HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-8-21, Page 8Li prelung Optical Goods we do not guess at it but we put the ayes to a pro- per crud thorough examination mud after noting .out firat what ie the matter, we then proceed to cermet the defect existing itt the eye. If you have Spectacles whioh do not suit you or if you eau nob find 0 -Latvia to do you any good, try us, It sift not coat you anything if we do you no good, .DEADMAN d McCALL, Druggists, Optioiane and Booksellers. DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. ..SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & E. 'f"cs•.ine leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Goond Semen. Comte NORTH. hie di_.,,....... 0:2s am.I Mixed 9:45 a.m. Fastness 11:.51 a,m. Snail ............13:54 p.m. WE -Eel. --9:001' .m. Express 0:48 p.m. !D7 .cttis Pins, chiel's among ya takin' notcs, An' faith he'll prent it. 810LfIIAY NEXT. %PEEK, Next week Trot POST will take a boli. clay. Our next issue will be Sept. 4th. The office will be open for job work. re- ceiving advertising or subscriptione. Correspondents will kindly note the holiday. Riess. Gorr something reedy for the Fall ]Fair. SottoEo apples are a drug on the mar. kat. Wito comes next on the matrimonial list to Brussels ? Cr0nxcIZLOR GRAtI,wi shipped a car of outs Eastward on Tuesday. Stoma people say another Dry Golds stack will be opened up in town this Fall. 1.5 CENTS in advance gets TEE PosT ter the hale.nce of 1890, Take advantage of this trial trip. _ra visasscERe were ticketed to Iain • oat:fine from Brussels on the excursion lase Wednesday. Oro thanks are due to Mrs. George Wilkinson, Morris,'for a bag of fine ap- ples presented to us last Tuesday. Tnn frequent local showers are making the pastures grow in fine shape although the harvest is being delayed by the rain. .Food CdcsLET, who by the way bas a fie. l garden, has an apple tree, trans• plented last year, fruit bearing this 000.090. GEC. PARKER will ship a car of horses to Landon, England, on Saturday of this week- This is Mr. Parker's fourth trip this year across the Atlantic. • THE Poor wants a wide•awake nor - respondent at every point not now repre. seated in its columns. If there £a no mews appearing regularly front your section drop in and see us or write to us. We will furnieb you with stationery. Pay Ur.—We intend sendingoutnotiaes to alt indebted to Tog POST for subscrip- tion with the expectation or prompt eet- tletneut. We oan't run our business without money any more than any sub. s nibee can. "Do unto others, &o." is a aped rule. I^,. ie not every town that con boast of a young girl able to handle the reins like Mies Ida Blaehill, of Brussels. She of- ten. takes charge of the delivery cart in cotaeotdon with her father's butcher shop and does the work in good style too with. out driving round a block for the sake of turning around. Fond rias.—On Sabbath, August 30th, roars Princess Alexandra, 0.0, F., Bras - eels, with visiting brethren, will attend service in the Methodist church at 11 a. m.,.when. Rev. S. J. Alain, the pastor, will preach the annual sermon to them. The kited/ran will meet at their Lodge room, Biashilc'e Hall, at 10:30 o'clock and march in a body to the church. & BRmeente young gentleman was quite taken by sarprise on going into it oburoh on «Saiabath evening in a neighboring town to hear the minister announce his (o t, 'What doeet thou here ?" T. A. says he did not want to get right up in meetirf and state his business, so left the question unanswered as far as ho was concerned. l'HE SALVATION A0950 "HARVEST TrIANIte- ervns•; FEsTivAL."