HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-9-4, Page 5RUT 4, 1896
Richard Peareon's infant died last
Monday and was burled at Brussels
Tuesday afternoon, It was (3 woelea old,
Rev, Air.Trimble, of Essex town,
Essex Oonnty, bas beau appointed ego.
naesoe to Rev, Mr. Fensher as junior
mhhieter of the,Methodiet ohuroh, Ethel
Early closing, at Teed what oeoma
early to tie, is in order and muola ennead.
add by all ea the following would hull.
oats. Employed oomee out at night,
betivee a great sign of relief, takoe a deep
breath of freodom'e daylight air, and
solilogaisee :—"Well, aft am deligbtfel.
Times nab obanged wonderful sinoe dat
lereuohman got de helm. Hope he stay`
dor long time lomat Massa ,return to his
ole sins and we po' niggabe to our wag.
tering in der till midnight again. Goes
up the slept with a bound to greet Sally
singing to an old plantation tune,
"Plunged in a gulf of dark despair
We wrotobed people lay,
Without one beaming hope of light
Till dab Laurier won de day,"
1t31 v tee.
A band of gypsies were in town on.
Communion in Trinity church on Sun.
day morning next.
R, Howard and wife visited friends in
Clinton on Sunday.
Tho Uncle Tom's Cabin Company had
a full house on Friday evening,
Our publio sohool was re opened on
Tuesday after the Summer vacation,
A. number of our citizens took in the
pio•nio at Londeeboro' on Wednesday.
Mrs. R. Brigham, of Clinton, was
visiting old aoquaintanoea in town daring
the past week.
Our town daddies held their 'regular
monthly meeting in Industry hall on
Tuesday evening,
Thos. Poulton and wife returned to
Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday, after
spending a few days with relatives.
Mr. Stevens and his men, of Clinton,
have the roof of our new pnbtio eohools
about covered in and ready for shingling.
On Sunday evening the remains of the
late John Colelougb, of the townehip of
Morrie, passed through here to the old
homestead on the base line.
Weal ton.
Bev, A, Y. Hartley, of Binovale,
preached last Sabbath in Duff's ohuroh,
Edwin Johnston and Mise Etta Johne -
ton, of Alma, spent a few days visiting
friends here this week,
Frank Neal, Jno. MaGavin and Miss
Maggie McDonald resumed their studios
at Seaforth Collegiate this weak.
We are glad to see the genial face of
onr blacksmith, Eli MoLauahlin, on the
street nsain after hie severe illness.
Wrn. Pollard, whet bad a horse killed
by lightning recently, has replaced it by
purchasing a fine driver in Brussels.
It is a matter of regret to St. George's
choroh to learn of .Rev. A. K. Griffin's
intention of removing from Brnseele
this Fall,
Rev. David and Mrs. Forrest and Mies
Ramsay attended the County Christian
Endeavor Convention at Goderioh Thurs-
day and Friday of last week.
Several members of the 0. 0. F. in
this place drove to Brussels Iaat Sab-
bath morning to attend service at the
Methodist charah with their brother
Foresters of the oarpnt town.
The American Presbyterian church
and premisea have been made very neat
and attrnativo. Reopening services were
held on Thursday of last week and were
of a pleasing oheraoter. Rev. kir, Icing,
of Galt, has been supplying tbe pulpit.
Unolo Tom's Cabin Showhaa (some and
gone. It exhibited in a tent here on
Thursday of last week to a rather slim
audience. These lazy, hulking fellows
pretending to represent Harriet Beecher
Stowe's masterpiece, should be palled off
end made Darn their livelihood in a more
legitimate manner.
0131r,—We ore called upon this week
to ohroniole the decease of Ohrietina
beloved daugbter of John Mowbray,
South of Walton, who passed away on
Tbureday of last week, after a lingering
illness from Grave's disease, aged 21
years, 1 month and 10 days, The
funeral took plane on Saturday after-
noon, Rev, D. Forrest conducting the
eerviee. interment was made at Bens -
eels cemetery. The sympathy of the
community is accorded to the bereaved
GroC1er iel1.
