HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1896-8-21, Page 6tGX�,e ::suns Vot •• -X9. rv31,X011E0— " EVERY. 1+'BIDA.Y MORNING (In time for the early mane) at Wyke Post" Stearal Puhllshing Uouso, TURNDC1lee Se,, Bnueelbe, ONT, i`Euaze or SUPaOBICTIo5.-095 dollar n subscriptiovn!sPatelis"denoted byo lthe dll ate on the addre66 tabs], APVnnr/sINm It/'rue.—The following rates will be ahar5od to those who advertise by the year sPAos i 1 ]a;] o mo. I y 010 One Column 800,00 880,Q0 52000 Bair ' 00,00 0.00 10.00 Quarter " 20.00 13.00 8.00 Bightb " ISAO 6.00. 200 Eight Cents per Hue for first insertion, and throe cents per linelos each onimeanent in- sertion. All advertisements measured, as Nonpareil -12 lines to thetnoli, Business Cards, eight flues and under, 50 per annum. Advertisome0ts without specific diree- tious, will be inserted until forbid, and charged aecordin0ly. Instructions to change or discontinue an advortisemeut must be left at the counting oO eachRS weekThis Is lnet niporatiVe. Tueeday ,v. n. $IE.,. Editor and Proprietor. ' TIDIPAlbANCE COLIDIN. Neutrality should never bo obeerv.ed by a nation when the honor and interest of its people are at stake.—James Ellis. Of 71.1 inquests held in the South- western district of Loudon last year eighty -live had verdicts of excessive drinking. THn DELL 10005. ler one were corning g u P Ina steam day from Sandy Hook, and as we steam. ed along we heard a bell ring. "Hear that bell ?" said Elsie. "Where ie it ?" cried Ralph. "We're too far out to hear the bells on shore, aren't we, papa ?" asked Robert. "'I think we ars," answered papa "now try to find out where it is, esoh of you." "The sound seems to me as if it came right out of the water," said I.lsie. "Can it be ringing on one of those boate coming this way e" asked Ralph. "It sounds louder and louder." "Because we are getting nearer and nearer to it," laughed Hobert. "It's on that buoy. isn't it papa ?" "Yes that is it. You see the buoys al the different points ; they are to show the shallow and dangerous places in the hay. But sometimes there are thick fogs so that the buoy cannot he seen. So a bell is fastened to one, and as it swings with the motion of the waves the bell rings and kives warning of the danger." "Isn't that splendid ?" said Elsie. "It was a very good thought to attach the bell to the buoy," said papa ; many lives have been saved by it, there is no doubt. Gan you think of anything that is like the bell buoy to warn us of danger ?" "The Bible, I think," said Robert. r00it FATHER TO 60N. One day a young man entered a mer- chant's office to Boston, and with a pale and care -worn face, he said : "Sir, 1 am in need of help. I have been unable to meet certain payments, because parties have not done as they agreed by me, and I would like to have $10,000. I came to you because you were a friend to my father, and might be a friend to me," "Come in," said the old merchant ; "Come in and have a glass of wine." "No," said the young man, "I don't drink." "Have a cigar, then," "No, I never smoke." "Well," said the old gentleman, "I would like to accommodate you, but I don't think I can" "Very well," said the young man as he was about to leave the room. "I thought perhaps you misfit. Good -day, sir." "Hold on," said the merchant. "Yon don't drink 0" "No." "Nor smoke ?" "No." "Nor gamble, nor anything of that sort ?" "No sir • I am superintendent of a Sunday school." "Well," said the merchant, "you shall have it, and three times the amount if you wieh. Your father let me Neve $5,- 000 once, and asked me the same ques- tions. He trusted me, and I will trust you. No thanks•—I owe it to you for your father's trust." STATE CAn5 OF 1Br00A1000. A bill has been introduced into the Australian Parliament to appropriate funds from the Imperial Treasury to build asylums for the care and cure of habitual drunkarde. The bill provides that any habitual drunkard may be in- carcerated in these asylums upon com- plaint made either by the victim's re• lativee or friends or by the town author. ities. 