—The annual !'Harvest Festival Scheme" in connection with the Salvation Army, will be held throughout Canada, Newfoundland, North.Weet America and Bermuda, on Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, August 29, 30,431, Sept. 1, This is a capital scheme and gives opportunity for all who appreciate the Army's work to assist in some way or other, The officers of the various corps are instructed to visit friends and oolleot from then anything they ace able to contribute, whether it be in mat or otherwise. Gifts of produce, graoeriee, fruit, grain, cattle, poultry, or anything of any description which is saleable will be acceptable. After the eolleotion of these varion articles a sale oi-sheaame ie arranged f r the Tuesday pxfght, and the proceeds placed into one common fund to help the Army Roane'. atty. The Commissioner, Mise Booth, hopes also by this scheme to replenieb the storehouses of the varioae inetitu. Boss, each as Restate Homes for fallen worries!, \fen's Shelters, Children's In. stitntione, etc., so that it will be unneces- sary an spend money an these articles rtncicsgthe Fall and Winter. Though moires may be Bootee, the land is laden wit%geed things, and the Commissioner omits upon those who have enough and to enure, to remember those who are not so tavrrrably oiroumstaoced. Tun Boer will holiday next week.. 26 emus in advance gete Tine Poe' for the balanoa of 1890, Take advantage of thie trial drip, 00 nut: Ilarvest Excursions will bo run to Manitoba and Nortlweet on Tneoday, Sept, I and 16, A. Covets, sold a Brantford Red Bird bioyele to Jae, Stewart, of Clinton, form- erly of Gillies ti: Smith's bank, Brussels, Inn G. T. R. employees' annual pie. nia will be held on Saturday, 296h inst. Owen Sound is the point chosen this year. The fare will be low. Oowtoxtnon WxLeos, ex -Councillor Wilton, Wm, Martin, A. Maiiay, J. Dun. lop and others went to Stratford on Thursday to attend the Masonic demon- stration in that pity. THE mimes of a fete youths have been handed to the Reeve accompanied by te complaint againet them of stealing fruit from gardens. They may brought to book for their violation of law, Oun oorreepnndente are kindly request. ed to be regular and punotual in sending in their budgets. A few articles from sash correspondent every week is highly appreciated, not only by the Editor but by those who live in your locality. IT ArtsAns 00 BE TIME.. --"Always room for ono more" is ae old addege not always thought to be true, but when ap• plied to Seoret Societies in Bruesels it seems to bit the bull's eye. Here is the list :—Masons, Odd Fellows, Orange, Canadian Foresters, A. 0. II. W., I. 0. F., Maccabees, S. 0. S., Home Circle, A, 0. F„ Chosen Friends. ORGANIZER OBAYTOli, of the Ancient Order of Workmen, who has been visit- ing London and the West, reports the Order Inas taken a big boom. • This may be expected, as the Order is very reliable and strong ; pays death olaime prompt- ly and the assessments are low. Every man should provide for his family by now joining the Ancient Order of United Workmen. $10,000.—When the will of the late John Livingston, of Listowel, was enter- ed for probate at the Surrogate Court in Stratford, the executors filed the follow- ing valuation of the estate : Houeehold goods and furniture, 91,000 ; life incur. anoe, 270,000 ; share in the business of 3. & J. Livingston, 2160,000 ; total 2281,- 000. About $10,000 of this estate goes to the Ontario Government as a succession tax. No. 858.—The Council of Chosen Friends recently organized in Brussels by W. G. Collins, is No. 803. They have now about 80 members and meat on the lst and 8rd Monday evenings of each month in Blashill'e Hall. A good many predicted that Mr. Collins would not succeed on account of the super.abund• anoe of societies but the above facts prove that he overcame all the obstacles and objections. Nle is away this week at Kincardine and Luoknow booming the same institution. SUDDEN DEATH of Ex -Mixon Sutra.