A most disastrous fire occurred Mon•
day morning at 8 o'olook. The large
salt works, dairy salt mill, saw 01111,
stave and heading factory, together with
several thousand barrels of salt, belong.
ing to Peter McEwen, Saltford, were
completely destroyed. The lose will be
about $15,000, The insurance is not very
large. Tho flames spread to the tannery
of Joseph Beok, destroyed the old part of
Me plant. By the aid of the Goderioh
Mehra fire engine and brigade, .which
went over to Saltford, a plentiful supply
of water was had from the river, The
ilreneu saved the new portion of the
tannery containing the maohinery. Mr.
Book's lose will be abont 02,000, covered
by ineuranoe in the Western and Lan.
=thin companies. Had it not been for
the steam fire engine the village would
have been swept ont of existence, as a
high southerly wind was blowing. The
villagers had a herd light to keep the
flames under contro). The supposition
is that the toot of the salt block was
struck by lightning, an a tretnendoua
electric+ discharge occurred about that
time, eroding many of the inhabitants
who notiaod the fiances It few minutes
afterwards and gave the alarm. There
had been no fire in the furnace of the
welt block for three weeks. ktuoh
sympathy is expressed for Me, MoDwan
in his great lose as he hae been one of
our most energetic and enterprising salt
manufacturers. This is the second time
within a few years that his salt works
have been destroyed by fi.m.
Hums Artme Cnor,—In your Ned of
the 14th ult., reviewing the arope, and
eapeeloJly in the item referring to the
apple crop, 1 observe it 'stated that "the
drop in some editions is so groat that it
is feared that the fruit will not be large
enough to export." In the same item it
is correctly estimated that the monad
of Dent and Huron ere credited with
nearly a million barrels. In cavo huyers
ehonlrl oonolede that Huron is one of the
seotione where the fruit is email and um,
fit for expedt I desire to aaaure them
00o11 le not the uses, Our crop Is doubt.
leas about half a million barrels, nod
even at this early date the cevet'ageeke of
export varieties ie folly up to what hoe
in past years been branded beet. Grow.
ere 40 a rile here take good earn of their
orehorde in the way of trimming, ata•
nutting and oultivatiou. In moat
oreharde either sheep or hogs are allowed
to run all season. Doubtless it will be
found that where oroharde havo been
negleotecl and are loaded with fruit the
sample will be small, So far ae this
motion ie ooucerned, there is now no
doubt that our export apples will at
picking' time be of an unusually large
average size, notwithstanding the great
prop ; exceedingly clean, of line form
and exoellent dolor. Praising will begin
two to three weeks earlier than usual,
and I ant sore with proper acre on the
Pert of paokers and shippers, our apples
will do Canada honor in all roped(' in
any market In the world; and as the
superior keeping quality of apploe tram
this district le well known, I feel sure
that the Orap will, as it should, command
a good prize, even in glutted markets.
ALax. Al'D. ALLAN,
Geduld, Aug. 17613,
Miss Tillie Philter is very ill.
Mr; McDonald is improving slowly.
Mrs. (Trey,) Moss ie at present vary
Arch. Patterson has startedto butcher
Rev. W. Leech is visiting hie brothers
at present.
Mise Berths Farrow, of Godeeicb, is
visiting friends in Bluevala,
Will. Gray, tailor, who has been work-
ing in Staffa, is at home again.
Mrs, Sinclair and Mrs. Menzies, of
Brussels, were visiting here last week.
Mies Ball and Mies Downing, of Brus-
sels, were visiting in Bluevale last week.
Maggie Bargees and May Fraser left
for Tarmac on Tuesday to spend a month.
Annie Rutherford, who is living in
Toronto, is visiting her parents at pres-
John Farrow Uwe given the Foresters'
Hall new coat of paint, making it look
very attractive.
Mrs. J, J. Messer and daughter, wbg
have been visiting for a month, returned
home on Tuesday.
There left for Manitoba on Tuesday
morning James Robertson, Alex. Ander.
son and Mrs, Burgess,
Mise Jamieson, who has been visiting
at home, in Fordwieh, returned on Mon.
day to the post office.
Fall seeding will soon be dote.
A. K. MoAllieter intends taking a trip
to Madams, this Fall.
1YIre. Joseph Frayne, of Grey, was
visiting et Jas. Sharp's last week.
Miss Maud Paul spent last week visit-
ing in Bluevale. Mise Alioe visited bee
grandparents in Brussels.
Alex. Roe, of Gray, spent Sunday at
Robt. Mathes, People wonder if there
is dine attraction for Sandy.