5110E .0NO0O POCIDElt. I known much is eaid about the pru- dent use of ardent spirits, but we might as well speak of the prudent nee of the plague, of fire handed prudently around among powder, Of poison taken prudent- ly every day, or of vipers and serpents introduced prudently into our dwellings, to glide about ae a matter of courtesy to visitors and of amusement to our child• ren. —Lyman Beecher. A TEMPERANCE LO;E0ON, A cavalryman hnd for the second time returned to the barracks in an iutoxi• sated condition. His comrades sew a chance the second time to give him a little lesson. Ile had gone to bed and thrust his bare foot ant from tinder the blanket, and they fasten• ed one of his spurs on his naked heel. The trooper lay in a heavy and motion- less sleep for a long time. At last he stirred, changed his position and deg the spur into his other leg. "011, Help i Murder I" he shouted. Then he started up, struck a light, and looked at the spur fathomed on his bare heel. "Well," he said, "If that doesn't make me out a helpleee idiot 1 When I took off my boots last night T, forgot to tape off one of my spars.. I'll never drink a drop again I" etc 0500611. It is no exouse for committing a arime that the criminal hes done ib While tinder the influence oft intoxicants, On the contrary, intoxieatiou is in itself a Mime, 'i:he man who knowingly takes what will make him drunk le to far a criminal, Drunkenness ie a sin against, God, i4 arime against society, A justice of the Court of Appeals, Washington, in a re- cent case said:—•"Wo hold eln>yllatiaally ae theism of the Pisbriot of Golumbia, that voluntary intoxipation is neither an exouse nor a palliation Roe crime, 'Volun- tary intoxication is itself a crime, at least in morals, if not always in law. It is al- ways at least a Pico. And it would be subversive of all law and all morals if the commission of one vies or aline could be a excuse n e pal- liation to operate as ee oral• l liation for another crime." WHAT THE 'rearm COSTS, See how much of our actual wealth and industry goes In exports each year to make up that four and a half millions paid by the liquor importers. The total ,exports of all kinds, of the Province of Nova Scotia for that year, 1888 89, the trade returns tell us, amount• ed to $8,882,281, This included all our export ooal, ships, timber, fish, agrioul- tnral produce and all mannfaotnred ar• bales. It required only one half of all this great sum to pay the importers' lir quor bill 1 It required more than three times all the foreign exports of Prince Edward Island to meet the Dominion liquor bill. The total exports of all the mines of the entire Dominion that year, these trade returns tell us, was worth $4,419,170 or just about enough to pay our liquor im• ports. This included all coal, iron, cop• per, gypsum, coal oil, phosphates, stone and marble. Little wonder that Canada is not being enriched by her mineral wealth, abundant as it ie. The total exports of all Canada's manufacturers after more than 12 years of heavy taxation borne loyally by the people in order to develop them, was $4,• 434,049, or a small balance over the import liquor bill. The manufactures included our entire exports of agricul• tura! implements, books, carriages, clothing, cotton, furs, of iron, and steel, leather boots and shove, musical instru- ments, ships, furniture and manufaOtur- ed hnmber of all kinds. I !Melee take several more significant, if not startling comparisons as they may be called from our last Government report, but space would fail me: A spendthrift wbo works hard all the week and drinks up all 1110 earnings on Saturday night, going in debt for actual necessities, is well considered a worthless oitizen, unworthy of his personal liberty. If our Canada freely sells to other omen - tries all its output of mineral wealth, or all its wealth, or all its manufactories or half of its entire fisheries, and takes the whole of these sums and drinks it up during the year, bow is its conduct better than that of an intemperate spendthrift ? Right in the face of these facts is it not clear that not only do the moral but the material interests of Canada demand a law prohibiting the importation of liquors in Canada ? Can our national resource.' thus be squandered and yet we expect God to prosper our country. 