— W. G. $with, druggist, of Guelph, about half past twelve o'olook Wednesday of last week went borne for lunch, Mrs. Smith was visiting a bereaved friend, and there was no one at home but the servant girl. She asked. Mr. Smith if be would have anything to eat, and he replied that be would not at present. He went up• stairs and lay down on the bed. During the afternoon a telephone message was sent for him from the store, and tbo ans• wer from the girl was that he was asleep. Between 4 and 5 o'clock Mrs. Smith came home, palled her husband, and went up to the bed -room, when she found him dead on the bed. Her screams brought assistanne, and medical men were tele- phoned for. Dr, Orton considered the omu'e of death to be apoplexy. The de• ceased was a well-known and highly re- spected citizen, He is the son of John Smith, the first Mayor of Guelph, and, following in the footsteps of his father, he took a prominent part in municipal matters. He was elected a Councillor in 1885, filled all the important positions at the board and occupied the Mayor's chair in 1893.94, when he retired from public life, his time being taken up with his own business and the office of Secretary of the Guelph Pavement Company. As a public servant he gave great satisfaction. He was also an earnest worker in the Nor- folk Street Methodist Churoh and Super- intendent of the Sabbath School. He was publia•spirited in every respeot, and in his death the city loses a good man. He was 47 years of age, and had carried on business in Guelph for nearly twenty years. The deceased has been in com- paratively good health ; the only time that be complained was last May, when he said that he felt a suffocating sensation in his throat. The funeral took plana on Friday afternoon from his late residence on Dublin street. It was very largely attended, over a hundred conveyances being in the procession, and a large num. berwalkiug part of the way to the cem- etery on foot. The Oily Council attended in a body in carriages. At the request of the family, none of the societies to which the deoeased belonged paraded. The city flog flew at half mast, and the stores of the city were closed during the time of the funeral. Among those from a dis- tance were observed Rev. Dr. Griffin, Toronto ; Rev. John Ridley, Galt ; Rev. A. E. Griffin, Bruseels ; Mr, and Mrs. Griffin, Jersey City, N. J. ; Mrs. Smith and Rev. Dr. Henderson, Berlin ; Rev. Dr, Willoughby, Exeter ; H. P. Moore, Anton ; Rev. P. E. Nugent, Heepeler,tud other relatives,and friends of the deaeas• ed. Thera were also noticed Jas. Meade, Geo. L. Wilson, W. R. Brook and A. 0. Buniam, representing the sx•Guelphitee' Aosoaiation of Toronto. Rev. John G. Scott bad charge of the funeral services, assisted by several of the clergymen above mentioned. The pallbearers were Ala, Scroggie, Aid. Nelson, G.B. Ryan, Major Davidson, John Crowe and P. W. Gal- braith: At the request of the family, Dr. Mofiinnou held a postmortem, He was assisted by Dr, Robinson, Guelph, and Dr. Wallace, jr., Alma. They unani•' mouely Dame to the oonolueion that be had died from an affection of the base of the brain on the left side doe to a sud- den nutting off of its blood supply by a plot in the vessel. They also found a nodular growth on the valves on the left side of the heart. This growth, with the excessive heat and fatigue, would cause the blood to shoot up into the brain, buret the vessel in the head, and cause instant death. At a epeoial meeting of the City Connell Thursday night, at which all the members were present ex. Dept Ala. Colics, feeling tributoe were made by those preeeot to the loses the city had sustained by the death of ex - Mayor Smith, and expressing sympathy with the family in their bereavement. Deoeaeed was a, brother•in.iaw to Rev. A. Ii. Griffin, I3ruseels, who 'pent a few day' with hie sister after the funeral, THE 13 ,TJSSELS FUST AUG 21, 1896 PoeTAtoeTna FAltnow oolobrabed the 'Oivio holiday by giving the floor of the