Ms. Martin and children, of Grand
Rapids, Mich., are visiting Mrs. Martin's
Parents, S. Caldbiak and wife.
Dr. W. J. Roe and Dr. W. R. Roe, of
Philadelphia, were visiting their sister,
Mrs. David McCutaheon, 6011 eon., last
The 0(081834 of S. S, No. 9 bnve re-
engaged Reuben Jewitt as teaoher fur the
year 1897. He is doing good work in the
Mre. (Dr.) Robertson and daughters,
Misses Teesie and Tena, have returned to
their home in Toronto, after e, somewhat
lengthy visit to friends in Morris and
other places in this 000nty.
Prof. Hawkins, of Brussels, gave n tip-
top canoed in the Town Hall last Friday
night, before a good audience. He gave
great value for the money nud the various
numbers were very heartily received and
At the lest meeting of the township
Council John Mooney was re.appointed
tax collector, Ho ]las raked in the
ehokele for a good many yearn and does
the work with neatness and despatch.
The salary is 880.00.
Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. R. Peal,
of Brussels, and Mayor Holmes, of Olin•
ton, will conduct a special service in
the interests of the Sabbath school in
Jackson's ohuroh iosteed of the usual
sermon. A large attendance 10 expected,
Ugly stories are afloat oonaeruing the
immoralities of a resident of Monrie.
This warning note is Bounded to intim-
ate to him the necessity of living a parer
life in the time to Dame, or else abide by
the consequenoee that will certainly fol.
' Monday of this week Jne. Duman left
for Goderioh Model scbool, where he will
put in a term. He holds a 2nd class
oertifioate but has not done any teaching
yet, ae he hae been attending Seafarth
Collegiate, taking up let olaeswork. Mr.
Duncan has a r000rd that any young men
of hie years should be proud of.
Robt. Smillie, teaoher et Anderson's
school house, has resigned hie position
for the purpose of taking a term at the
School of Pedagogy, Toronto. Be will
leave on Oat. 1st. The trustees have
engaged the services of Don. McKenzie to
complete the year. Mr. McKenzie has
been attending the Hamilton Collegiate.
He got his oertilioata last year. Mr.
Smillie holds a 1st olaae oertifioate.
S. S. Stevtogs,—On Sabbath, 13th
Ind, Rev. R, Pant, President of the
District S. S. Association, and B. Gerry,
of Brtieaels, will deliver addresses on
Sabbath school topics at Johnston's
(thumb in the morning and at Browntown
in the afternoon. The latter gentleman
will speak to the children and Mr. Paul
to the ednite. A oolleation will be token
to,aid mission sohonle in Ontario.
LAwx SoettL Notwithstanding the
chilly evening a goqdly number assembl-
ed at the residence of Geo. Parker, on
Wednesday of last week, to take part in
the Iawll social given for the benefit of
the Sunshine Sabbath school. Ample
provision sync mado for the wants of the
inner -mal(, coupled with the trimmings
of roe oream, e¢o. Rev. R. Paul, of Blas-
eels, took the chair and filled it both
phyeically and every otherway fdrst-
oleaa. A.01880 enjoyable program was
rendered, ooneietiug of vocal mneio by
the echoed ; 2 quat'tettee 1 .inatrnmental
and vooal Bolos by Prof. T. A., Hawkins
a:nd a solo by Mid Joanet Hood. The
financial results amounted to over 020.00,
which will be devoted to Sabbath school
purposes. If some of the young men had
loft their vulgarity at home and brought
their ovetcoate instead, and then sat
down and conducted themselves orderly
the gathering would have been more
pleaeant and profitable. u
Some sneak helped himself to eaneed
fruit in 'Mr, Idacd'e sellar ono night
Jas. hall ie at preoentiu Toronto, un•
dergeing,treatment for some Lronblo in
bis head and oar
Joint Agin lost a valuable dog recently,
Itis supposed that the animal was either
pafeoned or abet.
peter W, Scott, 01 l3elgrave, has gone
to Manitoba, Some say he hae gone to
settle the School Question.
Miss Williams, the oelebrated evangel•
id, delivered a IeutureinSunshine oburoh
on Thursday evening of laeb week,
A goodly number from this township
attended the Christian Iindeavor Con.
00001011 at Goderioh on Thursday and
Friday of last 208012.
