the Joest Pallidly Physic,. 2s 0ts., 50 its. and 01.00 Bottle, One pent a dose. It is sold on a guarantee by all drugglete. It cures Inelpient doneu0lption and lo the best Cough and Croup Cure. sola by :JAS. EON, 1lrusslst, ttl'ussels, BRUSSELS PUP WOES. I wish to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will be found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. t0"Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Gomer Green, MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. Wanted—An idea ° aatl thtak or Oome olmple 011108 to patent? Protect yyour ldeae• tbopp may brl0g you wenit11. writ° WEDIi D. C., fo N h 00., Patent Atter• neve Washington, h D. 0., for their s1,eo0 07100 ober and 11x8 or two hundred inventions wasted. DR. ®° THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL CHASE'S KIDNEY= LIVER THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVER PILLS 0 Itt 1 y A NEW AND STARTLING PHOTOGRAPHIO PROCESS Noted for its Clear and Standing Effoote ALANTINS Iwo NOM This is the Latest Out, and is taking the load. Don't fail to call and see samples of Dame. I 'Views of Residences, Pio-nit Parties, etc., taken by applying or sending your order. Arra 011 gun Womt G13.01,_rrnt0 o via Fm01-Curie Nothing nicer than to have some Photos of ourselves and homes as we go through this world, to look book on in after years. . THE PRICES ARE RIGHT . And the Work is the Best. tt'Oome while in health. Always Welcome at the 01d Reliable Photograph Studio. Rt R, BREWER, Artist Gallery Over Smith & MaLal en's 'Matte Star Zize, 10UVAt, IRAlii $'1'1i8MSiIIPS, llotwesu New Yol'it ant Liverpool, via Qum/est/ma,eVery Wednesday,. • Ae tba atoamon of tbiri line our), only a strictly 11m1ted number in the mum and glom) 0An(N 0000111onQ40.tlo00, Weeding paesougor0 are 180)00dud that an early ap. plieatime for bathe is necessary lot thea tea. Pen. Wirer r,ianq, ratad, atilt. apply 80 W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussele. TAILORING! NI, G. Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds of work in lois line. Good Workmanship and Good Fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES, Suits made for $4 and upwards. ►=t'Shop 0788' 11lcflolvau's Store. NEW iitclier Slioi I The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMAU ME, BRUSSELS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. A share of public patxonage solicited. a V W tlmaltCaeltftsi E11. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. LAU 'IE:' OR TUPPER Will be our new Premier decided by the Electors before next issue of this paper. A decision far greater than that has been given by the voice of the people, viz.: That B. F. Brook Sc on, of Listowel Woolen 111111s, pity the Hialiest Prices, Gash or Trade, for And that they sell the best Woolen Goods Cheaper than any Vac -tory or Store in Western Ontario. ea .yrnade C1othui,g Is a new line added to their business. They make up their own goods into Men's, Youths, Boys & Children's Suits and sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with. Do not fail to call and inspect before you sell your wool or buy a now suit and we feel satisfied you will say they give you the best value. LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILLS. LIS '1. Dawsost, Manager Standard 13ank, Brad- ford, Ont., says, Chases Kidney -Liver Pills aro a grand medicine for the kidneys and Elven W, R. Ceoaieg, is McCaul SI, Toronto, re, presenting Montreal Star, says, Chase's Pills act like magic for the relief of bead.ed,e, bilious attack and constipation, Sold everywhere, or by mail on rrceipt 01” price, t" (108808011, OATES Pc CO, he 008100110 83, T011011T0, ONT. Stall Hoialli1a11t Now Fruits such as Watermelons Raspberries, 0100,, in stock. New Potatoes and other early Vegetables kept on hand. A. full lino of fresh (YY and Well Assorted LI Ann added to our business. Toe Cream and Summer Drinks, well prepared by tho Glass o1' Quart. STAB Rasraunoer, W, 1T, PELTON, Established 1871. 01 to G 10 pi A., '1 m Wim" d6 0) wp m r o caa pp __r. In pt11 p4 a r.>. • 1 a1, 0 0 c gni' v b b o 0 The Policy Contract issued by this Association is per'ection itself, UNCONDITIONAL, ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It:leaves nothing further to be desired. Dates and full infor- jnation;,furaished on application. W. II. Zea,nl11115 Agent, Brussels.