postoflioo a webbing out. Tun friendly "toot" of the Ronald Vire Engine Works whistle ie now hoard every day, btisinese being resumed after a brief holiday, Civic holiday went past very guietly,: A few of our residents went on the ex- oursion and others exercised themselves at tennis, orloket and foot ball. Scnoon will r0.open in Brnesele on Tuesday, Sept, let. The teaching staff will ooneieb of Prinoipal Cameron, Mr. North, Mies Downey and Mies Ritchie. Tnn Enterpriee Salt Works shipped a oar of their dairy and table salt to High River, Alberta, N. W. T„ on Tneeday. Another oar was forwarded to Moncton, New Brunswick. Brussels salt leads the market. Ooosssammit fun was on Hand last Friday ever -log at Victoria ,Park when a plolsed up team undertook to Barash the regular foot ball olub. They did not do it of course but a lively time was put in during the half hour 000upied, Tussosx evening of last week Rev.. David Forrest, of Walton, tied the matri• menial bow between Thos. Smith, of Morris, and Mise Dolly, youngest ds igll. ter of Jas. Gibson, jr., of Brussels. The young couple have gene to housekeeping in Morris, CotT RAcn. Wednesday afternoon the sports tools in then year old colt race at the Driving Park between P. Scott's "Neighbor," a patter, and P. Ament's "Bessie Sydney," a square trotter, for a purse of 990.00, The race was a half mile dash. Scobt'eblack was tbo winner. Jas. O'Leary, Doo, Warwick and F. S. Sootb wore the judges. The oolts are very likely animals. Wort AGAIN.—Last week Little Tim and Reddy were winners at the Port Huron races. The latter took the first beat and consequently the lst money in the 2:20 Novelty trotting raoe. He only had a short nose to spare but R. Roach brought him in a winner, with a mark of 2,211. At Alpena, John Nelson tools 2nd money in a raoe on Wednesday. Reddy has not gone in a raoe this season with- out winning. Ma, Tummy's team, of Morris, ran away on Wednesday forenoon when gam- ing to Brussels flax mill with a load. The flax upset near the Revere House and the driver was thrown to the ground and slightly injured. After a lively run the horses were caught in Councillor Leather - dale's yard. Willing hands aided the young man on with his load and be went on his woo, if net rejoicing, thankful that thing- av,•i a not wnrue, ONWARD AND UrwARD.—From the ool. nmue of the Paris Star Transcript we observe that one of our former teachers of Huron, S. Y. Taylor, is meeting with much 50cce00. He succeeded in passing 27 out of 30 pupils at the Entrance ex- amination, one of the number heading the list and obtaining the Inspector's medal, His school, about three years ago, sent samples of school work to the Ohicago World's Fair, and although nearly all the leading city and town schools joined in the competition, the Paris Public schools have been awarded the enviable distinction of ranking sec- ond in the Province, and hove just re- ceived a beautiful diploma and bronze medal. The Board of Education have rewarded Mr. Taylor far his emcees by an increase of one hundred dollars in salary. Business Locals. LONG, clear bacon at McCracken's. Pram English Paris green. McKay & Co. BALANCE of my dusters, fly nets, &o., at cost. I. 0. Richards. RxrE tomatoes only 400. per bushel at Thos. Belly's, Brussels. CoatronoABLE residence, with } acre of land, for sale. H. Dennis, Ica for sale, delivered at your home. Apply to W. Leatherdale. Fon best value in boots and shoes we take the lead. 1. 0. Richards. GREAT bargains in harnese, Dollars, trunks, &o., for 30 days at H. Dennis'. CAMP,' cheap 1. harness of all kinds, both heavy and light. I. 0. Richards. CLOVES and timothy seed for sale. Baeker & Vanstone. ROLLED oats end all kinds of mill feed for sale at Ross' mill, Brussels. SET second-hand single harness for sale cheep. Sign big Scotch collar. I. 0. Richards. LEAVI80 Tows.