David Hamilton, of Wingham, was en.
joying a visit with old friends and mew.
iatee on 2nd line, owing to the Union
factory being closed few a short time.
AliseetrHate and 0. A. Halliday intend
tatting in the Toronto Fair this week.
The latter's place as teacher in Barrie's
school will be filled by her eider, Miss
Mary, who ie a profeseional birch wielder.
Geo, Cole late returned to his bone In
Michigan, after epending about two
Months with Ins brother, A. T. pole, and
other relatives in this township, He was
quitb favorably impressed with the
appearance of Canada,
We bavo to congratulate Jae. Cook and
Duncan Allison on the very creditable
examination which they recently passed
at Clinton High School, each securing a
Bed elase oertifioate, Also Miss Melinda
Clegg, who secured a 2nd Wass certificate.
May their added ever epread.
Sunshine bridge is completed with the
exception of the approaches. The latter,
however, are on the way and are to be
finished on the 10t11 inst. The position
of the bridge on the new site purchased
by the Ooonoil does net meet the eye of
the public and the notion of that body is
being severely condemned,
C>1` Os,
Fall wheat amine, is well advanced.
Harry Spence, of Goderioh, is viaitin
hie uncle, Simon Grant,
Claude Fowler and eieter Della retur
ed to Listowel High school on Tueeda
Last Saturday E. A. Hill returned
Goderioh to resume his studies at t
Mrs. Jas. Fulton is having her hone
repaired with a new roof, new siding an
a dot of paint.
Mies Jessie MoNab has returned from
month's visit with her brother Wm., i
North Easthope.
Neil S. MoLauelilin has White Flin
corn that grew 9 feet in 9 weeks. A foo
a week is a good average.
Mise Emily M. Avery, of F Woodatook
and Master nevoid Wilbee, of Brussel
are visiting in this locality.
Dr. J. H, Rivers, of Woodham, an
Fred, Hunt, of Goderioh, were visiting a
John Hill's, 1011, eon., last weelc,
Harold Stewart, of Toronto, has bee
epending nn enjoyable holiday with lti
grandmother and other relatives in thi
The new brink residence of Laehli
McNeil will soon be completed and wil
he one of the moot comfortable homes o
the line.
Mrs.D, 0. McNair and children, wb
have been visiting with friends in 1111
ooality,reterned on Thursday to thei
home iu Chicago.
Mrs. A. D. Oampbell and sister, Mis
Hallowell, who were visiting at D. Camp
,ell's, 10th con„ have returned to thei
!tome in Springfield, Ill.
The following aro the rates to be lovie
on tbe taxpayers of Grey for this year
Co. rate, 16.10 mills ; township rate,
mills ; general sohool rate, 12i on
undreths in the 0.
The misfortunes befallen Joseph Make
n the loss of his stock, &a., has oalle
ut the sympathy of his neighbors. Mr
Maker is an hottest, indoetrions man an
eservee better sueoees than he has at
tained. We hope better times are in
tore for him.
List Monday morning Thos. Fergneon,
ocompanied by H. Fultoo. a ohum of
is, left for their home in Montana, after
pleasant visit with relatives and friends
n this section,. We expeoted that Tom
onld not have returnel a baohelor but
e did.
A short time ago Robert, the eldest son
f Hnnh MoKinnou, a lad of D. years of
ge, while aiding other pupils at sohool
u putting wood into the shed, was struck
by a stink on the right leg, below the
nee. Nothing serious was thought of
be bruise but the limb became inflamed
and a physician had to be oalled to treat
Dunoan MOInnis,lot 22, con. 18, has
old his 75 aura farm to Thomas Clark,
7th con., for the sum of 82,000. Mr.
oInnis will give up farming owing to
Ianor health and will remove to Oran.
rook, where he hae nurohased a house
nd lot. We hope Mr. Minnie' health
ill improve and that he and his may
ojoy many pleasant years in their new
The ditoh law enib against Elmo, and
ray townships, in which Mr. Brough -
n, of Elmo, is the plaintiff, is not going
be dropped, as WO expected, but will be
ken before the Supreme Gond by the
id plaintiff, wb0 appears to be working
the assumption that "While there's
e there is hope." What he expects to
in in the end is not clear to many, per -
ape not to bimaelf.