'file BANANA, The banana goes back to the earliest days. Alexander's soldiers, as Pliny says, joined the sages of India seated in its shades and partaking of the dalioious fruit. Benue the name ."sapientmn," given the plant, which likewise bears the name of Jupitor's fair daughter, Musa. Now it has been shown that the banana is of Malayan origin. How did it get to India and to South America and Mexico? The feet of birds have borne seed a full 10,000 miles, while the cocoanut floated well nigh the world around in the great ocean. But the banana has no seeds, nor has it a casing like the globular oocoa-nut to float it around over the waters. Then it must have been carried by than. It is significant that Aztecs had traditions of visits by people from over the seas, while there was, to confirm it, an admixture of the religion of the Brahmigs in their own theology. Would you think that the de- spised banana would actually step for- ward to prove that before Columbus was, or Lief Ericson even had an existence, some swarthy denizens of the old world I had migrated across the Waters ? 3111. LEASE JINEIY Illslt. The other day it was reining hard when Mrs. Lease boarded a street oar. The car was ohuek full and all the men on the seats sat closer back and evinced a deter. mination to keep a position of sedentary comfort. Mrs. Leaao cast her eye down the car and ab the same time a man in the corner started to rise. "Don't," said the man next to inim, grasping his arm. "That's kite. Lease. Don't you know her ? She believes in the equality of the sexes. Woman sulf. rage, you know." The stooped man smiled and pot np. "Come," said the speaker, still more importunate, "you're not going to get up, are you ? If she thinks she's equal to a man lot her stand. Give her a close of her own medicine." But Mrs. Lease had taken the man's seat, greatly to the discomfort of the other, who wanted to see her stand. Next day he met the stranger on the street. "Hello 1" he said, "you're the man that gave up your seat to Mrs. Leese. You miseod a good chance to take her down a little. There wasn't another man in the car who world have given way. Wasn't impolite, you know. Just a little joke. What made you get up ? Did she hypno- tize you 0" "See hero," said the man addressed, "1 guess you don't know me," "Can't soy that I do. Who ere you?" "I'm Mr. Lease." Two sunetrokn,, one fatal, took place inMontreal. Winnipeg's rate of taxation for the current year will bo two cents on the dollar, A New Presbyterian churo}1 is to be erected at Pottersburg et a cost of 41,• 51.0. Peter Bender's barn, near Zurich, with all his summer's Drop except a few peas, was burned on Sunday uightbylightning. A foie implements, the horses and pigs Were got out. Throe calves were burned. Mr. Natbanaol lelortonson, a well. known oitizen of Ishpeming, 111icb„ and editor Superior Poston, who, for a long time, suffered from the most (Mareeilt- ing pains of rheumatism, Wee cured, eight years ago, by taking Ayer's Berea• wills, baying never felt a twinge of it since. ' BRU MS' LAST ;PiNDH, In 1800 the first steam•veseel appeared Off the Shetland coast, causing great alarm to the islanders, who, not unnatur- ally, took 11 for a ship on tire. It was net, however,, till fifteen years Wet, that the secluded inhabitants of the more northern islands were first introduc- ed to vessels propelled by etsatn. In the summer of 1817, the late ibis', Anderson, then .oandidats for the repro. sentation of the county, entered a certain vas In Yell in his steam yaobt. Some noise was 000neloned by the blowing•off of steam. Two unsophisticated islanders, who were engaged picking limpets on the sac. shore, surveyed the ire,ehip in blank as. toniebment, At length, the more strong•minded of the two handsel his snuff.horn to his companion, with the exhortation, "Oh, Jamie, Jamie, halt' doo a snuff, for doo'Il snuff nae mail wi' me till we snuff to. gather in glory 1" Ile had oon0htded the great day of wrath had come, and that 00 board was the Angel blowing the last trumpet. • Pulpit and Pew. ISEL.$ COST Too many man praise their wives most after they bury them, If you would know what keeps the oak alive, look for its smallest root. The Haan who looks with pure ayes San see the face of God in a dew drop, Modesty seldom resides in abreast that is not enriched with nobler virtues. The devil can take a little rest when Christians begin to quarrel among them selvse, Loving the beautiful is one of the ways by which we may love God without knowing it. Every woman who has to live with a drunken husband, knows that the devil ie still loose. According to the way some folks talk, the only people who have ever been good are dead, The devil often takes o child