—H. Dennis is selling off his entire stook owing to intended re- moval. Big bargains for 30 days. Ilona! Futon Manitoba patent, Man. Robe. mixture, or straight Ontario, beat in the market, for sale at Ross' mill. Goon second hand lumber wagon, wide tire, newly painted, with box and whiffle. trees, for sale ab a bargain, B. Gerry, Brussels. ANT one needing saws hammered had better bring them in now as I have a praotioal saw maker engaged to straight- en and true saws at my shop, Queen eb. east, Brussels. T. ItL.cGnnaos, saw filer. Sonon's Cure, the great cough and weep cure, ie in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses ; only 25 cents. Children love it. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. IOseoiRING DONE.—Machinery, bicycles, lawn -mowers, echisore, implements and all hinds of tools sharpened and put in order at reasonable priote put spot cash by saw filer T, MoGregor, of Brussels, Queen St. East. Mos. T. S. RAwnxxs, Chattanooga, Tenn„ says, "Shilob's Vitalizer "saved my life." I oousider it the beet remedy for a debilitaed system I ever used." For dyspepsia, liver or kidney trouble it exaefs. Prioe 75 eta, Sold by Jas. Fox, OAniETe.---Any one desiring carpets will do well to call at the Brussels Wool. en Mill before buying elsewhere, as they have the largest assortment of samples ever shown in this locality, ranging in price from 800. to 21.00. Howu & Co, ?Ammo, &o.—The nedereigned, hay ing entered into partnership, are prepar- ed to do all kinds of work in the following lines ;—Plain and ornamental painting, kelsomining, fresooing, paperhanging, sign -writing, &e., .&o. Remember our Motto, "Firet.olass work and reasonable charges." SxaweaT & RirouoE, Brussels, WELL-DIGoxoeo AND Dammtre.—George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satiefaotion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence emend door north of the bridge, west aide of Turnborry It., Brussels, 114-tf 'T14.X,D4RD B4XE OT C4X4.Dt4, HEAP OFFIOE, TORONTO • (Seven Million Dollars) 27,000,000 CAPITAL (Authorized) 92,000,000 Agencies in all principal points in 'Ontario, Quebec, JOgssftoba, U9aitera States rd ,Bal ptonrl' ' 'eart°a5°X 26,6c° � °d.1Q Po"�• A General Banking Business Transaobed. Farmers' Notes Discounted. Drafts Issued and Collections made en all points. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT lnherest allowed on deposits of 61.00 and upwards from dat of deposit to date of withdrawal and compounded half yearly. SessgxtL ATTENTION OIVitie TO THE CoLLEOTIoN OF FARnfans',Senn NOTne, Every facility afforded Customere living at a diebanoo. J. A. STEWART MANAosn. elm's 0lnver Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear ae e bell. 25 ate„ 60 ate. and $100. Sold by Jas. Fox, druggist, Brussels. Momzx7 , CARDIFF.—In Morris, on Aug. 15th, the wife of Mr. Rio/lard Cardiff of a son, BLAIR—WALr,Ea.—At the residence of the bride's parents, on Tneeday, August 18th, by Rev. Dr. Tire, Mr. G. F. Blair, barrister,. Brussels, to Mise Eleanor 0., youngest daughter of Mr. John Walker, Goderieb. SsoITIs—GmeoN In Walton, on Aug. 11th, by ll.ev. D. Forrest, Mr. Thos. Smith, of Morris, to Miss Dolly, youngest daughter of Mr. Jas. Gib• snu, Jr., Brussels. Brussels, Oat. 1 & 2. St. Marys, Oeb. 0 & 7. Tavistook, Sept. 21 & 22. Woodstock, Sept. 24 & 25. Mitchell, Sept. 29 & 80. East Nissouri,at Thamesford, Sept. 30. Stratford, Oot. 1 & 2. Blanshard, at Kirkton, Oot. 8 and 9. Western, et London, Sept. 10 to 19. Toronto, Industrial, Aug. 31 to Sept. 12. West Missouri, at Tborndale, Ont. 8. »MV0N9itX+0 Sa:AS87£sTC5, 58 00 25 40 42 10 17 10 11 7a• 8 4 00 4 50 50 00 4i OC 75 40 3 90 Fall Wheat Barley Peas Oats Butter, tabs and rolls ... l0gge per dozen Floor per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Hides trimmed Elides rough Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Lamb skins each Apples per bus Hogs, Live Wool 7 00 3 1 00 00 15 1 00 3 75 18 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.