The Midas Oounell, of Glasgow, who
me to visit thole eider, Mrs. James
titbit!, 16th con., were caked bank to
otiand, a cablegram conveying the
diligence of the illness of their heather.
be ladies Bailed by the Allan liner "Nu-
fdien" from Montreal last Saturday
orning, leaving Brnseele on Thztredny'e
on Irvin.
We are plaided to nets the anodes of
ieaea Lizzie and Sarah, daughters of
noon MoLaneblie, who each obtained
d class teachers' oortilioates at the
ent examination. The former, who
s taught, wit/ take a term at the Nat -
i next year and Miss Sarah is now at
o Clinton Model. She passed the
eying in 180.4 ; the Primary in 1895
d the 2nd in 1$90, o moat satisfactory
d praiseworthy mo01d.
Gnus of Tmnnca.—We sincerely tender
thanks to Mr, McNair and family, of
15th non. of Grey, for their killdeers
ns in our sad bereavement in the death
oar' boy. They will long be retnmber-
by us, Wa also wish to thank James
alker, undertaker, Bruesols, for his
mptnees an'rl uprightness and also hia
amiable terms. May Ilir, Walker long
mince to show the same kindness iu
ea of the some gad aflilotion, I re-
nin yours, J. Hnn.loaerrn,
pronto, Aug. 29, '96.
ti m
It is reported that Edam Turnbull has
puruhapd the farm of Thos. Taylor, 7theon , f a' the sum of 05,000. V. 6'. soon,
11, ras0 mad0 the stile.
Ruv..11. Paul, of Brussels, and James
1ntilhio and daughter,. of Walton, visited
the Sabbath schools in Rothel oburoh and
Felton's sohool, 10th 0011,, on Sunday.
Mrs. Thee. Hail, mother of Dr, George
Bill, end daughter, of Montreal, 20010
visiting the Hansom families and other
relativoe and old friends in this J000lity
fur a week or so,
Sam. Graeae, 9th 0on„ left last Monday
for St afford, where he will attend the
Model ` school. Mr. Cesar is a bright
young man, who took honor's in his recent
teaoher'e examination, and we wish him
oentinued anooses. He is a eon of Jno,
Crerar, a well known resident of this
Rerour,—Tbe following is the
report of the standing of the pupils of S.
S. No. 1, Grey, for the month of August,
1895 ;—P. 5, Leaving—Total 200.—L,
Beilby, 159 ; J. Blake, 144, Entranes—
a'otal 180.—J. Orerar, 175 ; E. Cardiff,.
139, P. Blake, 158 ; W, Armstrong, 108.
Fourth olaee—Total 175.—A. Switzer,
102 ; O. Armstrong, 99 ; J. Farquharson,
49 ; A. MoKey, 104 ; M. Hoggard, 09
A. Oalder, 97, Third plass—Total 150.—
v. Armstrong, 100; D. Davidson, 49
F. Blake, 45 ; R, Elliott, 62 ; M, Hol-
linger, 66 ; G. Blake, 50 ; M, Oakley,
44 ; W, Switzer, 10 ; 0. Pepper, 45
W. Glassier, 6. Seooed elan—Total
150.—A. Dickson, 97 ; E. Bollinger,
130 ' G. Bielby, 74 ; B. Davidson, 79
1a, Blake, 67 ; 101, Bedford, 79 ; M,
Cardiff, 55 ; L. Diokeon79 ; W. Far-
quharson, 54 ; F. Davideon, 75 ; M.
Range, 09 ; A1, Riley, 183 ; B, Banda,
67 ; J. Hoggard, 43. Sr. lot—Total 160
—J. Randa, 95 ; A, Ghastlier, 57 ; W.
Stephenson, 51 ; A. Oakley, 50 ; B. Both•
well, 08 ; G. Dark, 95 W, Riley, 112.
Jr. let—Total, 50.—T, Bielby, 36 ; M.
Dark, 49 ; M. Hoggard, 17. Honors—L.
Bielby, J, Crerar, E. Cardiff, L. Blake,
W. Armstrong, V. Armstrong, E. Hol-
linger, M. Riley, M. Dark. At the recent
departmental examinatione the following
work was done by thie sehool :—Eotranee
on P. S. Leaving work, J. Blake and L.
Bielby ; First Form—T. Switzer ; Form
1 and part of form 2 without Physics—
B. Mall'ab ; Primary–M. Calder.
W. H. Srewonr, Teacher.
Speaker Edgar entertained Lord Rue.
tell and a number of prominent society
people at afternoon tea at Ottawa.