by the hand on the day that It is told that ib is too young to join the church. A pessimist is like a bat that hangs by clawed wings, head downward, all day, in a dark, cold, dripping cave, and only looks upon the outer world in the night, The optimist is like the Lark, that at the dawn springs from its fragrant, dew - jeweled nest in the meadow, and soars Flinging sunward, returning only at night- fall to its earth home. PLAIN FACTS. Detroit, Jan. 18:h, 1.895. J. 111. McLeod, Goclerich : Dear Sir—Twelve years ago I coin• menced doctoring for, lung trouble. I was treated by the most eminent phy• sioians, but their medicines would help me for only a very short time. I wee gradually getting worse and had a beak- ing cough night and day. A11 benefit sooretiee refused me membership. About three years ego I was taken down with la grippe, wbioh came near finishing my existence. By the best of cars I recover- ed sufficient strength to walk, but oould eaarcely stand up for five minutes at a time. Kidneys and urinary organs af- fected badly. When in this condition a friend advised me to get your System Renovator Improved, which I dict last April, but without any hopes of it doing me any good. I believed my case was hopeless, but, as a drowning man will grasp at it, straw, I accepted two bottles of the Renovator and one of the Specific Cure for my lungs. After I had taken a few doses, to my great surprise I began to improve, and by the bime I had taken the fifth bottle, my lungs healed and the cough ceased. Before I finished the eighth in all, I was cured of all my complicated diseases in lungs, liver and kidneys. I now have a good appetite and Bleep well. I gained considerably since. I believe your System Renovator the greatest remedy in existence, and I hope other sufferers will benefit by my cure. I remain, yours greatfnlly, W. I. BELL, 258, Van Dyke Avenue, Detrott. Sold by .las. Fox, Druggist, Brussels. Applications for farm laborers are be. ing received by the C. P. R. authorities at Winnipeg. It is estimated that be. !ween 2,000 and 5,000 men will be re- quired. The heir, when not properly cared for, loses its lustre, becomes crisp, harsh, and dry and falls out freely with every comb- ing. To prevent this, the best dressing in the market is Ayer's Hair 'Vigor. It imparts that silken gloss s0 essential to perfect beauty. Mosquitoes swarming have become so bad in Ohilliwback Valley, one of the most fertile farthing disbriots in British Columbia, as to have developed into a veritable plague. Upwards of twenty families have been driven from their homes in Sardis settlement on the Frazer River, and haying bas been entirely sus- pended through the valley, as the farmers find it impossible to work among the dense clouds of insects. Coveys the ` dV51ole geld. THE LONDON, ONT., ' 1ft3itx,1 ' -- 41 Lon d oa"' advertiser 2 P. M. EDITION. LARGEST noon circulation in West- ern Ontario of any paper west of Toronto. Middlesex County and the territory west of Toronto thoroughly covered. 4 P. M. EDITION. The People's Popular Evening Paper. Ciroulttbee in city and suburbs by carrier boye and agents. All advertisements in- serted in both editions. testern advertiser Largest weekly circulation in Western Canada. As an advertising medium in the wast it is without a rival. !fi7 MAT ..,. , ., ... flukes, __ dui^' . allE E ^*.DZ"11. :. ',^. 1s nled—An Idea, ',94,1 Can til»ie t'3 kG' p or 001000 situdo? tlilug to patop,*,, Protest yon��• Iden tae1 0061 brlug 1000 woaltit t"jn Wrlty J firy W3tP0Z00liUltN LO Go. 3'aten4 A4 ar. nays Washington, P. o., for tholr 81,61A1 r so 0 009yy,� 1—i r0' - and list or two hundred dnventlons warner!, mi �, CH 1, 4, RI 0 '1 �s CD k 13 00 MIQ rt J,cal re lr 80 hj o p cac'm 4 l ' ' 0 0 r„ CO OR £c 0 I A r, H 0 N _ r, '—' figo0 �c1 ODs. Tames 20. Mahatma. CANCER ON THE LIP CURED BY 9t l5 cy Sarsa- parilla Sarsa- paarilla "i ennsultod.doctors who proscribed for Me, lint to no purpose. I SUlTered in a ouy seven long years. Finally, I began tagkin Ayer's Sarsaparilla. In a week or two l noticed a thudded improvement. Eucour. month by this sorepersevered, nbe ant to until and •IfIer nsiug the Sarsaparilla for six months, the last trace of the canon' dlsanp(ared."