— Pirst,nurtgaggc, farm maturity. Apply at THE POST Publishing House, Brussels. T ADIESI—TO WORK 4 around home. Salary 823.00 monthly. Applie ants desiring attention mast send- re. fereneee and three cent stamp to HOUSE- HOLD PUBLISHING CO., McKinnon Build- ing, Toronto. DE SIRABLE RE SIDENOE FOR SALE.—Late 220' unit 221, Queen et. Terme reasonable to a cash purchaser. Ap- ply on the premises or to 28 1V. AL SINOLAIR. !'10NbB HONEY.—WE HAVE 4� now on hand a supply of nice comb honey also plenty of extracted honey. Prices —Golub, 150. per lb. ; extracted, 11 lbs. fox $1.00 or 100. per single lb. MEADRrAN & 310OALL, Druggists & Opticians, kTRAYEDON THE PREM– lens of the undersigned,Lot 20, Con. 10, Grey, on or about July 13th, two ewes and two lambs. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away, BUGH OUNNLVGHAM, 0.4 :: Ethel P. 0, TRAYED ON THE PREM - kJ Ie a of the undersigned, Lot 80, Don, 9, Grey, on or about July 7th, a red heifer two years old with white star on its forehead. The owaor i8 requested bo prove property, pay expenses and taste her away. 4.4 J. E. BARER, Henfrya. P. 0, }.TOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Tho oederetgned uffere hie oomfutb. able cottage mud d acre of land 015 Turnberry street, Brussels for sale. On the premises is a good well, stable,fruft trees, Sze, For prior, anti terms apply to 1-11 ALEX. McLAUGHLIN, Proprietor. ETOUOLE. ThoSE eubeoribeANDrLOT offersFhis triaRl(SAresin- once adjoining Brussels, 10th onn., Grey, fur sale. There is ono acre of land, mostly l,lanted with small fruits, stable, well, &o. For price and terms apply to the inderstge. ed. WALTER RICHARDSON, 02.4 Brussels P. 0, REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE, — 200 tree—Cousfating of Lets 18 on rho 7650 and 8th Concessions, Township of Grey, bo - log 1 mile from the Village o1 Ethel and 51 miles from Brussels. 40 amen of Fall wheat seen and about 80 acres under grass ; 90 acres °leered on cote, Perms of payment easy. A, McNair VEY, M, I1., 84• Brussels. ANITOBA LAND FOR SALE. —100 tares of good farm land at Springfield, 8=flee from Winnipeg, 10 ofyor- ed for sale at alow price. The property is North Toast 3 See, 10, Two, 11, Mango 4, East. There in a bonne on the premises and some breaking done. For full partloulars as to prlee, title, &o„write or apply to G.F. BLAIR Or W.11. EBBE, 20-tf Brussels, Ont, PARM FOR SALE — 100 pores—Being South Half Lots 17 and 18, Con. ',Morrie, haying a frame hoand Immo barn wiuse th atone °tabling underneath, also an orchard end two good wol)s, sltuabod 21 miles from the Village of Blnevaio and 4 miles from the Town of Winabain. 90 acres cleared gooticloy loam, balance hardwood bush. Any person;inside gtonovehaeogam t aunty to Vvhl, J. JOHN STON,1 Txecutora. GEC, Prktooc i:, f 4.4 131uovalo P.O. TO be sold en or beforo 1005 of September. OOD FARIYI FOR SALE NEAR Brussels. Great bargain. Lot 7, Con; 0 Grey township. Good buildings and or- chard, well watered, suitable for mixed or daisy forming. Apply to WM. I;ILLOVG li on the promises or to .11110311,1 S HERITAGE, London West, TARM FOR SALE.—TRE UN- »EusloNso offer their froontlidt00 aore farm ,Lot 22, 0ou..12, Grey, for sale. There are 85 acres cleared, halauae 200d hardwood Utah. ou the premises is a comfortable frame house, frame barn and outbuildings ; good orchard; wells, &e. 40 acres under grass. Farm tin excellent state of °nl6ive- tlon,1t miles from Cranbrook village and 03 from Brussels, Poeaession could' be given bb,e. Fall, Per further particulars as to price, terms, &0., apply On the premises or write to Cranbrooh P. 0. 