The Hon. Sir Henri Joly de Lotbiniere
will, it is uoderetood, accompany ti
Hung Chang through Canada as the of-
ficial representative of the Canadian
In reply to a question in Parliament,
Mr. Laurier said that the taking of a
plebiscite le a part of the program of the
Liberal party. The Govorpment intends
to take a plebiscite, but the date is not
fixed at this moment.
Hon. H. E. Davis, the new Provincial
Secretary, was sworn in at noon Satur-
day in the Attorney•General'e office with
the customary ceremony. His Honor,
the Lieateoant•Goveroor, was present, of
course, and the oath was administered
by Deputy Attoruey•General Cartwright,
while there were present ):ion. Mr.
Hardv, Hon. Mr, Roes, Hon. Mr. Gibson
and Ilan. Mr, Dryden, Mr, McKee, M.
PP., Dir. Loughrin, M. P.P., Frank
Denton and L. E. Hambiy, Only the
one oath WKS necessary, the others hav-
ing been taken by Mr. Davis when he
was sworn in as Minister without port-
folio. A luncheon in the Parliamentary
restaurant followed. The nomination
for North York will take place on Sept.
8th and the election on Sept. 1511).
W. Pelton
Has opened out a New Grocery Store in
connection with his Restaurant with a
full line of Fresh goods. We want a big
trade from the start and in order to get
it we will not' only sell at the following
wonderfully low prices but we will give
away a large part of what we cave on ex-
panses in handsome prizes :—
Pure Ceylon Tea for 25 Ceuta
26 cent Japan Tea 20
30 cent Japan Tea 26
85 cent Japan Tea 80
26 cent Blank Tea 20
85 gent Blank Tea ' 80
40 cent Young Hyson Tea.,80
All kinds of Soap from 2 up.
12}o. Canned Sahnon.for ., 10
8a. Currants for 5
80. Raisins for 6
10o. Box of Matches for 13
Essences per bottle 5 to 8
Vinegar per gallon 82
Rolled Ham at 8
Tapioca 5
Sago 5
Canned Corn 5
S terett 0
Piohlee 10
Baking Powder 10
Baking Soda 3�F,
Mixed Bird Seed 6
14 We intend to cultivate a good Tea
trade and uow Teas will leave our store
that we can honestly recommend. Teas
are in the market to dill as low ae 10e.
but choler) Teas are so Cheap that it does
not pity to bay the poor kinds. The
most profilable kinds are those ranging
from 20o. to 80o. for Japans cud in Black
and Green 25e. to 35e. The Ketone, Pare
Ceylon Tea at 400. is a Tea fit for a kiln.
Arne,' can '.r/Vel' Taken at Pais
Money Saved is Money Gained
Drawn for 2 Dente per hundred ;
email parcele, 58, ; amptiee returned
Fred. Job work done reaeenable.
W. H. Pelton.
^p �f
No V'gam EMBER
Will find with us a
New Stockof
the Nobbiest Goods in Brus-
sels from which to Sel-
ect, viz.
Fancy Suitings, Plain Suitings,
Worsteds, Trouserings,
Wool Trouserings,
Twilled Worsteds, Clay Worsteds
Venetian Worsteds,
New Dress Goods,.
Ladies' Domestic Dress Goods,
Ladies Golf Cloakings,
Big Stock of New Carpets,
New Boots and Shoes,
New Men's Furnishings,
New Underwear.
One Case of Linen direct from Old
Ireland to be sold at prices that will astonish
the natives. See our 25e., 30c, and 4Oc
Table Linen—The great talk among the
Towels,' Napkins, Towelling..
Big Stock of Linen Goods.
Our Immense Stock of Overcoats
'incl Suits will be in next week.
'E'n:aer.. ARFNt
With the object in view of introducing
Into many homes not now represented
on our Mailing List, we will send it for the
balance of 1896 for the small sum of •
Send along your names and�
take advantage of this offer.
eaotoexpewarguit rot
Will be sent during the Dominion Parliament,
for the small sum of' 50 Cents in Advance.
PECIAL attention given to Advertisements of Farms,
for Sale, Strayed Cattle, &o, and an Advertise-
ment in THE POST nearly always accom-
plishes what is desired. •
W. H. KE
Editor can,d Proprietor,
B11', USSELS"..