— JAsucs L. NeonoLsole, Teloreucev1110, N. B. per's L Sarsiparilla Admitted at tho WorIds Fair. v,'.. dYl:ii'!B PILLS ItvUx.tale :lac ,,.30wola. An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIO, Sold by Druggists or sent by 141ai1, 260„ BOo„ and 81,00 per package. Samples free, The Favorite TOOTH POWDER for the Teeth and Breath, 200. 0 ; ;0 Sohl by .TAS. SOC, Drassisl, Brussels. BRUSSELS PUMP -+f#- URRs. I with to inform the people of Brussels and surrounding district that I have pur- chased the Pump Business of JAMES BELL and will he found ready to attend to all wants in either new work or repairs at moderate prices. No better Pump in the market. Order left at my shop or residence or at P. SCOTT'S shop will be promptly looked after. ]`-'-'Orders taken for the Digging of Wells and Cisterns. Goner Green,, MILL STREET, - BRUSSELS. Wanted An Idea who eon think df .same simple Protect veer ideas; they may bring Ing to patent. Write JOHN WEDDERBCRN Yh CO., Patent Attar. nays Washington. D. CA for their CUM prize offer and list or two hundred inventions wanted. • DR. CHASE'S THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL KIDNEY= = LIVER THE ONLY KIDNEY•LIVER PILLS -1 rn r H CD UR ottui CMM A NEW AND STARTLING PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS , Noted for its Clear and Standing Effects PURE ATI PROCESS This fs the Latest Out, and is taking the lead. Don't fail to call and see samples of same. L 'View6'of Residences, Pio•uic Parties, etc., taken by applyiug or sending your order. ALL O8 sun W01114 GUARANTEED TO BE FInsS.CLA6s Nothing ulcer than to have some Photos of ourselves and homes as eco go through this world, to look back on in after years. . THE PRICES ARE RIGHT . And the Work is the Best. l 'Congo while in health. Always Welcome at the 0101 Reliable Photograph Studio. IR, BREWER, Artist Gallery Over Smith & Stel-dl ml's uo, 21, 1890 _ �(to Star ROYAL MAIL. ,S'i'IiU1SJI1PS, ]3etween Now Tori( and Livoi'pooi, via liaooustosvn, evor'y Wednosdrty, As the steamers of tide line carry only a strictly llnlitod »umber in the PIOS'S and SE00Nn O4BIN a000mm00Iati0ns, intending pltionforirtltesaryaobie^icas ars epcesb isw son, aro' plans, rata, eta„apply bo W. H. Kerr, Agent, Brussels, TAILORING!. L G. •Richardson Is prepared to do all kinds o£ work in his line, Good Workmanship and Good fits Guaranteed. LATEST STYLES. Suits made for $4 and upwards. IteN-Sltop over lileUoi'an's Store. New iitoliei' Silop • The undersigned has open- ed up a Butcher Shop in the SMAE MN, BRUSSELS, where he will keep constant- ly on hand a supply of the Best Meats Procurable, sold at reasonable prices. �1 slla're of public patronage solicited. S.. 741TALEER. Meat delivered to all parts of the town. LA91 OR T PPE/I Will be our new Premier decided by the Electors before next issue of this paper. A decision far greater than that has been given by the voice of the people, viz.: That 13. F. ]hook & Son, of Listowel Woolen Mills, pay the Highest Prices, Gash or Trade, for And that they sell the best Woolen Goods Cheaper than any Factory or Store in Western Ontario. eadyrade Clothing Is a new line added to their business. They make up their own goods into Men's, Youths, Boys & Children's Suits and sell at prices they defy any retail store to compete with. Do not fail to call ancl inspect before you sell your wool or buy a new suit and we feel satisiiecl you will say they give you the best value. LISTOWEL WOOLEN MILLS. riLLS T. Dawson, A ana,;er Standard Bank, Brad- ford, Ont., says, Chases Kidney -Liver Pills are a grand mediciae for the Kidneys and Liver. W. P. CARtunn, g McCaul 5t., Toronto, re- Rresenting nfontrcal Star, says, Chases Pills act like magic for the relief ahead -ache, bilious attack and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by nail on receiptof price, to EOh1ANSON, BATES & 00, 46 LOMBAlt0 ST. 7000070, ONT. S1�P'BR(illi�Ji� """ ��i.•® tee...... New Fruits such as Watermelons Raspberries, &c., in stock. New Potatoes and other early Vegetables kept on hand. A full line of fresh and Well Assorted Groceries added to our business. Ice Cream and Summer Drinks, well prepared by the Glass or Quart. STAR RESTAURANT. W. H, P7 LTON, Establishes[ 1871. G 03 ce 0” The Policy Contract issued by this Association is perfection itself, UNCONDITIONAL., ACCUMULATIVE, AND AUTOMATICALLY NON -FORFEITABLE. It,leaves nothing further to be desired. Rates and full infor- mationlfurnished on application. W. . zEnn, Agent, Brussels.