4-tf WM, Arm SAMUEL OARNO0BAN. VALUABLE FARMS F01R, SALE, The eligible 200 nw•e farm, composed of lots 18 and 17 in the 10th eon„ Grey township, 9art of lots 16 and ,p11t50 non., belonging to, o the Robert Brown estate, ie offered for sale to whfd up estate, On the first farm is a good atone house and large bank barn, ueesssary outbuildings, or- chard, &c, Farm well watered, well fenced and in good state of cultivation. About 50 acres of bush, 42 of which is hardwood. On AG 50 aero farm there is a house and barn, orchard, and about 8 acres of bush. .Farms sold jointly or separately to suit purchaser, Possession given in the Fall, Farms are on- ly a mile from the village of Oranbroolr, where are school, churches, post -01110e. to, mar- hettownBruesels, For further particulars aen torseprice,&c., termsand03, &mic., les aptoplythe t,sthrivtu AGNES BROWN, JAMES BROWN,} Executors, JOHN BROWN, ))1 0raubrook P. 0. SCHOOL OOKS AND School We have never had a liner or as well se - looted stools of School Supplies as we have just opened out for the re- opening of School ou Tuesday, Sept. 2nd. Our stook of 8 oribblers, Exercise Books, Pens, Pencils, Inks, Note Books, . Slates, Colored Crayons, Compasses, Microscopes, Pencil Boxes, &o,, is the finest we have yet shown. We oleo carry a Oomplete Stook of SGE014 nom We shall be pleased to receive your order for the Sohool Opening. JAS. FOX, DP,TJGGIST AND STATIONER. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor and Conveyancer. Collect - Moue made. Otllee—Vanstonc'sBiock, Brus- sels. 51 -ant BOAR FOR SERVICE.—THE Lot MI, undersigned Morris, the ltloro bred fm Proven White Yorkshire Boar "Selected," bred from J. 10. Bretbour's sweepstakes sow at Chicago Fair. Terms, $1,00 to be paid at the time of service with privilege of re- turning if necessary. Pedigree may be seen on application. ROBT, NICHOL. BOLE FORSERVIOE.—rHE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 80, Con. 0, Morris, the Blore -bred Largo English Berkshire Boar, Captain John," His mother is a full sister to the lot prize sow at the World's Pair. Pedigree will bo Produced on applieatinn. Terms—$1.00 to rbe etm'upaid aing tif Elmnecoseardy.s of avise with privilege of 14.8in JAS. SPEIR, Proprietor. BOAR FOR SERVIOE.—THE undersigned will keep for service on Lot 27, (/on. 4, Morrie, the tboro' bred Tam- worth boar, "Ring George," purchased feom H. George &Sons who got first prize for Omar herd at Guelph Fat ,Stook Show. The dam of "Sing George" won first prize at the Show, Loudon, England, His sire, was im• potted and weighed 750 lbs. Terme $1.00 to be paid at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary, Pedigree may be seen on application. RICHARD AIIMSTRONG, 40.05 Proprietor. Ancient Order of United Workmen, This old and prosperous Fraternal Associ- ation numbering 100,000 members are pro - senting to the public their popular and econ- omical rates to worthy m en, at the very in rate of about $8.00 per 81,000 per annum. The"Workmen" Fromm ly 5'a3' Death flhtOns and expect a largo increase to its. members now that those American Line Cemptmtes don't seem satisfactory to Can- adians. It013T. ARMSTRONG, 5LW.; W. HL.GERIt, Recorder; J. A. CRE1GliTON,Finauofer. Executors Notice to Creditors. IN TEE ESTATE OF ELIZABETH RIMERS CAMPBELL, LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN TUE CoUNTx Or HURON AND PROVINCE OF ONTAnIO, WIDOW, DE- OEABED. Notice to hereby elven pursuant to Chap. 110, See. 88, of the Revised Statutes of Ontar- io, 1887, that all rreditm•d and others having '1141515, liens ordemands against the estate of the said 101izabobh Bushes Campbell, who died on or cheat the fifth clay of August, 1808,1a the said Township of Grey, aro re- quired to send by poet prepaid for deliver to David Campbell or Alexander Alexander (both) of the said Township of Grey, yeomen, post aloe address Malosworth, Out., the ex- eouters of said estate, or to II', R, Slowest, Esq., L• lebowel Ont., their Solicitor, On or be- fore the 17th day et September, 1808, their names, addresses and descriptions, rho full partly lare of their claims duly verified and the uafure of the securities Of any) held by them. Anatolie notion that after the said 17th day of September, 1808, the said Executors will proceed to distribute the tweets of said estate among the parties entitled thereto, haying regard only be the claims of which notice have beet received as above required and the said Executors will not be 1in01e for the said mssebe or any part thereof to any Person or persons of whose Maim notice shall not have been received as aforesaid by the sold Executors at the time of molt die- tributlon. Executors, DAVID 0AMPB11LL, ALEXANDERALEXANDER, 0.4 F. R.BLEWETT, their Solicitor. DENTAL. DR, DAVIDSON, Honor Graduate Toronto university, tteeutiete Royal College Dental Burgeons. Orown and bridge work a epeetalt8Moder- xortaso,ubart.uin8anbarber hpTs yt.,Br Bruit - sole, VETERINARY. T D. WA.RWIOX, ti • Honor Graduate of the Ontario r•t-1 Veterinary Collage, Is prepared to treat all TROS• A. HAWTTINS, diseases of domoetfoatsd animals in a own- .Il_ Will give lesions to pupils either on potent ,Wanner, Perlmutter attention paid Wollner Organ, at his Muele. /tootle, opposite to veterinary dentistry. Calle pl'Olnptly at- the, post-Brume's,ioa, Brume's, Vocal leaeoas also tandod to, OSbee and Infirmary --Pout• ilvnore glvon, Ton years experience in teaching. north of bridge 'I'urnberry et., Wittman. Terms moderato. WYM. SINOLAIR, • Soliei tor, Conveyancer ,Notary Pub. Ho, &o. Once—Vaustone's Sleek, 1 door north of Central Hotel, Private Funds to Loan. AirC CAMERON, • (Formerly of Cameron, Holt & Ootneron,) Barrister and Solicitor, Ooderleh, Ont. Office—Hamilton St., Opposite Col- borne Hotel. �f F. BLAIR, BARRISTER, • Solicitor, &o. (fate of Gamow & Proudfoot's (Mice, Goderioh.) OLlce over Gil Iles& Smith's Bank, Brussele. Money to Loan. 47 AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE HIREBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders left at Tun Poem P nblisbing House , Brussele, or seutto Walton at P. O., will receive prompt tention, ' • S. SCOTT AS AN AUCTION- EER, will sell for bettor prices, to better men, in ass time and less charges than any other Auctioneer in East Huron or be won't charge anything. Datce and orders eau always be arranged at this Mhos Or by ]pGrapnel application, MEDICAL CARDS. T A. MoNAUGETON, M. D. 0.52., L.1t.O.P„ Edinburgh, AL C. P. S. Ont. Residence and oflice in Wileon'e Block, corner of Mill and Turnborry Ste. T DI. ARMSTRONG, 101. D. Ph ysielen, Surgeon Acooualier, ate, Graduate of Toronto University Medical Vacuity. Member of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ont. Ounce—NOxb door t0 McDonald & Co„ Walton put. BUSINESS CARDS. 113V• T E. MoORAOICEN, /sourer ofklarriageLioonses,Mee at his Grocery, •lurnborry street, Brunets. N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist• Shop—Next door south of A. 111. McNay & 0 W hardware store. Ladle s'uud ahlldrene hair cutting a specialty BRUSSELS POST OFFICE Savinga Bank takes Deposita from $1,00 to $1,000 and allowe 881 per cent. intoreet. T. FARROW, 87.8nn Postmaster. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM- INSP CANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. T. FLETCHER, Issuer of Marriage Licenses, OFFICE AT JEWELRY STORE. ta'No Witness Required. T. FLETCHER, Brussels. WELLINGTON MUTUAL IN- spndncE 00. hlatabliehod 1840, In• s,iranoes eflsoted on all Town and Farm 1 reperty at very low rates. J. A, OIIEIGHTON, 10.8m - Agent, Brussels. A HUNTRE, • clerk of the Fourth Divletoh Cour 00. Huron. donvoyauonr, Notary Public Land Loan mud Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to .loan, Oclleetfone made Offioe in Graham's Block, Bruseels vi 1)1 h 1' it 9f it 0 h ir d. 0t tr b w t] t, a